HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-7-17, Page 44 11aoaaDAY, JULY 17, 1913, THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTA RIO District News OODERIGH TOWNSHIP MOsOAY, July 4th. Ed. F.Iholt, of Napenee, Indians, is visitingbin brother. Geo. H. Elliott. c[ the yfield road. Mr. Elliott bas just returned from Purcupiue, where he has been for some time. Tu. LATH NW +. JOHN CowAN.—The tat. Mrs. Oowa't, whose death i obrunicled st Eagle Grove, lows. wa4 ooe of the piunerr residents of th Hayfield road. The deateaeed's maiden name was Mary Ann Baskerville and she wan hoe° in Ireland in 11111, When *hews' six years of age her parents came to Kingston and later moved to a farsu near Beverley, where sbe grew to womanhood. In the year 1152 she was married at Hamilton to John Cowan. Tbey .,tiled on s farm near Qodericb, where tbey lived until 1t1B1, when they went to Iowa to reside. A family of four sons and two daughters survive. DEATH or MRs. HUDIR.—After an illness extending over several months Mrs. John Hudie departed this life on Saturday, July 5th. The deceased was a highly respected resident of the community in which she lived and her demise is deeply regretted. = Her loss is mourned by her husband and three sans : Fred, Thomas and Alfred. The funeral look place on Monday afternoon to Bayfield cetneterv. Rev. C. Langfoid. incumbent of Middleton's church, conducted the service`at the house. and at the graveside was as- sisted by Rev. H. J. Condell and Rev. W. Hittite. Mr's. Hudle was fifty-five veers of age. ----- IRISH IRISH GUARDS BAND. Most Popular of All the British Bands That Have Visited Canada. The band of the 1. isb Guards, who feature the music at the Canadian .National Exhibition this year, need no introduction to t:anadien music (overs. They wet.. brought over to the Cana- dian NAti,nil Exhibition in 1905 and so en'busia.ticnlly veer. they received tbat it was decided to tour tbetu from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The tour was carried out and its succem marked the Irish Guards as the most popular of the splendid' B`itish military bands that have visited Canada. Visitors to the Exhibition that year will still remember the selection from Ii Trovatore and the cornet solo that came floating in from a distant part 'of the grounds. The tame soloist. Ser- geant Hunt, is still with the baud. Then you'll remember "Baby Sweet- FearL The whole country was whistling and humming it. COLBORNE. CARLOW, July Sth. COCNC'IL Moemeto.--Colborne town- ship co well tett in the township hall. Members all present. Minutes of last regular and ape ial rneetinge read and on motion of McLarty and Young were adopted. The following acre unts were passed and ordered to he paid : MacEwen Estate, plank for bridge at McManus, 95.00; Jeinee Adam., work in cemetery, 929 ; Ed. Horsey, draw- ing tile. two culverts and fencing,'$Si- 10; Bisset Bros., sixty rods wire fence and staples, $15.10; Allen Becbaoan, seventy-four loads gravel, 97.40 ; W. W. Fisher, forty-six loads gravel. $4.- 60; Goderich Limber 0o., lumber for culverts, *RUG; Albert Good. 'ravel- ling on division line, 9101.03; H. S. Fisher, inspecting and fixing culvert. 95.35; Albert Good, drawing tile from cheese factory rScbwan's, 91.85; W. Vanstone, inspecting and putting in culvert, 95.23; Perry Stewart, gravel- ling Lake road, 12.15; Alex. Horton, inspecting. 93.50 ; Oliver Breen, sixty- three loads'nf gravel, $6.30, putting in culvert, $0.50, 912.80: Abner Morris, teats on g.-ader 954.37. going atter grader. $3.10, 957.37; Joseph Thomp- son, tearu on grade*. and gravelling at Hogie'n. $'i0y,4•t: Wm. Watson, team on grader. $1:.IU; R. Ryan. balance on culvert on notth bourdary, 91.00; David Bogie, inspecting. 11.00; A. Johnston, repairing culvert. 91 00: W. J. Allen, 2t3 losds of gravel, >I2E.30; Wm. Cullison, gravelling, 910.20; %Vm. Millian, grading between Ithand 5r h concessions, 91.1; E. Shaw. clean- ing gravel pit, 33.01; Richard Carney, teats on grader, $22 50: John Barker, operating grader flftten days, $31J.(s. fixing culvert $2.00: Awerioao Rued Machine Co., grinding grader clsde, 91.50; James Jones, inspecting and brace posts, IMOD: Albttt Mugford, gravelling at Hart's stud putting in two culverts, 927.50; LVm. McWhinney, putting in steel culvert at Snydet'e, 2, $.110': Levi Snyder, inspectine, 91 - 50 ; G. F. Shepley, law costs re muni- cipal telephone system. $177 Ott. Moved hy Hetherington and Clutton that J. McLArty let a job of g' avelling on Foster's hill, &Lout 91200 to he let on July 22 t.1 7 p. m. Mow. d by M'•- l.any rind Young that there he About $12.00 .-a t-nded on concession 12 opposite R. Bogide, to tw let on July 20 at 7 p. in. Proposed by McLarty and Hetherington that A bylaw i.e peered sPpi,inLILg V. M 'Leh •rte town- ship engineer, under the Ditches and WVitercouree. Act. Bylaw read flr•J. second end third time and passed. Proposed hy Young and McLarty that the council Bend a deputation to West Wawanneh council to pre.ent petition from twelve land owner* of West Wee wano.b township praying to be allowed to have Connection with the Colborne municipal telephone system. McLarty. Young and Hetherington were ep- p ,inted a deputation to in' erview the `Vest Wawannsh council ret. its next meeting. Moved by frlutLon and Mc- Larty that the clerk he appointed weed inspector. Connell adjourned to meet on August 12th at 1 p. no R. Mc I too w1s, Olerk. MiSHAP AT BiG MILL -- Causes Partial Sospeosion of Work, Probably fee Serval Weeks. A serious breakdown neertned in the engine ,nom of the Western (Jartad• Flour Mil!. Co. nn Toarday evening just • few minutes after R o'clock. One of tb, driving rods worked loose in anme way, smashing orae of the laarrgge� eylindera Hew Geer in all di foe • few unth- aws. but, Inetwwat.fy no one was iejered. The aoeident is • regrettable MAO, se It will wane the enep eriall o of work for • large nieh.r of the staff until the rspailw ore made. It is expected, bnweve.. tam mill will b• roasting full Meet within a month's t hue. eiLYTH. TUESDAY, July lath. Wtuoiso -- Wedding belle were ringing in Blyth ea WeJrseeday, when Mies Maruir Steinhoff was united in marriage to W. Jobustoa by Rev. W. 0. Turoer. The happy couple will n,A►e their home io Manitoba, where the groom is located as station agent. Tile Tel -taste - The 12'b of July w.is very quiet here. The Orangemen left 011 the 7 o'clock train for Hensen, there tieing type ticket. .old for that point. Tbey report having • most enjoyable time. It rained in the morning but the afternoon came out bright. A few also toot in the cele- bration at Guelph. A JULY FROST.—The worth sr this snmmer has been verychangeable. Whenever • rain woud come there would be sure to be a cold spell follow- ing, and the last rain was no except too, as Sunday night. there was quite a heavy treat. Wbetber any damage was done we have not heard. but the grain is very soft and liable to be injured. $:.TRANCE RttSULTH.—The results of the high echool entrancsexeminations in Emit Huron (including Blyth) are published in other columns of this issue of The Signal. Of the candidates who wrote at Blyth the following took the highest marks in the various sub- jects : Reading—Mary M.:Murchie. Writing — Violet Buchanan. Elsie Fawcett and lona Stothets (equal). Spelling—Sara Milne and Roy Toll (equal). Literature — Mary McMur- chtn. Arithmetic—Mary McMurchie. Sara Milne and Iona Stothers (MO_ per cent, each). Grain mar —itoy Toll. Geography—Mary McMurchie. Com- position—Iona Stothere. SUCCESSFUL AT GODER1C11. — The rink of bowlers who attended the tournament at Goderich last week. roneieting of Dr. McTaggart, G. E. M•.Taggart, A. W. Robinson and R. H. Thoma.. did very well. Their Pint game they lost to J. Doyle's rink of Goderich. Atter that they went into the association match and won all their games by a close margin against such worthy opponents as J. Stevenson, of Clinton, C. Mecdonell, of Hensall, D. C. Roes, of Brussels, and Dr. Macklin end F. Davis, of Goderich. Their prizes were four beautiful carv- ing sets, of which they are very proud. No doubt they would have got farther up in the trophy match only that the green they played c u fir -'t was very rough and being used to a smooth green at home it bothered them for some time to get on to the draws. PERSONAL AND GENERAL.—Andy Sloan, who has been seriously ill for some time with a severe attack of appendicitis', is able to sit up now and no doubt will go right ahead to im- prove M•.. Proctor and daughter Mit., Liu, of Toronto, are at present visiting with their numerous friends here. Tltey are thinking of leaving Toronto and joining t he throng in the %Vest The council is having some trouble with the Blyth Flax Mill Co., who have not tuade their first pay- ment of 9500.00 dun the town in May. The. company had a bad season for their first year, but possibly if they land a ebanee theymight do better this year ..Miss ythe Gidley spent the week -end with friends du London. Mrs. D. Somerand child spent a few days of the past week with rela- tives herr . .The Blyth Agricul- tural Society is putting forth greater efforts than ever to make lbw felt thin year • grand success. The prise lists are being revised and will be printed shortly ....Mrs. Snell, of Kioburn, visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Sloan the past week... . Misers O'Connor. who left for the West a short time ago, returned to Blyth het week, pre- ferring Oates io to tbe West Gor- don Moot -e. who is assistant at the G. T. It., is sp •,ding' a .Yu le of weeks holidays at Guelph and Porcupine, visiting with bis father at the latter place .... Mr. and Mts. J. Cowan are at present spending a month with rela- tives at Blyth and Golerich, after which tbey will teturn tort their home in Dakota. wl.ere Mr. Cowan bas a gavel no.itirm .. Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Bendy. from Alberta. are visiting with relatives here Leon Scott, of the Dominion Bank staff, Montteal, who has been spending a couple of waste' holidays with his friends here, returned to duty on Saturday ... Mate'MrKenaie, of Galt, is visiting with relatives here at present .. . Mies Small. of Oshawa, is the guest of relative, het, Dodds McGowan, who bee been relieving at Trslee sta- tion on the C. 1'. R., returned to his duties at the station here this week.... C. Dexter, who hada narrow eseepein tbe gravel pit last week. being covered over twice before they got him out, t nok a few days holidays, hut resumed his duties •pain on Monday. BENMILLER SKETCHES. BEteMILLgR, July 16. The picturesque village at Hen - miller seems to be the Mecca for tourists, and just now when automo- biles are almost as plentiful as wheel- t.atrow•s they come in daily non) O odericb, Clinton and other plieen, filled with happy parties of picnickers and sightseers. One day this week two large autos appenred at the woollen mills and two availing ladies walked in to ask the proprietor, Mr. Jesse Gledhill, it he would allow them to Snake use of the little park attached to the factory for their picnic. Ruch a request could not he refused. for the old woollen miller is one of (be kindest of mei and is always pleased to see visitors enjoy Themselves here. Ac- cordingly, the party made th.trsselves at home end one of tbeir first acts was to send one of the autnmohilea poet- !, e to Goderich to bring up s• her load of pirniekers. Then spread Weir tablecloth, ;Arnie I .ion, on the closely mown grass s .r the fountain, and writes all was reedit they invited tet kind old woollen man to perteke with them of the refreshweets pi -needed. were • strictly lamp.rence 4:271:3 ne stro•ger drink than lens served. Momtn . 0f the young party could sot resist the (eepts(ioe For • dip in the enol •sed Deasy waters of the mtY-dem, and wama It was tame to (save for hem. IIr8 o+ prated to have enjoyed their visit to the vil!a„ a and promised 10 Cora, back agaiu. The Vs. tassel. And whit do ,you tbiak? Jest fcess t.. .. 1Vb utbiogebort of the act that the villa ..1 Beemllsc is ...tau to be ligbtr. with eiectrieby. Jets Gledhill, the man et that w'uolllse factory. Incrpu•cha.rd • dynamo far See in air mill, and it is very probable that the cu,reot will be carried theougb t►e vt11,ge to the store and church end bowels Verily. verily, things du wove. t,Vbu would have th.•ught thst we.h..uld in tbis dist of feru•-e 11)13 have arrived •t this Nate of things? If it were pusvible for old Benjamin Miller, the founder of the village. to come beck after his long sheep of fifty year", remembering when there was nothing here but blackened stumps and lowering maples, we can only guess what he would say when he saw this the ausall atreeu, of Shitpe'r Creek was running the wool- len mill and lighi iog the village. Per- haps he would enter his old hostelry mud ask for a dram of the good liquid that was Auld then, to fine out if be was dreaming or nor. LOYAL. WEDNESDAY. July 1&b. LOYAL Lst:.SLS.-Hisses liege and Gertrude Young ate .pending their vacation at the:house of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Young .. Miss Townsend is visiting her aunt, Mrs. John Young ... We coogratuleta Mos Mice Clark on her euccras at the ,.•remit entrance examination . .. Henry Green is at prevent staying with his brother, Andrtw. He has nicely re- cuveird from his attack of pneumonia.. .. Mr. and Mrs. Allin, of Wingham, visited with Mrs. James Otark this week Mr. Ashton's horn has been soccer.fully raised, William Mc- \i'binney, the veteran framer, having the contract The fernier" are busy baying. The crop in this part is very light. KINTAIL TL'asnAY, July 15th. Hay-.uaking and raspberry -picking are the older of the day. Mrs. Rss, of Sault Ste. Marie, ac- companied by Master Albert Smith, is viriung at her old home on the L.ke Shore. Chas. McGregor leaver this week tor an extended trip throngh the North- west. orth- We.t. Mrs. Thos. Telford. of Sault Ste. Marie, is visiting at tbe booze of her sister, Mrs. Murdoch MacKenzie.,. The many friends of Miss Olive Mac- Murcby are pleased to hear of her suc- cess In passing her Normal School exams. 0oogratulat Cora! A number Prow this vicinity at- tended the Orangemen's celebration iu Ltnckn,.w. Rev. Mr. McLeao, of Ripley, con- ducted the services et Ashtleld Prea- byteiian church on Sunday last, in the atr,ence et the pastor. Rev. J. S. Haru.e. St. HELENS. TusteDAY, July 15th. PERSONAL MENTION.—Miss W. D. Rutherford, of &lmouton, and Miss Annie Clark, ot Saskatoon, are spend- ing their vacation at their homes Lyre John Miser, of the Bank u( Commerce, Windsor, is spending bis holidays here Misr Muriel dell, of Toronto, is visiting her auut, Mr.. R. K. Miller.... Rev. r. and Mrs. Claw ,tad family, of Fergus, are occupying tLe manse for a few weeks Mire Myrtle Webster returned last Wed- needay after a month's' visit in Tor- onto .... Mias Margaret Webb is •,siting trieods in Guelph . Rev. WillTaylut, of Westfield, will occupy the pulpit at Cavin cbuich ou Sunday next.. ...Ret. Chas. Rutherford, of Pius. River, and Miss Teua Rutbet- foi d, of Ktnlougb,called un ti ieude here last week Jas. Hyde visited his mother at Cargill on Suuday Mr. and Mrs. Hawilt.ou and -tinnily re- twned to Toronto on Friday atter speudiug two weeks at the huwe of Mos. Ja . Ramage. Uuneld Mc- Donald is working in Wiughaw this week .... Mrs. Jas. Aitchison and Aiiss Gerrie ate huwe /diet visiting Uieudr in Durham Mts. McAl- lister, of WIngham, visited bre mother, Mae. Curs. Durnin, last week. Tbe funeral of the late Isaac Mc- Rubetts, who died in Putt Arthur. look place from the huwe of hie father, Thus_ McRoberts, on 'Sunday. AUBURN. THURSDAY, July 17th. Miss Ida Currie, of li.,derich, iso iug at O. E. Eiratt's. Robert. Stalker's traction ditcher :.rrived last week and hes cuwmeocetl wink at 'Iter. S;undy'e. It is a pow. rful machine and will be a greet help to the fartuers in draiuiug their fount.. The Loyal Orange Lailge celebrated the Twelfth at Guelph. going on the special C. P. R. train. IIPATH OF F.L(A,i HAt.t..—We are sorry to have to report the death of Elias Ball in Toronto hospital after an operation on Wednesday for go.tre. He had been in a critical r. edition for over a year. Medicine having done all it could an operation e as decided ..n as the last hope of sar- ir.g GM life. He leaves to mourn his (troth his wife and eon, Gordon, al -i. Mothers and sisters. The syrupathy of this community is extend. d to the leo raved io tbeir sorrow. Howson & Lawson have finished their cut of legs for ibis reason and will 'tat t to tie their stock of bobbin KSi Down.. of Toronto, is visiting his uncle, Jos. Lewsoo. Mr. Hamilton has retie rod to his duties in the hank after spending his bnl:day at his home at Listowel. G. Vt ickens was visiting in our ri!lsge this week. EAST WAWANObH. MONDAY. July 14th. L)EATw OP, Man iottE MENzlme Death came tame ..sddenly to Mrs. Jobs Mensies. of this township, early no ftatuiday morning. July lith. The de- e.sled had nein •,.icing et the home of her daughter. Mr". Robt. McGee sod .ppeswotl was In her ,areal health. On Friday evasion she ss - dated to milk the eosin sod while at asserie771ee:*- mitations of Dedd's Mdse., Ms me &glee. The bes is hokated, tis'eekidde suedes and shape et the pis ave hdlt'-d and the /star--DoM1r Mau" Ma is iwtated tekali a ave daegw ems The engirt le sate. Dstl's IOdaq FM have a repusllea leaks - tees have WIes or they weetda't imitate. Se they tswds on the reputation et Dodd'. ICAthery Ma Do sot be deceived. There ie eely emu DODD'S. Dodd', b Oe erijiaal Dedd's is the same to be ease fel slam— KIDNEY PILLS the barn was suddenly stricken, death tullowin1 ,ally un Saturday morning. Mee. henries' maiden name was Mary Elisabeth Powell. She was born near Varna, in the township of Stanley, where elle lived until her marriage over forty -tour year, ago. Since shit time Mr. and Mrs. Meusies were highly respected residents of East Wawanosh. Besides her husband, two sous and one daughter are left to mourn her lose': John A. and James Menai. a and Mee. Robert McGee, all residing in East Wawaoosb. Three brothere and two sisters also survive: George Powell, of Blyth ; Thos. A. Powell. of Swift ('urreut. Sask.: Wm. Powell, of Seattle; M. s. Jas, Switzer. of Hayfield, and Mrs. John Cochrane, of East Wawa nosh. NO MORE DANDRUFF OR FALLING HAIR Parisian Sage Is Your Friend. Use it and All Hair and Scalp Troubles Quickly Go. No poieonoua sugar ot lead—no cul phur—no dye in Parisian Sage. The cleanest, daintiest, moat refresh- ing and delightful hair tonic in the world is Parisian Sage. If you do not use it you are daily missing • glorious treat. It is simply splendid' for men, women end children. It is' soli at drug and toilet goods counters for only 50 cents a large bottle. Ask fur Parisian Sage for your own pro- tection. The girl with the auburn hair is on every carton and bottle. Parisian Sage drives out all dan- druff and stops hair frotn falling in two weeks. It stops itching scalp in twelve hours. It ie a heir eipourisber and promptly puts lift, Insole and beauty into dull, faded and ill -looking hair. Hugh I). McKinnon, of Brantford, Ont., writes: —"I consider Parisian Sage the nest preparation for the core of dandruff, falling hair and itching scalp that l have ever used. It is an ex:ellent hair tonic and dressing and I shall always be pleased to highly re-. commend Parisian Sage." E. R. Wigsk guarantees it. LANES. SATVRDAY, July 12th. THE Crow:r.—The occasional show- era of the past couple of weeks base added very much to the appearance of the country. dome para in this local- ity are looking fair. The garden* are growing nicely, vet their harvest will be late. The i. d cr.'ps are looking healthy and strong. The hay cutting isltn full swing at pre,ent. Molt of the bay- it light, vet some fields are yielding well enmade;ing the lateness of the shower., HAPPEN INOie,—The Twelfth was web Co L-I,rated in Lucknow today. The Stir, oundingcoon icy was web rep- resented. Miss Maud Cunningham and John Ha, t, of Arthur, were guests of Mre. G. W. Lane for a couple of days :his week ..... Gilbert Vint tine me le a [narked improvement by the eieergement of his barn Rev. 111 r Craw, of Fergus. preached in the Pie hyterisn church here on Sun- day. We were all glad to see him again and heat him expound the truth in his very t.Me manner. We hope to hear him ninny times again. How's This ? We offer Gk.e Haedred Dollar. Ise wird for say messy( • sten* that cannot be cored by Halls Catarrh Core. F..1 CHNEY & CO., Toledo. n. We the nnneedased bare knows R. J. Cheney for thank ahem yeaea, sod believe him perfe:Uy Lie In all bu.inow itemise - nowt and fine able to carry out any ob- lIrat ioni made by Ste arm WAI.or*n, Kivaa, k Mantis. aa tt helele Draaa7ata. Toledo, (1. Halle t.atarrh Cure fa taken Interne/1y. set loll directly npoe the blood and mseow nor faces or the ',velem Tw.Umonlais snot tree. Pries Tan per bottle. Soto by alt dru&Htats. Take Hall'. Featly Pills for renetipation. BAYFiE LD. WEnNgRDAY, July 16tb. John Laird sod Mee. Laird, of Hart- ford. Conn., were gneeta last week of relatives in tate village and on the Bronson line. WEDDING. —The marriage took place on Tneeday, the 8th inst.. of one of Hayfield's molt popular young ladies, in the person of Mies Flossie Stao- bury. The groom was Rola. Stelck, tnrwerly of Hay tnwn.bip, veto, for the past eight years, has made his home, sod incidenomlly his fortune, in the oily of Edmonton, Alta. The (ere- saony, which hook place at the home of the bride's mother. was performed by t►* tele at tie bride. Rev. J. 0. Stewart, of L.endoe, sedated by Rev. A. Macfarlane. M. • , B. D.. qf RR Andrew s church. Reynold. The leave. in was beautifully demented w evergi ag and white spires Cad the wedding party stood sander an •i obwey s lis rases. The - het& • meete r - L 'his is the 'Glue of all times to het your tum, mer Cotorts or necel arIe. &t ! the Qoet. Don't miss the daily Bar- gain , opportun- ities. The prices have shrunk up a lot on sum- mer goods. TME COLBORNE STOR Voiles m dMors and dark q $nes,ew Voila% e got them to at= Reg- ular prloes 3k, 40c and Sie— nese small patterns a n d narrow stripes. Sweater Coats - A good shipment just in direct from the ,maker., and prices will be found right. Lace Collars Lace Collars and Laos Seta just got here, and the otiose are exceedingly low. Prices 2130 to $1.713—white,eream and Paz-i.—extra saltie. Embroideries Very tine Swims make Flouncing', 15 to ri inches wide, and prices from 1 So to 70e. Forty - five - inch Skittiogs from Ode to I112.75 • yard. Some of them hand.machine made. Dimity Black and white stripes and small sprig patterns. Extra value at 20o. Corsets Com hare for your warns wreathe, Comma Aide for Na 217 D. i • —great value at *1.1 i. Hosiery Never in so good shape to sell warm weather hose as we are now. Don't forget our 2 for 25c staking. Our last big purchase of them is better than what we usually offer at 9 for 15c, In bleak, 84, 9, 9i, in. Our last buy of white ose gave us extra value. Plain and ribbed tan hose in ladies' sod missed sines, 15c and 25c. `silk how, tan and black. Mk to 91.00. Come here for your stockings. Samples About 100 travellers' under- wear samples at leve than makers' prices. They are as Heim and perfect as when they first naw the road, and then yeti can buy them so cheap that it is good business to get some of them. BARGAIN DAYS Saturday and Monday July the 19th and 21st ft will be two monster Bargain Days at this store Nearly everything in the store will be on sale on these two days. Specially deep cuts made in Ginghams, Dress Muslins, Delaines, stripe Piques and Vestings. All 124 and 15 cent Ginehams lac ; 15 cent Delaines tic ; Stripe Piques zoc for 16c. White Vesting about makers' prices. Cotton Suitings and Summer Dress Materials will be offered re- gardless of Lost and nearly everything else at some reduction. Dress Goods will have a large place in this sale. You will find some offered at about half-price, some one-third and some one- quarter off. These two days will be old-time record Bargain Days. Bargains for everyone and no mistake. Come in the forenoon if you can and avoid the afternoon rush. Goderich BIG CUTS IN RUGS. Remember the days, Saturday and Monday next. J. H. COLBORNE Ontario. looked eh it .m,ing in ,4 g)orn td into satin and shsduw 1 ie, is tiff, the bridesmaid. Mi.A F'',. etw'e florets. of Toronto, roman sal 1 ate 1 i$M, web attired in a pink I onl.red ,ilk voile with hat to match. The goo lin wee attended by his trotter. A. Holes, of Hilly Green. Uurirg ,he signing of the ,egisier, the solo "Because- was beautifully rendered by Meter Douglas S'nnbut y, of Toronto, after which ail repaired to the dining -room, where a dainty luncheon was served and differ- ent toasts were drunk and re•pendcd to. The bride's going -away costume was a ratine suit, tan coat, hat with Bul- garian trimming, Nue feather and veil. Tbe young couple left by auto, amid a • JER COLLEGE shower ref confetti e...1 eo and took tis•• et't:n at t lir L n for Tor- onto son p east 'f,,e pi porno, were numerous end Is antiful and in- cluded a losely wabntnny trav with silver railing, hand -painted thins, sil- ver candlesticks, rut glees howl, linen, silverware for the table and many otbet• useful and handsome gifts. esreesaliseeemeasetsetteeselittneasiet ISERL N. Ont NW.tlettr lttaeleest°a lege neynrteKat Remitted gist, ,,tenet Pair. i enc College ems Ana De art meeti Pm Sammy, eta� naw aeeeeee e.pa' TMa'n"b.r�teete,l�a.ply�sk... ten. Ibd llta s thnal—aselletllire� I111111.0a,e � 11s►1 V, Mt• eamelo COAL Haviogpurchased the busi- nees formerly conducted by F. Barlow Holmes, we pur- pose dealing in Coal, Wood Lime, Cemelkt Fire Brick, Ete. We will handle tMeranton and Lebigh Valley Coad, two lines which are recognised as the hest. We wish to giv, the people of Godersch and yieiolty the best 'emir* pose Wilts, and shall !.e glad t Wilts, hear feats tw of Mr. Holmes' customises end any others who wish anything in oar lines. AU pun's left with Jae. t a.WW,, est stent, promptly attended fa. licDona iefiledhil 'Phone No. 75 Yards .t Q. T. 13., Nelms Intrust COME IN AND TAKE A LOOK et scree of our ideas for an ideal bat b- room. Wouldn't yon 111. yours na- te-date. artistic, clean and etas)' to keep cleen? Our tlodern Plumbing work Insures sanitation. cleanliness. •ow►fort and eonvvnienee. A.k for oar estimate, and see how reasonable oar °bargee are. FRED HUNT, AanYkma mreek Yu 1d