HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-6-12, Page 4• TuonaosY, JUNE 12, 1113 THE SIGNAL : GODERICEP ONTARI District News DUNUANRION. WEuxttuo.Y. June 1Itb. WEST W A W.vot.H ELat-TIoa. -- Nominations for the •auney is the township council of West Wawanee& caused by the death of Councillor Stephen Medd will be received at the township hall on Moeda` June Mit, at 1 o'clock p.tu. This po111iog, if nee - teary. will be oue week later. LANE& Ti gsllA Y. June 11th. Lamm, 1uCA14.-Thomas Ferguson is busy preparing for putting a cement wall under hie bait n... . ('has. Alton also is putting a cement wall under his stable ....Clifford Treleaven is visiting his ar-andpareot. here .. Misr Debby \1'ehster is visiting Mrs. W. Lane lot a few days .. Rev. W. Mackintosh preached • farewell ser- mon on Sunda'. He intends spend- ing a couple ot months 11 ha bonze in Scotland A number from here in tend going to the Point Farm nest Friday ... Mrs. Philips is visiting her daughter, Mrs. T. Ferguson Last week a little daughter came to the house of Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan. Mr. rind Mrs. Thomas Strong have returndel after a week's visit with friends. OUL.IfORN E. TEASDAY, June 10th. MAITLANDCU\cvNsitut N(1TEi.-Mire Myrtle Beacom ret...rned to her home in Clinton last week, after a visit of a few weeks with her si■ter. Mn. W. Biggins Harvey Hallman was a guest at the home of Wm Durst last week Miss Edith Levis spent last week visiting with friends on the Maitland .... Mr. and Mn.. John Schwanz were guest+ at the home of John Flick on Sunday Ezra Fisher had the foundation for his new Karn completed last week Thos. Pennington is building an addition to his house this summer and it rush- ing it to completion with all possible speed Mi. and Mrs. W. H. Forster spent Sunday in the county town.... The moonlight excursion at Goderich proved quite an attraction for the young people. A number from this section availed themselves of the op- portuni,y to get a ride on the lake. CARLOW. Tucttsw.y, lune 12. The members of Morning Star Lodge, A., F. & A. M., will attend divine ser- vice at Smith's Hill church nett Sun- day at 3 oelock p.m. Rev. R.. A. hiller, of Auburn, will preach. In spite of rather unfavorable weather, the grain crops look well. Pastures are not in good condition, however, and the prospects to a good fruit. stop are rather uncertain. Mrs. Hogan, of Detroit, a former regi-' dent of Carlow, came up on the Grey- hound excursion and is the guest .1 ?piss Glen. Another trreyhound excursionist is John Teasley, froto Sarnia, who a visiting old friends, here. Mrs. R. M. Young and Misa Lily Ferguson attended the great I're.by- tetiar congress at Toronto as dele- gates from the Women's Missionary Societies 01 Smith's Hill church. James Glen is peatkiag itt>g a' new fence which w.11 Pah/tote the good appearance of the lith coucessiou. Samuel Sbepperd also is rucking ..owe improvements on his property. Any- thing in the wind there : o BEWAIL -LER. Tcitsu.ey,June 11th. IlIi�MILLEH BKIKF.c.-Itev. A. W. Brown wilt be saving g000ht a to his people on Sunday. as he and his wife and ch;ldtto leave for Tot ontn on Monday en 'cute for ErglauJ. They expect to sail from Mootteal on Thins -1 day next by the Allan line S. S. Vir- ginian. They hope to return for the 1 titat Sunday is October. Mir. Davi- son. of Mcntreel College. is to supply during the pastor's absence Arthur Page experts to leave Bea- utifier on Tuesday to take up the work to which the Landon Methodist. Con- ference has appointed hin, on the Port Stanley circuit Mrs. Jess. Gled- hill is not so well again .. - Mie Nellie Stt-anghan has enjoyed a good holiday amongst her many friends and returned to Toronto to resu.ue her duties Albert Uke has gone to the city. tooAfter finishing his course at Clinton Business College he expect. to take up a position in Toront 1. WEDNESDAY, June 4th. BENMILLER BRuEpr.-K. T. Pftim- mer is remodelling one of bis stables. He has raised it and is building a cem- ent foundation em-entfoundation uodet it las. Elliott. of Nile, has the contract A. M. Atraugban also is {improving his prop- erty. He is busy buildinghis founda- tion and expecte to have is house up by midsummer. Good boy. Miller, don't stop at that -Rev. A. W. Brown as away attending Conference this week. We hope hs stays with ua for another year Verne Gledhill is helping his uncle, R. Moore. this week, but expects to be home again shortly Miss Nell StraugLan is home on a vacation for • few days. We art pleased to see her again. AUBURN. Tit C1t8DAY. June 12th. A strawhen v festival will be held on July 1st ,,n the Presbyterian manse grounds. Further particulars next week. Rev. A. Laing returned Tuesday evening accompanied by his bride, and was given • hearty reception. Tbe bride was Miss Minnie Millie Gorhy, of Kingston. O00ERICH TOWNSHIP. WEnvttnnAY, June 11th. Mrs. Campbell and son. Gordon. are visiting Mrs Campbell's sister. Mrs. S. R. MacMM . Miss S. MacMath has returned from Toronto. where she had been the last week as • delegate to the annual meet- ing of the board of the W. F. M. S. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Dasidsoo, of Victoria, H. C., have just arrived here after spending a week in Toronto. where he was attending the meetings of the General Assembly. They ex- pect to spend • month in this district visiting friends and relatives. Mr. 1►aridson's many friends are glad to see him @gain. Considerable damage was done in the district by the frosts of last Satur- day ani Sunday nights. Those who planted out tomato planta for the can- ning factory have found it rather dis- conrsging tor a beginning. as about half of the plants were frozen. Quite a number from this locality visited the "Better Farming" coaches last Saturday at the C. P. 14. station, at Godericb. ST. HELENS. Trasnst, June 10th. Tug WEEK'S NEWS. -Elliott Miller and his mother, Mrs. John Miller. were at Detroit this week on the Greyhound exwrsion. ..A goodly number attended the Women's Insti- tute meeting held in the hall on Mon- day. Mies Gilholin spoke no "Cana- dian Wooten and Dairying" Miss Annie McKenzie, who had been in Guelph for several month*, returned last week acec,:npanied by her aunt, Mrs:Clark Miss Myrtle Webster lett Monday for Toronto to visit her sister. Mrs. Jas. Mitchell e' Rev. Wm. Mackintosh left on Monday to attend tbe Presbyterian General As- sembly at Toronto. He will sail from Montreal on Saturday on the Scaudin avian for a two months visit W his house to Glasgow \Vill Ruther- ford is in Toronto this week with a car of live stock T Phillips was in Toronto this week Mrs. Mc- Vittic, of Westfield, visited her daughter, Mri. W. Taylor. on Sunday. Mrs. Cr' and Mrs. Moon, of Loudest--tr., and Miss Ltckhart., of Auburn, visited at %V. Taylor's on Sunday Mrs. Matt.. Taylor. of 1Vawota. Manitoba, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Jas. Campbell. (lean' PARTY. -A garden party •Ptd ice errant' swill under the auspio es of the Preal,vterian church, St. Helens, will be held on the even- ing of June Deeb. Tete will he nerved from et., 8 n.lock on the grounds of Mts. R. K. Miller`s A good entertain- ment will he provid.d. See posters for fast t limpet t iculars.• ' SCHOOL REPORTS. Repot t of No 10, Ashfield : Claes V. -E. Johnston, M. Downey, R. Alton. Sr. IV. -S. Alton, T. Little F. John- ston. E. Parrish. Jr. IV.. -J. Scott. A. semi, Y. Fetgit.on, 13. Johnst.-u, M. Johnston, I... Faa-tisb, J. Bowler. Mt. 111.-13ennet,• Reed. Jr. 111.-8. UT.oncblin, L. O'Loughlin. R. John. coon. T. Sherwood, F. Reinhardt. N. Mullin, C. Mullin, 11. Ferguson. Sr. I1. -E. Johnston, V. Drennan. Jr. i1. -M. Johnston. Claes 1.-S. Reic- hardt. A. Alton, L. O'Loughlin. Claw A Primary -Norman O'Lough- lin, Della Parrish. Claes B Primary - Ellie Drennan. Ambrose Hogan. Joe ReinhatdL Nurnhet on roll. 34;'aver- age attendance. 27.9. Present ever. day --E. Parrish. F. Johnston. 4. Alton. J. Scott. A. Scott, 13. O'Lough- .in. L. O'Lougblip, A alton. N. O'Loughlin. M. FAMILY, Teacher. The following is the report for S. S. GRANDTRUNKSYSTEM NEW SERVICE �8ETWEEN TORONTO SARNiA SAULT STE. MARIE PORT ARTTiUP -FORT WILLIAM - WINNIPEG Steamboat Special-? hEffevyestbound 1"r y+ Kari s a -tri► wK efts j tensa a_ gist. Isay. 1'. LIS p a s a a.sM i t. 1(er. Ita♦v ca Mtgs. ma- - " :. Se.,-zss p. a T.a ;Ala. a-- Rk r..a. a- t,9ap. . Wal tiara.- T.. •ss.. !r Nay. Cts Ksai .moi Me -t'.a. Parr (aiass�. W VMaeiss.Op. boa barna Tssure aN Bands rime casae Mr'esw'.` Ing° cae�r.."'c 'b : Ias�eta.vga - fallift ss ilp=ri .afpm n.w it Guest O we M epee Y t ae isew er.asm d Owed Troia teas tat lama Lets are+Ys hstwes. Geri. or sag Werra Telilc�a..ts. 1y J�:�ti1l!< amts avii fil it SSI w r.'.asr/�ran to Breiare*at?istas ra «teaser u F. R. Lorre* i Possloww w Aoror ?War ta Nome wtenei t " •wrsattw ,tome HEART1 ISEAS! ..• syseptea of Ebbw D sexes. A well-keeme doctor has said, 1 ewer yet mile a poet-oertssees. •mmatioe m a case of death from 6Heiaart Disease witti- est est the kickers were at 6u& " The ladaary eied.cine wheit was fuses the market, stoat steres.. fur for Heart Diva, sad all Kidney Troubles, aad mat widely imitated is Dodd's Kidney Pills No. 1, t'olhotne, for the months of April and May, hosed on weekly tests and general proficiency : Entrance class --Alice Clark 71. Luisa Soefl 61. Sr. iV.-Kvalina B`iinley 63. Vesta Fisher 47. Jr. 1V. -Emma Snell 711. Clete Brinley 54. Sr. ill. -Hazel Young 81. Charlotte Potter 48. Jr. 111. -Frank Clark 14(, Nancy Gilder* 79, Verne McCabe 46. Sr. 11. -Jean McCabe $4. Jr, Il. -Isabel Clark 76, Winsifred Fisher 75. Sr. Pt. 1. - Elia McCabe 111. Clifford Brinley 54. Jr. Pt. I. A -Mildred Fisher 71. Pt. 1 B -•Roy Ashton (t?. Pt. 1. C-litasel Brinley, Garnet !Udders. Misrguerite Smith. Number on roll for month of May, 21 : average attendance. 17. 1. 1H. BARKLEY, Teacher. LOTHIAN. MONDAY, June 2nd. LOTHIAN L0( ALS. -Mrs. travman. of Pennsylvania, visited her sister. Mrs. England, for a few days last week Mies Mary San spent a couple of days visiting friends ar„Htlyrood. We are sorry to report the illness of Mrs. Doyle. of Paramount. who is at present at the home of her mother. Mrs. McNamara. Jack Fatrisb and son, Elmer, were in Te -swats• L. week. DRINK HABIT Reliable Home Treatment Thousands of wives, mothers and sisters are enthusiastic in their 'praise of ORRiNE, because it has cured their towed ones of the "Drink Habit" and thereby brought happiness to their homes. Can he given secretly. OR - RINE costs only $1.011 per hoz. Ask for Free Booklet. F. J. Sutland. Norte Side Square, Goderich. OtsITUARY. Pollard At the home of hie son, Joshua J. Pollard. at Blyth. 1Villii•u Pollard peacefully departed this life on Monday, M -y :41tb. He s as to his seventy-sizt.b year. Hie death was not unexpected. as he h..d not enjo,ed vigorous health fora number of years. The immediate cause of his demise ea..' catarrhal hron.-bitts. He was bow in Devonshire, England. in the year 1837. In 1744:t whey aix years of are, he emigrated with his parent, to Canada and settled in West Dur% ham neer the town of BoCU.aneille, where he lived until be grew to man- hood. In MI he married Mis. Eliza- beth Duwnimr, .ist.r of the late Jobs I)..w..ing, of Bros -els. After their tuar. lege they moved to the township of Wes!niin.ter. Middlesex e+.•.nty. and limed them for two years before moving to Ush.Rne township. Later the subject of this notice purchased a farm in McKillop. where by hard work and by the industry of himself and his wife they made w e.swfl.rtabie bonze tnr tbemselves. Doi his long life Mr. Pollard was en influential member of the Methodist church, titling many important °feces from •itne to time. He was recording circu.t steward fog twenty -11.e years and was a familiar figure in the annual conferences of the church. In ,politics be was a Liberal and always took a deep in- terest inithe welfare of bis country sad the immediate community in whirls be lived. He is survived by a family of one son and one daughter -Joshua .1.. of Blyth, and Mrs.uSaiswel pad.. cf Goderich Hie wife and sus •o., Hiram W., predeceased bias. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon, May 111t1t to Brussels cemetery. Rey. George Jewitt ed Blyth, officiated,- The pallbearers were M. Roland. J. ('aspbe.1l sol J Shannon. MI of Negate*: G. 'i of Walton : W. Jackets tied W Brown, of Blyth. SUFFERED With Biliousness and Sick Headache. Ualgarc. Alberta, July ft, 1911. 1 was a great sufferer for a long flute with biliousness. rick h.adache std liver trouble. Nothing seei.ad to do me any good. 1 ban almost gree .ap in despair when 1 decided to try NG PiLLS After taking shout half a boa the ba.d.ahse stoped and easy appetite p 1 have Justfinished the improved fifth hos and t o.i. arwd Fig Pins for stoasaeIi and liver troubles. Mos. Matt Su*nx Soli at ail draim i. 36 sed aearest bores or mailed by TM P111 On., OIL Thonsas. IL R, Wig* druggist. is e (I'•d.ticb W GOAL Habwi- aeus by P. Bastes Kaes, pur- pose dealing in Go, Wood Limit, Comsat Firs Brick, Etc. We will handle Scranton aad Laugh Valley Coal. two lines widish are recognists1 as the best. We wish to giv_- tbe people of Guderreb and vicinity this best service itos- ubie, sad shall .te glad to hear from W of Mr. Holmes' customise* and any others who wish anything in our hoes. All orders left with Jas. Yat.s,Wnot atrear, promptly attended to. McDonagh&Gledhill ( 'Phone No. 711 Yards at U. T. H., Nelson S;rert r CALL IIN PINDER for Plumbing, Heating, Wiring, and All kinds ot Metal Work. Always in Stock 1BRANTF'ORD ROOFING METAL ROOFING, all kind■ sKW&R TILE HARDEN HOSE and NOZ- ZLES OIL STOVES GRANITE\\ ARE and TIN- WARB. Get our price.. They are al- ways right. s:oosistent with good material and honest Work. W. R. Pioder Hamilton St.. Goderich. THE COLBORNE STORE 0 L L A R often means hours of toil. When that dollar is spent it should command its fullest buying power; to give it that power is one of the vital principles of this business. Our public know this. They ap- preciate the efforts which this store is constantly making to give them the biggest dollar's worth possible, consistent with depend- able merchandising. We've made it possible for your dollar to do extra duty on the following list of seasonable goods. Embroideries Corset $�robtroideries, a special lot, 17 to 18 inches wide 1 So Flouncinaa, 12 to 15 inches wide, 15c. Muss are extra values. Twenty-seven inch Flouncing 40e, 45c. 50c, 00c. •Forty -five -inch Flouncing's 48,3 to $t35. • Hosiery We are adding to our hosiery stock even week. We have the test 2 foe a quarter hose now that we ever offered. Some of them are worth Dearly twice our price. Ask for Rcdiom Hose 2Se. Sao and ' Sop, new Radium. All -Over Laces in white, black, erases, navy, grey, blue and green. and prices are from Mc to .8.00a yard and 38 patterns to choose from. • GINGHAMS A Big Sale of Gingbatns, 45 pieces, about 1,300 yards of the best English and Scotch make•. Regular prices 121c and 15e and you can buy them oo Saturday and Monday next at llc. (.'lothdependable and colors fast. Cotton Suitings Our stock wasnever so 1 as now in many of the new makes. Foulards, flbdford Corda. Crink- le., Lemons, Galatea. and Voile.. Prices 15c, 2c, 30c, 35c. 011e and 50e. Lawn Waists Never had we so many in stock as we have Low. Prins from 90c to $3.5it. These Waists come to us direct from the makers and we know our price are dead right on them. We are show. lag three dozens tailor-made. Prat in direct from a New York factory. Prints We never had batter value in Printa,, Crest Brand cloth. standard weight and colon absolute. 31 to 32 inches wide and our prix is only.. 121c J. H. COLBORNEJ Tbe steamship Noronic, the largest lake passenger steamer on Canadian waters, was I+tunched last week at Port Arthur. Tbe Moronic was built foe the Northern Navigation Co. and will go into eommta.ion at t'eopening of next seasna She is :185 feet in length over ell ;:i2 feet in hresdth feet 9 in^b►s„ In depth. She is the thitd large sbiplaoocbed at the Port Arthur yards in sit mot the. Tbron-tbo.t Ontario Sunday, June 22nd. is Temperance Sunday in tbe Sunday schools and it is suggested that a stat t he made in the effort to secure 1110,000 pledged abstainers by October. 1915. Every Sunday school .nperiotendent is asked to take the matter rip and have an address on • he subject of "Pledge Signing." it - also anti -cigarette day in the Sun lay school and the "internatiou• A t..• . .► d] wR Sherwin Williams Paints We have just got • in another large con- signment of Sherwin kvi Williams Paint, we have. averaged a ship - ]neat a week since the A spring. This alone shows the popularity likof this paint. The S. W. Paint wears longer and covers more than any other paint on the market. • • • klatm Lawn Mowers We have a large shipment of Whitman & Barns Lawn Mowers. These are the only Mowers, that are tested by a special devised machine, which repro- duces the motion of mower in the gra ss ; with this test you get a fully guaranteed Mower. Screen Doors and Windows Now is the time to put them on. do not gait natil the flies get in and then put them on to keep them in. We have them in dif- ferent sizes and styles. Call aad see them. Line Sulphur Do not forget that we still have Lime Sulphur at $7.00 per barrel. At this price 1t is a filo 1p. double pledge" is suggested. Sample literature coo I e se-ured by address tog the Ontario S. S. Association, Tor- onto. or the county superintendent. J.W. Moyes. presideett of the Ontario West Shore Railway Co.. is one of four extrema recommended" by the Lyric theaue. Tuesday and \1'el- lioarA of ('ontrol of Toronto to act on neaday, June 171h •end 18th. The behalf of the city in determining the great drama entitled 'Ilse Little Min - value ot the Toronto street Railway, ster.-' See it. and Toronto Electric Light Company properties. Dr. R. i'. Parker, osteopath and ere pecialist. at Hotel Bedford, Fridays, 12 a. m. tom p. m. PANT U S E If SWF WE ARES IN THt MAIMWARE5 !'WSi35 To SELL THE BEST )4' // MR. FARMER : HASN'T A POOR PILCL OF HARD- WARE OFTEN COST YOU FOUR TIMLS THE PRICE OF IT BLCAUSL YOV HAD TO LOSE A WHOLE LOT OF TIME COMiNG TO TOWN TO GET ANOTHER 7 BUY YOUR HARDWARE FROM VS. AND YOU WILL SAVE MANY NEEDLESS. EXPENSiVL TRIPS AND MANY DOLLARS ON REPAIRS. WE SELL THE BEST HARDWARE, BECAUSE IT PAYS VS TO SELL AND YOV TO BUY THE BieST. PLYMOUTH COAL NOW IS THE TIME TO LAY iN YOUR WINTLR'S SUPPLY OF COAL. WE HANDLE THE GENUINE PLYMOUTH COAL. GUARANTEE -0 NOT TO DE OVER )1. OF SLATE OR STONE, IF YOU ONCE USE PLYMOVTiII COAL YOV WILL VSE MO OTHER. PRiCLS FOR EGG COAL $7.23, NUT AND STOVE 117.50. e Chas. C. Lee tulr�tlARE, Pe 1, STUN getup. Fuses ill runes. ETC. /IMOIiI11118 s Store tit! tIs ss 1 1 ! sass incests -/:/lasts• ieis/s Ceras vAft (crib A al are • CZZ�ZS7►� Woven Wire Fencing We are nearly sold out of the two cars of Canadian Steel Wire Fence,which we bought on a low market in the spring, and which we have been giving you the benefit of. If you require Fencing now is the time to buy, as when this is gone we cannot replace it for the money , we are offering it to you at. The wire is all large No. 9 bard coiled spring steel and will weigh more to the rod than several fences on the market. 7 wire, 42 inch •t 25c a rod . 7 wire, 49 inch at a6c • rod S wire, 49 inch at 28e s rod Far Poultry aid Laws 18 Wirt, so isc.hea high at 53c 20 win, 6o inches high at hoe 12 feet x48ineb�.......14.75 i3 feet x 48 lichee 116.25 Fishing Tackle On Monday morning you can fish for black bass, do not forget that we carry a full line of up-to-date Fishing Tackle. New Perfection Coal Oil Stoves The popularity of these Stoves is told by the great number we are selling. Call and see them k 11 ti F il'