HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-6-12, Page 7THE SIGNAL G(IDERICH ONTARIO
ogThe New s of the District :1
Roaattid V the new garish
ee byry rade-M, wrecently
mr. and Mrs. libiDessaid. of
swat IMAMS
winoyot their ceding osiebrithed X00 Victoria
JJobn Scott, a knew rdddest of the
h hue of Morris. w s Amadei rug nee
I f iso a t.rba.
seventh veer.
Nits K. IL D.Image. for seven year•
treeber of matJsematice on oetitib. baa
Of l Moon ColleCollegiategi
a Beed
Mr. Robb has been engaged
Elisabeth Taylor, a resident of
Ginter' for thirty yearn and previous
to that tone • respected resident of
Melina, died at Clint.00 an Wedner-
JaJ- May ?nth.
g y. Soe11, • resident of Wingham
aP•acel dears agabas been appoaoted
jetport agent of the Erie Railway
company. with headquarters at
Chicago -
Poor to1t. her departurerthe West,
was the
yrc. A. Hawe i
recipient of • puna of 825 112 gold from
tbe Ladies' Aid Society cf the Presby-
teraan eburob. Mrs Bon was a very
active worker in that Society.
After an illness retreading over
serenJ. l ruunthe,marshal!. of W ingham,paewd
iolet J. Cooper, wife
a digessed W$b 10 berH'ttwenty-eighth
On the eve of bite departure from
Btua'sels for his new held of labor at
Burford, Rev. D. K. Cameron. rector
of St. John's church. was presented
with a well-filled purse by the weathers
d bo cungregatioo.
Donald Smith Bell, one of the oldest
pioneers ot Hay township. died ori
Sunday, June let. after • short illness.
lir was eighty-one years of age. His
widow, two sow and six daughters
survive him.
A happy matrimonial event took
place at Walton on Thursday of laat
week on the occasion of the marriage
d !ties Anna A. Hewitt to William I.
Smithson, of Loudon. Rev. D. E.
Cameron officiated, the ceremony
being performed at the home of the
bride s uncle, W. H. Sboldice-
Lawrence Hefferman, of the lat con-
cession of Hay, with his four little
children mourns the death ot his wile.
who passed away on June 1st as the
result of paralysis. Mrs. Hefferman
use in bar thittietb year.
Dashwood held a very successful
celebration oo Tuesday of last week-
the Ktug's Birthday. The mot
events for the' day includ a monster
tale bumpiest parade, baseball games
sod horse races. followed by a splendid
concert in the evening.
dr. and Mrs. Theo. Hall and family,
d Wingham, left last week for their
new home iu Pasadena. California.
Before their departure Mr. Hall re-
ceived s entire leather suitcase from the
morning lam of the Methodist church,
arida leather club bag from the Wing -
ham Conservative Association. 7be
Sundt}, school gave Miss Edith Hall a
leather handbag. .
Frank I t'Hars, of McKillop town-
ship. received a painful w ouod in the
cbeel th• nther day.. He was putting
a Ware end foal into the etaNe. lead-
iag the mare rev the halter and with
Ids arm around the colt's mink. As be
was plotting the colt ahead of him. the
learn grabbed him on the cheek. in -
flirting ■o ugly wound.
A pretty June wedding took place at
tbs bnme of Robert Allan. of Blake;
on Monday morning of last week.
wben Ni..rSarah. daughter of the
home. wax united in mar era's to Janne.
A. ('ain.'e, of the Bronson line. 8tao-
ley. Rev. Mr. Johnston performed the
ceremony in the preeeoce of about
twenty-five guests.
A nuptial event wart solemoised in
S'ephen •ownsbip no May nth. when
Mins Emuae Matilda, daughter of Mr.
Lod M'-. %Vm- Hill, was joined in wed -
kirk elth William Mitchell Willis. of
the -our township. The ceremony
Casp.rformed by Rev. Mr. Jeffen•nn,
oCrediton. in the peeseoee of about
Noy an. it'd guests. After a honey-
moon trip to Detroit and Windsor
Mr. and Mn. Willis will commence
hnutel•-ePing oo the groom's farm is
Steps . r
The of a former Exeter tevi-
dent_ in the person of Jobs Truman
Brownie,, t nnk place at Seattle, NV/mob-
iideb-,oa Tuesday, May Title. The deceased
wasfony-six years of,.age. Twenty-eiz
Tsars ago be left n for Chimera
where he entered the insoraooe busi-
ness. In 1901 fee speoed • branch
other of the pin-iwKi.l Life at Van -
mover sod bsease one of the in-
fluential men of lbs Coast City. He
was on his way to a eonveotioe at
Stic+'%atente when be was taken w ith
his last illtterg. The body was brought
to Exeter for interment
Bylaw Peened.
Theratepayers of Tereberry town
re'coed rnn Saturdayon a bylaw to
tti0 for the bedding of
ides. There were 115 voters in favor
had 11 agaitsst-
Read Dead is Bet
William Bose Smart wee found dead
i hie 41 at his hoarding house at
Detroit oe ]lay lkh. Heart failure
was the eause of death. The deceased
eras for t v -four years cd ate and was
kers in a farm sear Bewails. tie had
resided in Detroit for • 0OIber of
aerates eat Selsdon C. 1.
Mr. Miller, mati-satied toaster in
its Celt.ga$
te !montane at ••forth.
1s•INai ssoil
will perms his
'nom tet i.rvard Uaetwin's
le W'kt ehted • st hdassri j H. P.
me• w /er two his ) tobeep ss Oaarim
'e1+°as his
oo oir- IQs TOL medlar tandem
at findonb, has nelgsrd, bet bar
seee•.lor bas set brae eappsited as
Pagensm-rgimlin...e est•
avant Mat plasm at lis
daughter. Edna A., was married to silty ties -acre farm on the Inky has
Robert Joh. Pat ersos, of Hee 1L frau hie fattterin-law. C. H- Holland.
The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Cole gets immediate possession.
Mr. darker is the presence of a small but will net move oa to the propene y
comp+sy of recti s aad Uremia until nrzt fall. Mr. Holland iot,nds
Atter a weddiog trip to Toronto and I ',movie( to piston to reside.
Niagara, Mr. and Kra Paterson will
take up their residence un the Loudon
road near Hernall-
Sealant! Liquor LLeea stns.
Last week the homes t-ommiaio.ers
01 Centre Huron endorsed the transfer
of 'the Royal hotel, Seaforth, from
Thomas Pinkerey to Lotus Weir. Mrs.
Thomas Weir, of the Queen's hotel.
who recently was given three montba'
notice to sell out, was granted a
renewal until the end of the year. The
license of the Dick House will be care
celled on August 1st, owing to the im-
provements ordered: not being carried
out. This teave.•tbree finessed hotels
and coo shop license is Seaforth.
M. sod Mrs. Garry Leavitt( Brussds.
Mr. sad Mrs. B. Gerry, residents of
Brussels for over half a century, have
removed with their daughter, Miss
Thur.., to Fort %Vifiam, where they
will reside. Mr. (ferry and his daugbtfr
were active workers fo the Methodist
church at Brtneela and at the dose of
the sermon on Sunday evening. May
3fsth, a resolution from tbe official
board of the church, expressive of the
deep regret felt by the congregation in
thetr departure. was read by W. H.
Kerr, the recording steward. Tbe
change in residence is made in the
hope that Mrs. Gerr . health will be
benefit tett.
Death of John lliefrackeo.
The passing of John McCracken, who
died at the advanced age of seventy-
eight years on May nth, removes
005 of the highly rstecmed pioneer
reeidelta of Morris township. Mr. Mc-
Cracken was a native of Ireland, but
practically all his life was spent in
Hut on county. His :atter settled on
farm on the 4th concession of Morris
'shortly after the close of the Crimean
War and when the subject ot this
notioe grew to manhood be acquired A
farm on the Morris ,a1.d Turoberry,
hoo•dary. Here be lived until be
retired twelve years ago and removed
to Wingbate to live. His surviving
family coosista of five daughters and
three soon
Death of James Livingston. -
After • brief illness of a week from
pneumonia, James Liviogeton, for
many years a well-known resident of
Grey township, died at the home of
his son-in-law in Blanchard township
on Suoday morning. June 1st. The
deceased was born in Ireland eighty-
six years alto. In the year 155n two
years after his marriage, be came to
America and spent a year at Phil-
adelphia before locating in Perth
county. Fort y -one years sgo the family
moved to Grey township and settled oo
a farm on the 15th concession. " The
aubject of this notice retired from tbe
farm in lone and took up his residence
at Ethel. wbere Mt.. Livingston dkd
three years ego. Since then Mr. Lir-
ingstoo h sd .pent the greater part of
hie time with his daughter in Blanc-
hard. The body was taken to Brussels
and intenueot was made in the ceme-
tery trete
Corbett- Dickson.
A pietty weddiog was solemnized at
the home of Mr. and Mex. Samuel
Dickson, Seafortb, on Tuesday, June
]rd, when their daughter, Misa Anna
Mae. *as married to Rev, Edward
Annand Corbett, B- A., of W atrous,
Sask. The ceremony was performed
Rev. F. H. Larkin, of Seaforth.
by Her. Thomas Corbett, of
Q• u' Appele, Sask.. father of the groom.
After a holiday spent at Torootn and
other points in Eastern Canada the
happy couple will leave for Watroua.
Peter Eckert. whn recently pur-
chased the Iowan (arm oortb of SPA -
fort h. bas traded it with bis brot her, C.
Eekar+. fur the latter's'fann at Man ey,
P. E:kot has since est -hanged with
John Murray the farm be got from his
brother for cite place known as tbe
Eckert homestead which he occupied
before buying the Cowan farm.
Take Cared Year Hair While You Have
Hai to Take Care of
la's • rate ten to one het that the
young man who uses Parisian Sage
as an occasional hair dressing will
✓ iewer grow told.
There's a reason. of course. and it's
• very goid and sufficient one.
Dandruff senate cause falling hair
and falling hair means thinner hair
and in due time h.ldoe.s.
Parisian Sege prevents boldness. by
destroying the cause cf haidnes.-tbs
little persistent vociferous daodruff
tf you have dandruff or itching scalp
it means ah.( dandruff genus are sap-
ping the vitality filen the roots of
your hair. Get rid of all hair troubles
by wing Parisian Sage.
It is sot a dye. mild you. neither
does it contain poi.onotas wager of lead
or even sulphur. 1t is •. iestibc pre-
paration that abolishes dandruff, stops
falling hair sod scalp itch. and makes
hair grow lustrous and lazuei.nt.
Many young women as well as men
are growing bald and ter the same
reason -
C ss delightful. refreshing Parisian
Sage; it •Osrbhee the hair rood. if
the roots ase ant deed. sod tri legs to
every user a band of gltriow hair -
radiant sod t eris.tisg. Large bottle
far W cents at drag stores and toilet
MONDAY, Juoe 9th.
News ov That Watzt:--The Kings
Birthday was well celebrated in this
vicinity. Some spent the day at the
lake and quite a number attended •
friendly gathering at Isaac Andrew's,
o ast Lucknow. AL report an enjoy-
able time Thos. Hallhasteturued
from Goderieh, where he was haying
his eyes treated Mrs- W. H. Joho-
stoo. of Kippeos visited her father,
Robert Blake, who has been very ill,
fora few days lot week,
WILL Tracts it Toaolro.-J. C.
Soothersretro Del last week from Tor-
onto, where he has completed the
course in the Faculty of Education
of Tusooto University. He has secured
an appointment to the city and will
teach in Fern avenue public reboot
next term. Meantime be is supplying
in Prosperity school... ...The church
service lest evening was taken
by J. J. Taylor, of Lucknow, 'in
the .aboer.rr of Rev -Mr. Durrant.
MUMS babel Alton and Laura
Phillips visited at the home of
Mrs. Wm. 8totbers on Sunday
Jas. Culbert and his two sisters. the
Mimes Mary and Barbar, atteoded
the funeral of their greed/attire at
Dungaonoo last Tuesday We are
sorry to report that Rich. Finlay is
not improving as quickly as hit many
friends wonld with Dr. Walker,
V. S., of Lucknow, passei through
this vicinity with his alto.
Grand Old Man Tells Hew Dodd's Kidney.,
Pills blades New Massae His
Thedford, Ont_, June 9th.-(3pecial)
--Sixty-three wean old bit feeling*
young man, Joseph Ayre. a highly
respected resident of this place, gives
all tbe credit for his splendid health to
Dodd's Kidney Pills.
"Twenty-two years ago while work-
ing in the on.l mines," Mr. Ayre
states, "1 caught cold- working in
water. Rheumatism Dec in my arms
and hack. send my kidneys got sat bad
that it was a trouble to go to work.
"The company's doctor could not do
me any good and 1 was off work three
or four days every month. Reading of
cures by Codd i Kidney Pills 1 decided
to try them. By the time I had taken
five boxes I felt like a new man. I
gained in weight twenty-six pounds,
and I could get up on the plate and
nail rafters without getting dizzy.
Now I feel like a new man. 1 can
walk four miles an hour with `my kit
of tools on my back."
MONDAY, Juoe 9th.
Mrs. Morrison has returned from
California, where she spent the winter.
Mrs. George Campbell, of Edmonton,
is the guest of Mrs. James Wanless.
RABIh* Ar BRrrxFIgLD.-A few
days ago a dog trade its appearance at
Brucefield displaying symptoms of
rabies. The animal was shot and Dr.
Elliott, medical health officer for
Stanley, sent the bead to Toronto for
examination. The report intimated
that the dog was offer ted by rabies.
The Reeves of Tuekersmith abd Stan-
ley have iwuei proclamations requir-
ing all dogs to be tied up until further
notice and giving warning that all
canines running at large during the
prohibited period will be destroyed.
Joseph J. Richardson sod Miss
Maggie Racbardeon were at Alma last
week attending the marriage of their
brother, Rev. W. G. Richardson. B-
A-. of Arthur, to Miss Mary B.. daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gale, of
that place.
The msrrisge is announced at
Hardi ty, Alta., of Miss Alice Ethel
Parte to Joseph Martineau. The bride
is well known in this vicinity, as she
u a nieoeot Mrs. Glen, of this town-
ship, and also of Mrs. John Cluff and
Mrs. Harry Elliott, both of Godericb
WIZDNR•DAT, June iltb.
laskaew. fess es•Dd virgas •eeeW
Pena me win b ieseartk dee bis emirs
maga-.= to lbs boas tam, Laearw, obese
we be fieldwus
eery day. V ader. eti-
se Dow .s for The alpha M .t r be
Hoot mod Ototiossoey Ski
grew, win be remiaved ft , w .fid.
v'rtiolra god tots war%, std reesyb wall be
glutin far sa eats Pail 6r the ata
SceooL Rttromr. - The fnikswing
shows the standing of pupils in the
Duoganooe public school for the
mouths of April and May. The names
appe.r in order of merit : the numbers
represent the average percentage on
test ezamisatio0s :
MOOD noon.
Sr. V. -Lillian Pentsaod $4, Myrtle
Allen 78, Ella Hasty 71. Rse Mothers
70. Jr. V. -Lint Anderson 3 Sr.
I V.-Etbe.l Brown 70t. W. Fitageewld
74, F. Fowler 67, A- Brows M. J. Bell
▪ H. Amoustite 64, M. Celbisrt /ilk P.
lees SM. R. Alleve gel I. Garr let, M.
Culbert 411, IL fipestd ale D. Under We
Jr. 1 V, -L lisvl.gtae 01, E. MbeekM►
tori 77. B. smith 77 0. IGringtes '78.
L. Elliott 74, O. Glens 7A R. Augustine
eeeetsra dee then you getPer Patinae 71 111- (Jlas .-1. Oast 74. B. Kering-
tno 70, F. Derwin 64, A. MrK., zip 6t.
81. age F. M. r. Riese 46, W. Ivens
11. W igb guarantees it. 47r w1101 W Brow. I shiest t
F. Rae. Principe/.
Jt -Rime anon.
Jr. int. - Mahal Johaer•a, lett
Disbar. Nora Gosmms, Wilber Stewart.
Agnea Goering, Pere RI loge Amuse
CAM weM, Gsrmge Q ,me. dr. 11.
110011s et.sPsmuamd. Anal. Mot
tiered $server. Marry °err,
it criJr- 11.-OM01w 'R
Leve _.- rmunsestasl'des'nn
MogDay. Jere 9th.
Min Annie Comore ham toed. to
Wlstelstmrr where she has entered the
ns surae in tralsinip. we
she to amter apes bar maw denials
at at Isar yews hiss&
illtlr as, ell and, li fM ir
sl. Mims Peaks acct a arllabla ad-
dress and Ms tAnis Ods warm the
Not Like Ordinary
Soap, but Better •
Harry Elliott, James Fowler. Mary
)Ceringto0. Gladys Segura. Gordon
Smith. A -Mary Mole, lla Brown,
is Verse Pentland, Percy Johns..
Mabel Young, Arthur Stewart. Pearl
Caldwell, Margaret Winnie
McClure. li-iieorgi. Allen. Jenings
Young, Jack Cousin'., Florence Seams*.
Harvey Errington, Gordon Anderson.
G. C. Baas -roc. Teacher.
MONDAY, J une tet.h-
Picztt--Tbe Bethel Sabbath school
intends bolding a picnic in Juba Mc --
Gibbon's grove, south of Benmiller, un
June 19th. The neighboring Sabbath
sebools are cordially int tied- The
amusements will consist of swings,
games. races, etc.. The school will pro-
rovide the tea for drinking. A refresh-
ment booth will be on tbe grounds.
Tow-Nsaie f7017.0-1L.-l'ouncil met
May -'Aith as court of revision. All
members present and subscribed to
oath of qualification of office, The
following appeals were heard. after
the clerk had read the outice ported
up according to law: Alex. Davidson,
asrssed too high ; J. H. Johnston, re
Goderich Rural Telephone Co.. not
assessable; James Snell, assessed too
high : E. H. Walters. re Municipal
Telepboge Co., not assessable. Moves
by McLarty and Clutton that
Alex. Davidson's assessment be re-
duced from 9700 to $401. Carried.
Moved by Yount, and McLarty that
the appeal of the Goderieh Rural Co.
be dismissed, as we consider the action
of the assessor in aasessiug the trunk
line to be in accordance with the
statute. Moved in amendment by
Hetherington and Biaset ttlat the ap-
peal be sustained, as we are not sure
as to the meaning of the statute.
Motion carried. Moved by Clutton
and Hetherington that lames Soell's
asseasmeot be reduced from $8,300 to
95,8011. Carried. Moved by Mclarty
and Bisset that the appeal of E. H.
Walters re the Municipal Telephone
Co. be dismissed, as according to
statute it is not aeaesaable. Carried.
This heing all the business the .parr t
of revision was closed. Members
then convened as township council.
Minutes of last meeting read and on
motion of Clutton and Mclarty were
adopted. The following aeeounts
were passed and ordered to he paid :
Wm. Mandel, burying cow., 94.00; J.
J. Robertson. salary, 9030u (?b postage
91.40, express 80c.: C. Garrote,
damages re Ernest Hell un c000ession
12, $efitsit W. Long, repairing culvert,
eoocesaion 4, 94.50: clerk, expenses re
charity, 99.32; Ray Moore, plank o0
Benwiller bridge, 59c.: 8. Hornev, re-
fund 5 per cent_ on taxes, 9':.411; F.
(Hiders, repairing culvert at W. Mc-
Phee's, 93: Horaoe Horton. repairing
Cul vet t at Mn. John Horton's, 9= Or der
received from Court of Appeal du pos-
ing of municipal telephone lawsuit.
Letter received from Yroudfoot, Hays
and Killoran re Wert \Vawaotsh tele-
phone suhseribera Moved by Clutton
and Young that no :action ue taken.
Carried. )loved by Hetherington and
Young that Gordon Bisset be path -
master of No. 65 Fwd division. Car-
ried. It was suggested that Joseph
Cook be allowed to do his statute labor
nn Point Farui goad 'or this year.
Moved by Hetherington and Clutton
that the Goder-Ich Rural Telephone
Co. be notified to attend to the poles
on Lake road, as some of them are in
a dengerous shape and some are down.
Mowed by Hetberingt.oa and Young
that the council adjourn to meet on
Tuesday. June 10th. at 1 p. m. R.
Meltwaui, Clerk.
Moen +T. June Sit b.
Miss Marjorie Lyon is away tee 9t.
Thomas to spend .. few weeks wit li
ber aunt, Miss Kirk.
A well has beer drill• I in the school
grounds at S. S. ?ii -' and • new
foundation has beet) put under the
Colin Fingland, of Witmer, occupied
the pulpits of th.- Preebytertan
churches in this township last Sunday.
Oa Mayday of last week Howard
Brsnsduo forsook recb.lorbood and
took to himself a w ifs. The bride was
Miss 8. Marr, daughter of Wm. Mair,
of tie 91h 000nsinioo.
1tr Luca. -The Despatch, of Strnme,
Alberta, bas the following : "Hugh
Taylor, south of Strome, has given an
option leis his faro w tbe Canadian
Pacific Railway far- • towaeite- The
farms e re that neighborhood are ju b-
ilast over the prospect.. ot a town .O
close. but claim that reit/gag but Tay_
Mr will do for a name, and if that
comes about the popular Hugh will
haws the brow et being the dem amay.
or," Me. Taylsr is an „Id House; boy,
ticsour race. and previous to
toig West t•mgbt school Ie Mekilep.
lbiYY rsaay old friends here will ono-
gratulate him me bis good fortes,.
Jring Wtetmtta+. - CD'ss of the
prettiest weathers -a of the seems %sok
pirx om Wednesday. June Ota, at t lee
lose d Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nle -
Missed, of Mullett, when their ureand
Polly May. beams the
at Milton R. W its., of T.ahse.
Tlw seremnoy was psrfoe tied
hp Hew- Mr. Harter. of $.stoats. The
Milo was hseoroingty attired la a
at''reps habitat aid carried •
rams. disc was ar-
ta Wriest, ss/.sArs
cry pens, Istat dhtltt
M whit, silk mad serried • large
of Illy Lf lbw veiny he which
i'p itid the rumba slug- , The
tents► was played ty. Mea
mei 10 the Mem girl a brawl tad
chain. After the ceremony frieods to
the number of about righty wt down
to • dainty luncheon, tbe color effect
being pink and white. The happy
couple left oo the afternoon train from
Seaforth for Detroit and other points.
On their retern Mr. and Mrs. Witter
will reside un the London road near
FATAL AtviDitirT.-A fatal *cadent
occurred in the G. T. It. stock yards
at Seaforth on Tuesday of last week
by which Richard Anderson, a re-
spected farmer of this toweehip, lost
his ilfe. Anderson, while placing the
wagon to uuload souse bogs, foaod it
necessary to guide the horses by the
head. While be was in front of them
something startled the animal+ and
atter being dragged some distance be
fell beneath the wheels of the wagon.
Death was almost instantaneous. Tbe
deceased was a prosperous farmer of
this township and was held in high
esteem by all who knew him. , Hewaa
about sixty -eve years of age and
leaves a widow and a grown-up family-
Tbe funeral Wok place last Saturday
and the remains were interred in Mait-
land hen k cemetery.
News No'rass.-Jack Frost ooatin-
ues his nightly visits in this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Rob*. 3io
and Mies Isobel visited at Kenneth
Meetvor's un Sunday.. , . Mrs. Al-
bert Beckett has gone to Toronto to
attend the annual meeting of the W.
H. rod F. M. 8.. - .... Rev. A. Miller oc-
cupied the pulpit of .%abSeld Presby-
terian church in the absence of Rev.
J. 8. Hardie, who is attending the
General Assembly.
WroDNzwDay, June lith.
PICROONAL MzxrtoN.-Geo. Draper
was in Brantford last week visiting
his sister, Mrs. Leigh, wbo is very ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Durnitr,
Master Chester and Mise Flora, of
Dungannon, were Sunday visitors at
N. Cunningham's Mise Nellie
Webeter is visiting her sinter, Mts.
Morrison, in Detroit, at pretreat
Mr. and Mn. W. G. Murray. of Oode-
rich, visited at Isaac Hewkins last
Sunday . Misses Gertie and Bertha
McGee, of Wind.or, and Thos. McGee,
of Sarnia, came up on the steamer
Greyhound and are visiting at their
borne here... -Min Celia Cunningham
is visiting her brother. Hinson, at
WalkerviD• fur a few days Mr.
and tiro. Walter Kiogswell and t abs,
of Leeburn, .pent bund•y at J. A.
Green's Mrs. Thor- Green, Miss
Jane Young and Mrs. Alen. Quaid are
visiting Detroit friends during tete
Greyh..uud excursion ()allow
Smith visited relatives in (ioderich for
a few days.
l.vtca Sot' L. -There will he is lawn
.oemal on the atrounite of the Engtith
. church on Turnday . vetting. Jure Stith.
The well-known Ill.ckstasee 0: eh•-stra
will provide musk. and J•s. Fow-
ler, of (iodericb, ba. been engaged to
sing- It is alio expected tbat there
will he an elocutionist. and s venal
others taking part. Full particulars
will be a:vin next wrote 'I'. -a served
from 0 to s o cloche Admission 25c,
children 15c.
Berea-lei.as--A great number of
the young folks Around been int on
the moonlight ez.nini-'n last Mon lay
night and report an excellent time, al-
though it was rather rool Seven
if George Draper'. vouog • at I le
strayed away floss his place about two
weeks ago, a.nd a• yet no Dare of
them cam he found. if any per son
knows of their wh.tealiout.a will be
kindly let Lir. Draper know :. Mia
Elizabetb Clark intends bolding the
anoual school nicuic no Friday after-
noon. June -nth. Everybody come
' and enjoy •n ..fiernr".n et tbe lake.
The members of the Ie!ef-ring
I get their first meat for t'bir. e, &.on to-
t day.
- fresh al r, sunshMe and
above all the cell -building,
energy -producing properties
Its prompt use often daoalts
tuberados%i, tett
Pi, irAin 1'
Yu arts coarse
may b• taboo by
i.s mussele bade -
bay r sr•assts
mart •tt..a cam
. soto
iri !t► l N
TMIaavt►, Jt Mh I., ,Wil 7
We have
a big
of Wash
just arrived
New York. c,
They are
to please.
Tbe Square, Godrricb
Agents for Carbaltt Overalls, Stanfield's Underwear. Fitwell Hats,
Arrow Bread Collars and Cuffs.
make your appearance correspond with
the weather -- bright, pleasant and
attractive. One important method of
doing so is by wearing
High-class Shoes
High=class Shoes
The "Vassar" is unexcelled for
beauty and fit- Call in and look at
our Oxfords and Pumps in patents,
Ounmetals and Tans.
J. H. McClinton
East Side.Square,
To New Subscribers Gee an aBd
The Signal for ,the balance of the year for only 50c
hnAr'r,•ir tr
L r
of Toronto
To the HOTEL BEDFORD, Goderics, we
to replace hair on the heads of Ladies and
Gentlemen who have lost their halr. By
his beautiful. natural hair constructions,
which are known all over the \vorld,
Every Woman and Man can be -made to
look younger and have the natural protec
tion to the head, which means Health.
Comfort and Good Appearance.
LADIES, do not miss this opportunity.
See his Transformations, Switches, Wave-
lets, Pompadours, Full Wigs, Curls, etc.
The Dorenwend Sanitary Patent Toupee
Gentlemen (who are bald)
prA•trct and ad..rn yon, i&1
bead with human hair In
• order to hare a cooceptum ret
T`the wooderrul achievement is
the art o.f Bair ootsiru.tip,,
every hold roan .bould call
• and sew the large sample
k • M eek of Blair To :rem sad
Fall W, . e'h-h Prof. Dor -
canoed wits ler ubosrisg.
Tbe.e wwlbef.1 twe,iser ase se natural is appearance that eieter-
tins is im*•nwafa They are adjoined so securely, to any bead. that
they earnest eon* off. except at tbe wearer's wish They will give a
roam and mfbenIng cent re to the boa.
A Free Demonstration is extended to all. Colne and
bring your friend. to the
Hotel Bedford. on Wednesday. June 1&he
akin tit:- Mitchell. Rieke Hoer. Monday, Juni MMc
Teesday. Juoe 17th; Walter, O.stral 11y