HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-6-12, Page 1;THE STERLINGBANI(I OF CANADA )v aaigg Stationery The Jars beiskeItoJe Y in - ted Y , aut tlwwelding aeriallne� cry. iM beet Myth anent•, stR�� -.amass Mailed uet•d- t,,wn •ddsesses on request a. t 1 F i.t'1ters aLs-ass. Rw nat. Special Offer The Signal will be sent to sew .ubeeribers in Cain& de or tireat Britain for the remainder of the year �+(b„ for only.... ��J(, OODERICH. THURSDAY. JUNE 12. 1913 TRi MWtLL PtusTne. O0., lad.. PcstsOma' • SAYE, -because Men are apt to say they oaanct save hecaess it takes all • ;i• v earn to buy the necessaries of lite. Perhaps they fail to ,:,rterentiate between luxuries and necessaries. He4d Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto Goderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager A. G. NISBET - THE REPRESENTATIVE FI H THE t 7,TY . F .t THE New York Life Insurance Co. Assets $720,000,000. .IFFICE NEXT CANADIAN RANH OF COMMERCE, 6ODERiCU 'PHONES : Orytcz M; Hoods 180, P.O. Box 364 BOARDING. Bu A R DI fie A000MMODATION amt td it sad he • ladj d_ g5.tls s.aa std that sae. Ger seer exam -- saes .Mat Jelly stet. A pdv*I. Yee eastrWW hks srro errald. andNes all assmenalaaiees is MIA ea- r' P. lt.. t leave weds and wider•• satTUESiGNALOFIrter. al FOR SALE OR TO RENT ipOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. -ONS ✓ et the bit traits. sew !taint Matte L t;.ieext. cod beanies. Every amrssgeere- ta y tees. 11O31AS Ot;1•DRT'. vol SALE. -A IMJILDIMO LOT1` Neesate sweet. Appty to Y. J FFiCES;TO RENT NEXT TO SIG- ) NAL Olga Hwted W bot water .ad rear a e snarls e. tidy to J. P. /MOWN. Jett (j - OUSE FOR SALL-I WO -STORY 11 .. brier-teawod rsaidssse ea fit. Dav1d-e Rnet : •ll modern nevealened ANT; w. it. RointarrtiON. IaJR SAID OR TO R6 liItf 1 roomed Med ea Drees emit wits b & and theist. mete bet air horde. Addy to u t1.UAM satrATRICY.O.deeish. 0611 ,R ELL 'MATE FOR SAL1.. We hate for sale sheet MEM town 1Ks, laior inglleg bums 110 0tl o eee& d0 threePeitst*Drow. gem sMLLORa14. 006e- deb- Wt. 1648 dudes rod edid dwe TIME SALE. -LAMS DOUBLE Pr Mer se lot is Went sheet; else cart hat et int 1m1, Artier stress, Ord i . AmI� te bled OOriL w wet Melt, er k=It rime to J. 8 H*WKMNS bit lett sesame n w_ %Nth.I=mtw, Ahmed. late VOR SALE. -FIVE CORMS OF 11 lass. sad of bet 1. L L w.. CeD=ae tow u.bis. buys. Oa fro tie • h.aaoan� tame sad eater d tlsw d mile horn eh dela Nies Idao. to • vtg ► one.:... lira D. "'S'r11e.. rim 1* Lad Rea A. A. Denise OW Tli\Dlk WILL BE R$O*IVED the vamrtrlsss d the ��eaamrertdeber attires. the Iker Air the mesa ►Miifdlot lf, assim ile t, fief awwaseeb. i an,r �t10 0.areet� +Ty build - ward and se Ur beim W. BMRTK, Ooh► rick. TUlO. RiltO. Wesditem. Cz0eatres. au POR SALL--I.OT NUMBER FOU R- TEM. 1st avid let Na fa. Will borcastatnieel e and reeremsdI16 atseieolaiM y Gest Arms b rhA tineas less �; ten[d L. ase of vateL iii a sWi Nies pbn51sspa �• dAse digs**. iii geeif mato beanFfr rt testae asstslUtt.t PARK F OR�SALE.-THE EAST hat et le Irbare -tea. sirsurn Midas ed be et Aeli kW 3311331191•N MS awes The as est et • s�l•esi g. �k s. li ass IAAPfiutJDIOOT, �That 114 2-PNoOR BAI.R-TEAT F1NE REM - awl Well5.- - CbmarL beetstag sindreatilerb ai est bee* elay.alsalsst ail Won 1p441:1 Mess �.riti We eme not semi r M "os�ib 1s Ir ly 001040. m =saweW DOMINION DAY TO BE LOYALLY CELEBRATED IN tiODERtCH. Preparations on Foot for an All -day Demonstration - Parades, Music. Athletic Sports. Speeding Events, Baseball. Lacrosse, etc., etc. -Make Your Plana to Spend July 1st in Godericn. WANTED >jtitARM WANTED. -100. OR 510. i1 sere tarn for Lac -inhume sed family ).'t arrived. Pome.don tictabar lith. P. V.-81 MI. Montreal WANTED TO BUY. -A COPY OF W "tlbsterkel Atlas et Huron Cutlet, .- a L HICK. Central Drys Stem 0.dericb- PAM/ HELP AND 'DOMESTIC Bin VANTB-P..oes reentirlas toren bele *..Ywse at sees to WILLIAM ]woQUIL- lAN. DmiYw Govwame.t Ldelordn.t A�a.ewett,, SL Helens. Out. Gress lett wets H. D. wDODd, et R..u.. Oat. will receive prompt au slim. 1641 WANTED TO RENT, IMMRDI- ATELT. eight or tee -roused beam with stable. Is Goderfne. Aodree. Orbs. full oer- tlmlaes, BOX 10 SIGNAL OFFICL WANTED - TYPEWRITER T•J teat Ued.rwad petered. Aeon at THE SIGNAL uPT ICL SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED. -A GOOD GENERAL servant. 3188..1. F. ANDRZWB WANTED. TWO WOMEN OR Eine ier Meilen sad laundry week ; abie dietag •ser est ler MHsaeetays pt Ayy top. r. AYiiNL W ANTBD.-A MAN OF GOOD AD- MIX:BB aid ability to nota our red. es ettispeniegve/a*r• tie ess.ty et Haien. A nilended. Ian wren MUNI Wdint ILILLIXOTON. N ar.sry- taes, tereste, Oat. stat tl1 ANTED. -UPSTAIRS GIRL. Geed wines : es wailans. Addy bei YRS. R. KING at thefts Hess At a tweeting held in the town council chamber on Wednesday even- ing. Mayor Reid presiding. prepara- tions for an old-time Dominion lav celebration in Goderich were set on foot. Among the features suggested fur the day's program were baseball and lurase watches, an .1 U 10100 bit, parade, calitbumpian and trades ptocessinn, parade and drill of G. C. I. cadets and Boy Scouts, childrer's games and adult athletic contests, horse speeding event., tug -of - war,, Highland dancing. etc. A new attraction which it is hoped a ill be can the program i• a p*Uimic demonstration of school children, with national ^hot uses appropriate to the oecaeion. Tbe 3ird Regiment hand is to be sofu, fur the day. . There will be prizes for decorated ticyclea. W. E Kelly offers a handsome prize fur the bat decorated Ford car. and the committee will offer additional prizes for decorated autos of any make. Tbe usual program of children's games will be carried out un the Square in the mornitia. after the NOTICE TO CREDITORS. calithumpian and trades proosesioe. I THE TQWN The attaeeoan pro,' air will tra put os 51y4, the Alrricultatal Park. le the seeming there will he • head concert. TM tuwua.uneil iv giciug a genet - CANNING FACTORY BYLAW TO DE ossgrant towards tbeeil.en.es to the SUBMITTED. COUNCIL.I day. The speediog ramie will ineltide a gentleman s road race and an eveut fur norms that have wirer won public money. It that the townships will send in several good tug-of-war teams to compete for tis pewee. Mayor Reid was appointed presdest of the o riebrsliom ecmmit.tee, aced Vm. Lane secretary -treasurer. Chair- men were appointed for the several committees required to carry out the details of the p Plan to speed Jnl 1st in Goderieh. Fuller particulars at arrangemente for the day will be published next week. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 1 s ms 1. ATTER 0► Oen . u. L PTU tu.v. or rug Tows .w- I:oaas ou. is Hcoos Cot'sTT. nenrroroax .'saki iat. oft eregNaee AS :+nano k Cowrast. Gcs•LL Gaocsaa. IX«ritttNT.x Nation .- herrb st. en that the aid • •sw-.M L ttt.r'dy ha. mad.- an .uvit*toent ender the Ari enact and Preference,. Act- to &dash VII.. t-hapler •L of all hi. a 421e. rrodlba and elect^ to Mart McLeod Tew of the city of liawi to, . in the meaty of Went worth. ac- onsonani. for the general benefit of hie creditor. A seeeti.g will be field or the awagnee.a afoe.. Clyde Moak. in the eft) of Hamilton. on T1ar.day. the 111Lh day of June. at 3 &alai pp�a. to rerdeeiadatement cif .tear. a rat 1i list .ea. sad far 11.r erelenc.I of for to of the estate 11T. Tee aeiiivs are hereby re.ose.ted to ale their realms with tie.aeagerm deb pentad by aadarit, suer before the hied weft meeting. IllteeeitbAnd bdday dfurther t aarjgse, m that after will spree eedstis lbeib tate tbe pante. entitled td4irritate atge reg.ed only to the A aiun d which nature 11.11 [late born Bites lt. McLEJOD FEW, Anigeee. Hamilton. Ont Dated at R einillen this 11th day of Jane, 1113 FOR SALE. XOffirti GALE. -A FRESH CALVED Herbs= tow. N. rears erre. Apply to N Mem. lot S osnoeeiea 2. Colborne Walden! P. 0.1 PUBLIC NOTICE. NOTICE. -ALL ACCOUNTS OWING to Melees head r. it T. W. Dav% mast be settled ee err Were Jame Mb wart, t they will be 1e beads Ise 004*0010.. it is re- tletall mustimailide oesseatrOegale.t Ma bend in. F. t T.11. DAVIS. POR SEKViCE.-Y0%.('NG YORK - E' ,brae Hear. regdsmred. with pectines se=er he= • meted Mrd Afro tbe reatbmiMms Hao WANTED .- A PRgOPESSIONAL Mil resoles. S. It. riadIATli, 1M Wed. to as=hasher teed. S. s ee Se01 *0 r Nsft. w+ded. DutiesSelary PersL Gsisrlab 1 ea.ealiip hist semehr to aesesseee said qqNOTICE OF COURT OF REVISION Mem MeA to RICHARD JOH2e1tVM1 Haf.klag- P. 0. fat TOWN OF GODERICB. WANTED AT THE ALEXANDRA, Wades and owed (air, a lady enpsmwMiwtR.esYf6�idgh. awes. NOM M m seat.nieslegy�sdt�lwg�Wt DENTOF Wrest APAW reek. test. Rig Information Wanted S tin building and engineering work going on in Ooderich. No experience oeoeseary. Prefer someone in touch with !wending work. We pay commission on all information secured. R. L AUSTIN, 121 Sinews St, Toronto. Ont, PBIVATE BALL HOURIEHOLD GOODS Residence nt Nelson. drown, Refrigerator, Chiffonier. Be- aemisd Nr and Syringe. Coal Ilsenbeildrpc (oat and ppI1wh1, ,r.mdab Char+. Lass MOW. Lame Shears, IAwm Hems. Step- leader. and ether t Baden Terms cash. Morelegle sal evenings for tree week i WANTED tinr r Take.seisethis gascourt of Revision of the Tena etdederiaWei bed 11afleet adniog is the Osmw51 OkgeMr. therm d Godericb. for t be wirdof160#10s1Am1sagatesthe a.,. d 11. Ma ik; the year 1913. ora ra aft d1y 0Jaes.1113. ■t 8 oclock In Ms eremeneet. A. parties kaOmwted are re- eas•1d mawmai L L KNOX. Town Clerk. 6ai•bi. Jape 11th. URI - ya glog-Tasyes islPPEswRRSON WHO ilmem- oth Ya51i..+ I i.vegr MMito aie lib et:gib reaseet d ti• *stare it at saes. tables !seal sten w01 be taken a ,sever rt. H- 8 HHML.MIA Ooderleb. AUCTION SALES. LEARING AU(. TION SALE F('g[sI or ROL'BEHOIA FUENITURE AND FURNIBIE Ona P. saYlt wil well by nide aete- des at rew .osldes, Zoe street. Ooderleb. w TULODAY.JUN8 1:rat rwefw sf,1 >• edema dere : Peeler tar Sem Is�sas=s ossa dtwM a Oeay pew. iii aside add elm and dada, asssase, aides, ala Dhet e+ettireltsrs, p- ing 15.vr essrsmigrlsa .1s •esetsbatmestawssa Is Mee LL . Ir ame a sietemil'miteres. use% I. will be odd. as Yea andmowers.' anaarae. eemodes ne ri =rue libelessee. s wen -bent eom- w.1 IMM weer. tow. water 000 ant altar reseemeaem. et11 be �t 41 beefs. ebeabl b aam s midi 1Le=s eat TEM GUEDICT. AsM-raw. TO BOOST GODERICH. W. G. Costa Wants is See the Tows Move Ahead. Considerable interim was taken in a meeting of citizens bead at the town ball on Tuesday evening at the in- stance of w. G. Comite, a former Goderich boy. now d Big Stooe Gap, Virginia, who wished to lay a tows development abeam before the people ofGoderich. The meeting was fairly well attended and C. A. Nairn was voted to the chair. Mr. Coutts ex- plained why the seating had been called and told of the benefits Gode- rich might reap frame big "boosting" scheme. Further remarks were contributed by F. Davie, K. R. Wigle, Dr. Caesar, Ales. Saunders and others. Dr. Caesar advocated a general ckaoing-up niovesseot-It each in- dividual citizen would make his own place tidy and attractive, (jodericb, be declared, could be made much more beautiful than it is. Fred Davis spoke of the attempt of Montreal street residents ° to improve their street, and its sad ending. E. R. Wigle gave voice to the meet- ing's eet- ings appreciation of Mr. Coutts' efforts, and at his ssggestioo a com- mittee was appointed to carry the maUer further. The iocident to which Mr. Davie re- ferred bas been the cause of much heartburning to the residents of the scutb side of Montreal street- They thought to improve the appearance of 'the street by puffin: « cement curbing between the road •aid 'b laautes-ad, ai.d after amlrrring with the town mit hori.ire they went ..h.ad and engaged rontrnters to put iu the curbing. tate rtsideste undertaking to meet the entire expense. After some portion of the work had',ern done one of the town officers tame «lingg and ordered it x.11 torn up, the !4070r having given instructions to thisef> for the reason that the curbing was not ppuut in at a sufficient depth. The residsnte are. naturally, very much provoked. and it seems that a laudable effort has been rudely thwarted. Even if the curbing were not coastrncted in the hest possible manner, it was better than note at all, and it might very well have been allowed to remain un- til the town should be prepahed to put in something better. v, P TF,s WAWANOSH FIRE INSURANCEOO. One et the Mgt le the Phew - lace. Plead mss of ase semmat Live 81M& ismawed at Its tell veins whether en the hem er sot. Nio tee.Ms to maks sijort- asset& B. iricILWAN, Nib.Apert lee OoNar.a. The Willis Inquest The adjourned inquest into the death of Edward L Willis. the young school teacher wbo rues death at Pros- perity an Monday of last week, was concluded at Dungannon teat Satur- day. The jury found that the youog man came to his death by throwing himself into a well during a tempor- ary mental aberration. Summer Resorts Open. Hotel Sunset opened for the season on Monday and a number of guests are registered. Mies Lewin. late of Brantford, an experienced and cap- able lady, is in charge as ovetseer. Solvers' of the cottages at Menese- tung Park are already occupied. The wagon at Point Farm opens on Friday of this week with the big gal h- ewing f the Huron County Rifle League MISS GRIFFITHS RESIGNS. armed the cam house. At the see - aloe of the meaty nausea lam week the sues et ONO was voted for this purpose. The Mayor oonsidered the Reeve. deserved the hearty thanes of the cowed. .ad the members readily agreed by teederiog them a cordial vote of thanks. Coaaeillor Moser reads a complaint 5. Money May Be Secured from Primes I that .517 teens sere being y Sources for Some of the New Bide -1 da5.+R1"d by 1M Hydro "Petrie work. Bel TaN � 5.w wise were pr Use e way for the stnagiag of for wires. The parks Industria •satire• semi the chairman of the peblae works eoormittee were M- . assorted to look into the metier at wales -Agreement with phone Co. - Another Proposition. At the meeting of the t.uwn epuneil on Friday evening some progresa?'wae ma.1e in the canning factory project. The special committee reported that en option had been obtained on lots n umbers 772. 773. 774, 711i, 71a& and 7L3 for *1.500. Tbe option is good until July 15.11 next. It was recumiuerded that a bylaw be submitted to the rate- payers author;zing the purcbaae of these lou and the aiding of D. F. Ham - line in his canning factory enterprise by leasing the !arts to him for a term of ninety-nine years. The oowmauee added to its resolution • clause stipu- lating that Mr. Hamlink be given a fined assessment of $2.3(IJon the plant, whi-h is to c insist of two building., 40:150 feet and 35x1011 feet in dimen- B ro.,s. The report of the committee was adopted by the coincil and * by- te* will be prepared for presentation to the ratepayers in the near future. 16 a letter to Mayor Reid the secre- tary of the public school board asked that the town engineer be requested to give levels from the bottom of the boiler room in Victoria scool to the sewer on Britannia road. The rrgneat we., granted. The Mayor presented a" pi :Total mode by Toe. Baetbler whereby the rai.ing of the money for the construc- tion of a concrete sidewalk on the south side of Park street, from Vic- toria to Cambria road. would be aim• piffled. Mr. Buehler agrees to buy the necessary debentures from the wt:oicipality at par and to supply the money required to construct the walk. lh. (taerar. the Mayor stated, had Capable BepsrisMeedeat of Alexandra Hospital Since It Opened. Mier Griffiths, who has been superin- tewdeet of Alexandra hospital dace its loception seven years ago, has te m - dared her resignation. it will take sewn on Monday. July a ti. The hos- pital.bosrd it advert ng for a suc- cessor. Excursion to Guelph. Remember the Farmers' Institute excursion to Guelph es Saturday of this week. s•u train by C. P. IL leaves at T $.m Pan from (hide - ebb gl.M fee round trip. OOOERICH MARKET$. Once. Councillor Vaoatter, who ia ehair- mar of the fire cosamittee, asked that e new injector sod a new euetiun hose be purchased for the firm engine. He was empowered to aecure for articles.. Another matter which he brought torwaed was the purchase of a mew Gee alarm system from the Northern hheetrie Mannlactur ng Co. of Toron- to. For the sum of 11l,455.8) the com- pany agreed ro install tbe system at the tire hall and to provide four hoses to be pieced in various parts of the town. the town to do the wiring. As t.be firm was willing to wait until Feb- ruary of next year for the price ..f tbe rip ...emus. Councillor Vanetteer moved Una. t be system to installed and his tootioo was seconded by Deputy Reeve Clark. All of the other ouncillors spoke against incurring additional ex- pectm at the preeee& time. Coun- cillor I.aithwaits seemed to be thor- oughly satiated with the present sys- tem. He believed that the gong on the court house Block could not be im- . ro..t-d upon. Mr on one occasion he heard it "boom" when be was thirteen wiles away from Goderich. An atnrndmest u. send the matter hack to the committee was moved by 1'iuncillors Laithwaite and Young and was carried, with Councillor Van - atter and Deputy Reeve Clark voting nay. ('uuncillor Moser is the new pion of the nmosemaot to number t houses in Goderich. He also &deo-. cote- that a number of the streets which have lost their "tags' be're- letter ed. His suggestions were {sent madea similar proposal for the laying to the special committee to be re - of • sidewalk on the north Bide of Nel- porgy se - son street between North and Victoria A lerge English estaidi.hment tor streets. Both schemes were sent to the manufacture of automobiles Pro - the public works committee to be re- poses to loran- a factory in Eastern ported on. Canada and its representative. M. A petition was presented by owners Hamilton Oakley. asked for the as - of property on Montreal sweet for serener that several privileges would permissusn to construct a concrete be granted the firm 11 tt should decide curb along the boulevard on tilt. e.tuth to build in Goder4eh. Exemption side of the street.. Councilor Graham from general to en, sewer' Connec- apoke on the matter and said that the tion, water a1 cost and •n electric contractor had refused tolay the coo- switch were the privileges asked. trete to the depth of two feet -or The clerk wan instructed to assure Mr. eighteen inches below the surface -aa Oakley bykttet that the advantages the council had ordered it to be done. ' mentioned would be available. The reason for the refusal wee a pre- The questioo of erecting a hat'hing atrangemeut as to price with the real- house oo the beach just helm, Hotel dent owners who were to he benefitted Sunset was referred to bv Omemeillcr by the laying of the curb. As the rate- Vanatter, who thought that. if pos- payers wete prepared to bear all the Bible. sowetbing,.houl I be done. He expense in connection with the work moved that the question be again con - Councillor Oraham thought eighteen sidered in the council. He ;notion inches below the surface was deeper was seconded M Councillor Moser and than was really neeeeeary and sug- the public works committee wee in- gested that the council should not be strutted to report on the question at tiro strict The Mayor, however, in- the special meeting of the couocil 00 listed that the curbing be made a per- Wednesday night tuaneut structure and this could be, Tbe Rice --Knight bylaw received ita done only by laying the concrete to a third and final reading and was depth of eighteen inches below the sur- signed by the M • Foe. face. As considerable curbing work is The touncil then adjourned until like) to be done i0 town the council Wednesday night. decided, on a motion of Reeve Mun- -- nings, seconded by Councillor Leith- . The adjourned meeting of the town wane, to have a bylaw prepared cover- council was convened on Wednesday ing tbe construction of curbing. night, but as the sedicitor was not able The discussion on this question 'to present the Hamlink bylaw for c,u- brougbt the council to the considers- sideration the meeting was ruttier ad - tion of another problem, -that of journed until Wedoesday eveniog of fences being constructed on the sneer• next week. At that time it is ex - for the protection of boulevards. petted that, in add'tinn to the bylaw This is done. it seems, in order to pre- providing for the lease of property to vent the driver. of delivery wagons D. F. Hamliok for a canning factory from destroying the green swards. mite. soother bylaw -to grant a fixed The Mayor thought that an example should he made of some of the offend- ers in this respect. in another letter the secretary of the public 'school board announced that the estimates for school purposes for the ensuing year. including school SUMMER SPORTS. debentures and interest, amounted to gl$500. The Inter was sent to the; Town Baseball 1-•nese finance committee. A letter from J. L. Richmond, of i At • meeting held at the town ball tondos, intimated that the Bell Tele- I on Friday evening a Town Baseball phone Co. had agreed to accept the original terms to have the telephone poles removed from the Square and the wires plaoed underground. on con- dition that the Company receive an exclusive franchise for one year, the council to give • bons of $1,0011 as surety. The agreement provides tbat the work of removiog the poles must be completed by August 1st. Tbe Mayor and Town Clerk Knox were ordered to proceed and execute the agreernent. A letter was received from the Min- ister of Agriculture 000tainisg the in- forsstion that the Minister approved of bylaw Ne. 9 respecting the pro-. duction and sate of milk is Goderich Reeve Mannings brought rip tie eleetrte railway switeh propositioo. As the council had rot paid any close attention to the whir so far. the lowieg atoms : ista p redid est. Dr. Reeve emg)glstad that 1 spatial mew Ogle • bog. I]t W11Us oof( tt�hse ec(i v�wsesssa�l�m1 t/lw , t w Hsirtm: Ftt.mi Doty. iE 1l ammo Joao T'M tellowhq acWaM hem Mem draws up her weep Itis. E bet.seead- IsisO. LA. Juin M-Absj - est mites Jar 1S -ClIaMgg as Ilederish Jew M-ILlmsartNl s attObsess l.0ty 11-w�sm ia�t sitsn1Mr41i Joky IA--WM/I mas at ase July 11D-ONNem at it a sd ma Amp. 4--4MINIM at CIIIItse Amg. II -OEMs eft Agtg- la4 -=fie AatR.:l<- THE SESSION ENDS. TWENTY-THREE MILLION DOL- LARS VOTED IN FINAL HUSH. Total Votes Amount to Quarter of a Billion -Government Wall Renew Naval Contribution Proposal When Senate Majority Is Conservative - CM Liberals Oppose C. N. R. Subs+desrtl . ----- Ottawa, June 7. -The session 01 Fatltaweot closed with the Liberals demanding an appeal to the elector* before the country is plunged into the expeoatture of witlions in a policy that doer not repreaent the aspirations of the 1'anadian people. In a last grand rush the House put through supolewrntery esUtoates of twenty-three million dollars. making le total of 11-2:ml,(IU,00u voted during the sessiou. tion. George P. Graham verveµ notice on the tiuvertwent that in future sessions there must not be such a riot of Inst -minute raids on the ues.ury, otherwise supply could be voted only by the weapon of closure. Premier Bolden made formal an- nouncement of the Government s in- tentioa at a later date to do "what A partisan majority in the Senate pre- vented us from doing" --in other words, the Governmeot will wait until the Senate bas a Conservative majority and will then renew its bevel contribu- tion proposals. Sir Willi id Laurier, replying to air. Borden, said that according to the Government's view the Seuate yam all right.isolong as it registered :be uptoion of th- Cunservauve majority in the Commons ; but as noon as it began to. exercise iia own tttdgmect it le - T*Vmssav Jean Mk_ 1610•6 ▪ a... i 0 4..laS s S liltsa110l tea I0 la II see 1 0 1Is 3 el is mmi be • M b1• I le M• I M Ie &lb ►0010 • dd al 1s •s 111 sl eat s aI rt...be.t ww 1 s sew 1 74 te 11 PI out 4 N laalpeat per lentkip lee i u ;ver 00 • ..:.`arra« 111 •.• 0 Ilse se 6 sf lamb Sow. tsar '1 amesment to the Goderieh Organ Oompao -will be considered. The proposal to construct an electric switching system connecting with the different factories 81 Godetich also will be discussed. Et 4" League was organized. The following officers were elected : President, H. T. Edwards : vioe-peeideot. Victor Dean ; secretary, John Wiggins : treasurer. Obas. Black. These officers. with the managers of the respective teams in the League, are to tors the executive eownmittee. The teethe mod their managers are : Keesimglsm Furniture Factory. Chas. Keele• Blocks. V. Dean ; Iroquois. B. Tows - send : Western Canada Floor Willes John Wiggins. A number of rales were adopted to govern the Gagne during the season, and F. J. Bedsmd. A. Higginsos, W. Chapman. L L Doherty sed Bart Pott were eboeso es official umpire Slaw The (iadwrid Imam deb has been organised for the sums with the fol - gutters whole coo be •edit sad the matter gone into thorouglip. He laid estimates provided by the ae- =on the table. it was ast108$04 the e Mei expendiwee required wozsoideshes Waite reported that the puddle works committee bad s►wsd Vietes4a Park by We4eg the lames at -illi ant end ami bad made ether impwremgste to the gfe.51ia Be aim m .tismsd that the street head Ms.smpisteOM 1 Waterloo At this j.mstmre Royer Raid in- terlard m- tor a d the es.msY el the seems whish had assempmmisi the 'Norte d Nseve Manahrips mai Dw.ty Reeve Mit be mime seelamee tem tbe minky atm dl h the west of instants* Hyifreestrir MMtii deform. Sir Wilfrid the' Government undertook the reform of the Senate, any plan which promised to increase the usefulness of Parliament would have Liberal support. The eon•titutiooal way out of the difficulty in which the Government found itself' in connection with its o«vat policy was the way pointed out by the Senate -an appeal to the electors of the country. "At Toronto." Sir Wilfrid continued, "the Prime Minister talked of an e ocv. Does he pretend this now ? I,V the people of Canada have been satisfied to send three empty ships to Britain if there had been an emergency % If there had been danger thousands of young men would have come from the farm, the shop, the factory. to take their places on the fighting line. The Prime Minister called we a separatist at Tomato. I am used to meat Bat I know the people of Canada as well as be, per- haps better than he. I know that when an emergency comes, then, as in 1899. when Britain was menaced in South Africa, there will rise not empty ships and mere gists of money, but men," Hon. Mr. White trade a violent attack upon the Servat^ as an irre- sponsible body, and declared that Sir George Roes bad belied his reputation as an Imperialist. Mr. E. M. Macdonald (Picton) got beck at the Minister of /Nuance by reminding him that he bed declared in 1911 that be was in accord with the Liberals on everything except reciproc- ity. That meant that be approved the Laurier naval policy. He, too, had sold hie 4c .evictions for office. If the Toronto brand of jingo imperialism wits to prevail, declared Mr. Mac- donald, then heaven help Canada, and heaven help lmpe'ialism, The Highways Aid Bill The highways aid bill wee killed by - the majority in the Commoos, who re- fused to accept the Senate amend- ment providing that the money voted for the purpose should be apportioned among the Provinces in proportion to population. TbeOovernmentevidently wanted to use the money in any_ way it should see fit, and tee Liberals charged that this meant the-rsation of a huge corruption fund, which would he usetb to sway doubtful constitueocies. Mr. Graham stated that Government paigners had used mach tactics against him in the South Renfrew bye -elec- tion. C. N. R. Subsidies. Before the bill grantiog subsidies of over $15,000,0011 to the Canadian Northern Railway was put through, the Liberals voted a rriee of thread - menu with the purpose of protecting the public int el at. Them aaseodmeota were all voted down, W. F. Meehan. votieg with the Liberals and all the Nationalists voting with the Govern - meet. Vast Elzgwditares- In the last year of Liberal rule the total expeodtturee wets 1111.851.110. mad Mr. Borden laid they were a/ - together groat. The estimates of dos prssset Goverment for the •.event year total over 11110.900.0 99. mad other seen voted leimg the emmeat up to over this without rousting the MIA the Government plasma esmeribute s- -- eelsesib.te for naval pmrpemmm, DOMINION DAV. g A mateanMms on ter Dominion ba - rioiohesdea is S4..ish wSI he bald st the tows bail ea Memia7 evening mast, at fl ease*. sveryooe leteresind i MAN. be Mead. All einem 10•