HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-5-29, Page 7oliday
fids if
stay -
$425 up
$1.25 up
and Tie to
25c up
1 1
it will
e `ire
Employmf it
oleo for the meMNow
all tie =cesium= m= that
recused, establle1..d first
toreerseemas write
tem lac.. ter hither ta
l ow erthe sett mom
(..aaa�, Petah
4uhaM ak etoek m�
Tomei o. (mart
Nr Orcuards
you with Spray
rials at lowest
the Niagara Brand
r, both the liquid
bleb is ready for
re convenient and
Arsenate of Lead.
sleek. Buy the
no chants with
Will sell in any
LINK. Goderich.
Auto Livery
ontinuing the,
nese in
t, with •
of Buggies,
Band -
.. and afloe
all trains
promptly tet -
t any time of
bane 61.
i sad a ere.ltb n(
s.sy heaMafuleess and
• Mived teem as op -
m•--fillbetoo par
1f* leis Irak sehip s--
1114 be leve beet
cart. O+derleh
Wimp you sic buying Family
the first 000edder+tbu
We goonthMee at oar goods
Dowd the quality test every
We want you to try
Sim and if for any reason you
sot perfectly satisfied we
,wt you to let m know. s We
seems to give you satisfaction
h Groceries.
• e us a trial os your nett
Sturd) Et Co.
beeer% The Square, Goderich
its molt delici• one Savors, with
Sr best sod purest Otwain. eery.
et st the BAIJeottAL (BAR. Or-
gies by telephone for Ice Cream
le balk fit in bricks attended to
preopIly. Telephone b4.
T. Swans'
'Bus, Livery
aad Hack Stables es
Y.imi[nt Biws�e
JT ove rxe 8yu�ws
NUrritttAL 8'ra*UT
Jrrr ors' TH6 SgUans
Psaengers called for in
m7 pert of the town for
all trains at G. T. R. or
C. P. R. depots. Prompt
service and careful :Men -
Our Livery and Hack
se vice will be found up-
to-date in every respect.
Your pattooagesolicit ed.
Phone 107 Montreal Street
vi ghahe Mi-
mes formerly conducted P. Darlow Holmes.
dealing in
Coal, Wood
List, Cealeat
Pure Bricks Eta
We will handle Scranton
rad Lehigh Valley Coal. two
Iles which are
the hest. We wishau
ilk people of Goderach and
Wildly the beet service los
sad shall he road .'
Maar free all d Mr. !$ukasess''
Mks wish anythingessioners ocl in
All orders left with Jae.
?, ates, Vs otstreet, amePu7
IcDonagh LGIed`ill
'Phone No. 761
Lots at G. T. R.. Bice &reef
abide'"ntl'Ing, Hesting, WIrlog.
all kinds „f )Yew wort.
Always in Stock
` ETA I. ROOFING. all aInds
SRR' RR rilAt
OARllgry HOOK and XOZ
Ott. S'rppIIN
6 A:� •Itt3 sod TIX-
•ee Riess
sekamet with p
•ad lent wee b.
R. Pinder
lite Trav-
el rad Sij..es
Tibet people who want
red a way to do sob
Ohs sxperleace ot two
who are at pet at a ferbymnlM
imam refit They have been all
over Esti tlsentr7 from meet to MM.
following their bade in a simple taah-
b4 ••'d apple:Wiz they get as ankh
pleasure out of life y people wbo
trader ,about in yachts and private
Tl. two emit, who are middle
aced. drifted together by chane and
have Does frigate now for • attmbet
of years. Their plan has been to go
to a resort and And rooms in a hoar
as Dear as parable to the best hotels
DDA redraws district Their badness
etude asaooDcs that making altera-
tions in gowns b their specialty. So
tar they have never been retailed
when tbp have asked permission to
leave a few of their cards to the ho -
his, though they find that a large ma-
ioritY of their customers are sant to
than by customers wbo were satisfied
and .aid • good word for their work.
L mems towns they did not pot out
• Molar dr nemaking sign. bat paced
as attractive colored fashion plata to
the window. and it proved all that
was necessary. They live inexpensive -
so that they can afford to do sew -
fag reasonably. Tby are prompt,
*these and witting to to small jobs
la the summer they go each as•aon
to a different resort and to wtner seek
warm climates Last year tiw went
south in October and took the gist
S oar of a little muting• with a bit of
yard at the aide. They planted a rep
stable and flower garden. which is
D ow in bloom. They maks •tea stop-
llie l place their boom and do not feet
at all like transients
And so they travel about, ening in -
toasting places, making pleasant
friends and tborongbly enjoying life
Cleaning Cut Glass.
Out glace le very fashionable now
and is used upon the dinner table and
in tb• drawing room with greet giro-
cesaiBut, alas, bow easily 1t can be
*Upped and spotledl What precaution
can be taken with the predoos pieces?
OW glans mud be handled very care-
fully when it l washed, so that no risk
is ram of chipping it A wooden bowl
will help.
Place in • wooden bowl some shav-
ing. of a mild white soap and pour
Deer thea boiling water.
Whoa the water baa become luke-
warm wash the slag 1n the suds, using
a soft nail brush. Thea dip the gime
in a seeomd wooden bowl, this time
Shed with clear lukewarm water, until
s.0 trace d soap is removed.
Now dip the glans into a third bowl
of lukewarm water to which blueing
W best added (for the btndng wlu
Pee a brilliance to the glass), and then
dry it with a very soft cloth. Polish it
with soft thew. paper.
GUM Dad patterned china may well
be washed 1n the same careful way,
bat the bluing should b. milted.
I1'e Mighty Good.
Dissolve one and a half tableepooa-
tub powdered gelatin in half a cupful
of mom, says Table Talk. Pat yolks ot
three eggs into a saucepan. add two
cupfuls of milk. stir over the fin for
Ste minutes Mix two tablespoonfuls
at rice Sour with two cupfuls of milk.
add one tablespoonful of batter, four
taMsspoontnls of sugar, Mk over the
Are sst1 thkk, then add custard
strained juice of one lemon and four
tablespoonfuls of chopped nut meats.
Pour tato a dainty serving deb. allow
to est Whisk up the whites of eggs
t1U stiff. then gradually beat into them
two tablespoonfuls of sugar. Put this
metingne ea top and decorate with
halves a walnuts.
Attreetive Oahe Molpes.
Angel ghoperbread .Donde meet en-
ticing. Best one egg well and into it
omsgoarter cap b*tgsr (melted). one-
n.half nap sugar. a Obeli a win and ono-
labt tlsnspooatal each et cinnamon.
Moon thaw and nutmeg; alio me-
n.quarter cap et Masses Stir this welt
thea odd alternately eg.half cupful
h oling water teed era herpieg cap of
Sar. Tisa add ass level teaspoonful
of soda dtesobved ha ow tablespoonful
W veil water. Best thoroughly, then
kale is a Okla sheet la a moderately
let area
• geed erases taie recipe is beton
sr the aged dlwetbs to cream the but-
ter sad vegan la this Me the peopor-
ism ago ea. mow ems, and eon
NW theta b0br. Add tine atigs well
Imeeme, tuft wen sal thea add thre-
peaAas eta metol et .nit eau and s
half empt•1 et Soar and oo. taaep000-
Y of kakhg powder. Sake la three
leers .gad pot together web a Meg
ala** es fitrsa: Boll emu even w
Seger and bar talh.pe•alt la of water
meth r Ithe ache add the wen beans
wikM* et is gel tat gam kid. ghee
Mrd MI radii the Freed rad et nee
Meek Orem For Ekes••.
Wiwi 'heal' .mum el get le be lad
eon ter the memilag fir attar dimmer
eater r apagnble eabeltrb may be
made b► bemrag for yolk et ems egg
eat ores le le a quirt et milk gat
A 4tdafecotnt Mould be eseb
to the barn trout time to Me.
Remember that cleaning the sta-
bles means more now than it
need to.
No matter bow well bred a
cow may be she teapot produce
milk at a groat when glove only
a maintenance ration
Dirty palls cense much sick-
ness among the calves.
Make you stock reacts annui-
ty wfihont being stented. if as
animal la worth keeping at W
It Is worth keeping watt.
The silo is a time saver wben
it tomes to teeding a large num-
ber of animab.
Maw tarmss will let tb•
Meer trample $100 worth of teed
into tbs mod rather than spend
$26 for a feed rack.
Feeding Methods That $..,,tt 1n ttrese
and Healthy Litters.
To produce strong. healthy litters U
W not amly oposelary that the sows be
ted correctly upon feeds that furnish
sulkiest msec*, tone Dad merry man
big a•tsrial., bot that they be banded
wisely during the period of gestation
Tb, mother' mow reeds food for three
important purposes -ern. toe her etre
meetsoance; .scoop for growth w
her own body and. third, for the SOW,
tabment Of the fetal pigs. Oora lacks
musc1e and bone formers and in Wa-
des is too coocentrated-aot balky
eatsesb for breeding swine. Tankage,
meat meal, gamed all meal. .2lmmtik,
beltbermtlk bean, oats, mlddtinge.
Meta .goy beans. clover mod albite
are the logical supplements to corn in
Mr =MOO west At the Iowa station
we lave found that most excellent ra-
tions for gilts carrying Utters are:
p1rat.--Oorn. 68 to 90 per cent; meat
meal or tankage containing to per rani
protein. 10 or 12 per cent
Second. -Dorm. 75 per cent; finely Blit
clover or alfalfa, 115 per cent
Tb1rd.-Our* 60 per cent; oats, clot
ped clover or *Valli, 10 per cent; meal
meal or tankage, 10 per coot
For old sows the proportion of meal
meal or teakage can be tut down pram
Rainy one-third to two-ffthm and alit)
get excellent results
Stranger, beartbler Utters having
more hais more color and mon bone
have bees the result whomever we add-
ed a suitable protein amt ash supple-
ment to corn. When we selected oat
.upptememte wisely we also got cbeap-
er Giga At present prices for pur-
urchased protan and ash supplements,
meat meal and tankage are our deep-
est sources.
Above all things. excepting the food
supply only, an abundance of exercise
is most important AB dares of prep
TDs 1imworth bog is a bacon
pedally and with the'Yorkshire nil
eergrd red the bast breed for that
Ilarpesa Tbase bresds are ram -
grated tram thew sailed lard bog
In that they are more prolific. bet-
ter Meager• and, It la said, are tea.
easeeptible ewes +ea cholera
B ace and
the result of methods of feeding
and breeding. They grow replay
la Buse. but do not Won feat lib
tbs lad types Their large dna
with long and deep bodies. Indicates
their =eon producing ability and
e•pecity to •ashy carry large *i-
ters. The boar ebown is • good
epecdmen of the Tamworth
natal entomb do well only when abun-
dant opportunity for exercise is allow-
ed. The gsoeral tone and vigor of the
mother le resected to the offspring.
The better the general health and con -
clition of the dam the stronger and
more eigoeooa the young. Range on
Pastore 1s perhaps the best of all Al-
low Use sows to follow cattle for
awhile, but be sure to remove them
when they teed tD become clumsy and
bav7: Scatter tbs feed over tbe
ground. such as sheat oats. soy bean
bay, etc-, and let the sows gather 1t
Feed on the ids of the add opposite
the sleeping banks. A11ow hay to
racks, the eating at which is con-
ducive to light exercise. Sbot tbs sows
trout the boom in the middle of the
day rather than allow them to bodde
up sed among peaceably. Schemes to
Induce exercise coot Me. let tb. h
turns are eomaidenba.
Warmth. drynew, ventilation and
e onllgbt are the easentlala of an ideal
bog boom Sorb eoadodve conditions
can be Secured work a buttb for.
tboogbt Good dry Widths r seeded
and t0 be kept dry mart be •tinged
lazetivertese 0f the bowels le hlgb
fy desirable, se coetiveoe s 1e a men
t ea Pigsty et mares, mobbed wit!
beady, teed. such se tankage, sit
mast. bras, alfalfa. bay. e*c . *11
isrget7 rave the melees. Nswe,t
If it does tat a week before teriewbq
ter rmsgoaey remedy etas •mem es
mom saes per le.r.4 mode et tete
wriC help edDrfmaw.-liter•[ i. M
Wee, Iowa Mesa
?b. n•...'. *•.bete
• stable when ea.mse will frees
theft the apt le tut Mee M bray .
Merge. Keay tb. Nellie dime egad dr
we pee may brim Okra **utiles tib
beam% hid blot width dwell we
:rte r *NI.er wee tut
1111.6 ? 1L _ ' rttiil )
Doe to the fa1Mthat the suborn call
makes rapid growth during the eight
weeks prior to firth he who would
tined and develop good aline should
turn the mother ley at the bedaub/1
of this period, writes Hugh G. Vas
Pelt In 1b lwbel ' Dairy Farmer.
Wbee dry be shook* begin feeding bet
well of foods rich la mineral natter
or ash and protin, for tam ter• the
outdone from which the moths
makes muftis blood, bone. cartliag-
Inoue material and hair. Of these` is
addition to water, the yosasster b al-
most completely composed at birth
rat, which le thrnisbed by carbohy-
drates, each as cors Unisthy My,
corn stover and straw, is csospicuoas
b7 is atesoee. Therefore Mich foods
do not aid greatly 1n mate*rtag
the fauns.
Mee special ablation and good
judgment are seed in rhos providing
nutriment throetgb the cow ter the off-
spring abet:bee an of melt Mss [re-
quest oecatTeoee. and calves are born
that ate larger. more vigorous and
lees susceptible to deems. such as
calf scants calf eaolera. bsmorrbagic
septicaemia. ate.. that rob the dairy
Remelted et Oto Saying, Ise pure
bred Jareey mow hoe Note••*, 1.
champaoo dairy cow et the Britt=
empty Her nowt `alar •acral
test le: Highs.t milk meld to nae
-Mg, in pounds; blgbset silk ytaid
t• •Oe year. elm pomade; highest
said in three yearn, rime moues;
average .utter tat teat, 16.1S per
coot: butter =educates, ewe year.
1.01L111 pet ads; batter prNwetion.
dame TWA.u&al pound&
world of much of the best Mood that
abonld be retained to 1epbmb2 and
add to the greatness of 1s. heeds.
Almost as important are the care and
feed necessary after the birth of the
calf, but that 1s another dory. In the
first place, 11 tonal be kpt tree from
disease. whether 11 1s horn strong or
weak. As soon as 1t draws its drat
breath 1t comes In contact with germs,
some of which will work havoc 11 they
gain acmes to it's inner body. If gtrhz
that cause white scours or bomorrhaglc
septicaemia are present they are liable
to enter through the broken umbilical
cord before nature bas time to teal it
by drying the broken end. Therefore
1t b not only neomaary for the cow's
owner to provide a clean, carefully dis-
infected, dry maternity stall, but be
should be in attendance at the birth of
the calf with a supply 0t reliable dlin-
fecting solution to carefully cleanse
the umbilical cord and tie a disinfected
cord Eighth around it dose up to the
abdomen. . This lea ver7 simple, inex-
pensive treatment, let it is all that is
oecesetry to prevent a large percentage
of lofectlous 41*...es
In addition to liberal and regular
feeding it is surely advisable to pro-
vide for the calf quarters that are
scrupulously clean. warm and dry.
Never tab it for granted that disease
germs are absent, for if on do pre-
cautions necessary for *Deceitful calf
raining will be emitted and a high
death tate of calves will result A
supply d reliable disinfectant should
be clow at band. so _that every lase
the calf dap le cleaned the door, wails
and every nook and crevice may be
stunted with it
The box from which the calf eats
should frequently be thoroughly scrub-
crubbed with cleansing powder or soap and
ringed out with the disinfecting soln-
tion, for one of the chief sources of
calf deem is the utensil from which
It reads. This is especially true of the
pall from which It drinks No law
compels the dalt7oan to sterilize socb
uteodla by steam or bot water. The
plan of washing or at least rinsing
them 1n a diinfectthg solution should
be practiced regularly after feeding
nod the palls set where the son can
shine on them. These suggestions are
worth considering. for. supplemented
with proper feeding, their practice will
prevent the causes of 90 per cent of the
death los of calves. which at pregame
is a d1coareglig problem to the breed-
er of dairy cattle who by the tee of
good blood le trying to improve a
Mabee* the Colts.
Colts that are wintered inside ha gym
eking. comffrtabls salts will IM down
and twat 41 U K which is jea8 OS
Oleg for them to do. write• a see
nape*Mnt fie t1b. Tarn Prete am*
lag erg digit takes the weight et the
I body o tater bp and rests the WAIL
Thu budget nkat le nsoaasrr7 1s. geed
I.aldgg flet yews bsesaa. 1f gig
tine bean preyed; bsOed abet* the
agile the breathe" end trebles pop
' men le meth elm elleL le tar limb
bit every beige gist a gee/ ea.yleg.
The Mum alae ea them may mgt be
.ora. MO le amtetM1y pays In faeitg
beim* Is 1 wast abet to arty, wall
ea the •ander• mem* et hod, 1 hag
ter worth The bars Is malty ree-
Oath r the* phsty of treat air 1e
ogilloll. rad Matt des batt., there
Om si madbeg bite a board Alam a e
nag 1100111111**Mme.
Toronto Cattle Market
Rmpreseatattve primes are: --
London Report cattle...17.00 to 81.26
Liverpool export cattle.. 7.00 7.15
Report bulls 1.60 6.00
Bntober cat tie, choice4.65 7.39
de. medium 6.la 6.60
do. common 5.00 6.00
Dutcher cows, choice6.50 6.26
do. medium 4.60 b. 60
Cutters 3.60 4.60
Oemsoa mows 3.00 4.25
Canners 3.00 2.75
Butcher brills 5.26 6.00
do. medium 4.60 6.25
bologna bulls 3.75 4.25
reedtag steers 6 50 6.00
MMakers, choice 5.:6 6.36
Ia. medium 4.76 6.75
ds light 4.0) 6.00
linkers choice 50.00 80.00
de. medium 40.00 60.00
Springers choles 60.00 83.00
de. medians 30.00 60.00
*peps lambs, each 400 6.21
weep, light ewes 6 00 6 76
de. heavy ewes 1.00 5 75
Calls 2.60 4.60
Dticb 5.00 6.li
Good lambs 8.00 5.00
Medium lambs 7.00 2.50
do. cella ' .e, 6.00 7.011
koge. t.0.1. 8.50 .00
M. fed and watered8.e6 .M
do. weighed oil c•re16.10 .M
Calves 4.00 8.00
Bob calves. each 3.00 4.11$
Teronte Orals Prises.
Quotations at the Board of Trade
were as follows:
Ontario Wheat -No. 3, winter whert
white, red or 01z.d. 80e to plc
Masbate Wheat --No. 1 Nor,
11.00; leo. 2 Nee., 87%c, No 1 Nor.
$4%c, trait, lake ports.
Comdata* western Oat. -No 2,
$*Ke; 'leo. 3, *7%c, on track, lake
oaazlo Oat` -lbs to 24c. estaNc
37e to 17%c, Tomato.
Gars --No. 3 yedbw at Cdlingwool.
bio to 68'kc. o.t.L
Psae-No. 2, 96s to x1.00, car lots,
Duolovbsat-No. 2, 61c to 11e, out,
R7e-No. 3, tOe to tic, outside.
Barley -40c to 1k.
Roiled oats per bag of 10 lbs..
Wet; per barrel. 84.31, wholesale,
Modem to. Montreal.
* tlieed--Manitob. bran, $17.00 t0
*48.00 in bags. track, Toronto; shorts,
$18.00; Ontario bran. 617.00 to bags:
shorts, 610.00; middlings, 631.00 to
Farmers' Market.
Following are the latest quotations
Ser farm produce at St. Lawrence
Market, Toronto:-
rakl wheat, bushel 8 .96 to 1 .98
Oats .40 .00
Goose wheat .92 .00
Barley . 68 .60
Buckwheat , . .60 .00
Ry ,. .66 .00
Peas .90 .00
New hay 15.00 16.00
do. No. 2 13.00 14.00
GSM e bay 9.00 10.00
Rae straw 16.00 18.00
*sew, bundled 14.00 16.00
Straw, loose .. ' 8.00 9.00
Eggs, new laid, dos.21 23
Butter,' dairy .26 .28
do. creamery .30 .31
Fowl. dressed, lb. .17 .19
Chickens .22 25
Ducks .22 .26
Turkeys .26 .23
Geese .16 18
Spring chickens .40 .50
Live fowl, lb. .17 .19
" Chickens ... .18 23
" Ducklings .30
" Turkeys .22 .16
" Hens .30 .23
Potatoes. bags .36 .90,
Apples, barrel 1.00 3.00
Dressed hops 12.26 12.60
New rhubarb, dos.50 .60
Cheese M.rlsata
London, Ont. -243 bores of cheese
offered. No sales. Bidding, 1114r to
11 ybc.
Cornwall -1.605 cheese boarded, of
which 697 were white sad 89 colored.
All the white sold at 11%c and the
colored at 11 11-16c.
Ottawa --One hundred and twenty
boxes of white and stzty-elz boxes of
colored cheese offered and sold, the
ruling bid being 11 11.16c.
Napanee - Cheese boarded. 820
white, 926 colored; 1,300 sold at 11%e;
balance refused.
Iroquois -950 cheese offered, 7U
colored and 225 white. All sold ter
Piston -18 factories boarded 1.510;
all colored. 1,100 sold at 11 he and Me
at 11 11-16e; balane• unsold.
Cast Buffalo Cattle
Cattle -Prime steers. 86.16 to 88.34;
shipping, 47.76 to $t; butchers, 87 to
91.35; mows, 43.75 to 67.10; bull., 84.76
to 47.75; heifers. 84.40 to 38; stook
heifers. 86.50 to 84.14; seekers and
feeders. 84.00 to 37.75; fresh raw* Yd
springers steady. 821 to 886.
Veale -$4 to 311.
Mos.- Heavy, mixed, yorkors said
Mm. $6.96 to 19. rowghe. 87 76 to 37 Oe;
Mei, 44 50 to 4725; dairies, 64.76 to
Sheep and lambs -iambs, 64.10 to
67 to, yearlings. 14 to 44.76; weak'se.
44 75 to 84.36. wee. p1 to 8610; sheep.
edited. 65.60 to
CAl•tpe Live beck
Cattle- - Beeves, 67.10 M 00.36, Tetra
steers. 44.71 to 17.70; 4Metere nal
?•dere 41.50 to 67.6,1; Mire sed
halter, 62.ae to 17.06; Mem. 4711 to
/logs-- i 1pht, gs.lo to le 76. aNzed,
40.eg to 84 71, heavy, 66.11 to 11.4716;
reap. 41 11 t. 41.14; Mit. 44.0e to
IRM; belt of sates. $11,00 to 111.70
*web -Native. OA le fig; year -
tlrl♦� is Stalk Irak 4414
TervaaWA T. Met lit iiia 7
Classic Shoes
We have never displayed a finer line
of Women's Classic footwear than we
are showing right now.
New patterns, new models and a
large variety of leathers. Light and
medium weight boots made from the
softest skins and the most flexible sole
We will welcome the opportunity of
showing you what daintiness and
comfort in footwear means.
Downing $' MacVicar
To New Subscribers GrCatn 1 Din
The Signal for the balance of thelyear for only 50c
,4 i4
1 jk'
Tbere is one dry yeast
expert in Canada who has
never had a failure, and he bas beau
making yeast for 25 years. He maks*
Are you obtaining the benefit of his skip Dad
experience 7 He gives you a practical Broad
insurance Policy with every box of
that you boy.
There can be no better yeast than White Swan
Yeast Cakes. We do not know of any
quite so good.
White Swan Spice 1 Caul, Ltd.
to gellY OM. MO
Hers. ammo
eieeise ate-
c !•w
t>•K ey, eW
treatment Deese KRB
��mab► N
MIJ.ter tN elaseu 4
tt t, M
that isagtto�srg Det
veteamed ter It 1 wie
Me bee*. lijeree It to
=zit wilairess. Nut.
Por Salle by Leading Druggists EvK7w