HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-5-29, Page 3SON
t st aoior's, neat designs
$2.2o. Special 75c.
8 inches wide
i'ee from any filling.
eapNarate Skirts
amber at this esssods tent rat -let,
am SIs of sae at t eserinMI MGMe
trtain Bargains
Lop Ouna ble, Se paced. loam, :r.
unabated .dies. saran or moven-
Regular prior was SLAB. Ciearcng
aim of newest deoyeem, Si yaa•d*
ride, in white only. Regular $115(,,
ers in Several Excellent
imports/ Squares, Wilton. Velvet
daft oonets's. Spacial
PAW A feat z 12 feet Moo
114.00 10i fast z 12 feet In M.
: aTe NAT all ]laid a
INOMILAilit 1M Ex/t TNalaii.�•T
MUaamm b'm ah tad as ow a daaeg
Ona tae f ed M twtiept-dame
Omfamarrs ON Mr. insists
Speed" id T.... .ii
1 w •Rt a wale Aasierties Their Laren.
u1LP 0■
e meet alwieliie whet pots
dune than ands d the tK.;
ami in the swatAgfa& yew asp t c da
ff ohe.ia at.K.
has eatintainayen ptlltraantzr
dunIop the Tailpi
West St.. Godericb
1300 KB! NDLN,
booms or repairs&
v , :1 TZEil as BATHER GOMIS
1'1 7.'6.7.7i
urn • ^ 6YrAoed< r to Ire
e E TAYLOR. essorra0.D
os. w. F. 6iAIJOw. lL B.
airs f.
Wria Tablessaa
im trartckms.elt noes
ma OMNI'. ret_" afar. %seamed ibeeet
Wen sad liensala ens
fir . E�uey- (lama a IL Weenies,
atrattord. ennuis Kmw MEWL BMA k
011..0 ttree.aa.. T eea e.a TLisehwa
L- DF'oIJT. SATS £ Ry.ILl .
=u t �>taemwa ens
• lbw •.
u, !serf at feast eters Vit_
tea. k .r dr•Ssmne.o�w
peel'nF r''! 1. L. t C.
CAYEttOlri. 1C C.. sidaa ease B -
TLB. etmr. staiw mamatiaees-
eweet. Q.f.Aeia Asa ase bask
(Ti.AS. t1.LN.2LL.B..OW. LR.. BAIL.
!dank. exam. marisn eta... ode
del. Missy ss ben! nit Wawa rues..
O. N1. 2awns
i.rlsaeeuattmmt. osinenness.
lea K.. override.if teetr,.� sash
u est at Senn esters will ea at
weed w. krmats- tee items
IllSriWCd:. LOAM £TC.
meaer w°an ere now being
you what fisc Footwear wr
owing you the pcpulrr whit.
Pump. sad Oxfords. patent
St. and Square
Ser hour
t will cost you to run a De -
can be operated as safely
t that has done service five
lass running shape.
iidsome Vapor Range has
', of Coal Oil (wick) Lamp
are Co., Ltd.
I. j2was
_a sm1'"reffi
Maintain 1,110011111
ALT1tR R. aiLLT , J . P..
ltlel'ltR W xawstaat i.ltlil 5111.
Gare► fly t< -lied imbed al
d mmemws se pLma war
suers is an suds at .-elf es es-
ammr peicise is soder to wet rid d its
ries 'seems, the O.ssowssesi sheen
iteaaider-i fie it muses hex re -
`es dawn iso is snot M hares • Ise
as it man the sass ineearaieg Bret d
lld.a was tis aawmmest promoted to
Postrw+ar as flay ala. by lir. A. I[.
inane the !hosta amend for fiat-
u.awdass ate nam e
m[. amts ti. Badw-
lass mese.j Be- !feand
ads that
Its=It was eippediamt Met
wunain, bosses ia Bea. Is
8isitas -en Pahis
Wane was ieiMliwt le; ha - SOL-
; for the maie n year it was r
ioss 101.11110111 -mere thew
i fest yea. la the hires D.-
petamea tube eatiaaad this year awe
iH.JMd110- cis imeme r s[
Yet is Mil fns ntamw
V sofai.i.ad tie aaiearas as •
Asst tient May Per !rima Ursa eri-
dem s d !ream ezuwwagamaa.
LNeprte K ~Om Let vase d Site
�+ and a pr.b.W st dor the
naming year d psi VP tet
nweerwmest drawtod as dep et easy
_sees. gramm = tamaiea. Tawas
wap. sea fns !Tommie est bead
bad anoad aura anon.
owestien d SW or Olt /s sena; mew
then Awatsseent maim' that es bad
mss sed it to assert its pee bad.
"No Ao,eesmisc is jgrfi.d is tak-
ing from (imputing sooretatoafisirUwe
a needed to property os.dset the
affairs at the country. iC i
time door to uopr•arltatJq as�iry
corrupt expenditure.' raid �r Nae -
COW of Food always Grwwiag.
The uscre ad oast. at beteg was a
smite ne thickessatent ethe all
n alma. The cry
ear bad at minas nano the roach d
the osdtmary esessase daaan mil oar'
idswtiva. "1t is ams May as acids,
tore to remota impedidrso-a eeaetima
the pampa .. joyism the erns of Me
carts waw lar sr we cox.
Fr ua Parliaaemtery report e. Sr.
Maritsa showed d i.ai.•a. ra in
viventyailibt , f tie primary secrete -
Mirka ter part liftmen
para. A.nimais sad means in 1W1_ had
eaoiwsae b per seat. ase MC: dairy
Smelted 77 pin est. over
7: Ser. 71.8 pee erect. veer 1217
other loadande is Mit .wet d per
MOIL. mw tins is 1r7. These weer
s beinnie eases end the detail pricer
fad immosed ems same..
Mees Pappa MT- Deeming.
lhaammilaa mtreeemwad by the
leve list Consists p mnemes Sam
bsemaem t mew serf warm ewes, the
bus an any • pain!s hada;
Stews teen 17.7 pm ort. is Mei 10
24 pie Deet. s M11, which mom a
maimed isarame d oesameau watt
a a+arsem itimease mt pods -. item .
mesa samba los...s ie .met at
lead wry wean and consaisey eves
minims did oat hep moo. with dim
meet thee dims was aa iesaelietiy
lees pari diem auras lama to line
brapmimel. This alma escialegimi
prune= nib is boas men anew'
the msaetbisn st do ilsosesnest
"Pideeet t ilea in thins Inst
amt he anodised r taliw meow is
glow at dhesmmsmemeb sharp commit
fir 0..ameat it .r d}g
sora greet end .id as they !�'wI
ow," ..ii lie. Yaedess.
Lands.!. Deplore E>Amasiasrs.
"We d as Liberal party." he cal -
chided, "deplese f6r apt awl maw
citable Meer i the azamidw
sad partinialp
sissassive a oma nem sestinsosi i
as maw mad sa nim fimitsev eeele-
-d Misled naivar -
rw on are e[ rim .phi- that, •
g en many dia wYsh they
Woe soneas
um= is e mese fume will he apmdlabG
end espeodtazive to the ewnstey. sod
mrartekes saw* Menem the Aur-
e e to ■ii.n:roriiea
NI. may /e/4rdna is new 4 tie
lisessies an anis-
assesntry .--- • maimiss
he is.
matt mmktr
et In n
die d dr Beer 1 ens swam repel
data ms ebb swims d riaswmmet end
w fir eeaoies of do del ---.e mf
be0na opts& by Bois ate.
Wiffsthaw alas a• isdiseinewd.sy
mibettlid teiedies d the tesses
eery kiwis 4 Menmtlre to ahs p
if tide l
1iYl;ti PARLOR
BEUFgIDI L>r�allOr.
Ida. r.�pb•emutuoaets�i s , r
rwaw s'e t�msd seed'
-' �"�esneins.
Inn gunk one Persessient aareagth
Ir Pio nes tem aro s skid wt.
yme am ash analo ff. hes% leeWag
Salt Use...r
S/mw fig .-sets-Mssiauis
ea le hent /re pray psi(W"isomfu Ye abeam aware milefaesam
ta▪ a.elt
68.1imisaik, Oat. Ledo* IL IL
mrlo■ r
phis wane adiman
eirosawaie pa -
ha sonnies is
acijout ideals d
senswa, an .tis
imaswis d
Was fetish ham bow papasmfad by
the I �adaL a +eswt sense 4
Afiit•gM Tubt
ties sheet• tde& at lrsseas ne
- It dist the Ulan dm -
pI at did
ter assess. Nr.
did set en his •saienee tike.
Is um re faits tigmmaws whish
at the sionewan Impatial
did oat them dal the Lien
Oamwesams W mess Remiss
talmmse to ties aid of dm ritsyim Is
shun!& Addax mai that Mr. 8ert.mma
h ad mein tie reemieCiasalliasNetisem
albs petty owed its mime to the .i j
fes wi.ma, remains is the asmaties d
as a/setiww ally ear the Cosserwtatime.
Bs did on ray that it eras the Laurier
nswaesnt wince pee mead the aes-
einem ash Maack. lallt whish set
bah tifmad .'• defuse-- t.. (
eaitisks ism maple shies is Immaima
sansei Moiety s, peopseed the Newel Sw-
e avies As at WM and pame/abl to
mew bent with a /cwiiaa et train
nag amiss, a meal osiers tad .alar
beets, sad was assay" as layer the
imai siaa Ie a (tome assii tie
lin& may whoa the DewaneMemem ars to power.
Oisea OataiM- SU. the Bedlam
eseesemt w. di,eaatwwed Cana -
den meal sartries ed t +met t atli.ne".rc�..i�S.s
ahesib ma des *mli and "itaia-
hoer that day aso moo Anis! . stemma uit ties brass ow
went d firs mad emir. at Bantam,
.dosed to dal with the tasdsew for
!shear tea sewird ships in Canada,
sad tae named the Naval Service Alt
al aminy
dish. (Government did Dot ad-
gmaia its loyalty by distributing toy
Cr Jacks at political emeu•ge : si
pa.ewd it by action. The Borden
a.weestsed'bar stopped all Oaniedian
oared psogreat4 sad proposes to re-
place k wets a gift of S7G.606.009 to
for rising omen is the world.
fedi. bylde.•deotric service has braes
emae.id fame >ifafast.h into Lire vil-
le.ary�. a wed -known reti-
das of klree..els, lied on Tburciay
ressae.g.dSera week. He war in his
ssmoty-iiia year.
Kew. 4. C.' J. Mass, who bah born
_p_ertafrsts the Lesbtran 1:Lureir at
7.mish fpr Mimi yam.. has i too -pt. d
a ams to Pliad-tlpaei- Pa
D. M. Mei a flormer Morris tan-
dem, has saw pe+raad to the pun-
ts* of mromser or tide Hoietnataa
piano buteiossat B.imestes. Alia.
The bra of Leer k 12ioa. beersl
nowetl.maa. en Wisj*.sa. W bels d se-
wed and thm arils_ soil he carried
an undo' fix awes at Jobe Bei r
iP ` s depends r sasses Cald tick.
thegoltatt eptwdwoot dteriff of T.
i• am ing. an sit amnion * d
die .lad lined Mao& tea t ailp.
j pits. W. Jnmieess. a pima. sof 9u -
para Iow■tiipe pawed assay on May
Muth ash the hoer d dtartiseshta, Mrs
Jahn 21teylar. Anse red inec shed the
ripe sin arm 01 ainaritls.. yarns.
A Cam Oar Al
Wiisa Oman_ wadsmMf shits. m. alma
lm..i`sip the Md.et tttlllr. ser die.
Domodam s, • -. sear
Smnottaos 1. w mn 1�i shies
nos. Berm bed set
dun ie ibein
ie flair
Takes Deviggistisaitce
if metpwo- _a Maw tS.
etamare tkIarabrasa
who iris it war lir amender
day Is the bib and • Is t►
M Ideas tisa mostly thee aW. heed
)r1aellrmit a. t11r.ti :katt gT. elite: "T rdI mdse a Vgettebnibrla. laett luny 1 W
.lir ma ..s sewers ties e4. sad
al/ til♦` ilassibt I swarf sat wawa
!sass M. That I was addled l/ t+V
ati Tr* want I rL
=liglitwwdotnd ranee lb men
w yd »mac I fem wawa to web*
sopellai,serf 1 ma as nom as
seer I was I mars all war haw
fspbnlm aerie endaka. ee aft an
irby V_"
>< i the amaltret action d the
aaidaal castle damsel of as
meati itw.r. name the crams alt,
ailed b the bIss# ak1ag aid
ebuntihenstang at leafs
les that triads Tine edam&
!•meshes we prsst.. Mast
is de Iwai sawhat we w - •.
p w bed peer awry it it doss set-
etH. C. Da.isp. 1 or sal tinder, . b.
New Wash Goods for Sommer Dresses
Ratines are the popular novelty for Summer Dresses •
this season. We are showing them in ail the new
colors in plain anti tancy designs from 25c to 40c a yard
This will be a Big Write Season
haste at Buri as astorday e��att�
Nay 17th. Tie demi.-ad aim i• fie
wr.•en t v -.•+1r.. d rear sad had twee is
pixie sw.!•a 1.e were ti we. Ha sole
Wire in Y•.rtsttire, Sues , sod Male
10 Caaeada wi h hi. p. r. no, wiles
.wriest *etre ..r•.• .:i4. Be I, red in
Hulirt•t .. i I...•r tavern. tlit.. belanr
g•eng t•. F..ti.•1 try mein- it r c -.•itis
yra•+«fio 11 . w-iidow inn K faaerly
..1 dvr .u• .,n3 •.res daelgb .• sur viva.
Death of Whine TO/Ashy.
WillniniTIplsde, a well-tr.•,wc real -
tient of (]Gseu'w t.e.•ality, ..i-wereef the
Meal raimarlNo" t aw4v. May 1frab
He era In his .iey-•irth rear and
urs a re stir. of Y•te.sdeiire. E.rl.nd.
He roan is Comad■ is vim u..4 ...tiled
at WIlik hr. Tw•.-sty'year. later he
caws. e.. H urn • i .rate to aa.i w .fled a n
t b• B ,.. F,,.... h rt lima ft.fx. meth of
�73n•... T*•rr« Mr. tli'•ladr vwsMed
until t..,TV ,. a •••. w••..n
to a 1 n' -. 1.i ..- Tr wide 1. i. date,: htrr.
A fan. shy ..1 for--n.vivHF Ilrw, iipp
Lie y µe rr..4 a a If lire peers age.
To et.,.o.. 'be retain of "•indigeotea
.rt4. flue Fe•.s; r44w4e0t.•ie iu !be liver
and +rase,. ru . i war is It ins i1 'wens will
imD+3r v•, ., h a1t.1.. The tet eyetele
r•ireint r i- FIG PILLS. At all
Afs,t.• • ....its re t be rig Pitt
Co.. `�. 1 h r,Ont. Sold in Gode-
, rich I T E K Wigle. Druggist.
Na. 111. lteJri...a. d Drw.rela, aD-
seemaw the rstw-...._tof her
deiGertrude, W
L . Zsbat on, at Col-
. aurtimae will takc
piece ` Tl
on June Usk.
word hoe been tgesiwed of the
degahash Vancosver. B. t1.. at Mrs. W.
Slaergra a leer wesise.ern reui-
dmitniaamfa a T'he dere oto Me -
head was paiseip 1 of CHOWS! pollee 1
school until Sire years ago.
L C. Mouth. B. A.. principal of i
Winks= Isiah adiool. has accepted
dda pritimw• d peieipal of ties Vat- i
=ianitaite at ingenue& flim
MEW b! RUN pet year. el. A.
htsttlad.esi eadoe-ties >. maw= asester at �
are to Denville to a answer paddy t.
neem aoew.rt Mashes-, err eras
awned aro dad is these mans hot
task. is mfr is the load d fir silos.
Se sass at new. W. W. Asiana
was ..stand with that of the Meet,
montiessI aisirsew -b ne w arim-
Ube. saw. W. W. Alaimo. fieri at
enaiaew. Beat.. awed sixty -he
Oa Wednesday msosimg d last
wart Wallis Animas as aid sod
wliiamws sheat d the Sae Ilse at
li_e de. wema.tlmaawapadesanioses
wielding saws a yes stens_MO-
Oat d the freest. td. h sew
is bit siserelabeb yew. Hie ass& h
anes0sues Rdoer• 0
widow. lmuss sod
Lane !esti, the Inde mti.arnid
waw at W. J. S..ti. et Meares. was
anis shy arisen wane hamawwtea
with • yowls tame so .a aoighbse'm
Mees. no beeves man away am/ the
chasm was thaws eft him Uri - to
Ms les.w.ete. Zi. W woe
sear lbw- ides he pts era Itis
ff j_he were a r'araa in error as is-
tjoist imeYwr sad &beers• iah.aP.
Arabes lama" as des 7th eaeu-
dog woo siemeind w Walms=m'..
n ltti, whoa Kis Arras sees
d. glator at Mea iL te[imnw. woo
jetted is wells k with hie- L Arm-
Mtw& d d.. maw ammelip. iev
O . IL Mass el Aawl.w. lamer Pm .
tar d far rads at 'ski ism i. i
esteem el the aasaamnslag .a.Wa. Nt.
an im. Assess ham mnmaamesd
horse kaspas es drab amsunalas
es. R. lee tate
sassess hes met been mad ts holds air
iel.Ieell to at Oi.. 0. r asst. la.
Indy 0. Vim Mee" amen
Imply the per to him
soy 1. y r Lail.
it hie hese amsesssd Islsi • ism-
�ie dr.ee T.
P. IL C.
mongolls lie _ w w
bins an malmel _d
assessa w
fiswes eslo ���
tar lime* el Oomi If lir. Pow.
Mull 1aa� beim �!.I1 Bea
Hd the
m episateeeirty to me
seine e.haw pima d
dee oil Wadi a m asset
aulsj, • A lkmiadtigii d! tad
a Mad cambia eseeh fined. Taw
t a k e tit e "Royal Edward " at
Montreal on jolly 35 for iniad
Thos. Cook k has Ri'1 take theme
oldie perry at dries.! and w iii !tom
Owe rick to teat mint
Rovers' Travel Club Tour
Yak in Loudest Mdse ancient Tower,
0, Abbey, Houses . f Parlament,
fammw- ad ka..rs made famous b.
Dudes sod Tlearkera.. Paris vitt
Lae sib sal jay l,',uleva-d, and
l7esifidli salaam of f-ancr's evrnt-
fid 'pm. The Brach at Ostend. Brus-
edsand its art galleries. Gist and
its great 1913 World's Exposition.
Aassearaardb canals and briidger..
Llmr.ayyTate Hague and the isle of
Moats Quaint old Holland. And
Mind was sae law flak .s I Yr mo•
1dseYif �e.i a:l madras
Per Y tdraatis are. Marne
bran aur ams amnia.: a. C.
iasis Gomm'ala6e�wn or.ear
las ars ia. deers 0.116
White Poplins, Piques and Bedford Cords are very
much in demand and very shortly still be eery scarce on
account of the great demand. We have an exceptionally
choice showing of the popular materials, Queen Quality.
Bedford in narrow and wide cord, extra heavy duality and splendid
washer . special per S and - 2ao
White Piques is best qualities at 20x. 26x. Seo and 4011 per yard
The nine weekend Drew Lreos are unegtt.alted for .mi*g and
sophism. all the leading colors. ezua silk finish 2aa a yard
White Cotton Crepe, very popular for waists, per yard......... tae
Special vales is ladies Head Suiting. the soot suitable material for
Rammer Suits and tiildren's iii We Waists. ladian Belle Suiting.
d1 iodise wide. per yard 20x. beam Quesa Smiting. in niches wide. per
yard Six
Special showing of aedi&% mimes' sad children's Diesels.. Ladies
dyer is all the newest styles isHiegbsas, Pnot',Voilae sod Chambray's'
By far the mot stylish gammas sou have elver had the pleasure to show .
Priem trona 111.60 to 116.00
Kisses' soars Gingham Dasaeta1 al t'ig m..em"e newest Kyles. in
plain and fancy Gingham.. to at sopa 14. 16. 1S and
.60 .76
Children's Dresses in rodleit4vaiietT, from the ordinary plain print
dress to an eriabor.te.ilk.eelbroidered dyers, in every conceivable style
and color, from 60o ups' arch.
Children's Print Rompers l
F a • . well made ... Silo and 50e per pair
McCall Patterns
5335, W aid 5315, Skirt
Price, IS cents each
Choice showing of children'. HP,.dwear in all Use cutest styles in lawn. silk, straw sod lace, some 0t76es
t.o suit rrery chill. Priem fl our 260 upwards.
Just received lull shipment of Kayser guarantied silk Gloves is bleak. white abort, toed -
in m and extra long lengths, from 60o trier pair. every pair guaranteed. P white kid
Wows. all nem DOW in stoee , 111.00 per pear. •
The Leading Children's Store
McCall Patterns and Publkations for June now in Stock
Perrin's Gloves W. B. Corsets Kayser Gloves
56 Millar's Scotch Store rims
Jas. Cumming
Painting, Decorating
and Wall -paper
AD work done promptly and
in .stun ough manner.
Residence -Albert St.
Telepbooe o. ?ice.
late a Deed .t Cadges
as ~Wag d tam wash.
taws Saari)sager, 01wont estb • west a
�mi-ab. ws
sad died
e e.wrdds. 1. aeepe sy
wMb it sed two dame also
re west r is sen mse dint
inns.• tie ,- *__e a oma d
Mess Zee desesel was ova
yaeae d test lima hems
Sema �W r the Mur et
rr dims GIL Mai
ss� !ft CT IMPlUI
miteryleas don seed! 1.
sesames fitarosallIIIIIML Cite d ane obi cam► ai eaalmle
Day � aiaad oraiet lot Doc. 1st)
sneers .rime!. Olowliwi - .. tae a Lwow - i it.
.. r r aims waw ... .r
sent Im
ear betimes Orta ma Sift smweed fes w.aeP•gems•
an C..�* 8 6�rte nese-waw et we sae newt Irt.....i.a a IL lin. !sasses
l+s�vwapooloilllorlmimme .`tdeAa��saesBr tIVT6�aOw4Pa
"Blue" ti'm
..o am .
r area allay yet it onsildy r wt1111111mama .wi vel
IS nip be tint peer Sorer le ore mf arr le week �• •
ape ens- ewer tree bol tieear ande
nbe ae d nod ea wessp
MeMa rWwr sir steal . r
etrionowe *in -need Ie . le
$r. rime, Gate Medical Discovery
sod ffeee 0. wild sift !mm fps ane. meow& Ism asst web
waftPhe mar wham war .waft. S1b [ret h - 01
to msnbsw~.d mashie maw* her tie tamp no and awe sed mob
mom lame Lr h______ r��waft - -
•ee%ad bone W mom of
trait r i Amara
as ` `"'r=
were.. ttams/s Saber,
MAIM Amreeri ate* a IR
Your Boy is Entitled to
a Free
Canadian Farm,
Why worry about the future of your etxis % The Gov-
ernentat at Ottawa is giving away this yetur 10.000 free
homesteads in Western Canada. The Welk of Hese are
located along or sear the Canadian Northers Pathway. the
liar tecogoired in the West as the
Pioneer Farmer's Railway
This title was earned hecau.e the Canadian Nominees
Railway Dever Lacked -courage to build its steel into new
district,.. pilots the railway and all that it stands for.
within ease reach d Ile pioneer.
From now on to the sed d October. Homeseeker•s' Ex-
cursion ticket. to Wester% Omani are on male every noon-
day. Theme inkiness, good to return within two months
free dated shwa, swept tickets maid from May to July,
isderiee, shish any he eztoedd for two swaths
am payment d Pipe Dollars for each mirth or part
timed to eon at denimmtion atmp.over will he per-
mitted at wry Clessiw Northam station west of Port
Arden. Poe ltdm amemembleties of pesetagerwt, a Tourist
Czar dor Wissimog via Clidespo and Delete. ern Mere Tor-
onto Union Maass at 11 P.m. aa' the Mein dates
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