HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-6-12, Page 8• 1lrusuear, Jape 12, IBIS ,Wedding Gifts In %teihog Silver fetandard we-tght air lvl. Pierced Silver; Sheffield . P1. ce. t bei kind that w eat. • lifetime In constant use. Not the kind usually shown .tut Iwk- eh eta y in ail sat"nth• . r a )'ewe's time t,iseuir. ('ut Glass, Webrb's lto.4litob Kodak Crystal. Iepo.rt Resnais China. Min - Lem,. 0,°a'pors, Roy.] t'ruwrit) Derby. etc etc. Watch show window, or step in and we will 'show you a gitt'ottaste end quality, rang- ing from a $I.(ac Sterling Spx.on io a SPOON w'biteand (:old Din - lief art. The Colonial look Store (ita0. PORTER. Prop. I'bone 100 Gagne& sz Extra Special Values in DIAMONDS See Our Window Display WalterH. Harrison CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STRATFO&O, ONT. Canada's Best Business CONlIia We have thorough r.,ur,.w ad eam- aelen, ezpet 14- need hod.: sclera W Ode wore f.•r our .tudent. rd aretaa.m that do other .Khoo'.. At teased we have &ppbr4140s• ufret ins from Selo to $III' .er au0uu. fir tratucd help. 1tosi- hew mem tones when- the)- get the best help R'r have three departments. Commercial, baorthand and Tele- graphy. Get ear tree catalogue. D. A ateLACHLAN. Principal. CURE KIDNEYS AND RHEUMATISM DISAPPEARS SIM nus fir Taw 11101 Get rid of YOUR Rheumatism for seed by taking that retie/alem le mamy. G eN PILLS. They will relieve the pato -they will atresgtbea the kidneys --they will cure you to stay eared—or pas money wilt be promptly refunded. Montreal, March 39th. 1911 •' 1t afiunis ase great pleeure to Inform you that I have used GIN PILLS for aboot sea seoaths and that they have dome me a great deal of good. I had Rheumatism for two years and this winter leaved myself from it by taking GIN PILLS. I b igbly recommend them to the public." A. BEAUDRY. GIN PILLS neutralize tbe acid con- dition of the urine, prevent the forma- tion of uric acid in the blood and stone is the bladder and kidneys, keep the kidneys well and strong, and thus core and ward off Rheumatic attacks pot. a box, 6 for la 5o. Sample free ff you write National Dreg and Chemical Co. et Canada, Limited. Toronto. 145 Spray Year Orchards I can supply y..0 with Spray Pumps and Materials at loweet cost. I havr,i hr Niagara Brand Lime Sulphur. teeth the .'quid and the dry, which is ready for use, much twee► e- uvenient and cbeaper : aI.e Ar.enatel.f Lead, all fresh 1913 air ek. Buy the host and tete u., changers with old mater.a',. Will sell in any quantities. 11, F. HAM!t- Goderich. Maple Leaf Grocery Saturday Specials Strawberries A 'pedal feature. Ale.. Pineat,ples, ('rape Fruit, Orange*. Banawit, New Pota- toes, NVax Bane. Cucumber., Asparagus. Lot Onions., Radisbe,,. Spinach. Toeaatoes. Cabbage. _ Tomato. cabbage aged: celery Planta is good variety. Kindly get your order In early for fruit, and vegetables ,and avoid a: isapp.,intment. S. J. Young Hamilton street. fro e1 1 o?ir Pieper tri& Piave all the P/vper Our Clothing is not slung togeth- er by cheap labor, but Is carefully made by the best Tailors In the land. Our sults Hold Their Shape, because they are lined with A -I ma- terial. Style, as well as quality of cloth, enti: s into every garment we send. out. And the Price! It's always consis- tent with the quality put into it. Let us clothe you and you will be clothed right. WALTER C. PRIDHAM We sell " 20th Century Brand " Clothing l JUNE WED(J(NG& A quiet wedding was suiemaieed at the voce of Mr. and Mrs. r►1*z. John- ston. =gin ateeUS on Y. May Sgtb, wbe& timer daughter, Mies AIILa, joined band and heart with David Kyle, of the C. P. Iii The event toot place as noon, the nuptial knot being tied by Rev. liege. IL$,mea. In the moo saes of onaly the immediate relatives The bride wore bar trardUog suit of brows w with fuses& bat. Amid the boosting o[ torpedoes the bappy couple let on the 2:15 C. P. B. train for an eztesdsd weighs, trip to the Pacific Coast. On their return tidy will make them: home in Godo rick. Their many treads join is WW1 - hag Mr. and Mrs. Kyle uwaoy hew years of wedded lite. Woodwork- Ecklia. A prett but quiet wedding was solemn at Queen street Meth jdist chinch. Toronto. on June IOW. when Miss Rath A. Echlin was united in mar- riage to Orval B. Woodwork, of Toron- to. Tbe ceremotty was performed by Rev. R. R. Nicholson. parte: of the church. The bride wore a navy blue travelling suit. with large black hat. and arried a, bouquet of bridal rosea She was attended by her sister, Miss Cepha Echlin, dressed in pale pink eolienne and cream serge coat. and black hat with pink roses. and carrying a bouquet of pink ceramicist,. Tbe groom wale assisted by a cowrie. Karl Jepson, of Hamilton. The wedding march war played by W. J. McNair, of Toronto. After the oeremooy Mr. and Mrs. Woodwork left for Niagara Falls, Buffalo and other points. They will :aside in Toronto. The bide is a granddaughter of W C. P4,:ter, of town. Groes—Dent. lin Hath Martini at Oedmlhb. and Mies Margaret Raid. of Dslse&t. both anwiae of t he trills -ware becoming draws ate pink and white edepeetiv.ty. and carried baskets at roses. Atter hearty mstgatulauar wore the goyf maple. t r gra a the aadufort� repaired Ion/ober diaine eat aged sat down to a ly wedding breakfast. The !Deal &Foca- . Ilona of the dininjroam owe.were sepia - ally owe. Over the table boas a Swat bell of .ouwhalk cad bridal GaAswrestle. The tAs waa prettily dec- orated w i th bask eta of rosea. while . smilax and other .towers aided to the g eneral appearance of the ecce►. things provided, when all bed partakenf the good�=dedrove to the G. T. R. station, where Mr. and Mrs Harland tuck tbe 2.•40 train for timer new borne in Detroit. The bride travelled iu a tailored drew at brown tweed, with tnaeao hat with green pluses. The groom's gilt to the pianist was a pprrrruy brooch est with mark. The tlo.ver-girla sash received a signet ring. Among the guests present were Mr.. Harland, Mies Har- land and Mies Lenore Harland. Dr. cad Mrs. Reid and children. Wesley and Marg•set. Dr. and Mrs. Duggan and daughter, Mary Margaret, Mire Nina Sharman, Mr. Sheik and Thos. Templeton. all of Detroit ; John Shar- man and daughter, Mies Marjorie, of Woodstock ; bliss Thurso Lewitt, of Amberstbtrg ; Mrs. Herd and soft. of London. The bride is a popular young lady who enjoys the frieodebip of a large circle of friends. The esteem in which bbe is held was evi- denced by the many costly presents winds she received, and prior to ber marriage her young lady aasociauts be- spoke their friendship by a eerie. of -bowers." Although absent from town for several years, the groom is well- and favorably known in (lode - rich. 'Mr. and Mrs. Harland corn - armee married lite with the heartiest r wishes of their friends for a happy and prosperous future. A very pretty event took plac." on Wer needey, June 4th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Duret, Maitland concession, Colborne township, when Weir second daughter, Sarah Amanda, was united in the holy bonds of matri- mony to Rev. G. Lorenz brow, of Mildmay. Rev. 8. R. Kneehtel, of Berlin, performed the ceremony. At 1 o'Jock, as the strains of the wedding march played by Mies Row Durst, sister of the bride, floated softly out upon the air, the groom took his place on the lawn in front of a back of ferns and awaited the coming of the bride, who was gives away by her father. rhe bride looked charming in a gown of white silk -bordered voile and car- ried a bouquet of white bridal roses and ferns. After the bride add groom had received the hearty congratula- tions of their many friends they led the way to the drawing -room, where the table was beautifully decorated with white daisies and -maidenhair fern and where all partook of a boun- tifully served luncheon. The bride ane groom were the recipients of` many beautiful and costly gifts, testi- fying to the high esteem in which tbey are held. The groom's gift to the bride was a handsome case of sil- verware. Mr. and Mrs. Grose lett on the 5 o'clock train for a short honey- moon trip to Owen Sound, the bride travelling in a suit of grey whipcord and white picture' bat. • After their return they will take pp their resi- dence at Mildmay. Harland— Slisrman. An interesting event in Cupid's (Court toot place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sharman, Keays street.. Godericb, ton Tuesday of this week, when Miss Laurette Ruth, sec- ood daughter of the borne, joined hand and heart with Albert Tune Har- land, of Detroit. At high none, to the strains of Lobengrin's wedding march played by Mies Del. Nairn, the bride entered the parlor. preceded by two pretty little flower -girt, and took her place before a luxuriant bank of palms and tarns bedecked with snowballs. Rev. Alfred Brown, pastor of North street Methodist church, was tbe offici- ating clergyman. The bride looked her beet ins handsome ygown of white matin with ninon overdress and lace and pearl trimmings. Her headdress tees a bec'ming juliet cap. She car- ried a beautiful bouquet of orchids and lilies of the valley. Her only or- nament was • pendant of pearls, the gift of the groom. The flower-girls— Farmers Club Picnic. The picnic season was opened with a very sucoeedul ooe held on the King's Birthday under the auspice" of the Farmers -Club of Uoderich township. The spot selected for the picnic was on the lake bank at the farm of Chris. Johnston, Bayfield road, and it proved to be an excellent place for the put pose. $etween :lull and A0 people at- tended, and everybody had a good time. Football, - baseball, roaming on the beach and other awuaameots oc- cupied the afternoon ; then • bounti- ful table was spread and enjoyed. The event of the evening was a tug -of -Mar, between teams captained by Percy Naftel and .1. >i. Orr. The members of Mr. Orr's team were Isaac Salkeld, Bert L iudeay, K. Nadal, Geo. Sower - by, 8. R.. Machlath, 0. Ginn, Chris. Johnston and Oliver Edward ; while Mr. Nattel's "puller" were Harry Young, Bert Naftal, Thos. Battles, Howard Sturdy. 1 Rogers, J. Mc- Millan. o-Millan. Jos. Wil.00 and S. Westlake. Theifirat tug we a tremendous on •.last- ing several minutes, and finally woo GRANOTIUNKsYSwM" 'HOMESF.EKERS' EXCURSIONS Te Manitoba, Saskatchewan aid Mberta Each Tuesday until October 28, inclusive, via Chicago or Sarnia WINNIPEG and Return..135.00 EDMONTON and Rettrn..=4.3.00 Proportionate low rates to other points. Rennie limit two months. Through Pullman Tourist Sleepers Cara are operated to Wiatmpeg without change via Give, a and St. Panl, leaving Toronto rine p m. on above damn. Tickets are also on sale via Sar- nia and Northern Navigation Company. F. F. Lawrence a tone Town Par •...ger and Ticket Apnta PMone & aleMearitieseeiesseesisioseseseaseatemsowsprimmesseeileeseireinesieelortinineetineWia Warm Weather With the coming the need for Screen D Refrigerators, Summer Make this place of warm weather comes oors, Screen Windows, Stoves, etc. your Headquarters for Screen Doors A large assortment to choose from. in sites from aft. Mn.x Oft Gin. to Mt.z7ft. Prises from 11.00 to S ..b,0, complete with hinges, etc. Det oit Gasoline like City Gas Tigre is so lost time 10 opev- atlalt. Tun them o& sad light. fast is 111. Rssy to operate, simple io • Hammocks N i<� ng is price from $1.00 Lawn Mowers Brockville make, ret to leave the grams rut with • vel- vet-like appe•raoes. Prices "'sage from $3.75 u, earn. Stoves Coal Oil No wick., they baro tee vapor trope the cosi oil. Guar aateed to wort perfectly and odorless. coeetructaon, abeotetely safe. Refrigerators Hanging in prig from S8.50 to $111.00. Bargains Bargains of anootios&1 value In gasoline and coal oil NOM Van hare bees Osie guaetiateed to work satiedaetaflliy. One Detroit Vapor Cabinet with area, 4 barons, udder MIR tier MOO. One New Presses OU Steve, regular $Ii * i10r OM Ow Mesas* 011 Score, molar 11110D. tae S7* Howell Hardware Co., Ltd. Godericb - - - Ontario. TRS RUT PLAC* TO MIr RARDWARt. by Mr. Orr's team The seemed and Med went one each. so Gas Orr teem took the cake. A footrace for ladies was won by Min Vera 11Hot t. with Mies Myrtle Massa a close second. The gsslal sad attractive master o. esrepetalse, H. K. Revell, wee pointer. est to Lee Dies as the pellet for this avast. and there were a large number of satirise ;and We race was keenly 000tested. Afterwards there was dancing, with Alex. Chisholm'• violin providing the music. The officers of the Club wish to thank tie ladies for their moisteners, especially lbs following : Kra 1L L S.11teid, Yn. (iso. Andrews, Mn. C. Johnston. Mrs. Oliver Edward and Mrs. Thos. Cox. They are aleo under obligation to Mr. Joboston for the use of kis premises, to Mrs Seager for leer hospitality, mad to Mr. Chisholm for providing the music. Watch toe the extra special:two and three reel productions at Lyric theatre. Beery Tuesday and Wed- nesday. Else thin. r 1 ICE CREAM The most delicious flavors. with ed e Cream at the BAtna•Casa O ot. den by taiepboaa foe lee Comm In bulk or in bricks attended to promptly. Telephone el. F. E. BURDETTE AUCTION SALES. Tummy. Jose 17.-Ao:taaa asks of a mel' kaLt trams Mese. kwekate famete., vr*egtsr' a /sv, et Mea Aha P. ll Bart. ire._ Tnprto&u GUMMY. aneYspr. Veit ARK TOM /COORS SOT Moir/ Campbell's Varnish Stain Vla maks elan's. it is also good his d Lads at tik WIlaWIRil Mei. ke bCarea C. agmis13 .s s e.. Seers fiROOM HOLDER FREE I �m.i r .• FOR WAS BT Howell Hardware Co.. I, td. Beautiful Summer Dresses Summer Dresses for Warm Days. An exceptionally good stock here to make selections from. All new this seison, and re- flecting the best styles for 1913 wear. Dainty garments of Muslin, Voile and Swiss Embroideries, handsomely trimmed, perfect in fit and work- manship. Never as zreat variety ; never as good value as we are show- ing today. All the bother and worry of making up is avoided by buying your Summer Dresses ready to put on, and the cost is less than you pay for material and making. • Children's White Dresses.. Misses' White Dresses.. Ladies' White Dresses.. , .... $1.25 to $5.00 ..$2.50 to $10.00 .. $3.75 to S20.00 At each price.the best value we have been able to find. All materials first class, and all designs are new. Embroidery Specials Extra values mt the Embroidery Counter these days. Some beautiful new designs lust opened up. Neat, dainty and delicate patterns on the finest of Swim muslias or nainsook. Very at- traa-five narrow Edgings and Embroideries suit- able for Infant.' wear, and some real choice 4.5- inch Sinch Bouncing@ in a dozen or more handsome de- signs. All have just been added to the stock. Values very attractive on account of direct buying. Embroideries 7c Three hundred yards Swiss" Embroideries and Insertions. Neat and attractive denies on strong. serviceable doth. Spkndid variety to pick and choose from. Regular values up to 124c, special per yard... .... .. 7o 45 -inch Flouncings 77c These are real exceptional values. F-ne Mwi.. muslin. in a dozen or more handsome design., full 4b inches wide. Actual value at least $1.15 per yard. Clearing, June, price per yard 77e Very handsome Flouncing at 95c A fortunate purchase enables us to offer this $1.50 Flouncing for 95c per yard. An are new de- signs for thi• season's wear. Muslin is fine and sheer, and the Embroidery extends well up from the bottom. Clearing, June, per yard. meso We main call your attention to the dainty narrow ..,.,ttngs and iosert;ons mentioned above. These are real beautiful designs. We show them in a half • dozen or more matched seta. Several widths each of the Embroideties sod insertions the same pattern. Paces nun from Ilk to tic par yard. First Showing of Sweater Coats Advance shipment of various styles of Sweater Coats now on sale. There is every indication that these service- able garments will be more popular than ever this season. We show a number of new designs and color com- binations entirely different from any heretofore shown. Among the shades and cornhinations that promise to be popular are plain scat let or scarlet and paddy green combination, and a new brown called Havana, either plain or combined with some good contrasting color. We show these in several styles with a good range of the plain and more staple Garments in all shades. Prices Range from $2 to $C each Hosiery at 25c per pair Many popular qualities at this popular price. and each the best value you will find. Bought direct trbm Canadian mills or Swim makers. Penman's "No Seam" cott3o Hose, blacks and tans, per pair 26c Fine tierman cotton Hose, with cashmere or natural wool feet, per pair 260 imported lisle Hoes, per pair !tic Fine ribbed lisle Hose, per pair i 2&c Children's fine cashmere Hose, per pair, =(iso House Dresses $1.25 House Dresses made from extra( quality prints or percales, light or dark colorings, perfect -fitting. well -made garments. Colon fast, special per gar - lent .... $1.25 AII'tover Aprons 75c These Aprons are made from extra quality Boglish ginghams. Come in agood variety of patterns, stripers or dots, light or =colors, spe- cial each - Tao Summer Millinery We are continually adding to our stock of summer Hata. Many new patters. will be on We tables for Saturday. for we are preparing Bern e special Hsu for tbat day. Right through lune the stock will be kept Med up, and you may count on a wide variety of eboice at all ti. Special Value in Ostrich Feathers Aoother shipment of Ostrich Featbera b d to SaLnrday morning. Thee eve will once more have a full stock of our popular numbers in black mad white. No better Feather Valises theta theme are obtainable anywhere, and we are willing to have hou match them dollar for dollar. Olean�, ppaar�r�, ealthy fibre, black or white. each t6.00.ti�.00 sod $10.00. Hard Wearing Linoleum Our special Seoteh Linoleum. wbieb we im- port direct from the mills are made to stand any amount at hard wear. It Y unquestionably the best Linoleem io the trade. 7be price is only possible became we bey direct frees the mill. Block. hotel or tile patterns. two. three or foci yards wide, per square yard... 410o All Linoleum carefully and prepw/y laid We Re-cover Umbrellas Have you an Umbrella the handle of wblch you prim. and is still in good condition, but the tap worm out t 11 so, bring it in and we will re- cover it for you at • nominal charge, depending as the quality of the top desired. We Are in the Awning Business W. rte prepared to eappty Awnings for win- dows, down, veraadsba, etc.. at any time on short lathes. Tweives or !Maass varieties of elflike to select frog& All woes guaranteed and prime maderste. 11 yes have sew Awnings to bey or 4 obi 011111 4 reawtr. let es estimate the cost tog yea agile Patterns sow sea ..h. 2=srPtiblara Hodgens Bros. Direct importers - Ooderich Get the July sutdber d 'Israel Drees - War , b• 1> : Pmesmse °meter.