HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-6-5, Page 8TitoitaDAT, Jona A IVU It 6 All* YOUR IRARti OSOT !WOOF? CampbeD'sVataish Stam S9 arts Erase. kis she psi tap v kid. of :1sers4 tfrCweak Wosiwah 1., to eft. 13.b. 141. bz Ca.e.ewwNrsur CO. SUMO Iset::u WILD1a FREE a. fra..c.o.... e" : .•... d.., Foe SAL.L IT • Howell Hardware Co.. L'td. Machinery Massep-darrisShoQ HAMILTON STREET is the place to buy your Machinery, B u g g i e s, Wire Fencing and Bone Black Fertilizer. just received - a con- signment of Canada Car- riage Buggies, • . also of Grays (Chatham), and some from Mount Forest. A car of Bone Black Fertilizer just in ; also 3000 rods of the Frost 'Fence. ROBERT WILSON The Hassey-Hs.rri sA gent Goderieh eesesseesesesrassearoteeneweeemeresete TIM SIGNAL : GODKBICH ONTA RIG MAWS ELECTION ON lilt NAVY ISSUE MSW Amassed Sill .n suit a Way AstoMake nNon- effective t(h. Naval Aid B11I was killed V ISS 1e.mte .arty Friday morning by Uri mdopetos of the amendment offered .pm the second reading by Bir George W. Moss. d.clartsg that tits ' ill abou,d sot banker be proceeded with until the people of Cased• sad expressed tldr yedgmenl The Sot! stood Tete, 11; ru>a, 21. a party vote, ex - eget dist tenter ldost1uleir ( Coo- saswUve) voted tor and Senator Mlle tllberwl) against the ameraseet. Hoe. Z. U. Smith, one Of the newly ede0led wanton participated to the dabets The °titer three new ►stators bona Ontario, Hon. James llamoa, Hos- J. J. Dosaatly and Hoa- Alex. McCall, wase present and voted against the gmwdeasat. The last boar of the deist. Wes eetstp I by Sir M.cieade Bowen In 1 • 1rp1.1 to his fellow Senators w aesset the bill without the aaenduesat taking for an electo.. At Trets- far: he said. "the message was Matt ed to Myst British subjects that -lisp• 1 iead exsect& every man today to do his dap.' A similar massage 1s going over and seder the sus to-niebt. At Tretafpr, England was nit dtwpotnt- ed. May she not be disappointed w- eight by the answer of Caasd► A eajrit7 0t the .taste may peas the Sessintion sow before us, but the only }�psM they will receive will be from rase w!. would rejoice in the destruc- lace a the British inspire." isaator Clone (Liberal) declared that 1f the interact, which were seek- ls& to tome the Mil co the country had only kept is tench with public Meissen they would torahs teat the Pre Vila nal object of derision in gratis, In object of ctontempt in jtaad mid a Meeting stock of the wired. -The governmsat is leaning on a Volts* Ts$ as a had lot,'. said tiena- ler VA= its bill b a ��hsa1.i $ patch -up Drawees so-o•lled loyal •aloe fiat atsd-Toronto and the asioyai roleouthat hssets the oywees d Quebec." $stator Curry said is had just re - "road from Frgb•i mid found there the people taking the steatsst possible Miami to the Aware Canadians there belonging to MO pelts agreed that the Liberals V baaada were main lag a great mistake in opposing this till ami agreed that its idea, would �• 1S .17 affect the credit of Canada la the stoney market of Britain. la • mortals - itis amea4meat lir George Ross. Mond leader in t .e Senate, gave kis reasons tar opposing the bill as passed by the House of Commons, as follows: First. because it is unisoessary and of no possible sae. Second, be cause it establishes • cleavage to de- fence between the two parties. Third. because it does not pray ld • for the pert wmanee of Canada directly• jbnrth because if passed it might teed to frictton with Britain Filth, because we have *o evidence that tt Meta wttb public approval. Stxth, because it introduces a new practice in legislation, not sanctioned by the usages of this eon.Uutlon. Seventh, because it removes from the free con- trol of Canada one of Its effective elements of national de ence•--the three battleships proposed.'. Sir George said that the great ob- jection to the bill was that It pro- vided no permanent policy. Nothing was to be done for the recruiting or training of men. Canada \ as simply to furotsb three ships wbteb. by some mysterious Instinct of their owl, be- cause not a human soul would be r n board. would rush to the firing Lae pee in time for the Armageddon. raises they bad some such Instinct these empty aliens would be as use- less to the sceptre as "painted ships tales a painted ocean " NOME STUDY Tlw Arts cores err le tabor W eeeeeo.erde ee fret et.derte dein- tae to gradeate awl attoad are oris. Fere redsmar.onto O. T. CHOW$ t ewol.e, tat RS • • QNTAJIIQ, COLLEGE AT HOME Tbsesasds ere renins.• yeses M.tea atehelp tear ewessailee km= as ass - Yew rarew 'uses ilebme sl - Lee. �+. ell- P�Wtay.. �i.em - sal knestilen. Taw( tea= M la Cassel. agal latese- iativf•- re. anslise. eseibli �A.anlMbs d Caesar. •eeamer belied Odium10 ll.rttw HWw Piston Business College Goon lnrrrON it. 1 tt.. Rr. PrMN..t. Poore: 1. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE wr•AT:OR0. Orr T. The beet proetio.l trait,..,teems. le theme Yore 0grrnesst... herr.. rat .sntasad .d T.rpafalty. AM ..meet sae ti.essb .at >traetier Towbar. are .:ptYaeed aM grad - meter sure stand is paras° We atv tonere.' .ussttse me sleds (. ray stn at .ay Uwe. Writs ter ser hen s.tsMs.e et won D. A. M0..A('MLA' Ptisel..t 1 ase seemly you with spray Pep end linter nae at Mweet coat 1 have the Mews Seen{ Line 8.Iptur, troth Ihs 1gaid sad the dip. wh*indy far tap. merit moreend enterer Ens: ss Af iisd. a1 freshINh Sey the bee a.d take se eYeitre wish ell materW& W11 s11 in ►r,. ease tStifs. R V. tAssills. Onderteb DROPPEDJNTO LAKE TN* PLOCKMASTIER As the ewes peer heavy with lame, ane asset be talon. be sv id crevasse at the necks mit teed ttao.a °r wdies may canoe the less et luta Mem need sseeoiest teed le cenateaeet the elects et • dry winter ratloe. Turks are a mos poStable seethe is the trill of fact Keep a erose wateb d the lock. and tf any resasbsr shows sips of weakest= or het et thrift sacrist• It nom the fedi by bindles and give extra care and toed. In edifice to clover or altlalna hay each breeding ewe obs. el N e about had a - it day of a adsbste of oats. wheat bran and pan The ewes asset curry some fiesb to make the flock pet ita- oda It hews ng ewes are loot tide la Sash the Sock will wetly demmerata RAISING DRAFTERS. Seems With Nerve Deemed. • Wise seiestise et Woollies hest In raising draft ions a wise adore• don of brwedtng stock h of tin coati importsnc . Drafters of heavy weights good action and proper ooatoemattoet -*note be produced from neem -L atelier or unsound breeding sock. "rots M. Watson In the NatWest Stockman. Firs of all, a good brood mare should be sound and fres trona al Ietects. A sound spare of table Aad• wide. drafty type, pen though she may sot be so very large. it mated with the tight hind of stallion will praises drafters of a hist order. Boch t mare, however, should Dot be trod 10 a stslllon of extreme wslgbt Bare ler results will follow If Me Is bred t. :be rugged. heavy boned stallion of tar limn draft she and the 616es from oils crossbred to the heave Mel lot 1n breeding draft boo's.. the Mallets is of pap greeter Importance than the mare on account of there befog MP many uterus that are undersized 11 ft Mailbag should be AtAMsr Rescued Near AeNterstburg After a Spisatdtd Flight Henry Atwood. the Boatele aviator. int hoe new hydro aeropiue Aermaid. pyre pinked dip Lt Lk. Brie off Bar Pont on Intraday .veeing and taken to Ambretbarg Atwood was attgmpt- 1ig • $tglt from Sandusky to ve- btad, bet whin within thirty wallas St lbs deatiastloo the atmosphere berme very thick and be beaded for the Canadian .bore and passed Point Pelts- His gasoline gave out and he dropped into the water, boa rescue bang affected by Captain Hagen of the tog Harding. He had flown 1st !suss before has mishap, making part 411 the trip at sixty mils as hoar. Important that the of good iterated heavy bona and sound - ems is a Mallon about*" be the flat consideration. It is a matter of ant` prise that farmers do Dot *7 more attention to this potot both whet+ bel' Ing a stzltioe and when brenwwc teen mares They are apt to .sleet a stal- lion tartion mucb as they would a steer. Will tunueoced almost entirely e1 tad dm and appearrmie of the body, and toe 11We attention is given to the feat IDd leg. 11 b impoedble to have a good draft bone without good fes and the dept sound tad well placed. Them Dever was a time when the nghl boned. unAaehed draft Salami was oro poor en tnvesmws as now. The blit. stroog booed. shapely fellows are dwell tint will make the many. Whoa 1 speak of iso I do not mean weight e lope. Too many farmers are daedvee by mare weight 'A draft hone st met tartty in good condition abeei8 vela from 1.800 pounds to a ton. l o tbe highest type of draft hose of late years moth mane eased= MS been given to Quality and.etts. Them le good reason for this. The beast a good action 2. Enoch mare WOW ori tits farm than the hoes mise gni. Pet Qualification Is dedp17 www While the drafter le- Sot a. driver r/ Dever will be. he des.td b. a fes/ wn I lar sod go free and strslgbt d the trot in order to be of the grunted , sae on the tars A man w11m has S rrt II. of mares that tows In a sfraWi doe and hare a goad walk dodo aid complain that he comet get egsSla wort out of bis team. Quante Is MO rery desirable. It ewlpe a't raid Ile attrerion of the buyer and sling r bones a reedy taunt. Nee 014 r 1 Important that the dredge *fedi r wide awake and ac ttve Sot SIM tip bot It is equaity lmpletteat r ea drafter that goes to the Idty. Tile DISTRICT ORRTING. se.eh.diet cl.ets•....f 0ed.ritr Die - trice Cwe(ae at Miss .testing of the Y: rt�i�,t �o .e ani districtwont at Maim- - es Twain and Wednesday, M. i sad II. A good utioe d esialetere and lay was prewar. The .e.ioe oa W --'-y was Rinse Up to the team - mel to of nouns budgies end the m- aritime of Moose ell the tr.eime d.- paeensea . et whisk Sewell ing ley idweek... Them ap were ed as OoaMew... follow mew. at London ea Jima fled : J. 11. Merpbtoo. W. J. Mak. a Galeria'; J. A. lrwte. R. S Maad.g sad R. Tipisdy. t'listo. ; Jams litMary. Seer teeth ; N. W. Trewsrtaa. IioisawiM.; R. Mader, Blyth ; 8. Teeiseveae DOW gamma ; N. Graham. 8ieppriw. : Leitrim MUliu, Beemiller: Ct. E. Ifereit. Auburn ; 4. J. levies. Wakes; W. A. Vodden, Lndestmee; W. L. Keys. Vare" ; Janes Yon g, hay- field. G. M. ]211012. A. Ztiospima aod J. W. V.eatim. all of Goderich. woes' appointed altar.ate.. Bev. J. H. O.terhout. of Losdeeboto': we.. .lewd a member of the .t.tiostag cosamittee, Rev. Dr. Medd being elected aIternett. Some of the most important epee - mittens are es follows : 8abbetb Ob - jF..o• Strongelpws Aruiy 11e Preen abaabtr a Dawdles by • vote asst yaheat 112. a the presets Clovers - pryfor r.edmg the $*$.eee,ote aero.. pry to hep the time oinked settlers ler anther year witth the settee army. partes Da>ocst. the minister a tenses promised so wast those IomOis which bad bass placed la isetltat1oa by the wawa beteg kept for Sum years la the army het-& et eve. ginner late rthset appealed he the ptriousa a the Chamber is a mesa white was greatly applauded tithe soreness of the Centre and the ht. part let * easssa.io. 2 ; less. Beai1.There helms ether aberadoes or tamest. Jai s>, em ase is. le. Week wee moved by . =C as..atiel by 11r. tnrl.. the relies taw revised doped the siert aimed for the whL. Mimeos of /.at waft nod and peened ma ankle of tle.gg/eee tresis end Basic/ma. Applheithes was again nada der the sheillse doe of the earth ash ass* bymimes us the 1'.ssbee dad. oweller. Seabees. and etemahisep wise appnisted t• ml. Med t0 title matter.leesteeeeh ea Mase W be ked ea attempts. J see 1. The a-M.aee r Isles reedy to piss tie weasel, Meer es the hareoah Rive bridge. the clerk was instructed to notify the Mures, Bride lb. of • wileteke being stat be the etpaaded iron sow a• and to have theorise e�ieo as t� to again at a.aa resat vet trete arta. present .agndi is the purchasing at a n ew road Armin. but ie view of a beery outlay Mlt1 IMS s ng ted for the com- ing stere. theee�it the township on rode sited eslvettte the purchasing of . wedge was laid over till •pother season. Bylaw No. 7 and bylaw No. 8, 1913, were both read and passed. Orders os the treasurer were drawn for pafineat 01.sesee'. eslary, SEG ; hall root. at$ i. and J. leiliespie. $1Z. for s.rvaatee Rev. 'R. J. McCormick. A. eluding cm the northern sod western Milts•ee Cbnr' Pro $et . S. boupdary. Next meeting a council P•'ty will be held on Monday, June flied, at Feld, S. Treleaven ; huge of the I o'clock p.m. A. Po.T..rt=i.D, Clerk. Woes. Rev. Dr. Medd. U. K. Krratt ; Nuan,oatiog. Rev. 8. C. &imposts. W. A. Vuiden ; X.lacational. Rev. R. J. McCormick, R. Tipl.dy ; 8unaiy siehod, Rev. lir. Miller. W. L Keys Sustestatio*. Rev. Geo. Jewitt, 0..R Manning ; Contingent. Rev. T. H. Snowden. N. Trewartba ; Class Lead- er., Rev. J. Greene. J. Bother ; RP n L woratgus. Rev. A. W. Barker, J. A. MoChew@; Temper/soeeased Moral Reform, Rev. J. 1 Hunter. J. A. •h - win. District Missionary Committee. Rev. 8. J. Allis. Rev. J. Greene. Rev. tie . lewd,' and Char. holland and J. A. Lewin, witb the chairman of the district. Jamie Melvin Keys was rawer needed for ordioatioc, seed J. C. Mi- lian, a probationer. was recommended to notion to college. A resolution favorite the tntroduc- tiuu of the Cooed& Temperance Act to be voted upc.o in Huron was unapt - moody carried. The nett annual: meeting will ' be bold ti Ncrth street church. Goderich. EAST WAWANOSII. TowneftiP Councd--lias council met on May 271b as a court of revision and appeal. Members ail prmet. bsv- ing each subscribed to the statutory declaration. The foUowiog appeals were brought up sod (heti with :t 3. Laidlaw complained of too high aasenment on the north half tet s3. 000eession 13 ; amassment reduced 1100. Tbos. Taylor complained that be was rapeseed too high on the sours half lot 35. concession 9 : this awns - meat she was lowered 1100. F. D. Stalker said he wan aasemrod too hitt compared with ooh. r rropeci y in the • apse locality : aso-...uen t mod:med. Robert. Taylor was added as F. M. 'F. DRUNKENNESS is • curable disease, which requires treatment. The ORRINE treatment ego be used with absolute confdeace. It destroys all desire for whiskey, beer, or other intoxicants. Can be given in t be borne. No sanitarium expense. No low of time from week. Can be given .ectwtjy. If after s trial you fail to Ret toy benefit from its use your money will be refunded. ORRINB is prepared in two forms : No 1, secret treettnenti • powder ; ORR1NR No. a. in pill form. for those who desire to take voluntary Weef. meoL Costs only SLAM a box. Cense in and talk over the matter with us. Ask for booklet F. j. B.tleed Side Snare, Goderich STANLEY. MOKDAT, June $td. , Miss E1.1e McQueen, daughter of Jamas McQueen. of the 3rd lige. left Mat week on an extended trip to the West. 8be will visit at Winnipeg, Moo.ejaw and other Western caths. J. Elgin Tom, I. P. 8., visited No. I schoolhouse I.at Moods y. He was well phased with the progress of the to pt la- D1nv rex M1calosx.-Tie death is ant.o•,t.ced at Marlette. Michigan, of ' Mrs,. Henry Hudson. a forester rwsideut of V.•nok. The deceased bed resided in Michigan since tbe year lfed. She w.a horn At Varna im 1847 and in 1889 w.ej niieri in marriage to Hen;y Ilud.t.n A fae.i y of five 0.n/ and Littre .d.ugbteas ec.rv.Te. • make your appearance correspond with the weather - bruit, pleasant and attractive. One important method of doing so is by wearing High-class Shoes The "Vassar" is unexcelled for beauty and fit. Call in and look at our Oxfords and Pumps in patents, Gunmetals and Tans. East Side Square. 'Phone 226. Nen. Me. Largs U01111100Sed The hast ad Centre prey Lbnr.ls tet mama ewvwtdw at Fierertes w ►renal &seeded to sheer Sea. t. R. Inset' resents to 11. ts.eppspwd The awe Prosiest& Treasurer will time here repel.* the peetdsl a wfthmt a sentest• Them le est Mob 1h le tel le a; Seethe/ to tie /be ys IMS hi Werth Orap award b/ thevs e■ Nest t i 0- nasal fee w • meati. 4s ter M .M /. IS wit efet be lamed me the .bug .deg dr 1 • , Grass and Omen Cow Fee GOV& 1 A southern W1saa.rm tenet .MO aloe markets 100 toile Used Of ttgnl4 which he tette.. • Ids UP .ere did and blue gran tern. landau b11110 zine labor this terms Inge 1M .Mia fa the ageing ani rune Alpo 4R ti111 grass pasture rir.tide lR*en�M nt where Mei maks MP oondeal gain In eiM 01 1810 r late rammer be erpplii. r MOM with frees corn 'tri as • OMR dti! In a word. the gids• that 1100,11111111111 accumulate are meds name/ w tare. and tt t only dining the r Wee or tour of ria swum period that thv,absee.he0nle I Mg COs. ort rmillohdvwe tbv Na.isew/• s The dalrr ona erne totter calves to wadi the caw di sheet m Par behind ithellkaes as tet oma War mart"' 9.. Waft with the craft Thus smooth! a few mum 'paw tap are 2.leymes who toll** ei.preelles The batter simile* is is aasw tie sal to pet the net want direct tresrlh.M dr and 'e reahe with the cow fa- this p+tz bores, eau take swsJ am! 0" 12 mitt ter drink from a pat 1111 ease eat Ohm .bssid est mead w pass twin. a day. Th. beams etc O M Amid bei. glue Ode mase setA three hder settled or tap. reed Per M. Dry Crew.. The name fore the dry eaw'.bsul be deemellated with three Ohms 1 1.6111 .'mtt7. to tarsi& m wnilliie .Sews! .f r.srs s. most, reed. Ow Ates and iso s we,,Y ilire d ascii of the beb`er'thrwws 4.4181 PIT emu. astaellgehstee armangay -the Star of Alberta WATCH CARMANGAY GROW 1 Over a million bushels of wheat were shipped in 191L Oyer a gedilion and a halt from the 1912 crop -the greatest in all Alberta. CARMANGAY is the ship pin. centre for Western Canada's finest spring wheat section. CARMANGAY is a strategic railway centro. CARMANGAY has rich coal fields already producing. CARMANGAY has pre natural water supply. CARMANGAY has 53 places of business. MIST NOW IN AI/1'A VISTA, the high -claw residen- tial section of Certaangay, only one block from Postot8ee sad City Hall. Send postal sow for illustrated booklet Western Canada Real Estate Co tear.at fig. Totoeto. Oat. .nu.C• a ITMCae r >teLM Mesa 1aaaYesa Mesele'4. cheat stem ..s Yana Smeltery. Meese& da POR FURTHBR PASTK%LARS CUT OUT TOE 0017701! AND MAIL 1T TO U8 IIOW. p Western Canada RMI Estate Co.. 104 Kent Building. Toronto, Ont. Flaw wed teek witMet oWgmtiea m my part. 140* stare restaieheg beta. dimes and view of C semesagey ••...1 THE SIGNAL'S CLLIST N 1913 The Signal and Toronto Weekly Globe.... $1.60 The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe 4.50 The Signal and Montreal Family Herald aafd Weekly Star 1.85 The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto) 1,75 The Signal and Toronto Daily Star... 2.25 The Signal and Toronto Daily World 3.25 The Signal and Toronto Daily News 2.30 The Signal and Toronto Weekly Mas amid Empire ` 1.60 The Signal and Farmer's Advocate 2.35 The Signal and Canadian Farm 1.85 The Signal and Farm and Dairy New .. 1.60 Renewal. ... 1.85 The Signal and Canadian Poultry News.... 1.35 The Signal and Grain Growers' Guide...... 1.50 The Signal and Winnipeg Weekly Free Prtss t.6o The Signal and London Daily Advertiser2.90 The Signal and London Weekly Advertiser 1.63 The Signal and London Daily Free' Press Morning Edition 3.50 Evening Edition 2.40 The Signal and Montreal Daily Witness3.50 The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness1.85 The Signal and World Wide 2.25 The Signal and Presbyterian The Signal and Westminster , ... 2.25 The Signal, Presbyterian and Westaitaster 3.25 The Signal and Catholic Register New.. 1.70 Renetwal 1.85 The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto)3.40 The Signal and McLean's Magasina 2.25 The Signal and Home journal (Toronto)1.75 The Signal and Canada Monthly (Winnipeg) 1.50 Thee prices an for addresses In Qa.nb or Great Britain The Signal and Lippincott's inc 3.25 Ipdeding postage to Ceessollimbeierthers. The Signal and Woman's 0004 Companion (New York) 2.75 Including postage to Canadian spbseribsrs. The above publications may be obtained by Sig- nal subscribers in any combination, the price for any publication being the figure given above less $1.00 representing the price of The Signal. For instance The Sgml and The Weekly Glebe .. The Par'. Advents (13.1210. $cede• • . • • tale 2� 25 *mks -making the price of the three papers $2.915. The signal aad Th. Weddy se■...... - 111.75 The Teres tam fere tit IS Yue $a -e.) ... 2.35 The Watdy Gleba (13.41* hes Sten)... is SPr ' -the four paper foe $ .6o. If the publication you want is riot in above list, - us know. We can supply almost any will -know" Canadian publication. Send subscriptions through local agent or by postofi'ice or express order (not by bunk cheque 1 ',- The ,-The Signal Printing Co. T. -turnip Galeria Ontario