HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-6-19, Page 8s Tsunami. Jeers f! NU
(,. woe brutal r,.ee riine as -
111 ..es. tl' peewee special NUM
1 Fees...,. -trice w seta is
'4_t:,r patteyr., apr.::+&L *the
1irt. r • is rote ore of err
retiree aril rho tui bi r Id
.rear air pieties as lotions:
l stip. ars !ie tiers t wo shapes.,
:5 swats.
spoon Tres'. Tic'
Peg per and sett. life per parr
lime Prase., Meaux. "lir entitle
ringed d.+i, aotlrigR like it ewer
Aimee before for lens time
$1.00. special, ,i0c
('+•ler y Tray. same peso-, 5(k
Tikes, pries bred good until
fertilise an ace
White and Gold
White and sold dinner seta,
open stock pat -t -r4. Prices
.mn,rnee a> low a. 75e for sap
1411 .4. W. urvr . Positively the brat
value -.er e.bown ane where is
tamed. Watch above windows
ter complete wee.
De Waal losIdiste
'Phone 140 Get0u'idt.
We hive
Steady Employment
a+ r,.t..... rue: vs' AC suet, tot t.Lr .:art of ,our
prodthe pve alt the advantage. the!
rel,+,.1sat sell eavmLi.ed. t,rtaWi 4W41 fir=
nal, oft, if yot wain 16 represent u. write
Nor tw`o-.r r - u.o lair for fur! her
ler 1.1
uuri... ec:avaron and 1De of the mart cam
Weir Nursery :1•ulr., ea, l nada_ E.W.
h.L,•d 3'. yea Fret rata/ague of .tock nt.
r8.I11� litISMT p.
7 or un u. lnetario.
Singer Stor0
One et the !Latae Jfiasiina
It Reek wear. a `s
sellar embassieirs * Lee
.nad, see' en :W.
T1s.. est Ms be fust stamped
es with, spieler del*
goaryner is arimartire dies
1:aoaisw embroidered with beam.
We have tate etrimped re
Ire wwrked, she uet:we a el..)
centres kr the hard work u i
A sew obipereat of l rape
Marquisette, (/oiled Limos,
Pique, Puaeb-eat Lire. mid
Pillow -case t ..Leos, jeer is.
Rorer made of bread for Clsash-
ions *ad (e+Dtre' .n pretty
shade s. Pe,w bete.
New .t y e* i D Stamped Waistt&
to be embroidered in wines or
A nate lot of Beauty Pins, Bar
Pica and Belt Buckler, masted
very low for quick selling. Also
a feta sets of Comte
A mew assortment of. Jabots.
Bows and Rases to obis from.
We have the wide pleated frill-
ing which it ua.4 so much in wary
pretty styles.
A full hue of .11 Stamped
Goode. tncludenie t be follow. ims
Striped Night Gownr, Baby
Camaro Coat,., Boudoir haps,
lacing Pin • Cushions, ('Canes.
Pipes ('area Towels, etc.
The Singer Store
Ni t BellTelephone ('eetral.
Masser of Marriage Lienee
Goderich. Ontario
ten i•O GIMIO1111i
TUESDAY. JULY 1st, 1913
A Grand Procession
the Square a: 0::44 a.nt still oomIncDCe the clays proceeding&
lu coueeetion with this Procession pries are offered as follows :
Trade,. Prot -melon -First Prize. $10 : second. $; : third, $5 :
fourth. >.
Calithumpian Parade -let Prize, :S : second. $S ; third, s2
fourth, $1.
Automobile and Carriage Floral Parade - First (for best
decorated turnout a 110 ; second. $(I : third, $4.
Decorated Bicycles., -$10 in prizes, to be distr•ibaited as Judges
Specal by W. E. Kele-. P. M. -Best decorated Ford auto.
First prise, S5 ; aecood. $3 : third. $2.
including c•',.ntee.ts for boys and girls of all ages. will take place
on the Square immediately after the precession.
At 1.30 o'clock p.m.. the Med Regiment Band and the Bugle
Barad will lead a prooel.ion from the Square to
Agricultural Park where the follopirg
program will Wye places
C,emtieeen s Road Race
To • tour -wheeled vehicle.
Hobbles barred.) Open to
all. Speed and style a.rawd-
med. Half -mile heats : beet
three In five ; four to enter
and three to Marla.. Retranr '
fee. $':., e1. Prima. geode t0
tete value of. 1st, ten : nd.
$1() :.ied. $5
Ramang Rate
Half -mile beats. Best two
in three_ Fine, flu : retired,
$t : third.
Secede( Ceaaest
For horrors that have never
won public money.
cultural motley not ed-
eved public money. Half -elle
heats : best three in eve
four to eater and three to
start- Prizes. goods t.' the
value of. let, $15 : Lad. $10
Mid. $.i Entrance fee, $1.110.
Open to all ooseeo. Z1.
toes to a teas. Prise. SRL
Aa eserale Race
Prizes- Firm. s.5: second. >�
third, all
H4b1..d D aeta.g
Boys. under 14 years. Prise -
let. $2 l ; 2rad. SLIM. Ak11
coder 14 years -. 1st. *1w;
aid. 1.00.
Opera to all Prises to the value at
Ha►f rn, ie -woe S3 00 S:OR al. Ys
Oa -yards rem 10D 10(1 1.0,
Fat man's rise" a over MD Ib : 100 yards) 100 LSO LIS
i)betaele race 1 i miles 6.'10 4.119 Lee
/tun half -mile. ride hirycle hall -silt, rue ie •.act M yards
over:eel* olrtarlee remakeaer of dielses.
Relay -wee. 1 f miles. three pangs is a baits- (IUD 4,w lip
Ronn,nit boli. step tad seep lee Lee
RUC Mitt )ung jots'
..�. EIS Lw
lltaadmc luag jump ........ 211 Leg
Vault log with pole .• 'r Law
Chairs. slier In este
Mildews i. Proaasals& tr• prstegoe gird tae.
ie the evening est the Square
lir .e�1-.m.INIII,
WSW Gert Sass s...ri--asls.at
se Lambs, 111N1a.se Piers
lass giver /timber ruin
*tasted tan
miss sort! et Prase A.ibar7. Seat.
obi d..umyd be line ea Wedseedis
of last week with a lees at biMrMa
It was em. et 1ee tarpon ea th. 0sa-
tfawt. 'There were thirty minim feat
et /amber la the rattle. The mil"
at the mill wee 004.011 tart dells
The mill was owned b s.1: William
M anis se, Tomato, earl Com4st
Devad.on, formerly of Dahill
The nee tread stead, the main
balltiags and district buildings at the
Blzktbttiaz Grpuada. Rsglna. Seek.,
were burned wen a lora of 31O&000
rainy will be rebuilt immediately.
A disastrous firs oocurr.,c et Wel-
land last week. the [seater part of
the interior of the County Court
House being destroyed. The loss 1.
placed at $40.0.0. The court was 11,
session when tell was .-(-covered Itrt
ever the courtroom to the cupola A
ant library was lost
Twenty building, including the
Roman Catholic Chnrct of the Holy
1adeemar, Holy Ransomer Convent,
Fad the Gleba House. in tee Whitney
Pier district of Sydsey, K S.. were
burned with a los of abort $1111,000
The fire started in tet roof of the
Holy Redeemer Church, probably from
detective met -tree wiring.
Nearly fifty settlers in the Town-
ships of Tudhope,. Truax. Robtli*rd and
Deck. in the immediate vicintt„y of the
town of Ct:ar:ton lost their homes
and all belongings :n a disastrous
Web fire whlcn cit • swath several
Wes in width and swept through the
township. last Wednesday and Thur.
day. Not since the Porc i ptne fire of
1911 has such a beat fire swept the
Norte Country
Wickets and Craig's big tannery and
leather factory, situated near the
mouth of the Aon elver in Toronto.
Was almost completely destroyed by
Are ally Tuesday morning w•1tt a
loss In the neighborhood of 1300.0M
i/.bnl.ts Wart Government of Re
alstahcs 11 Home Rule Carr4 .
The House of Commons passed the
second reading of .the Home Rule for
Ireland bill without . ivlaion. an amend -
sent moved by the Right Hon. A. 1.
Balfour for the rejection of the bill
Laving been defeated. 351 to !70.
The debate was marked by fiery
idsclaratione by the Opposition speak-
ers. who predicted that the imposition
of home rule would result in civil war
In Ireland_ Sir Edward Carson, the
Irish Unionist leader, said "For my
part 1 will continue to support the
Illiterates and will take full respon-
_ibllity for their resistance. You may
seise their arms or send troops but
len will not settle the Irish question."
Lord Charles Reresford declared:
-'11 the Government sends troops to
Ireland 1 shall offer my services poor
Is they may be, and Selp my fellow-
The b111 now euters the suggestion
stage before its inevitable refection
by the Lords. The House of Commons.
ender the Parliament act. which pro-
vided the means of passing Liberal
1111s over the veto of the House pf
Lords, capnot amend the bill. but must
pass 1t twice more before It becomes
law. During the debate Yr. Bonar
Lw, the Unionist leader. sharply con-
tradieted a statement made by Mr.
Jahn Redmond to the effect that the
*venires dominions were overwhelm-
ingly it favor cif home rule for Ireland
tare Hamar Cra.enwceed supported Mr.
Redmond'. contention.
Oelllepwooe Woman Attteentaley thea
' Deed With Sewn Wee
Mrs James ealback of Ciolliagweed
was almost instantly killed by a SI -
SK from a rise la tea heads of liar
der-yeearo1d bey. Tie little fellow
awoke about midnight, .cerins frau'
14Stheche and, 1n the bops of psdfr-
him. bis mother gave btm sone
. among them two '13" cartridges
iib led bim to *k fora rite whish
was. 1n the room and with whlesk be
played on previous occasions Scarce-
ly hod she give. hem t1e weapon whoa
the boy. who had been taught the
operation of knadina the gun. 1maimed
• cartridge and palled the trigger, the
"mallet striktng• Metz. Cutback is the lett
satit. sastag death to a sista.
The case is to tee thoroughly in.
Peace Now ss
Awed by Raufa's threat of inter
pestles It bostlittie. aomeaesd. Be(-
1 1s sed fes+ia have ®oI,.red to suaaft
their !irate to the oar for arbitra-
tion. "I hereby sake k news.• aN
Se Omar in his este et',.r41 "SO
d. Rtate wbeb best* war A hi
responsible for the Slav we std
that 1 weer.. to myself all MOO
sesp.ett .g the width wkl1�
WQl adopt to regard to the remits d
s.ei a crtmtata7 epwggle.- I
New Scheel lisp.e.er
Dr John Wareek. esMlsaatloS
demi tnapeector, ?warty et Ontario
e slaty. hail See appeis ed Met 1e-
+ edea et. Pebtie sad Separate
11111sarn lar the pwlets. 1. P lass
If the hi de award ecbsed Sews
eentlaustkin tidiest brapeeter. sad the
Msec be lavas vacant la /rends
spell be Ma b, M Medal of t. T. 1
rl WI& resat Is peeeer at pabil.
*Mels to itis tb ..strew
Testa Smash KING Fes !
Sew pews ware Idled .ad meal
we tteriewatb. * Ns resin
• reared er wase me M New 1
Vert. New Raven sad R.eedewd Sal .
Wast *ts rwrd. Ostia w. est Ws
d was Nis alswar'd J ipys.
Wile of tie 0 PA teed aamaebedgggr
r' it
P ie seam. Irma_ se
j91reasa *est he
cl▪ .esataase beta all liar litrit
servesedsa the
flowereethet""g= swum
teaa with tits maid a ilhse 1
1s trpent d he Mti3lsa 7 Y
O.madtt.e wawa f.w.. e l fa• et -
fair declared that theta is en Ifashin
eyea for a0.7 d the dies/* !We
aaatest Attier4gd.n.ea1 Ser Batas.
Ws. C,saoallor of tae Exams*
1]avtd l4c d Gear err Po.tmsAar'
004.r41 HesrbertL S&* a►,.,
The Oamatttee Mend that all the
Ministers a seloer'ned acted thre.pout
in the sincere baud that thaw was
aotktag to their sodas wawa would
oonitset wish thedr duty as Minute's
of the gown
The report farther said that _
evidence wee given theories that ter
weber at tte Government enard .1
a*y 13!40404 :n order to proses the
osnts*ct for the Engles.! Mammal
Oes/any or in anyway acted see•
trar7 to the public interest 1n behalf
of that Oempaay or used .LOVbiys
acquired 1a their o®catl 0apedtp tar
their private j rout or were in swirls
cmexrneed in any Soilage is the
shares of tae Company.
The coamittee reodved a cable-
gram from Lord Matrsv d T4libaab.
who L now s: Quito, Rating that as
chief whip of the Liberal party, lie
had bought :: or* American Marconi
shares. whirl he still bolds. He did
not inform his sue ce*er, P. R. Illtas
worth, of the transaction became he
did not wish to involve him in the
Arthortteas tnvsailating Death of in-
fant Near Welland -.Burled 1e Field
Robert Nutceet, a b.chelor farmer
of Welland Junction L held by the
Welland police pending the result of
an adjourned inquest upon the .body
of au infant found buried in an old
sack on his farm. Doctors Howell
and Nixon Davis were instructed to
bold„s post mortem ezamination to
ascertain if death was from natural
causes or otherwise. The mother ot
the child is alleged to be • domestic
employed by Nugent and his mother.
71e girl acro ,.. locked up. 1t is
stated that the baby was born about
six weeks ago. and buried • few hours
after its birth no report being made
to the proper authorities as to birtji
or death. The present charge against
the prisoner is seduction and conceal -
meet of a child s birth, bat if the doc-
tors' report is !hat the child was born
alive a more serious charge may be
laid against b:n:.
Allege° to Have Raised Small Cheques
After They Were Marked
Yrs. McKenna of Renfrew, ate is
alleged to bate swindled the Beak
of Toronto at Brockville tint of ;Ned.
and later to have taken 5700 ties
the Cbesterville branch of the Haab
of Ottawa, by raising accepted marked
cheques for small amounts. was lir
reet.red and is now lodged .n the Corn-
wall jail. The cheques were passed
ander 'the name o1 Freda Helena
Howard. The woman appeared before
Magistrate Whelan at CheisterviIle,
made a full ronfe.ssion, and was com-
mitted for trial at t.9. Cornwall s-
G*vape Over Chureb Union
By a three to one vote the General
Assembly of the Presbyterian Chnrcb
adopted the report declaring for
chane Union Le the following words
"That the Assembly rejoices at the
apartt of unity, Christian charity and
eaartesae con0Neration which from
the first has marked the negotiations
for union between the Congregational
tie Methodist sod the Presbyterian
Charges, and lope for a speedy and
favorable conthesi n to tbe.e nese
A powerful gap of ministerial and
lay delegates immediately started ov-
gemination work M oppoeltion t,c cages
at the present time
Leek Gstas Smashed
A reales accident -n be Welland
Canal oct*rred at Port Dalbo■sie
early Swaday mere*iay, when the four
pates of Lock 1 were carried ISM(
by the little steamer Lloyd Porter
wbose engineer misunderstood a .tg
nal and sent the boat 'ell speed inter
the gates The e• leneer N.epawab bad
a narrow ewes from grounding
Several days will be required to mak.
Police Eagiettate W. 1. Watsos of
Oshawa. was discharged 117 hie Mow
Jude. McGillivray is the Daae which
w as brought against him. The Crewr
had no evidence to preset 00 the
obsess" of the thief wittiest. Yrs. Am
nit Letitia Writas& and the layie
discharged eta Watson This erode
the case. sad Mr. Webers may sow
resume his former dubs.
Two tie Victims
Mies Jennie Her/Dag at Heti`
d14 Sunda of learns reedved WM)d
#tineas carer a gsoline _ease
riaasel Lows. afar «1
the Doalaion ReellitfessespIS
pleat at Wtsdsatfe■g avolt r
bsllla5 w and tied et bib
Prime. Visited M Falb
Prise Albert wed saw est do
Oec ria, paid a vire to Niagara ilia
last Pricer hash* mimeo the trip toe*
Quebec with a amber of 81- telMv
menu a the trete*/ step camber.
laud. His Nen was strictly iikt mel
Biwa Ytsrvt atawltwse• a+
boa a1d, 1Mb Wars �d t!
b . esebd� Ss Mr
Owl len r Mgr 8* .wale!
"sant ie JIM the INS= lite
LAY_ Chesrwfi, eribeve e. is the mew d h
Illsoni&y. Jam Q► aust, ]las. Jets. less A sassier
quietwelt Owe en Ore 41sio•
00 t=i i r lyr.gsso.-.4 y bet
aeon ItSay
Thane elawala it mmile. D
and lbw Wes. Derefers.
wee rNtad b M
e£et ne Lasata d /worst. ,
weendected Tl
the *Oen
aw. D. T. Ow. Tire beide. wire was
mer wine by her eons, Jana A.
suit 4
Riit+r•�l shin bar
ad Plied bat.
were •
caws Wow ot Nies the velem
end eiebitla. Miaknlabel Lela-
awl Atrrole8 the.reggistar Miss Name Metas a a
Perfect Lova." Ante the. oar.mee �
nom oonple lett ea the i o'clock tresis.
!.r Detroit ani Anes:. Qty.
They will be at liese atm sem. aa.
at their seaamrr cottage. . w Lake t
Front. Island, Tarsi&
fr- Thema'. Ire 17th.
Irma Loeaz...-The dry. Was
weather still orti ses up to use of
writing. 1t the beat asatinnes wiI,b-
cwt rain things will be is a serious
cones n lane time a c=soli:
weeks. The sedans are snAaetsrg
badly, ales the low fruit bashes etad
the .trawb eery patois ....lbws
Forgers bed bis barn raised on Sat-
urday last and is ready for *be ceme.t
mise Freak Scott, tr., bas the
renew past et his home almost
dsiebed. The new house will w hem
6i.hed add very such to the swuar-
anoe of the plias.... .,Mss Margaret
the Paintsod all Ss sea
e�y�e dayImre Friday Wag Ilio kiss
�� (41417..-
era* the lath r part of last weak.
' t
'Extra Special
See Oft Window
Satirday Specials
Strawberries _A weeiw
Los A elleN t L !lewLett Onoamt,w,
Rtes.. Units,
Cta►bitgs llpisees, Tomatoes
--pfanbIWm.to• eab.agm tai °eke?
is good varlet y
iiiailer Net your order 'tu
early her fruits sad eege saLa
and avoid ••teappeiint.sent
S. J. Young
Basalts steep
oleproof Week
This is Holeproof week at the big store,
when we are introducing these famous guar-
anteed stockings to the ladies of Goderich.
These are the most extensively advertised
stockings in America today. Sold by the 'box
with an absolute guarantee that if they wear
out before the guaranteed time expires. send
them to the maker and receive a new pair ac-
cording to the conditions of the guarantee.
Put up three pairs or six pairs to the box, $r.00,
$2.00 and $3.00 per box. A signed and dated
guarantee goes with each box.
Children's Ribbed Hose, tan or black,
three pairs for $I.00
Ladiesplain Lisle or Silk, per box $2.00
and $3.oO.
See them at the Hosiery Counter.
For the Summer Verandah 7" '
We e carryi
arng a vers r,mplete stock of Ver-
andah Carpeting and Curtaining materiels, said
can fit up your verandah at short notice. We
make awnings to order. any size or .tyle for any
kind of window or verandah and supply Ibsen at
fact ry prices. Splendid aasort14ebt of plain or
striped Ducks to select from.
art Verandah Matt -Nig 4, 1, li and 1 Farce, wide.
e'er; and .. .40e to $1.00
pe Fibre Rugs for the vetandab in any of the
most wanted sizes.... $2.60 ;1,.00
• 8 Bamboo Screens. green or natural. all sines.
R` Awning stripes:in greet., htown' and reds.
Beet qualities. per yard , 200 and 250
Clearing Sale of
Spring and Summer
Clearing Sale of Spring
and Summer Suitings now in
full swing. We have deter-
mined not to have a single left-
over when the season is over.
Materials suitable for coats,
suits and separate skirts, regu-
lar values up to 425 per yard,
gathered together. yo u r
choice at per yard only $1.15
This is an exceptionally
good opportunity to get the
material Coat or
Skirt at a bargain price.
Black Serge 33c per yard
Black taupe for Dew at Skirts Rswr-
_stet"id all wool and bait rya Regale alilk eaaaa•�
be per yard stab
Our Great Silk Glove at $i,00
Tail is the greatest glove value in the trade.
�There is nothing better in Canada today. Buying
.,direi-t from the Swiss maker making such ;aloe
' o ihhle. A)1 re .illi, beat weight, fully guar -
fingertips. Reath or white. per
pair i my 51.00
• Gloves for !T Ladies
We ars ebonite a oplendid Meek with glove
for elderly ladies' Wear. 1t a a .pedal weave, and
bas proved • v* -r popular Glove with ladies who
bave tiled it. Price per pair $1.00
An Umbrella Extra for Saturday
A baedeose Umbrella for ladies. High -grad,
Austria Gloria snit tor, unfadaNe. uneatable.
at tong frame. Splendid a_snr't*eot of really
beautiful haadlee. Reeclar $3(10 raises. Stour
day specie .. 52.30
Fancy Parasols Showing
on Saturday
Fancy Parm.als for rammer u.e. Every owe
new, freak from the factory the week. All the
latest anis combinations. Prices each s1.
to 5i 00
Tire -Nemo- Corset is a boos to stout figures
Especially to be ,appreciated in warm
weather. for the Nemo a ewer) 1 tally a cxnmfort•
able Comet. end the woman inclined to emboli -
point will fled tbs.' it not only oontaibwtes a well-
propo tioned. modish spree rence. but affords s
scot restful support to the figure It.. merits ads
a bealtbfnL self-reeducing cermet ate recxigniwed
sot only in New York and throughout the United
Stater) but in Pana. London sed other Europese
centres. Tbt peltation of models is exceptionally
wide. providing for every typed 4.re a comet
suited to its particular proportion .
Model No. 59$ egaai�lAy ter stout Sgorv&
equipped with the taws ws0-eeasei g Lastrkcip.
ba.dlat, and are made fres One orbit* setil.
Price 55.60
Other .tyles of Nemo O.aeete53.50
to 54.00
White Cotton Cords
dress mats ials.d morrovalor w and�tarias witiltba. opular gasser
stroke wawa that will launder well, _t per WI
ISS, las. sell
Some Pretty Hats for Saturday
The Milhteere are prepas40fg ease bats sages'
lolly for tiaturdsy oeA.Ma They are may
-w mooed. this week, wall neer/, the bent styles
Lor ees>♦r wear, and are siert\ whoa wanittt re