HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-7-17, Page 5THE SIGNAL GODERICH • ()NT
THURSDAY, JOLT 17, 10118 ei
J pi dolt's I1losiMg.
cadge Holt was skeleton
last Friday
w l •u illness d • recovery. �g
ious clussecter,
• rapid
soars of i this west to
mis bim
v W. O. T. U. Meeting.
Tile regular eteetiog of t.be W. C. T.
U. was held in the Temperance Hall
oo Mordey afternoon, the president
i0 the coals. Mrs. Brown took charge
of the devotional halt -hour, and Miss
Harris gale • very excellent report of
the comity convention recently bald
et Win haw. Oue new member was
vibes' • Ritts Fac'-
• it land the 8iidway eenMee'centile he town Ireoeived.
Co •, of Elkhart, Indiana, whereby tbe
eomPany h been �pWheel Rigs
sod the Ile atlhtt dteaow display of tar d•
fadury' hm tin ruouins order. Esse . mews lar mid euehlous at
factory is being Du l 8mtt►'s �,tt tka�. A lance a•n teoc ant of
For the next two rnoctM t is az- •usse.d desogrw. Yveryalog for tem melt.
petted that about twenty -live band's inks, weeks sad D. M. Code. Leroae 1 ,
will be employed. This number is to 11 k hardly oecoerrs to mambo tae many
oasts of superiority of made-to-order irar
be increased at •later date. seats' Every man knows than. for
bomtort and appearance a suit made to order et
..Jack" EOiott•s Exam. Prldbam the ratbr's gt,er perfect saUrtac-
John E. C. Elliott was in the city of tree.
Quebec last week taking hie exemia- ern trip will
betpubli hedletter on biu °ext
West -
anon for entrance to law. He passed P will
tbe stiff examination in vest' credit- week's issue of The Signal,
able et h;e and in the fall will enter The choir of the Presbyterian church
upon a law coupe at Mout'' Unlver- at Blyth held its ennuis' outingand
µ1J. Ifs, Elliott. travelled by steamier picnic at Meneeetuug Park last riday
• the Richelieu t Ontario Navies- afternoon. A. E Cook is the efficient
tine Co. from Toronto to Quebec, and choirmaster.
anjoyed the trip especially through About 175 paerteogers went to Hen -
the Thousand Islands, very much• sell on the special train from Goderich
• fol Music Pupils. Wt Saturday to participate in the
Ie of A. E. (took celebration of the "Glorious Twelfth"
The following pups"gh
t place.
were sucxesful at the recent music The Ladies' Aid of Victoria street
e inations in connection with ice cburch will hold • res berry ic•eial on
1, ,ut„ l')nservatory of Massie:
primary.:theory, rudimenta and the lawn of Mr. D. Ross, Nelson
harmony - first-class honors - Min
street, on Monday. July 21. Refrvesh-
Ebmep menta served from 7 to 9 o'clock. A
Annie Reid, Myth. tory Program. Admission 13c.
piano--honors-Lillie Neweu. Junior goodDroll
piano honors - Victor Kerslake, The Ladies' Aid of Knox church will
The result, of the musical examina-
tions of Western University held at
London Conservatory of Music and
the Brantford Conservatory of Music
sre announced this week. The names
of four successful S
Joeph a rinvent, Goderich. are In
cluded in the list. They areas follows•
Grade 5, piano, p H�My.
Grade 3, piano, honors --H, Carey.
Grade 1, tudimepte, first-class honors,
M. Kelly: pas -M. Carey.
A closely ooetested baseball
of sell
was Wm played last TLula
y emoting
between the Keodngto fursfture
factory end the Big Mill. iThe score
was 5-6. Lorne Young was referee.
A game of baseball ie the ruureb
league series was played last Friday
evening. SL Peter's and Knox were
tbe opposing teams. The result was
a win for 8t. Pet.er'e by the score of
15-11. Lorne Young was umpire.
1n last week's Sigurd the Twit' Blocks
were reported to have won a gator
from the Iroquois in the town leaoue
series. This was an error. The
Iroquois so far have not lost a game
and won on this occasion by • more of
(L2. .
A game of baseball in the town
league series was played oo Agricul-
tural Park on Tuesday evening. The
Twin Blocks and Big ?dill were the
opposing teams, the game resulting in
a win fur the Twin Blocks by tbe
score of 10 7. V. Dean and H. Bel-
cher and W. Bisset and J. Wiggins
were the batteries for the respective
teams. Bert Potts °fn.:asked as
The Godericb laawnbowling tourna-
ment was completed with the final
game in singles between Fred Davis
and U. C. WhiUey. Mr. Dais won.
A good exhibiton of lacrosse was
witnessed by a large crowd at Agri-
cultural Park on Wednesday evening
of this week. The contesting teams
were the Goderich and Wingham
clubs in the intermediate O. L. A. series,
group No. 3. By the score of 8-3 the
Goderich team succeeded in retaining
its lead in the district.. Altho h on
hold their annual garden party on the several occasions the players indulged
church lawn on the afternoon and in considerable rough Work, the game
evening of Tuesday, July 22nd. Sup -un tbe whole was a good sample of
per served Nom 5.3U to 7.30 u clock. I lacrosse. Ale, Powell. playing out-
side home for Godericb, received a
a°ce' `low over the right eye with a stick
ANNOUNCEMENTS. I but this was the only accident that
marred the play. For the home team,
H• bolas. confections at Burdette's, • the work of Belcher and Powell was
the Balmoral Cate. perhaps deserving of special mention,
We sell English Paris Green, 1 while McCoy and Ketcbel steered
guaranteed full government strength. 11°1' Wtngham. R. McKay, of Blytb,
S R. Wigle, druggist. Goderich i refereed to the satisfaction of both
teams- The following is the line-up:
Public Library.
On Sattda evening the regular
mooting ube public li an boerd
took place.
.mmbers t being
Messrs. Tom, Fowler. Strang, Killoran
sod Elliott. The following accounts
were ordered paid : C.JJ
electric light repairs, $&96; Mitelseli
& Vanat:er, printing and advertising,
S1l.l7 : the secretary salary sed ex-
penses, $15.51. The librar4w reported
receipts during June of 06.00 and an
hole -of 1,1517 books and magazines.
For the convenirrce of the public it 1.
proposed •o commence a loose-leaf
catalogue in which will be inserted
lists of new book.. as they are re-
Normal School Graduates.
The 'following Huron county stud-
entsare included in the bit of new
public school teachers wbo have
secured certificates after a course of
training at Stratford Normal School :
' Noonan Geddes, Belgrave: Florence
L Aitcheaon, Bileevale; Annie Bell,
Seafortb : Kentish B. Brown. Londes-
born : Jennie K. CIO?, Dungannon ;
Carrie L. Copeland, Kirkton ; Lizzie
A. M. Currie, Wingbam; Mary J.
Curtin, Seafgrth; Myrtle I. Draper,
Clinton :.Ada W. Gardiner, Walton ;
Ellen Graham. Lu_know; Margaret
L Garvey, Kingsbridge ; Emmeline
Rolland, Holmesville; Mary Hackett.
Luckoow; Edna A. Higginbotham,
Auburn ; Lizzie V. John'. Wiogham ;
Ethel G. Kerr. Seaforth ; Edna M.
Lyon. Londeaboro' : Eva M. Love,
Seaforth; Donald Macintosh, Luck -
sow; Olive J. C. McMurcby. Kintail;
Mary li. Nixoo, 1,ucknow ; Margaret
1. Ritchie. Lucknow ; Mary E. Stew-
art, Rlirevale; Jessie 11. Scott, Sea-
toath; Mary L Shaw, Bluevale; Ger-
trude C. Stewart, W ingham ; Eunine
P. Wahine, Fordwich; Minnie Sback-
fetoo. Crewe; Gladys M. Stinson, Gor-
• ria: Edna M. Turner, Clinton; Grace
C. Weir, Seafort.h ; Elia suet h S.
Welsh, Amber -ley. The above students
were awards l interim second-class
certificate*, while two others -Ella
Chesney, of Egmondvllle, rod Mat -
guerite A. lVilliame, of..Seatoe th-tris
eeived limited third-class certificates.
For ice cream of exceptional quality Goosatee Wtaor.n
go to Blackstoos'i. West street. ' hope W.Soso[ goal P. Kerr
.point ... ...........ABarlow
24Dr. R. F. Parker, osteopath and � W
W. too coverpoint H. McLean
Pa W. H Iced _first defeats W. Garay
eye specialist. chronic and nervous 0. liracom.....sOoond delete, Haonab
diseases. Earl Bedford, Fridays, L Stathan....utira defence McLean
11 45 to 4.3U. R. walterr MK=
tL McKay.._...Ihire home ..w.wY Wal!oek
o e .Holmes
Coe Myal's Death to Flies and help w: Urew Neil home 1lcl.eao
ala the swat -the -fly campaiggn. E- A. Powell outsidehome... w. McCoy
R. d'ig's, druggist, Gud.ricb, can R. Belcher.. inside home A Ketch&
supply you. • •
Cool, clean and comfortable -the PERSONAL MENTION.
doe cream parlor of the Balmoral Cafe. -
Nioest place in town to entertain your - w-. T. and Ben Smith. Mr,. W. T. Smith and
friends. F. E. Bt'anlrrrt. Isar mother, Mee. Herr. an of Chicago, are visit-
Heaemano t Hei ewann, destc- tbe Measr=. smith's Old home, oo south
Pathic physicians, of Dos Moines, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith returned this
lows, will opeo an office on North week from an extended trip through the West.
street in the near future. At present Toryvi.tted Vai,wacer, ('aIeary, Winilpeg.
they may be found at Mts.. Harry tFaeitg oath m sad other dues sod enjoyed [he
Robinson's, \Vo:erlou acre: G d
Mies W {gglie left the, week on •holiday visit
Midsummer sole, beginniog stator- to Meads et Toronto, Ottawa &ad ether point..
da Jul loth : Ladies' and chit- She wilt mclnde fo her outing a Pip through
y 7 th.Tbousead ].hila.
dren's drosses. middy wits and blouses The Mier Rose McNevin, of Aurora, and
-n large stock to choose from in em- Gladys McNevin, of Zurich. are spending the
broidery, voile, and silk in .il colors, racauo at their home here
also nobby wash dresses; wmmee , mhotaabel Stephan of New 1 ork.le visiting
dress goofs in embroidery : muslin. Mende to town 0.4rlcinity-
worth 1'2lc and l6c for Se and ilk per a R. J. Mo g.aomehact reteweeks* a.dd hometion. from
r le West-
yard. P. T. Dame, corner East street he underwent an operation at the bands of the
and the Square. • ! osf.braud Dec Mayo. of Rochester. Minn., and
' be bas not quite recovered his former vigor.
New Electrical Store. I Hawevw, we are tiled to know he 1s improving
M. 1. Higgins, of Toronto and Rey. c, gager, of Vancouver, B. C.. is bol -
Stratford, is opening a store on West laying at, the old home in town.
street, in the Saunders building, for Mrs. IDr.I Elliott, of Preston. spent the +reek -
the sale of electrical supplies and fit end with Moi. W. H. Webster. Neweste street.
tinge. Otters will be taken for electric R. W. Climb). Inspector of the Yorkshire to -
wiring, and first-clas . up-to-date work "mere roes of Montreal, moloron
is promised. f+•� Toronro spent a few days in Gode
P with the oral agent. J.W. Craigie.
CHURCH NOTES. ,arm'° Lewb, of Ottawa, to holidaying at
the borne of his parents, L N. Lewis M. P. and
- --- Mn. Lewis
The Ladies Aid Society of Knox Y Lrratt and Mia. Robinson. of Varna,
church held its annual picnic at Bay- sod �Mr. and Mre. O"Neil, of Panay. were the
field todwy (Tburpdav. of M d fdre. John L Aitken during
Rev. W. W. Stoddart. of R )chestee, Mrs. fidward Sedition. of St. Thomas, and AI-
N. Y., will occupy the pulpit of Knox - bort Yaiea.of Cbk*es. are visitorswith their
church at both services next Sunday.Assad sant. Mr. and ria James Yates
, woo menet.
• Rev. W. K, Hager will preach at Mn Wm. *enough. ofTeeswatcr, was are -
both se•r vires at North street Metho- Dent visitor wfib friends in towo.
dist church next Sunday. Morning Nis. 0wenlest.of 8eatorth, is the triad thi.
subject, '"Phe 'sill. the Lltiruate week of Mrs. iRer.) Hamilton. Ead street.
"The S itit of Adoption." I oe q °e
D D vWt d several week* with rel►Uree in (lode
The congregation of Knox chur h rich end other pointe la Ontario.
he t
RS Wilmer
or Notes.
The steamer Atikokan arrived last
Thursday with a cargo of 143,1100
t •ls of oats for the Goderich e!eva-
• t,teatuer J. A. McKee unloaded
121,11e bushels of wheat at the Big
J rl,•vator last Saturday.
The strainer Scottish Hero is bus on
Thursday of this week with a cargo of
1 ei bushels of a heat and oats for
t ;rnterich elevator.
The damaged planking in the south
in front of the municipal freight
s and the C. P. R. flour sbedu is
R replaced with new timber this
guard fence has been erected nn
commercial wharf immediately in
t of the marine tower of the West -
Canada elevator. it insures
greater safety to pedestrians who have
ion to pass that point in all kinds
weather.ut 150 peseengers landed at
rrcb from the steamer City of De -
ii. on Monday evening. This in-
ce a Isrge number of the returning
excursionists, who went to Detroit
day. beton, bet the greaternum-
of those who arrived were classed
"tomer visitors
Contractor Bermingham le making
1 progress witb his work on the
breakwater contract. Tree of the
loons which are to forth part of
inundation for the 1000 feet of
kwater have been placed in poet-
tionand there are three others ready.
each of lbws 000ctete strictures
10 feet in tbie will mean an
addition of A00 fetes of breakwater pro -
inn to Goierkeh harbor this year.
huikiing dthat parte( the brook -
water above the water lime will be
at asap sad by the t3
is coredmaid 11 h expected than
will mot ba mesh honorable
pall week.
Court of appeal in Religion:" evening, 1 Mr and Mre A 11• Johnston left en teed
ed their return (o Rtnnlpeg atter
listened vv ith much pleasure last Sun- I Mrn. G . Moore. (4-
f Detroit, is visiting he
day evening to a d:seour-e from Rev. uncle. J. T. Newell, Cambriroad.
I. A. Mont omerv, B. A., of Kocx Hex IRev.r Milter, of Straiton, B. C., le the
g guest of Mr -ane Mn.. A. Straiton, St Davb's
("hut ch. Montreal. The rwverepd trvet, fora few dap. this week.
gentleman and his wife ere here on a I ]los Gladys Kernaghan has been vk-Itine
holiday visit, the guests of their vela- friends and relatives in Detroit and Toteao
tires, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Bisset . I for Vie put two week..
1 ,
16 order to Blake room for the
summer rush of automobiles
We Are Forced to Sell
100 feet of 1 -inch Lawn Hoer. 10 Bicycles ranging from 110 to
096.50. Garollne Stationary and Marine Engineer from 2 to l2
Horsepower. A Motor Boat 24 feet lora with 12 h. p. Canadian
Fairbanks Engine and Halbridge Gear. Theme will W be Sold at,
bargain pricers and if you want the right goods at the right prices
jump in and secure some of these.
Everything, no matter at what price it is sold. is fully guaranteed
Our stuck of Auto, Gar•uline Engine, Motor Boat and Bicycle
Repairs and Aooseeories was never more complete and our facili-
ties for the prompt execution of repair work are second to NONE In
the whole county.
Huron Gasoline Engine & Machinery Co.
Hensel! Evaporator Burned.
The evaporator at Hensall owned by
Geo. Joyot was destroyed by fire last
Saturday night. Tbe lose is estimated
at 09,000 and only $6,900 insurance
was carried. The plant was one of the
largest and best in Ontario. The
origin of the fire is a mystery.
THURSDAY, July 17th.
Min Harper, of Hamilton, is visit-
ing her sister, Mrs. George Gliddon.
Tog L>tssuRr GAaDKN PARTY. -
What was probably one of the largest
gatberiogs ever assembled at Leeburn
met together on the lawn of Mr. Link -
later on Wednesday evening of this
week. The grounds were decorated
with flags and bunting, and candy,
fancywork and ice cream booths were
much in evidence. Too touch cannot
be said in praise of the L?eburn ladies,
in their efforts to make the affair a
success They were ably assisted by
Mrs. Blair, of Detroit, who had charge
of the fruit and home-madetcand y booth
and was indefatigable in that depart-
ment, and by otberr. Mts. George
Gliddon, who had charge of the hand-
kerchief bazaar, also did splendid I
work, selling out most of her large
stock before the evening was over.
The supper was a huge success. The
tables were kept goiug for over two
hours and though the crowds were so
great the supply (of provisions was
weather to alkiw the h bee d eq mom towawaooeIs. 1tBrwr
epiii . Pettit sp a M Brow to toons this yam
Masa se:1 iir re.ra.. M eta w
Mrs. Keo. Sharman left Tvaesd'7 mornirg
The regular monthly meeting of the: for Whit long. where she will .pend two months
Y. W. II. M. S. was held at the home vt• ting her parent..
of Mrs. W. E. Kelly on Thursday. July Mbie Grace Johnston, of Toronto: 1. risiting
iOth, at 4 o'clock. Miss Alix Ssun- at Ude borne of Mr. and ]ors. J. F1 ram.
dere gave a most interesting re rt of atlas Mittel T�, of New York. Is .pr radios
g Do I holidays et the rental h•Ame.
the annual meeting in Toronto of the 1 Li
es garden party and salad tea on
August 12 particulars of which will he
announced later.
The supply committee of the Wo-
men's Home Missionary Society of Mord-• Cwmbrfa r.sad. Mrx tauyd le a farriers
Knox church shippedthis week a lar rr.tdent o< Colborne town.tilp, but It f.•
two seers .ince she lett this viotaity. She ft" ale of supplies to Rev. Dr. Hunter many changes bre that time.
for the hospital and boys' honor at Th as. Burrows war in Hamllt of tart Satnr
Teuton, Man. The ree'ond-hand cloth- day and while thenartended ono of the largest
t/ranger oel-bratioes 1. Ontario *audios of Tor
dog was valued at $80.75 ; new spa- tato. I
tercel, qquilts, et, , t1Ki.90, end $7 in cash, pronto co was sent to the heard s. SUMMER VISITORS.
Toronto to buy hoots for the boys.
Theile supplies are a great help to the
Doctor and noises in their work.
tele Florence VI.•ian Shantz. of rtoehester,
1 . di. M. S. it was arranged to hold Y., i4 theguest of her run', Mr.. Mee.) J.
I ° lock.
The Right Kind of
For your boys and Kirk is up for oomdd-
eratJoi Just now. Send for a copy of
our cut rieWuni. It will prreeot some
facts you .hooid know. A term Le one
of oar schools insures a good adore.
Enter any time.
" Head aloes, Central Buttner College:
Yooge t Gerrard Std. Torooto. W. H
Shaw. Principal.
greater still, as the ladies of Leeburn
are proverbially good providers. The
Goderich band was in attendance and
discoursed sweet music and later on
Will McPhee: of Loyal, and James
Linklatea• gave some selections on
their violins. In a financial way the
affair was certainly a sucees, as the
total proceeds amounted to over 0136.
It bas been suggeeted,by someone that
a Leeburn garden party should be an
annual institution. Perhaps some of
those wbo worked so hard to make
last night's affair successful would not
second that motion. At any rate, we
could wish that all church functions
were as well carried out and as well at-
tended as the Leeburn garden party
Mies Ketherine Boyd. who 1= principal of the
public s -hoot of Hawarden• rows. and her
mother. Mr.. John Boyd. of Oakland, Nebraska.
Lave b•ren visiting their relative, Mrs. (leo.
STK W ART. -In Wed Wawanneh. on tenaday.
July eth, to Mt. aid Mr. C'bas. Stewart. a
THOMSON.- in Goderirh. on Saturday. July
12th. to Mr. and Mn. Jas. F. Thomson, a
CURRY. -lis. Oodertoli Mender- July 11th.
In Mr and Mrs. D. (`terry. *daughter.
LAING. - Af Weyburn. Reek., on July Rk, to
Mr . and Mrs. Thor. 0 Iwrngifermerty Mies
Linda Sturdy 1. a daughter.
aver. 'sense, en Monday. Jule IrtA, by
Ow flaw James Merrev. b. D . Jeep M..
• rely daughter of Mr. end Mrs (Asa Me
Heade. e7Gdectca. b yelvts ¥rola''. el
year s tt� a This M9 sub
....�« yeses.
wows of 7eae
p as a ammo bon
tdlset ill47: : IC A- y` E== =VIM;
. weaWsed hoar meet)
already arrived. A striking feature
in ronnertion with this resort is the
buss number of people wbo corse year
after year to spend the summer here,
becoming no attached to the place that
they never mie- a sermon. The greater
number of the guests this year are
people wbo have spent one or more
sea, 0 • beer.
lie rr t .rrie'ls •t le. 1'••;',t F..,m
are : Mia. 1. K. W t`., Mae es mo. -
ond Helen Mo'quds, Mairter Ja• k At ii -
quis, B .ntf.'ni ; V. J. ■ ahoppp,. l',r
onto: Mr. and Mr.. H. W. Howlee,
Mira Oertro'it. WWI ehead, T.Non;o:
Mr. and Mr-'. M. J. drown, Ma'. R.
Browft, M1r Rot h C. Brown, London:
Mr*. Bon. Heyd. Miaaarnstoncr H. -yd.
Archie TurnM,ll, A. Maloney, Brant-
ford i S. imaaet, Elmira; Mn. J.
J. 1. Rnglaad. Mho ('harlorts Reg
I *t.
i :nR AtsV. A. . Mra hew,
Mho ida . 11rnesels ;
dais aibbit•• Brantford.
Henry Ford. James Couzens, G. M. McGregor.
President Wen -Pres. Secy.-Treas.
Walkerville, ant., /'/y Jr.', /9/
To All Dealers and Sub -dealers,
We have been
deluged at this office with inquiries from Ford
prospects regarding rumors to the effect that the
Ford Company are selling cars or propose to sell
cars at special prices, these prices varying any-
where from $zoo.00 per car to three cars for
f 000. oo. •
We quote you herewith advertisement No.
,I42 from our July newspaper copy, reading as
"You can't buy gold dollars at a dis-
count -nor Ford cars at special prices -
any tire -anywhere. We've never made
enough cars to satisfy the demand at
regular price. Don't be deceived. Ford
prices are wonderfully low -but abso-
lutely net."
We firmly believe that the rumors which have been spread
throughout the, Dominion of Canada have been started by per -
,I1'14 outside of the Ford organization with malicious intent, and
w- take this opportunity of stating definitely and fln.ally that we
1,-v • not considered nor are we going to consider the sale of
1-' •: I cats at anything other than full adverlisci list prig,
ne..h-r is there any foundation in the rumor that the Ford
Company is view to eliminate its organization of Dealers and
'ell direct to the consumer.
We want con to make use of this letter publicly and, it
m y •scary, publish it in your loral newspaper, in place of one 1,1
u regular ,(lvertisemeote. Takeatry steps that you may deem
i10 -f •erearybeemaderregarding tate Ford Comthe
pany's policy. etts whish hare
The entire Ford organization is hereby authorized to deny
•'-v rumors pertaining to the sale of Ford ears et special prices
',r •ender special terms or rondition*, and when there are any
nooses to be made in the Ford sales policy we hereby sorosis
y u hat our sake organization will be the first to be hotifi.d.
Yours very truly,
Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited,
Manager of Salem
The above is a copy of a letter which 1 have
."'J. ,•01:esi,i stt;,t i $8,375,00
U r4 1011111
Taal Assets (her) - SAMOA
• In nig . _ - by carrying on your
banking by mail. Just
mail us your deposits, or your cheques when you
want to withdraw money.
We give special attention to business handled
in this way, and will be glad to have you make
use of our service.
F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager Goderich Branch.
Best Scranton Hard
Coal -all sizes.
Cannel Coal for open
grates --the highest
quality of Coal that
can be bought for
the purpose.
Empire Dome s t i c
Lump Coal - most
satisfactory Soft Coal
for ranges, box stoves
and fireplaces.
Standard Chestnut
and Furnace Coke.
All kinds of Hard-
wood and Kindling.
Peter MacEwan Estate
Telephone 98
jammer Suits
are moat serviceable when you
have them wade of the best
goods in the most up-to-date
styles. You will obtain abso-
lute satisfaction if you patronize
.Dunlop the Tailor
West St., Godericb
Remember the '•follow-thc-
leader " game you u.ed to play
whet kids? If Johnny Jones jumped
through a hoop or acted "dead dog"
you had to do the saute. The act of
one person acts in a suggestive way
on other..
Our fine line et jewellery bargains
have (wen Active ••,ugreste, e 011
'hundreds of people and they're all
hero eat isried.
We suggest that you follow the
eupges'rf this advertirernent
w�_and call in and
•ee the ieoney-
-.iv-ing genus, jew-
• •eliery, watches,
r,..ir cut-i31a-e, ilvet.
ware, etc., that
we are ',fleeing.
You will find it to
your advantage
to drop in today.
0 lit P•n•el
J. S. Davey
Selling Agent for
!south Bend Watches
Goderich Ontario
Toronto. Out, stands ted.y without a pope. •
Mr -
r In (•an.d.. Gradoetsa Wetly room...lel..
Catatdgue tree.
W. E KELLY, Agent rot. Goderich 1
tVe have added
to our stock of Wall Paper,
Paints, Oily, Varnishes and
Turpentines. Your patronage
e„ J`
o giant�
coqdea �
a Good �- r
twit ?`hei are Jellingc ,,•-
hem cheap nolo
Take our tip and come buy your
Summer Clothes this very day. We
want to sell out every piece of
Summer Goods in otir store, and
we are making the prices that will
soon do it.
Better hurry. Don't sweat.
Net's two-piece Summer
'tuitm, regular $12.0( and $14.00,
for $7.5).
Mee'. three-piece Suits, reg-
ular $1890 and $1&00, for $13.50.
ilar $15.00 and 111000
Here's a snap. Piet nineteen
suits -we are h .,ind t clear
thein nut --rr,tnder 012 a) to
11[1'10. On Saturday °sIy. your
choice $0 :ell
Big Kerosine in Boys C1oti-
lag. Oat otos pekoe.