The Signal, 1913-7-10, Page 44 Tncat.DAY, JULY 10, 1V1a District News.. To Correspondents. Correspondents will please note tion • Pripptet • sop,' may be Lent at one coot io unsealed envelopes only. If the envelope is sealed. double postage lacharged at this end. LUCKNOW. MONDAY, Jq!y 7tb. itwsru-Mr-. H. Priicbar!d visited at Fergus last week .... Dr. Alfred Newton, of Detroit, was a Dominion Day visitor with Lecknow friends... !lies Mina Illephate, of MacKeveport, Pa.. iv barea visit to the old home. Rev. J. S. Duncan end family • ane away on their annual holiday at Bruce Beach . A. D. McKenzie, former editor of The Lucknow Sentinel was a visitor in town • few days ago. He may return to Wilkie. Sask.. in the near future. -Isaac Morrison, who baa conducted the draying business heroism the past ten years, has sold out to John dherriff, of Wingbam. LOTHIAN. linnesDAY, July ttth- IarrulaN LEX Ails. -Mrs. Rod. Camp- bell left today for a two months' visit with her toolbar. brothers and sister at Etbelbert, Manitoba Mn. O'Hara and two children, of Cheeky, are visiting her mother.' Mrs. Ellen Gilmore Rev. Father John Bogan, of Clinton, is •pending • few days with his parents, Mr. and Mn. a Mogan Miss Viola Baker. of Toronto. spent the week -end at the borne rf ber uncle, Andy Stein .... Mr. and Mn. Will Pructor,of Toronto, spent a few days here tbe guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Swan..... Mrs. Mc- Kenzie and family. of Oshew:t, are visiting at the . home of her mother, Mn. McNatuars. PORTER'S HILL. TUESDAY, July Mth. Vlslroltt.-Among the many who 'isited here last week, were : Mr. and Mere. Newson and children, of Spring- baak:'Mt. and Mrs. Harrison, from the "Soo:" Robt. and John Hillock, .from the "Soo;" Mrs. Elliott and daughters, of Michigan ; Wm. Elliott, Winghan, ; Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Potter and babe, Hickson: Mr. and Mn. George Harrison. Detroit : Mr. Rut- ledge, Lncknow ; Tom Hillock, Strat- ford • George Cox and,Mrs. umyth and two t'bildren, Stratford • Mr. and Mre. Tabor std hp -tier Mer+shai. Oxford Centre; Mrs. Moor and children, Mueroe ; Miss Start and nepbew Roy- doo,and Ruby Potter, Curries Cross- ing ; Mn. McDougall and Minnie. of Dungannon : Miss Eva and Master Reginald Willis, of the' :Soo;" Mrs. Bruceton, of the 'Soo." Sl . AUGUSTINE. TUESDAY, July Ssb. THE \\'Ev:K's NEWS. - Misa Mary Grieves visited Ooderich friends last week - - - - Mrs. Robe, t Clark and son Frenkl:n, of Toronto, and Mr. Sellers and Mies A. Clark, of Brussels . •s p ant the week -end i k hdatWm.T n , h antson's Mn. Geo. Brophy and daughter Angela visited London friends last week Glut Kinaban took io the Detroit excursion lest Saturday. .. Mr. and Mrs Robs. McKee. of Tees - water, visited in This vicinity this weals.......James ('ummins has re- leased from New Ontario Mt Iles. Richard 'Walsh, of Tor- onto. visited the fornier'a pYdats (•ta)th title week .....During a recent elec- tric storm lames ('taig'a barn was damaged with the ligbtning end two bead of cattle were killed. DUNLOP. THURSDAY, DAY, July 10tb. Miss Evangeline Connors, of Sr. ('FA- umbia, spent .4-ver.I days with Mrs. Tobin last week. - Cleveland Tichborne, a brother of Mrs. Hoare Horten, who hes been attending Business ('allege at ('hat - ham, has poised his examinations euc- aP,sfully and has rt•tut tied to his hutne in town. Mrs. Murray. of Teeswster. h sit re- turned to her home after a week's visit to her daughter, Mis. Thomas Jewell. Mita Virginia Willi.tms, of London. is visiting relatives and friends bete at present. Don't forget the garden patty on Wednesday etenirg next. to be held on the lawn of Mr. Linklater. A big time is expected. KINTAIL. TUESDAY, July etb. PERSON %I. Metru,N.-Mr. and Mn. David \Vhiteside are the guests of Mira Rebecca Ma:(tremor Miss Violet MacLennan, of Laurier, is visit- ing at the home of ber aunt. Mrs. Ken- neth McLean. . Dr. W. .1. Cham- bers, of ('alga, y, paid • Hying visit to bis sister, Mrs. M. C. MacKenzie. en route for London. hngland .-Mn. Andrew Johnston and Mrs. Chas. Robertson. of ('olborne township, visited at Miss Annie MacKenzie's on Tuesday Mr. and Mi.: Junes Montgomery, of Ripley, spent a few days with the latter', sister, Mrs. N. Meedonald Miss Orace MacLean, who has been teaching at (•ambchie, ie spending her vacation under the parental roof . Mr. and Mn. Dave Johnson and party manatee' from Tor- onto sod paid a flying vi it to rela- tives and friends in his neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Robs. Scott and ebiid,en, of Auburn. are spending a few days at the home of the letter's Parents, Mr. and Mn. Ke nnetb Mr- lsan W esti KN'a learn/1'1V PIc •7111. - The ladies of the Weenier. institute beide very ,oce..uIsf picnic at Lakeview Park os Tuesday lest- The day was an Weal ane for a peek sad_ _guile a large n umber tumid flat. line Unbolts", ave an •' n Wo... at in` ° gi l=eas ea and spesehes wets glum SA - eery. ug girdry m. by Mrs. J philMpa, of [.salt.., wen mlllab so, toyed. Miss Merprat sang a sole. taeashwee wee tbas greed. dear which all egioyed a *oriel hear with their a gen a . p bona b me r • gond list. pi.virt* AUBURN. • T. I R ALB.--CiLOAD BRITISH } D Amhara. s aZ AngleAnglesniff TYUItsDAY, July Stb. Was. Mclbnald, now of Watford. wee a welcome visitor here this week. He is looking well. Wm. Yunptblut, an old Auburn boy, now of Arcola, Sask., spent Monday calliog on friends herr. Frank Stalker bas arrived borne from the Wert to assist hie father with his ditching machine. Which ha expects to arrive 1000. J. E. Jackson started for Four Ways, Alberta, on Thursday to settle on his homestead. Thos. Doyle, G. Beadle, Arch. Rob- inson, W. B. P'atterson and Mrs. W. J. Dobie, Misses Minnie Dobie, Cora and Vied" Ferguson went on the D. & C. ex- cursion to Detroit Saturday. WILL Arresuzn.- The lawn social held last Tbureday evening on the grounds of Knox church manse was well attended. The Clinton Citizen Band lived up to its reputation in sup- plying the musical entertainment, which was enjoyed by all. Proceeds at gate and refreshment booth totalled $l:'-".. HOLMESVILLE. WEDNKaDAY, July 0th. HOLriEsvtLLg HAr1•EN1E118.--Bert Trewartha has bought the Leonard farm from D. Oliddon Mr. Shop - paid bap beautified his house with a coat of paint. 1t is certainly an im- provement The Old Boys' Re- union committee held a business me,t- iog on Tuesday night and straightened up the financial affairs of the reunion, which are in a very satisfactory condi- tion Mrs. W. Jenkins and Mrs. N. W. Trewartha spent Wednesday at Varna, visiting Rev. T. J. Snowden. KECNION VISITORS. -Ourholiday vis- itors were numerous this First of July, many coming from a distance to at- tend the Uld Boys Reunion. Rev. T, R. Courtice and family visited at his father's ; Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Godwin, Misses Pear 1 end Grace, MOO Melntyre, Rev.'Mr. ar.dMrs. Currie, tied MiPsMc- Cormick visited at the parsonage; Miss Jeanie Pbipp, of Toronto, at W. Jenxini• Mies Sadie McMath, at Mr. Trewartha s ;J. Lobb, ac Mr. Holland's ; Mrs. Cook, of Leteburn, at Mrs, Holds - worth's; Fred. Mulholland and Mrs. Draper. at Mr. Mulholland's : Mervyn Means and wife, of Minuedoss, and Frank Evans and wife, of Toronto, at Will Picka:cis: Misr Hale, of Gode- rich. and Miss Sterling, of Detroit, at. J. Jervis', and many others. PORT ALBERT. aVEDNKSDAte, July 9th. BRIEF'S. -Mr. and Mrs. Barney Joseph, in Detroit, were guests at Walker Murray's last week Mr. and Mrs. Bert):unningharn returned to Totootoin their auto last aVednesday. _Mise Evelyn Ha}den was home from Gods i r eh over Suu a •.....Mi-n..Thos. Green and Miss Lizzie Richardson are visiting ftiends in Detroit at present. Miss Marg.tret Schoenhale, of Clinton, is visiting friends around here Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lane, and Miss Melds. of Belfast, were Sunday visitors at F. Cuunirtghatu'. Miss Edna Nelson, of St. Thoma,, is the guest of her aant, Mr H. Hayden.. . Albert binale, of (ioderich, is holiday- ing with his frieod, Gordon Pearson. Mrs.ST. H. Hawkins and eon, Andrew, of Cameron, Wise., and Mr. and Mrs. Will Hawkins, of Cbicago, are gue'ats at Wtit. Grey'. Miss Winnie Cunningham is home tram tier school at Brown Hill for the holi- days Mrs. Ellen Burrows visited friends in Goderich last week Dave McConnell went to -Detroit on the D. & C. excursion lint Saturday. He intends spending the summer there . - Miss Hszal Johnston, Sheppardton, bas been malting her causing, Misses Eliza and Jan Young - .. Mr. and Mrs. Valter. Kingswell and babe, of I..erhurn, were visitors at J A. Green', last Sunday -.Thos. (hurley, jr., is borne from Blyth for it visit with his friends around here Misses Ethel Cunt( p ..nd Gladys Bavington, of Tmoot°, ale vitiates' at James Hayden'=, NILE. MONDAY, July 7th. Ceestor-McPenne-A very artis- tic scene was presented at "Brook= dale," the borne of Mr. and Mrs. John McPhee, on Wednesday evecing, the occasion being the marriage of then• daughter, Myrtle, to Joseph Cas- sidy, of F,dmonton, formerly of Lon- don. While Miss Minerva McPhee, cousin of the bride, plated the wed- diog march the bridal party took their places las a bower of ferns and marguerites and the marriage rite. were solemnized by Rev. W. Conway, B. D., of Yarmouth Centre, assisted by Rev. H. Willem,. The bride wore • gown of cream eolienne, with peat 1 trimmings., completed by • veil and orange hloa*owe,. and carried a sheaf of bridal roses. Almost one one hundred guests enjoyed the sumptuous supper at the beanie hilly decorated tables placed on the lawn, whicb was gaily lighted by hip- line*, lanterns- in the centre of tbe bride's table was a large pyramid of orange blossoms and white water -lilies. fila McPhee', magnificent residence afforded *mole acnomm,detion for the entertainment of the large number of ueepts. 'a The decorations there ao hes ok. tbe origin of the name of their home, '•Br•ookdale." One of the interesting features of the everting were the terse words of eouaeel gives the young couple by the grandfather of INMr. Hetberingtos, wbo with Mia bride of fifty years was to -nag the gamete at the weddieg. )t: • and MI.s Cassidy, of l.oeeos, I her and sister of Use groom ; Mr. s. l Mee D. McPhee, of V.rtattloa, • a.. and Mr.. Mrs. and Miss Haw- k us. of Burk -s Fails, Meakoks• were tt-asg the resets from • distanre- The • l4 Mortises ean. .a sir st,briwifbe sake gave • skeet to the ago to the gill • pearl ,lag aryl tot's* rine. bear's a l.. pis. The brides gifts from bee (ilsads were beautiful and appropriate. Among than toss a basdeoase elms brews bar Whist. Other stride also made gilts it this HE SIGN.kL : GODEITA Rlt, manner. Mr. aad Mrs. Cassidy will visit 1v the southern part of the Provisos w route for their bow in West Bdsaoe. Mrs. Cassidy will travel in s sent of no broadcloth with black bat. la Mr. Cassidy Nile church loess a felt.h- ful worker from choir, Epworth League a Sunday scot ol an 1 hit departure 4much regretted. Yet all join in Ing the hippy couple • Good Luck !" TM Wnole Story. etre wart a charitable old lady, of • somewhat it iluisitive turn of mind. •nJ she was paying a visit to • naval hospital. Presently she CAWS up to the bedside of a poor fellow who was one of the victims of • gun explosion. Illy poor (*Row," she said, depositing a bunch of grapes within his resell, "your seas/alone and sufferings at floe time of the accident must have heen terrible. Can you -will you de- scribe them to nes?" "Well. mum," be said stolidly, "1 don't koow as 1 CND ; but I can tell you 1 was on deck attending to my duty with the gun, when all of a sudden there was a most infrroal row -and then the nurse says, ' Sit up and take this.' " Made fur particular people who in- sist on the best-Black.tooi r delicious ice cream. in bulk or fancy bricks. Orders delivered. 'Phone 2441. Municipal Debentures. Toro=. to Mar. It is laid that brokers will not touch municipal debentures of Onus' to town" to yield leas than six per cent. It is aimed that a town should bene to pay s„ bigh a rate. If the security was not prefect I y good, t be invest of s would not touch the debentures at any rate. 'Good Health • Vim and Vitality Ate assured if you will cleanse your at. -mach of undigested food and foul poser, the excess 1 ile from the liver and the wade'natter from the intr.:- tiara cud bowels by the use of FIG PILLS the great fruit. kidney,. liver, stomach snot bowel remedy. At all dealers 23 and 50 -cent boxes or mailed by 1 he Fig Pill Co., St. Thomas, Ont. Sold in G.idetich by E. R. Wigle, druggist. SCHOOL REPORTS. Tee following ie i he report of th e pup.!. of S. S. No. it, -lahheld. for the month of June: 'fond 4001. Sr, LV.- May Aleatory 3-B. Jr. iV--Irene Mc- Q-. id :354. Violet Kilpatrick 351, Eve Brown 251. •Pat McCsrthv '"M1, "Cie it Blake 219. Sr. 111. -Mahal Heid 34$, John Kilpatrick :317, l h.rli.• ltivett20K. Rayinond Finnigan 211..•Ida Rivett 'Lig- • J. III. -Ruby Kilpatrick a'tL- Sr. if. -Lily McQuaid 2Mt1, •Altana Blake 211 1't. II,-Btu.e Sheet leton 319. •Mildred McWhinney 253. 1't. I. Sr. -Etta McQuaid 811 per crate. Lorne Ashton 73 pr' cello.. Ruby Conan 72 pe. cent. 1't. I. Jr. --- RuI,y McQuaid 75 per cent. Deet speller« : 1rrnr McQuoinum'd Ruby Kilpatrick, Ruby Curran, Etts MrQuoid. ' Good conduct: Violet Kilpatrick, Lily Mc- Quoid. A. BARKLEY, Teachey. Phone 61, Burdette's, for leecreur, in bulk or !ricks. eLeTH. TUESDAY, July rah. CHOI'a LOOK WELL --The rains of the past, few days have given the crops. in this district a different appearance, and now tl a prespecis are that the clops will he good. Of c nese the at.aw will be short. but if thele is n g, oI yield of grain the fawners will not complain. Although the bay crop may not he up to the average. even that is not so bad as at first feared. The farmers will be u little later• in rutting. and there will likely Ina melt et the last. The fruit crnp Also is looking well aol those who ale inn -reefed in apples say they are C0111 - alto g om- alnrg fine. Ht RON OLD Bova. -The1 Halon Old Boys of Totonlo p.i.1 their annual visit -o ibis county on Saturday and Mondeo. Three autos b-oui;ht a turn• ber of them here nn Sunday. They stayed only a short time, then rode around town and 'left for \\-Ingham, where , thee remained all night. A number of (hose who come eget y year were again in the party Ibis year; three were also a enniber of new fNCP,. CHORc•tl \wrest. -Sunday evening Pr. .f Pr= o Tomer,. y f T rrn,t o-runie,t rite rutpit of St. Andrewn ehen•h, giving an addles; on "Il ghee Enuretirn fur Sundep-School Tea•heren and advo- eaticg',tentedy that teachers should learn the best meth, ds of getting bit l of the .rung minds. Ili, address was vet v int resting - .. ilev. T. H. Farr. of Trinity church, administered hot) can in the Episcopal church Wingham at on Sund.y. and in hie ab- sence Mr. Dunlante, a .:ucleot. took LEE-, sciOT THE PERFECT SHOE for SUMMER SPORTS Made la Smart Stole, Saleable For Every Outdoor Occasion TOUR mass NAJ TN= Ys. as k. the Wee Ons Tut egaT saws• a oe.eousayttts assess es.. %sprees, s aewtetaatt. Rhoumaflsm. U tris Accid la the Mood. ars ths sense of t hairs there. If the kidee ys acted as they should e strain thencU Acid set eider Dynast and rhoon - tem woskis't *caw. Rhea - mecism is a lGdary Die. saga Dodd's Kidney Pigs have made a great part ed ebeira;oso h carts! the asses of those Isarfid shooting pains and stir. achi.g joins. Then is bet meson' way- Dodd's Sidney Pills • the services here. THE BOWLER+. A rink of the lily' h b,wlers'notored to Hensel! on Friday night for lbs purpose of having • game, but on account of • heavy rain coating on there was no chance ot its taking plate, and they canoe bottle early.. The following rink nem Blyib is playing le -Me tournament •t God. - rich this week : Dr. McT,ggat t, G. B. McTaggart, H. A. Thomas and A. W. Robinson. They hare been fairly .ue- ceseful this year in the Leal g trues. but this is their first tournament. A BUSINESS CHANGE -F. Metcalf, who has been engaged- in the fancy goods busineeeberefor "hit ty five year,, baa disposed of his stork, ■bo the agency of the Bell Telephone t n, to Joseph Steelier*. Mr. Siolbets will move the stock to his doer, where he is engaged in the fancy chinaware business. He will take in the whole store. part of31 being now occupied as a barber shop by Thos. Stewart. and be has purcbased • lot soutn of Chen lew's furniture store and will erect • cement building. on it at once. Mr. Metcalf intends leaving this week for the West. where be has a position as fruit inspector fur the Dominion Gov- ernment. if he can sell bis house he will move the firmly there also. PERSONAL AND GENERAL. -Mrs. W. W. Sloan and Mrs. N. H. Young. of Toronto, spent a few "days with their many friends here this week. Dr. W. Parrott and two nieces, of Detroit, spent a few days the guests of relatives beteIt is some years since Will was here berme, and he notices quite a change amongst the feces in town W. Powell, of Gode- rich, paid a business visit to Blyth and Yrs rs C., { ani its heeling csser.c bei d up new healthy fans s.. For s•.in ;s. s-rtbtan, cuts,n. bor..t, i =dins, .;:,---jet c: 'r c': tive. • 's Lloher; And is aiz_ wins fan er ba.;J'a _..res! re F o ser• CHAFED PLACES, BLISTERS.&c.. Are your feel hot, sore and blistered ? If Go, try Zam Buk. As soon as Zatn-Buk is applied it cools and soothes italm ed smarting ziad tissue. lis i !Gid, 1-efr^.ed u c rs l cssaaacci ea:tm ite tete si.c.b; its 4t 'tis^p:ic -c tca p -e': 2:.t c.1 czngcr of fes: crin3 r or 1ngai'ilrrlatio7 from cuts cr Sols ; i Lr.-; :•'.r e'uJ S:: - Dab • 4 • t COAL Having purchased the bun. nem formerly condurud ht F. Barlow Holmes. we pm pose dealing in Coal, Wood Lime, Call is I Fire Brick, Etc. We will handle Scranton and Lehigh Valley Coal, two lines which are recognised as the best. We wish to gin- the people of Godanch and ekinity the hest service pos- sible, and shall 7w gind to hear from sr of Mr- Holmes' customers tied any other's who wish anything lo eur linea. All orders left with Jas. Yates, W eat street. promptly attended to. ..a Everybody see what money brings you. We want every day a lively bus- iness day. We make it so by making prices lower than you expect to find them. And remember, the goods a r e seasonable, what are needed, per- fect, such as will reflect credit on us and make you feel that your dollar has done you big service. No fancy prices at this store. THE COLBO1INE STORE Voiles More naw Voiles, light, medium sod dank colors. We got them to sell at 2So. Reg- ular priors 35c, 40e and 50c neat small patterns a o d uatrow stripes. Sweater Coats A good shipment just in direct beam the mekere, and prices will be found right. Lace Collars Lice Pollan and Lace Sete just gut herr, and the pi ices are ezeeedinssly low. Pricer 21to to $1.75-wbite.creaw and Paris-ertra value. Embroideries Very fine Swiss mak e Flouncing., 13 to 27 inches wide, and prices from 1 d b. 700. Forty - five • inch Skirtings from 45* to 52.75 • yard. Soave of them hand machine made. Silks Never bad such Silk selling in this store as we have dur- ing the last two weak,., and lots yet to offer, th inebes wide mostly, at .1.00 • yard. Won't cut and germ 10 wear. grey, King's blue. navy, fawn, 'reedit •n.t Meek. Silks -Con. shantung bilk, nature!, champ/ewp, tart and Kh,K'. blue, 80 Inches wide, $1,00, Foulard Silk, 4 shoe t lengths, but enough in any one of them to °rake a dress, 2d inches wide. Regular price 91k, sale pries Ido. Pure silk -a real snap fora buyer. Hosiery Suoshloe Hose, Utility brand, pure silk thread, silk in tan and black, sizes t(i, 9, On and the price is only 500. This is a special lot just got here just what is wanted for ., wenn day. Dimity Black and white stripes and small sprig patterns. Extra value at flan. Corsets Come here for your wane weather Corsets. Ask son No. 217 D. k A --great at 51.15. Ties Iadiai Silk Tune, tasseled. knit In severe! color*, plaits and steeped, good colorings and pun silk. J. H. COLBORNE GODERICH ONTARIO J Helgrave on Mondry Ardv Sheen still rerneins a very .ick boy and is not improving as well as hos many ftirrde would like . The N'cruen'e insti- tute of Loodr•boro' snide visit to the nisei' society last week and spent a r , y enjoyan e afternoon on tbe beau- s it lawn of Mts. S. • A. Poplestnne. i °ening to* good per gram and en - j• :ing themselves in games of vari)us kit:d', followed by a bounteous repast. Thr ladies at tbe Methodist church held u era•i ill in the basement of the church on Monday evening. There wasa good attendance, • splendid supper was served and • good program given. Miss Nina Begley, who has been engaged as milliner at Comber, and Miss Leila Begley, who had a similar position at Drumbo, are spending their holiday' with tbeir parents here. Je,. L ockie, who is lection fore- man on Oriel). T. R. here, is taking a well-earned holiday and is visiting hi; brother George at Swift Current, Sank. i ,' In is absenceHn. r - Plaetzer y t will have charge of the section .. - .. G. M. Chambers received two cars of FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. rel Toronto, Get, stands today without a .urrr for is Camels. Graduates Mthly tuece..Cul. Catalogue fere. coal this, week for distribution W.Johnston, J hnato was who wvisiting A wi h friends here, 1. ft on Mondeo for a vein with his parents at Underwood. 'Phap No. 7111 Yards at G. Zr. $., Naive Ht MAMMOTH Stock=reducing Sale 11 Our stick is too large. We will clear the following rsgprdless of profit : - Elephant Paint } pint 111•. regular 20c 1 pant nee •• 35c 1 qu.trt 441e, " use gallon *P, " 11.25 Gold Paint Gold Paint 19c :70c •• 14c Dustb ne 33-- parkin,. 28t ra-h I.ibl(!er Twine What we11.e-•, ,i.•.1 is Deer ins, Peer, we f •Pt tit • • .• lh, \t'1. i.. 1 .-t,. w i• will sell it at 121c per le., smell l:3}.• today. . Two-ir.--u,e (land anal Rip Mown R•Rulir 1. 50. epee :.t *!7t1. .r. • .r. Ilaud Sawr. Iie1;, Sper:sl Special (lIk. Thr.'e Iron Fore Plane,. Rngoler 14.00. Special 13191. Two Kitchen Grinders and Polishers. Regie lei 13:1). Spec:al 1:49. To clean nut, below cost all Horse Shoes: 1:3.7:5 1-er keg of 1(1) Iee assorted. it it 11.25. Re -nu -all Regular 2:c for lne " eeefor :38 Grindstones worth talc to 111%1. Special 38c each. International Poultry Food -+t' package 314c Razors *2 in itaddon 11.73 No. 1911 11 tat Boker *1.75 Griffon 51.00 No. 41111) 11. In 11-3:1 50a 51 29 flloc We are in a position to buy razors most suit- able for the j tb and buy the=n right nn a,.•:ount rf our companion company the Misner Manufacturing Co., jobbing razor., hones, razor strops, brushes, Cavo to 1111' ,•,s 011 over the country. If yu'i %taut a good razor, brush, strop or hone' trine. . 'invents, per cent. discount on all lines. pear'al v .'nein Safety Razors. We have a In o!-,,:u;.le..ve will sell at snap prices. Refrigerators re, e e need them these day., only three left. One, Veal ion *41.99; one, 1117.ttn, for $14.47; one. Wen fon 517.23. One an l s h tlf-inch Post Hole Augers. Rego- lsr Seen for 1'3 94. Bargains in Summer Stoves One twe-bturner New Coal Oil. Regular /10.011. Special 17.11) On, two homer Coal Oil Stove used slipbtly. Kege)ar $10.00 for 16 00. Two t wo-hu rn er Gasoline. Regular $5.(10 for*3 Two two -burner Osacline. Regular $7.00 for 14.110, and ten per cent. discount on balance of stock of the famous Detroit Vapor Stoves. 5 ponges Just for washing auto or buggy, at three-quar- ters price. Scoop Shovels Four Jones solid Steel Rbovels. Regula' 11.25 for toe. Five -barrel water ten.'gh. eztra strong. , Worth 114.00. Special 17.65. We will not gu.'rantee to hold these prices open more than ono week. 1f Jou are iwil.lire you should see es about your Nail,, Muddle( Paper, Portland Osrnest. etc. 'You will field or'r prise the very hest. Purrs Path Oren die pee Illwith as Land Plaster and Dog Pini.k. We hive a One iins of Hay Pork., Noe. The beat pure Manilla Rote. Ynu will *od 11 to your in ' tercet to bay of u.. 11 I 11111 11 Howell Hardware Co. Ltd. II