HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-7-10, Page 3is eize ▪ sowed. !tie, name *1.50 late swede 'sad a 117; W- 1 s4- lllines at lee. ejjIN SWARI 07 Twin SOLD ON TeX INUITS OF R being ir we white .stent in Boo KBI NDIN G MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repairs& • aoLD [.ERTE NO n LZATHHR GOODS arat.er. ,,µ aueded r es h`vtaf r. u T9 e1c;\ jI.Ododet ♦. H. TAYLOR. brisaTsoaa 1ENI!*L D W. F. (jALWW. M. 1 . 0M ad teieoe.. booth slser� mere 1 buts 11•00411 s�sa �rrrenae F. J. R. YVRSTER--*T!<. MAL .ae ars ,hreat self. )tare, Tart ei,Athaieito a./ !md mid bort.. gar. Nese awl ease l�laoa. Ola is e aWeMea serweie C... ,Ants_. twis.a.7 we►a C. LAGiiAL DROCI1WuuT, HAYS b ZIL 1JSr ✓ AN. barn -tar, aattslsnOgee.eMed�AYtle reed. w the Manures Ote. sob f'n fwb to Wad at beet ems. _a Wee - _lat.ee/. ee lave .ode Mee'. a . K'. fact:UPour. . c.. B. C.aaa�TTTt;t;i J. L g ..CAMEROX. L C.. YIARRUS- t mtgs. Mew- umttDili dew teem ( Alu.gi: t;ABROW. LL.B.. BAR. 11) TIIs autres., 181t4008e0, eta.. p.a. Sean wheal at lowed taw. LO. JOHNSTON.�alOTEB. =Lima. oswmtni"a-4 _ .surf pubis Nares THE SIGNAL : t;ODERIQII. ONTARIO "TIGER" DUNLOP. ellre incidents in the Life of a Man Whose Name Ltvess In the titatrry of Huron County. Ths hillerabg is repainted from a of the Attaricaa revelation. It weasel .easatiines et The Leedom Free Press, dont fiat Fr.nes t.eald he et war the f8tetrwtloas beteg 'reproduced mils O.eat Bent"' IC H. tonotlis- dasrd W moa to r'aiP eeomaiMl.n thee the courtesy of the same journal. =Left the busy, dusty rod mhlslfl Leis ham Sialiderd to the%vise til.a beets Ills ryes. the grave d tlanlop Ilea, Needed from the meoeiblilM_plow by a exembliss Meas veil. The qualm burial puce et this n.taMe Harm empty pioneer Is on a hill m eeiookinel the final curve of the I eithaaa River as it flows by Galeria rap Lake Huron. There is a msesasiergyyse these- of the church spires, of�(iaiesish the Oelboroe�hill seed below, the Stop of No. 1 division Lad year mefehed to and from thea sampgtosad. Pew of them knew that they were passing the .rave of one et Oanada a femme early de- fenders. Beside him lies his brother, and the cairn bean this inscription : -Here lies the body of Robert Graham D.alop. Req.. Commander Royal Na ill. P..P.. who. attar serv- ing his Yung and 000atry in every quarter of the glebe, died at Gairbrai:. on the Seth of PMreiery. 1141, in time 5lst year of hie ase. Abs to the mem- ory of Dr. Witham a man of In the Preach senile. tad teed he W- aimea. to forward flim ie that of his IMM.' bad. Sias. thus Donald M.B. had tom* loyally in meaty dimes, sad lead l inn' at Leta liemteasiet- edenst et a< emend hattalion. "rhea." at1u Dunlop "was my old comaad- ieM riser. He was a warm-hearted. hitheempered, tonal gentientaaly old sense who enjoyed the preempt tad asest r.pieed et the peat, sok may well be imagined that 1 was is high good luck with each • compag.on de toy - Is Iris Campa*y. Dunk" joined hisres urn)meat at Fort Weand toesniblether ot- flre to be •s jovial ed set et wild tsem� _ aais• more hba.et.b. S14 set d lbws aroma met aroa a more table nor mad a private famRMow ow greater ansnimity. Blbeg, ng however. he W Nibs.. thew. It had been de- tasmiasd to had a garrison in a Meet-Less the e woods of tianan- .que. between Brockville and Kings- ton. and the vreoadisr -company of the Eighty-ninth being ordered to un- dertake that service„ be had to accom- pany them. He and his junior lieu- wegtoa narp.miag talenk tad be- tenant established them*dves in what neeotenees bore in • in 17tUi (had been a blatkessith's shop. In the Heeereed In the, y le Meda and ante -room a jobbing tailor had set up is fedi" tied tbere.htress tlhdatentabed his board and his fragmental of cloth himself as an bother sad me of let- aerrrd admirably for caulking the tees. He imitated in C+nai" pecman- seams ih use waif. against the wintry may in 18* and foe more than wind. By means of s roaring lite in the lD ream was actively eagtiged in public forge, with the stove alight in the outer and philanthropic affairs. succeeding room. they managed to keep tolerably his brother. O.pteln Dunlop, as mem- comfortable during the twister. Early Mr se the Provbtei"1 Parliament and to spring they were relieved and Don- takiwg etaeeeedsl interest in the wel- lop was quartered with two oompan - bre d O"n"us. and died. M®ented by 1 les of his regiasent at Cogswell. LI- MP friends. 11)48.4 tae some remarkable stateeeets touch- ing the east of the war. Dr. Dunlop concludes his account of bis sojourn at Cornwall by saying that be would be doing gi obs in ju.uce both to himself and to the reader if we were to leave without mentioning Peggy Bruce. She was a roost worthy personage, be- ing no other than his bootees of the principal hotel. The daughter of a re; .oectabi. frith fanner. she. bad run away with a handsome young Scotch serge..[ and bad been along wit h ber husband in an the C11.011311gas of the American Revolutionary War. • The sign of ber hotel at Cornwall was & long board decorated with a formid- able likeness of Sr. Andrew at one end and of St. Patrick at the caber, and Encircling them a splendid wreath of thistles oombined with shamrocks. Having devoted some entertainiOg pages to Mistress Peggy tad her humors. Dr. Dunlop asks t}ie reader tc go with him to the Niagara fron- tier, 1L�1. NS ben be reached Niagara be had his Mods full. He never underwent such fatigue, he says, as during his first week at Butlee-e Barracks. For two days and nights be had eo rest at all and on the morning of the third be fell adeep on his feet, with his arm embracing the post of one of the berths. He was laid on the floor oti a trim of clean straw and slept for five boars. His duty at this time was to keep a sort of medical boarding house - the ink and wounded from the army being forwarded to him in spring wag- ons. Among those wbo lost tbeir lives at Fort Erie sod other eogage- menta. Dr. Dunlop giyes some interest- ing details concerning the fate of Col- onel Drum: mood.of Nettie ; Colonel Scott, of Beotberton (Pert a ship e lairds. like Sir Gordoo 1, and Colonel Wood, of the American Ro$ineers-a' "man equally admired for has Mieritm and be- loved for his virtues. 01 his own reg- iment. speaking of the result of the war, he mays that it was sadly re- duced, having fallen f To m bU0 Kr'oog to about A0, rank and file, com- manded by a captain, two of the senior lieutenants carrying the colon and himself marching in the rear. For a time the Eighty-ninth. with the On. Hundredth, were quartered at Qtseenstoo soder the happy command of the young Marquis of Tweedale, then lieutenant-colooel of the One Hnodredtb. Dunlop praises him as a wither, thinks him too honest for a pol- The Wer ef tacit Dr. Daalop was a mere stripling when be received tbe appointment of amnia to the Eighty-Eigbt.h Regi- mented Podana in August, 1'13, be Mak Yoiepae1asetor Canada is a small iL/Orel. endsemaened. overcrowded treasptart" and -atter a long. weary to Livery Laing the n Barn with a aro-date Buggies, Bend- el aRoe 0R HIKE 11 traria' ,Uy at - time of 11. A VIS rMnerM/rb. eery isSwQ 'asst' my your iggies, ni Bon- - a con - sada Car - also of m), and t Forest. • Black n ; also le Frost ILSON *pat AUCTIONEER. (PHONAL GCNDRY 1 ACCT1ON1CUL Iles C. Coder.ch Al) twor•.etioes by seal in at 5itnx1 of&e wW he rossitU, .t sold wh. ..ceooa Isis woes ie INSURANCE. LOANS. ITC. i1 1t1 PRIVATIC FUNDIS TO .Villi Lisa. Aasy`te k. 9. CAM. WA. berwiter. il.elma street. Gedelek. V R. RROBERTSON.. 1N8L-BAlICL AGMWT. rag xct !re sr). ua : BMW aleeellea ed tocuserW m ssal aala/.)1� Wpm, rn : felon sera -- F mum Am. Am. uresures�a.�*� Monte sod one oteeQ�g.n►. W a.1 barite as meow 'lfrte. nit 0.01 Ai tIIILLOP MUTUAL MB IN .SCR tNCt CO.-rsee end Marsch tial.s. Mdasa. Pew.. relent P.O.; P.Q.; gr In. tieay. vis►1•iea P. rays hap pea-2tiea.. •gsersstR Irl L. I t Mtv : R C1eeaea: Mob Itresisht. Ar&IPswsa; Joiew SOL. �: =iaiYreis, a+r'k J. ane o tTtses� isitdsetisl'; e lama ▪ pia seeftwaywon e. BLOver. Unme.1ili'gttlneweia''ateesR fa:md. ■ARRIA(it< t WALTER E. KELLY, .1. P.. oontJuCai. ONT. Imt flit OF )CARBIAQIt 1ADENIBBIL "TIGER' DUNLOP. a .a who played a large part in Upper Canada affairs In the early days. voyage' of three months landed at Que- bec in the beginning of the following November. This and succeeding *yenta be has recorded in his ••Recollec- Limo of the War of 181Y." and his Arrived at Quebec, Dunlop themselves fellow - soldiers repo _ cu without delay Harlot. om�ieg to- * ons, lett a subaltern to com- mand of the recruits lrnostly sere boy.1. he and his venerable old coio.d made all haste te join the rg insentup the comity. As this worthy old .asemander was a character." Dunlop drab tial same account of him may not w aoiatarestiag. He Balls him '•Dea.M Melt.." tied be was possibly that Last -Colonel Donald McBean, / say (Nish and rsrwsMMt etrsmgth y y01 ea nes down or tired oat, 0eld earthy, have as Wag teat or have ether miiieneo 'nowtv'Reaovatty. try oar tor maim $i1MiM"'e key hie b shemall*ne WA aisteed i��llieMit "ib timet+.. Mam go tete ae nets Raegiteeted by Meddled Mallidae °'i.rhL Oa. For tato b IL a. Brophey Bros WRIAL PLACI OP•DR DUNLOP. ON DUNLOP'S HILL 1 et the aghty-Ninth, whose appoint- . meet 1.sabred in lir. L Semhsy we- Sot. w dated $.,tabs tr.=lie fhb gra w and me am- lien et Or. W. Dealsy. Lai thea b se tteeasiea 1 seedier Mater- W e 1:i - deli r the wM-i�ej� Cannel ••Dahl/ tial." Oases. Doman was lass be the wa- ist rel 1'J4fr/ whir bislMl s, sgiratta sf i...nns.bA sae eat wiit the w.i i aw moi•.'sei r Aber d: earn lt Qami. and rioliely settled a tansbel ibred Shares esMho hed meth Idafirel In w_ wedhr..ee�h rola wee min esPealbstja =.1874 assiksr ussaZs aMBlet:kitoI II IP= vale SO on- itidaa,amid eattidsse him soawleatam. rarely Ya palest. He rated itonseas Allan r " posy perma- nent ii a tamed over a limber wM *tail have item be bet lily tad by. tet+e dada lea pig hiesetIL tee lea big Mar Pima i.aeii terse W Yds bet sal beads bum ted wee emisasti t• Iib bed for 1=A w. ler trimmed and he sad his ?inemsee. were beth) /reward to a Mee all their sellsballine wise the appalling that =ftd bent emelikellodi and the MIMI Slane ETreefoilelle Meadows he was r the baps ' "�i.`S alt r- Wissare be wether .w.rw a�i..a r lbs...w ase modem &beet. Ilea.mit yaw MR las .aerie- berm. PROVIDENTIAL RAI SAVE i ANY T01,115 Amass Sees M«t1Arw Omura Do. 'groynes !erase and Ourir saw same —S54.r. Made Mem Heavy rains wail till to Northam Daum last Tser.day Friday /e'► w etted what night have bee & reeve - fence d tie terrible fres of tomo years ago wiea forty or arty lives were lost. Aa it war the property ea lose was hvy,a1fh�� no 'WPM Is knows to have pe .4. �.rttw. 7d awes aorta of Cobalt of the 1! $ of the T imiakaafag sad Northers Oar tarso Railway. was wiped oat baa may et the lakabltatta r ndeeed h.mtlaea, At Cochrane hops et swag the thea bad been almost absadoned, w� what seemed like a providential Sew lent of rata tell. Batts Pon-nein* whish was sets.." from several dinstloaa by the was saved by the wind dytag fewL The town of Hearst eta the Tram. ceatimatal had a alrasalos. escarp. The satire towsette fs onnosada" by litchi, tad are broke eat !a .Mtlpl As tsar* te est a brick belie la the tows, tad ae water surely eke people wen powerless to do say- ithJag. lint fortmatsly there was tel 'wfad. tad the are was e.afined to the bask Al Jacksosbere, the now U.wa of the New Ontario Coisaisation Co.al paay, MAW lop owned by the coat peay were learned. ]tl Coartwrlght, resbdiet engtseer at Belle River, 110 miles asst o2 OMB - rano, arrived in North Bay Th night with his wife sad baby, but very little luggage, se. with the as- sertion of a few clothes saved by Ja wits, they lost everything in the Ares which swept over that little com- munity. The little band of tahabitatts fought bard and saegedplly to save the small Iwpttal In which were fire or sin patieata, but every other building was levelled to the ground. According to the odlalsl reports ares extended Intermittently from Budbelrl to Kenora, princlpally to the .penes and pulpwood districts. By an almost .;;'eesmaarrkable stroke a fortune the Oo,ernment reserve, extending from mileage 42 to mileage 43 and embrac- ing mbra -Ing the great pine region. escaped. LOSSES ARf HEAVY B ulgari. Waging War et Extermin- ation, Chiefly Apainet Stevie After ten days of fighting, more severe and deadly in character then anything in the last Balkan oar, news L filtering through of the struggle of Bulgaria against Berrie and Greece. The Servians have lost more men than in the whole Turkish campaign and semiolscial statements lamed at Bel- grade have the appearance of an in- tention to prepare the public for news of a disaster. Desperate fighting, with Asxtuatiag fortunes, is proceedtag along the Var- dar and BregalinItza Riven, which seems to be in favor of floe Bulgarians. The Bulgarians claim to have defeated the Bervians and captured five gnus. There is heavy fighting also be- tween the Servisas and Bulgarians to the south of Istip: About 200,000 men are engaged and the losses on both sides appear to be terrible. Bulgaria's strategy appears to be to hold the Greeks in check. probably with oomparstively small forces, while she dezis with Beryta. This assump- tion, if correct, would explain the ver Wimp advanoe of the Greek rely Salonika despatches continue to tarp !0 t Greek victories. The Greeks are sad to have capkured sixteen guns at Dalran. Evidence of desperate fight- ing L found in the arrival of 8,000 'wounded at Salonika. A coeservative estimate at the dis- abled In last week's fighting arras the usher at from 70,000 to 44.M,. The Greeks make wholesale ebargss against the Bulgarians of Derain( and plllagtng ail the villages they aban- doned and of committing murders, mutilations and, otber horrors. Roumania is mobilising her army. What role she will play 1a quite un- known, but she is generally expecte! to follow her traditional policy of watt - tag on events, in readiness to take advantage wherever it may be ale tamed with the least risk and troakk. Russia's plan of action, now that hoe orders have been defied by the Baia nations, 1s in doubt. The Qsar tai practically threatened armed UAW ference. TWO DISASTROUS MSS - H■muton and Ottawa visits/ W Serious Cert4.grstlems T'b. freight sheds of th. Iateeaeina Ila.. of The Dominion Transmission Company at of ]lata and Catharine S ton. were destroyed by aoraiag. rite lo.. is $7&.090, covered by to arwaiS. Ta. Grand Opera Hoose ad sad a movies picture the ani lag were completely burned n ight. The aadi.sees were tress both pesos L as ordain, ave. The toes i. $lIlt.990. Dreadwetej*M free Haim/ The ee..fw-. appeal= tats the demos. et *0. Smi ladles W reported to !ever et eh, 9ehtlehtag a Dated spvy" eseperlang d na Df«aaeseble et 11...• km ba Iv* et width .ham 0. emestanllbr stall.aed fa the ladles; the ..as�� n es et n maul less and Oseti /fele sad the «Nasibilles et a serval to A print reamr the main..+..) s ver dter Ihe 011011141 et Se ailleaa � albite at the *blebbit `lt go :s. 1 stiaLF-CIA&I. 1VeatlolaT, JCLT 10. 11114 • flcCa ll's Patterns De MILLAR uSON Perrin ()loves THE New Sweater Coats MEW Special showing of the season's newest Sweater Coats bought direct from the mills. Lades' blamer Sweater Coats, 1 blies' fancy honey comb Ladies' heavy knit Sweater, much in demand for present weave, verysmart, in ell colon. plain stitch, exeesdiogly smart weor, in all o lownatk, of colon. High or low neck, Mon - The new try collar, eget si.00 style, all colon• each . *3.00 arch knit, each *8.00 Our:special Shaker -knit Coat, extra heavy quality, Australian wool, a real beauty, all colors, each $4.50. 1111 Otherjstyles of Sweater Coats from $1.5o:to $5.00. 1 -an s', )Children's and Misses' Sweaters in all Styles Baldwin's Bee -hive Scotch Fingerings. We have passed into stock our im- portlorder of these celebrated knitting wool!: in two, three and four -ply. Baldwin's four -ply Bee -hive Baldwids three ply Bee -hive Fingerings. Black and white, per skein 10o Fancy colon, per skein 115 Baldwin's-two-ply Bee-bive Fiageriog.. Black and white colors. Per "kelp die Fingerings. Per skein dao Shetland Floss, Andalusian, Germantown yarn special Scotch Fingering, black and colors, at 75c Crochet Hooks. at lowest prices. Try our per lb. Knitting Needles, Special Value in Quilts New Parasols Macy new styles in fancy Parasols just to band in all the newest color combinations to suit all tastes, from $1.00 to $4 50 each. White Aerial Quilts, very special large size. the hest quilts for the bummer cottage, will give excellent w-ear,'reth $1.2u. Children's fancy Parasols from ''ic to $1.511. For the Verandah Complete stock of Verandah Furnishings at lowest prices. Cocoa tllattings, best quality, all widths. Bamboo Verandah Screens, all sizes in stock. Japanese Mattings and Squares in all sizes. McCall Patterns and Publications for August. L. Millar's Scotch Store Pine Si The Signal wil: be sent to any address in Canada for one year for only Si.00. Send in your subscription NOW vAoh&la pocket to ft, clothes /ro,'asnoa' tqt fro.:„ LOWERED PRICES You know our clothing, furnish- ings and hats are the best ever. So ors:our prices. �on't wait: for you won't get as good a "pick." All Panamas and Straw Hats re- duced: ;7.00 Palmas for 24.95 4.00 '• " 2.95 $2.50 asft:i3.00 Strew Hats for;;1.50 Best Cloth! ngjCompony We sell "20th Century"Brand Clothing WALTER C. PRIDHAM Summer Suits are most serviceable when you have them made of the best goods in the mut up-to-date styler. You will obtain abso- lute satisfaction if you patronize Dunlop the Tailor West 8t., Godericb Long months of service prove the. real quality of the leather and workmanship in cue c,HART Irk -/S/700 • The Hardt Shoe L geld is 0oarieb by J. H. McCLiNTON al.t rias :quer• 'rh... TIL