HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-5-29, Page 10Tau Rule T, Mat 39, 1918
Wall Papers
Sporting Goods
Wall Paper
speadid Aural and conven-
tional proems ranging in price
from be per roll up to 13c.
Import Papers, pretty doral,
stripe, and half -tone effect*,
rangiug in price from 1.1cper roll
up W Gflc per roll.
import Engiish Papers. 12
• ards to single roll, Cork Velour,
Grams Paper, etc., raogiug in
price from alk per roll up to 111-60.
Sporting Goods
Hammocks, ('roque:, Tennis
and Baseball goods.
Reduced prices on Baseball
goods. See our show window.
The Ghoul( Book Store
GKO. PORTER. i'rop.
'Phone 1110 Goderich.
Each Tuesday, until October 124
Winnipeg and Return- - • - $35,00
Edmonton and Return - - - $43.00
Other Pointe in proportion.
Return Limit, two months.
Toronto each Tuesday, 2300 p. m.
May to August, inclusive. Beat
Train to take.
Upper Lakes Navigation
Steamer. leave. Port McNloo, Mon-
dayr, Tusday.. Wednesday.. Thurs-
day. and Sa.turd,.ya, for Sault Ste.
Merle, Port Arthur and fort WiULam,
Connecting train„ leave. Toronto HAS
a. m.
The .teatner -'Manitoba." .ailing frogs
Port Mc:icoll on Wednesday, will ealt
at tlwen Sound, leaving that point 1420
p m.
Steamship Express
I.uver Toronto 1-'_uµ m. 00 .Stagg
day., making direct opp� withp.p�
Steamers at I' rt McN eotL
Geoerai Change of Time June tat
Particular* from Jath. KIDD. Dedertch, or
write M. 11. MURPHY. D.P,A., C. P. RT..
Cued Mtsalf will Ell PILLS
No greater compliment could be paid
GD( PILLS than to have a use
these. Mr. Roger. being in the business.
toed all the ordinary remedies, but it
was not until be need GIN PILLS that
bewail cured of a severe pain in the beck.
Winnipeg, May 19th. tyre.
"In the autumn of 1911, I suffered
with a continual pain in the beck. As
• druggist, I tried various nemediss
without any apparent results. Having
sold GIN PILLS for • number of years.
I thought there must be good is them
otberwue the sales would net increase
so fast. I gave them a fair trial and the
results I found to be good".
GIN PILLS must cure you or your
money will be refunded. sec. a box 6
for $2.50. Sample free if you write
National Drng and Chemical Co. of
Canada, Limited, Toronto. 144
We have just placed in stock
an import order of
It romprisee staple articles, to-
gether with a good variety of
novelties ouch as fancy cheese
dishes, bon bon, butter and
saled dishes and festoon sugars.
We cordially invite our frien4s
arid patrons to inspect this new
line of goods.
Just to hand a package of
in fancy decorated patterns,
ranging in prices from 20c to 50c.
We have a small assortment of
faucy decorated
with hone handles and nickel
trimmings. A new novelty
Throughout the bulumer our
stock of seasonable Fruits and
Vegetab:es will be complete for
Week -end Shopping Days.
Call or 'phone 52
So J. Young
Hamilton street.
I nISTwcr rais
WRDN.eDAY, May Seta
Mr. organising secretary for
Sunday echooL I n Cela ire Ilium. visited
tlenmiDor and Bethel reboots last Sea -
day sad gave Bluely addressee.
Rev. A. W. and Mrs. Brows enter-
tained the unmarried young people of
the village at the parsonage on Thurs-
day night
Mies Jessie Mitchell, who has been
home for • week or so, has left for
Breslau, where she is taking up church
W. Straughan is busy getting up
the foundation and preparing material
for building a new house near the
MONDAY, May doth.
Nieces. -A number from this
vicinity attended the picnic at the
Lighthouse on the Twenty -tooth....
Magee Tea and Ella (.owao from
Goderich were home for the Twenty-
fourth Mies E. MacMillan spent
the week -end at the home of Mrs. Alex.
MacGregor Miss Mary MicMur-
chy has returned home after spend-
ing a few days with her sister, Mrs.
Geo. Ferguson, of Shuford Misses
Janet Rose and Berne Beckett visited
.at Mrs. A. MacGregor's on Saturday.
Mrs. Allan and children, of Cam-
lachie, visited at D. MacLeod's for e
few days -...Communion services
will be held at Ashfield Presbyterian
church on June 1st.
'1'UR1WAY, May .270h.
PPlOIONALe.-Fred Gliddon, of Gode-
rich, spent Suoday at his home here.
Miss Sara Smith, of St. Helens,
is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
P. Stewart Miss Mary Linklater
is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ruston, in
Stratford at present Mr. and Mn.
111. Horton and family, of Exeter,
spent the holiday et Mr. Horton's old
home here Mia Laura Lauten-
slayer, of rioderich, was home for the
Twenty-fourth Mrs, 0. Clutton,
of Stratford, .is visiting her mother,
Mrs. John Horton Mrs. Farriab,
of Godericti, is visiting at the home of
her son, John Parrish Mrs. John
Horton last week fell into the cistern
and was badly shaken up, but under
the doctor's care we all hope she will
soon bis around The stork visited
two of our homes last week, leaving a.
young son at the home of J. D. Parrish
andadaughter at Walter Kingewell's.
CHURCH Nares, -Rev. Jas. Hamil-
ton was absent Sunday morning,
having gone to Avoubank, to attend
the funeral of hie sister-in-law, Dr.
Marion Oliver: Rev. M. E. Lym-
burner, of Goderich, preached to a
large congregation here The W.
F. M. S. will hold their May meeting
at the home of Mrs A. A. Williams on
Wednesday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock.
Wedding Gifts
WE .have in stock the finest assortment of Silver-
ware ever shown in Goderich. Our prices
are exceptionally low.
Silver-plated Tea Sets - $1o.56 to $18.00
4.75 to 9.00
What would be more appropriate than a beautiful Fern Bowl ?
Quality Counts
We are showing a pleasing assortment of Cake Plates of the best quality.
Casserole Bakers, $5.0o to $9.50, with brown, green and white porce-
lain linings.
Our stock of Bread Trays is unsurpassed for quality and designs.
Prices $2.5o to $5.5o.
We also have all the leading patteriti in I$47 Rogers Bros. and x835
Wallace Flatware.
It will be no trouble to seieat a Wedding Gift from our large assort-
ment of Silverware, Cut Glass, China and Clocks.
Our prices are the lowest. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
May Moftth-ead 40*
Sale Days, Saturday, 1V'iiiy 31st,
and Monday, June 2nd.
Here is a dist of•extkra .specials to wind up a busy May and start
June booming. Real good and they are well worth coming for. Just
the goods you want ready for you at bargain prices just when you
want them. Back of all, our unqualified guarantee of quality. Ready
and on sale at 8:3o Saturday morning. Of some there are but a limited
quantity. Of most, though, enough to last out two days' selling.
Two Big Handkerchief Bargains
350 Handkerchiefs at 10c
Thirty dozen ladies' floe Swill. Handkerchiefs • dainty and
delicate embroidery, on finest of lawns and inrushes. Thew
are a maker's seconds, and in most of them the flaw is so
small as to be practically unnoticeable. Regular values, 15c
to 36c. Whole 360 Saturday morning, at each 10o
Ladies' Pure Linen Hem-
stitched Handkerchiefs 5c
Ladies' pure, genuine Irish linen, Hemstitched Handker-
chiefs. Fine quality, narrow hem. Standard three for 26c
quality. Saturday morning 200 to sell at each, only So
English Floor Oilcloths 25c
English Floor Oilcloth, one and two yards wide. Strong and
serviceable quality, and neat deaigns. Special May Bale -Days, per
yard 25o
Linoleum per Square Yard 30c
One end only Linoleum, Scotch make. four yards wide. Good
pattern. Slightly imperfect but will stand no end of wear. Per
square yard „ ........... 30o
Black Serge 50c
One end only of black wool serge. Splendid weight for sum-
mer skirts. 50 inches wide ; every thread pure wooL Will give ex-
cellest wear. Saturday and Monday per yard, only Boo
Great Clearance of Suitings and Coatings
Saturday morning we purpose to dear the surplus stock of
spring $tunings and Coatings. We will not carry these goods into
another season. to the lot are some of our high-class 8uitings.
Regular values $1.50 to $2.00 per yard. Moet of them wit or cost
lengths. Clearing Saturday at choice per yard, 111.15
Navy and Black Serge 75c
One end each navy blue and black Suiting Serge. All pure
wool; beiey enough in weight for good tailoring, 64 inches wide.
Sold in numbers of places at $1.76. Offered specially Saturday
morning at per yard Teo
Ends of Black Dress Goods
Twelve or fifteen ends of blank Dress Materials. Various atylea
and qualities. Short lengths that are lett from a season of big
selling. Some only enough for a waist, others skirt lengths. Clear-
ing Sal. lays at Bargain Price.
A Large Tapestry Rug for $11.75
Three only large Tapestry Ryes, sire 34 by 4 yards. Neat con-
vectional patterns in shades of green or brown. Exceptionally
and quality. A Rug that will give satisfactory wear. Regular
216.00. We have three bought at a special peke and on Sale Days
tbey are offered at each, only.... 11.
A Good Brussels Rug $15.00
This Rug is an extra quality Brussels. We show it in two pat-
terns. a fawn and a green. The pile is thick and close and Is well
woven. Made from yarns that will stand the wear. Sire 9 feet by
10 feet, 6 inches. Three to sell Bale Days at each, only...415.00
An Axminster Rug for $25.00
The.e Rugs aro a decideily special value. Part of s big pur-
chase made direct from English makers. Close heavy pile, and
three good patterns. Very rich in appearance. Will wear for
years. $80.00 is what they usually sell for. Our extra offer each,
only .... s46.00
A Bungalow Net 19c
One hondrrd and fifty yards new Bungalow NeL one of the
season's most popular pattetns. Ecru shade. A net that is regn-
ler 2frc valise. Sale Days clearing at per yard.... ..... ........1Ys
Curtains 98c
Fifty pain lap Curtains, real Nottingham make, button -holed
edge, neat leery designs. Bale Days per pair ...... ...... glee
Samples of Linen 7c
One hundred traveller's samples of linen sad toweping. Nplen
did for tea towels, etc. Clearing Saturday morning at each 7o
flolrette Skirts $1.58
Iadis' Moirette Pettioosts, imported 'direct from
Popular style. perfect fitting, extra quality. Regular Ilti z.
Days each `1.5S
Dress Trimmings 10c
Two hundred and fifty yards tangy Drees Trimmings and Te4sn-
ming Lams. Almost wary enlor, as well as Meek.
up to $1.00 per yard. A gashes charisma. Bab Days p
Black Serge 33c
One hundred yawls all -w awl Black Serge. 38 inches wide, suit-
able for skirts, dresses or suits. Regular SOc, Sale Days per yd.33o
Large Bath Towels 25c
Iange Bath Tower, .nit finish, heavy weight. Fancy strine•a.
Regular 35c, Sale liayseacb,,....,. 4Qo
'Sample Quilts
One hall dozen unix-. traveller's samples White Quilts. Regular
=2.00 to $4.00 each Slightly soiled on the outside. Clearing Sale
Days at each ... *1.36 to $4.30
Heavy Sheetingl5c
One end only heavy unbleached Sheeting. Double bed width.
Arm and Strang. Will bleach quickly. English Boake. Sale Days
per yard only... ....25e
Ends Glass Towelling 10c
One hundred ends Glass Towelling. Pure linen, red border,
inches wide. Each end contains about one yead. Sale Days. per
Roller Towels 29c
Roller Towel., made from heave pure linen crash. Splendid
dryers. Red horder. Each towel contain. 21, yards. Cheaper than
you can buy the materiel by the yard. Sale Days each x450
Flouncing Embroidery 77c
Fifteen en i. new Swiss Embroidery Flouncing. Manufac-
turers' over -makes, 46 loebes wide, beautiful designs on fine hut
strong mushiest. Regular $1.26, May Sale special per yard 77o
Corset Cover Embroideries
These are part of • special purchase of hi h-elass Embroideries,
and are very mach under value. Beautiful designs, fine cloths,
regular up to 75c. Sale Days per yard 45o
Table of Embroidery Remnants
One table of abort lengths, narrow and wide
eluding Comet Covers' and Flouncing Embroidery.
insertion. - Clearing Sale Days at
Corset Covers 25c
New Corset Covers, made from fine quality
seams double! sewn. Trimmed with 3 -inch fancy
baby ribbon.' Special each
Embroidery, in -
Also some Ane
Bargain Prices
English cotton.
cotton lace and
Children's Dresses 98c
Children's gingham and print Dresses. Buttoned down the
back, pleated skirt, short sleeves, sizes Ave to ten years. Good
variety of patterns and colon. sale Day. each................Yeo
English M1 -over Aprons 75c
Allover Aprons, English make, made from extra quality Eng-
lish Percale. Two good styles, dark and light colorings. Special
each 75o
Two Suits at $5.00
Two noly Ladies' Tailored Suits, nice material in good shade of
grey. Well -made Coats, silk -lined, good style. Special each .56.00
Serge Dresses Clearing at $7.25
Misses' and ladies* Dresses, made from all -wool Berger.
New and becoming styles. Perfect fitting, navy, black or
Isi? Regular $10.00. Sale Days each *7.25
House Dresses $1.00
Ladies' House Dresser% made from good qualityprints and hams, good style. perfect fitting. each dale Days ............51.0o
Black Petticoats 98c
Lest of our famous l$c Petticoats goini4 on sale Saturday morn-
ing. You ought to secure one before they are sold out, as we can-
not get any more to sell at this pries when they are gene. Made
trop good quality R.aths'bloes with wide ruffle. They are *
skirt saki all over at $1.96. sale Days only .... Yee
Princess Slips $1.00
Princess fllipe made from floe quality wbite oottos, W seams
doable sown. iPrill and clnebse of webs, finished with idea\ Tor-
er laew Tap trimmed with laes and baby ribbon. id
sash only 1.00
Convertible House Dress
Tman sax as Asosriese idea. sowing to us direct free New
Test. The (g..eae& is .eveseible. They errs wade Iran 'nod qual-
ity A..esiean gllaghsne. hawks a meet and aaarasith.
Spaniel. see\ oily ....
sits s2
thloodtiloUquare* HODGENS BROS. Direct Importers
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