HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-6-19, Page 2* TavmsnAT, JUnn !f. 1113 THE BIG?:AL : GOD ONTARIt, eht,Siunal tiWDliir05 UNrA 110. PUBLISHED B`:.BY THURSDAY a THE MONPIUMTiNU Ol., Limited - Can Na tt. Timms Mer,vgalae IRdr ger seaman s dvaso . ilia assente. els ; the.s moues. era T. Usdtsd [tats raA..etbmA ULw a year t.vtoUy is dvaimei nobsertbers wbo 611 to reseve Tes therm axle ass of fmail act at as a• Ever aur catty •datat a as passible. Wass • shames d addrem 1.4Ared. bate old ,.od chs saw address AGSM le IONS. Aemitielr.. near : Lad and other Alar advsru.ement.. I'8 pee dm 6r ant immense aad sc per line tor • h"eby a nonaaralld t,,, as o . twam(0 ao ince. Madams made Man Iles and ander, ei per rear. Adv'rtlammtata of Last. Pound, Buoyed. Hitt. natives V tirtWm is Wanted. Heuer. tor Mae er . Yams far Ban er to Heat, Artider 6r etc., mut esasedtse sight Mee. Mori toasts• :111 ant omtk. lac aus wrath. l�rf'er advertise to rdar marmrrs Y wdirvy routingtype o pada tem Mrs ger tea N. .sthan c. Imo Any mesial Neusr Use obj«x of which Is flea senelary hewlet of say Wivtds►!er aas,d- sins., to In teesidand okrt edd ocear. . re. advenilasmsit and Rates far display Mil sestsaet ad vertrw manta wtlrbe Ives 1 apeimtsa. Address all eseaaalseleme en TEL SIGNAL PILIWI W.j ('0.. Ideated. sie4erir,l. Oat. :ODLBICS THU)sISlAY. 7t V stir. 1111 MR. PROUOFOOT AT ERIN. At the Liberal picnic at Erin. in Wellington county, on Friday last. Mr. Proudfoot was one ot the speak- ers and be again reviewed the history of hie charges against Sir James Whit- ney and Hon. W. J. Hanna. In addi- tion W the questions already published. Mr. Pruudfoot asked the follow. trig, directed to Mir James Whit- ney : Ill Your counsel, the, How. Wallace Nesbitt,eaused Geo. C. Taylor to bein- formed of his violation of the erirnival code in paying over the $500. and that be could refuse to give evidence on the ground that it would incriminate him ; if you wanted a full and fair investiga- tion why did you allow your counsel to take this course (2) Toile counsel was informed that Mr. Taylor declined to take the shel- ter pointed out to him. and that if di- rected bythe committee be would tell the whoe truth ; why, therefore, when your counsel wanted his evidence ex- cluded, was it not let in ? Wby didn't you see to it that the committee ad- mitted his eviden? Were you afraid of what Mr. Taylor would say Cit Wei that t be t pian' you and your moose! decided that the evidence should t.ot be admitted? EDITORIAL NOTES Get ready tot Dieuinioo I)ay in' Goderich. io it the custom, et Toronto fur, the party in power to milk Government contracts % The vote in the Presbyterian Gen- eral Assembly was three to one in favor of church union. Well, the soldiers are camping at London instead of at (iodericb. Are you q;l.d. or sorry R. E. Ti (lax i. ,gain the candidate of the Lih-rnl: of South Hem,. He Will rut d..wn the Tory majority all right. Now that the war of words at Ottawa 1s suspended, people will hay.• time to PI). sense attention to the crop reports, the Football gases and otter vital affairs. Down in fes arhori township. York county, the Liberal ladies have formed an association. Wby not have a We,.t Huron Women's Liberal Asso- cistion' The Toronto Methodist Conference passed a resolution railing for assess- ment reform so 00 "to encourage the use of the laud for beneficent pro- duction, end remove the temptation to speculation.' Life in Ontarlo is one glad. sweet song. After the church gatherings roto. the politica! picnics.—Toronto Globe. And Dr. Macdonald of The Globe is equally at home in botb crowds. Mr. Borden will not take the advice of the Besate and appeal to the coun- try on the naval contribution bilL The Empire is not sufflMeoUy io dan- ger to warrant the sacrifice of his majority in the Hcuae of Commons- Mr•Quaker is the name of the Liberal e•sdidate foe the Legislature in North Grey. It's a great rowhenal ion : thea ptsmoe-lovi•g diep.Mrition of the "Prime along witb the bot fighting blood of the Higblaoder. Mdluaker .sty►t to win. The Ii•sdos Pres Press protease, to be shocked beams' Mr. Prominent mellow t.mseiassly to his asst five the LOgttleSSra- Witi The Pew Prose .._twee 1101011009 who would like to My s ram with Ma. Pr sdfost for the Oent a Mary tient y The MIA O.en...st le Neste. ilmmeett smother .tits Det .o loom es Asquith stay. M esmmaaed d his pow the pvespeets of • edoe'alel term are good. If the Govertones were wrecked now the cause of Iris borne rule would realm • very seri- fro., tee I quer Incests i. dollen, according 10 o y infeett riNs one newt up to Neste G Matilda tee 1 t t bey teonia4hudeMe nus setback, and other ref intro- we tray lake it for granted tint ieY domed by the pressen venom's' feta osetributiose from liquor ftariM. wouk1 be endeavored. tj Milt oodoo. in Bast Middlesex it - seal in places nearer at band them The reform of the Caoadiaa to bring it in touch with Ibs lie of the Canadian people is a be that would be popular in every part of Canada.— !.00doo Free Press. But it is a Weiner* that will Bever he undertaken by The Free Prase political friends. Sir Edward Canon. wbo says Caster will Lake .Ip arms against borne rule, was struck tau the head by • missile thrown at him during a demonstration at Leeds. Possibly just a little hint that, if there are to tat any heads creeked in the home rule fight. aid heads will not all belong to the home rulers. Finance Ministet White rays that the high cost of living is des to the vast expenditure ..n armaments by the great nations of the world. mad that • customs tariffs have little to do with it. The Minister might espbaio, then, why Canadian bacon and other attirles produced in Canada an cheaper in England than they are in the country (i4 their production. FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES AL Ontario Behind Him. •'ul1i,.R wend Hallett?. .411 Ontario is behind Mr. Proud in demanding an investigation of Lb $500$Mof campaign fund. Will .nyoa.e tor • stso.tmmmt emispet that thousands of dollar, went Meeasary simply to pay the ordina" sad lettttimate t:peaty of the Gov• eminent candidate in East Middleez If not nary for the ordinary and to iitaaith. legitimate expenses, why were these FOR YEARS Wa■ia iRr Women to Know How She was Finally large contributions taken up and emit rd % Was the contribution mad by the liquor interests in the IC Ywdlesex dgbt, and the pr,,pecti contributions to be made in of contest,., one of the consider at ion. which ioduced the Gover men. out to carry out their p p,sal to introduce anti-rteat ir legislation during last session % Th have giyeo the men engaged in th businr.s the opportunity to recou themselves and vastly more than r coup ,hrmselves for the contribution they have already made, and no dos I fie eons ibutions tbey art ex p.etrd to make between now and t 1e next general election. Do the Pantie Approve % hed hot fl re- HenrmL i Ont. — " I am passing est through the Change of Lite and for two er h�h"`• soreness in the beck of 4 bead, was a•. I constipated, and had weak, nervous feel- ,. bp. The doctor who attended a for roe a number of years did not help a, but ,g I have been entirely relieved of the .-y above symptoms by Lydia E. Pinkha's e i Vegetable Compound, Blood Purifier and P Liver Pills, and give you perennial l to , publish my testlmoniaL"— Mrs. Loot/ bt Bzauc nl s. Sr., Hamood.OK,C..ada • New Brunswick, Canada. — ' I eau highly recommend Lydia E. Malthus's VegetableComposed to any suffering wo- man. I have takes it for female week - Dees and palnfeil meest rustion End It a a cared me. " — Me DEVs BAsou*, _Harvey Beak, Newrentlee 1 LB yydia L �m kba'a Vegetable Co. pound, ined.6ant native roots and herbs,contains an tic or harmfbl drugs, dty i0 and to - k the record of being t n.ra.. most s tyl 'remedy for female itis we know of, and thousands of vohmtalry ls testimoniaoo file in the Pinkie/in kb - oratory at Lynn, Maas., mein to prom this fact. Every suffering wanes ewes it to herself to give Lydia E. Ptrkmt bm's Vegetable Compound a trial If yo. want speelal advies write toPlanes)Lydia E. Plaas) Reecho On (seedsieat�l}ael)) LL�..,_lo... Tear Misr w4 and aerwsnd woman sad YY la strict t emLbyi-ts "Do the people of this Pi°viper ap- prove of this manner of tracking to our moat vital public interests % IL/ they approve of the Government abandon- ing the averse which a year ago they said tbe public int,rest demanded, namely. the prohititiui of treating, because the neo engaged iu the liquor traffic, who are giving the Govern- ment` strung financial support. are opposed to such a law. We cannot • find fault with the men engaged iu the liquor traffic making the beet trews they can with the Government. If they have to put up the money Proud( they naturally expect an opportunity at of recouping themselves for their expendnturet. "It is, as tuembers nt the Opposition, our duty to expose wrongdoing -,n the part of the Government whets. In we find it, but we have not Y •stopped there we have proposed, and us now prupcse. a constructive policy' in gO order tu prevent, if possible, the re - nit eurrence of such off.nces in the future. s One of the greatest needs uf..this coup - Progress and Poverty. Ottawa (ideas. The strangest anomaly of Mole times is the fact shown so clearly b Henry George in his most fano work, that progress and poverty together. In spite of the abounds wealth of the world, and the growio power of mankind, the curse of power continues and deepens. Howey great the swelling' of the river wealth. in some mysterious way it tapped in such a way, that it new reaches the people who need it rhos It is diverted from its course instead of being allowed to freight tbe bu dens of the common people over th shallows of privation. Do Yoe Realise It? The Weekly sea. Do people generally realize that 1 total appropriations for warlike Impel anions which the Dominion (;over ment have asked Parliament to vo ty try today taro maintain a high step- - rd of political morality, both in the "f Baadministr,tiuo of the country's affairs 1 u by t be Government. and in the conduct er of a lectwas throughout the Province. L In the platform wbicb I had the honor to submit to the electors of the Prov- e- , ince in the month o'f November, e 1911, speaking for the Liberal party of this Province, 1 proposed the following measures as practical metbe s of helping to improve the be present conditions: We will prohibit under adequate penalties all cot parer ions over which 4 the . Province has jurisdiction from making election campaign contribu- tions; require the publication of all electives campaign contributions to candidates and political organization., is 'provide- for the appointment of a public n pro.ecutur a, itsKogland, whose duty it shall be to intereeue in contested r elections to ssetbat all wbo are guilty !of fraud or corruption ate duly prose- , tufts.' ••Uurinq the recent session of the this year amount to over 251,000,1.M.)Do people realize that, even with th tri.i,1101 10 naval vote eliminated, th total is still li18.0110,0 0 % 1)r, people realize that this amour, to 12 per head for every men. wows aDel child in Canada, or over 1111 or family Do people realize that the sum aa'ked for. aside from the naval vote, is epua to the average annual expenditure r the Dominion, for all purpose., for th first tour years after Confederation ? guide Go they realize that the appropria- tions. for militarism, ide from th Ki;,(o101M10 vote, are eight times the cost of the ligbthoise sod life-saving stations along our ,-oasts. Do they realize that It amounts t0 nearly double the cost tat our whole postaffice service Do people realize all this % MR. ROWELL's ADDRESS. ,! Legislature, two bills were introduced by two of my colleagues, one prohibit- ing cawpaigu contributions by enr- e poratinur, and the other requiring the F..1luwipg isa continuation of the n t..., r of i be address "dere by Mt. N. W. Rowell at the recent Pruudfoe,t dri„uuet ration in Godes iib : "I venture to say," declared ;dr. Kowell, "that never in the history of the Legislature of this Province, never in the history of the Government of Caned.. never in the history of the Pat liainent of Great Britain minae people have enjoyed free and represent- ative governesses, has any govern- ment taken such ati unprrcedrolerol, unfair and unjustiflahle course as for WhSoo, Government took Isis ero- sion b -Lure the public e',cw:nte com- mittee. The action of the Prime Minister in the matter ids open to only one interpretation, and that is that he not only condoned, but approved all that the public accounts committee had done• and that their action was in accordance with his views and desires." The proeredIgs of the Government in connection with the privileges and elections committee were equally. if not more, reprehensible. Mr. -Rowell was sure that the Gov- ernment must have realized before they would have accepted the public criticism and odium which would io- evitahly atta,;h to the blocking of the investigation that if thia investiga- tion had been proceeded with the public odium and condeaenatirm which would have followed would have been vastly greater. The Gov• eminent must have had a great deal to ...owes/ or they would not have dared to go the lengths they did to suppress the investigation and block the Legi.tature from getting at the truth. Sebscripti.e, freta Lianas Heiden Mr. Howell continued : -No one for a moment supposes that the particular cootrihntloa secured from Mr. Taylor was the osly im.erilntioe secured from Goveressent crootraaetoes or (e r anissavl.g relatiow with the This invest!galae. ye. peo=isally sli delay.litt ear. maim up cossesated frets POWs gem the manner in whieb the swing* est is.st bar epilog -tad sod severed the moseys to carry es its yolk/eel warfare assim.t it. op- p^neota. It le. wimps. mot wit beet 'net to pellet ost that aftother m• hod by which tis (iowermmest is . • tris[ nostetbuUo.s to m of t hi tees .nal warfare is to SA* or rgL St h. aNN .ot• hoidens to maske seettiketiess to snippoet the Oesserretive es_ dates. le the Mast Heiress ease Gales 'i •.w.tioe or suhe.Mt►»eentetheeleismemo term w waseste- Merstelies i se thehomer ti. ti.im the et !lament• to eosin °i NNrenm"ra sear ti temmin Meet i publication of all campaign contri- buti los before an election. These hills were withdrawn on the sug- gestion of the Prime Minister that the tolls be reintroduced at the next session, and 1 confideotly expect that next session the hills will tie enacted and heconte I h" law of the Province. •.All interested in securing gond goes unbent and in maintaining high deal. in public as well as in private tile mug battle again,( all forms of� corruption and wrong -doing in the e..uduetof the prl,Lc again of the I Province w well a. in the conduct of elections in the Province." BAYFIELD. runway, June lOtb. BRIDE* --Mr. and Mrs. John 1'ongh are vlsiWug friends at Hyde Park this week. .alar. and Mr.. Armstrong, Mie. Rim and Miss Kntbrtford. of Mir. h -1i. motored to Hayfield heal Mundy and apetit the etterrsnnn" c.h• tog on friends in the 1 iltatteaud °eigh- ts., h•o,t .Thee. Cameron and tien.g" (i,eeful0A1 ate In London this week at she cooventirm of the C'a s. diad Order n( roomier* . Colin tell eonducted the service on Sunday morning in Mt. Andrew's church. giving a report of tbe Presby- terian Congress held in Toronto last week, to which Le was • delegate.... Quite a number of the Summit visitors ha re arrived already. Several of Jowett'. cottsgee ere occupied, princi- pally by i)etroit people. Trani Conductor (gniMyi—•'Did I get your tare r Passenger (meekly] -- I gave it to you, but I doo't know whether you got it or the cons - PARISIAN SAGE. limitations of This Great Hair Le agu e - for Are Abroad in the Land --Leek for the Girt with the Auburn Hair se Every Package, Parisian M'psge_ask for It by name %boo pr. want the teal hair grower reed d.r.Aroff cure. This is a picture of the ear Inn In whi•b each bottle of Part - Shia hogs is peeked. Parisian liege will hookah dandruff, atop Lalling hair seed itch- ing scalp, sod pro- mote a new a7owtb of hair if the hair roo- M not dead. It is a -lean tome and ooetaina no ons load err ether it will len realest bonny into dolt. faded, lifeless heir, and sea dearer bekr d resins[eanies: b.,aw�+t�bw for s Oat • q...fiM 1. of Par int. Rye today. If k ll s en't give inmpletesatief etioo. yew tiga sten iw returned. laid By i 111. and dealer. orartwlmre. SHEPPAROTON. W gDNEMDAT, Jane 11th. W.J. Brownell, of the FfibtNational Bank of Detroit, visited at the borne of J. B. Graham for a few days this week. Mr. Fit ownell was formerly a school teacher bare and Ibis was bis first visit since be left thirteen years ago. His many friends were pleased to meet him and he enjoyed bas visit very much. He left to visit at• Sea - forth and Hamilton before returning to Detroit. HOLMESVILLE. WEDNE.UAT. June 14th. HOLIIEMVILLI HAN,McIM,II.— Mrs. A...1. Courtite reten tied from Toronto on :Woodsy ... Verna Jervis, Clifford Holland and Roy Munninge are trying the entrance examination at Clinton this week . Mn. N. W. Trewartha took in the excursion to Gnrlpb on Saturday last.... The Women's In- stitute held a well -attended meeting here oo Tuesday. Mw Gilbolm, of Bright, gave an interesting address on "Canadian Worsen and Their OOppppoor tun iters." .... Mrs. Bloomfield, of Wine - hem. spent last week with Miss Sarah Tebbutt .. fibs. Alcock went to Guelph on Saturday . .. Mee. Mul- holl'nJ visited in Deftoit last week, going over on the steamer Greyhound. Mr. Mulbolleod was at Guelph on Satui day. i' W. ACHESON di SON SPECIAL SELLING OF SPECIAL SELLING OF WOOL DELAINES All -wool sad silk wove Debbie. in greys, greens, fawns, blesmat at pattern and with satin stripe: co in ascot. Regular 50e and Me a yard. Your perper yarl /Se Summer Dresses About forty new sibpple Dredge* 01 white voile', crepes, muslin.. exquisitely embroidered and beautifully made and oo two Drees,. alike. Specially priced, imagine $3.75 to Wash Skirts Made from Poplin, Indian Head and Wash i made in the popular plain gored style—but- tonins down left side with whit. pearl buttons. Price .. $2.00 to 52.23 Shirt Waists and Blouses Ladies' Wash Waists of voile, pique, merge:s- ettee, Waab Silks, Embroidered Nets, $elks. The handsomest showing aad largest choice we have ever bad for 4 summer sea.on. ,Hardly two waists alike sod the styles are beautiful and at the saute time practical. Sizes 34 to 44. Prim range... . $1.00 to $5.00 Dress Flouncing* One thousand yards of tow Drees Swiss Em broideries. 27 to 42 inches wide. Dainty new open- work patterns. Specially priced per yare1'' sero to $1.00 Clearing Sale of Carpets and Rugs A clean up of all odd Rugs, including R'Ilt,.r Velvet, Brussels mad Tapestry K age in all size. Seamier Velvet Rugs, 3zi yards and 3z34 Clear ing at 10.00 r.pestry Rugg clearing at $3.00 to $7.00 Curtains Twelve pairs only. white Swiss Curtains ir) two designs. yards bog and splendidly ap 5uMr price tome IMO. Clearing ,at Pix p.alr. ..... . $1.7 6 New Arab amid Iris Paint Oustaias row specially marked te slag14 W.ACHESON&SO,N Jas. Cumming Machinery Painting, Decorating Painting, Decorating and Wall -paper Hanging. All work done promptly and in thorough manner. Residence—Albert St. Telephone No. . I ndir idul Instruction AT THE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE OWEN SOUND. ONTARIO permits students to begin with us any day. Position. guaranteed to graduates. letsff of specialists. In- formation free. C. A. Fe gxiso, F. C. A. P. iucipal. 0. D FLEMI No Secretary. GooderesseraMoys ZJ%ns beca1rse he ?maims ?dinnvng clothese se// the, dinning c%tbel \— strawlm ha Don't swelter in heavy, hot, old clothes. Come, buy an ice-cream suit. It won't cost you near as much as the Comfort will be worth. Don't wear sticky, heavy under- wear. Buy our loose -fitting under- garments which the breezes will sift through and keep you dry and cool. We have the Dandy Comfort- able -fitting Straw Lids. Our Quality Is always Up; our Prices always Down. WALTER C. PRIDHAM We sell "20th Century Brand " Clothing 1 Massey-8arrisSbop HAMILTON STREET is the place to buy your Machinery, B u gg i e s, Wire Fencing and Bone Black Fertilizer. Just received -- a con- signment of Canada Car- riage Buggies, also of Grays (Chatham), and some from Mount Forest. A car of Bone black Fertilizer just. in ; also 3000 rods of the Frost Fence. ROBERT WILSON The Massey- ltairi.Agent (toderich Davis Horse and Auto Livery I am sontiouing the livery business in THE Stone Baril Mouth street, with a complete and up-to-date equipment of Buggies, Hacks, Surreys. Band- wyrone, etc., and a fine stable of homes. AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE 'Buses meet all trains and boats. Orders promptly at- tended to at any time of the day. Telephone 51. M DAVIS Hamilton Centennial Industrial Exposition -ted Old Home Week August 11th to 16th, 1913 aramelerewe Emanate d Hasies-wade Products. flog two Assess sad Parade Geed Cenral wee Csssials iJrewAeons ar u�F�inn M d y.Misery Pseew, with it Femme Matey Beek Spam. Wier Bosti S' and Re s. CL is Rmoaspi.. AM Ereuta Cla shipBig � i toLew r e U. S. LsTensa. Trap-3baei.1 Tee.s aet Ria M. tidy. Come to HamUton--Canada's Magneto and ase eke biggest Civic Heider Week and ladustri! D.eesatrmtiss that leas beta has is Cased.—sr ebewkse. Spetal Rags by Rai std dost—ark yon Legal Agent. OIAil. A. MURTON. S sestwy To New SubscribersBa.a d reatThe Signai for the balance of the year for only 50c LEADING STYLES OF FOOTWEAR at Rbatnm..s for tbe gummsr season are sow being sheens. It will 'unease you whet Sens Footwear we are 'bowleg at tittle price. We will appreciate 'bowing you the popular white new bock. white caate. Pumps end Ode d., patent sad gem-esetal Pampa. Wm. Sharman Cerses East St.;sad Swage