HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-6-5, Page 104 1• trreaoeT. Jinn* x213 Wedding Gifts for June Weddings v Something new, nobby, and abootuW, correct. Sterling Sil- ver Knives. Forks tied Spoons, Pierced Solver Flower lls.teta. Oemerolee. etc.. eta Genuine Out Gime Webb's tisk Rock Crystal. the most and Dewed thing,boon. boon t 222 a Comport ato Gob- lets at $1K-(( per durro. High-grade lteb Chine. Royal Crown Der Mintou. Ooal rt. 4 -niece Vbbte and Gid Tea Set ,Wedgewood. $5O Ou. French China, Radon. Hartland and Elite Liasosee sold in separ- ate, pieces or complete diaper sets. Our special White and Gold Dinner Sets. Ai pieces. SV"Mt.:h show window for prices. The Colooisi Book Store (,putt. PURTEH, I'rop. 'Phone liO Godeticb. he held at Erin on June 13th. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO A GOOD RULE for everyone to follow, wbo has a tinning job to be done, is to seed fur n, to do t+be wort. Our work' men are thnrougbly experienced and do their work quickly end in x ►atelectory manure. All Jobs of Tinning no matter what tb•y may be. can he best door by us, and at•easing in rust a. well. All 'odesreceive our prof/Apt attention. FRED. HUNT Hamilton :Street, Goderich Il E. R. WIGLE tuceeI"T lfs2er of MarriageMarriageI.ite2sseS WIGLE'3 PPHARMACYW. Proudfoot.' M. P. P. for Centre Huron. has been noticed to attend and give an address et a Liberal picnic to (9oderich. Ontario Strawberries 1. 1 d*1 Alec Pineapples, Grape Fruit. Oranges, Banana New Pota- toes, Wel tisane. Cucumbers, Aeparegue. Lattice. Ouioas, Radishes. Spinach. Tomatoes. t ibbage. tel Tomato. cabbage and celery Menu in good variety. Kindly get your order in early for fruits and vegetables and avoid uiaappoiotment. Se J. Young Hamilton street. The bolding of a tournament is be- ing discussed among the lawn bowl- ers. e =I =I =I =I =I =I =I I= =I =1=1 =I =I II=I tt 1,1 JUNE -- THE MONTH OF WEDDINGS" 11 Harrison'. Jewelry Store ii Headquarters for \Jedding Gifts 11 We have the finest and most up=to=date as- sortment of Sitberware, Cut Glass, China and 11 Clocks for Wedding Gifts ever shown in Goierich. Our prices are the lowest, quality considered. Satisfaction guaranteed. $I0.50 to $i5.00 475 to 9.00 0 11 Silver-plated Tea Sets Bakers Fine assortment $2.75 to $5.00 We are showing some beautiful designs in Cake Plates $2.751 to $6.00 Best Quality What would be more appropriate th` .n a beautiful Fern Bowl ? - and designs. Our stock of Bread Trays is unsurpassed for quality Prices $2.5o to $5.50. We also carry a large stock of 1847 Rogers Bros. and Flatware. It will pay you to inspect our large stock of Cut Glass We have some exceptional values in Cut Glass Berry Bowls, Vases, Water Sets and Salt and Pepper Sets. Berry Bowls - $3.75 to'$6.00 HURON STANDS sr NMI !f..ea.eddte. vow gem*p,Ot10FOOT. �riMed nett 1V oat the Q Ose/tmss hem pas L- Littia "Sow much are you where l Wore 'be till retool/me is beard the egermistee of public opus. ion r ••w.srant to gtve Ms a chance to his .pima. for tbs truth is Aulisktu acme out, and 11 be does not. tell it we will," was Mr. 1lea- art's ephatic declaestiaa. 1 would like to ask the Pressler agate. wby did he have the intolarabie audacity to refer to Mr. Proudfoot in the terms he did as • swan with a face of trifle brass i• 'Mees went the words of a biumeriog bully with a ersyse heart." Kr. thwart praised the gallant fight of the Liberals in Use Leorsiature and pati • tribute to their leader, M r. 1835 Wallace Our stock of Hand -painted China LWALTER H. HARRISON JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN SQUARE. GODERICH AGENT COLUMBIA GRAPHAPHONE Special Values in Mantel Clocks $4.75 to $Io.00 and French Elite Limoges is the finest. am»., Made His Bluer Berl. Hugh Munro. introduced by tbe chairman as ••The Man from Glen- larty,gave a .bort addeems. He moored his audience that it would have made their blood boil. as it did his. to witness the manner is which the investigation was burked. 11 specie!eenvy oto leinniaftho t''ribs s.Pt`ng we advor ii . thatn eking baa re i uric by -e�witw.. ba sores hit of rod logo at divisional readgnos4ss was allowed to interfere. The C. P. B. vaepls or%bt to wider- stead rder .Rand that gsreb tbiwta do rot increase the popularity of the road. 11 is said that many people were Doming from Use vaebra C. P. R. stauoos. but stayed et home when they warned they would not flet back the same J. A.' McLaren, of Toronto, and W. tL McLaren, of Hamilton, two Gode- ricb old boys, were on hazed to show Mud Liberalism is not dead ,in the cit- ies. R. MacBvoy, brother of the Mors. MacKvoy of town, t.peesentad The Torooto Telegram at the prem table. A young lady to the audimos was anxiously awaiting a speech from •'the nice -looking gentleman wbo est beside Mr. Arcanum." This was Mr. O'Beirne, the editor of The Stratford Beacon. He gets out a Wadable peewit' The Loader's Address. Mr. Rowell was then called upon by the chainsaw, •ud was greeted with a great beret of applause. which was renewed when Mies Doris Marti° daughter or Harry Martin. came for- ward and presented him with a great bunch of rosea The leader was listened to with ta- teuss interest, his speech being a tell- ing arraignment of the Government: 1n edditlon t4 his remarks regarding the Taylor in�quiry, he briefly outlined the Oppowtion platform, making special r•efereare to lbs proposal td abolish the bar and tbequite:Me of workmen's compensation. Mr. Rowell said bedesired to join with the electors of Benue Huron in paying a tribute to their worthy representa- tive, "my friend Mr. Proudfoot, a man who with great courage, patience, per- sistence ersistence and a fine public spirit has discharged his duties in the Legisletura during the present session, and this demonstration shows that be bas dis- charged them in a manner which meets with the enthusiastic approval and support of bi• eonatituenu and the other electors in this part of the Province." Tie L'betal Whip. Mr. C. M. Bowman. of North Bruce. followed Mr. Rowell, in a brief but interesting address, during which he read and commented upon the now famous letter of Thorne to Nelson- ville, "F bbag jam.. Mott. Mr. J. C. Elliott, of West Middlesex, was the last speaker. He reviewed briefly the situation and paid a high tribute to the courage and high pur- pose of Mr. Proudfoot in pursuing the course he did. Both Mr. Proodfoot and Mr. Rowell were accorded three hearty ebeere at the conclusion of the meeting. every lawful day, but like most news- paper meu is very eby and doyen'. ears mach about platform speaking. The Boy Scouts bugle band paraded and helped to "d.mon.trate." When the member tor Glengarry cross to speak the Highlander from Kiolo** alley out to bin in "iodic. Mr. Munro said afrerwardr, in reply to an toeoiry, that the Rieke. Mea was asking him to sing a Gaelic song. HOfltstrictitS' EXCURSIONS To MatMMba, Srekatr .was W Ascus Rech Tuesday until txtnh•r as. iarlwsive, via Clung', ur bernia WiNNIPSO and Return . 2iiu. EDM ON TON ..ad Return.. sty. W Pruportiooate low rates to other emuta Retur• limit two months. Threes* Prsllmsa Tonna Sleeping Cara are opwated m Wmsepeg widest thane via Chicago sad St. Peal. leaving Tweets nos p in. es shoes dabs. Tieketa are *leo on sale via Sar- nia sad Northern ravtget .,e Coupon=. C. F. taawewa. • saw., Te.. P. a.waar awe Tidied apwK Ylyw. a rrel NOTES OF THE DEMONSTRATION. The press table was w- ell filled, there being representatives of The Toronto Globe, Mail and Empire. Star, and Telegram, London Advertiser, London Free Press mid The Signal. More than half the number of Lib- eral members in the Legislature were on the platform. Bach of the pretty little girls who pre- sented Mr. Proudfoot and Mr. Rowell with bouquete was rewarded with a kiss. 3. G. Andetsue. of Lncknow, wbo WAS one of the M. P. P.'s on tbe plat - =is spoken of as a possible can - for the vaeaot Federal Beat for Rests Bruce. Ti a Mail and Empire says there were "close to a thousand people" peewee'. The London Free Press says there were nearly 10.000. The Globe saes "more than two thousand people Our geese is about 1,500. Mr. Rowell's reference to the Op- positioo'e temperance policy drew a gond roared of applause. A Highland from up beyond Lueknow created coosidereble amuse- ment by his comments upon the speakers' remarks. His interjections were very emelt to tbe point and were appreciated by' tbe speakers. 111ltNereec were • large number of ladies present. Some of the hottest Grill in town or country are women. It 0 A MAN WHO KNOWS Sops GIN PILLS Are Good Fee Pate la The Seek HEN your gropes tills you be ages • certain tea is hist own home, you feelptea. erste it's good lex. And whet a pro sdaeat druggist takes GIN PILLS for his Dire Back- ache, you can ted quite sure there is aotblag else quite so good. Winnipeg, May loth, tote inn the outman of tett, I eaffeeed with a motional pun in the beck. As a druggist. I died various teaedies wltioert d •ppareet results. Having eoid GIN PI LM for a somber of yegts, 1.= tbere mast be theta, em, etlerwlge mast the mks would not thermos as feet I gene them a fair trial and the remits D End Is be good" pito. a. 1001RS. ono PILLS tare well eased the win dlle ser whirli druggists, u well as the public, have is them they lime besa relieving thePrefers a la RbmgfMm, u mbsgo and wry r-, sosa,y. sed chergisg mewed ee ,Ess to strong. 'apple mm sed etas. Wby 1d woe terferirsg when that a es sail obtained arid retteMe t 1 PILLS coot bet timerc a boa, 6de ow b o gsgs rSr* � 11 beck if ,e. pp•�� see tested Cls SI SCome LiwArd. . Ise i Big New Stocks of IIOSI ERY 11 HE Hosiery counter is ready for summer selling—ready with the best and biggest stocks of Hosiery the store, has 'e ter offered .its customers. Get the habit of coming here for your Hosiery, 'you will find it will pay. Only tried and tested qualities -are sold, the kinds that keep the color and stand the wear. Any of these are good. • Ladies' and children's black cotton Hose, seamless, 2 pairs for Q 25c Boys' and Girls' black ribbed Hose, per pair..........., 15c 35c penman's famous "No Seam" Hose, black. tan or white, per pair 25c Penman's "No Seam'' lisle a ase, black and colors, per pair only . Penman's sheer lisle "No Seam" Hose, per pair 50c Imported cotton Hose. German make. natural wool or black cashmere feet, per pair 23c Imported silk boot Hose, extra quality and value, direct from the maker to us, per pair 50c Summer weight, all -wool Llama Hose, per pair . . 35c "Princess" ribbed lisle Ho3e, black or tan, per pair. - 2Sc Penman's Little King and Little Queen, fine ribbed, black cashmere Hose, the best stockings made for children, per pair 25c and 35c Silk Gloves from Switzerland We buy these Gloves direct from the Swiss makers. That is why they are the best 21.00 and $1.25 Gloves you can buy. There is no agent's commistrion nor wholesale profit between us and :be maker. You simply save all that. Compete with that any Glove von can buy at this mice, and you will see the rliffereoce. Pure silk Gloves made from extra strong cloth. heavy quality, perfect fitting, douhie finger tips. A perfect Glove in every way. All sures in black, white or tan. Extra value. per pair 20 -inch .... $1.00 24 -inch $1.25 Long lisle Gloves, per pairtoo Short lisle Gloves, per pair Short silk Gloves with doube finger tips. per Pair 50o Splendid Underwear Value at 25c New Underwear just in from the mill tbis week. Properly shaped, perfect fitting and ser- viceable garments. made from clime pure cotton. One-baif dotren stylee to select from. Vesta or Drawers, per garment. =So • Do You Do Dressmaking in Nome? If you do yon will find one of these Dress- meker's Forms • wonderful aid to you. 1'e have taken the agency of one of the most popular tons on the market. Delivered at your door for only . ............. c .................... New Scotch Unoleums We direct special attention to our extra heavy Scotch Leoieume at SOs per equate yard. This Linoleum webought oereelves direct from tbe mills in large quantities. The cloth is exception all) heavy. thoroughly seaaor.ed. strong and dur abis. We .how a good amortwent or pleasing patterns either floral or block aod coolldently de - commend this Liooleuru 10 our cnertamees. Come and see the Summer Millinery We will have some new Hats ready ter Stour day customers. Charming stylise for summer wear, different from any heretofore shown. Well worth seeing, and we will be glad to .bow them. Prepare for the Summer Sun Now is the time to get roar awroiegc put is shape. or order new Does. We are prepared to do all kinds of work of this kind. and can now do 11 promptly. OM mwnises repaired, old escort re- covered, or new menthols foroichied complete ne your windows. We will he *awed to Rive estimates at any time. East side of Square, Ooderich, Ont.