HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-6-5, Page 1weaairig Stationery Tte June bride -to -1M ke in- * aid to osorult The Signal alwat the wedding station ery. Invitatiosu, announce- ments. eta, In the best . tstop's, mailled meso addresses op request. MITY YoURTH YL8J1--Hs. >Y1s GODERICH, THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1913 4 Special Offer *be Signal will be Perot to new subscribers in Cana- da of. Great Btain for the remainder ut Om yews. 50c for only.... Jill THS SIONAL PRINTING 00.. Ltd.. I'llatmemod THE STERLINGBANK OF CAN IA SAVE, -because No. 2 One of the fundamental causes of poverty is careleesne.e and improvident habits. Many a family struggling to meet its bills could practise moderation and nava money. Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto Goderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager A. G. NISBET I� THB ItIPKISENTATII'E Volt THit tnUhlY Gk' Ht'RON OF THE New York Life Insurance Co. Assets $72o,000,000. ttFFiCE NEXT CANADIAN RANK OF COMMERCE. GODERICH 'Primes : Omer: a0 ; Hocsi 150. P.O. Box 304 BOARDING. 1)O A R. D i N O ACCOMMODATION w.untei in Ooderteb by a lady sad ��amootii,- u.ar. we: their eon. fax fore weeks bagiWoe about Jur) 21w. A private borne near trees take pro 'er•.d. Andros all onseranketieor to aux Us. t. derb b P. O.. or Mama raw• sad addnsresotTHE SIGNAL OFFicIL ti. PUBLIC NOTIi IL NOTICE. -ALL ACOOUNTS OWING ♦ to Lbs Ito firm of F. & T. M. Davis must be .soled on or tefare Jens Il♦th noir. or they ..tit br planed to baud* for ootectoo. It is re- quested . het all oavtasdiot accounts against tae firm be sent Ie. P. k T M. DAVIS. L OR SEKVICE.-YOUNG YORK - i' Sin Beer. reen.tered. with t,edlgree:oomes FOR SALE OR TO RENT ')=1.,r1"4" kers. Aho tM Fsthervtrr. Boar ..ref.., at. R. Yacht ATI. lot 16. con. L Oed.riek Towo..ht, 30-2t R RALE *T A BAKt3AIN.-ONE of the bs.0 belt. aero kaiak taasesa in Mch. Good Meadow. Emmy coaveeneme- ,Gang term.. 1 HOMAS GUN DRY. rR SALE. -A BUILDING LOT on Newgate Inewlt. APO, M F. J. MIDAPI Oil 111:WKS TO RENT NKXT TO SIG - IJ N AL Office. Heated by bet water and halt in oononotioo. Ap917 t*J. P. Sa w$. IlltL VOR SALE OR TO RENT. --TM- / roomed bores nal Broom Krell. with trate and deem. new bit air tarnasa Jamb to WILLIAM KIL4'.&TIiCK, Oderick. t REAL ESTATE FOR 8LL .. Ke have for saki ahem thirty town iota. price. , atisline hes ebb aawat'a., 7,1811 11761 amazes and Maar dwelt • sad • few forma PIIOUDFUUT. MAYS t KILLOR&N. GM. rich. Vat Irl LNOR SALE. -LARGE DOUBLE 1 house on lot 9/II. West etrea : Mee art of loattest. Gederiew. t half LOYl Wes attest. or anima= toJ. B. HAWKINS.111 Math ammo R W. South idessstee. Alberta MIL j11OR SALE. -FEVs ARS OF I: land, part ei 1.1.1lotW_ Oslbtw ee township. coaat at Mama. Oa Mathe are a frame des hese* and a wee rF Armco( orchard. Clues to wheal. ene•IWW mile from choiob pas and sire. e visna fora ro 1) tar wsti .i0'1,`.s..}fV bog. co Mrd Il. Cuess�ap, �esoeAa 'Itiaess b be Lad from A. A. WILl.1AI$M. on TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED by the uodsrdesed. or either of tapes. sot the purchase of the faresto e Alexander ttcsfmig.oar iletate, hbag�ta the meth kali of lot 2i, commies 4. eat swaeesb. eo0Wning 100 acres, were r hes. Tb. bulIl Inas are in fair rendition. tied names 1s •= orchard on W farm J. W. SMUTH. rich. THOS. KIND. weed tees. Seiner �S. FOR SALE. --IAT NU1[BBRFOUR- TEEN. let eese16iew and let lea 14. and eest>trs on. teamehip of 00HatSs, esataireee wafts and etq sena reepm.4ve4. Gest Memos berme, frames bars and wrabin ; two awes of orchard : ten sores of bads : sent onGlvabd. flood water Newly psi Nine mike from Galeeite! lie W si t [ilea from school. For teams antI M JOHN RRF.EN. Henmlllet. ifs FARM FOR SALE THB EAST half of lot one to W I.Mb els► Mu. Eastern Division 01t n.bIp et Ash Meld. 000taletgr 100 acme. brainier'ewe- rim of a frame hoose and Mune .meree & 1 small PRfOUor OT. AYb & I. Osterloh. hits. FOR SALfB.-THAT FINN Rlit$I- emus 11 ierar off CLmr6m tadati the A. MOD puma ce6� ser Y. 11 smears. used- taws elesleset treks .1 t row_ �we Mesa. sash ewe sbi roe Ddk sal Le (!fie sed the Ohs in Meet revs repair. Beeb MI: ken tinders eeteseleoses, salt. ekM In tM me efy s est r es erwa 11MTAlf dlamre 4, FOR BALE Extra fine bushy beadles geraniutr•s in scarlet, ertmeeon and pink.. AIM border plants and trailers for window hoses and urns. JOHN STEWART RBTATE Berimillee'Penoe : Goderich Eagd b s. 7 s FARM HELP AND DOMEtiTIC TANTS-PerI'llpms u farm help asa.1 ettoems to WILLIAM M UIIL- R BiMae, slat. Orders Wt with H. D. �• itlsiaIR Hiles. Oatwill, wreoelve prompt sixti WANTED TO RENT. IMM EDl- ATELY. dale or us -mowed Muse. with 4bie. L Godeels►. Addtese, giving full par We. W)X ! SIGNAL OFFICE. .Af11TED AUCTION SALES. SIO iT TSALE Or A ALL:ABLE R.c8I1) siCe AND HOUSE- HOLDMr. W. C. Ponce will sell by public auction at W r11ena�epe South etr.et. Oodericb. on TV DAY. JUNE Iran. terms lag at 130 'retook sharp : These csespW a Mdrvoes mites, with springs e nd settiisse ; 3 toilet este, 3 bedstead. with seatta6es ad soda's. 1 ceneb 2 binges. 6 wal- ets. ememe d own. 6 dialer room chain. 3 add Maim 6 klta s. apes. s fall -lest tables, 4 mead whim 2 centro1 etlekosrd. 1 cup- board. Items bot. 1 y' ht range. gena es saw; I Lam. coal with hot air Wpm 1 seal wood Aon, I wood Book stove. orp0e. eartafr. blinds. portieres. curtain tains, gleeware. kitekeo uteoetls. fruit w11ehiaj esaehl.., wrtx .r, zinc tube. wheelbarrow. lave mower. bee. rake. shovels. f seam et hardware welt far stove. and newer - or Sher articles. Everything advertised will 1s s ld without say reserve, ar Mr. Potter is T ..it. At the *awe time the re.idence occupied by Mr. Potter. If cwt previously disposed of. will be Sawed ter stile by sans.. Thier le the class property to the e.eemm Nat is for s.ie to lime- rick at t e p ....1 Mat Then 1. a quarter- age, lot tied the Mem se a wall built brick In id osedImay ion. It ay be Io.peoted at any =Jess Ware Ms ..ale. Pwsnabn MIl be give. right after the tale. Terms esti. W. c. PLATER. THOMASLUNDRY. Proprietor. Auctioneer. CLEARING AUCTION SALE or HOUSEHOLD FUIILNITURIL AND OTHER ARTICLES at Gee Stead store. Hamilton attest. Goderich. se SATURDAY. JUNK Ten. Tbe tdlerwieg bedroom z : Two droom mites. SS Seta Spriest. 2 Mmat- l�es" t Snide d with oand max trees r rockers. 1 hall table. 1 JareMere tas,b. 2 metre table.. 1 dining -room table, almost sew' 1 book caw. 2 whatnots. 1 easel. pictures, a e-pW esrtals yslr baby carriage. In good es,tltIse ; child s her crib, t kitchen stove. Terms eash. THOS. GUN DRY. Auctioneer. A TRAGEDY IN WAWANOSH. CENTRE HURON STANDS BY MR. PROUDFOOT.) CENTRE HURON LIBERALS. Young School Teacher Drowns Himadf, Resolution Endorsing Mry Proodfoot', la a Ws/I. The death of Edward L Willis, school teacher at Prosperity, wh.oh occurred under distressing circum- stances un Monday of this week. has cast a gloom over the community. The young wan, who was about twenty yeah of age, had been engaged since New Year's as teacher At el. S. No. 2, West Wswanosh. A few months ago aotue trouble arose in the section because of alleged i11 - treatment meted out to one of the pupils. The whole affair was settled and the school teacher was practically exonerated from blame, but, neverthe- less, he failed to dismiss the incident from his mind. Despite the sesur- Magnificent Meeting Friday Night in West Street Rink Gives Unmistakable Evidence of Confidence in the Man Who Refused to Be Bluffed by Sir James Whitney Addresses by Mr. Rowell, H. H. Dewart and Others - Some Pointed Questions for the Premier's Attention. The demonstration on Friday night man. he bas staked hi. political career, would he dropped and the whole odium in honor of W ilhPm Proudfoot. H.C., and I say it is the duty of you, the I laced on the shoulders of Mr. Hamra?member of the L.gislai we for Centre electors of Oeutre Huruu, to .how him Why did you not let hint ezplain? Huron, was it gratifying success. I the greatest coosideration, to help 1 10. Was it under your ivatrurtions There was a splendid aurodance, the him and to streogtLen him by your that your counsel had the evidence in connection with the owl tenders and other mattarsruled out ? Retoember you had psi -indeed a full investigation and yet nw your counsel took this. course. Why did you permit it? Was it be- cause you mud Mr. Hann* were afraid of the evidence which would be given'' monster anditcriuw at the West eurot. tiuk brio well tined • and the anter of his friends he continued to brood over the matter and he pestes- audience, although nut unduly demon- tently expressed the idea that a chat ge euative, !astern -ill Well throughout would be pressed against him. I newly three hones of sort ch-utaking. SITUATIONS YACAIIT. On Monday afternoon he dismissed Thr rink saw nip, ably d r nxteal the school At the metal hour and after with a pr..tu.i .0 of N •1:a end terming leaving A note nn his desk containing , directions where his body would het found be walked to • well about; thirty rods from the o,chool, on Mr. Clifton's farm, and plunged in. When he did not return to his bearding house that evening and did not appear the next day w.aeat-ch was 1 made and his tap was found floating in the well, simultaneously with the finding of the note in the school home. The twelve feet of water was hailed ! out immediately and the body was recovered. An inquest was ordered by Coroner Holmes, of Goderich, and after a jury hsd viewed the body an adjournment was made until Saturday, when the inquiry will be resumed at 9 o'clock at Duogsnnou. The unfortunate young man was s son of John Willis, of the 3rd con- F cession of Stephen township. He graduated from Clinton Model School last December and the record as a teacher which he eatabliahed for him- self at Prosperity was of a moot sa s - factory character. WANTID - TYPEWRITER 1'O 11 trot. Usderweed pretend. Aprty at IHE SIGNAL oYFICIL IlyotrANiTtiED AT ONCE. -FOUR Low Mad& Apply, OOLLLiNG Oui 1PBUILDINO (XX. OoOlsesrood. Wit WANTED. - A BOY ABOUT soertsms et Mesa years d age ter d- es were. LOCAL MANAGIIt• iBslf oterearis ANTED -two WOMKN OR atria for kitehln aid Lodry omeek : sYo Me 0.11.1* Part- Appy MAUI.. WARTED, -A MAN 1eOF 00008gEt: sMaasast es est peps* ee. �P3�nt li7rsert: e M, oa6 est y411 NgT I D. - UPSTtt*Mitis GIRL R HIlfG st tea Hesoss Awes is WA�NT'EO, - A s r. BOT, es *f tar aaYattg 6. WAIfTBD .- A P'HOFIINSIONAL tm+w�e'•ter;- be COMING EVENTS. Saturday, June 7tb, is the date on which the "Better Farming" train will arrive in Godericb by C. P. R. The coaches and equipment will be s: miniature agricultural college and ex-, perimental farm en wheel.. Comps•- .na a number of rep'"`'^prate rant 10e.. W PROUDFOOT, M. P. P. ent instructors will be in charge of 1h" Post.- s wbueh , -t..• [hi- tet the ethibite from 9 a. in. to 5:30 p. m. Demonstrations in stock judging may . be given and the town hall bas been engaged for an illustrated lecture in the evening. This is an edosational opportunity of which as many as pos- sible should take advantage. The popular eve nt which ushers in the summer season here -the Grey- hound excursion -takes place nett week. The big White Star steamer arrives Monday evening from Detroit, and at 8:'40 p. in. will take out the moonlight ezcnrsion under the auspices of the Goderich Musical So- ciety. On Tuesday morning at 9.30, the Greyhound will leave for Detroit, returning on Thursday. The fare for the trip_ to Detroit and return is only $1.50. The Greyhound is a .taunt* boat, one of the best excursion steamers on the lakes, and the trip be- tween Godetich and Detroit ie a de- lightful one. All day Wednesday and Thursday morning can be spent at Detroit or in ,taking one of the many pleasant short tripsout of the city. Our good friends the Baptists are having their anniversary tea and con- cert the church on Tuesday even- ing, IOth inst. Tea • will be served from 5:30 to 7:30, and at 8 o'clock a good program by flat -class talent will be commenced. As the admission to both ter* and concert is only 25e, everybody should $o. The fifth annual tqurn*meot of the Huron County Rifle League is an- nounced for Friday. June 13, at the Point Farm. The prise list is a long one, and doubtless , there will be the usual keen interest among the rifle- men. The Point Farm hotel will be open and meals will be served at all hours. The day's doings will include barebell and other genres, music and dancing in the hotel parlors, and a general good time. The annual excursion to Guelph under the auspices of the West Huron Farmers' Institute takes place on !Sat- urday. June 14th. by C. P. R. A spe- cial train will leave Goderich at 7.220, stopping at ell station. to Elmira. For full patticulers see advsrtisemeot in this issue of The Signal. 000ERIOH MARKET&. Tioissaf. May lets yalt what, pro bun S a f't u S s It Ent* �MaR n 46 to e es bar M On ft per luta mb 1141oo 1 YS �0.to wM ' per lea to M pparepre mwl 2Wtoto 3nuts a. per les { e0 to IS ,n per toe , N te Si re pr lea. 1.w M to 12 10 trWo�w. - t SI to le in Weed, w Metl eito SID 111.114w pr lb.... ... 5 11 to 0 111 Old Cisme. pre *L.. sII le it. 1s it a M ss. eros. need.....»..e.. ii 1. polls. per Par to /s 2 16 psrr le N / N4 5 15 to 1. 00la IMN II 0 is su p?ort. " Mr. Proudfoot Speaks. When Mr. Proudfoot rose to speak be received another enthusiastic greeting from the great gathering. More Jean Hunter, Lr. Hunter's little deugliter, tripped up to the platform anti pr•e.ent.ed hint with a bandsou e Bouquet. Mr. Proudfont expressed his deep appreciation of the expression of con- fidence in him by the large gathering present. He then applied himself at once to a review of the events which led up to the demou.tratitn Fust, in the public ec(ouuts com- mittee, the Opposition members had been stopped at every turn 10 prose- cuting enquiries. When important questions were asked ccncerning the payment of arbitrator's fees to Mr. Tienr.e, the facts were suppressed, and niembets were "dated" to make definite cnat,ges upon the Noor of the House, and the Prime Minister gave assurance of a full and fair investiga- tion. He (Mr. Prouutoor) made his charges, and asked that they be re- fereed to a royal commission. This was refused, and instead they were sent to the privileges and elections committee, presided over by the same man who had barked inquiry iu the public accounts committee. Mr. Proudfoot explained that before submitting bis chargee in the Huse he had consulted with the best legal opipion in the Province, and bis charges were the result. :dm.. ThellEnquiry Blocked. In the privileges and elections com- tuittee the blocking tactics were cur.- I note of the meeting, wet.- ss f.•Iiows : II' wed. particularly with reference to •'Huron Admitwa a eluate Fighter. "Huron Libernl. \\ .I.- .nue Th. it Leafier." "Who Bildt.d 'Reid F;nough t•. He Honest and Honest En..ogh to lie Bold."' Why \Vas i' Royal Commission Refuse', ?'. ••\Vhu Has the $500? Let in the Light ." W's. .1-•mnn•t Fair Play for Our Ropresecin1•t'••.' The 33rd 'Regiment hand attender(' and played as the audience was gath- ering. The entrance of Mr. Proudfoot, ac - the i but ne letter and the brrngiog out of evidence in connection with the payment of the $560 by Mr. Taylor to Hon. W. J. Haulm for political pur- poses. After two days it became quite clear that the investigation was a farce, and Mr. Proudfoot and his counsel witbdtew. Atter they bad withdrawn Air. Hanna went into the wianess-box and anseeos•d questions his counsel wanted to ask and there was no cross-examination. Then the Cr.ueer%ative paperer had the audacity to say that Mr. Haulm had vindicated himself by answering *11 the questions asked of bio.. "But who *eked the romp+ni•d by Mi. N. W. Rowell. the questions?" 'squired Mr. Proudfuot. Liberal leader to Ontario, s�gd Mr. Mr. Henna's oro .a.unsel." Thomas McMillan, the chelt•dteon of Theo they bad the nerve to serve the evening, was marked by an mai- we with a summons as a witness. I tion from the large sndienee. Oben way he a foul in soave things, but I on the plat fm Ill were J. C. SIIiott, M. was nut fool enough to go before them P. P., \Vest Middlesex: Chris. Kehler. to that capacity. They knew that the M. P. P.. HutIdirdand :'Col T. R. May - rids. evidence I had was what lad perry. M. P. P., South Oafntd: Hugh been put into my bands. 1 did tut G see Mr. Taylor give Mr. Hanna the Munro, M. P. P.. Glengarry,: J. Ander+on, M. P. P., South Mitre ; \;. E. N. Sinclair, M. 1'. P., Swath On - W. N. Fetgu.on, )1. P. P , East hent • !of ceneuie. He left bis vindication Mr. Proudfoot said he did not care tario T MwrsttalL M. P P M',rrk two straws for the Legislature's vote Col. T. R. Atkinson. M. P. P N test; I wit.b the people of Centre Huron, where be had been known all bis life. North Bruce c H. H. Dewar, K. l`., i goesttons for bit isms. Toronto ; U. Richard -on. M. P. P., , A series of questions was , then read Fest Wellinatoo t W. M. O'Beit ne, 'by Me. Proudtuot, who suggested that editor The Beacon. StrsltOid; Wm.hie James Wbitney might answer them at the Markdale meeting this week. The questions were as follows : N. W. ROWELL. M. P. P. Opposition Leader to the Legislature " x Elliott, editor The Ketosis,. Mitchell ; o w .1 L Kerr, editor The New Bre, Clin- t es I ton ; A. W. Robinson, Blyth ; R. D. Cameron• Lorton', : John Tolesie, 11SI OP a a t BALE. Kincardine : John Brows, Stratford ; Dr.•Ranklo, Mtrat ford. Tire Cbesr.a.'a Address. Mr. Mr•Miillli. enmmened the heeding. with a brief address la whish he etrtrtgised the stand .tor. Prondfset had taken hi the fare of • perfumers majority reed earned repos the swam of {lie easMiersesny to give him tbslr etltt "114, repsmob as admission the W ►1. reputation r a that by 1. Why did the committee on privi- leges and elegytions refuee to permit an invest i-tation into the circumstances surrounding the payment by George C. Taylor of $i(M).tlu to Hon. W. J. Hanna? 2. Waa it because Mr. Taylor was asked for • contribution of $1000.00 and that the $600.00 was only the tint instalment ? 3. Did Mr. Taylor (a Cookervative in politics) prior to his contract with the Government and having an unadjusted claim ever make a contribution to party funds? 4. Wby was the $5(10.00 not paid over to the treasurer of the Conserva- tive Association for the Province of Ontario? it is well understood that there is such an individual whose busi- ness it is to look after such matters. 6. Why, Sir James, when you ascer- tained that your chief colleague bad accepted money contrary to the rule of the Government, why did you not insist upon its being returned ? A. Did you, Sir James, ascertain from Mr. Hanna that this money was paid to him in cash in his office in the Parliament Buildings where he sits as bead of the Department of the Gov- ernment which has chief control of the morals of the people of the Pro- vince. - 7. At your interview with Mr. Hanna wben he admitted the reeeript of the $6011.00 did you ask him about the other matters referred to by Mr. Taylor, particularly the question d the anal tenders t i? so, what did he say? You did not explain this in the Howe or in giving your evidence. The public is anxious to know. •. Why is the Homey still retained ? Why was it set confiscated by the Province as mosey received on an- other oemelon was r S. You knew it 1011 that tide money had been Imgisp rIy received by your eoileagus. Why was your Bret &amis. sloe of this w of only seeds what I forced our la the Legb- Ware ? Was it beww yon tboadtt H. H. DEW4RT, R. C . of Torwtto Stand Adopted at Anneal Meeting. At the anuual tweeting of the Centre Huron Liberal Association, held in Goderich on Friday afternoon, formal endorsement was given to the course of Mr. William Proudfoot, K. C., the representative of the riding in- the Ontario Legislature. Mr. Proudfoot did not arrive until after the adoption of the resolution, and when he came he was in- formed by President Murdie of the Association's action, and gratefully )acknowledged its expression of confi- dence. The resolution was as follows: Moved by J. J. Robertson, seconded by John Fingland, that we, the Lib- erals of Centre Huron in convention assembled, desire to express our warm endorsement of the course pursued in the Legislature by our representative, Mr. Proudfoot, and especially at this juncture we wish to express our con- fidence in him and our approval of hie l action in connection with his charges against certain Ministers of the Crown. We resent the action of the partisan majority of the Legislature in passing a vote of censure upon Mr. Proudfoot for endeavoriog to throw light upon transactions which we be- lieve should be fully ventilated. 'Mr. Prnudfoot, in thanking the members of the Association, spoke briefly of the issue that Ned bees' - raised by his charges in the Lesi.la- ture, end made acknowledgment of the support which he bad received from the other Liberal members, in the House. Two of them were pres- ent, Col. T. R. Atkiuson, member for North Norfolk. and J. C. Elliott, member for Neat Middlesex. Both of these gentlenieu addressed the meet- ing and ••10iy'E•,rd with pleasure. Thos. McMillan, who was chosen as chairman for the evening meeting. also spoke briefly. Other resolutions adopted were as follows : Moved by Alex. Young, seconded by Jos. \Vatt, that the Liberals of Centre Huron at this Annual meeting place on record an expression of their con- fidence in the able and eloquent leader of Ontario Liberalism, Mr. N. W. Rowell, ar.d call upon all who value honest and progressive government t3 rally to bis support. Moved by Geo. Stephenson, seconded by J. L. Kerr. that we appreciate the noble efforts of the Liberec party at Ottawa, led by Sir Wilfrid Laurier, to prevent t Ise adoption of the Bolden pol- icy of a money contribution in regard tonaval defense, and that we rely upon tbe members of tbe present Opposi- tion to voice ties true .eetiwents of the country in relation to this import- ant question. The officers of last year were re- elected, with the exception of Jsme•s Cowan, who has moved to the West and who is succeeded a+ third vice- president. by James D. Hincbley, of Seaforth. The list of officers is now as follows : President -M. Murdie, Winthrop. First vice-president - Dr. J. W. Shaw, Clinton. Second vic -president-J. N. Ker- nlghan, Benmiller. Third vice-president - James D. 11inchley, Seaforth. Secretary -J. I:. Killoran, Goderich. TreAsurer-Gordon Young, Carlow. Auditor -W. J. Paisley, Clinton. Chairmen of municipalities : Brus- sels -Samuel Wilton, Brussels : Clio - tom -- Fred Jackson,, Clinton ; Col- borne -Samuel Bisset, Saltford ; Gode- ricb-C. A. Nairn, Goderich ; Grey- William re - Willram Cameron, Cranbrook ; Mul- lett -James Watt, Summerhill ; Mc- Killop- John McDowell, Seaforth : solved into a farce, why didn't you in- Seaforth-R. S. Hays, Seaforth. steed of accepting the report of the majority of the committee and ing W. H. GUNDRY IN IT. the vote of censure on me, send the charges even at that late hour, as 1 requested. to a Royal Commission for Investigation ? I dared you to do so but you were afraid. The people will ask why you were afraid. The answer is obvious. You had something to conceal and dared not let the search- light in. 16. I repeat the offer i made in the House. Appoint a royal commission of judges of the High Court and of your own choosing. 1 will present m case before them. It 1 tail to establish the same I will resign my sest ant' go beck tom constituents for endorse - tion. if they fail to endsrse toy ac- tions 1 will forever retire from public life. i der. you to take this course. if you want to give it fair deal and act honestly and decently no other course is open. but from my knowledge of your cowardly tactics i know you won't do so. H. H. Dewart Scares the Premier. Your attitude is incapable of any other construction. 11. Hawing proiuisei a full and open investigation, which for reasons beet known to yourself was ant permitted. do you think it was either fair or manly on your part or on t hat at your counsel end followers to abuse me as von did ? Is that your conception of British fair play ? Do you think i got a fair deal either in the public accounts or the privileges and elections com- mittee? You know I did not. Why didn't yen Lee that I did ? 12 Was it agreed io caucus, before the committee on privileges and elec- tion. as a committee met, that Mr. Ferguson should be appointed chair- man ? Wby was he appointed ? Was it because of hie ability to exclude evi- dence esshown by his action's in the cul I.e u.ee' un a c. tnmittee ? 13. Ve by did you al'.w the inveeti- g:•tinn to degenerate into a farce? War it Because vnu knew there were facto that at all Oersteds the public must not he allowed to know? 14. Wby did you refuse a royal com- mission to investigate the charges ? Wan it because you had no confidence in the judges or heenuse you had more confidence id being able to control the committee and see that just such evi- dence was pot in as you desired ? In view of the feet that tbe so-called in- vestigation was blocked and was re - H. H. Dewart, K. C., who was Mr. Proudfoot's counsel before the privi- leges and elections committee of the Legislature, was the next speaker and be went after hir James Whitney with scathing sentences. •' Treat! ng the rights of the people with absolute con- tempt. bullying the Opposition, ruling his followers with as iron hand, arro- gant and insolent,"• was the descrip- tion of the Premier. He *cored Mir James for allowing the resolution of censure ob Mr. Proudtoot to he passed by the House, when hie own roumsel bid been frilling to ease the hoe of his 80d10111011111 by a eo prom1e, which neither Kr. Proudfoot sew bis trieede would slept. Mr James knew that his man Pridy, had blocked the inquiry before the public amounts comtdtlaS, yet he was the mean ap- pointed ppointed to set as ebaiewoan of the privileges 0..54005e. ldr. Presdfoot had relied .= the good faith of the Premier. w11/efkbroken vest •a�M to be • poor the speaker waS4 to melt el Siest r�Jame' Largest Heal Estate Deal Ever Put Through at Regina. The Regina leader reports at hig real estate deal in which W. H. Gundry, formerly of Goderich, is one of the principal figures. The Lewder says (in part) : The largest realty deal that was ever put through so far as Regina is con- cerned will be completed as soon at Mr. Robert Hinton and Mr. J. D. Martin reach Glasgow, Scotland, for which city :bey left last night. Mr. Sinton is selling practically the whole of his Regina property to a Scottish syndicate and it is understood that the sum involved is in the oeigh- borbood of $1,500,000, being well in excess of one end a quarter million dollars. The gentlemen who are responsible for the satisfactory ending of this deal are all Regina men and are ae follows: Messrs. W. H. Oundry14. C. M. Brown, J. f). Martin and J. F. Rowan. The latter gentleman is already in Glasgow.' where he has been for some time looking :otter that end of affairs. Mr. Farrell, • well-known land vainer, was lent out to Regina in the interests of the syndicate and arrived herein April last. He stayed bete for about two weeks and during fust 0gse made a thorough inspection of the p.opert� He returned home quite satl.I.d In himself that not only wee the property we'll worth the value put epos it by Yr. Sinton. but that the legation of the property was good. fie was also perfectly w,isded teak She st..dieg of the city was all that had been claimed for it. the Mae4lllhvray Mlssioe Head el Enol rhereh will hold a teelgi OR ow - day. Jerre 19th, et • *Week Is the lector. enema of the eheeah. • Cr..e. will ker glees by neembeseell 10.04. Thee roil be a steer table. AtIoladts1f3 esus.