HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-7-10, Page 6• THURSDAY. JULY 10. 1313
Creat Lakes Service
Toronto to Wiest
leavi•a Tuer-
and Betas'.
y.. Usher Issur-
lom: steamer.
Monde". Wed
needs). sod
Leaves Toronto dally
•xoo.t. Y'Ada1 and
Bandar IY4S noon.
and arrives ahlprWe
SSS p. w. Parlor Deer.
FII t.t-cars ooscbe
Each Tuesday. until October a)
Winnipeg and return 535.00
Edmonton and return 643.00
Other points in proportion.
Return Limit. two months.
flotumeeken Train Revell Toronto YUl
iv in. ea.:h 1 ureds, until August Sll, ienlu-
rler. Brat tato to takr.
Muskoka Lakaa Sernke
Rffeetive June ib
3lrains Northbound
4 Trains Southtetund
Toronto a:d Bala ,e
Lean Toronto 11.111 a. t•
Arrive Bala 1 W p
Leave Bala a00 p. u
Arrive Toroot u 11.11 p. e
Not Sunday Northbound
Nut Saturday Southbound
Connection to Lakes -
Directly made at Ben tar and from .11
port.. of call
Parlor Car gale Car
Improved f.1llUe, at Bal. Falx Wharf for
transfer of paasengerr and bagasse
Ask for Folder and Train Barrios
Full particutan4 Isom J11t6. KIDD.uoderich. orwrite Ill. 0 MURPHY. D.P.A., C. P.
Rr., Toronto.
The Stomach .•
Is the Target""'
Aim to make that strong -and digestion good --arid you
will keep well 1 No chain is stronger than its weakest
link. No man is stronger than his stomach. With
stomach disordered a train of diseases follow.
Dr. Pierce'. Golden Medical Discovery
nukes tbm stomach healthy, the Ilse menet and the blood pars. Made from
fur.at roots. and extracted without fao m e of sleabol. Bold b druggists, to
Waal form at eta per bottle tar erne 40 years. Siring rs.r.l satlafactkel
of rem prefer tab0sta a• megl.ed by s. V. Flare. M. D., tress eau b
bad or medlars dealers ere trW Ike: y sus. en essayist Ree Its stamps.
Fare s2 50
LiaxThu alwaast and a+wt eostl� .termer on inland asters of the,v-r1.1 In Service July :.t.
tai0a f. e.bta.dth Yy aet,biaa ;610staterooms and parlors amwnm,.fat:nu l:,00 prmenaer.
Mapifceat Steamers SEEANDBEE. City of Erie sad City of Buffalo
Daily -Cleveland and Buffalo -(May 1st to Dec. est)
Leave Cleveland - . 0*0 P. M. ti Leave Buffalo - . a -no P. Y.
Arrive Buffalo - • Ode A. Y. Arwive Cleveland • aro A. IL
Caoaa mark at guests (Centro Standard
trains for Ba.tern
nw.e+Tand Co adun Fonda; at r'leveirtd
fee Pot -,n -Ba, Toledo, Detroit and all pouwm
t. West and Srutht. Tickets reading via
any rallroed(lae between Cleveland and Buffalo accepted for transportation
on C. a aJ las steamers. Ask your ticket .pet fur tickets via C. a S. lin.. Sand 6 rents
postage for !widsaee booklet.
T. P. N.-wm;u.. Geo.} Yt. R. cr. IRleril Traffic
r. Q�p. W. Y. Heroes. Geo'1 Pam. Agent
Maar Drowsing@ sad Sod ttl n Deaths
as Roark of Heat Wave
James Conqueror, a young Scotch
gtlaa, was drowned while swimming 1
p. meal at Bt. Catharine.
Arthur McNeill, • Toronto bartende
'Mod from the excessive het.
X. Atktasoa, omctal nut I
Mt to it. Governmeat of Mani
tell[tttoais� a boat sad was drowns
Mr. Gllbeft Wrong, father of Pro-
rolessor G. M Wrong of the University
of tbroato. died at Aylmer, aged 87
' lofts 1. Brown, an Arnprtor milk
CWr.shot himself dead with a rifle
Is yard. after seeding a bullet
the shoulder of Cil.t of Police
. Hunt, while the latter was at
tlag to arrest him for drunken -
beet. Haat will recover.
Heart Rochefort, for many years one
rt the most prominent figures in
?recoil poltUcal life, died last week
aged 81.
Jame Prtdle, an Englishman, aged
{8, and the infant son of Mr. Herbert
Holm. died of the het at Inger-
Throat. Grain Prises.
• The followlalg wholesale prlees are
Quoted at the Toronto Board of trade:
✓ Manitoba Wheat -No. 1. Nor..
31.01; No. f Nor., 31, No. 3 Nor., 94%c.
Feed wheat, $7c, on track at lake
. ports.
Manitoba Osts-No. 2 C.W.'s, 40c;
No. 3 C.W.'s, 374c.
, Feed oats, 36c, on track at lake pons.
Ontario Wheat -No. 2, winter whet
white. red or mixed, 98c to 99c.
Ontario Oats --34c to 36c, outside;
36%c to 37i4c, on track, Toronto.
Cora -No. 1 yellow, 66c. c.i.f. on
track, bay porta.
I Peat -No. 2, COc to 95c, car lots,
Buckwheat -No. 2, 52c to 63c, out-
Rye -No. 3. 61c to 62c, outside.
Barley -For good malting barley,
620 to 6k, outside, feed, 48c to 60c,
Rolled oats per bag of 90 lbs.,
16; per barrel, 34.55; wholesale,
tndaor to Montreal.
Mlilfeed-Manitoba bran. 319.00, in
bags, track, Toronto; shone, 310.00;
Ontario bran. 119.00, in begs; shorts,
330.00; middling., 321.00 to 322.00-
Philip B. McRae, a farmer near
Glencoe, died of heart failure brought
do by the extreme heal. A similar
fate overtook Joseph Hi -holey of Slur
co*. Both were 71 years old
Ralph Caeade, aged teen of
Humberstone, was drowned while bath -
(2near Port Colborne.
verge Skelley, a London plumber,
cramps while swimming In the
lass and was drowned.
.Washington Johnston, at one time
Ell -round champion athlete of Canada,
algid suddenly at Hamilton.
Mdward H Carter, aged 16 and
Iarende Clarke, age 11, both Toronto
Ja wee drowned while bathing.
ohn Johnson, the young Irish giant
who recently came from the old ooun-
and Joined the Regina police force,
on the street of heart failure..r•od
was 6 feet 8% inches in height.
Charles W. Hale, a former Aylmer
tni was. wfound murdered on hfs.min-
claim in California.
Alfred Lyttelton, former FCol-
Secretary died on Friday at Lon -
He underwent a serious oper-
on for inteutlnal troubles the be-
neing of the week.
Mr. J. Wilkinson, well known as a
hudge of horses at fall fairs died at
is home near Harriaton on Friday.
A Polak named Josef Given and a
o naed Herbert were drowned on
day mwhile bathing In Twelve-Mlie
nese near Welland.
Simeon lis Janes, a wealthy Toronto
died on Friday at London, Eng-
' He ea, born In Ingersoll 70
1 Toronto Cattle Market
Representative prices are: -
London export cattle . . . .$6.85 to $7.10
Liverpool export cattle.. 6.90 7.00
port bulls 6.60 6.26
Butcher cattle, choice6.50 6.76
do. medium 6.00 6.60
do. common 5.00 6.00
Butcher cows, choice4.76 6.60
do.. medium 4.00 4.76
Cutters 8.00 3.50
Common cows 2.50 8.50
Farmers 2.00 2.75
utcher balls 5.25 5.75
do. medium 4.53 6.26
Bologna bulls 8.76 4.16
reeding steers 5.60 6.00
lockets choice 6.75' 8.00
do. medium 4.75 8.75
�o. light 0.0) $.00
M }kers, choice • 50.00 9 .00
o. medium .40.00 50.00
Springers, choice .60.00 88.00
do. medium . 80.00 60.00
Spring lambs 9.00 10.00
Sheep, light ewes 3.76 4.60
do. heavy ewes 3.00 8.60
do. yearlings 6.60 6.60
Culls 8.50 4.00
Bneka 8.00 1.60
H f.o.b. 9.00 .00
o. fed and watered9.35
ago. I o. delivered 9.60 .00
Serious Rioting In South Africa Over
Strike of Gold Miners
A strike which Involved practically
all the gold mines on the Rand re -
putted In serious and fatal rlots dur-
ing Friday night. Although a settle-
ment was reached on Saturday pro-
viding for a reference to the Govern-
knent on the matters In dispute, mon
trouble Is looked for as the men are
not satisfied. There occurred the
fiercest and moat sanguinary conflicts
between the police and the troops and
the mobs. Crowds gathered in frone
of the Rand Club and began to stone
It. They disregarded orders to dis-
perse, and the troops fired with deadly
effect. Near the Union Club another
mob was scattered by the Dragoons,
who charged fiercely.
Some of the principal streets were
toe scene of sharp engagements.
bulanoea were kept busy, tor the
taoldlers aimed to kill. Within a com-
rativly short time and In a cam -
!rely small ares about sixty of
• frioters were killed or wounded.
• ting In other quarter', swelled
• cuuallty list, it is believed, to
oogsiderably over a hundred.
1 The mob took possession of the
gonfrit light plant and burned the
way station.
Monday at a blg meeting the
organisation of a new union wall aa -
flounced. It would be a revolutionary
Rrty the speakers told. Efforts are
ing made to have the rallwaf
Ioyea strike.
Distressing Double Tragedy at Thor•
old as Result of Slight Quarrel
s the repult, it 1s alleged, of F
*sorrel, two tater. Louise and
es • PbfRips of orold took tk,tr
11♦ / last �( Louise, 4l.
gist totlr•q her room and
darbollc acid, 1pg Lound dytn`
• younger girl. Josle, believing
to be responsible and over
with grief, west to the pat
Arowned net*oatt. An eatruordln-
*Dad of existed b.twesa
/IN young woman, who wen
taougbt of in their home town.
Dear Amy; -
John and I will have our tenth wedding
anniversary next Wednesday night. I
want you and Bob to come. John told me
the other day that he was more my sweet-
heart than ever. He Clad just made a
good business deal and said I could have
anything I wanted,
I made him buy me new furniture to
replace what was worn out. I don't
believe in ) acing old things in the
bowie. do yQu ?'
Your old friend,
P.S.-1►e bought every single thing from
Geo. F. Hohmeier
eIOORRbt 10
Mra Deemer Sent to Trial
Orac. Deemer, who 1s obarg
wits having
nowt face trial or mir-
th. Pal Ageless. At the last
of the preliminary hearing
.stlded that young magma
sada wiles ihs. Reenter east
• �etdt• labelled poison. was sot
I6•vN 0a oat'k. Rotative.
the relationally between
ra. Bosman appeared most
bat tbe beans& was von
ever taYelal woriites.
After Jehasewee bead
Stales Wired a�.adea�
Sithat the pia.
for eek
the eery orbs te►ns wc
to the ga, eb�ee fufar`,
alt It egdd ss4
tow Weeded be
8.60 8.00
b calves, each 2.00 4.00
Farmers' Market
Following are the latest quotations
for farm produce at SL Lawrence
Market, Toronto: -
Fall wheat, bushel $ .99 to 31.00
Oats _ , 40 .00
Goose wheat .96 .00
Barley •.50 .55
iuckerbeat .63 .00
le .65 .00
Peas .90 .00
Hay, No. 1 ' 18.00 20.00
do. No. 2 - 15.00 16.00
Rye straw ..., 16.00 18.00
Straw, bundled 13.00 14.00
Straw, loose 8.00 9.00
Eggs, new laid , .22 .25
Sutter, dairy .20 .24
do. creamery .25 .29
Fowl. dressed, Ib. .17 .19
Chickens ..... .22 .25
ucks .22 .25
urkeys .26 .28
.16 .18
.30 .35
.l0 .25
.17 .19
" Chickens .18 .23
" Ducklings .. .80
" Turkeys .. .23 .15
i " Hens .20 .13
Potatoes, bags 1.00' 1.15
pale, barrel .. 3.00 6.00
Dressed hogs 12.25 13.60
Spring chickens '
n ducks
ve owl
' East Buffalo Cattle
Cattle --prime steers, 38 75 to 19;
ship tap, 18 to 38.61; butchers, 37
to 33.80; cows, 13.75 to 37; bulls, {6.60
to $7.60; heifers. $6.10 . to 38; stock
heifers, 36 to 16.35. stockers and feed-
e rs, 36 to 37.60; fresh cows and sprlag-
en steady, 135 to 1N.
Veale -46 to $11.
Rog.- cavy, 31.40 to 39.46; mined,
`9.40 to 39.60; yorkers and p1 , 31.46
o 39.60; roughs. 18 to 13.16; stags.
6.50 to 37.60; dairies, 39.15 to $9.40.
Sheep and Lambs Iambs, 36.60 to
9.15; yearlings. 14 to 37; *ethers,
31.25 to $3.110; ewes, $1.10 to 11; 'beep,
Mired, 35 to 35.25.
Chicago Live Steck
Cattle --Beeves. 3716 to 39.00; Texas
fteen, 36.90 to 1311t• 'Welters and
eeders, `5.76 to 6.10; Down and
heifers, 31.36 to 3311; calves, 38.16
to 19.75.
Hogs -Light, 31.85 1q �3!10; lied,
31.10 to 39.20; 31 `0 to 13;
rough, 1160 to 33.�o bhp. $7. to
3.60; bulk of .etas id to 0.110.
Sheep -Native, 4.1 to Olt; year-
earlines, $5.15 to $4.741; lands, brow,
36.00 to 37.35.
Baled Hay aro BMaw
Quotations, tresk, Twee
Baled hay. No. 1 $lj.P0 3o $13.08
o. 3 ..... 3.00
• I
•d straw Z11
Lady fiaekvfli• Wletr
The relative. of Sir J . n *eott
la o w acne,
b t y
1• vtbota
Igbt willed m of
t lose alleged th t 31tr Jo
atMegias deint she
soils3�itst^ serh:iimod. d:t, 104
K his
else tbers3wo to lie
Faintq hummer &ma
Every ten cent packet will
MD more flies than $8.00 worth
d any sticky fly killer. grow
tbtbstkstss.'wbiek are act
rseaamsac me .
The French people, you know, de-
fine a lady as one who is well
shod and well gloved. . , •
You escape all criticism if your
feet be shod with any of our
dainty shoes -more stylish ones
there cannot be
Our assortment of these Summer
Shoes awaits your inspection. It
includes many new styles in the
different leathers and canvas that
will give you pleasure to see and
even greater pleasure to wear. ,
Tennis, Bowling and Lacrosse
Shoes are now in stock. : : :
Nature at Rest.
On oue cf these perfect mconlit
June evenings a farmer sat o■ the
spacious verandah of his comfortable
home. A good week's wok k bad been
finished, for it was Saturday night,
and the men were Off to town. About
biro spread broad acres planted to
crop. The cattle and bottles grazed
in his meadow., but it was not of these
things he pondered. The Spirit of the
Infinite posaeseed his soul. Nature
for hew held a charm that appeals to
one chiefly iu him pensive wuuds. A
wide rectangle of trees ensconced his
house. Pines and apt uce abounded on
the north and west, abile • splendid
row of maple* bordered the di veway
on the east. The air was perfect,
neither chilly nor close. Not a leaf
stirred. Nature was at rest.
Late into the evening he eat, sur-
veying the matchless bandiwork of
God. The rising moon brightened
the pale green of the maples, casting
deep shadows along the pines and
spruce. What painting could etpuil it ?
What city blare or splendor could bug.
gest comparison with the scene in its
calm beauty and majesty and peace:•
the city with its hectic flush for the
madding crowd with no reflections
of their own to indulge, but for true
men and women with intellect,
natural kinship and spiritual iwpulee,
the attractive country home holds an
incomparable charw.-The Farmer's
But None for Huron.
The Fatrner'a Advocate rays: "The
Ontario Department of Agriculture
adds several new district branches to
its work every year. 1be Province is
DOW nearly coveted by these county
officials, only a few being lett to be
opened up. This year Haldintand
county gets a repreeentntive with an
office in Cayuga. H. M. King. B. 8.
A., will be in charge. Oxford county
is to be looked after by G. R. Green,
B. S. A., who will have Milers at
Woodstock. Northumberland county
is another opts to get a representative,
R. 8. Becket, B. S. A., being the man
appointed. His office will be in Brigh-
ton. Renfrew will have a district
branch in Renfrew, in charge of J. L.
Tennant, B. 8. A. Peel county will
have the services of W. Il. J. Tisdale,
B. S. A., whose office will be located
in Brampton. Besides those, four
summer offices have been opened, R.
M. McElroy going to Rainy River Dis-
trict, J. N. Ponton tc Sudbury, C. Mc-
Rae to Burk's Falls, and P. Stewart to
Dryden. ,This wakes forty district
branch offices all tcId,"
Traveller (inquiring at feudal cestlel
-"Can 1 see the antiquities today r'
Servant - "I am afraid not, sir. The
mistress and her daughter have gone
to town."
Downing & MacVicar
That 's the big essential of all
foods and Kellogg's Corn Flakes
possesses this quality in a high
Has a flavor all its own -as nutritious
as heavier foods but, being more
easily digested, is far more sustaining.
Sold by all Grocers at 10c.
Look for this
The Si nal will be sent to any address it
SigCanada for one year for only $i.00.
Send in your subscription now.
This label has
no "second grade"
ERE'S only one quality of Canada Cement. it is the
highest quality that can possibly be made with modern
equipment, scientific methods and rigid inspection by ex-
pert chemists.
The Canada Genteel you buy for garden walk is die gams
ammo time is sold by the fes .Jo a for peel deem slowest. anti bodges. T hs
.ajete_,, is eharm of time. gree *arks Imo. ample lecithin fee to rung the enmity of
Canada Cement
mutes up to their meet rigid requirements.
productT h. hrses hoe set Ham faeYieiea fe e toning the q. Iiiy e6 •.asses. Hs meet Imp
• riot tberef r ~e thee set need ae be d. which eas 411•••of for a gs.de doei. awareJ11/b� Mf. eat
Yee earn piece sieeltee same. upon the t..t4 .f Crisco Cemea8
Wo awes* tie m. . and .hr.ys the hew. The Imp ma r.♦.•wy.i embies .s se
imp Ms prise dawn -►6ee se elm r taeiasaia the ieey smarming cad eremeimtiern
List hasps sks raakey v -
A Canada CCllnast Ebel sppssae es essay beg end heal .fl prosise Canoga
emeelat. y3... • - We ern the imago ma bawds ffssymCwswti�s. pen bop
Wi arose larc`dbM Ithey:farreii '•.rnri •ems =6;ht a eagle
Ilmoned acssmii
w Ada_ P.sos✓ hasono ts. ass ri__i
Canada C.Mae■t Cast pe aty Limbed. • Maatfle3d
Thea is a Commis Comm imam Is ?Miff solobboomerhstmil