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Wasiak, third door trees lHARLI+.9 (*ARROW, LL.B., BAK- 1 tiletTClt. sitereey, .matter. Inc. Gods tier. ]lora y to lad at leweat rata. O. JORN,9TON, BARRISTER, sl.ser. .olim•er. aseWoner. ewtaty public . H.ailbea stews, t➢ederlaa, Ont AUC UOIIRS 1. IIHOMAS OUNDRY .1 AU(TWNLif Box IC. Goderki Ail featrearaaa by mail lee u Swami elite will be ylOOphi at MOM Ia. liesideees bele Aimee it,! IIIluemiCE. LOANS ETC. •GU.IIVII PRIVATE TE t 0]t. L AMTO- BON. llarres sir. ba1Lea sweat. Oederiet W R. ROBBRT6014. . LiSV R.LNCS AOKere. TOM art Llamrnro : ILitS,b Ceaadfea sad American. aoaw rT ilicallale AND Lrrtorane Luau.- Iry uaf4Iry : The Omegareek 11 use anoei Oearaatee fbe- FuMt a o_aaaws iereaa 111s va Metal andMae at radii ueaaatarse0ealsawl' ip- tan& asdd St.. Darters eteeMR M 1 . IIcitILLOP MUTUAL FIRE IN 1t. SCRsvCA CO. -Fara sad holated 15T► 1 BtuP.O.; Je. 1 swam. O.; s Rines S b Om- P. O. eine e - I i. r. imereser. ; Joie (t''Ie ecartnia a OM=JetSesaaa eod ; J amwalk Ha.dSek: ltaieatbe WI wen. ersbeesld- s te • J. W. Tee. Ltlbeesvlaa ; R. Trion, embark: wins= G1emq 8emenli; L W eseraa a mod 1. 1 P., at B. J ?t beerrithClothingese et It It Caul Grimm gJaisneleeR, ■ARRIAGE LkCOst4Ba WALTER E. KELLY, J. P.. OODRUCH. ONT. int Oy IeARRIAIOL 1JCLN8101. SHAVING PARLOR BEDFORD BLOOM BARBER SHOP. wtllrw ■est liMed yLinxat fi bs l erleiseee a sep=aee - Both Quick and Permanent Strength if you are then down or Cried out, yon take cold ,nib, hove no awptite, are losing flesh as bpe other e iienes of.lowei,i ,bey ear Meelemer's System Renovate, doeut our - tee to refund the piss Nei[ M W eased! fails to strengths esebtartion It aid. ilig,et1oel, 100311111311000".. lettere and noes bellb gala Ym psr- Mahaim by Ks tom. OneOaderieb, Oat. For aIle by R. R. Brophey Bros. 3ODBRIOB The I.aatleit Pimmil Mean" end Embalmers (Mime eirefsay etteadd to al all been. — t day. THE SIGNAL : GODXRIOH, ONTARIO TIMITMIDAY. Jrws 13. liar $ THE COUNTY COUNCIL The Jima session of Huron cotes t y ennoeil opened in the court. honer o Tttsday atternooe of last week. All the tmetabe a were peewit with the exeisptioe of Messrs. Oast toe, Gotten - lock. Hinman and Livio4eton. In bre remarks Warden McKay ex - entree at the circumstances witde& forbade Mr. Heainao and Mr. the from bring in attendance. Mr. linian wee conflaed to his home througb slices*, while Mr. Liv- inge,on wee detained by the death of his father. Megan Cantelon, Govenlosk sad Llvietpetoo were pres- ent after Shadiest days'• sitting. Atter O000ty Clerk Lane had read the minutes of the last. session of the 0000cil in January a number of com- munications and repore" were dis- posed ut and sieve, al motions were aunt to the respective committees. The Deputy Minister of Education in • letter advised the council that • re-•rtanbeutent of the school inspec- torates ut Huiou and Bruce was necee- eary and proposed that a new inspec- torate be formed. which would render necessary the appointtueuL ut a n w iuspeewr. The cuwutunicatiuu was sent to the educatioo committee, together with three spplicaiioue fur the pawnor' of inspector. Tbe appli- cants were J. C. Smith. (ate of R tug - ham high school; J. Elliott, of Bow- nraoville, and W. B. Weideobemmer, of Exeter. The tante ,cbool board at Winghem sent a letter informing the council that Theo.. iatl nod re,igoed hu position of trustee and • new appoioto.euL was requested. The letter was reterred to the education committee. A. J. %Veratervrtt, secretary of the Guelph Winter Fair, riled iu a letter for toe usual grant. for special prizes for Huron county exhibitors at the Lair. The request wee sent to the ex- ecutive committee. 4 resolution from the executive committee of %Vett Hwvn Teacber, Association wee sent w the special committee. The council was asked to request the Ontario ,1lepertw.nt. ut Agriculture w appoint a county repre- sentative In agriculture for Hume. Statements were read from Strat- ford Collegiate lostiwte and Hawn, - ton high sellout "bowing the immune" that Hutein county should pay towards the maintenance ut pupils attending these schools. They were referred to tbe education committee. A meruurial war received from Grey county asking that the Awe -salient Act be changed w Ls to impose an assessment on railway property equal to that of farm property. It was re- ferred to the special committee. Dickson & Carling, barristers, of Exeter, informed the council in -a letter that Wm. Reid. of that town, claimed $20 damages of the cuuucit rr a re.ult ut injuries to his horse while crossing a detective bridge over the Aux &rut,le River. The letter was sent to the executive committer. Jailer Griffin reported that only two prisoners were confined at the jail - one a vagrant and the other charged r.iLh murder. A inquest was made for 100 feet ut hove for use on tbe jail premises. It also was pointed out that the roof of the barn required shingling and that it would be necessary to pur- chase four squares of shingles. The shingles could be put oo. Lbe report shied, by prison labor. The report was sent t.r the county property cow - mitten. Reeve Bailie asked for ioform•tien regarding the publicity acbeme. Reeve Leckie stated that the booklets were printed and ready for delivery. The proper method of distribution was a question which. the committee was to consider while tbe council was in session. The following motions were sent, to the road and bridge committee : Moved by Messrs. Winter and Hard- ing. that the bridge on the boundary between Howick and Wallace town- r 1 bo THE PERFECT SHOE for SUMMER SPORTS POR LVQTSOCY Made In Smart Styles, Suitable For Every Outdoor Occasion YOUR DI AIJDt l4Ae Thier Yaw Marr As use Gee TIM sieT CANADIAN cONapuesTta woman CO.. urarTaa. 1 qtr ships be built this year, providing the council of Perth ie willing, the deed - Ism being considered unsafe for travel. Moved by Mesas. Mulvey red Mr- Kibboo, that the bridge between Turn - berry and Cuirass toweebips be bet tine year. LI it is considered unsafe. Moved by Messrs. McClure and Lindsay, that the railing on the Gal- braith bridge be rebuilt, as the old railing is unsafe. Moved by Masora Love awl' Sanders, that the Gully bridge oo the boundary between Stephen and McGillivray townships be rebuilt this year, as it is decidedly unsafe. A motion by Messrs. Bailie and Sander, ttu►t tee couecd appoint • district represeutative was smut to the special committee. le was moveti by Messrs. McKibben and Mulvey t)at the resignation of Theo. Hall .s a member of Winghaw high school board be accepted and that Dr. J. P. Kennedy be appointed to fill the vacancy. The wouon was sent to the educauoo committee. Ibis concluded the first day's busi- ness of the council. • McCall'. Patterns Perrin Gloves Radium hosiery .t ix:immune-atm° was read from U. M. Elliott asking for a don•tioo to ed in the carrying on of the work ot the Children's Aid Society, of which °mini:aeon Mr. 'Elliott is the county agent. Mr. 1311iott was present. and gave addueoeal intormation as to what the Society is doing. He awed teat cf sesenteen children made wards of the Children'a Aid Society in Huron county live would have been sent to au ludusttial School if the Society had not. twIten charge of 'thew. Now, ne was pleased to state. the con- duct of Done of them warranted the seeding of there to a reformatory. That the Society was doing a work nut only of mend but ot monetary value 10 the county wes shown by figures which Mr. Elliott quoted. lie eteteJ that tee care of the children by the Society who otherwise would hese been 'bent 10 reformatory Meant & saving of from W-5 to $1,001.1. Besides, the Government. wise saved au additional expense. During the month uf May sixteen complaints in• volving the welfare of forty-one children received attention. Many of tbe children were not being seot to school end in several Ca9•All the Society bad furnished proper clothing to &HUM the children to attead scbuol. Mr. Elliott further sated that Crown At- torney Seeger had informed him peariog in court had been materially 'shelled since the Cnildreas Society had begun &Wee work in Hurou county. Mr. Eiliott concluded his report amid reouods of applause. Inturtnatton was anted as to what wee being done to repair the town line road south of Wingbain on the boundary between Morris and East figures supplied by the eugineer that the eseniated core of widening the road at the point in queet4013 was $1,335. Of this arnouut the engineer's expenses amounted to $00, while Lb. county's share of the cost of the practical work to be done oe the rood amounted to 6330. The question of purchasing two acres uf land. so that the roedway could be widened to • sufficient width, was diseussed. The owner had fixed his price at $125 per acre and the township councils which had to deal with the matter were un- decided as to whether tbey ithould ac- cent his terms or send the question to arbitration. The following motions were sent to the road and bridge committee: Moved by Means. Munniogs and Bisbee that. tenicrete caaementa be placed around the piers of Saidord bridge ; that. the bridge be refloored and etringers placed where needed ; and that a new railing and a footpath be built along one bide. Moved by Mess's. Beset and Bailie, that tbe council make • greet to the township of Colhorne to assist in main- taining the Lake shore road from Onderich to Sbeppardton and also the road from Nile to McGaw station, Moved by Messrs. Herding and Mulvsy. that tbe council grant $100 to be applied to the cost of maintaining the Wellington and Huron boundary to offset the grant voted by the coun- cil of Wellington. Moved by Messrs. Cazupbell and Sbortreed. that the council take steps to deepen. widen. straighten and otherwise improve the riverbed at the converging point of the two' rivere in the township of Turnberry to • point. west of the Fisher bridge, so as to allow the water to get away quickly and not to dam back. flood and injure the Prairie road south of Wingbaan. It was moved by Meese. Clark and Cantelon thin, the council bear the expense of instelling eight liens &round tbe court house. This motion was sent to the county property John 'Webster. president of the Hume County Rifle League, waited on the council and asked for a giant tbe funds of the League. The report of tbe specie.' committee was taken up in committee of the wbole council. It was decided to take DO acted' in regard to tbe appoint- ment a a district representative, tbe • ore Feet. Are yaw low boo sore mil Mewed ? If so, try Zanalluk. As soon as Zain-Setk is applied it cools and soothes injured smarting skin and tissue. Its rich, refused herbal essences penetrate tbe skin; Its antiseptic pro- perties prevent all danger of festering or inflammation from cuts or sores ; asse its hada* essences ;.1"mid La siew bedew tissue. For eines. ainbuirn. cots, burns, bruises. mc.- just as Mothers find it invaluable ior babyt sores! 4.7 Drur:trs and asera-r-% Sas. Na-Dru-Co Laxatives accomplish their purpOse with maximum efficiency minimum discomfort. Increasing doses are not needed. 25c. box at y011T tOruggist 's. 174 Drug rid matter being left over until the De- cember eiession. In reg. r d to the circu- lar froep the county (.-• tune" of Grey advocating the ta eine ii: railway Prop- erty at the same rate as farm prop- erty, it was decided to send a dele- gate to the conference to be held on the subject et an early date. It ay a* moved by Messrs. Bisset and Munising* that the town of Goderich be gives permission to tering wirer. on tbe Maitland bridge :it Saltford aod that the county bear t he expertise of five ligbta-three on the bridge and one seventy bee from each end of the bridge. The motion was seot to the road and bridge committee. Moved by Messes. Cantelon and Mc - Ribbon, that a grant of $1011 be given to the Huron Rifle League for organ- ization aod other legitimate purposes. Tbe motion was sent to the executive - Moved by Metiers. Mulvey aod Rowley. that tbe clerk be in- structed to procure a -:cipy of the re- vieed statutes of Ontario for each member of the council. Oatrisod. Tbe report of tbe education com- mittee was considered end passed. It was recommended that Dr. J. D. Ken. nedy, of Wingham, be appointed trustee for Wingham high school to fill out the unexpired 0 eem of Theo. Hall ; tbst the statement" from Strat- ford Cellegiate Instente for Huron comity pupils for 1911 end 1912 for 111/7.72 be paid. Tbat the edocation committee of Huron meet to confer with UM education committee of Bruce county regarding the formation of a joint inspectorate. provident that the Bruce council decide et the June seeetime to act on the matter, was t be moseros of another clause- The eom- mitts. reported that it was impossibie at the present time to communicate with Bruce conocil. es it did not meet until Jess 16th. Under them eircumi- stamens It was recommended that Mrs matter be laid over until the Decem- ber orenios, wises the report er taw. be osediered. It was hither memo- nenadoil Mat tbe amounts of Manistee mew staimmet• are su it'd to tbe motimiting to M.b0, trid whin tibe tide alum was a neon re - UM li bib ninon env the empty be nodded to ased is tamer reports yearly. The 910901111 - Meet et W. B. Weideolianiese es board wee tbe hie riecinseeedasksa a the ommitten The report of ibo county proper ease and were beser. • 16111.9 Od A Fitting Complement to. the Finest Clothes We feature Radium Hosiery because there are no better hose made. Ladies' Radipm Bele Hose, seamless feet, extra quality, in ble.k. Law and white, per pair.. 480 Ladies' Radium super lisle Hose. finer quality than above. 33c- 3 pairs for $1.00 Ladies' Ra.lium lisle How, silk finish, very dressy. Ladies' Radium Hose. in lace and embroidery designs, in all colons. at per pair 35c and 50o Ladies' sheer bilk, Radium Hose, with lisle top and double heels and soles, per pair 500 Leditee all silk Hose, extra special value, per pair only 61.00 Ladle*. black cotton Hnee, Redium Brand. with natural and black wool soles and halbriggan soles, in all sizes and extra lerge sizes, per pier 210 Children's Hosiery' a Specialty Childreice Princess tine lisle. i bled, very dressy. black and tan. all sizes. per pair 2So Boys' Hercules rib Hese, the st ror gest made. will stand all kinds of herd wear, all sizes, per pair 25o Children's Little Nadine re.shmere How, silk toes and here. the most impulse infants' hope made ell colors. tan. cerdinal, Meek, sky. white and pink. Sizes 4 to 6, 25c per pair. tit to 7, per pair.... 30o Children's silk lisle thee, all colon.. a very big seller. all sizes I to St, per pair 2643 Children's Socks in ell the nevrest designs from per pair.: . .. .15o Special Values in Laoies' Summer Vests Ladies' poroui-bnit Veete, y rrilartar Vest, ehort sleeve. or no sleeves, each Ladies' Drawers to match ebeve. open or closed style. pet pair LadieV balbriggan Vest., Velvet knit, long or abort sleeve.. each Ladies' balbriggan Draw er-. all styles to match above, per pair Our special ladies' Summer Vests. short or no sleeve", 137eacii or 2 Children's Vests with long. short or uo sleeves, all size.. from ISOo SOo The Scotch Store is headquarters for the famous Kayser Guaranteed Gloves McCall Patterns and Publications W. B. Corsets Plisse 56 Millar's Scotch Store 56 11 tbe report was as follows : "We have sacertained the depth of the tourt, house walls and consiier thin storage capacity can be safely made in the basement, but would leave the niateet for the council to deal with." ln the matter of lighting the court boner eiarances it was decided to assist in t he installation of the service to the extent of 6350. The committee re- ported that no tenders had been received on the work ef ereetiog additian to the jail. The report cef tbe executive commit- ; tee recommended • grant of sr, for prise. to Hume county exhibitors at the Guelph Widter Psis- that WOO be erranteel in the Cbildrens Aid Society. mid $10U tn the HIlf011 R.fle League. Moved by Messrs. I...iodsey and Lavingstrin thin two men be placed on Beefield bridge on July 1st to renews ta• trefilc, as the improve - smote ordered have not been carried out. The motion was Dent to the road and bridge committee. .1. 13. aVatson addressed toe mune I in reference to a grant to the Muskok• Free Hoepieel and D. F. Handink spoke in reference to a fruit exhibit at. the Provincial Horticultural Exhibi- (Oontioneel on page fl.) Label Means ? _homes tenant a/ the bighorn posaiie quality. kneel. cement tailed_ jmplems whew anise* flan is all on nolls Of limn to fulfil nary rispireneat atinbinay nada Panned ceroset. b MOM • cense din is sbashady winder end In • Fen bridge ar fat • macros wrung smash. Yee can toe Canada Cement Yee seen se ben die asiiiimis the esmset yes me. hemmer yes lave nee the tea assigme bIMPO doe wise eamas has passed the soma mirk urea it me Commis Cann. nib lila pale ia their am& Asia dig same ammo is sag as pus Ise mak row, io•diaa-lhour. amodlettertirs= "Pleirmiro on I. ;It .Coom; Goods Canada Giese' Casipaay Limited. hiostreal