HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-7-17, Page 7THE SIGNAL GODERICR : ONTARIO TIKINSDAY, JULY i . Will 7 The News of the 14444++x.44,444$4446 46+446 +.4444. LAURIER. MONDAY, July 14y,Sh. NAL AND Oaxsaat•.-The 1 busy haying Mr. and No, Kenneth MacKssizls and Goderich. App16, sppeent Sunday Ilan MacNain, who was away ,,jjtiag tot the last week. haa re- posed bone again David John - dope, of Toronto, visited friends in 4al viciut ..... We are sorry o v re- port that Air+ Grace Treat, who ittas ber grandfather, James John - m is The espiKoie the starlet In.Utt held at Wail on Tuesday, July tits, great success ILn Thomas Ti100 of Sault Ste. Marie, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Murdoch Mac. Encase. MAFEKINU. • MONDAY, July 14th. Saws ov THE W>DEIL—Misess Esther sod Ella Hasty. of Duugan000, ars fairing at Jno. Blake's_ Ju. Irv.' - ing of Lucknow, was at Aadsreon's last week put4ing an ex wars oo his windmill Robert Lcc Bart. aCeompanied by his sister mil Win. visited at the bolos of Gilbodfrey t Hall on Sunday BB.rkwell and his stater, Mary, visited their suet, Mn. Wm. 8totbers. on Sunday , . ..Almost evetryonts from are spent the 121h of July at Luck - see. ('Iarence Sbac leton. of Wiaagghem, visited at Nat. Saunders on Sunday. t;anada Monthly Changes Its Size. The announcement tecentiy made by Canada Monthly that, beginning with its August issue, the magazine is to be the size and ,hate of the Literary Discs', nine and one-quarter inches wide by twelve inches high, comes as an operable but prise to its readers. Although several of the American magazine* have made a similar change this is tbe first of the general rncothly magazines in the Canadian field to come. out to the trgerform. The subscription price remains the same.. It is unde- niebly true that the more generous pages give a better effe.:t and more room for reading matter; and, ae- cording to magazine publishers. the "fiat" form is much better for maga- zine purposes than the small -paged, bookish siva, in which monthly maga- zines have been made. It will be interesting to watrb the evolution of Canada Monthly in ita new form. Incontrovertible Proof. The reading class wait io session anit/reword"furlough"occurred. Miss Thatcher. the tearbee, asked if any little boy or girl knew the meaning of the word. Ow small hand was raised and shake') vigorously. "Furl )ugh means a mule," said the child. -Oh. no, it doesn't," said the teacher. •'yea ma'am." insisted the little girl ; • 1 have the book at home that Syr M." Vier Thatcher told the child to bring the bock to school. The next morn- ing the child came armed with a book and tziumpluntlyy showed a picture of an Ametican soldier. riding a mule, ander .vhicb was minted : 'lining home un bis furlough."— New V. t k Post. PORT ALBERT. Wens *tote, July 18th. CHRISM CHURCH'S H'S New PAb.T'oR.— slet. Mr. Robertson, Mr. Young's mefiewor,•preashed his first sermon in lbs Anglican cbutch Lot Sunday. and wade A very favorable impression. Be tined a meeting of the members sad adherentsof tbe church for Fri- day evening at 8 o'clock so Ili to get acgaainted with them. PmasOSAL.—Mrs. Arthur Linning- ton and children, of Psrie, are visiting n ber patents, Mr. and Mire. W. G. Amon ....Mr. and Mrs Ed. Mr•Con- asll, of Tor, nen, were visitors at Fr ant. Willis' Ia.t week Otway Hayden is in L .r•don this week attending the Cadet tamp at Cerliog'a Heights Mr. and Mrs. Neli. Pearson. Was Leona and Master Gordon visited with Auburn ft lends over sluoday, ... . Mn. W. (i. Murray and Mus Ruth, mf Godet•ich, are visitors at Walker Mitmv•s ... Three O oderich boys, John Jones -Bateman, Philip Carry and Bruce Noble, camped near the harbor for a few days last week. They aie on a boating trip up the lake. Mr. and Mn. Wm. Carey spent the week -end with friends at Lucknow and Ripley Quite a num. her of our loyal Orangemen attended the hig demonstrations in Heosall and Lucknow on the Twelfth Rev. G. (comm :raid family, of Dengannoo. are again enjoying Lake Horan s hrerxee. Their comp is about half a mile north of the harbor, quite near their last summer's camping place. They intend staying about a month Mil's Viola Hoy is visiting her rousios et Walton. STANLEY. MONDAY, July 14th. John McGregor, of New York, is the guest of hist brother, Neil Mc- Gregor. Mies Jess Mustard, of New York, ie the guest of Mrs. D. McEweo. 1)r. P. McEwen; of Detroit, was hoose for a few days on a visit to his mother, Mrs. A. licRwee. Bayheld road. Dr. John Roche, of Detroit, accom- panied by his wife and two eons. motored up from the Cityof the Straits and veiled friends in thtownship for. a few days. Sallow Complexion Indicates indigestion, constipation or liver trouble. FIG PILLS will regu- late your system and build up the nerve forces so thatou can sleep and enjoy life. At all dealers 25 and 50 cents err The Fig Pill Co., St. Thomas, Ont, Sold in Goderich by E. R. Wigle, d ruggist- LIJCKNOW. MONDAY, July 14th. Maas Martha Boland, of Detroit, is visiting friends here. Charles Coulter, of Sault Ste. Marie. is visit rig Lucknow friends. Mr. and Mn. A. T. Davison have returned from an extended visit in Michigan. Mn. Frank Tate and family are away on a visit to friends at Markdale and Flesbertoo. ,/ THE LATE DONALD M(MILLAN.— Word has been received here of the death at Magnetawan of Donald Mc- Millan, a former resident of Lucknow. The deceased will be remembered by the older residents of this section as a druggist in Luckoow thirty-six year -s ago. He was eighty years of age. A CLAD FATALITY.—In a runaway accident Saturday mottling, Mn. John Bowles. aged thirty areven years, who resided about two utiles south of Lucknow, su,tained fatal injuries. Her husband, who draws milk for the Paramount cheese factcry, was start- ing out about 5 o'clock in the morning on his regular trip, when Mrs. Bowles mounted the wagon with him to ride to the pasture Held. In some unac- countable way the horses toot fright and oowmenced to run away. Mrs. Bowles jumped or was thrown from the wagon. Tbe husband, clinging to his seat, was able eventually to bring the horses under control. Re- turning be found his wife lying un- conscious with her skull crushed in cin the roadway. Neighbors, who were summoned, assisted in carrying her back to her own house. where, despite medical attendance, ease died an hour later. UNTOLD BENEFIT. Mrs Dickiesoo Suffered fee Four Yearw- Dodd's kidney Pills Gave Hera New Lease of Life. Porton, ('srleton Co., N. B.—July lith.—IRpeciall—"i god Dodd** Kid nil, Pills the best kidney medicine I hare ever used. Tbebaste ave barn of mock! benefit to me. The speaker Is Mn. John R. Dickinson, of this plane. "Por four years 1 was never free from kidney troubis that started In a "Id. I was te•eabd by a doctor, cwt be did not as to he aide to do armed much good. 1 had rheumatism stiff > euraktia, tied my joints were 1 •wedge monspsd, and i wasm always tiered and nervosa 1 Per ^'d freelyY th thher.astsii test exer- tion and low e sir1(ed, my limbs swelled and 1 W a RR sensation across the labs. 'ID. betse et Dodds- Laser Pi rear s erw woman of gas•" GRAND SUMMER CARNIVAL FERARI TRAINtO ANIMAL SHOW IS COMING I One of the Greatest Shows on the,Road Will be Presented in Stratford Dur- ing the Week of August 4th to 9th Distric X444**44'+4 +N Tuckersmlth, answered the Baal sum - moms oo Sunday, Juoe 21Itb. The de• ceased was born in Devonshire. Rog - land, newly eighty-six years ago. W. 0. Wallace, of Tucks rrmitb, was stunned duriug a recent electrical storm. He was carrying some cultiva- tor buss to the barn when he was badly dsaed by a bolt of lightning. A sad death uceurred at Lr'editon on Wednesday, July 2nd, when Miner H. Gowen passed away at the early age of twenty -►even years 11e had been in tailing health for over two years. A wedding was solemnised in Lower 1Vtoghaw uu Wednesday, July 9th, when Miss Lplu M. Copeland because the bride of %Villisw B. Buttoo, of Vsppuard, Suak. Rev. J. %V. Hibbert 0111. tate d. A matrimonial event at Ridgetown on Wednesday, June 25th, was the warriageot David H. Finlay, of Wing - ham, to Miss Ethel Ford, of that place. Mr. and Mrs. Fiolay will make their home in Wolohan). The marriage of Miss Mims Eliza- beth, daughter of Mn. The'. Gilpin, of Howick township, to John [Vateon, of Viking, Alberta, was sols waived in Edmonton on June 'lith. Rev. Dr. Nichol was the c•ffciating clergyman. Mr. McNee, of London, was accident- ally shut in the back of the neck at the shooting gallery at Graud Bend tut week. Tne bullet entered the side of tte neck and Mae out at the hack. He was taken W London fur treat - Ken!. After* Leger:tg illness Mrs. Geo. Wilson died at her home in Toronto oilTbur.dsy, July 3 d. The deceased mat thirty-tbr.e years of age and was a naiive of Fordwich. She was a daughter of the late Jae. Matthew's, of that place. A quiet wedding rook place at the howe of Mr. and Mt s. Jae. McGee, of Tuckeramith, on Tuesday, July 1.t, when tbeirdruabler, Misr Sylvia, was united in marriage to A. Bowden. of Detroit. Rev. Mi. Barker, of Sea - forth, ('!heisted. A pretty wedding wssulemoiad in Winghain on Wednesday of lent week. when Mies Myra . Pearl, youngest deus;h:er of -Mr. and Mrs George Wynn, heeaine the bride of J. W O.rar Roger*. of Toronto. Rev. J. W. Hibbs.' t officiated. Chas. Monteith, of the Thames road, Usborne, was oue of th- participants in a nuptial event at Motherwell, Perth county. on Wednesday, July 2nd. The bride was Miss Jessie A. Hamilton. niece of Mr. and Mrs.' Andrew Watson, of that place. A man claiming to he a sailor was arrested- for disorderly conduct in Wiegham one evening last week. A few hours after be was placed in the lock-up it was found that he had escaped. It is suspected that be re- ceived assistance in getting away. The death cat Mrs. John Maloney, a highly re -petted resident of McKillop and a pioneer of that township, oc- curred ou Tuesday. July 1st. The deceased wab born in Tipperary, ire - laud, eighty years ago. Since her marriage in e•stly womanhood she had lived in McKillop. \Chep the Col. F:ancisFerari Shows ['rutted will le there. The show, are rowing under the auspices of the : i h Regiment end they are the most com- plete wild anitnal and seosetional specialty shows on the road. Trained animals from all parts of the world are to be seen at the great carnival and in addition to this there will ha spectacular productions and marvel- lous teats of dariug that will serve as thrillers to the populace. Col. Ferari's shows consist not only of animal exhibitions hot also of num- bets that have been produced at Coney I -land. at the Jamestown Ex- position. in London and Paris. The Bostock :tnirnal show bas been com- bined with Col. Ferart's shows and the two make the greatest collection of trained animals on exhibition. These include elephaote, tigers, monkeys. Hone. bears and countless other ani- mals which have heeneducated in the art of perfor ming. The people of this rounty who have never been to Ccney island will see an exhibition that has been prac- tically tnuspltnted from the New York resort. There will be no lewd or suggestive dances in any of the shows of Col. Ferari. He aims to make his shows on a high class standard and he does not accomplish this through the u_.e of vulgar numbers. Instead be goes after the sensational and spectacular features that are bound to please. The children will be specially inter- ested in the show, as there are trained dogs, ponies. monkeys and other ani- mals. The performances are given in great rages where the wild animals take part en Chet the public are abso- lutely protected from the beasts in rase they took on any tantrums. Travers of great ability are with the show end they wry absolute control over their charges. DISTRICT NEWS. Wm. Edwards, of Goals; is dead at the age of sixty-eveears. He had been ill over eve menthe. Jobe Beater, a lead'sg coTtrettor of London sod a former resident of Eke ter, died in Victoria hospital is that city eu Friday. July 4th. All the tweebue in th• Crediton peblie school have reeiwnsd and tee seboot will open after the holidays with a eoerplets new staff. As the emelt of eleettrtoal storm dvlag She past two weals, sevosRg- tttan prow ne the Brussel. soushigall tsirphewe syebos were bared oat. Jobs Miyrage, as attel EeeHatt of Robert Ferdinand Stelck, a former principal of Zia' kb public school. has taken to himself a wife. The bride was Miss Florell. M. Stanbury, daughter of the late Dr. R. Stanhury, of Boy fl. 1.1. The event took piece on July Nth at the home of the bride's mut her at Bi0Beld. On Jere 25th the marriage of Mie' Lillian Roger,. daughter of Rev. D. and Mn. R .gees. of St. Thomas. form• etly of Seaforth, to Frank H. Marlstt, took place at the Methodist parsonage in hat city. The cel enemy was con- ducted by the bride's father. assisted by Hey. Or. Warner. of Alwa College. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miler. Toronto, was the scene of a pretty house wedding on Thursday. July 3r 1. the occasion being the mar- riage of their youngest daughter. Miss Mary. to Pereira! T. Little, of Van- couver. Rev. D. T. L. MoKerrol om- ciattd. Tte bride was a former %sl: - known Wroxeter yourg lady. Peter Canieloo, an old and we'I- known Morrisite, died at tbe home of bis son-in-law, Thos. Pierce, on Fri- day. July 4th. He hal reached the advanced age of eighty-five year,. Ile had h. en in p or health lorroure tine. The deceased was a native of Ireland. but since be was eleven years of age he bad te.ided iti this section of On- tario. Goderich township was his eat ly lichee before h' I 'rated in Morris., The very sadden death of Mr. Harry Heaslip, of the 2tid see of Stephen, c ccarsed on Mc Qday morning of last week. Tne deceased had not bet n well f. r over two weeks and on the day pre%i'.us to her death she, mitre, el a paralytic atroke, from which she never recovered. Rhe was thirtv•flve years of age and is survived by her motber, her husband and a family of two as ns and one daughter. C. F. Rutherford, who had been teller in the Metropolitan Bank at Brussels during the past two years, hail been moved to Toronto. Prior to his departure from Brussels, the choses and Christian Endeavor chops and the Sabbath reboot teachers met him at the home of Mr. and Moe R. C. %Nils n and presented him with a gold heeded timberlla. a gift that was expressive of the good wishes of his ZOAP The Easy Way of Doing a Hard Day's Wash— with Comfort Soap. POSITIVELY THE IAMBI SALE IN CANADA many friends in Brussels. Fourteen Hundred Miles by Auto. Ripley Express: Mr. Dan Mc- Kenzie. of SL Paul, Minn., arrived in Ripley last Wednesday with his tag touring car. He was accompanied by Mrs McKenzie, daughters Ken and Isla, and Miss Stewart. They tra- velled 1,4110 wiles. stopping at Chicago, Detroit and London for several days. The car wax guided by an expert chauffeur of fit. Paul, and is one of the most expensive motor cars that have been in Ripley. Data purchased his motor for the pleasure of himself and family. The party left for Sr. Paul on Monday afters brief but pleas- ant visit with Mr. McKenzie's father, Mr. John McKenzie, and his sister, Miss Bella Helices'', and other friends. Charged with Assaulting a Soy. Ripley Express : A charge ofas- saulting, beating and inflicting severe) injuries upon Thomas Lauchin, an eleven -year-old Barnardo Home boy, who is now under treatment at Kin- cardine hospital. pretested against Ed.' Hunter, of the fourth concession of Huron township, is attracting wide-' spread attention in the district. Hun- ter was placed under arrest on a war- rant greeted by Magistrate Joseph Bar- ker, of Kincardine, but was tater al- lotted l- lowed his liberty on $1,000 bail, half of tbe amount being his own recognis- ant* and the remaining two sureties given by hit friends The preliminary hearing before Magistrate Barker wiH be completed on Friday afternoon and the court will then decide whether or not the accused shall be committed for trial. The alleartion is made that be sent the Lauchtn boy. who has been in lino of a modern church and horse sheds. Four corner atones were laid - one ty F. H. Gilroy, of Brussels, as representative of the 1ruetee board; one by John K. Baker for the Sunday school ; tune by John McDonald. of Ethel. for the congregation, and the fourth by Mrr F, Spelling. of Wing - ham, en behalf of the loather' Aid Society. The new church will be 4S x 50 feet with a cement block tame - went and an auditorium of red brick. It will be modern in its arrangements and will possess all the features to make it up to slate. Spacious horse sheds will be built in connection. The estimated cost is placed at $0,500, to- wards which $4.(100 already has been suhscribcd. The day's proceedings brought into the treasury the setie- factory total of $1,850. Rev. L'. Wren was the outgoing pastor of the church, and ie now succeeded by ltev. Mr. McKelvie. East Huron Farmers institute. The :tunnel meeting of the East Huron Farmers' Institute was held at Bluevale. Dr. J. Hugo Reed, of the O. A. C.. Guelph, was present ar,d gave e demonstration on the draught horse. Officers were elected es follows: Prt si- dent, W. H. Fraser ; first vicepresi- dent, A. Smith ; second vice president, Richard Proctor; secretary -treasurer, P. A. McArthur; auditors, A. D. Grant aril T. It. Bennett. The follow- ing are the directors: Howick—A. Gibson, A. A. Graham. T. A. Gihsou, William Knox and James Armstrong, V. 8. Turnberry—J. W. King, P. S. McEwen. Miller Proctor.r, Morris—J. Clegg, Thomas McCall and W. Smillie. Gary—S. J. Campbell. J. M. Pearson, his employ for time, to a pasture for cattle at 4 o'clock in the morning. The lad did not t et, i -n a. speedily as Bun- ter dten.ad be should have sod this is said to Lave been the oc•tssion of the alleged assauit. Tbe holes *tri y is to the , ffrct 0 at Hunter first attaea^d him with a harsewbip anti ehen he fell fr-osu exhaustion he w'..s" kicked steal trampled upon. The affair is said to have rseeurted ou June 2a and Lauchin has since been under treat- ment at Kincardine hosp'tal. Corner Stones Laid. The forty -rix: h anniversary of the i natal dry of the Dominion of Canada was the date selected by the people of Union Methodist church, Gtey town ship. for the imp""r'ant ceremony of laying the foundation .+tones of their proposed new edifice, situated on the 11th ccncession of that town -hip. This appointment. whicb henceforth is to be known as t'ni'.n, is set entiel• - garnation of four (-hutches, 1..r u.-rly known n+ Whittleld's, Bethel, Jnl.ileej and Hrr.f.vn, whirs :.re r•euuotieing a new era in their hi,tory by the gree-' 4 Delicately flavoured— Highly concen- trated. 4084111—*.---1*. Imo. ►1 SUMMER CODs ,u, reales limas ttooi ani ire' Is easily cookadoi, Snafu's Etet.lattew A rowdy reline fon mil sad t> we ~ iw n a tltswws Serra r a, esrv, star ibr's2 CLEARING SALE OF Wash Suits We purpose conduct- ing a clearing sale in this line of goods and until further notice e`A .40 YN r i 4, it `' 1 t;Alit=,.4 fli (fi t; lt 25 Per Cent. Off will be allowed on all Chil- dren's Wash Suits in stock. McLean Bros. T116 *ism G•ilriek 11 1 ail t)l i• Ed. Fulton and James McFadeeari. McKillop James Simpson. A. Gar- diner, Robert Scarlett and Jest ph Dorraoce. Hullett—Thomas McMil- lan, James Watt, John Brigham, H. Campbell, T. E. Livingstone and H. Young. Brussels—tieorge Thomson. A. C. Dames and W. H. Kerr. THE BEST PLACE to town to enjoy an , Ice Cream, Soda or Sundae is at the BALMORAL CAFE F. E. BURDETTE, Prop. All the latest flames. Orders delivered 'Moos 61 NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO Fall Term opens Monday, Sept. 1st. Evety graduate guai.inteed a poeition. Thorough courses. large staff of specialiete. Individual in- struction. Best equipped College in Canada. C. A. FLEMING, F. C. A. Ptincipal. G. D.FLKMI%a Serretst v. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STRATFOTD, OST, Canada's Best Business College t, rouge .tarn stud rem- lelent experienced tn.Unstwo. iledn lance frr our rtodenni and Kr,duatat than do n'b••r ecboo's. At present we L.veap,lh•.-t haw offering from tee to gHifi t er +,snafu for trained help. Rai- 1 a.4t r.+,nen kn •w where they rel the best L. Ip We have [Mee department... Cann,ercr.l. !Shorthand and 'rele- I by. r frew e estalal'. _ D. Z s C14LA\,i Piiaci• p.L stelletairesteNtentanalarKOMAIWentownente ONLY LINE REACH.NG ALL SUMMER RESORTS IN IIIOtILANDS OF ONTARIO Including. Muskoka Lases Maganetawan River Lake of Bays French River Georgian Bay Temagami Algonquin Nark Kawartha Lakes Full Summer Service now in effect to all of above resorts. Write for full particulars and (Uu.ara:tad (ciders to any l:rand Trunk Agent. ,HOMFSEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Foch Tuesday until Oct. a Ins lusive. Fa) AND RETURN EDMONTON AND RETURN.. 00 Low months. h to of ullman ber TouristarnSteelier, it twa leave Toronto 11.33 p. in. on above dater r annit.g through to Winnipeg via Chicago and Kt. Paul without change Tickets are also On ,,ate via Sarnia and Northern Navi- gation l'oni an7. The Grand Truok Pacific itailway lathe shortest and gnicke•t role between Win- nipeg. Saskatoon and Edmonton. F. F. Lawrence & Sons. Town Passenger and T,cket Agents. Phone 8. ylii \titit %ilitlilli 1 11 11 1 1i 1b 1 / Binder Twine • McCormick, 650 ft. • Twine at 12C per lb. 55o ft. Twine at ? per lb. 11 Pea (kcal BA 76 Furnace Cevl $7 50 (Stove and Not 17.7fi 3 /0T!!!t1KtP1 f 1401.Pqui,, 1±^ Fencing We have a few rods left of the Canadian Steel Wire Co. all No. 9 Fence, which we are still selling, at the old prices; 7-42 fence for 25c rod 7-49 " 2ic .. 5.49 " " 20c ' e PAINT NOW USE i t swP Portland Cement We have just got in a fresh carload. Coal Do not forget that the handle the genuine white ash Plymouth hard Coal. This Coal comes from the Scran- ton Coal fields but from a vein in which there is hardly any site or stone. it is guaranteed not to be over two per cent. Stone or slate. OUR IADWARZ ISThEi &E5TTHAr IS THERE'LL BE NO GUESS WORK WflLN YOV BVY YOUR HARDWARE FROM VS. WL KNOW WHICH BRANDS WILL STAND THL HARD WEAR. WHLN YOV NEED ANYTHING iN HARDWARE. FROM A CARPET TACK UP. COME. TO VS. YOU'LL FiND IT IN OUR STORL. WL DO BUSINESS ON THE SQUARE. tit ne figure on your l'bimbing, Healir g. Electric Wiring. Ease- tsoushing. etc. All work guaranteed. Chas. C. Lee PHONES : Store 22 House 1 1 Vr>►ilttliiL tl iil, lbllilifl f IIl11f IG Cannel Coal ti! /I• 811•Ppia-Iillsies Pmiote Carer 1I.• Earth 444444 We have just got in a car load of Dixie Birdseye Cannel Lump Coal. This coal will not crack and throw coal all over your room. Price $8.00 per ton. Call and see our Hammocks, Hammock Couches, Refrigators, Oil Stoves, Gasoline Stoves, etc. Screen Doors and Windows at reduced price'. Bicycles I)o you want a Cleveland Bicycle ? We have three new bicycles which we are seliing at 1# reduced pries. 2 t136tst wheels lot 114610 1 $45.(10 wheel for (1:{3.00 i good seooed-hand wheel with new sires for $IS (51 ED !41 eaSo r it -