HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-7-10, Page 7THE SIGNAL GOD$RICH ONTARIO
TIensisDav, Jetty 10, HMO P
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The News of the District i
„..4,4444,44.4 44,4 4.44444...4.*
STANLAY. (AST WAWANOSN•thli Doherty Organ Co. at Clinton, has
MONDAY. July 7th. )MONDAY, July 7th. assumed Eis new position AA sitperia-
Ksee—TtraNsa.--A quiet weddleg Acetone-F.—At a barn raisiog on tenderest of the Clinton waterworks
tock Place at the home of Mrs, Jimmie the farm of John Martin • few days end electric p wer plant..
Tuner, of the Parr line, on Wisdom- age William Adair, Charles Martin Atter • prolonged and tedious illness
w her youngest and James Martin r astlined serious Wllliaul J. Vance •w• on Sun -
became the ltlth, whilst Passed y
titer, Annie. bedsdsa the bride of injuries. They were criminal
to put day, June 89th, at his home on tbe
jlbpjsrnio Keys, of the Babylon lines up a bent when it onabed to the northeast boundary o[ Usbor°e tomes
T'b��pe�reux,ny wee performed by Rev. grodnd with the men bolding en to it. ship• He was sixty-eight years of age.
yr,;onasason, of Kippin. assisted Mr. Adair had several rifle fractured reached his
Soowdeo, of Varna, Mtge sod suffered severe injuries about the Rev. C. C. J. Maass preached
• Mr. - farewell set mons in the Lutheran
ie Stewart played the wedding cheat. The other two men were very church at Zurich on Sunday. June
)Ir. and Mrs. Keys commence badly shaken up. nth. Hs left last week with tits family
baa' 'ed life on the groom's term on WaODINU BELLu.—A pretty wed- for his new home near Philadelphia, Pa.
leer Babylon line with the best wishes ding took plane at spier (}rove William John Scott, of Morris tow°-
ot a large circle of friends foe their Farm," the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
future halitiiness• T. Bell, un Wednesday, June 26th, ship` has joined the ranks of the bene-
diets. Tbe bride was Mises Norma Mc -
Striae ETClt.—A wedding of inter -
their daughter, Miss Lura, was Kague, t.f Culross, and the happy
set to residents of Stanley township united in marriage to R. H. LpsleI- event took place on Wednesday, apps
mu salmi' in St. Boot ace church of Klndenley, Sask. Rev. It A. Mil- even
oil Monday, Julie 30th, when Mlw Cor- ler, of Auburn. perforated the cere-
i,e Etue, daughter of Alex. Ewe, of mony. The house WWI prettily dec. The marriage was solemnized at
tee Sauble line, became the bride of orated with peonies and ferns. Mies Swift Current, Sask., on Thursday,
John Smith, sou of Wendel Smith. C. McClinton, of Oodericb, cousin of June 19.13, of Miss Christens Mttrrggsstet
ger. Father titroeder officiated. Alter the bride, presided at the organ and Kelly, of Wingham, to Hamilton
the cerewouy the young couple went promptly at high noon the bridal Robertson Mark, of Swift Current.
to 1ee groin, , home, where a wedding party entered the parlor to the strains Rev. C. B. McKinnou officiated.
dinner was served and the day was of the bridal chorus. The bride looked A quiet. wedding took place on Wed -
spear in various amusements. Mr. very pretty in a gown of silk eolienne nesday evening, June 29th. at the
and Mr, Smith have commenced draped w th beautiful bonito° lace. home of Mr. and Mn. John Hultman.
married lite on the groom's faro south She carried a shower bouquet of car- Wingbam, when their daughter, Mrs.
of Zurich. They have the `best wishes nations and ferns and wore the John Thornton, was united in mar -
of a large circle of friends for their groom's gift, a pearl necklace with risge to Fred Hudson. Rev. Dr. Rut -
future bogginess. pendant. After congratulations the ledge officiated.
KE\s__Rosa.—A pretty wedding wedding party partook of • sump- The marriage of Hugh Douglas, of
took place on Wednesday. June is , tonus luncheon, folg which Mr. the 17th concession of Howick, to Mies
at the home of Mrs. David Roes, Me. and Mn. Lasater leettft o on the C. Y. R. Alvi°a Pearl Underwood, of the sauce
Killop township. the contracting" train at Blyth for Toronto, Niagara, ding township, was solemnized at the home
parties being her daughter. Miss Mar- touffthe ealo nd hoe Detroit. in lYastore atchewao. of the bride's parents on Wednesday
geret Mie. ,and Rev. J.M. Keys, B. A. Toheir many friends offer heartycon- afternoon of last week. Rev. A. R.
of \'arae. The nuptial knot was fled
gratulation'. Gibson officiated.
by Rev. D. A. Carswell, of Cave° A Suite matrimonial tent
Presbyterian church, Winthrop, Tow-NeHIP CoCNCIL.—The council place on Tuesday ofm list eventven at the
assisted ty Rev. A. H. Brown, of Ailsa met June 23rd, members all present. b
homy of the ride's mother, Mrs. A.
Craig Methodist church. The wed- Minutes of last meeting read and Brown, the b eb, when her youngest
Hiss Myrtle Passed nn motion of CouncillorsBach- daughter, Marion, become the bride of
ding march was played by
Keyes, 'Osier of the groom. After the anan aud Irwin. The lease having ex- of, Currie, Winnipeg. Rev.
wedding dinner the happy couple left pired on the deviation road, at lot 34, A. B. Dobson Jarvis W. Currted.
for Toronto and Niagara Falls, atter c000ession 9, the same was ordered to During a recent electstorm •st
which they will reside at London) be renewed for another ten yea's, on \Vin ham the tower on the town hall
Junction, the groom's new D.setora notion of Councillors Stonehouse and g
Irwin. Moved by Mr. Currie. seconded weir eta tick and one corner was badly
charge. by Mr. Buchanan, that all moneys of splintered. The lightniog followed
MAFEKING. the township of East Wawanoah be triP telephone wires down through the
MONDAY, Jul 7th. deposited in the Dominion Back, building to the basement, where an
July asbe►tur mat placed under the arrester
Wingham, to the credit of the town-
ship and that the treasurer be author- narrowly averted a fire.
tbt. v.. • 1 Lochalsh, visited friends in deed to sign cheques on account of the that.A pleasant nuptial event took place
this vicinity last Monday J. C. municipality as treasurer and at
the Walton on Wednesday, June 25th,
Brothers left for the Wait on Tuesday said beak be authorised to honor all when Miss Mary A., eldeetdrughttr of
lasn ut has n rygagement .11 a cheques so signed. Carried. Messrs. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bennett. joined
Canadian Countryman for tbe cum-
mer Mrs. C+wpbell and son Dun- Gibbone and Brandon waited on the hand and bear' with Lloyd E. Porter.
council asking for a grant of money of the 10th concession of Grey town"
Call returned to their home at Baytte y in aid of the \Vingham tall fair, but ship. Rev. R.A. Lundy officiated in
ot\'csday The 8u°drthe council could not see its way cleat the presence of about eighty guests.
school picnic was held at Port Albert to grant assistance of this kind and On Friday evening, June27th. Char-
on Thursday. A Dumber of the the request IM in former years WM re- lotte Jory, wife of \Villiam Lewis,
young (elks nude the trip in awagon. fused. Tbe following accounts were or- passed peacefully away at her home
The day was all that could hea desired dered to be paid: The MunicipalWorld, at Crediton. She was seventy-six
and all .pent an enjoyable time supplies. *2.42; A. Poi mated, rent of years of age. In 1809, the year of her
Miss Lily Curran, of Crewe, visited road allowance, tj*2.00: W. J. Cole, marriage, she and her husband wtaed
iends here on Thursday Jas• grading on concessions S and it, 92750; on a farm near Sharon, where they
Saunders has started his shingle mill J Steeart. sherpeuing grader blade, resided until their removal to Crediton
again, with Jas. Baker, of Si. Helens, $25: Win. Robinson, drawing tiler
fourteen years ago.
in charge Service was beld in the and putting in culvert, concession 9, A quiet wedding took place in Triy-
churrh here, on Sunday evening with 913.110; Win. Robinson, repairing road
a lame crowd in attendance Rev. at Marnoch River brid e, ✓$11.00: \Vm, lett Memo' church, Exeter, nnSatut-
Mr. Dia rant and (family ares spending a g day, June 2Stb, when Miss Lydia L.,
Lova, work on washout at tMcButt daughter of James Handford, became
rrgrhea..MiKs Lime Drennan visited River ).ridge, 40 cents; Stuart in cur- the bride of Geo. Griffiths, of,Toronto.
ney, drawing tile and putting in cul- Rev. D. W. Collins, performed the
u Grunge 1'wamlry's Ire' week vette, $13.611; R. Powell, drawing file ceremony in the presence of the
Miss Ella lusty, of Dungannon, is and putting in culverts, $12.00; J. Shoe -
visiting her sister, Mrs, John Blake,
et present... .. Mies May Culbert is bottom, repair ing culvert, concession immediate relatives. The young
couple will reside in the Queer City.
week.. friends near Holyrood this 10,50e cents : J. Sbcebottow, repairing While bringing a load of cordwood
culvert on eastern boundary, $10.00;
caret J. '4boehottom. .rommutation statute to Crediton the other day, Mat. Sim,
labor tax in 1912, 95.00; win. Mc- met with an unfortunate accident.
MULLET T. $ Dowell. commutation statute labor
Tbe in stakes ping wbichtuelwveeh meet[ broke load Mr.
MONDAY, July 7th. tax in 1912, $' U ; Win. McDowell,
M',aateo IN SILPORTH.—The war -vel and gravelling, $1.1.00; Isaac Sims had his leg broken. In some
riage of Mia Lillie Carter, of Mullett, ClBrown, concrete tile. $19.50; Sampson way be got twisted in the lines and
to Malcom McKellar, express agent at Carter. work on road, $3.00; R. Mc. was dragged by the head for some
Seafotth, took place at the Aeafortb Gee, repairing drain on southern distance, sustaining painful hniiees.
Metho.tiet parsonage inn Wednesday, boundai •(, $1.(0; D. Patterson, repair -
June 25th. In the evening a recep- ing roadway, concessions 2 and 3,
tion was heli at the borne of the bride 51.50: K J. rfvreutan, shovelling era -
which was attended by a large num- vel, $2 40; 1). Chimney. gravel. 91 80;
her of friends of the young couple. %Vm. Salter. gravel, $7.00; Wm. J.
Mr. and Mrs. KcKellar will reside in Rodger, greyed. $5.00; Robert Owens,
Seaforth. gravel, *9.54). Neat meeting of council
will he beld on Monday, July 14tb, at
1 o'clock. A. PolergoetetO, Clerk.
quiet wedding took place in St.
Joseph's church, Clinton, on Monday
morning of last week, when Mies
Susie E. Haley, of that town, sad
William Morrison, of Mullett, were
united in the h61y bonds of matri-
mony. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. Father Hogan. As the bridal
Party entered the church the wedding
march was played by Miss Yeshec.
The bride was attended by Mrs. Jos.
Reinhardt, while Mr. Reinhardt sup-
ported the groom. The wedding
breakfast was served - at the Hotel
Waverley in Clinton, after which Mr.
and ltrc. Morrison left by the early
thin for a wedding trip. _On their re-
turn they will reside on the groom s
farm on the gravel road a few miles
north of Clinton. Their many friends
join in wishing them many happy
years of wedded life.
It's the Little Dandruff
Germs That Are Causing
Your Hair to Thin Out.
Panean Sarre Stops Falling Hair and
Does Not Contain Poiuenous
Lead err Dyes.
The clever young wan of today
doesn't take any chance* on lowing his
hail A man who is baldheaded at
thins loots like forty -(live, end is
Placed ata disadvantage when seeking
if you have
dandruff it
Memo down
I Wanetie}• tsoots
array el Ma
lt are
destroying ata
4 'baa hair tans
am' l,aideees vstwll.. T res.
Mit year faith in �.......
Sage, it will Vb kIl
dandruff dad
t ���
P mow w
l+/� 91 mats a
Mttia at R f and laale
'leer^te rOM 9if1� mime Wt
"'+ey ams& Ili ler Parishms
Mrs. Baldwin Was Nearly Helpless from
Rheumatism—Dodd's Kidney Pills
Cured Her.
8t. Walburg, Sask.—July ab.--
)Speeiall—"I can truly recommend
Dodd's Kidney Pills for anyone suf-
fering 'from rheumatism." These are
the words ot Mrs. W. A. Baldwin, a
highly respected resident of this place.
And Sire. Baldwin gives her reasons.
"I w:t. nearly helpless with rheurna-
tisue for two years," she states. "I
got medicine from the doctor, and
tried several other;remedies, hut noth-
ing helped me. Then one of roy
neighbors advised me to try Dodd's
Kidney Pills. i bought four boxes,
and they helped almost from the
first. i have used nearly two dozen
boxes and am nearly cured."
A. L. Hamilton. oft \Vingham. has
sold his drug business to J. J. Davie,
of Wiarton.
Miss Ann McOetrick, an old resident
of Clinton, died nn Sunday °fleet week
following an attack of pneumonia.
John Craig, one of the early pioneers
of Howick, gamed away on Tuesday.
June 241b. He was eight' -five years
of age.
Brussels school hoard has engaged
H. R. ttendersoa, of Toronto, as prin-
cipal of tbe scbcol, in succeseios to B.
8. 8eott.
Min Edith K. Scott, daughter of
Geer. Scott, aasreleant, of Henssll,
passed away ne Yearley of last week
at the early age of tweet ylour years.
She had Ira in poor health for some
Word has been received of the death
at St. Paul, Minn., of William Carl-
ing, a former resident of Exeter. Mr.
Carling left Exeter many years ago
for the Western States and finally
settled in St. Paul, when he owned
two of the largest restaurants in that
city. He was about sixty years of age
and is survived by his widow and a
grown-up fertile.
After an illness of only twn weeks,
Mrs. George Sneiran, of Grey town-
ship, was relied away on Tuesday
evening of last week. The deceased
was a dawe tter of the late Alex. Mc-
Call, of Morris township. and her
death makes the first break in a family
of six sons and four daughters. She
was in her forty-seventh year and is
survived by her husband, one son and
one daughter.
Word has been received in Unhorne
township of the death nf Dr. David
D. S. Hodgson. of Bridgeford, Seek.
His demise took place on Tuesday,
June 24th, heart failure tieing the
cause of death. Tne deceased was
horn at Whalen forty-one years ago.
Ile graduated in medicine in 1900 and
after practising two years at Staffs he
moved to the .West. Ile is survived
by his widow, his mother, two sisters
and seven brothers.
On Sunday. June 29th. the Presby•
terians of the Stone church, Kirkton,
celebrated it. jubileeanniverearv. At
the morning service Rev. 'Henry
Graney, of Osnanoque, preached. and
In the evening Rev. J.'Iurnhnll, D. D.,
of Toronto. oreupied the pulpit. On
the following Monday a very success-
ful picnic was heki. Rev. Colin P1at-
cher, M. A., the present pastor. is now
in the thirty-flfth year of his pastorate
of that congregation.
There pulsed sway at St. Michael's
hospital, Toronto, on Monday, June
30th. James J. Quarry. turn nf Ben-
jamin Qnarry, of Centralia, The r'.e-
teemed was in his thirtieth year. Hs
graduated fence Toronto Medical
School in 19,18, but did not take up the
The Right Way to begin the 1' .>"
Week—with Comfort Soap O
_ ..Ar
a. M_._. _� MC—
IV Jj ler.
12 1111,
4111 At el ■ ■ ■ r w 111. 111\
practice of his profession. Instead be
went West and engaged in the real
estate business at Saskatoon. Tuber-
culosis developed with fatal result.
He had planned to go to California
for his health, but bis cot.dition be-
came so serious that a few weeks alio
he entered St. Michael's hospitaj in
Toronto, where death ensued.
Goderich Township's Oldest Native -bora.
Min Ellen Mountcastle, who 'drat
saw the light of day in Goderich
township on the 3rd of August, 1881.
is the oldest native -horn resident of
that township and bas lived during
her whole lour score years either there
or to Clinton.—New,-Record.
Don't Grab the Lines.
Brussels Post : Tuesday a buggy
was upset near Jamestown, the horse
becoming frightened by an auto. The
WAD, woman and baby were uncere-
moniously thrown Ont, but no serious
damage was done. The cause of the
trouble was the lady reached over and
taught the lines. an act which invari-
ably causes trouble.
Found Dead in Bed.
A. R. Sampson, msnager of the
Guelph Agency of tbe Dominion Bank,
was found dead in bed on Thursday
morning of last week. The deceased
was chief accountant for the same
bank at Seaforth several years ago.
He was forty-three years of age and is
survived by his widow, tvbc was the
youngest daughter of D. D. Wilson,
of Seaforth.
A Close : Cat..
I)r. Burrows, of Seaforth., had a
close call from a serious ectident on
Teesdav of last week. He was motor -
Mles. Charles Rowe. se ager resident
of Baster, owed away on Monday ot
Int week. @be was •heel y-lve yeses
of age and heli been • re less t of
(teeter sine* 18S[i.
O P. Collies. Il A., for sight j S
• madam bd
1laeeth Oalimpi•ta aaer+-
sMi tkr lama •C mt$L Ma lea!
mad m l■ W fit k Marys
at • salary of tNa
tib'as•Km J• ci
Orrtaa. M►y lees Jude
Malrtfisdti . r+ Mit lade week
1111 repenting to be
L IR OM& O_&ter went Sow "PK
ing to town from the youth and bad
a number of children in the ear with
him. \Vben he reached the main
street railway crowing his attention
was taken up by two freight trains
which were ,hunting in the yard and
he failed to notice the express train
approaching from the east The auto
bad just passed the first track when
the express came whizzing along in
front of it Fortu'baleIv, the Doctor
bad just time to apply the emergency
brakes so as to stop his car instantly.
If be had not been able to do this a
serious accident would have occurred.
Zurich's Hope.
A Zurich correspondent writes :
Nearly a score of Berlin business men
arrived here in autos last week, re-
training for several dsys. They maid
they were on a p'easure trin to the
lake, learning by the papers I hat fish-
ing was good it this poioL Wbile they
carried with them fish soler, etc , it is
stinted that their real mission was
more closely connecledeith a scheme
$ $ 8
Always Go Farthest at
We sell only the kind
ot goods we can stand
back of and say, "Your
money back if you want
Wesell the best Cloth-
ing in Huron. County for
the money.
Soft shirt, collar and
tie, to match. A pleasure
to show them to you.
Open Evenings until 9 o'clock.
Straw Hats
Get ready for the warm weather by
buying one of our Straw Hats. We have
the Panama, at prices ranging from $5 to
$6; the Sailor Hat in all grades from Soc
to $3.00 ; and the Mexican at even lower
We have an extra fine line of chil-
dren's Dipfront Straw Hats for both boys
and girls. Prices. : Soc to $I.5o.
A splendid range in all lines from
which to choose.
McLean Bros.
Tbe„ Square, Godencb
Agents for Carhartt Overalls, Stanfeld's Underwear, Fitwea Hate,
Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs.
to get direct communication through
a railway from Kerlin, by way of
Zurich to the lake. .lust what i-tih and
is behind the scheme is Oct known,
but front the interest taken in this
district Dy the visitors one would us-
eume dist something a ill be doing 111
the nem inure toward a railwsy to
connect Zurich district with the
large cities of the Province at least.
in town to enjoy an
Ice Cream,
Soda or Sundae
is at the
All the latest flavors.
Orders delivered 'Phone tit.
Fall Term opens Monday, Sept. 1st.
Evety graduate guaranteed a
position. Thorough courses. Large
staff of specialists. individual in-
struction. Best equipped College
in Canada.
C. A. nature°, F. C. A.
Principal. O. D. FLAMING
5TRAT F01D, ONr.
Canada's Beat Busyness College
We have thorough .Our.•• , and r, at
petent ex pet lanced testi uttm. NVedu
more for our .tuden'a and gr.duatea
than do other nchoo'a. At present we
have apphcatlon- oftetiog teen Wive to
1150 per annum fur trained help. Engi-
ne*. men know where they get the best
help w We have •Area de rtmenta
rrCommercial. Sheri hand and Tek-
raphy. Get our free catalogue.
D. A. McLACHLA. . Principal.
GRA D T'Ui, u vs - M
., Including
Muskoka Lases Maganetawan River
Lake of flays French River
Georgian Bay Temagami
Algonquin Nark Kawartha Lakes
Full Summer tier%ic-e now in effect to ill
of above reeorte. Write for full part sentare
and Illustrated folders to any strand Trunk
}tach Teerday until Orr. ls inclusive.
WINNIPIG,G Asn RgrutuN .. ..IMMO
Low rates to other point-. Return limit
two months. t'nllman Tourist simper,'
leave Toronto 11.35 p. m. on above dates
runnl,.g through to Winnipeg via Chicago
and St. Poul without change. Ticket* are
also Oil sale via Sarnia and Northern Navi-
gation Company.
The Grand Trunk Pacillc Railway M the
shortest and quickest rooter between Win-
nipeg. Sa+katoon and Edmonton.
F. F. Lawrence & Sons. Town Passenger
and Ticket Agents. Phone 8.
44/lifOfOfant/ 11f11i1b1L1b
Gasoline Engines
After careful study
of numerous Gasoline
Engines we have at
last secured an up-to-
date line of Gasoline
Engines which can he
furnished to you, at a
Weary low price.
These engines are
fully guaranteed, hop-
per -cooled.
25 horsepower at .. $7$ 00
41 " " at.... $181110
6 " at. state
We have a sample
41 H. P. on the floor.
t-ik PAINT NOW suW"P
Wire Fencing
Do not forget that
we have the best Wire
Fencing on the mar-
ket and at the lowest
price. Seven-wire,Il
No. q hard steel wire,
at 25c per rod. Only
a limited amount lef:
at this price.
Wire Cable
This Cable is being
used in place of tope.
It is cheaper, lasts
longer and a horse will
lift a Toad much easier
with it, as it does not
stretch, therefore a
much easier Litt.
Three-eighths Cable is
6c per foot.
Chas. C. Lee
O hesm�it111�.111111it1111f11f1111;
Garden biose
We can supply you
with Garden Hose
from roc per foot up
to t Sc per foot, also a
variety of Lawn
Sprinklers to choose
Do not forget that
we handle the most up-
to-date Lawn Mowers.
Lime Sulphur
Take care ot your
fruit trees, they mean
gold dollars to you.
Spray well with Lime
Sulphur and Arsenic
of Lead. We have
them both.
Lime Sulphur, $7.00 per bbl.
Arsenic of Lead, 123c per Ib.
Hardware, Plumbing, Steam Fitting. Electric Wiring. Etc.
PHONES : Store 22 Mouse 112
1rf• lh•rwi•-W111seas P•i•fs Cm, IA• Earth
Binder Twine
We can furnish you
with McCorrnick Bin-
der Twine, guaranteed
65o feet per lh., at 123c
(twelve a n d three-
quarter cents per ib.)
The amount is limited.
For harvesting we
have a full line
Sampson Harvesting
Tools, all guaranteed.