The Signal, 1913-7-17, Page 1FAR ER are finding that It par to use The 8lgIlore 0unit,r . - advertise dogs tnay .Lr. mac A small ad. in a law gigsal is read by thou sands .d people. gyy.ruCKTH YICAH-M4• SM GODER.ICH, THURSDAY, JULY TERUNG BAN K OF CANADA SAVE, -because No. 6 It is • moral cettaioty-Oat extravagance dunng the days of your full earning capecity will result to financial stringency in the e. ening of life. Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto Goderich Branch-ANPREW PORTER, Manager FOR IMMEDIATE SALE That beautiful Residence belonging to the Esteem of the inti Mr.. Haslet, situated on the moth -west corner i•f Church and Nelo n wf ire's• For particulars apply to A. G. NISBET Real Estate -Insurance Agent i1FFI('E NEXT CANADIAN RANK OF WMMERCB, GODERIt•H 'PHoxee : Orrice ) ; Moues 155. P.O. Box 361 DETROIT, & CLEVELAND NAVIGATION Co. STRAYER CiTY OF DETROIT 1I. IYOB MMACKINAC ISLAND ' >I,,ndays, 7 p. m. $3 w „i ,• way $6.OU routed trip. FOIt DETROIT Saturdays, 7 a, s. liilr one way $5 50 round trip. -.,r---•rw-v-i-ik IVATFR vip. LIGiHT ODM- < f1 M' Water Kate.' for biMJea, r Deedoe. Ira 3l arr row emr. will be allowed off es Jely 1S A. a number overlooked the payment the Commission ban naw to alio. the dteeseWI tear rite- until July Stat, trot no borer. t *deg f.l 111 is rrear. aro wat*edM all arr n'gently a as .sing Lawn 1..crtoe ertarkg ed for same are and Kale. Hours tar Lawn 1p 0. toa1.. n1. NW W. T. Nit 11,NI.Y. A.STRAJTON. �t ,'hsirman. Treasurer. �s STATE AND PRIVATE 1" FUNDS Invested on Anttaoetsare security without charge. 81s ared a half per tent. Apply TEBBUTT. 8000- tales Bldg.. Hamilton. Out. SITUATIONS VACANT. Black- Anythingnew in 10. cream that's BURGLARS AT WORK. worth while you can into at stone'r, the leading dt.peuseis of ice , Several Places Entered - Last Thursday cream. Night- One Saspect in Custody. T. ANTED z(= 1�ANTED. -TO RENT. M EDIUM e aid, ws ra. w fnraMMl home hew October to to Axil t Send full tortleeMre to FURNISHED HO R care of 1' i ,A10 NAL. 434T. A R M HELP AND DOMESTIC 1 hERVAN CS.-Penou. reulrl .gr farm help should applya once w W1LLIAN atoQUtL- LL\. Domnion Government KmAioymeet Agent Si. Helene. Ont. Orders leh eith H. D. WOODS. et Helene. Ont., will heels. prompt Mt Wee AUCTION SALE. AUCTION SALE OF IiVdI('A', INSTRUMENTS. Fl ItvITURE, !Tc'. at the Stead State. Hamilton 8tree,. Godarlcb. 0o SATURDAY. JULY 19th. cornmenolrrm at 1 o clock ottani: 1 good square Piano by I• amber. of New York. 1 w •n .- we 0 ,ierich organ. l oak ridsboard, with heavy pis'e ¢eats mir- ror. AA numbbeer ofy tCh&Ir . 2 ret. of Horse... a new Fly Net. and a number of ober ar- tloag-. TERI:3 All u , s f els and rude 4x0.`1: over that amount n.x mouth& credit will begl. on on tar sr+ningapprovrd nfT$0MA88UNDRY. Auctioneer. LOST OR FOUND LDR000H FOUND LAST,SUNDAY. Jt laq°ire •t the SIGNAL OFFICE. E QTKAYEDONTHE PREMISES OF jl 1,1 • Ii undee*igoed.let tit, Hero. road. Gods• rich town -hip• a yearling steer. The nwner i reque-ted to Drove property and pal w ez pensee. BERT HOLMES. et-tt The locating of Me perpetrators of a series of burglaries of business houses is liodericb has been engaging the et- tentMn of the Local authorities during the past week. Some time during last Thursday night five places were enter- ed. C. C. Lee', hardware store was broken into and two revolvers were taken. Tne cutlery showcase was upset, but it is not known whether anything was taken or not. Ulm. Black's gent's furuiebtog store was ransacked, but nothing was missed except a few pairs of sock* and .once tie -pins. T. Videau's teed store on Hamilton street Was broken into, but the money had all been removed from the 101 and noth- ing else was touched. Acceee was gained to R. H. Putt'* gncery on Kingston street and a revolver and .trout g'3.50 In coppers wereearried off. Tbe thieves then retired from the Square and evidently becoming thirsty gee their etteoNoo to the door leadiug into Sault& liquor ware- house at tbe 0. T. R. station, which was battered in, and severitl betties rat beer were taken. No traces of any suspicions characcet•e ware found aunt the following at.antouta, wiliest Chief P.tetletbwaite accosted two ynuog fellows in Saltfurd. Without ta..iting to continuo the eonvcrmt,ion both tuaue off up the hill towards the B,sat:t farm, each one taking a different di - ection. As they trade titer hurried departure one of them threw aw,.y • revolver. which was found later ou %V. Maedel'l lawn. Oue of theta was lost s'gbt of and lots not been seen eine'. while the other was pursued until hr was finally captured by Constable John Knox in ibe ColbJrue gusty. Heway brought hick to town end when arraigned as a vagrant before Polioe Magistrate Kelly he pleaded not guilty and was remanded for a 17, 1913 11"te• carves•'""' JOB PRINTING azecnted promptly•nd well by The Snal's printers. Avery order, lazes or .mall. receives earehel ..*.tendon. Es- timate, given if desired. TRH BION w Pau(& t NO 00.. 144.. Pvatae STRAYED ON THE PREMISES OF week. He will appear again next Sat - WANTED k GOOD GENERAL tatorove prope-tyand payallexpense . name he claims is Frank Sylvan, but field. two yearling ..sive.:. The owner is r.. urd4y morning at 10 o'clock. His ;servant M}04. A FARROW, Water. J. T. RILEY.' too Kest. 63'N• he gives .ery unsati,factory expiane- the undersigned. lot 7. concession 9, Ash - WANTED. -TWO GIRLS FOR VT sundry work. Apply to MRS. NEWELL, East +treat TEACHER WANTED. -FOR 8. S. No. 1. Port Albert. bolding second dam esdoral certificate . duties 10 commence bei I. Aptly strain/ experience And W H. HAYDEN. Sec. rear., PortfAlbert. t /�1EACHER WAIVED. -FOR 8. 8. 1 No. A � : dotage to eomtoenoe 8e tuber 1. lira& Dp(T• +VL( salaryS gqtrltficwtioo.. to J. J. MOWER. Oedeefeb. S1•tt WANTED. - AN INFLUENTIAL mea or woman with maw span Uwe end • Mime circle of acquaintances to intro - dale mat .peolat repre.entwnre la 000nectlon armntato neat investmete rightpneteropropo•itiotn retaiwn 0LaeMA".II CCCU Ti "conliPANCANY• .k.7 Seen eteesR '1rigets. 13 P. FON SALE ON TO RENT DOR BALE AT A BARGAIN. -ONE weerires Good lr of tae beet built. SSe_W��eber�Mk booIn Oso tering. HO GUle Yaaventeobooms rLET. -A SMALL SUITE OF nwi.ad rooms • the Square. Amer Ra)M s Bedford Apartments. ExecsSALE. -A BUILDING LOT AM Nerreate street Apply to F.J� D L'OR SALE. -A NINE -ROOMED .E house wtth two lot on Keeps etrost lifted [mat tress Apply to MR& D. Mai *SON, es the pr eti.sr, or ROBttiRT YOUNG, Elgin emotes. IkFVICAB TO RENT NEXT TO SIG - V NAL Ofee. Heated by trot water and vsutlt to oe.sewUon. Apply to J. P. BROWN. lRU. IJOt'SE FOR SALE.-rWO-STORY 11 b, ek-rw.ered recidenos on 8t. David's frost • all saseer. eonvedeoose. Apply to W. lit ROhERTBON. *11. tions as to his mode of occupation and Lwith brown markings and long Wl, several charges of burglary will be armed away from mr.place on Dominion Day : an.lwere to name -Haver. " Any information laid agaioIL him ou Saturday. regarding the mount elil Colborne re - OST. -A BLACK COLLIE DOG, place of abode. It is expected that crated. OHN D. F me own• BOARD OF TRADE. .hip !Dunlop P. 0.1 LIOR SALE OR TO RENT. -TEN - 1' reused beset oo Brae atrert with bath aod Motet; new bpi, atermor, rmor, Appl to WILLIAM KILPATRICK. God.zlob. 58 -if 110178E TO LET. -ON Nis' WGATE v 1111 street, next to Mr. Il Allen'a Modern WEST wAWANOwH 1 et�ntt°t°ptw neSUtlat. 1=rodY1SS *f- eeBEAet T, Market street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. best in We have ter sate about thirty town tote. prises r Rom en upwards• also throe dwellfpp sod a low tame Y8 a ILLORAN• Gode- (7at-711 tau FIRE I NSU RANCECO. One of the ' the Prov- inee. Fixed rate of a0seesment. Live Stock insured at Its fall value whether on the farm or not. No trouble to make adjust - menta. R. McILWAIN, Agent for Colborne. Nile. NOTICE TAKE NOTICE THAT ANY say 5ersboar° erPsalm" effort! ovum* Neat walla et'•aerittad, fb THOR I OMMIRS, Trustee. 1 Rersanes. Josef. ti k‘. wee STAR -COLE LINE ATR, HURON Loaves Osdmser et Oa Meshta '1'ai0 sttdtltl�► Jw FUt SAULT STK > 1r1tStl fJh esd. Osmrse Rm. tendo/ ea s • roe troteTrTlitgior pT, OLOVIIILIMIL PAW Idtut), . MAIM e1lMMOrIfIM► PUBLIC NOTICE. WARNING. BICYCLISTS Ore war -ed not to rids eesartOw sidewalks in say part of the town. n periotir OF prroL'I(•uYt. TENOR SQA LLK-LARGEstrerDOUBLE 1 a.fbotwo alar. 1saynasi,ws0k.ik �e was. TN �lzt� •visas 8. W., 8.015 lYssmto.. &them., tilt. 1D1rE8IDENTIAL PROPvERTY FOR C.smba �aR �ialiprlVkW �, taeers as � t~ s Onea TAZ4. THE CANADA TEMPERANCE ACT. Public eon e ia that under ame ven to all whom it Canaand by •ittne f the Canada Temperance .1c[, K S. C. chapter 1x there will be deposited in the -ollne of the Sheriff of the County of Huron at the Court House In tbe Town of Ooderich in he rW County on the &th day of July. 1911, for public examination by any person as provided by the mid Act. a notice addressed to the Honorable the Secretary of State for the Dominion of Can- ada embodying a petition 10 His Excellency the Gore! nor -Germinal of the Dominion of Can- ada In Council in the Form A. t r the said Act, to which are appended the signatures of the undersigned and others constituting at least one-fourth in number of all the elector. in the mid County of Huron. to he egret that he signers thereof desire that. the rote. of all such electors be taken under the said Act for and against the adoption of he said petition for the bringing into form In the said County of Huron of Peg 11. of the said Act. Dated this fah day of July. 1913. FRANK BUCHANAN. President Huron County Temporancc Allianoe. J. A. IRWIN. Secretary. on behalf of themselves sod all the other Miners of the said Notice sad Petition. rR SALK-FIVE ACRES OF Wtd. put of tt 1. R. W., censures ems, O0 15. ewe est 'sirs. sews. 'titsawl 17741114 tl0t LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE. TOWN OF 000IEICB. Many Summer Visitors Season of 1913 Looks Like a Good One for Ooderich's Resorts. From present indications the season of 1918 will be one of the best in the history of Ooderich as a summer resort. Although the season is will young, there are a large number of tourism is town, and the prospects are bright iter tbe remainder of the season. Tbe Hotel Sunset reports a large business, acd besides the visitors at Menesetung Park and the Point. Farm there are mast at the commercial hotels and in private boarding-house*. The Lewis eoua8es along the lake front also are well occupied. and Mn. Von Matzke, of Walkerville; Mr. and Mre. C. B. Shotwell, end Misr Edith Shotwell, MO. 0. Grindley, Mr. and Mrs. George Savage, and Francis, Robert. and Helen Savage, Mrs. W. B. Campbell and daughter, Mre. C. R. Wilson, Mrs. Theodore Goebel, Master Theodore Goebel, all of Detroit; Miss Adieu' T. Henkel, of Walkerville • Mies M. Gerard, Miss Nellie Gerard. both of Windsor ; Mrs. Drynan and Willie. (7harlie and Nor- man Drynan, all of Hamilton ; S. M. Newto'i, R. A. MacArhur, Sara J. Madeline Grant, Detroit : Mr. and Mn. Felix ocb. Pittwhurg ; Nr, and Mn. W. H.RLittlefieId, Brantford ; 8. B. Clement, North Bay ; B. H. Cle- ment, Toronto ; Mre. Charier A. Grant. Detroit; Mt.. Laura Murray. New York ; Mn. W. 8. Whitmore and Emily, Cleveland ; Miss lane Sinter. Cleveland ; Mrs. Levi L. Barbour, Mme. Mercedes de Goenago. Detroit; John A. Venn, Detroit ; James G. Venn, Rochester; Helena T. M. Veno, Detroit; Mrs. Francis K. Bailey, De- troit, The month of August promises to be a busy one for the hotel. All the rooms on the first awl second floors already have been booked for the month. Tbe,Blackstoge Orchestra is in at- tendance }t the hotel every Tuesday and Friday evening, when the guests and others participate instances which are much enjoyed. M. G. Cameron President' and C. L. Moore Vice-president. Efforts to hold a meeting of the Board of Trade were at art so:cenaful on Tuesday evening of this week, and the vacent'positions ent and vice-president of the Board bare been filled. M. G. Cameron h u been elected as president for the remaining six months of the year and C. L. Moore, of the American Road Machine Co., is the new vice-president. With the support of every member of the Board both gentlemen promised to do their beat while in ofliee to advance the interests of the town along indus- trial lines. A general meeting of the Board of Trade has been called for Thursday- evening, July 24th. when a report which is to be prepared at a meeting on Monday evening nett will be eubmitted for approval. The le( Doti will include plans for a campaign for finances and for the carrying on of the business of the Boat d. TAKH Ntyrl('K that the municipalcouncil f the corporation of the Town of OOaa1i tends toceoatruct a oemen t eldewal k on the south side of Park street, in the rid town, between Victoria street and Cambria road . and intends to armee a portion of the final cost thereofefit[00 the real property to be Immediately thereby fronting or abutting upon south aide of Park street aforesaid. between the said points, and to levy each final cost according to the frontage thereof. by twenty anoint special • Ind Mat a statement Mowing say merit the via= es far ea the ease sae be se - the len revised ease meat roll otherwise, 1s sow Led VIdles et the Clerkthe ai utelpsltr. sns for ins l00 daringwork sea 5.01 ot estimated to ins provided oat ei use maws/ Masts of the maidelea-ty. A Overt a !Whim will be Mid e0 the 31st day f Jelly. ENS, at the bar et WOK s'deek • 1. the waited. ne the omen T fa w a tows a adels•t et Oeetes. ter the pervert -i w :=Eiser� law meg fiber 15. Coaseeks sad st. Masa the 1Nta day of Illy, MIS. OIL L L. EMOX, Clerk. T OOAL iMPROVEMRNT NOTIOM. L TOWN Of o0O)QMCH. etAXI NOTICII shot til wrpesstflo M the unseals tot Eisi atemses•resd EMIRS WILL MR 113 RBCEIVED M � eT�rj i� fii►1 d' �g11 is i1. OW Ms teal WEUDING BELLS. HOTEL SUNSET Chas. C. Ler, Proprietor. . Hotel Sunset. Mr. Lee's able management of Hctel Sunset baa rnade this one of the lead- ing resorts in Ontario, and the large number of bookings already this ma- son is very encouraging. The superin- tendent, Mias Lewin. 0 assiduous in her care of the gue'•t•. and the office is in charge again this summer of H. Earl, Elliott, who hue been so popular With /antis. -t guests in previous sea- sons. The following guests have registered at Hotel Sunset since June 30th : Mr. and Mrs. T. Allen, Mr. and Mr.. W. J• Lind, Mr. and Mn. R. A. Gledhill, Lloy t, M. P., Miss Lorena Parsons, Mrs Bale P.at.ons. C. Hair es, Nelson; G o. 0. Wilet Wilson, all of De roit; Mri mall and Miss Bill, of Chatham; Mr. and Mrs. F. Illenbera, of Toledo: Theo. P. Goebel, Mr. ar d Mrs. G. O. Simmons, of De- t roi t ; W. E. Braddock, of Bay City ; G. E. Buriette, of Exeter; A. H. Ire- land• Tor•nto; Chas. A. Heninger, Chicago; Mtge M. Wiseman, Mise Gardener, both of Ottawa; J. F. Feich- ner, Mee. Geo. D. Grant and children, all of De to't: J. E. Cantelon, Clinton; 0. E. Monroe, Toronto; C. J. Moore, of Stratford ; Jean D. Brown, of De- Menesetung Park. Menesetung Park never was more at tractive than it is this year, and the prospects of a good season's business never were brighter. Mr. Hamlink is taking care of a large, number of guests at the hotel, and nearly all the cottages have been occupied from the beginning of the season. Three of the cottages are occupied by Goderich families, those of W w. Proudfoot, M. P. P.. Joseph Kidd a• d F. J. Butland. Families from outside points are in the other cottages. Mr. Butland's well-built and come modious cottage is much admired. Struthers -Rogers. The marriage of Miss Lena L. Rogers, superintendent of school nurses in Toronto, and Dr. Wm. G. Struthers, B. A., medical superintend- ent of schools in the sante city, took place in High Park Presbyterian church, Toronto, on Wednesday atm' - noon of last week. The marriage seivice was performed by Rev. Thomas Rogers, B. A., uncle of the bride, assisted by Rev. Mr. Graeb, in.tor of the church. This event is of terest to residents of Goderich owing to the fact that the groom formerly lived here and attended the Collegiate institute. Mika -Richardson. Word was received in Goderich this week announcing the marriage of Mims Clara E. Richardson to Geo. W. Miles, of 8•akatoon, `Mask. The happy event took plate in the Western city on Saturday, July 5th. Tho bride is favorably remembered by many in Godericb, as she beld a position in town for some time before going Vest about a year ago. She was a very popular young lady socially. and her services as a soloist in Knox church choir wet e always heart it y appreciated. Ler parential home is In Stanley township. Mrs. Miles has • host of friends here who join in wishing her much happiness in her new sphere. n. tree V 11 sew me /Cattails -Mc Kowes. The Wingham Times of last week r•perb as follows the marriage of a Godsrkb resident : The Charoh of the *sacred Heart., WIstrbami _was the .-ens of • very pretty wedding on Tuesday, June 24th, at 9.1) o'clock, when Rev. Father akar united in the holy bonds of seatrisno ny Mia Margaret McKinnon. iatigr/ter of Mee. John Molinnon, of Terabsrry, .ad Patrick Kilgallin. .1 Aod.eieb. itl Iles bride wore •ovely of v.Maelegnes tare and loser- asd was attended by her sister. "AM Mammon, who wore pole bbla din trlssed with glass button.. Dam 0140, o f Stratford. eras be nese. TIM groom's gifts to kiss bride MilMgr i� were ~.alines pe Imtb. srobsuismy it lye a very saMemos. airlid.Mr. t> Mtb� away in a r t,.IA CMM Oa i listr midi a ROI �s k brippy lite toolbar. MIT iito AM. Ma ~ etV L. 10101. Clot MENIaSETUNG PARK HOTEL D. F. Hatchet. Proprietor. Masters Harold and Robbie Gledhill. all of Toronto; Miss Alren. of Galt: Mr. and Mee. Oscar Rosenberger, Mi's Dart, nurse, and children, all of De- troit; Mr. and Mn. Gen. Thompson, Mise Mal•le Treble. all of Windsor; Mr. and-Mre. H. H. Sntz and childrer, C. Monroe, Mrs. O. F. Burke and eon, Mi.. May robin, Miss Edna L. Wolf, Mrs. Albert Lodge,Mn. Donald N* JOO . Mise MarthRose, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Gale, all of Detroit ; Mr. troit ; C. R. Pollakowtkv, of Mitchell: Mr. and Mrs A. S. Gould, of Cleveland: J. H. Trom nhaouser. Newton Wylie,' both of Toronto; W. Frank Saunders. Fred W. Doty, Mies Leta Le Gear, ' Mies Una MacDonald. Mr. and Mrs. T. 11.. Premt, Alex. Maunder*. Miss Josie $sondem. Mies Ali Saunders, all of Ooderich : Judge Henisler and Mrs. Henisler, of Baltimore; H. C. McLean, 1 Wingham ; Mr. and Mn. V. R. Miller land Herbert Miller, Toronto ; Nies TUE POINT PARRS HOTEL J. T GeMtlt.rpe, Proprietor The following have registered at Menesetung Park : Miss C. E. Mc- Corkle, Miss F. A. McUcrkle, Miss 1.Marjorie Mc0orkle, Mrs. C. W.1 Mo- Corkle, Mrs. C. B. Barnes, Mrs. 'F. C. L'Yommediett, Mr. R. C. Looker, Mrs. 0. F. Looker. Mn. 0. R. Looker, life. H. K. Campbell, Miss Almeda Ramose,. Mrs. D. D. Resume, Miss Charlotte Torrey, Mr. and Mr.. O. E. Burket. Mr. 8. W. Ramsay. Mrs. M. A. Sulli- van, Miss N. Christin, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Lettermen and family, Mies Mary McMaster, Detroit, Mich ; Mrs and lint A. R. Gibson and family, Toronto: G. C. Mariner and family, 8t. Louis, Mo.: Mon. J. A. McDou- gall. Walkerville ; Ed. McKeown. New York Oity ; R. T. Coady, Mrs. Coady. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Ttio.. Holliday. Alias Mary Holliday. Master Bradley Holliday, Stratford. Ont.; Mrs. J. 8. Douglas and family, Tor- onto : Rev. R. W. Dickie and family, Moatr'eel; Min Isabel Strachan, New York Olt Mrs. O. F. MacDonald. Mi" MacDonald, Mtilsllsr Gras.s*yam Campbell 11 ; ats Ye*yamOsmpbell sad f Landau 1 Kim age J onto. t Mtee tis y Ts.. ; Jae. Mazwepaed tititiA7, R 1 MnE. k. . AstamRlnm heti lir. and Mrs. Mats 3.5.1 .. Rob.rtsoe. Taranto. Oat. The Point Farm, Oki moFarm is es popator asd sasb.r .t sad warp blebs .IQstlr.tl en sees 81 1