HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-7-10, Page 5TUR MON GOD : CH. ' ONT Tnommnets, JULY iA IMS el LOCAL TOPICS Herbs.r Ne man's yacht Beth*lona was 8' ony WainesdaY of this weak. is, lamer Scottish Hare arrived y with a cargo of wheat and �TWelidatacethole" it+ elevator. tb,IoM ateemer Noshing loaded with at arrived on fueada• and un - ,be.,,( iia cergo rt the Gatirrich .Ley- Thboat fpm Sandusky e coal sky with a cargo tor the Ida poderieh elevator• pi bine with Keith from the acme Pi 4 a toad of ct'a1 for tbe'•o.en waterworks, plant. First of the Season. The excursion to Goderich this mason fr i , n outside point' arrived on GM G. T. R. on Tuesday morning. It uses frouu all stations from Mitchell to Godes ich and was run under the am- mo,. As- ;relationh Sunday f Hea[ rth e Union Te St ) raincon- sisting of five coaches carredt about p�raotlay along the waterfront. Another Adjournment At the adjourned sitting of the Count!1'uurt last Saturday before His Honer Judge Doyle. the case of North• ere Motors Limited, of Seaforth, vs. Won oa two el missory notes Un sen auto - 0o two i mobile, again came up for disposal. Sem ease al th cbW.`d� ournoudf of until K. appealed for tho plaintiffs and M. G. Cameron, for the defendsot,. ,Salaries int reaaed. The 1;. C. 1. trustee board held its regular monthly meeting on Thursday of last week and decided to increase the sell i of elicit to Fraser he resalaries of Miss $100 and to add , i Hodge and Miss Uurnin, The town council will be asked this year to vote gado !or Collegiate Institute put.- poses. It was reported at the meeting that all t he local contractor bad re- fused t„ tender on the addition to the Collegiate building. Detroit Masons May Visit Goderich. An important party from Detroit, representing the Master Masons A aciatiun of that city, may pay - rich a visit this month avid remain in town set, sal days. inquiries are be- ing Mede float Detroit as to accommo- dation. etc,. and it is hoped that the information that is being sent in reply will be rat iafacu,"y. Tbe party will number about fifty and. if the proposed plans are carries out, will be In town flow Juty 22, to 25. Death of Former Resident. First Censdian. The following despatch from King- atoo, Ont., appeared In The Toronto Globe of last Friday. Welter H. Har risco, cd Goderich, is a son of the 11t�adman referred to : "Aid. T. F. Harriwo, who 1. a member of the International Sunday School Commis- sion which went to foreign lands to study conditions there. writes from Pekin, China. that Yuan tubi Kai, President of China. entertained the meaubers of the Commission at lunch- eon recent) Ald. Harrison was the first Canadian tenter the Forbidden City under the new reg me." Death of Mrs. Henry Horton. After an illness extending over sev- eral years resulting from a stroke of paralysis, Mrs. Henry Horton passed away at her borne on East street un Mooday evening of this week. The deceased's maideu name was Charlotte Sallow' and she was a daughter of the late Jame' Sallow', of Colborne town- ship. She was married twice, her first husband being Harry Reed. of (lode - rich, who died over twenty yearn ago. Their family of three sons -Harry, Will end George Reed -a11 have joined the silent majority. About fifteen sears ago the subject of this notice was wedded to Henry Horton, who died two years ago. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon to Maitland cemetery. Rev. Geo. E. Ross conducted the services at the house and graveside. The pallbearer were W. Brophy. C. A. Nairn, R. R. Sallows and I). Stoddart. The death 1s announced at Bart ie of Annie WiIIor, wife of Lockman Willson. and a former resident of Godettcu. )ler demise took plate on Tdewlay, July 1.t. Mui. Willson was • nuinbe,rti among the early settlers of Goderich, .o she lived here until about twenty yeais ago Mrs. Jas. Breck- enridge, of town, accoi.tpanied by .her . son, Andrew, r f Chicagoe who has been bete r 0 a visit; attended the funeral at liar I it lett Thursday. Mr. Senores Home. . R. K. Sallower. portrait and land. sage photographer, who ap-nt the past five weels touring the Prairie Provinces in the interests of the Department of Immigration at Ottawa, arrived home on Monday evenidg. 'He enjoyed his trip very much and looks as if it bad agreed with him. A summary cf hisobserva- tions as a conclusion to the series of letters which he sent The Sigual while• on his trio will be given in next week's untie . of The Sego&. Mie ((11.,.) 1. W. ICLpatrrtak, atMass Uslpayeesessr. Mrs. H. ria N+' .many gM tow e br eat agate after tear Mat TIM Misr. Warmest. dDetroit are hen e. • vest and are regielored at Heli Mer lira. i of Campbell, l oi' M th. genic of era.trail. Mrs. Jahn Ulshen and Vim Lillie are reit I14relatives at Detroit, WalkervWe sod Chat ham. Gratis Robrtsoa, of ROW*, is use swat of her aunt, Mh, Marry Marlin,Cambria road, Mn. Bart Smith barn been away at Acted on • ares week. visit with tsar Gonna, Mee, Me Rabb. Magnus Linkl•ter, of delft Current, bask., Is hers on • eat to hie coualp, Mn. A. U. Mom - Donald. Mho Uertrtt�de Whitehead, of Torooto, is whitlow at the home of her uncle, W. R. hob ensue, Mn. Ales. McKenzie, of Toronto. is to town on • oleic to her uareatr, lir. aid Mn. W blt.ly. Mix McColl „ud Mesa McColl have left to vidt Mende at Toronto, Port C'redlt and LsioweL Mr. Hutchison and Mir HutcbMoa, of Montheal, bare arrived t• town foe the sum- mer season. • Mimes Vera and Alva Cooper, of Toronto, sport the week end with their wenn., the Atlases Knox. W Wlam Strachan. of LoulavWe, Kentucky. 1. vtdUng at the home of Mrs. Geo. Morris, Cambria road. Mrs. (Dr.a Case sod daughter, Mir Ethel, of Dungannon were the Koester of Mn. H. Morris on Wednesday. Mn. Parnham. of Detroit. 1. here on • vest to•her mother. Mos. Wiu. Green. and her slater, Mrs.1. P. Brown. Mrs. McKay. of Duluth. aocowpanied by her sou and two daugbttrr, is the guest of Mr and Mex A. D. Mclean. MI.s Weller, of Brooklyn. N. Y.. h visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrr. Stephen Weller, Anglesey street. Miss labii Matheson, who haw been teaching .obuol at Skipoe.w, near Wlsrton, V home fur the wid.urmer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Conners and babe, or Detroit Public School Board. At the regular monthly meeting'of the public school beard on Monday evening of this week, Tetter of accep- tance from the several teachers for re- engagem eniJor another year were read, also a Letter:row one of the teachers, asking that the maximum salary be increased by $50. This matter was discussed at some length, after which a motion was passed instructing the secretary to advise that the maximum salary cannot be increased at present. in the prineipal's report from Central school Miss Sharman reported a total of 213 pupils on the roll -105 boys and 106 girls. In 'linking promotions, it was stated in the report, it was nec- essary to relieve the congestion in the lower grades, but it was impossible to make aro equul division without form- ing another third class. This received some consideration and it was decided to relieve the situation by instructing he school management committee t0 have twine of the pupils transferred to Victoria school. Principal Long's report for Victoria school showed a Intel at- tendance of 373-185 boys and 188girle. Tenders for coal supplies were re- ceived from McDonagh & Gledhill. the Goderich Coal Co., and Estate of Peter MacEwan. It was decided to award the tender to the Estate of Peter MacEwan at $7.25 for hard coal, and slack coal. $3.54, delivered at the schools. The contract for weather 'strip+ required at Victoria school was awarded to the Goderich Planing Mills Co. with instructions to have t he work proceeded with at once. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. His First Mass. Rev. Father Peter Fraocis Mullins, C. S. S. It, celebrated his first solemn high mass in Si. Patrick's church, Toronto, on Sunday, June 29th, in the presence of a large number of relatives sad fiiende. On Thursday, June 2(ith, ,' Father Mullins waa'ordauied to the e. .,o pin th d in the chapel of the main AIy of Mount St. Alphonaus, Eso- pus, New Yet Ir. Father Mullins is a nephew o(M r•.. Mary Cemmio', TrafAl- gar attest Godericb,aod a cousin of R. .1. Phelan end family. Britannia road. ell of whom went to Toronto onSatur- day to be ptesrnt on the happy 0CCaaien. The D. & C. Excursion. The etcursion toe Detroit from Gode- rich lost Saturday on the steamer City of Detroit Ii., of the D. & C. line. was well patronized. Ticket &gent Craigie announces i hat 332 tickets were sold for the trip. Quite a number re- turned on the boat on Monday even- ing, but the Inakeity took advantage of the opportunity offered the excur- sionist+ to extend their stay until Monday or next week. On its trip up 00 Monday the City of Detroit had nn board an rxaursion partof over 600. reptesentativesof the uitable Life Insurance ('o. and their fr ends. They were bound for Mackinac. 1 EAST STREET GARAGE We have just rece?ved a carload of GASOLINE AND OIL FUEL ENGINES They are open to y, tic inspection soy time and will be shown working. This lot t ,.tonna : 1 Vertical, 2 b. p., ail -cooled Engine. 590.00 1 Horizontal. 2 b. p., air-cooled Engine 590.00 1 Vertical, hopper000led,'2b. p. Begin.... 590.00 1 3 h. p. horizontal Gasoline, boppet-cooled Engine 5160.00 1 5 h. p. horizontal. Oil Fuel, hopper -cooled Engine. . 5225.00 I ti h. p. horizontal, Oil Fuel, hopper -cooled Engine 5300.00 1 12 h. p. horizontal, Oil Fuel Entine 5660.00 1 31 h. p. Marine Engine and outfit 5110.00 1 7 b. p. Marine Engine and outfit 5187.50 These Engines are ready to work, fully guaranteed, and we can make immediate shipment. Huron Gasoline Engine & Machinery Co. (IODEHiCII, ()NT. 'Poo yE 243 0 were the gguue_ta of the lady'. parent., Mr. a...1 Mo. Neville, while in town. '- _- --- --- - Mis. Armstrong and two chUdrlL, of Toronto Hazniltonr B. J. Haeo, V. Hearn. S. G. are .lotting at the lady's old home, the meadow's of J.mua Bucluuan, Church onset. Henry, H. R, I(inebley, A. E. Hoare Child, All of Loudon. were the goats of Mer. c (J. hoard. O. M. Iverson, 'J. Jefferson, A. P. McLean Huron road, ►..c week T. Jordan, L. M. Kaiaks. L. P. Kaake, R. Me.. he loon .atonics to town ort t.um Lowry. M. R. f WiDdrOt. queab a Mn blunter e. Britannia y. Y C. R. illi. H. P. MoHrtr, A. M. Munro, W. J. Munro, A. MacKay. A. Rev. T. H. Mitchell, ?due Mitchell and Mrs (H. ), . H. Holmes, W. J. Hoover, M. M' 1• two and Mita Watson. owe B. Laird, E. M. Little, C. W. Lott, E. have • ria road. F. Lover W. H 4a-. Buchannan and Meds Buchanan, who Meehan, Manning (H. ). J. kiiddleton, spent the mouth of June %iib relatives In Tot- ( ( ), $, onto, hare returnc.J to their boom in town. J. E. Stu.), of 'rutin, Ohio. has returned H. MacKercber (H.), M. E. Mac- houe.tter a pleasant visit wire his unto and aunt, Mr. and Mn. e• L. Moore, Knot etreet• Pberaoo, A. B. MaeRitcbie, 0. E. Me - Mr. and Mra. Geo. Tarter. of Tuck.n.mltb• Arthur. N. F. McOaoghey (H.1. M. 1. sod alis. we'. Ttptady• la ctintor, vidted Mr* McLauchlin, J. McLennan. E. Mc - alai airs. 11. Morris on 1 uecdar of tens week. Michael, G. 1. MacQuarrie, W. H:' 31r. t.nd Mr. F. J. Pr Whew leave for Vitriol Nelson, B. E. Oaten, W. E. O'Brien. peg un ►-rlday on a slit to Mr. Pridhami tour. Mr,- P. B, Crew., wboh....mon seriously L. Oestreicher, M. M. Phelan, G. A. ill, Plunkett, P. 1. Potter, N. Radford, R. coo. cusp and daughter. Mir Nellie. of Tor- Rennie, I. H. Robertson, M. 1). Robert - onto. sere guests of Mr. ar.d Mn. H. A. eon• H• A. Rplawaa , F. A. take (H. I. Tudors ,site to town on the Huron OA lima' B. A. Ross, M. Rose, 11. I. 8ir ilie, S. excuewtou, Mrs. Leos McCarthy went to Seaforth for Do Smilie, N. L. Smith, L. M. tipnrlit4, million Day and a, teudcd the Catholic picnic L. Stewart,' N. Stonehouse, V. A. M Stothere,. I. H. 'Sweet, F. A. Taylor, there- She Wahl gue,t at the home of Mt. and Sir, M. Broderick. Miss Uort., Marten, daughter of Mr. and M er E. Taylor, P. Tsylo�, F. Thomson, T HanyMartto Cuubria road, 1, .pending her I C.E A. L. terns}', 1.. 1'. T•'1'. N. P. vecMteb at Toronto. the guest of her aunt, I Tiuemner, R B. Walker, I. I. \Var- Mre.B. W. Knight. mann, .1. 1. Webb, L. i. \1',IL'inscn, Mir. Thomas Moore. of Markham street Tor- I . \Nilson, L. wise. ••.. 11 \Volk. 'owe. has returned.du her kerne atter a two ' WEUDING BELLS. Wells -Whitely, Toronto Star: On 11 evening of June lith a pretty welling took place at the home of Abs. Whitely, Pal k- ha,e•been the gutatr of C L Moore, of the dole, when Ruth Adel.cde, youngest n The 1 .v:u bgwlershave been akin the town lively this week. \ haters to town should pot mew •seeing the extensive line of souvenir goods at Smith's Art Store. East street. Something for everybody. Yep, perhaps clothe. are a nuisance In this hot weather - but ion have to have them. you re know. And if you get theat Pridham the Tailor's, made to order so they will fit you. you will feud comfort in teem. 1' p-todat. g- taftorio The Clinton model school will open for Ole ler, on Tuesday. -Atigust 19t h. Thr pi itnsry depat tment of North street'Metbodisr Sunda school held an enjoyable picnic in Harbor Park on \Veduetdsy afternoon. Th,• growth of noxious' weeds on vacant lots around town is becoming quite netu:eable and Street Inspector f'uetle%hwaite is taking steps to have the Tots all cleated within the next two weeks. The business hones, with a few ex- ceptions, this week joined the move- ment flit the Wrdnesd+v halt -holiday during July' and August. The quiet- ness around the Square resulting from the cessation of 1 usiness during the afternoon was quite narked. Scouts Picnic. The annual Boy Scouts picnic was held on \Vednesdey afternoton at At - trill's Point, where about seventy of the Scouts and their friends spent a very pleasant time together. The playing; of scout statues took tip the greater part of the afternoon and when ft o'clock came the gathering wet ho.pitably entertained et a luncheon provided by the ladle's aux- i!iary of the Y. ft[, C. A • under whose auspices the event was held. After supper Hey. J. B. Fotberinghem gave a sll short address nn" Character," renew- ing which the Snouts continued with their tames until the gathering de- parted for home at 0 o'clock se homemade candy ani ice cream; alms weeks' visit at the home of Mr. and Dire. John li: C'hallen, a.t street. Mir. Robert ou is spendiug a portion of the ' vacation with her brother. C. S. Robertson of Stratford. and his tawny at their summer home at Forest Nook - Mrs. Shorlcy and Mrs- Curtis and nun, George, of Toronto, came upon the Heron OM Hoy' excursion u.d were gaesta at the home of Alex. sterling, Cambria road. Mr. and Mn..1. B. `tioutet. ,of Limo. Ohio• ANNOUNCEMENTS. Aheneet Chapter. I. O. D. E., will not meet during July and August. Dr. R. F. Parker, osteopath and eye specialist, chronic and nervous diseases. Hotel Bedford, Friday., 11.43 to 4.30. , The Ladies' Aid of Knox church will hold their annual garden party on the chutch lawn on the afternoon and evening of Tuesday, July 'and. My studio closes the last of July for two months. Nice assortment of china and picture.+ for sten. Firing also done. Metes EviLt a Haa*nue, Bed- ford Apartments. 1t KEEP Two DATE CLEAR. --Wednes- day, July lfttb, is the date of the Lee - burn garden party and handkerchiet boyar to be held on tbe lawn of Jas Shore road. Supper S Llnkla'er, Lste b will be served from 6 to 8 o'clock, and there will be refreshment booths on the grounds. The '43rd Regiment band will be in attendance. Admis- sion *duke, ti; children. 15e. A garden party and high tea will he held under the auspices of the Woman's Guild of Mt George's church on tbe rectory grounds on the after- noon and evening of Thursday, July 17. There will be a sale of fancywork. AmericanRoadMachine Co..a L. Arra Moore. dxngbter nt Mra. Whitley and the late Nowt street, for the pant two weeks, Thomas Whitely. of G and Mems Grace Newton, of Toronto, wen visit- the bride of Hell o3g lin- McL.chlan, Miss Madeline McLachlan ois at C U Newton's this week. fhcy came Of the late Jaynes We up on the Huron OM Boys excursion. Rev. Dr. (ierma:. Mr. and Mix Frank S. Hick and Mr, and bride entered the drawing room u-. Ernest F. Hick and children. all of Tor etich, became Ir and son of {doderich, elating. The unto. were Among the visitors to town on the leaning on the arm of her. brotl:1•r, Huron lied Boys excursion last daturday. At tour Whitely, to tberit reine of the The NI Imes Caroline and bottle Morrish, of Lobeogrin Wedding Match pia) cd by Fargo. North Dakota, are spending their vac.,- Miss Lol tie Michael. of Galileo tion at the residenoe of their uncle ani aunt, avenue. The bride •vtore A tai:ured Mr. sad Mrs. Emanuel Mitchell. Barfield road. Major and Mrs. Jos. Beck and Mr.. Andrew suit of navy blue EErr,; e. %bite picture Becb. of Toronto, came op on the Huron Old bat with touche'Npf moonlight blue, H oye excursion un Saturday and renewed old and a corsage bouquet of lily of the friendships* for a few. days In Goderich and vaneyy and white roses. Tbe happy coo le vlclnitr. afterwards left for their new Mn. (leo. Cresewan and three children, of p Toren' o, were the gue.ta while in town of the home on Sorauren avenue. too , bro.1er. James Frltalry, at bb Kummer ' re.deoce. Hawkins -Smith. Wm. Sharman has roturned from his visit to the W'e.L He *eat w tar as Sea tee, and The wedding took place at Detroit MR SALLOW'S TRIP. Continued front petite 1.1 trout the world an acknowledgment of its claims by the winning cf the Shaughnessy prize of $1,01.0 for the beet wheat grown in America. This wheat was grown by Heger Wheeler, a farmer living three miles east of the town of Hosthern. Mr. Wheeler bas a fine farm and has improved the ap- pearance of the place by plaotir-g trees leading up to his residence 'ou either side of the dI iyeway, making a flue avenue. His favorite tree is the Russian maple, which, from a rutting the size of a lead pencil, will reach a height of ten feet in three years. He is now contemplating the planting of trees around bin farm. -The soil in the vicinity of Itosthern is of a rich black loam which works up well and never clogs. It has not the sticky nature of the gumbo soil which makes the highways almost impassable. The growing grain is simply grand and i think the finest I haver seen in any part of my travels. "In Rosthern i met an old Goderich buy in the person of Henry Horton, wh3 is engaged in the furniture busi- ne-se. He could not 'do enough to help me get that for which I came. \Vith two others he took me in an auto out to Fish Creek and Batcche. At•the last -mentioned -place 1 had the pleasure of meeting Father Moulin, who was born at St. Malo, France, in 18311. He ertu:e to St. Boniface. Mani- toba, in leer) and in 1800 he went 400 utiles by boat to Tile la Crosse, north of Le Pas. 1t took biro two months to make the trip and during itis ab- sence he came in contact with the Eskimos in the far north. lu:tse.2 he came to Batoche, whets be has been parish priest ever since. He was wounded in the thigh during the re- bellion, but he is now bale and hearty at eighty-three year's of age. The church is the same today as in 1885, with the exception of the epire which Las been added. I'he bullet holes in the school and church were pointed out to me and they are as plain today as ever they were. 1 was shown the graves of those who were killed dialog the fight : the store at Batoehe in the cellar of which the rebels had seven priemters who were released when they surrendered ; B itoche's dwell- ing, built in 1871). which was the first residence west of Winnipt•g. This was where General French was killed and bloodstains are still to be seen on the floor. At the back is a log struc- ture which was used as a magazine. j Both these buildingswere used as e barracks by the Mounted Police until . n few ye:us ago,-" d, Mr. Ss !lows' final lel ter will appear Ito next week's issue of The Signal. enjoyed the trip imaseruely, Mrs. Sharman Is on SrtLUrday, June 214th, of William rem.frinR With ;,.i u es W the West for ,.one Edgar Hawkins to Maude Evelyn weeks longer. Edward oWo New n. McDougall.cMcDougall.McDougall.. off Wal alkeryale: Mi.e J. Mclion� u pt ceremoo soer[uuued at the Forest gall. of Toronto. and G. M Kidd. Montreal. are guc,ta this weer of Mrs. Jos Kidd at Uneedar est Cuttage. Menesctut g Park. tYr k; Y J A daughter of Mrs. Sareh 0. Smith, he Death of John Murray, Jr. a flub -prod. Bastar oopp.+'n at 4 o clock. The death tooklace at Buf.lo on Tea s5.:nn 1lusical program P {s les evervedenating. Admission 1(k; ad - Winston and tea ]bc, __- PERSONAL MENTION. Mtge Jai•s>. at coral r the gess, « Mea 1 A. main. Mr NW tdestr i. buss hew Now 1'srk ter leer vse•uea- ye, rIonates= Joss Soda. of Testate. are t�a�.attre, testi ilea is tows Colborne. M rlMt tt ozweilL avlsitlar hr Chau Neale .,nd Harry 1.eTouzel, of New York, ■re 1n town on Melt annual summer • )'bey are both Signal "old boyo" add now occupy creditable positions in large printing semehebmerte le Sew York City. Mr. abs Mix Louie McKee and three chil- dren. of Toronto. carne up on a be Huron Old Hoy excuniur on Saturday on a vlatt to Mn. Meetea's mother. Mrs. B•M. Park street Mr. and Mrs- Jai, Robinson and daughter. Adele, of Hobise,aiu, Manitoba. arrived im town un Tuestay and will send the next ten days with Mr. and Mn. K. Hick. Elgin avenue. Mr. Robinson is a brother of Mr.. Hick and a former well-known drygood. mer- chant of Goderich. Be has been in business at Hoboes aln tor some years. The visitors were a000mpauled to town by -Mex ttobinson's .eater. Mrs. W. F. Hezzelwood. o[ Totouto, LOWER SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS. r+atnrday, July 6th, of John Murray. eldest son of John Miuray. Ohmmeter Tprrac., Oodertoh. The ydur.g telae had hero i11 for about two mouth, In nb spft in Bow& He -- Nodded at city for the Ise, semi yaws and doting tail sea aiMsa wit Lakes.Lae«�h7rt(�~ eMti et stgtMMba The bvinghod�y was bsut»rtkMof the Mat fi the (newel Molt ental home ea The hskarpeN6"emmt 4.1 as,. alt, 15 ting welt OtbM. al nsnser► �Ysda sin. -44:41 Heli )5gitasttb • «` a l s':101tt1f Mellen.:s► tad leer lbw par. Goderich Collegiate Institute Passes Twenty-five Out of Twenty-eight The results of the lower school examinations were published by the Department of Education on Wednes- day of this week. One hundred and twenty-eight students were successful in Huron county sod of this number twenty-five were students at Goderich: Collegiate Institute. The results so far as Gudench Is concerned are most grntifyine, as twenty-eight tried the ezaminatione and only three lailuuts are reported. Miss Gladys McDowell i0g rink tvinning in the trophy corn - was the on'y student from Goderich pet{tinr,. The players who carry off a who obtained honor standing. The bandeonee electric table lamp apiece following is the list of successful God.- , are John \Vett, Rev. C. B. leaking, rich students at ranged al hsbetically :' Bd. (',ourtioe, C. E. Dowding (skip). The r inners -up were John Shins' e rink I. eel Seaforth- Jos. Taman, H. Harte• . \V. U. Willis. J. Shine (skip). Thei. . ow also ate electric table taw •,' h a clock set In the stand. avenue Presbyterian cburrh by Rev. B. C. Barkley. Mr. and Mts. Hawkins will be at home after September let at 432 Hancock avenue west, Detroit The groom is the son of Mr. and Mw' Chas. Hawkins. of Windsor. and ha many f. lends in Goderich and vicinity who a ill join in congratulations an best woo.. uwi ..:pvlbrossaiti, sr3r37s,»o Taal tads (Ow) • POW SANBANK MONEY ORDERS SAVE TROUBLE and LOSS emtAaA By means of the Bank Money Orders which we issue, you can send sums up to $5o to any point in Canada (Yukon accepted) or to any of the prin- cipal cities cf the United States with minimum cost and trouble and absolutely no risk of Toss. Orders for sums up to $5 cost 3:. -from $5 to $to, 6c. -from $10 to $3ot) roc. -from $3oto$5o, 15c. Use them. LLF. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager G:derich Branch. BORN. LLOVD. In t le; eland. Ohio. on Thursday' July J.d, to Mr. and 3Ir-, Fred M. Lloyd tr. ifnrwerly Ml,:+ Nellie Jameson,, • daughterJeanJamieson Lloyd, MARRIED. k1AwMANUS WALTER. At \t'e)burn '' Sark.. on Saturday Jtne 21.1, W. Athan M•cMenustoEleanor ►dith Waite . dough ter 01 Mr. add Mr.. John A. Walter, of Col- borne township. • DIED. MJana Y.' -In Buffalo, on )3iturda7, July .D h. Murray. Jobe Mu . eldest sill of John Murr. M t.ucester Terrace. Goderich. HA W LEY. -in Godericb, on Sunday, July dth Mn. E mert:Ile Uarducr H.wley. ag. d 111 years and 3 mouth NORTON --In GAce, h. on Atom -toy. Jot: 7t1, Charintte Horton. w;du s ut the fete nem y !Lorton. • THE LAWN BOWLING TOURNA!iENT. Twenty-five Rinks Comple Goderich This is the lawn loos lers' week. The West .1 :Pet green has been the cenlee of awe, ion,; with massy Interesting cont"- :n the pursuit of the "kitty." A few K • ares also were played on the tennis ciuh's green. 'Twenty-five rinks competed in the tournament which commei cod on Tuesday -three front Seafort 1•. two from Clinton, two from L.nckn t.. one each front Bruarels, i:zeter. Kincaofice, Blyth and 11en• 11, and twelve rinks hoe the lti,:.l club. The Three main matches of the tour- nament have been completed. The chief homers go to (Tinton, the Dowd- res... 1ge . a visitor Is Godw M. Adam', R. A. Bradford, L. E. Gowan W. R. B. Cox. W.R. Cunning- ham, H. R. Currie, M. 0. 0aIt Y. J. Garvey, R. L. Garvey, H. Griffin. H. I. Hartwell. E. F. Jos, T. M. Kemp- ton, E. M. Mose, 0. McDowell (11.). B. f Blyth won is the association com- G. Nairn, J. F. Nairn, B. M. Pridbam, petition, with Davis of Gdeeicb M. D. Redmond, M. $harkleton, R. sseond. The Blyth howlers went H. M Modd,i'. O '4 Ti hear.- 11. E. • A. Th.-. ,ae, A. W. Rcbineon, G. E. Wei raw, 14. Wel h, J. C. 1'• Rn_. IMcTet•_ T, Dr. McTaggart Iskip). , .. suer'ewdu' .t.larfeerm son,. ,v•o a They • i•1 off moor sinning rases end at other co in Ilarnn .otnry Alt' four'srauigsodgamesits. as fol owe : I Tbe Davis risk. whose prises were R. S. Ai•k'n. M.1. �itkln. 1. I. .t1Ian, broom jardinieres. were Sheriff Key M. R. All n. Al. 1. Aalereer. W. M. molds, Vv Thompson, C. A. Nairn, F Arline rong (11 f. A. 1. Rallant+I',•, F. 1Davis (skip). !t to, i, 1, , the • �edlow-the- lra.re,• you .1-...* 1 n play wire., lid. : 1 JoMsy Jones jumped t.. r.. sok .i u•".p Or as::ea yt.a hail to d•' the saute. Tbe as of one paea[•n a. to in a .0:restive way ori ober.. Une arse li utr s t jewellery bag g s i u s berg been Active ••.ugoester e ' o0 hundreds of Oeep!e - nn.l they're all been sat Wiled. We suggest that you f )low 1 he auegest.�n of tltjs Idvert •eloteol. nd •ra'1 in an.1 ®' -too t',e tomer) - ® ...Yin:. genie, )ew- rery, watchee, rel-g:a-s. .i1v. r. ware. etc , that .rc u. -e o1Ter.iq . Ynu will find it to your arlrant:wge to drop in tochsy. 111s ,seas Who Travels Ahse No rrrwaan'orcd amid r,:,•i, g tM moil abne if'brussels/r the Royal Vs. Beek I. cern r .Yr. .trot. •Lo.c,..4dap rt:st_ render ,coat. ,.obit rod to wows lrarellint alone at esI ct.:dres. R.M.S. Royal Edward Royal George Many. near lettere are un 61e- show- ing, Low wr' Ibis.erke N arprn used and what a splendid brio 11 ba• been to women devised of the awl ve' section and .0414,0 of hotly and friend.. LA tbis is only one'oi :be special kalares el the Royal Imse. Read the renin moa desnietire booklets. Ark any agent of write (1 C. 'Garbo.. General Arens, 42 King `ata 5... T«cmc. ca. Cassese Northam Stam. Limited Biliousness is certainly one of the most disagree- able ailments which,flesh is heir to. Coated tongue -Litter taste in the mouth -nausea dizziness- these combine to make life a burden. The cause is a disordered liycr-the core Dr. Morse's Indian Root 1'iila T! go straight to the rent of t!:^ trot .► lc, put the liver right cicatr.z t°c r t- m- ach and bowels, clear the tongs* cnd take away the bitter taste from the mouth. At tI:c 1. : &go of 1 i_ ncss teks Dr.'1Kcr Indian Kcc .. i . to in Successful Event on Greens. Tee scoria ill , be tinal games were : Trophy - Dowdaeg ((Aimee), 21 ; Shine (Senfortd) 11. Association-)IcTagiart ( Blyth), 1:1; Davis (Goderich), 10. Consolation - Tape IOwlet icb), 12 ; Roes (Brussels). 5. H. McDermott and I''. Davi, of Godericb, won in the douhlee, with Smith and Witt eon, of Lucknow, second. The prizes were china dinner seta for the winners end china tea sets for the runners -tip. The Aingles are not yet finished. Running Shots. John East Jordan can't stay away from the Goderich tournament. He came upfront St. Thomas tO play on OOP of the Goderich rink.. Tom Watson. of Lucknow, a (lode- ticb old boy. was another familial figure on the green Fled Shannon, all the way sloe Ottawa, played on the Tope rink. Ile hasn't forgotten how to put down his bowls. A notsble al,+ente. from Ih' rink oompstitloss wise Secretary Lane, who was out or town on countybusiness when play was commenceon Toe .,- day afternoon. On the succeeding days, however, he shod his stalling preemie 'rnnnd. Another who're e 0 old wager worth, Ilike to be here, Mit isn't, is the honor - 1 ary president. R. M. William.. He in at Forest just now and we hope be gets a game ones is a while. One of the cleverest bowlers on the green was "Bob" Downing, of Bros - eel., who inept • few of bis Arst year,' to Goderich. Billy Jackson. of Uioton, and Jaek ur'elg. of Sealer* b. were two old bowlers who looked ow oo Twday. 0. D. Wakes. d Seafortb. also war an intefested-eperttatiw. L, B,u4wr, C. Beero,r, G. W. ( in the coneoletion swum snothee Buchalter, N. I. Butcher J. J. Camp- Goderich rink. composed of J. B. Tore. hell, B. V. C.rbert, R. I. Carr, M. Cane, O, octemh, Fred $baleen sad L. B• M jrari U Ideon, A i)syaA ' P M Blliot V ��~ oleos seeo�d 0. B. Ool.•. Mande Conk, 3t. K. Onwae, laps (IlkIp). tout +QM{ prig (four H. D. Centerline. 1. M. (Sortie, M. O. mud oak sriokl esMtarss and tie Corrie. sr a av - met alas IH,s F. Doyle. ter Il. Sttstlh, hottest 4Mwalso. H. areas. L. W. Flak �. • !' Ik+w.l Means D. 11 Wooer, Own. . (itltMeos� MIL. A. 1gw sits) wen ekes Gensler% Dk aa.fr ) i foto a & sew • a/Fi��-R...,, . JEROi2$ r•. , v.,--::er,: r t.' -e ., . 1 Af Sates se.rl•'1-,r•,: a4, •.ewr..l, r .1... eni,..�4'. '•.-r,. sly .� I.sit ' fc..LL.tt:'. fell., t e_ }ro. J. S. Davey Selling .gent for S.'uth Bend. Watch s Goderick ' Optario Mac Ewa n's COAL n T. Swans 'Bus, Livery and Hack Stables MONTRRAL STRKKr J COT OVV THE 144.4t'ARK !BUSES MEET AL1. TRAIN`, AND : PASSRNGBR : BOAT`+ Passengers called for in any part of the to n for all trains at G. 1 I. or C. P. R. depot,. :'roInpt wervioe and careful atter One i.ivery and Hack movie* will be col od to ditto in every t Your patrons/re a sett. T. BWARTB 'Phone 1117 Montreal Street 1_3e .i 1:._.mors Hard Coat ::11 sexes, Cannel Coal for open grates :he highest }ltiafity of Coal that ‘an be bought for the purpose. • Etapi c llolilz s t i c Lunip Coal -- most satisfactory Soft Coal for ranges,box stoves and fireplaces. Standard Chestnut :an: Furnace Coke. All kinds of Hard- wood and Kindling. , 4 ' Peter MacEwan Estate Tr lenhoue 98 TLc Right Kind of Education i•..r year L,ys and 'iris i• up for ceiesid- eraMee jlrt new. Send for a copy o'f . nrtsrrleelnw. It w'11 present some 4...1• )os 51.. utd kr ow. A term in 0013 • t our ached. insures -a a"ud salary. Eater spy lira! SHAW r; S('HOOLf. TOROSTat Ile „1 , :, . • , t'cnt rel Rn.ioe.+ Cr' AO.e and rata.. Toronto. W. -N. COME IN AND TAKE A LOOK tae.me of , tr id,•se for on ideal Lille. sewn. W• • ',Ina yeti like yew. sly - to -dale, a• ',ix. clean and easy t4 keep clean' Our floderr Plumbing work insanes staitat on, e'eN,lroo.tti txtenfrwt wad e..nettele a s• Ash for nut moving* i end see how rea.onaM» one ekagliamv.. FRED fleas Otos Otrret,