The Signal, 1913-5-29, Page 9TNR•"SIGNAL : GODltRIC I. ONTARIO
y Globe .... $ 1.60
lobe....... 4.50
y Herald'
orld 3.25
ems 2.30
y Mail and
te. 2.35
Guide 1.50
ekly Free
Free Press
Witness ...
y Witness.
estrmloster 3.25
•r 1.83
(Toronto) 3.40
Inc 2.25
(Winnipeg) 1.50
or Great Britain
igasine 3.25
obtained by Sig -
I, the price for any
above less $t.00
al. For instance :
t).... t.33
Iters $2.96.
in above list, let
any well-known
RI argent or by
bank cheque). to
Ig CO.
MONDAY. May 211b.
IL Johnston is away oma trip to the
mom Agnew. sr.. of Vancouver,
C.. is visiting is town.
Ira. Charles Mclean sad Goo ilea
hive lett for their home in the West.
Dr. Walker gambol his hand severely
while handling • chisel taw other day.
John Joynt fell oo the pestes et
foek the other day sod treasived a
M,ty wound on his leg. He is moving
about with the aid of crutches.
Frank Thompson. formerly of Leach-
er'', has been successful in pasting his
medical exaruinetioo et Winnipeg and
N sow duly qualified as a medical
Nen and women. do you want a
splendid bead of luxuriant hair free
froruff ?
Dru you want heirall) itch and so y
radiant that it compels the admiration
of all who see it?
Do you want a scalp as immsculetely
clean and bright as a newly -minted
coin ?you you want to use a hair dressing
that will surely prevent beldnees, that
always refreshes and invigorates and
nukes your entire head feel fine ?
Then speed 60 centa this very day
and get • bottle of Parisian Sage et
any drug store or toilet goods counter.
Cs* it u directed and you will never
are to use ordinary tonics again.
No poi$0000e sugar of lead no sul-
phur, no injurious ingredients in
Parisian Sage. Ask for Parisian Sage.
E. H. Wigle guarantees it.
MoxDAY, May ':lath.
Tee LATE JOHN 0. ELL1oTr.-Thi.
township has hot one of its pioneer
residents by the death on Sunday,
Mb inst., of John U. Elliott, at the
advanced age of eighty-six years. The
deceased was a native of Derryganatly,
County Fermanagh, Ireland, but to
early manhood be come to Canada and
settled near'Torooto. Later he moved
to a farm not far from Varna in
Stanley township, where he remained
for two years. About fifty -live years
ago he located in this townsbip. Mr.
Elliott was a stone utaso o by trade and
it is said that the touodations of the
'majority of barns in this township
were laid by him. With the excep-
tion 'of two sisters -Mrs. Clark, of
Vancouver, B. C., and Mrs. Donald-
son, of Uerrygonally-he was the last
surviving member of the old stock.
lira Elliott eurviyes her life-ppaarrttner,
together with t hree children : William
11.. Harry and Mrs. Frank 11. Powell,
all of this township. The funeral took
from the family nyidenoe on the
ylield road last Wednesday after-
noon t" (:litrton cemetery. Roe. 8..1.
AUin conducted the services and the
matte trra were Wm. and John
Janis, [)avid Cantelon, Joseph lizard.
Wm. Perdub and Robert Trick.
Among those from a di.tanes who
attended the funeral were John and
Miss Sown Webster, Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Webster, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Gibson, all of Lucknow, and Mrs. D.
Brown. o1 Toronto.
\VEDNESDAT, May 28th.
J. Webster returned from New Oda
,carie Friday night
George Salkeld, of Ooderich, called
la our village on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Care, of Semite visited
Mrs. Ramage over the holiday.
Mn. Stein and grandson, of Wing -
ham, are visiting at T. Todd's.
The rif..emen are practising for the
shoot at 8t. Augustine on Thursday.
Ed. McRoberts attended the funeral
of hu uncle at London on Saturday.
o Mr. and airs. Collins and babe, from
Ragland, are occupying Miss J. C. Mcs
Donald's house Mr. Collins will
work for D. Todd.
JCNE LuPrIMoo'rr'o.-Ralph Henry
Heebner hats a reputation for writing
delishe ful to.mances, sow hen it is raid
that behasexcellcd ell historruerefurts
in his latest novel, "Lady Laughter" -
published complete in the June Lip-
pincott's--it is n strong statement.
"Lady Lrugbter" is both clever and
funny. As for the heroine -well. the
only reason there are w many ',ech-
e/ors in the_worki in because there
are not more girls like Betty. We
annoyedIrrhatueatthe once,
nrod n'tnd !
He does later, though. The scene
are laid in the Berkshires -that pic-
turesque region NO popular with sum-
mer plessure.seekers. There is an un-
usually fine collection of short stories
in this number. "'The Middleman,"
hY E. F. Benson, amusingly describes
bow a "middleman" skilfully"pplucked"
two unsuspecting victims, only to be
even more skilfully plucked in turn.
"Mr. Winkler's Signs,^ by Hattie C.
Vaughn, is a humorous tale of a man's
superstitions and bow they got him
into "trouble. ••A Lion with a Forked
hbinson, is a modern
KsmpliaeBaAi ion of tbe old saw that
Pride g..eth before a fall. "Phe Har-
dee of Tulkki," hy K. Yonog Weed.
u a strange story of Finland. With-
ent Reservatioe," by Jane Beheld, is
• charming little love tate. "A White
Frasier," ley Reg R. Stoat, tells 01
• mari1al eoisnniErstatsdimlt that re-
aukad to a peculiar situation. There
ax's some iotereetJng sed valuable
+sel•1 articles, and the regular de-
Pertnoents are full of bright sad elev.,
boob in the elelIme et the
go ,1 lorml a.rtel b..OSkIw
UMW «twg
ember ifoomod �tteell�al
Wel 1. isallbeelle Sao tilimt tWI t
mane* Mai' falba taw 14
�tatr� o>t ei, -
P. J. Seliveirick4orelstWr
Most Popular -with Most People
for Most Purposes
STANLEY. I Miss Thompson at Clinton The
Monn.v, '.Nay 20th. I baseball team have an engagement to
Mrs. George Kennedy is on the sick play at Mlives ton on June 3rd and nu
list. doubt a number of their followers also
Arthur Keys has wld his driver to will take the trip. The weetber has
J. t r et. .oldn. I �n so cola that there has been little
chance for practice, but w9 hope the
Nathan Peck, of the Babylon line, I team will make a creditable showing.
is the owner of a new Ford auto- i Little Effie Logan is hrving •
mobile. hard time. She first bad an attack of
The congregation of Goshen Meth- ( measles and was just getting over it
odiet church intends building new I wben she was attacked with poeu-
cburch Sheds. I monist. We are glad to say she is
now improving somewhat Mrs.
Jas. Sims is at present on a visit to
her friend, Mrs. Bean, of Clinton
Mrs. Geo. Powell was in attendance
at a funeral of a friend et W.tfotd
Their Health to Dodd'.
may Pills. last week Mr*. John Bennett vis -
White Head Perce, Que.-Mar 2lith ited with her daughter in Toronto the
-(Special).-Mrs. John Cabot, a highly- peat week Mr. and Mrs. McTag.
gar(, of Exeter, visited their sons here
this week. Mrs. H. McQuarrie
spent Friday with her friend Mrs. R.
Adams, at Londesboro' Mrs. Tom
Brown is the guest of Port Elgin
friends Mrs. G. McCowan and
her granddaughters, Miase. Mamie
and Janet Steinhoff, visited friends in
Clinton the past week Mrs. Copp
spent part of last week with her
daughter at Appin Mise Martha
Moore was the guest of her .sister
at Ripley this week Mr. and
Mrs. D. Crittenden visited with
the litter's mother at, Exeter over
the holiday.. . Mr. and Mrs: P.
Gardiner visited with relatives at Es-
t -ter last week T. W. Scott spent
the week -end with relatives at Clan-
deboye. -.Miss Miss Jessie Somers and
her sister, Mrs. Ewing, visited at Sea -
forth last week .... Mrs. Jae. Tier-
ney was a guest of her mother at
Clinton this week Robt. J. Arm-
strong is at present on a visit to his
sister at. Yetrolia Duncan Mc-
Arthur is visiting his brothers in
17stTUAAY. -- Two aged Peri"' Brussels Mrs. Armstrong sprat a
passed' away here this week. Ben'a- few dayys tech
wee. with her dFaweett
min Evan., who had leen a resident vi edW elativ sa C inion Friday.F
of Blyth for a great many years, died °tatted relatives at Clinton on -
on Friday at the advanced age of sev- Alt. Thompson hours and (leo. Sat-
enty-nine yeas• after suffering fora nisi spent a few int London new
long time. Those left to mourn him urday The proprietors of the new
are •bereaved widow and one dao b- livery barn arrived from Lucknow 00
ter. The funeral took place on Mon- busMondry with Shaw mutat ng are
da shape engaged getting se things re
y, interment being made in the shape. !t is hard to see how there
Brussels cemetery. The next to go will be birsiness for two liveries here,
was William Pollard, at the age of as the automobile hruioess is insuring
seventy-five yeare, his death occurring it greatly A number from here
on Monday and the funeral taking ere during on gaiss to Ooderich on
place on Wednesday, also to Brussel+. Friday to hear Mr. Rowell speak at
Tug BOWLING GAYS -The bowling the Proudloot demnastration.
green was opened on Saturday, but as
there were so mens away from
home there eerie not so many on The twenty -dot annual convention
hand as otherwise would have been of the Goderich District Women's
there. The green, too, was not in ea Missionary Society was held in Ontario
good shape as it will be later, partly street Methodi-t church, Cliutun, on
on eceouot of the dry. season and Wednesday, May 14th.
partly on account of changing the The morning session opened at 10:90
water system, hut it will woo be ell o'clock with the district orgsoizer,
rig'ht now, as the water is turned on. Mrs. J. H. Leech, of Ooderich, in the
The electric lights will he installed chair. After the rievotional exereisee
this week, which will be quite an in- the delegates received the reports of
novation here, as the howlers have wine of the auxiliaries, which were
never had the lights on the green be- very encouraging, showing that the
fore and no doubt they will use them work was being can led to a successful
eztensiv. ly. issue. Mies Wellirood, a returned
missionary, who was present to ad-
dresethe convention, wee introduced
to the gathering, after which se inter-
esting Bible study was conducted by
Mrs. Ferguson. When t he session
dosed dioner was served to the dele-
gates i0 the basement.
A praise and promise service con-
ducted by Miss D. A. Holmes, of
Holmesyille, was the °peeing feature
of the Afternoon session. The rernain-
arnund her.. Tither oa account of the Inif auxiliary reports were received
a-arcity of fl.h. owing to want of in- and Mrs. (Rev.) Alen followed with
clineti••n t.. g.t after them. There ao address of welcome, which was
people in
replied to by Mrs. Diehl, of Varna.
were utaso quite a number of
town visiting' with friends.
To the Long List of Women Who Owe
respected lady Leong here, tells of the
good work Dodd's Kidney Pills are
doing in Quebec-.
"My trouble," Mrs. Cabot states,
"warted from a cold, and 1 "'offered
for six years. I was always tired- and
nervous. 1W/8 greatly troubled with
my back. and as time wore on
neuralgia, rheumatism and Bright's
disease added to my pains.
I had dark circles under nay eye. ;
1 perspired freely with the slightest
ezertioo, and nay perspiration bad au
unpleasant odor.. I could and noth-
ing to relieve me till 1 started tars nee
Dodd'. Kidney Pills. I can heartily
recornmead Dodd's Kidney Pills to elf
who suffer from backache, headache
and nervousness."
Nearly all women's troubles are
caused by diseased" or disordered
kidney.. Dodd'. Kidney Pills 'bring
back youth to women by curing their
TUESDAY. May 2766,
THE HOLIDAY. -May 24th was
spent very quietly in town as most
holidays are. ft was one or the nine(
perfect days fir a holiday that a per-
son could wish. Quite a number took
in the races at Mitchell• while a few
went to Clinton te see the baseball
match and visited friends in
various localities. As usual, too. a
few went fishing. but this pastime
seem. to he fr. rtyf nut of fashion
A HAPPY EvaNT,-A very pretty
wedding took place as the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Plsetser Wednes-
day at l p. m., when their daughter,
Miss A'u)ie Pearl, was united to Wil-
liam Donald McLean, • prosp
fanner of Morris. Rev. W D.e 'rTuur-
ner, B. A., performed the ceremony.
The bride enured ilea parlor leaning
on the arm of her father, the eere-
tnony taking plare ander an arch of
eves -greens and apple btosscma with a
backgrnnnd of palms and apple blos-
lotsoms. The hride was beautifully at-
tired in a dress of white gloria silk.
trimmed with allover Imre, with a
wreath of orange hlnawma in her hair.
and she carried a shower bouquet of
carnations and maidenhair fere. She
was ahty waeiat.ed by her eousin, Miss
Lena Plaetwr, wbn wore Saxony lace
over white Sarnny silk and carried a
hooquet et pink carnation.. R. M.
Metes°. brother of the grown. was
beet man. Miss Clara Ornoa, of Mul-
lett, played the seedling march.
After eostgratulatlona the company to
the number of fifty sat down to •
a.tii.ptaosr repast. The .seeing was
spent M gases of all sorts, followed
by dancing until the inevning. The
s present to the bride was a
tical *whims of gold with rubies,
and to the krieleausid a gold "true
lovers' knot" hooch. The preeeeto
were very Mea and woeful. The
happy amyl, 1.41 se ',Moir for their
theirla' '" Use beet
wishes et ramp Moeda.
PMopAL AND OgP .AL. -A. A.
Thomas. orsoosastaisJ. Stadion.
tea trip l auttoteMil foe
the pwpoe. of bringing hie father sod
tmothar , bat lar rmotber deckled It
was sneer to ewe.Orel&. The meta
. * * L ssb*nt u p. m Soo
Dodder of Perms. Moiled was Liie
rtaathor here over the limply Os
.uitlemet of the oohed tesehers mant-
le* to at their booas rho 25th
moo m. eios•ti a mires►
ME eamer
se r
the Ioa±Ms Aiwd Mi
lWw Va k M yUUIIpir sea
Mn. Leech was re-elected asorganizer,
atter which Mo. 0. M. Elliott, of
Oodericb, contributed a pa ron "The
Girl Part of the Boy Problem." In
the Watch Tower reports much valu-
able information wee given by lady
delegates on the mission work among
the Chinese. Japanese, Austrians,
Prencb, Indians, Oriental•, and io
"All Peoples' Mission." Miss Weliwond
followed with en instructive address
on medical wr.rk in China.
At the evening session Mina Well -
wood spoke again, referring particu-
larly to"The Womanhood of China."
Mo.. Leech's report as orgaois.r was
very encoor*Ring. The choir et odes.ed
speeial muvie and Rev. Messrs. AIIin,
Joweto, Greene and Wiley asei.ted in
tbq devotional eseroises._
TraatnAY. May 27th.
A YooNO LIFE RNDnn.-The sym-
pathy of the neighborhood goes out to
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hogan in their sad
bereavement in the death of their little
four -years -old daughter, Marie, who,
,iter severe suffering from troubles of
obs stomach, passed away on gator-
day. febe was burred in the R, 0. rem-
etery at Kieran on Monday last.
LANA LOC aia.- J. Mallin and wife
are enjoying their new Otto and are
sharing their pleasure with their
neighbors by taking them for a "Joy
ride" nocaasonelty Mrs. A. M
Trel ad eon, Cliffnrd, veined
Mrs. Trete a+o's daeeota, M r. and hire.
Jas. Gan., last week. Clifton! Inoks
well alter a bard year's work at Tor-
onto Usiveesity Jas. Wilier has
w ild his earby s at iA.nes, formerly
owned 4. oI Michael
Valley. Wsobeli
N of bare k s in oar welder
frkit■a. and l[•.. Dadra Ahos pPare Heide(Ili. ~ lea returned home after
a alit with ler daagbt.r. Mrs. W. P.
Rad The riM.asen .het their Sova
aimnm� amid i�ldmoorosoallm
w aMg.op P "Look out.
ft. i1oy ws►peefeet 1
Mala tie dosser week le Juno
T>tm,rwas, plias IIA ISIS •
Canada Security Assurance Company
Head Office: Calgary, Alberta
Capital, - $1,000,000
The Canada Security Assurance Company was incorporated at the last session of
the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Alberta, with an authorized capital of
$500,000.00, and has the privilege of increasing that amount to $1,000,000.00 if it
should be found desirable to do so, by a resolution to that effect being passed by the
Shareholders and certain notices being published in the Alberta Gazette.
n=IL3E1 TO1104901-8I7
At the organization meeting of the Shareholders of the class of business. His important position enabled him to gain April a
n held on pnI tath Iq[3, the following directors were thorough and practical knowledge of Fire and Hail insurance a
for the
current entyear: Mr. William A. Lowry, Mr. William
A. Rogers, Mr. W. R. McKerlie, Mr. E. M. Whitley, Mr. T. B.
Mr. William A. Lowry, President and General Manager of
Lowry's Limited, with offices in the principal cities throughout
Canada, has been elected President of the Company. Mr.
Lowry has for many years been connected with the Insurance
business ass Inspector, General Agent and Adjuster. He is
recognized as one of the leading Insurance men of the West."
His Insurance connections have always been of the highest
character. Companies he represents have always enjoyed an
enviable reputation for the prompt payment of losses and for
square dealing. On these principles Mr. Lowry has built up a
business, and a reputation for solid and sate business, second to
none in Western Canada.
Mr. William A. Rogers, Vice President of Lowry's Limited,
has been elected Vice President' of the Company. Mr. Rogers
has charge of the Branch Office business of Lowry's Limited.
His many and varied connections have been and will continue to
be of great value to the Canada Security Assurance Company.
For a great many years., prior to his becoming affiliated with
Lowry's Limited, he controlled and managed one of the largest
general insurance agencies on the American - continent, handling
Casualty, Life, Fire and kindred lines: His ripe experience and
his noted ability as an Underwriter and Agency Organizer is
recognized from Coast to Coast. Many of the Largest Companies
in this continent have bid high for his services and his connec-
tions, but the opportunities in the Western Canadian field has It wit: be seen that each director is a practical iosurance man,
for the -past few years appealed to him more strongly in its and having had long experience in the field in which the Com -
possibilities than any other locality. This Company is fortunate pany will operate, they are able to bring to its service, from
in securing his services as Director and Vice President. among their old acquaintances, the best local agents to be
Mr. W. R. McKerlie, appointed Treasurer of the Company, obtained in the held. Their connections will be invaluable to the
was formerly manager of the Hail Insurance Department of the Company. For many year., these men have been building up
Western Canada Fire insurance Company. and from the time of their experience, their reputations and their judgments, and a
its organization in 1902, was connected with the Central Canada great deal of the prosperity of the successful companies they
Insurance Company, in the important capacity of Underwriter, have been associated with, is due to their ability and faithful
with particular reference to its Hail Insurance business. This service. It will be seen, therefore, that a solid foundation has
Company was the pioneer joint stock Fire and Hail Insurance been in the process of being laid for a peril d 'of many years, and
Company in the West, being the oldest company doing the latter the present Company receives the benefit.
how they must be handled to successfully meet Western condi-
Mr. McKerlie having made a life study of the subject, and
knowing intimately as he does, the recurring frequency of hail
storms in every locality in the West, and having successfLlly
applied this knowledge in• handling the Hail Insurance business of
the oldest and mce.t successful companies, no new Company
could enter the field with a greater guarantee of a sate and
profitable business. .
Mr. E. M. Whitley, appointed Secretary Manager, has been
for some time manager of the Fire Insurance Department at
Lowry's Limited at its Head Office. Previous to his connecting
himself with the above firm he was engaged as chief underwriter
of the Occidental Fire Insurance Company, with which success-
tul institution he hes had practical experience in all departments
of the business for a period of over ten years. He is thoroughly
acquainted with the conditions prevalent in Western Canada and
in the matter of aggressive, conservative and profitable under-
writing, Mr. Whitley has few equals, as is shown by his record.
Mr.. F. B. Redding, Director and Chief Inspector of the
Occidental Fire Insurance Company. Mr. Redding's plrticular
field -is the Provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan, where he
has ,made a record in securing business for his company, not
equaled by any other man in the business. Mr. Redding is re-
garded as one of the most successful and aggressive tire insur-
ance men in the West today, as well as the most popular.
In addition to having the best available talent at its stitute a handsome premium income. A fact alone, that should
disposal, the Canada Security Assurance Company has been able be well noted, is that a large percentage otthese agents are stock -
to avail itself of what is undoubtedly the largest and most effi- holders in this Company ; this insures their best efforts being
cient General Agency Insurance Organization west of Winnipeg. directed towards insuring its success.
This comprises between ;oo and goo insurance men, whe, are
thoroughly experienced in Insurance Underwriting under West- A remarkable feature of the business written by this organi-
ern conditions. This splendid force of agents, as a result of nation over a period of the last seven ears, is that the Ioss
years of organization by W. A. Lowry, who is general agent for ratio has been less than 15';, of the large premium income written.
a number of leading Boars, Fire and Hail insurance Companies, • This speaks volumes kr careful, progressive and profitable
controls a volume of business In Alberta alone sufficient to con- tTderwriting.
The Company will transact F re, Lightning, and Hail Insur- and expand for many years to come, as well as hundreds of new
ance business throughout the West, for which protection there is towns that will vet come into. existence. The fact need only to
an ever increasing demand in consequence of the steady incaming be quoted, that between 300 and goo t.ew towns carne into
immigration. Enormous quantities of new buildings are being existence in the West last year. It is to take advantage •or this
erected, not opl.y throughout the country districts, but in villages, wonderful opening and the wonderful developmentK..of the last
towns and cities. Those existing are and will continue to build best West that this Company has been formed.
31317iSlINI3S1E5 1E°1Er,O36tP3E100TM
During the first year the Company will devote special
attention to the Hail Insurance branch of thebusiness, that being
the most profitable, and organization for which the most quickly
accomplished. This line, it might he said, is comparatively new.
with most companies, but in Mr. McKerlie and Mr. Whitley, upon
whom the detailed management of the business will chiefly
depend, the Company is fortunate in having two thoroughly
experienced officials. one Df whom has had almost as long experi-
ence as any ,n the West, and from the experience of past years,
we give the following information relative to the Toss rate of the
business as found to be by the oldest Company in operation
(Central Canada)'
Covering a period of eight years in which the Com-
pany wrote approximately $9,000,000.00 insurance:
The loss rate in five of these years on $4,151,0°0.00
of total risk was under $1.95 per tioo.Jo of risk.
The Toss rate in seven of these years on $8,28o,000.-
oo of total risk was under $3.60 per 1100.00 of risk.
The average premium rate that the Company will charge for
this year will be, in Aiberti, 17.6o ; artd elsewhere $6.po, ,o it
will be seen that on this basis there is every reason to ezict the
returns to be profitable over a number of years, and an invest-
ment in the stock of a Company transacting the business to be
prudently made, as has proven to be the case in the two Com-
panies which were first in the field, namely, the Central CanadaaaW httMtrnas Paid
and the Hudson Bay, the former having paid stock bonuses of
g00% of the amount paid by the Shareholders on the stock,
American of Newark 12,9614444348..0000
besides cash dividends at the rate of fes, to t8 ., and the latter
Atlantic City Fire
Company has paid in bonuses lod;, besides cash dividends of 15%.
Atbddla of Hellfax (80,436.00 lt>„
('atttr& Fire A indemnity •933,90'1.00 3::0 . MOH
The total expense of operation will range between 25•i, to Central Canada ins. Co.24.414.00 400"., (hall)
;5%. This will include all General and Local Agents commis- Hudson Ray ins. Co. 50,1Nl.O0 i00 1. (Hail)
cions, salaries, printing, etc. The Company have practically ('••nada National.
completed their agency organization and a great deal of business 18aakatcx)n) a+►0't (Hatt) req
Is being already writ.en. The territory has been divided into OccidentaMFYreihancl Co.,
144,68.3.00 I il00`�, 10 t;
conveniently sized districts and the best Hail insurance men in Narmnna' Inanixnee ('n 114,6.•U) 00 I ;(i0';, lo%
the districts secured as our agents , in otos, cases he is also one
of our stockholders, Judging from the amount of business SPECIAL NOTE : All shares i* the *hove Cage have hems
written by these agents in past years the amount of premium 5100 00 each, 10 per rest and
income the Company will derive from its business this year will
be approximately Sjoo,coo.00. A large portion of this will, of
course, require to be insured with other companies, from whom No Company has ever made a call.
Stock M Mw at 170, La, $100.00 a share with a pose:mai of $20. Term: 10 per cant. cash sad premium or $10.00 pas
share. There M M hkalihood whatevsr of a wad call over being male.
The sahacriptiw list dew M Salado►, Joe 14th. 1913, ani as wily( 430 shares ars Wag resorvoll for Easters investors. wo
Weeding d Berri is their appiteatisos immediately. This season's
ui u strias flew' Office states that pr- - . an m at the rate of 111wa. an per alrwly ner,els :Liam
(tae furter a1lh,Mtiee that we Le required seal le application i .'00.00 per (iq.
at mph.,- i to
advantageous treaty arrangements have already been offerees.
Assuming that the Company write only $200,000.00 of gross
premiums, it would be fair to assume the net amount, after
paying commissions, expenses, etc., would be 1140,00000 If
the minimum, maximum and average loss ratios, as given above,
are figured out on the above. basis, it will be seen what large
profits there are in. the business. From the fact that these
profits have been made by companies already doing business for
years in the field, makes this one of the most attractive invest-
ments that could be offered. Car'2ful underwriting and careful
management are two great essentials to, in this business,
and as previously stated this Company , ;'articulat:y fortunate
in its choice of directors. It is also seen that they have the
organization ready at hand and are now securing the business.
The directors desire to place between $5o,o0o.00 and
$110,000 oo of the stock of the Company. This will not be
offered at Tess than a premium of 120.00 per share in addition to
a call of to't; on the stock itself. A simple calculation will show
that the minimum possible profits will justify much higher price:
The following statement, taken from the Insurance Blue
Book, which is published annually by the Dominion Government
gives a very good idea of the dividends paid :
Murata.. over ami
Ua ildsa taelod.
+ paid np
4t.e k Last Annual
IoW on the same iasis
lamas cask.
/It /IMise Mt it harm Midi Financial Managory Lowry'' Limited, Finest