HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-6-5, Page 7TSN SIGNAL : CODERIOIL ONTARIO 2011MigiaT. Juni 1 MIS 7 aviS orse and Auto Livery At„ eomtIDUI.t lb ry t.uaineaa la THE St ne B&n street, with eV and .p -iodate al . meat of Hack., Saarrr7s. nag ,no, ate.. sad Sae Kahle .,f horses. AreoMUHILr{S FOR MRS Buses mewl W trains and M'ett. proepU7 at- teodr t. at any WOO Of the Tri phone 111. T. M. DA VIS ICE CREAM The most delieintr. Savor,. with tie beat and react Cram. fere- ad at the BramotuL years: Or- ders by telephone fat Ins °seam is bulk or in hriebe attendee to ptdy. T. lephine bL E. BURDETTE r•wanrVww, T. Swans' 'Bus, Livery and Sack Stables Nov -MEAL STRSIT , JCrr 0P1 THE SW:ARS 0 IS BREI ALL TRAINS : PAS8RNGBR : BOAT' Pseengere called for in my yam of the town for all trains at G. T. R. or C. P. R. depot.. Prompt *orrice and careful mum - Ger L.very and Hack service will be found sp. to -dot. in every respect. Your patronage so1Wtd. T. SWARTS 107 Mosteeal Street OAL Having purchased tarbar- new tot erlycoomiustee by F. Barlow Ikni ear - pose dealing in Coal, Wood Lute, Cea.at Fire Brick, Ere, We will handle Scranton and Lehigh Valley Coal, two lone which are recognised as the hest. We wish to Ore the people of Oedema sad v'Ictaity the best ewrviss ei siblR and shall be to bear from ail of Mr. customers and any others who wish anything to our Mee All orders left with aat eend d ot't'rvt, proem* ICDOfiagh&filedkill 'Phone No. 70 Yard* at ti. T. It, Nelson atpsst PINDER MO n¢. Heating, Wiring. Old all kind. n( Metal Wolk. ways in Stock 1fRACTte'ORD ROWING 11R7'AL ROOFING. aft kinds ORW KR ?ILR GA RDRN ROSS .ad NOZ ZLIlia OiL ertivga `RANITKR'ARB sad TiN- Get WARE l,r� t+o • e�»KM.elt with a ameldhsesfk Mart. lifted N. R. Pinder Il.�etbora M, Mclean& DROWNED IN 1k T HEN UTENSILS. Yore W1wr.W1 SUM Near SSW. MOM SaudMp Cell M O.larls Mr. L 1 Mercer, one at the moot etweih *st am 1n the Boy rest move moat is Ontario. died of blood esteem' las at lis home la Toronto as Thurs- day hemd y as the result of a scratch en W kesold& Be was 44 years. Md. Yr. James Tuttea. aged 51, was Iseeldeataltove.drotraed at bar toms Pleenhat bee the tielesa sear Gale by tsltai Imola a C.PJL beaks Melb__ til1 lbs train a ariebella OOlbwst.er sad wag bil- let T1steeopeld son at Yr. Oso. Mow'arts rlaorposia. d1•d as the re- sult et .wbrsw3as a oars-orat pima. W. L ws. egad 27, of the vf3• rasp of Agls.eurt was ria over sad Mite 'erten be tell atter )ommb a ort a testa in trost a he home. He was te have boas marded tie nest day. tresis Biome Valft, a tlrowyear• wee aocldeatally shot sad little boy word Ipoe.- s two were playing with le the boy's home near working 1a a Hydroffileotric wire tower, Henry I. gf Toronto, a graduate of the Scheel of Practical Science. acciden- tally Leeched • Uva wire and was in- stantly killed. Atter living i4 yeses to Toronto +s. Sarah Magmas, 110 Beverley died tut Wedsesdy, aged U. Judge M. A. McHugh. Sealer Judge countyia , Mee m Windsor, aged sixty Semmel C. Smoke, K.C., d the legal ono at Watson. Smoke, Ch1kolm Smith. died suddenly on Sundae. Mr. Jae. P Brews, Weeral Y.P. for Chet.eoge7. Que., df.i oa Saturday after ea Illness of two aoatha. Lord Avebury died at London last week of heart disease aged 70 years. Mr. alter Evan Jones, organist of 1t lames Anginas Church, Strat- a,* dropped dead la IW studio while !Maytag an aaoompaalmsnt for a mill. The death occurred at London, Eng- land. of Dr. Joh. Nicholson, proteo- pr of snaineering at Maataeetmr Uni- Mtratty. iedMo trealformerly of YoQlll Erni. NEW WELLAND CANAL The Commons on Thursday put Is short order a 44.000,000 for -anal estimates, including an risme 32,000,000 for the new Weiland Oa the latter Hon. Prank m reply to queries from Boa Oce. P. Graham and W. Y. Ger- hart erimam ..Y the locks in the new canal would be 100 feet Mai by SO feet w1M There would be a depth of SO else 0. the sill at the start. bet pro IJ Melee woald be made for incz.s tag War 1a the draft to 36 feet if mom eery. The estimated Dost of the whole Werk was 360,000.000, and It was Impel Y5 prophet could 'he completed in Ave ye=s. Ooatracts would be called at ease ter tie Aral section of Use work begl •.leg at the Lake Ostarto end. Whole Wertz. it Is amdmetM. Will Coot FMty MUNens ANOTHER HYDRO LINE Wesesen istmeise to be Gone on With laaw.dlatsey The HydraElectric Commt..ton has deelbM to start work at once an the 1. Thanaa-Windsor transmission line. The reeds of the section from Chatham r TlIndeor has been selected. running theiengli Tilbury, the contracts have bels made for weeks, and the erection Of the poke will now go ahead briskly. 'ire /oetatsslon has not decided upon the rest* between St. Thomas and Chald0m, and 1s securing further data M s.eMls • choice from the Ave routes Misr eseaiseratloa. The rote will prommili to selected shortly after Ho. Nr. a.nt returns from London ♦ wIZtl.Eea MUM SMMter Ran en Rooks Wt Phew etagere Gubkiy Removed The American Lone steamer Haver �e& which •Wed os Thurddy from Lwae�ooi for Philadelphia with 134 cable sad 160 steerage passengers shoes'& font oa the rocks westward .f Dart's Head Thursday afternoon Maar feeling her way cautiously in a dame fog. The whWws again demonstrated its e Mr racy. By Its old wbat might Map bees a disaster was Converted tato a mete aocldeat Within a few the ship was In ooamualer eft! Queenstown. Sclero dusk ell the paawseger•s wits Ilett baggage had been safely bswtNt sabre aa4 the big vessel was tater released sad towed in Queer Move harbor. ti.=E MATT NM= ' *MI Ceremony at toad•rs tad. set - kart War The treaty of pease between 'flirter Mme the salt*, Malo was aimed at St Jaime' Palma, Lamers os Friday. Theahn ea the Ins sense of Sir Re- ward 0.4. the gmhe.maa of the fuupena ecseert, the Balkan way, Mier a dandles of smarty eight gametes. was 4ialety t•ralaabe bps -seems.~ 1.01*0M mace/ ore hoer. T1s oats jeering ems tree the petit of Mew of the S.ryia.s and Creels wee ens Mesmer, of an mases M tow Booty. bene.« M lave be. draftee Mrlbeigerteas. prepeeltg that the _sats iwld mer lab hone wltiest UTAK rNlMaa10.. TTNB masa was Mt tripst Orme* .me se4pAe are tag div wow a salve baastilftt.s. lesde ossere S,resseig la Poser Per Cashing Purpose. A tbmwpb i iehruMag of the Medium - Ota01_ shoal be made este a lase ma 1se.R and them wbkh are Mime e d• a tlsa elsambe sad say wY0► s ' vire attends* mem Mal ens. Chum them i. the OW role 1a a tiOM& ball 1t 1s wr that le boo apt 8o be Mew garb& Tar tib games, mien Me 1s very more that the 'bmeageyo 1 gs- tag to a well looked after. earMwla • altloap etre germs theatheage they are most saimetaey ea eaaeeme Ta.. too. itient s d ahosestmea.a to be recommed.d by rsao/a ad their Ughte.=, wide seam!... steel M paw deafly *ve iestlig. Iooam.i.d dear, M they are fumed, a=t beet the vet, beet gsaUy; -theewim they data very stat, sad have a trick 1d sealed cracked when they bass been used vary heti& t41, ahem sad e eamk•ss stool are a1 Mhos agpetetve at Arae bat their d=ebt sad their other daetrsbis mantles maks them the moot .eseomical remelts l• the gird A dee et the time is the growing favor offeree to the •arthenwate fes Rood Massa@ of all kind.. and tete more they an toed the bettor. Belag gine, they are easily kept dsa& sad weth inelaary'care they last e.4 well. though 16 is not Imposellee to break times. Mathald b.bonee h• .had. Wham new they .hoa1 he Anal wtm wafer and plead ea a slow Are, gradually 121 - mods' the beat Then, Log they should moor be left m the the or in the oiem•mnpty. They should he given semsfldag to do to keep them get of mfacliet HOUSE THAT CHARMS. it Is C1sa. Tasteful and Artistically Appointed. The woman who insist on bar rooms always looking pretty will spend a lit- tle maw each week on flowers or pot fere. Small thumb in pots look well and last well. They also make eco- nomical onnomical window planta Of coarse a wladow box should find a place on the pound floor sm. if not above, and be filled with evergreens 1n winter and Sewers 1n summer. Blue Mae or peen tiles look well in Gower Dozes Picture frame are often allowed t0 bang on the walls in a disgraceful mo- di ondi tion--dDed.B7 white painted frame. and them cal so easily be freshened up with a coat of enamel palet, width should not be tinted when required. Then. again, the material of uphol- stered Lhrstinss is sometimes as mach soiled as the *tun frames` and !b un. 1111111110a n.=msa Mem It condition le a great Meese le the eye. It may sot he Menrusiest to re- upboU.ti bat et any rate chimes or ee► tonne loom corms could be v1 1 Let all enteeries used 1. the Lee be daMta, otherwise there will be a tad it fewraases about the boos& Saud ehafr and gots covers aid curtains to the wadi ba0rcw their soiled comeltioa is over agissastna and bear the game rale in sates sSh NOM to seeing cadd a coves 111e fader Lara Is the tam that 1s dos. sal Mliend. The 1ti1agh Meer the table plsbwS of walait ted case is a cL9meg Meltl.a 1e mail" Ross sasaiea am4 Met $ 1trmd► DOW ateg/e lesieles 7d inebetts MOMS .she tag maw mums mesa. of _bee matt `t Ilse The three lags which •gime «Amid form a frame a .eek .stemma eiodsrams that S semis toe ethereal for ordinary near. Nevem theism 1t i. stout enough t0 seaport to rsebeless of gradua.e mils sea& et tightly Maws mad ..rel, wore. Maga meth emoted will mate oil sslimib� arse Gage use .ty.t MO saint' helm Theme e mail Mktg Wee ..«semi sad tied to the hip it the isethathA lig age row wbt a ORM* am mar a d1011 tare Metas& AM. ald.agtt the tt► wort of maw isle then itis bli- es* ib1st. 1t le Masai sstatb to sepeert a delta - Ohs MO wab lea slabs' The stand hes rhe teal llgb ameba hatele ales art bailee. aha At wM * aAtr i5 the WOO tbbli i[ 1b tle& Ifaewves; 5 111 pt drmK M staba o stay saepmiier Oma rise,«« bembee adds se mitt IMF wr1 Mie weal) eel ado. vitae Seim Gott amen. M she -J . ret emle MOM he iMe le teem ase ORM Me 4111.111 albs elth To Arm • emits. eras Leonel ' Dem iiiinois, Ante Melia. 1e5hb hat lowest] lbws ISIS. died we t..,** the mg tf Tt. fustami bales a pea be we. •„ it mei...- lslt a er telleeMeRSIMe rhea a pattraml tettlSiOr ✓ eimwe a 111Mile fleet m msye les .awes the rseMl perm= are peens the flyer 'map sway beim the sleep. M gam be dime app age 011118811.111, WEI INOM1114411111111 GAMOW§ tIOMORED Mestere OtAt 14Ma bee Mae MeddKa4,hted No new peers appeared le the Ktag's Mrteday Maori Itit oaMtebed Tuwda7. bet the foliowteg Cessollisas were Mailed for K.C.B. W. L. Otter. of the MWtl& iI.C.M.O.-8tr timer Goldsi, Premter of Quebec. Knights Bach4or--Cbige Jostles Barker, of New Bi.ewl•k; Chief Jar tine Davidson. of the Segesio Court. at Montreal; Hugh Jobs Maadenald. of Wtaaipeg. C.M.O.-A71wta Ightas, law clerk as the Senate; der 11��11tg�.. a mem- ber of the Pacific a BoaraL Imperial Berries Onder-Williams Cochrane Bowleg, clerk Meows and tags of the Hoagie of Commons; Wllltam Joseph lq.eb. Chief clerk of the Patents Breath, Department of Apiculture. .1. M. Barrie, tie author and play- wright. 1a made a baronet, sad John- ston Forbs►Roberboa. the actor. u knighted. Dr. William Arbuthnot lane. who performed the recent operations on like Duchess cl Connaught. L also mads a baronet Major It. 8. Worthington, the Duke pf Ctaa.aght's hos.eboid physician. Is PRESBYTERIAN CONGRESS Kees Gathering .f Mielwbstal meal Lay D0.g.W at Tomato >e was an impreaatn mine at e Churoh, Toronto, o. Iaturda7 whoa the eree6axes and to the big Prwbytealan Ooa- Meet together to unite la the mares e devotion with which Ohs treat to spat oa opened. Dr. McQueen MMarst r to the General Assembly, gave a brief ad- dress to the delegates: Calling to their attention the words from the prophecy of Zechariah, "Not by might. nor by Metbutby my .pint. smith the of hosts." a peerage that he en heeled all preesat to keep bdar•e their minds during the whole oamgrss Mr. John Penman, one of the prominent laymen In the 'movement. Moo addressed the 4.10501... .101114 that the failure of they church In the present day is owing to its negiect to awaken the power of the Spirit u 1te mighty Controlling force. Meetings were held in Meseey Hal on Sunday which ware addressed >7 Dr. Murdoch Mackensle of Hogan and Principal Candler of soca College. Oyer frier thousand delegates are la Mdendaaoe. RAILWAY SUBSIDIES Comedian Northern and Ontario Gov- entatewt Reads Get Big Guar T'be net of railway eaubstd1es were brought down In tie House of Com- mons last week. The principal fea- ture was the asststaaoe given to the Canadian Northern Railway. The com- pany gra 412,000 per mile oa 910 miles from Ottawa to Port Arthur, 150 miles from Edmonton to the British Colt mbla boundary, and 41,400 per mile for the 11ne from Toronto to Ottawa of 250 miles. The sorra- gate 01 C.N.R. subsidies at 111,000 a mile is 415,640.000, and on the lower basis 41.400. 00, a total of 817.240.000. 'Ube Government gets 87,000,000 of fully paid up shares of the Company. The Ontario Government is ' sub- sidised at 46.400 on several lines of the T. and N 0 Raliway. a total of about 11.135,000. BOGUS RLC* TICKETS me Haul Made by Clever Reyes 1 the Woodbine By cashing In Counterfeit tickets os aoerba. the winner of the Toronto Cap race at the Woodbine on Satur- day afternoon,' a gang of sharpers Moth nearly .46,006 from the Ontario Jockey Club. The fraud was d1► covered by the cashier in one of the booth where the wining 420 tickets wore paid. who noticed that u un- seal amber of wtnnln4 tickets were bang cashed. Prank J. Hooper of Aurora nes an pasted while at emptLug to code a twisty dollar ticket on Hoskin which Mss shooed 1n the same rue. He sheared to have lo0d the 'ticket Which had been torn b two and pastel together. EOO41VILT 1/111a SUI? Welved Gammon sled Was Awarded ebanleat Sew of Stec Cents Col. Theodore Roosevelt on fates day wen Ms libel pit against Osage A. 4erwdL who ehaege4 the Celina VIM ereskenases. mel baying wafted demyh* after ill« dld.0 eclat bed ma S lid a ret+smtlma, was awarded tie mmalea Omegas of Mx coots pas vibe b .ens eases by tie laws oaf 14M part, te tie suit w111 to My his Nm eepensea - The former preeibot .4mit.ed noleg ▪ t .wbises wick Ms meals. but never streag Senors *meoe se vl.t est kis NIAbsbsu err afters great Oaaeeasa He seta he Goss sot sushi or lemb beer. His eridmal suit was ter 310200 "-«sego Mme M to Treat Both Aram P,Ihs r and Timmy surae were eemmAeed to stand trial Is Margin of wandaybbr Is ream& ilea with the deol1 of tether Ms Owes her Catsny ea Treed. raa7. It j probable that a seem & .Nt1.g at be 5*,...& own Al M .rrwap 4 �Msrr the UM. MOW mase any de em at bort mire�Man Mine b • TM broMwe. Me e, est Mains Osmoses. 4 Ili. » . war• stomas hew c ma le ingot. Pssltrottary hedge Mw/ra after Tomato aft Mme /I� 1l Muebrlertles TIS LATEST MARI(EiJ Tensa Celle lope. esutive priose sew: Reins «sport raw .17 . M is $7.36 Lwrpod *spurt cattle.. 1.00 7.16 S hinn bulls 6.60 6.10 Ilstober mule. Melee416 7.11 4 a5elam 4.2e 6.10 M -1.110... 6.00 6.10 bet•ir-e eta. -bales6. N 6.40 M. medium . 4.60 5.60 aMbss $.40 4.60 Oamaaa sews 6.00 4.116 Clamors 2.011 2.76 S heeler MBs 6.26 6.60 4. Rune's 4.60 6.26 bologna bulls - 3.76 4 26 Ifeallaa steers 1.56 1. vel Mo ma% choice 6.76 4.26 es. medium 4.76 1.76 de. light 4.01 5.00 Milkers. -bola 110.0i 40.00 d. mediae 4.00 69.00 ig asses, chaise 60.00 15.00 e. assents 10.00 60.01 aprlite iambs. each 1.00 6.00 Mess light ewes 6.u. 6.70 M.. heavy ewes 6.00 6.76 Calk 3.60 4.50 B eebe 6.00 6.85 Grad lambs 4.00 8.50 Steam lambs 7.00 8.00 4. analis 4.00 7.00 Sap, f.o.b.. 9.61 1.66 40. ted and watered9.90 9.11 Se. weighed off caea10.10 .00 4.00 1.00 -Mips, each 2.00 4.00 Toronto finale Peloes. Qsstations at tb. Board of Trade were as follows: Manitoba Wheat -No. 1. Nor, 31.01; No. 2, 98%c; No. 3, 961bc; feed wheat. K. Om4rb Wheat -No. 5, 97c to 96c for Oar lob ouulde, ranging down le 750 doe poor grades. Ontario Oats -No. 2 white, 34e to 360 at eouatr•y points; 51c to 17c on track, Tonantao. Manitoba Osis --No. 2 C.W. oats, (rook bey ports; No. 3 C.W., 37' c; No. 1 feed, 117%c; No. 2 yellow, 61sac. track by ports. prompt delivery. Oors--American. Mo. 2 yellow, t2iiipc; PIn $ yellow, 61c, track. bay ports. Rye --No. 2. doe to 62e. outside. Peer -No. 2, /0e to 96c, car lou, out- side. Buckwheat -No. 2, 62c to 63c. Barley --Hood malting barley, out. aide. 620 to 61c. Roiled oats per Mg of 90 11x, K; per barrel, $4.36, wholesale, WWaer to Montreal. Y1UMed-Yaaltoba brae, $17.t.0 to $12.00 In Dap, took, Toronto; shorts, $12.00; Ontario brae, $17.00 to bap; $10.00; middlings, $21.00 to Manitoba Flour-PIrst patens. 56.10 1t jute bags; strong bakers' 14.60 In 4•t. begs. In option bags ten cents more per barrel. Ontario Plow' -Winter wheat four, 90 per pent patents. L quoted at .4.10 to $2.26, seaboard, in balk. Ferment' Market. PoUowlag are the latest quotations for farm produce at 8t Lawrence Market, Tomato: - Pall what, bushel 8 .98 to 8. ft Oats .40 .00 Goose wheat .93 .96 B•rim7 .50 .00 Buckwheat .63 .00 Rye .66 .00 Peas .00 .09 Ned by 14.00 11 00 do. No. 2 13.00 14.00 Cattle hay 8.00 9.00 Rye straw 16.00 18.00 Straw, bundled 14.00 16.08 Straw, loose $.00 8.00 SMP, new laid, dos.22 .24 Butter, dairy .24 24 do. creamery .20 .32 Live chickens .18 .23 Docks .21 .26 Turkeys .24 .28 Geese . .16 .14 epilog chickens . .36 .41 Uwe fowl, lb. .17 .19 • Chickens ... .18 .23 Dncilinp .30 - Turkeys .23 .36 - Hens .10 .:3 Potatoes, bags .86 .10 Apples, barrel 2.00 3.00 Dimmed hogs 13.16 13.60 New rhubarb, don.60 .00 Chicago Live abet Cattle -Beeves, 47.1.0 to 0.80; Terse sears, 44.60 to 47.76; stockers and feeders, $4.76 to 0,00; cows .ad bottom $2.40 to 37.16; calves. 37.71 to 411.00. Hage--4lght, $.60 to 88.10; mixed, $8.46 to 4.77%; beery, 4,20 to 18.71; rweg& 36.20 to 33.36; pig. 44.60 to Pith; bulk of sales. 4446 to N-71. Sheep -Native, 3420 to 31.70; we - tern, 86.00 to 4.50; Yearling". 0.60 to 36.26; lambs. oaths, 3.60 to $1.41; western 44.50 to 77.46; spring lambs. 36.00 to 39.00. tact 5*5sl. Cattle Cattle --Prime stets, N.2$ to 44.40; •hipping, NR to M.16; butchers, 47 to 37.26; oows, 13.71 to 37 ; bells, N 76 b $7.60; betters, 38.60 to 47.46; stock betters. 3.10 t0 30.26: stockers and feeders, 34 to 37.71: froth sows and springers. $36 to 101. Veale ---14 to 810.60. Hogs -Heavy. mixed. yorkere and ANL N; Images. 37.76 to 87 911: stags, es le 47. Midge. 41.71 to 39. Sheep and laebe-lambs, 34.60 to 3721; 7earlfsge. N to $6.40. venom', 32.71 to 36; ewes. $3 to 316: sheep. silage, 3.00 to 35.00. Mem@ islets lassie., rest.-Tbe o'•e iage op tie Mede smite wore as 1005*.. Avow hist 7Nt; Cielorm. Me; Attoaa. Me: W. leswart, 14$ teens 0; west M eagmt TM large es tloswseler t ism 11a twee. e: T1wse.M. M fetes s; Pare UMW 106 a; 1.bam.M, 110 e. lbtlsb. M Wiles sheer t1N 5014 art 3316• M Mho% ihe themes baro 3.100 Y 1214ie Mimeo sable 1rs The Palace Clothing House Just the Thing , for That Boy We refer to the Westwood Bibrace. It is a pair of Suspenders and a pair of Garters combined, for boys wearing knee pants and long stockings. There is no semblance of harness about the device-iseasy to adjust and fills every want. WASH SUITS We have a big assortment of Wash Suits just arrived from New York. They are sure - to please. McLean Bros. The Square, Goderidt SEMI -READY TAILORS AND MILK'S OUTFITTERS. Agents for Carbartt Overalls, Sta0dd's Underwear, Fovea Min Arrow Brand Collars and Cd. deeeeeleerereeereeteeeteleteeeleWheeletrePteeteartaraPaPartrealeMilltheareedtaPOWMIle Woman Is As Oi l As She Leeks Ise mars wawas brisk la drib earn r look wg�egt»_ thee eellbweaurdegelmee staneertseihe ff mama eare- 10.1 eealloaarwl�o.Mea a edt .-...a wars de.eew...�time the�uaa.[werWWI. saw teM"e"' feat.- the t.'m"° lesseseaM nms..desseegaban! saaar daw5see NMI MEMdna we.rot DR. MERCIES Favorite Prescription rtes basses namree mem se Mme trey seat et thugs weemias et veer semhdel eseemewee. 11 ashes sea sea so OEM a avow OMNI Aid egwyererge we. rM� i •