HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-6-12, Page 5w THE SIGNAL : GODERICII. ONTARIO) Tfptaa0At, Jtssrs 12. 1319 IP LOCAL 'TOPICS No Tenders from Lord Firma. Se, far no local firms hairs tendered foe tbe addition to be triads to the Geier -eh Collegiate Institute. The arc•hitecta, Chrome° k M . of Toronto, bays received tender* from two outside Urns : W. J. Lsrlis. of Sl. gases, a bo u now erecting t o High School building m 8 d Mc- Millan l Turner, of Toronto. The Testing Time for Students. The local examinations in 000see- tiou with the Ontario Depletion's' of tauxtion oommenoed this week. At lioderich Collegiate Institute thirty-two student• began yesterday to w ninon the lower .cbool examina- tions : of this number tour came from Dungannon. Today (Thursday) seven student, began writing on the first part of flet-classcertificatework.k while tax students are trying I1. One student is writing for pear - leery matriculation. The high eebo01 entrance examinations begin at Orr 00 W.dnrds??• of next weak and Ilse students wisY*•R to enter Normal School will cearesenc• writ iogeaWs- date June ltitrd. Women's institute. afternoon Lb* _ be f b be d�Godericb brands of the \\'tun• n s Institute held their woathly meeting et the home of Mrs. James Buchanan. tesd- d adds here Tbe as ramiater- .sting A demonsteaeon on •'Sousse" was given by two members. The senors without a doubt were gdeo/, when served to the members with a gad sup of tea. A talk on the care a! the hair also was much eppteciated. An open meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. C. Young. Regent street, on 7 iiesday evening. June 17th, at 8 M. C. C. Annual Meeting, o'clock. when Miss Gilhelm. of Bright. will address the meeting. A .,cordial At the 1.01111 meeting cat the Men - invitation is given to the public. Members will note the change eat date. CNaryps al Uaiols Sank. F. Wood onalse. late of Norwood. Oat.. is the was oaaager of Use Gode- rich breads of the Union Beak, .ad is sow in charge J. O. Geddes. the late manager, left on Wednesday for To- rooto, where be takes a Nekton the inspector's staff of for Bleak. A Fatal Result. Wednesday morning Daniel McLeod succumbed to the injuries which be received a few weeks ago in au at- ewpt to stop a runaway' horse The funeral will lake place Nom the family residence. Anglestreet.. on Satur- day afternoon _Anginas on to Maitland cemetery. The funeral service at the house will be at 2 o'clock. The Sons of Scotland will attend. A Strccesaful Student Her old schoolmates and friends will be pleased to learn that Mies Eleanor M. Walker, daughter ot John Walker, formerly of Goderacb, now of Denver, Col., has lust graduated at the State University at Baulder, Col. Mies Walker had • very creditable rod suesessful college course, and her standing and popularity are shown by the fact that she was coosen eo be the valedictorian of her • !ass. Another Fruit Farm. The property oa the Mill road east ot Goderieh belonging to Mrs. Edwards, of Hamilton, has been sold to Milton Lowden, of the same city. The farm, which contains thirt y-seera and a -ball aces. will be planted with fruit trees by the new owner. Percy A. North, of tbe real estate firm of North( h Steventon, of Hamilton, was in town last week making final arrangewenta for the closing of the Ideal. The Greyhound Trip. ' The steamer Greyboind arrived bast Monday evening on ill fifteenth annual trip between Detroit and Goderich. On board were abeut 0 passeogere, many of whom were former Guderich citizens, who look advantage of the occasion to renew old friendships in their hoax town. In spite of the un- usually root weather tbe moonlight eicursion was patronised by over 1.200 people. The special train from Strat- 1.4-d brought to town over 400 passen- gers for the event. On,Tue.day morn- ing another G. T. R. special train arrived atx,ut 10-.30 o'clock with about tall passengers on board. These, with thus! from Gudericb and vicinity. made up a fair-sized company foe the trip to Detroit. The Greyhound's usual good luck again made itself evident, and the weather, which had been abnormally cool. began to warm up ..n Tuesday, end the excursionists have had ideal conditions for an enjoy- able outing. Better Farthing Train. Thr -Better Farming- apeeial train W. C. T, U. Annual Meeting. which was at the C. P. R. station lastThe regular meeting of tee W. C. T. Saturday was visited Lay a large num- el'. wan bold in Cite Temperance Hall I tsar free town and vicinity, the farm- on Monday afternoon, the president in ice c eintuunity being well represented. (oosiderable interest was centred around the live stock on the train, which inchtdrd homes, cattle, sheep, beg: and poultry of tbe better grades. Tee r.--uite obtained from goad drain- age and thorough `cultivation bn the false. ns compared with inlet ior con- ditmun., were shown. and lecturers were present to answer any creme ions and make all necessary explanations. In the evening in the council et ate - her at the town hell a small audience listened tc lir. Heed, of Georgetown, who gave an instructive acidness on 'Horsy Breeding.' A poultry expert with the assistance of views also gave lin educational talk on the raising of poultry. Dr. W. F. Clark was chair- man o1 the rueel ing. The Late Walter C. Goods. The to to of the death of Walter C. Goode, published in The Signal Inst • mews, was received by the propk of Green, b with sincere regret. Mr. Gotal.- during his residence an Gode- rich .bowed a high .public spirit and esetung Cauoe Club the following of- ficers were elected for the year : Pr•es- ideot, U. L. Parsons ; vice-president, A. G. Nisbet; secretary, Walter ►Buchanan; treasurer, Frank Saun- ders ; commodore. R. W. thaigie ; vice commodore, Fred Sturdy : chap- lain, Rev- J. 13. Fotberingbatu ; mem- bers of committee, H. O. Sturdy and A. Roy Adams. The club is in a flour- ishing 000dition, and with e lively staff of officers in charge of its affairs another successful year is in prospect. Skinned at Detroit. The Detroit News -Tribune has an account of a confidence game played on a man from Goderich on iv ednes- day of this week. The man is said to be "A. ft Mel)eutoid, a.far•mer Doming from near (:iodericle- It appears he was staying at the Hotel Griswold in Detroit for a few days and got into friendly converse with a stranger. After the stranger had lett him McDe- moid diaeovered that his wallet, Con, taining $78 in cash, a note for $57 a.od •nether for :3[le was missing. He reported :the wetter at police head - Meal tens. the chair. Being the last meeting of the year. the whole sesaioo was taken up by the yearly reports from the dif- ferent !SU perintet.dentsand the election of offlcen•. One new member was re- ceived. The officer* elects•?► 'are as follows: Hon. piesident, lir*. Leech; president. Mrs. Alex. Davidson; vice- ptesidenu, Mr.. Colborne, Mrs. \Var- rener, Mia. Nutherl and : con'. secretary. Mss Hero: rec. secretary, Mims Allen : treasurer, Mrs. Elliott. The county contention is to he held at Wingee m June :seal nod27th. University :th- University Examination Results. In the list of successful students of the second and third yeah in tbe Fsirulty of Arts at Toronto University, readerw of The Signal will be iu tenet - ed in the following results : Miss Jean B. Tole secured first-class honors in third -year moderoe, and rte ceivei equal standing with a fellow - student fur the Julius Romio acbblar- bhip. Angus McLeod palmed his third year .cetb second -thus boons in the geology us- 41111,.vS an SUMS to do what he and ntinerelngy course' ',PIM i,• Iurthex the interests of the Frank J. Foster obtained secood- town. He served oa the town coun- - claw bunors iu Itis third year in poli- cil..iud for a gond many years was a tical science. leading spirit in Use Goderich Mo.it-al' Arthur Hoyer teased in pbysiologi- Stciety He was in the druggist buil- cal and biuchemical sciences, as did Dees in (iodelicb, and at Victoria, B. Miss Marry JL. Fingland end J. C- C., where be bad lived for a number Malian in the general course for the of years. he was engaged in the same third year. trade. He was decidedly .Inver seam J. V. Taylor obtained ' first -clans the pee. and after going west wrote honors in third year classic -A. a setie/ of very interesting letters W ; W. H. Walter paaaed hie see'ood for ritGood h i petri. year with first-class honere in political Mr- Goode'• illness was of very short science and wee awarded the _Alex- direitjon. He ems found in a semicoe-der McKenzie scholarship. seems ccnditien in his room at V ictoria f anDeLemwe Milliard passed his on May eitb, sag was taken at once to 1 second year in mathematics and the hospital. where it was thought he , Pbs•lee• bad agotd chance of recovery, but he T. K. Elliott passed bis test year ht died on flay eels. George F. Ener- lbs general oou'se. tsar, another Goderich mans wee witb Miss C. G. Currie and .Iohn C. bim .-rich day during his illness. lad 1 Stotler. ate included in the list of extended sdcb friendly mini*tratioss1 graduates at the Faculty of Educa- te were within his power. The re- 14°0' mains were sent east for interment at I in addition to tbe above. W. Fing- Bowrnanvino, wbeee atm, members of , land passed bis ettamfeations for the tbe family live. degree of M.A.: if. tlifford Pugh re- tfarbor Notes, rived hie B.A. degree with honors is 1 hrbiology. and 1. F. Ediie peened hie 'rel- ease Medial examinations. J R. nor of its dredgsato Kincardine, where least wad C. L. Goulds are announced it will be at worst em a fiovernenent ' as s.coesslul candidates for the degree contract for several weeks Ths( Pim B The strainer H. N. lex art is - - t'or: last Theireda with a canto d# LO(:AL TOPICS' IN niR1EF. cal for the ) min. The aeek•kaad 1 was for the less waterworks plant. ��eJea carica the .. suras *sk= The resew Zemin let iquia arrived ' Jai em4 ar lbs T1arir'.i T1ag w5 de usaa Lost erne rig ate gwrasssrd a pars• the las with • carr° of anal lee• Mora are eA*mars It Mgr. we levees rang •m di Ant algae, gables wbsw era wee tar Mt a'assaaat t. e.5 of chase/ geaM UN w{ 1:1•4=1111111/ttrMat and flat for bo Annealeteaneer Mestbrd arrived on of wheat wit► s ears selahooe basbeis foe the O.iseii elevatear- The steamer Oar. A. Orsham will arrive its Thneid.y night with • corgis of wheat end rets tar the 6odesie4► Simater. Goihb's fleet of pleasure boats M 'rahldikid yearly. lost tee dowsers et the mitt would derive mash nuns � encase tram timer segs it e teNdans w the sties[ ani a the m• inor ha evsniwRs were more fav- 4�*WkI. the town es�ttbookl tare " ter wow when iymeehmtllis tee � r1 sa V a wlMwties how pewee slat h worthy et cow antla�ti.alaa h hone how where be has besomininyed samsWa giourwert n+,ba ors The hat tennis ton of the arenas will be held et the ?tams Club roar% °s astnrday afiernoM stet. Court Ooderieli. N.. 3Z, C. O. F., will attend divine nervier is Kin: church next auwdsy st 11 a. w. The btstirea saw requested to .feet es 10 o'eloek sharp sad morels to church. Visitors nes bgvltad. Dr. limn* salts es to any that mew hes retested a MOW how Ile. R. Dun- kMm ~neer et the Noes al gasket h% �saknowlehriai tido estlMd try Kr- vr. 7twssa. hie roost visit t0 Via merited a Wei ttbsg1ar t s - the d� w ~1g�iw lar the arMaMwths . IAt .North street Methodist church =ewer Sueday will be cat -served under the aespsoa l of the tiunAay school. This will be an 000aaioo of special in- terest. Rev. W. E. MiHsoo, of Strat- ford, will preach morning and eves- iag. At 1 p. at. • bund•y school rally will be held in the cburch. t�The Itoal draft of the stationing mnuitten of the L.00don Conferrers off the Methodist church, which hes been in sesion in London during the past week, was made on Tuesday. Rev. Alfred Brown, who Ise bees pastor of North s•reet Methodist church, Godericb, for the past two Kears, has been transferred to the ingston Uonteraooe. and Rev. Dr. Medd bas been stationed at Besse, Rev. Wm. E. Hager, B. A. of Col- lingwo od, is the new North street pastor, and Rev. J. E. Ford, of Clin- ton, will succeed Dr. Medd in Victoria street church. Largeaudiences, goad music and splendid addressee, the last named by • former pastor, marked the otiose - ranee of the eleventh anniversary of Goderich Bapmi•t church last Sunday. Rev, H. W. Wright, of Arkosa, was present and addressed the congrega- tion at both the morning and evening Services_ In the morning be took hie text from John 15:16 and in the even- ing he directed special attention to the :eels, :eels and 30th versee of the Ilth chapter of Matthew. The choir. under the able leadership of A. Hudson. rendered excellent assistance in the service of praise. (l0 Tuesday evening a very sucepseful teal meeting was held. The ladies of the congregation served an excellent repast in tbe base- ment too gomdly number. after which a choice program was given in the Auditorium of the church. Rev J. Pollock, the pastor, performed the duties of chairman. The numbers were supplied by the choir of the church : Miss Grace Seager. violinist ; Wilfred Akehuest, on the mandolin ; Misses Hildred McColl and Marjory Aitken and Messrs. T. Sebuler and A. E. Cook, who sang solos : and Mrs. Pollock. who gave a reading. The receipts for the ocea-.ion totalled over, $411 and from every standpoint the Baptists are to he congratulated on the successful event. cnultlCe4 NOTES. PERSONAL MENTION. J. Kasen. of Detroit. visited in town last week. Mi..- Maud Ri.wt,of New York, is home for a u.00tb boFday.. Mir }]ate Farquhar. of Clinton. spent a few day. be town this week. .1 D. Wilon was in Landon thi. week attend sae the Grand Lodge of ties C. O. F. Miss Hodge is in town this week having to- turoed from her European trip. C barle. Symonds. of Keewatin a mr , was the goontits week of hi• brothers at mt., Mr. and J. M•- .linslie, of Leami, were £0541.Mrs, Jest wce.: .ef 1:e'. Lr. ogtoesad Mrs. Medd Mr. and Mrs. Henson Cox. of tesminrton, rldted the tatter'. aunt. Mrs. W. Burrows Selma .treat. this week. Mi-, Matiorie Kelly. whn is training ,for a nurse in a New York ho.pital. 1s spending bee vacation at her home in town. Mrs. Will Megan endows Alex. and DdnaM. of Nlnnipr. are vistaMie Megaw's W- ent., Mr. and Mrs- D. McLsrea. Mr. Medd went to Kincardine lint Sotoldee to attend the fusetal of her slew, Mrs Heem- fah daarbter of John Hiles. of that plana Mrs. W. A. Sinick ..d Miss Nellie Harris. of Denver. are i-i.itind in town, the reeds of Mr. and Mrs. W. Holland. Trafalgar street_ Dr. R. J. and Mrs. Hamlet, of Detroit. and Dr. G. F. and Mrs. Hamlet, of Rocberer. Mi.*.. visited their fattier..' Hamlea_- this week. Mr,. John F. it -byte. of R'indmr. aot5rrei- led by her .i. ter. Mr.. Anna Sabi -ton. of ian- don. are guest. or Mr. A. A. Fowlie. }]gin avenue. Mew GweedoUrwColborne. of Belli more. Md-. second daogbter or Mr. and Mr. .1. H. Col- borne. of l,odericb, galled for Germany a May Pleb and will go Irons there to Pari. Favor, where .he expects to spend Ile .ummer. BORN. CAHBHTT Ln Hsnett. nit •% olneeday. May Pan. to Mr. and Mrs George Carbett. arse. RILEY.-In Rollet, ce May 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Rei. Riley. a em. BCIw'LEK- At Waisoswver, j�tt.� C_. May 240. NUL, hi Mr. ad Mss a. Hewiar, a daugh- ter'Annie KoOeea. YcMICHAla. -In Hallett. en Monday. May Intl. ro M r. wed Mrs Garde r Yet iebael. a delightsr. DIED. ARCHkR In Lseksow. es Timidity. May nth. Jeb. Archer. aged M years. PAGAN. -In Locknow. se Weitarday. May 04b. Jane Paganrelict atlas }atm W1U54 Permeated aged es seers and 4 nos-tbs. MCLF.01m. -In Goderieh.on Wednesday. Jane Iltb. Damn► Mcleod. aged ']'yeare and 2 months. TM risme► takes masse from his late men deres ea Gest■rdar after000a. June 14th. u t�e'elerk. to Marched nemeterl Service at r .•dock. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury. a• mercury will deatney tee sense a smell and somsigtalf Irises fie winds see rem oboe eata�al�i�d/t�s �ee.� the r5lmas oar fates. tie* isele •nee erre ex 0ept ss pews wises tier► Masi - disc as the domes am/ will M tee for to Ube road Mss tea petra40, dories f, Hare (rmn% Cast, obseeractored bL J- Chamey R Co.. Tarsal 0.. contain. ns newsy and 1. takes hMrasm. acting dirundy spas the Mood .M entsslms wrfoess of the systems. ar. the=yass tyse 41=1e Tneligre Dramsees yee � skdw(,uaSir .1.CSsrr & CILmoda+ s the. TMeggido. MasaFas0y Pies aep irs. 73a pre bertha Summer Schools ref asenes a as ,, ares. and der tsetses sesMM. s' k w cr ls«. "bornsilow We si..e ww0. w#a�iaaMe�et(Te r eassemoted ir thy st4�'r�awsa.1% r Jab id le ASgrat laai Ibis year. !Mimeo war aahr sire car R* end turwa Me Welts w - R. M aw, Predrwt, rasHegaa t!i Tempi M.. Trent". voNNIMINIM EAST' STREET GARAGE WE HAVE FOUND THE RIGHT WHISTLE 1 FOR FORD CARS AND CAN SUPPLY AND FIT IT FOR $6.50 If it doesn't suit you at the end of 30 days we will refund the purchase money. Huron Gasoline Engine & Machinery Co. GODEHICH, ONT. Pito,.. 243 1 Rex. Jaa wires aid Iia Wilson. or Prom - to. are sees se • ase dew- this week with ibeir Merle is tins vieMb- In • week ar Hwy will keine on • two moot h.' trip. to the West. intruding 10 lee rttebt tot he Coast_ Rex. A. L M. Ttbsaslma s sited st the bone of his 1.15010. Mr. ser1iee George Troubles, .. North start. ease ►Mersey. Mr. harrsa Y orreries • sees. 101 gestorote.t Atab..t- b�ser,e� ind bis Mby the 1asdos Ambient- =estsaedoss w a Aylrar grebe wrier cann- abis Clara Marisa of I midoo. err in mews law week rigger her sense. Walter R Harri- New Mir Orman i. • graduate or Torsete University sad of the Methodist flan -ler Trotting School. Twerp She leave. Is the mores d•few weeks for Enrich, :rwiti ,54.d, toatteod the Werid. S..h y School censue- stian. after teka y whice wee is ger to Japan w engage 1a ifs teOswl.g visitors le Goderich were pas. roam ea tis steamer. Greyhound : Mayer Biwa aid MM. Hersh W. B. Parsons. Thee. Naive..1 of W Chan. Hawkins; assrw Nair air Ms. Nasser. an of Wisdom: Mime Jena Ansaby their Mods Mr. and rionM tee Cornwaleml l. or Detroit Miriade Mr. wed Mrs J. T. ,HasilL Dr. Meter . Mies Hattie Dos,gh. Mir Band.Yea Green. ed Mr. sMr.. David Rieb�td.on d MI: Ricb- sad.re'. parents. and fler.j. Canis. all se De - trek - Mas Millie Cate and' AMMrees. Mr. and ]les. Benson Cox . Thelma. and Rey. Mr. Walker. - Mrs MMi jos. of Cleveland : 11. Ypsilanti. PILES. Tau all fi/raid la/mM1 A Nass is basis Pik dope Waft au= ans. Paremaramas. eha- a gia. As prefer orn mos as ni-BuK • • MacEwan's COAL Best Scranton Hard Coal -all sizes. Cannel Coal for open grates -the highest quality of Coal that can be bought for the purpose. Empire Dome s t i c Lump Coal - most satisfactory SoftCoal for ranges,•box stoves and fireplaces. Standard Ch e s t n u t and Furnace Coke. All kinds of Hard - `wood and Kindling.. Peter MacEwan Estate Telephone rite 1 Singer Store _ Dee of the Newest Novelties in Neckwear, a linen colored collar embroidered in Bulgarian herder, now on exhibition. There can eon he had *tamped tae white apan jee s loth. Everyone is admiring the I 'whims embroidered with beans. We have this design stamped to be worked, sleet cushions and centre* for the '•rad work and darning. A seer ebiprn. nt of (rope Marquisette. l'rente•d Linen, Pique. Punch -see k Linen and Pillowcase Cotton. just in. Rose* made of braid for l•usb- ions and Centres in pretty shades, now berm. New Ort ?lee in St:.mped Wall( P. to be embroidered in white or mints. A nee lot of Be tasty Pins, Her Pine and Belt R .ekie.e. marked very low for quirk selling. Also • few sets of Com!v. A new assortment 6f Jabot.. Rows end Rowe t.. chore.. tram.. We bane the wide ideated fril1- ieg whieb is nerd en tench in eery pretty styles. A full line of all Sts.mped Doody, Isdoding tlee inllowing : itrarapet Night (low.., Baby K irnoso Oasts. llosdm4r Cap*. Lacing Pis Owahinne. Orwtre*. Pitibw adorn. 111101411. eta. The Stager Store Rest- Sell Taispheee Ototral $AN K Save Syst. matlally Haphazard, occasional saving seldom aocom- plishes much. it's the steady, persistent, regular depositing of so many dollirs a week, or month, or season, in the Union Bank of Canada, which makes one financially in- dependent. The money accumulates all thb'mory rapidly, too, because of the Interest which k added every six months. Try it. LJ. G. GiEDDES, Manager Goderich Branch. r sl its (•w) 1 •a casual se. CANADiAN NAC! r*C h • araOde ares -there i setting quite so sweet to the ears of bride as sterling silver. Apart from the quality -which is high berg, sad the chasteness of the patterns -which can he seen at a glance, it is important to know that the prices are not extravagant. One jewel, store is the best place in the cora, to get suggestions for wedding presents. We liars made a study of this "gift question." 11 Mout bastoew so know_whu is suitable for various gift occasion& U ' kI(Cl>�Nl15 Rath Tuesday, until October 1}t Winnipeg and Return - • - igen Ndsnritss sad Return - - - Koss Other Pointe in proportion. Return Limit, 'Iwo months. HOMESEEEERS TRAIN leaves Toronto each Tuesday, 2:00 p. in.. May. to August, inclusive. Best Train to take. Upper Lakes Navigation Summon. leave Pon McNkodl, Yon days. Ta.rtays, Wednesdays. Thum dors and Asuman. ter Saari Ste. Marie. Port Arthrr and Yort WtYlam. The reamer Manitoba.' millet tree Pert'McViooll on Wed madam will .all at Owen Sound, Wvtng flat point 10.2) Rm. Steamship Express • leaves Termite MIS r d e• days m.kieg din* roaseetSoe w1tb Steamers at Part. Merrell s General Change of Time June tet Psrtipatacn from J( r KIDD. Goe eek er - lL G. MCRPHY. D.P.A_, C. P. Ry.. Qct pock es varied and so are the prices. Every taste .and `every pocket book is tare to be suited. We have merry inexpensive' bet dainty little ooe.I les bete besides silverware which will maks excellent gifts. This las Bantry store where yon can gel Just what y.l are looking for at the price you want to pay. Everything in oar ane line of silverware, gripe, Jewelry, w•tebes, etc contains sorbing but real, tangible values, coupled wits up-to•date styles. Prep in and ley se pleat 700 cboosing year wedding gifts -tet as weir eq you that Dere is • Jewelr t store. -worthy' seer trade. 1 J. S. DAVEY Selling Agent f.,t South Bend \Vat 1u.. Goderich. Ont 4.1 i.•. E. R. WIGLE Its of Nutiage Li.eoses WIGLE'$ PHARMACY Ooderich, Ontario West Huron Farmers' Institute .annual Excursion TO THE MODEL FA12.1 Al' Guelph VIA CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY' On Saturday, June 14 The annual Excursion under the auspices of the •West Huron Farmers' Institute tri;;l !be of more than usual interest and profit to all .. -; e . ' ' hem - selves of this opportunity to visit .the' ! l:.1 rm at Guelph on the cosh of June. Spatial teems-hearemesee of Instar-• • '1 deiuon•tr.• •.• - by the pns[ensss a abseils et the vane' es u. l..: tat nt• 1 .. •• I. se at rasped toe The ladies ef the Wolin -We 1mttit.11 an 1 t heir friends wit have an opprtrtnnity ref witnessing the special work which will he pot on at the McDonald Institute. The dottrel ic wiener end &wire depart - ments will he en.anuaHy interesting on nernunt of tits (lemon -era - eon. emon- tra- eon. and information given to all antere.:ed s'eiters 1n connection with this excursion. The special train leaning tieo&et reh ae 7:ai .and •torping at all odaleona to Elmira, inclusive, will arrive a' Guelph at feel. the. al- lowing plenty of time for sight-.eeiag in the city and at the \fndrl Fares. Rinner will he provided free of chase M ,.i1 who take in the trip. ind will he served in tbe lunch pevtliun on IheiJollegegr..uid-. There will he unpl.• time to sew the five a.se 71.11 the h••rti- cultnraldepartnment.. tvn+roru and nt her places of 1..tere.. in .ufdi- tMn to the lemnnstrations. rte.. wbirh ..f ron•.e will he held in the buildings and grounds approprinte for the putlseer, Thome preferring to remain over 144andav .,r 411 .k'• • 'de t e it. can do en. returning by any register tram Monday. This applies to all stati.asn west of Melrswght. isdustvr, Let this neca.ioe he your anneal family reit,mg. Tek. the chil- dren asst younger proper with yea: there will le plenty to interred - then' that will be iostrateive algin. The Following Is the Time Table, Rates, Etc. From Time Unclench McGaw Aohern Bit b W:Iton Mr -Neagh'. W. Wont ten M.) vMna Millh•nk lenge-and Jet. W a l lanai n n Moira Returning through to Gn 73Iia. in. 7.111 a. se. 7.Ma.e. 7.111. se. lar• 3. ALM . s. I.l• - e• itIN. s 1 No :t:. ital a. es. l dib Woe N 43 a. ea. ON in . tide a, Is. JM Mie 1.(A a. ts. .Ila Me • IS a- as. -31 sir eX.a-re. le ne A rove Bta.4gb a std 1. aa. ape, sal gain wile Imam t;t,elpb lewieb. Rate Adult (loild Slier stn• 1 55 es• I ;ret 1:5 Limit .1 en. Dish M.•STItl AL t:t:Eigt JCI4T UPP THE bbC1tUARE 0 (S. ❑ BUSKS SIERT ALL TRAINS AND : PA sgNOER : BOATS Ptusengere called for in luny part of the town for alt Iain. at G. T. R. or o1). R. depots. Prompt le -mice and rereful alien- Don't Forget the Date, June 14 Joseph A. Mallough, Wm. Bailie. President Secretary (sir Cleary and Hack service will be found up- tm.date in every respect. Your patronage solicited - T. SWARTS Phone l Montreal Street THE NEW STORE f U� WEnT tiTIIR$T FEJT PO`4TOF•FIi E We hair added Fishing Tackle to our stock of Wall P.•per. Paints, Oil,. Varnisbr. Awl Tut ',entities, Your pat:onag.e solicited. ED. LYNN month in Europe HERF. is an eppensiity to sec anme of the famous places of the 01d World at a mode.. outlay. A health -bringing trip asst a liberal education eomhiie•&. Yoe t.ke the "Royal Edward" at Montreal on flay 1 c for Rr:.tot. Than. Cook k tam will take cltaage of the party at Bristol and will Nag ibrrr hark to that loins,. Rovers' Travel tib Tour Visit iD Loodtwt the ascirst Tower, tie Abbey. H,•u.es std Parianiese, messes e. aid Lost. made trines by Illlllttne sod Thackmv. Paris with her col* gad gay IrWMvav,:- rad holisgs rednkwt of Frrce'• writ fat pet. Tfte Beach at Classes..:. anis- eels aid ite an galleries,. (.beets •std it. Brent 1911 W omit', Asesseei s aid its creek and bridge.. Astern", ne Haggle and thr Isle d Marina. Queen altMcYrd, Mesa wirer see ow .ar ono M eras elm lir epee is d Per 10 tidier r.. sad t.r.i.a Waldo doh ars area • ■ G