HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-5-29, Page 5AL : GODKRICU. ONTARIO
Tteweet.• Wes s. re. •
poi New 110111064011 flesidengs.
Wm. Matthews gereed hishagesitaid
.• .d his wile
Wows Imam hatallibetit
her are ut Wilkie dellwitams
hem• _e. is the be
Mr. sad Mrs J. W. Deems lett ism
ox▪ idiser wise* theys ad
ose some time keel &OM toe dam Pro -
1 epee promatell .110 1808100. be
teuro" ease.
garters et Ciedgerkih. woe'of bis badly to the comity
Os best
eyes off [easy MunMr. Damao will i him dor
smote"'• in his seer psdt"sa.—Wieg.
W+ Testes• • i
Mr Join M. Mame dqribs d
Menu accempes uo(adet Dssd.y.
▪ be bas see..sd a ISN*th
gm with 'the Ka to gees 1
(11mt'.n y of diet toms.- se traveller.
Dormer their dy in this city Me. sad
aea. Alamo hem boas eased mem.
him Methodist
ao sensed.
Seachthin -eight
y afternoonem young ladd es deed oak els Adams.
measles MM- K-0
syr feaeisr. w■e • b..dssme mor
awe-aworsd edtlmn d the gbie as a
mark of igereasition Mr. Adams
sea also vice-presidmot of Na 8 dub
d this Sunday sihoel and a member
d the church eboie.—London Free
' Puts•• u
Mr. Sallows at Ottawa.
R. tt. Bellows. portrait and lead -
mope photographer, was is Ottawa
yet .reek in ooefeiunee with W. D.
Soon, cupsei.ts.iant of the restart.
w ent of Immigration tor Canada. in
regard to photograph" wbicb the De-
parisera t wishes Mr. S Awa tosecwe
tor r in publicity a RIF
aft .1 • be interview Mr. S llowe leaves
as Friday co a six weeks' goer of the
Prune Pr -winces is emerges d the
materiel required by the immigration
aithurties.' While away last week
Nt. Mallows also was in Montreal coo -
eating with H. R. Obe itoo. of the
adverus:iog department of :be G. T.
R. regarding a atme
ilar overset for
work to be filed is the .Heir fitter*.
The Signal hope.' to give to its readers
some impressions d the Westarn
country as viewed be Mr. Mallows
during his trip across the pesiriea
• west Huron Teacher'.
A meeting of the etrcutive con -
wore of the West Huroe Teachers"
A,so:tetioa was bead in the ('oilewiade
hasteute bare on Saturday, May b
'!herr were present leis. Consitt, of
Hensen, president ; W. H. Johnston.
of Lippe.. sectary ; W. B. Weideo-
ham.+er. B. A . of Exeter • Miss I. R.
Sbsrtuan. Impactor Toar..11. R. Long
and A. M. Robertson. d Ooderieh. It
war decided to hold the .ext meeting
at Lieter a.d to. request the Educe-
„ tion I)epertsse.t to wend Dr. 8. A.
Mogan. of Hamilton Normal School.
to address tbe teachers on the Montes -
sad sfatosm anti other subjects pend to
give the evening lecture. Arrange-
ments were mode for a full and inter-
estiog program, of subjects for the
cat%wouos. A moieties was paused
to re u. It the county ooancfl to ask
the Ontario Department d Agri-
', culture to appoint a eossety rep-
resentative in 'agriculture for Fl woes.
T. M. altar. the shone Ilene
T. M. Davie bee bought tie sits.e
hers se [!este istreet sad Merz that
eMsps aei Meaty by Oe tt .
ottttasa etre d P. k T. M. Davis
bet week. AAA the moss bars e.d
the "red barn" will .ow be iadsded in
AM. T. M. Davie' limey property, the
care being as he stdere is 11 ►e MOWS
bars. This is a splendid property. and
'Tum- is to be cosgratulated upon
securing it.
Senator Donnelly.
J. J. Densyly, ]l. P. toe bough
Bevea whose agimistlesest le the
!coats bes jars hese assommeed. has a
somber d relatives I. AMAMI. Mea
Thos. tiarvsy is a sister and Mea Mor-
gan Deltas. and Mea Michael Goobers
are cousins d the mew Senator. Mr.
Donnelly was elected to the House of
Cnmmor os term oeesaioss. Sb.
opesieg el the riding wiU being about
an in acontest. as South Hexa
i* good iia[ groped.
The lea phwlentery EsWmtse.
Some of the Reese is tea supplemen-
tary estimate.. submitted in the
House of Commons at Ottawa last
week. are as fellow.
Brumels, public building. 1110.000.
Clinton. pablie bundler improve-
ments, $x',500.
Rester. peblk building. IMAGO.
Wingbam. public building improve -
menu. IM 500.
Goderich, harbor improvement. fur-
ther amount required. WOW
K i.cardipe, repairs to pier, $5,00(1.
Kincardine. breakwater, =SAWA
O. W. S. investigation.
The investigation into the affairs of
the Ontario West. Shore Railway be-
fore the Provincial Railway Boards
announced to eomsenoe at Toronto
0o Friday of this week ; but it is cot
expected that •aythisg of importance
will be dose at Iiia sitting. Th.
Board bas not yet decided just bow
the investigation is to be cum: meted.
and an adjournment will be reads to
some later date. When the Mee:atiga-
tioe is actually commenced tbe ea-
ting* may be held in Goderiob.
(iett- Marsden.
• The 1M Ir Provisos of Vancouver,
B. C . ,m Tuesday. May Leto, raters in
tbet,vlowisg teams to the mat riage
lel a young roan well kwws to Gode-
richr. There was a large Ittathertng,
at et Augustine'• church. Eberne.
this murraiae at 11 o'clock, o• ohs oc-
casion of the marriage of M is. Dorothy
Marsden. daughter of Mrs. Henry
Marsden. to Mr. J nen Gait. nt Spo-
kes,. r,... of Mr. and Mts. Join Galt.,
d tioderbh. Oat. The church was
the chancel he -
I10& 14th white Mika. yellow
shame dairies
was as e seal The wed -
ea, condsr etedb MeesedWirv. Koprettne J.
M. iTArrv. aaler d by Rev. W. H.
Barter.b tI. al KertMgale. Mefcre tee
badge-•t.tervd Mise (:art -Brow. -(:ave,
L 1Lc•.11.. A. B.C.M., pie ye** "Ro-
meo.- by $ bila airs. ewd Ballad fines
Tasha The Lobreepin Delia March'
smarted the . sees of the bridal
Party aha &sant the ceremony tabs
We=•Iletratinis.'" tip Reif. the
mis11 ,g meeeh being
tesd as a vesaR e.aa- TM thane-
f(aii4 sib. erne beoesbt
marriage by her
gowned is
ereis)e.td with
lace. Her bog
Aswrli and gime
mother, was
sesta liberty
pails and
vel wee lead Is piece with her setil-
eT's 8888811phiesement one mpmsy falls(
10 the end d the veil. Clusters et this
bridal blows) descestad the train and
faetesoa the damped waist. We disr-
riisd a shame! ♦ss,sct el bridal twee
and realer gem sell were as her emir
onaunsia pendent d sapphire end
fa7if M. the d the groom. The
brier was her sisters, the
Mum. Receive eti - If•ttie Marsden.
airhe sass gltwsd Is pais dalm.dil
chigoe over caws) Menseees. wttb
o bi eh they west Uwe ptchis butt. out
(USG& in the meet Medss end
tarried seat beeytMs of pale teak
estAlien. esem•litss. Me.
enema wWi. Visa e.& Ms.
H. iL Ross mead as [seem Peisw-
• the hao .t eireesseyw metrhelda
Oimtk-ia.e. Townsend road —err
•u • how istim.tw Meade."bang met Itis 161somare.
of New memies.se. iota Me redo•
received is • bund sem f&tril d Mark
doe tore" ebb se latam he lemegne
was served hes • tabletLseded M
nerele lads flim ith•and ddwhair feweee. with their vivid easologrd
Empire Day at Victoria School.
Empire Day wee fittingly celebrated
last Friday at Victoria, school. A new
feature ,f the day's proceedings was
the introduction of a parents day:
giving the fathers and mothers as op-
portunity to wrtnees for themselves
the ptogrese of their children in scbooL
From noon until reo.ms the regular
teaching work was taken np in the
peeseooe of near[ arse bared inter-
ested pareote aad
othess. Afterwards
a program was rendered consisting d
patriotic music.l numbers and reata-
tioss by the pupils and addresses by
Rev. Dr. Turnbull..4 Toronto. Rev.
Alfred Brown, Rev. Get. E. Roes, Rev.
J. B. Fatbenngham •nd Her. Jos.
The Hol.day.
Victoria Day wait. 'observed quietly
in Goderich on Saturday by those
who stayed at borne. Practically the
clay west d Iatefiest is sawn wait •'
baseball astcb in the morsiag at Ag -
denim -rid Peek. where the Iroquois
club and the •Twin Blocks' dashed
for the first time this seaeoo. The re-
sult wu a seta foe the latter team by
the score of 7-4. Quite a number
west boati.g in the afternoon. while
still mon enjoyed themselves at the
gebtte ate of angling. Not • few west
Lo Bayfield . for an ouutsg ; others
went to (,Tinton to see Hymen's base
ball team of London pertotw, while a
f 0000dd ...representation was present from
liosleri -h at the Mitchell bores renes.
Such was the way in whirls Goderich
citizens observed Victoria Day.
What will they do on dominion Day?
The Gastral School Entertainment
e Victoria Day ester taio meet
I(in e•y Central school on Moodily
evening was a !splendid =meets. The
Opera douse was will filled with an
apgrectative audieoce, sod the boys
atilt gills. as well as the older ones on
Use pt ogri.n, all performed their parts
in admit able manner. The drills and
virerei.es, includ,ng the May -pole
dant*, erre well staged scd were
executed with a pi ecesio. that
Meowed careful uaising. The char.
wpm wee e rierlie d. and there
were several pretty tableaux. The
story of Pandora's Boz was clever!
repented by a Dumber of the c6
dere, with Maxine Burdette as Pao -
gime. )lelvilk McIrevio as Epimethetsa
and Jean Hunter as Hope. Mies Ellie
(alt gave a rna.dolin ado weds& was
enthusiasticallyapplauded. MiesElda
trodden recited -*The Famine." from
Hiawatha. with dramatic abet. and
Miss B. Pridbam. whom tarot as an
elocutio.ist baa trade her a great fav-
orite with (3oder•scb . aadieaom. gave
"The Last Portage" and es en encore
. amber •-Sperylly Jim." A violin
sae by Mies terser Seeger was beauti-
fully rendered. said the talented yoeng
bogy wee !cawed to respond to a raptar-
Aee reran. Mr. rewire .Batt in splen-
did voice "Hail. Ki•et0eor'g•.- and for
an encore number sant "Absent" wide
readiest expansion. The muiml
porticos d the atabrrtaiame.t was
seder the dirsetaem ed lir. Hester. and
several you're ladies nentelhatd paean
. ashes* at immesh is the program.
At the ooeelesbee of the Program Mie
sklmi.Rs played the seessermiseest
tor the Netiowaa Anthem. Wise seer-
s. P, .1p.l of O.dzsI embed. end
her aa.isgeets dater's hearty ems)mmer
dation ter Mair seats to srMsestiss
for the entertaiem.st Med ewReatala-
tlees epee ke moms.
Mer. alloaisrt'. Orchids.
Misch ettestiensad egmlratdos were
Meas to a 1.e dapiay d eeeb & is o.
C. Whitely'. stew tsteMe► a few days
stars OM. Ole g#sr.irtasm
of eamer sbryert. and ae the Meek,
peat smm cod ed be; sesta d
soder., .i Mr. tit...rt W '
and sew has e- p
Mem at his gr,emehens.a
De. A1.. tiretbies Measre .
De. J. Alen il.tehiar.. d Manbsa .
[raises" d Med glib' see -
t. tubs ry Nreol mm r W,
was Aimed a baser d the Am.rlose
Mssietime et the sties.[
bid at Wsei gees. D. C.
This boner is ewfs TS4 ups very few
Dr. Horse's
Indian Root PI11e
are sets sew sad.[ aQle
ear gellellathers hammollorll Mo.
tbsyw.rees .[tee is eresety obey ries
or paged made in the Goods 1 flat
d. see ore die esee=ipertisiss.
niseds of bee= ler
ais.' .. , Bacesersa.Riwm an=
and Welary sad Liver Ttombi.a Te.
[hay are jest as discuss. bet se
as ever, sad soden better
hese yet been devised le
Case Cosmos Ilia
Made Io Smart
Styles, Suitable
For Every Outdoor
PRESit-O-LITE.k Salo Exehaa``
iita.le°°i<teetd 1ne. . = airs"
Huron Gasoline Engine and Machinery Co.
IiODBIiICH, ONT. Pauses ale*
Singer Stote,
One of the /fewest Novelties
i. Neckwear. • lioen colored
osier embroidered In Bulgarian
.hams, •per as cohabit's.
Them an oleo be had stamped
els white aposjes [dote.
Beery one is admiring the
Ostltbiea embroidered with beans.
We bore this Maw atwpd w
Ars somata. a1M oa6ioos sad
casual tor the bead work and
Arw shipesest of Crepe
Msrgsi..tte, (]ceded Linen,
plgre Pus.b sprk Linen and
PWow-ease Oettos, lust in.
Roses made d braid for ('rsb-
inn. end Osage. in pretty
shades. sow bare.
New dyke*Atamped Waists,
to be 'embroidered in white or
A nice lot of Beauty Pins. Bar
Pine sad Belt Buckles, marked
very low fee quick yelling. Also
a few gets d Omaha.
A new assortment of Jabots,
Bows and Roses to choose from.
We have the wills pleated frill-
ing which is used so touch io very
pretty styles.
A full visa d all Stamped
Goods, including tbe following :
Stamped Night Gowns, Baby
Rlimeso Coats. -Boudoir Cape,
Lacing Pi. C usiloos, Centres,
Pillow Oases, Towels. etc..
The Singer Store
Next Belli Teiepbooe Central•
NaPiable. 011188 sreleeeion in (7sanda,
aged es Dr. attttbtsoo is a Osi ie deb
mold we the distinction is one in
which our wwespeople will take a
pleasant interest.
Cadet. Make Good Showing.
The annual inspection of the G. C. 1.
cadets took place at Agricultural
Best Scranton Hard
Coal—all sizes.
Cannel Coal for open
grates—the highest
quality of Coal that
can be bought for
the purpose.
Empire Domestic
Lump Coal — most
satisfactory Soft Coal
for ranges, box stoves
and fireplaces.
Standard Chestnut
and Furnace. Coke.
All kinds of Hard-
wood and Kindling.
Peter MacEwan Estate
Telephone Be
blimeded Ow Camas ed parch end esM Inde•
rem ell ships a a isennery Mina 1%.
ashe eras areal from • MOM
"wait Matewbog ewer
b M s ranee'" :`dam "Ms and
dprg.'tt ifd t mraatespr
Abe. Male Web *sunk
*emu. the bade reset wisom at d .' MOW MRt. risime
rimurbiriL".. ;.., " .r pure *WI ft
Malr:Ett_tiM belaitlE5.—..T1e—e est seabeds ins
he medal wMay nein ams. dap
—. slid .. s a Web
E:" es
M amentries a to f their settee e
Tickets $L50 -Round Trip
Goderich to Detroit
And Return
Will kave GODERICH at 9:30 a.. (CaaaJla Time)
Tuesday, June 10th
Wednesday and Thursday a.m. in
Returning, leave Detroit Thursday, )eine
121h, at 1 p. m. (Detroit lime)
Friday, June I3 -Last Trip to Detroit
Leave Goderich for Detroit at 8:3o a. me (Canada Time)
Fare, one way with bade, $1.00. Children half rate
Band l'loonlight Excursion 25c
Mto.day, June 9, 830 p. m.
White . Star Lie E. Ellcur.Iau Agent
. r.' :'.•375A»
Total bids (tMr) - MINX
Save Tine Wei You
ire Busy
by carrying on your
banking by mail. Just mail us your deposits, or
your cheques when you want to withdraw money.
We give special attention to business handled
in this way, and will be glad to have you make
use of our service.
J. G. GEDDES, Manager Goderich Branch.
Park o. W edneeday at-er,ona.'sate, Geo. Case a.d Harvey Hauser ;
Forty-eight ut IM boys turned out tae section commanders, Cockburn Hays.
the event and were recipients of the Unsworth Jones. D. Phillips end H.
warmest praise for tbeirshowing from Meade'. -During the past year Capt.
Ib. inapeetnr, Major )!.(Crimson, of H. C. Dunlop baa proved to be a very
London. The offices s of the "quad efficient inetructor.
are: Captain, Edger Swart s: liewten. -
NY\T f•• -+TOYV1CY
We bast- ,.Mird
Fish i ng Tack l e
to our stock of Wall Pi. per.
Paints, Oils. Varnishes and
Turpentine'. Your patronage
Tit Ma ila * Saskatcbewas
std Alberts
Each Tuesday until October lee
inclusive, vial Chicago or hernia
WINNIPEt, and Reuro.. g3%dal
EDMONTO1 and Returu..343.00
Proportionate tow rates to (Aber
points: Return limit two montes.
Through Pullman Tourist Sleeping
Care are operated to Winnipeg
without change via Chicago and
St. Peal. leaving Trireme i r o0
p. m. ea above dates.
Tickets are al,.' on sole ria Sar-
nia and No:there Navigation
F F. La-renc. & Bows. Torn PAS
a.wa r sed T.caet agents 'Pl.0..e 8.
Contain u. ceuturics afro was way-
laid by two Chinese coolie These
asio store of the Laundry 1r unt had
beard of Confucius' phii„suto,y, but
without understanding.
They stopped Confucius with raised
club., saying "Our minds are :ike oar
tortanes—small. \%e do out under-
stand you. Tell us bow to live. Be
brief or are will slay you. We can
only remember as much as you ran
tell in a tpoment, eo stand on one foot
and telt us quick!y whit we erne todo.”
Confucius stood on on. fart and said
"What you would like others to do to
you do to tbem.-
This is the Rotates cul -- c !n t ut des old.
Time bas proved its u-uth and its
greaUtese. It will live Tong after this
town has had a frost page w r te-up in
the annals of history.
The golden rule is the keynote of our
jewellery business. We iodize that
everyone wen enters our store, no mat-
ter whether he I urchases or not es en-
titled to the save courteous treat-
ment we wosM
expee t if we
went .boppi.R•
We be vet j.dt
„proud up .t NOW
ihipmentof bigh-
c1ess watches,
rirrg'i% bags, caber -
ware, eut glass
end novelties that
will g ve you two
s.urpri..es. P1 re
the high quality --
second the values
weoffer you. Just
the assortment to
choose that gift
i from Support,
you drop in soon
1t will pry you
Sell:r;1 Agent f. r
r,uth Ber,d Watches
Goderich - - Ontario.
Dear Amy :--
Don't you know there are lots of
people who would not like their houses
Lobe lifted up so that everybody could
see the kind of furniture and rugs they
You and I wouldn't mind, would we?
Aren't cur husbands good to us to give
us just whatever we want to beautify our
homes with? No wonder we are happy 1
But I've always practised economy in
buying things fcr the home. I've bought
the best, it 1s true, but that is the
Sc long,
P.S.—You get the best furniture, and at
reasonable prices, from
George F. Hohmeicr
0001121a1 - ONTARIO