HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-6-19, Page 5THE SIGNAL Go RtRICH 4INT
TrGYbal, Jose le. M,13I:
• I S
Mod will bee rig 11.8 Seatsame of hareiall ise the
,.� tia �tia Mixte a• l�'iiy. tow' k s or
ssiee Fon- Mem. K-ellelesillalle "P'�
l� rir ie WartHarem Peek
• Firedwide 11ie Datum*
prime. ba. been ser won l • flippieleg teams. The emelt
0�semwd egged tie is expected. war a• wa *lk soy ere the Louses by
tbs score
T tr. Isrsitres .en
for the eer /tied foetonight.
Mi11r mad the Twin blocks. is past,
et t weak on amount of
The stemaisdar of the schedule for
the settrom is as follows :
Jun. Si--Keorjagtos v. W. C. F. M.
Ju10-11repoy v. Twin Blocks
ly 1T in Blocks •. Saissiogton
3.-W. 0. F. M.. v. Iroga.oi.
fi-'leis Flocks v. Iroquois
" ill -W. C. F. M. v. Kessioeto.
" 16 -Twin Blocks v. W. C.11. IL
17-troyotris v. Hessingtoe
" --Twin Blocks v. Keneipgtgs
" Jl-W. C. F. M. v. Iroquois
Ear. Teltheetel=ene
owlej ot mriC ter
suodi se. C. T Sells
appeated supervisor et wass.aal teas -
the hits ani
•aelionie "Set lesWilliam. tis
lathWog osier, ng *Liao. His duties
eggiewig settsewn]bn] term. Sep-
rase Gowns Will ss..
rita easy sluing of the Sup-
- plat{ el keratin will open at
Yehideb • 'Tuesday of next week.
Jtts,llrh, Chaseellor bis Jahn Boyd
tri peeddr.
The mensun sense court sittings in
alialerith will be as follows :
geptarebve 34. noe-jeary, before Mr.
Justice L easooa.
NsesseyreYS. jury. before Mr. Jua-
bor Sedates.
water an4 IJblrt.
At tie sleeting of the water and
got eniemission on 'Tuesday .veottsg
the ousetisrirrssre indented is • los(
discuanes es the itiegai ass oe laws
.+wine• ani the arrears in payments
o n water nemeses A resolatios was
paired essieti.g es tbe immediate pay-
d all arrears sod the enterer
w.a metnicted to out off all laws
-eerier* ;nand in um dewing prohibited
hours. to addition to Hee regular
rattier business the purchase of SA
eisctric curlers from tbe Packard
Electric Co, of Ri. Oatbatipor, was
o rder; d.
Attrttiened without L.Cense.
(iiatr•r. News -Record ; The .ta.eta
te the National Lead. Fruit gad Pack -
end Cu.mpany at Clinton. Exeter sod
Gedevich'were recently quid by aw-
are in Ito ' A. Carey. as official of
t1JeCun.pany seat up by the liquida-
te. lir. Carey not being a licensed
saeliaxer. fbrt,e charges were laid
against him. foe the violation of tb
county bylaw. Three ware two or
threw ad uie +lents of the mese butes
Friday last J udgis Andrews disposed of
it by fining Mr. Carey twenty dollars
and all the costs on the Mates ce��s.e,z�er
the other* bring' withdrawn se iodiag.
to at reogeu.ent. lir. Csaeey's defence
arae that be acted ander an order N-
amed t v the liquidator and sanctaooed
by the Master-in-(hdinery.
The Brenner Case.
Tbt cafe against lyra Brenner,
b.teliesper at Graced Bead, charged
with fx'iht•ry in coeoeetiose with the
Ural. pilon contest in Stephen town -
trip last Jatuary, come up brfoee
Bis Bfcot* Jude., Doyle OD Tueday.
Jas. Hlavrreoo. K. 1 . of Tomato.atsd
'L H. I)irksos, (of B:Ner, appeared,
fox the defence. white the prc*ecutioa
was represented by Crown At.toroey
Seeger and F. W. (iladman. of Exeter.
A. a remit of the eontentiook sub -
slued by lir. Havereon beton, tier
trial wt. really s,arted, His Honor
held it It as a rear of eoosiderabte dif-
Seeky arid ordered that a stated care
should he ptepared and submitted to
the Court •d Appeal. To allow Ibis to
h i roe the ease stands over until
Orioles- lit -
!i •'. r •4K rise to wets, Tone Nr/r oft.
tat ewe rade 1.0 Wier br Priebe= lbs Miler.
oma 4 tamafu,table erring lard est weetber.
rt. hie btu. wank i. welt tb.eetwes of
d.L►r- :p nava a:m.tt. Year+•• Aft eaerv.
bass me.. berameserte.e lerii=fe e•
tet v. -waken. teat to awl neereesr
pat. 4r-..erae dr.
le bete are you going ; P. -by. to wee
tie vesture* et Lyric theatre. June
Ter etc.-urwios to Guelph last eater -
day order the auspices .4 West Meson
Farwrri Isstitmta was fairly well
ttatrrniited. A goodly tumbrt -»rot
lows t%.4erieh and vicioit y and in all
slog t.il..xcur'aionirts participated in
the aunual voting.
A dispute involving the wage till of
ser of the tang epiroyed to unload
erste es
e b..q at tiier:tor was aired
before W. I4. Z. P. M.. on Tue.da .
IR" W WDWPdire tae that witbia eight
days ibe sem of $LIA, which be held
was due the plaintiff. should be paid
oxer try the employer.
P. 1. Ryan has sold his house en
4,b'e ne street. with four lots. to Net.
son Y.-.. who 'moved to town recently
feta, sew HoimaserHte. Mr. Yeo is to
he eneitatalist.rd on secure= ouch a
dee bases hie bouae is a new one
tied eh the property
Syar rt baesirable nes in
edireZalLsesillestial property on Cont-
emn 5teat Ise age.
Illi edifies the OAl-i.'
Autessbdg ass/ Ilse& of Canada
"MUM" $ leer -page advsetisseseet
mai std by o. C. Lase. manager sod
nos aur a Hato' Sunset. G derich.
b• paste . s ..41 MN; of
elseeriog the location/ of Ow
Wei aid She directional to he fellow• d
In semi It Seem the Leading highs aye.
.,f (i the nateral advantages
th. e, s sume,er resort .ed
t"wr e n .. a w as of arxerisg
Ana etsSe.hig/fag mate, see men -
'Am. through Me. Lee's ad-
•ert ieemssy, OaMehdn N pease
Prbinity w*icb It edam -wise woad
not moire.
Bowfin Tatres tent.
The Goderiele hews bowling Gish
tier desiid is bold • teur'easm t
F. E. .ad Wm. Lase. L. W.wIL
J. P.. 1[
Edam& end Pad Doris have hese
avMisrd a euesmIttee to maks ell ar-
aoMssee Judy 7 is lie deter limed.
?be here+ y seer., miss spewed edhere
end seederiels teens wet .
Ind Vert. The spar rambrai le •
1�sbeWes Vi
sub aide imesdim be
{rem Wee
a the
(sodericb Orangewen will parade to
Victoria street Methodist chureb nest
Sunday eveerttg.
Next Sunday will be Rev Dr. Medd s
farewell Sunday at Victoria street
Methodist church before leaving fur
his new charge at Essex.
Meat people disk they are virtuous
seeaely beam* they are tame and m-
otivative. Temeo.sss is nut a Virtue.
it .eineefy m the ahem* of a vice. -J.
At North tweet Metbodist church
next Sunday the pastor. Rev. Alfred
Brow+. wtJ1 preach morning and eveo-
isg and conduct the adult Bible dais.
A cordial welcome to all.
Judge Holt and Lt. M. McEvoy star
44 London this week as delegates from
St.. George s ebtueb at the sweeting of
time fi�yynod of Huron di ora.. Rev. J.
B. Fotheringhans is also in atten-
Theeelrime in Knox church next
Suoday will be specially interesting.
lu the morning Rev. Geo. F. Ross- dis-
course will be tarred on the message
from the reeent Presbyterian conggrre�essss
in Toronto. His subject will be "WhO
is Sufficient %" At the evening ser-
vo* Rev. Colin Young, superintendent
of miasioee in the Prosioce o[ UAW-
chevron. and a native of Coth eme
township.will address the coogtega
tion on his work in tbe West.
Inst Sunday soornisgt the annual
'church parade of Court Goderich. No.
T.C. C. O. F., took place. The breth-
ren turned out ninety five strong and
attended divine aervioe at Knox
church. The number in parade includ-
ed about forty tneu,b,r•s from Clinton
!cadge. Iter. George E. Hoes occupied
the pulpit and gave an excellent dis-
courtt. laking as the hams of bis r.-
walks St. .1 ones 1 : .r : -Pune
Bion and undefiled before ',od and the
Felber is this: To visit the fatherless
and widow. is their affliction and to
teedhimself unspotted from the
wo,1d' Much practical advice was e
given asthe result of the consideration
of this text from the took of SL
James, "the practical Christian.-
A meeting of ;Sunday school workers
was held in N,,eth street Methodist
church to forst ata orgsnitation in
aonnartiuo with the Ontario Sunday
School Aawciation. The following ,
officers weer elected : President, G. b
Id. Elliott; viee.presidnu. Ales.
Young : recording .+creta+,. )ties
Tye ; corresponding secretary and
treasurer, 13.. H. Long : supetinteed-
emt of *deepen terygrade, div isioo. Mae
E. Wiggin.: of secondary grades divi-
sioo, Mics LeTo•izet : of adult divi-
sion. Bev. J. Pollock : of home and
visiting division. Mies Manson : of
teacher trainiog division. A. M. Roh-
it tears : of temperance division. Jebn
CbaJJen : of miesionary division. Mrs.
C. M. Hobertsuo. These officers form
the esecuuve cummitter.
The merit in huox church lecture
room last Fri.lay evening. given under
the au- pioeso•f 1be Mac(iillivreyMis-
sios Bane, mina a greet soeens. A
fair -treed audience wary in attendance
sod listened w it h much iatemet to
the pro:tram, which was supplied
chiefly by members of the Band. Be-
sides several mueieal nuwners, an in-
terest.ng sketch of the life of David
Liriogetcme lcyrigbt hogs and gees.
nod a diskogur by fir• young ladies.
having fare its object the promotion of
the miewonary spirit. wrier gives. At
the coselusion yf the program refresh,
meets were .erred. A candy booth
ander the supervision of two of tbe
fair ladies of the coogregatios'did a
thriving beeline* .
Tb as
assiseapart is wade at tie
eme'riates of Kies Nettie Gowan to
e,daxf Hdoo..aor. of New Waw
Illibeter. IL C. Tbe event took plea
is tie Presbyteries commit at New
Westminster d or Wedeeada Jwr
�a M. After 1 rir-
feft for so -
censer hied a trip tie ()kana-
gen Valley. Bab bei
are foresee residents of tiod� b�
)aknaemia. who la a daughter a
William Cowan. of town. bas a large
circle ut frigate beee who with bar
mask happiness. The grocas be. been
longer away from lawn. but is mill
wweellll r�b.red ben mod bis old
friends tender ea:grmtulatioos.
At bigb nose, on Tuesday, June 17,
the borers of the beide'. Dar eo ta. Mr.
and lira N. Dietrich, Cambria road.
was the mess of a eery pretty w
Bien M., to
of their daughter.
Mies tie a
George Mae Vies"' was
celebrated. The ceremony was per -
las used beneath an arch of flowers sod
bear by Res Gera. E. Roes in the pee -
mesa of awti;'tiiabe relatives of the
contract int parties The bride. mil o
who war given away by her falba,
looted chastising in a travelling suit
of navy serge with • Bolgatiae diet
waist and testae hat. After • +armoprt:
outs wedding lusebeoa. Mr. and )[ry
Mac V icer. amidst tbe good wishes of
their friends, left by the 2.14* train fo-
a tfiip to Tos(..to and Niagara Fula.
On their return they will reside in
Goderi.eh. The handsome permeate
recriwed are takes of the high
esteem in which both beide and erre om
are held by their friends, who join in
wishing them many happy Feats •af
wedded life.
llattbeers- Cierk.
A Vero pretty wedding toot place at
the Bowe of Mr. and Mr. WAD.
Matthews, Water street. Port Huron.
Mich., un Wednesday. June Iltb, at
$ o'clock p. m.. when their son, Irytos.
wan united in srriaee to Bias ]fart ha
Matilda Clack; late of Godrrieb, noir
of Port Huron. The oere.oey was
performed by Rev. Mr. Dodd. The
bride wore • blue alk dress sad
tarried a bouquet of sarnatiuoa. 'lobe
w as at tended by the groom is sister,
II de Jerrie Matthews, dreamed in
white. The groom elan •++nerd • uy
Clayton Spring. After the oeremooy
the wrests. who numbered about fifty.
est down Loa ► 4eTJ(bd wpprr. Amuog
the guests was the bride's b,-ober.
ferric -et Clark. of Godericb. The happy
couple »err• the reipients of many
!•oautiful is useful preemie. After
the festivities they went to their bowie
oo Will -1w street. Port Huron. The
bride is the d "'tighter of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Clark. Walout street. (iaderich. !
St. Joseph's church, Clinton, was
the bone of a very pretty and fashion-
ble wedding on %%eednetday of Last
week. when at :i,:ft o'clock Rev. Father
Hogan. &wast d hr Rev. Father th.n.'
f St. Augustine, united in the hoods
A rnatneuosy Joseph R'. Boyle. of St.
Augustine. rod Mess Mary. eldest,
daughter eA Mr. and Mrs. John Shan-
ahan, of Clinton. The bride. who was
givan away t,v ber lather. looked
harming in a white brocaded satin
gown. trimmed with pearls and
bitfon. She wore a bridal tell end
wreath and +•tarried a bougcet 44 white
uses. The brides sboter. Mars Eliza-
beth, was bridesmaid. and wore A
manse brocaded satin gown draped
with flowered chiffon. and • picture
hat. and carried violets and white
weet peas. Tow groom was, attended
v his brother, William A. Boyle.
Mrs. J. B. Reynold*. of eirdericb.
cousin of the gloom. presided eit the
organ. The ushers were Frank Mc-
Gasgbey and Alpboneus (anklet.
After the ceremony the happy couple
drove to the bocce of the bride'•
parent'.., where a sumptuous dinner
was seared to a Large number of
g'sesta. Mr. and Mrs. Boole took the
:3.(6 train for • trips to Toronto.
Niagara and other points. on their re-
turn from which they will reside on
the groom's farm one mile west of ;et.
Augustine. Awong those who at-
teeded the wedding were Mrs. J.
Boyles a Guelph : Miss Mae Brennan,
of Hamilton; Miss Gaffoey, of Lon-
don: Mies Anna R. MCiroe.an. of Tor-
onto. and W. )lcGrog.o. of Belmore.
Mr. and Mn. Bole were the recipients
of many beautiful and costly presents.
The grooms s gift to tbe bride was a
sunburst of pearls. to the bridesmaid
a pearl crement. sad to the grooms-
man a wuehfob.
Folders have boon issued advertising
the summer school to he held in Gude-
rich during the week comeneociog
August lith, under the direction of
the Presbyterian Synod of Hamilton
and London. Some of the speakers
Anoka ]:rd to bepresent are: Rey. R.sbf.
Pettigrew. M. A.. the Synod modera-
tor : Rey. Lr. R. P. 11.4E,. Portico
rniohioo .* etary : Iter. R. W. Dickie,
B. A.. of Moot,-esk : Re.. J. G.
Shearer. D. 1).. secretary of the board
of oncost envier and evangelise] : Rev.
W. R. McIntosh. B. D.. a London,
joint cot. rimer of the (mass] A.asem-
lsly Sendai- ,rb.tol and y°Mfg s
wester minimum* : Hey. R. err:,
Beth. M. A , e reetimas d authority on
home *4.sioes ; Rey. Hugh Iiatbesos,
Ll. B., 1'.tiessp'ieet soba hymnal
es..ittee : Rev. Dr. Myers. flea -
hostel secretary with the K. K. meed Y.
P. K. eonmeittse : Rev. R.' . Shad p, M.
A. ; Rev. Wails Radio. a. A-, ft...
Idles. China: Bey. E. Diehl*. of
Aelfe t : foo. J. R. tali et thrsw
a.pswmtatiess all eke be' preen*
b.•. the Dawson.. • tte.a the
. sl
W.es's Foreign ed Nemo ilisabs
aGmad• to tea .f the west sod stye
irekew;Wtt. Le to treetse a dastla-
armee the woo d the Meet et Psei.s
will be,.•••rel. 4111 rise peerage et-
taN11111 lh. sr:haot Medi mod +bele
egglisetteee ter re Nee. Ge t
Y.tlwf Bah d
treir :ewe
8aeries aurad brew
4101•swere+. ew.MneseweA
Goderich Sends a Large Cont.ngrnt,
including "A" C.sanatny, Regi-
mental Sand. Signatrsng Ceras sed
A. M. C. Men Merest Regii ,sot
Second Largest o' the Oreeeda.
A epeeiaJ train left Mocday more
ing by G. T. R. to take tis trot ea -
teen so camp et Cariicsg s Heights.
London. (4oderiele is well represented
he the camp. ~A` eenepaoy, in cow -
1 mood of U.pt. Dunlop. i.. we
trader t a n 4, tie loam* com-
pany os the grossds. In addititon
Mose are tie regissestal limed hoes
Aeimi.r. tie derasiti.g mews. in come
awed d Capt, R..41.. s.4 a detach-
scent of 'debt ales ruder Lieut. (tal-
low. A. Id. C., with (lee MA laid Awe
Arse. W. T. 0.74... of the Corp*
of beide•. is net in +mesh MN year,
ba.Leg Moe
girembrd lean et ares+..
h ..- a.beeNstr.preerat-
achea to Gere whit die 211. 7.
Leeman .ed T. IL thieil left
Isere, wwateg with 1
}Ls the Corse at LWbb
Copt- • M fete. She rid Metaser.
ie attaeW is the Ped Mea.sea as
ase* sealisery tespeA.e,
K111 A eider. esesteis the es eesesw
Deet that Iamb Harem. Gyteptr et
o.H., w'its eeese..ld is bM mM•Rs
ssehi mtbe I.r .epeekl.-- t. Geer.b
- er
V1'e have to dispose of cheap': 1(5* feet J fire -pry hoer. new
horse buggy, complete with top and curtai„s ; 1 h.p Canaouu
Faineants eoglisee t•oat with B.Jdridke guar. 3 f ; a lady's is he. 1,
sew, $ ) ; a assts al-haed wheel. SI() : reseal neer w brei., wit;. a134
without ex».stersst, all Dunlop tired, teem, 1<3i: a 3 h.p. Cootie
etationary oil engine. These can all be seen by applying at
Huron Gasoline Engine ec Machinery Co.
fAit)t.;:1 1J r.N7, r. 243
Metes from the Gimp.
t try rho Vey Mae
Lyndon Camp, Tuesday.
The main body arrived cm the
grounds about 4 p. to. Monday alter -
11100111. The Huruo tory, miss the coo/.
refreshieg breezes off the lake, but all
are wandlike the bot weat hr r ir. suldier-
lite manner. Tuesday did its share
of .unbsua, toe !
Cook Bell is in charge of "A" cow-
paay's mea on the to mad intends
to scud the Wye bane looking. good
and fat,
Eyary cola Sep the :tkd Regi-
reat is in pMacucally fall btrengtb.
So far the bey. are getting in a
awyunt of work. The :rhea
ad the tirat night of =id duty.
The :33rd Reglwent Jisiid is on band
with Bandmaster Adams in charge.
Nothiugof great interest hat bap-
peried so far except a spectacular flight
of an theropiame over tbe ramp grounds
about 7 u':wck Monday night.
The Sled Helton Regiment is in Cmin-
maod of Major, H. T. Rance. witty the
fOIMwoat! at : Adjutant, Captu W.
W. MacViear: ma,ket.ryiu,:+actor.
Capt. A. Rougvie : ,igualliog ufiter.
ag,t T, R. Rundle : qua4wrruaater.
Major IteTaggart ; paymaa.ter, Lieut.
Dowding : medical amcer, Major
Shaw - ehapla.iu, Major Hcdgies;
Makr. (leo. Jamas ; bandmaster.A. B Adaras : t�uartesoaaster-ferret.,
W. iteieliaorta : Ord. Roo.•-Sergt.. 8.
Ther-ompany officer. of the :fled
are :-A C nnpany Goderich t. (,apt_
Dunlop, L isuts. Nisbet and F. Sturdy;
B C•ompauy %Vitagbent I. Capt_
t*lair : C Company i seafortb ). ('ap4
e: D Company '(Tinton(, Lieut.'
Towne ; E Cowpzmy Brussrls), Capt.
MtPhsit, Lieu's. Sloan and Hodson ;
F'Cotttpatly iEteteti. Capt Heartier',
Lieut. titan teary; t.0 Com Pan IPurtet's
Hilus Capt. Nattrl: H Cuwptwy tllun-
ganuon), Capt. Vat -cue.
Lt. -Col. WiLeole of the . ,e in
cowman.' of s biigade obi. year.
The :Ord hu a total strength of
3ife acid is the second la:•geetregiw-ot
tot the grounds, the Miidleeez lege
resent bei /et tdestrtangeet.
Lieut. W. F. Galtuw is aleo Fri the
grounds with about ten wen 1r .n
Goderich attacher' to the Alloy
Itedicel Corps.
At dinner"' ueeday night Capt. Var-
coe wee permeated ey Major Ranee.
t). C. 33rd Regiment's tb hi. field of-
ficer's certificate. accompanied by the
congtstalwtiues and good undies .4his
fellow-otd(rr.. (' to . Vareoe ie
worthy iron of a veteran militia mac,
Vascor, foruieriv in cuotuaand
of the Med-
;• i
On Monday bight ib- Hydro power.
was "off' iu the city. soaking it very
inconvenient for the toys why hap-
pened to be up•tuwn.
The signalling roup• from Godes-i -h
is iocheese of Capt. T. et. Rundle. It
has fon doing good wort with the
fltg.. The meet in the onto are
Mee geant Straiton. e',spore! Mr
(hearten. Pies. Pbslip Carey. H. Tut -
ford. J. Beek. 1'. Case. Ear! Allen. F.
MaeArth,r, Jos. (irifflo, 15ddie Diet-
The lora' nudbrr orf aero in ramp
this ye.: is estimated to be in the
neighborhood of
Hoe To Be Geed Wile and Moths
Were Former Standards.
The education of Japanese sooner
up 10 receut ttmee has been planned
with the wain idea of uptruilding
their moral character. How to be •
good wife, how to be • wise mother;
these .J says Jinzo Nano*in The Onen-
til 'levies., have been the questions
to which the Minds of. Japanese girls
have been directed century after cen-
All am books written for the earl-
• cation of girls were those of ethrc•l
1w:tr action, the teaching of 14* daugb-
ter bow to behave toward her parents,
el the wife to her husband and the
mother to her children. One of the
accepted precepts for women was the
teach,ng of "three ,cages of obedi-
e 'Doe..'
It said: "When young obey your
parer ir, when married ,bey your hus-
band. when. old obey your .on This
idea of womitely obetfierioe Jus uuder-
gone a decided change in modern Ja-
pan. although the principle remains
that moral culture shall have the
poeitiou of supreme importance in
*'.omen's education.
It iStuzportarrt fur the correct wider -
standing of condition, ill Japan ty
bear ire wind treat moral culture has
always been y nee i tJie all iwpurtaut object
of the educataou of the :daughters of
Nippon. Under these crrcurnstxl,ets
it is only natural that religious and
ethical teaching) Would have formed
the basis of educative both for wen
and for women.
Confucius L.•J not show much ad-
' miratrun for woreauly virtue*. He
' paid file fair sex the negative oumple
ment that its individuals wets as dif-
i &cult to manage D.E. wan every perwu
Of small mind.
As s' 1 en cal coneltision of such
tea(Tiinos being; accepted ill Japan the
Jalatwse trornen could do nothing ins,
i way of assertin;; their 051, character
and originality without meeting with
I the disapproval of their friends. Their
1 isdractione were IG, t,o• hie quiet as
quiet could be. as cb:dsent as could
be and as nieek ar could be.
Even at ; resent there- are some Jap-
• sneer who think that the note object
of women') education ie to make them
Loos' wives and wise mothers. But
that this idea is cwt a generally ac-
cepted one is shown by, the fact that
at present there are more than xla
girls' hirci maws at us students each
in Japan. There der many schools
devoted to training girls tor earning
independent livehbood, euch a. (hone
Nacho* msec. the arta,. medicine,
bookkeeping. *eyeing, pedagogics, rod
many other kinds of work.
The Jspars Women's University.
t which 1 was able to establish in IIIA
with the support of the lading men
and women in every walk of life in
Japan. has now 1,100 at.udente divided
into department& d pedagogics, litera-
ture. English lltrsatvrt and helms
keeping. The university (♦tend• b
organize in the near tubule depar't-
a,rnts of music, art and Ieed,cux.
%osDay. June Itkb.
Mus Jessie King has rammed to bee
home in tiewfosedlssd.
Mr. clod Mra. John Button awl Mies
Annie are visiting frorids in Loodon '
and Lesmingt.,a.
)ties Rothe Royal.of ('hieago. is bete
or • two months' visit to Mlle old home. ,
1. S. Mitebell has nose to Port 1
Arthur to aese.m. a position Gro a civil
*om iag staff tut the .summer
Tie Oranges.+ of '4.'ofi Beo:e god
North Hares have derided to celebrate
let "AMtnr'iee. Twelfth" at Leek4ow.
A awed erne& is expected.
Camra ter Sots •ow mesa -The W.
Join Anther, whit died bre. es May
Yftb. bottld with Dir par.ate whew he
ergo a mess lar ea the DOW NOS of (heir-
ridb township. Their farm. wheel
was i he Harty plea. is mow ooeaapinr
by 84. Welsh. About twsetp-Eve
yssfl s�o the w of thee Belie*
t. vai to Eric Wsweessk, where
1e eseEeued a hair u.W sheet tom
rleergo' whets be rotted sad re-
tseed ig
sLneEB.w. /be •assn_
was -seven years of age. 1ta 1.
1141.10011- hy bis widow sed ors ear.
Thames •Girt sed we. Meter, whoa
resides r Duluth, ars the h
emir surv.persete were eases' the et
hg me.b.e of the
amalgams oordio..
Ps pvw..1 *Mamas..
Morse. . sr I..Lwt. .
tote Haast to ..
Roomw rf lanais
Msevel.sf tested
tear beetahs
Jeer it
l 1r
Jstr 4
-lair t*
Jell M
Tires. w .e tae stews a A,. soy
.-.maws, sweet er J. sue.....04. G
P. K. aea.Ass, Om.
ami. Uivasae Pr.Maw.w, $8,375,110
Tata! Ands Ow) - $*INJN
if it is deposited ilk OR
Union nanh of Canada.
When that unforeseen need arises, or an oppor-
tunity comes of make an exceptionally pro'itabk
.ash deal, it is worth mu:h to be able to tiro your
:.tsh without delay.
Meanwhile it is absolutely safe and is earning
Interest a;l the time.
•J. G. GEDDES, Manager Goderich grand).
Prices That Tempt S1imPur,ses
Our Lia. d beautihat jewelry,
cut ghees and silvsrwars u the
batt we lime ever shown. And
that mem the bast is the coos.
es. Ter mace is »idea aloe.
Sir lbs w critic, red tispsioaa
Sew •5 .gb roe 'tin sisal
oe .see `ems
We have scoured the wadi. fee
watch+• d accurst, ani
Oar new stock id Stratb�
Watches Is w.S.rbrtb a.mpisg, A
retiabiedeireisee is a es 14447 to
eWe how all about be South
Dia nt
Liowb MCOQ
Wadies -• shoes tele see pew
rowseeti lisp we baro
4m Ir sA ekes end
d11!•ra _�i,PsiaW_tat
Selling Agent for South Bend Watches
Goderich - - Ontario.
4 the �
`--'� R.F i CtTa ^ ti t tt
known for surf:tam. e J
beat. �e .. e .. �•.
Sore feet., anima GR4
LEFT . or
Outing Shoes
Omit 4 Days at Sea
Hi"oeir s am • .eymoo ow 1
toms. :; A.u"m owes+. rias i
o rM'okon. Wailer Core. see mer �
p.a. a Masan' :ss.mi
... nae le orlase
prom +10lofWe. a.ete.tdstr. ro,
:Aug w hod lig. %ma ma wadereM 1Lr
V./ V
T •est S. •001/fig bre ere s wtr row -
..4 to SMOG ea..tt •a.aerf .teles resp '
▪ .elet•a.aa tas.rlretla.eaOolia •3521,,
ruse+.+skoOs. iorroo oetasse isioisr-
O ur eb a few sa.r eo sAwarsb...sit• s..
wasneessessa ewer a ercarOils/Oar.
1110WWiat 8b. tr. aea•W, Ey.
.isle m
Aar. v
Aar Yt
Kiera Mir 4rd
Roy •l (&.4,.
Kays: VA rapt
K ryal .asst..
It:.yM t;dwase
tt..Tai . losses"
. Ayal Led weed
gate 11
Jolt' t: i
July i
ytr Ie
Aug, fl
Sart IS
dein +~my
cea is•.g. rr
5.144. to M eeemtee
e. C. e..rli., Grams. host
Si aa.s at lea Tavola Ora
Carl•+ Nersheya
1-- ¶3-I.4
(.R wirer e•rltWALT
Purr r'awn/Fru Y,
W. hs.e• adders
Fishing Tackle
to our steels
Piste. O.1..
Te peel Myra
at W.11 Paper.
♦a•.iabes ani
Year paterssge
The most41,11(oa.;:.,V ofs.:sith
tie tied sod patent ('+rani' hie, v -
.ed at the BALlruttAL (SAP.. Or-
ders Ity teIepbone for ier Cream
in bulk or in ;,licks attended to
promptly. Telephone
erne -FORD. OUT.
Canada's Best. Business Cotleee
we 1.,, ehwro;,¢is enears...rut ,, u,
pr1e1,4554(r4 - . .' iO4A41 l'N.-
more for 01 7 , 4. ter 5.d rre4 vee.•.
heart 0n ml.«r rl.�y.1.. .%i ;..rr•,o err
h.,- a;,1Iv.ti.•u• o, .riot. town gore to
Ciel it's 5,007,1 fu• :mitred bolt, ):tai.
t..r- moot knout +bet.. 'bey wort the ler.
trip N'•.
•'essn,.r.i.1. -t+ Wirt I,,.44 «-.4 Tr tis
vat !,y. f%••' GOr fra+• ...ea:ry;rr.
1). A. MCLA4:11LA\ . t•.... ,.. i. .
School s
¥110r .O r.e. 1n all Li a011.0.1116 .t.i l.at•
;eat "Ng t 1151401. am Elmo toms ,. or
teteeasarsenert sod for ('hell bier.sad
(.usww _l #41•••rolirtr. ecawimai i.e.
will Ira eewfrtrl is Nine. teloe.la.
Tense* are( eater] ►selves.. , motions
with fee• Orly to-:weh Fet.sal.i from
July Sol to Aug..: N'+w Lar• tens
'Indents may eater ":us.!- ter e•.'
Nal esos,w %7 114 ,1•4••••. :4'nta w'.
P. 'Masa. Prreeei4.,u:. 'u: 'x:rl744' i. art
Yews at.. +arm.,
That's Right, Miss.
„ Ve don* the eerrect eci. i.i' ne
n4mg w up at Once.
When Your Roof Leaks
Have Us Tia It.
it • • .svht cheaper than let' , s.v 4
gu end isietlieg ab..eras end 4.. -
Without Ovens' 1
1. tM lbs) we give all who gr. a ..
1,, do (hoer unshod.
Semites Stet _ Goderieb