HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-5-29, Page 2._a. w '
sslttetssls ur^asoameht
evausnwo sr -ALT
rag 6111Itiatit/44.1 ` �1ea
...... w .ra....r..
&At am roe u 'Drama.
ret amine yrs assume. >ls •far•
Titt'Wtat g • sume.aehmas
ILA sr. -matt/ u rC.ru.aU,
hast:1s t tv act int on •tower at
ut.aniaus u d coo Lem at r Meet/ a cafe de
pram >. daeaed roti ole
mime • alkturam
err�t�e a
ria the as. sears. Moult 9e 0>eaf+
aim cruses Ower
Lit rail mew madam aovartrsoy^ a elle
Lit tier Dna a...w'tee•t sue •
lam tur
ewer .araesa.ar amarum..
auotaiii : lama twelve !tum ta w ted,
boast arde of au Wm* rad urease. M rw
Aawanmeare t• m Haat. Fouadeur./wd SU -
MOM. tiseu t. 9lumttmr s' .wu. - lip Tor
Meir w to haat deem. to Bra sir u bow,
&MOM* roe bale au- a hast nee
naw Y+ -Grist is urrrtmr, 103
mew oast manmsusin Wadi, lams severable.-
eveerdm.mania u prwparum..
Annpunmmmu u eedtnrre seamier wee ow
mai mw nue t noun' Main Diet 1a..
Ara aafamri nuttnt the °loam m white 1a tits
aawaaary benoitt d ear Udiradtarl w mesad
re aavrcirei sot ped
Mows tar dense./ ata contract aaveirstw•
aids will r dna a wslrmt+rb
Widows silt awed waassi ma w
TIER SeituaL rite nisei ('0.. lamest.
usesrioh. Ont.
�the ashy of Mr, a aawrd le
meg to the Mathis epee
their m.mh-. He tatl the s•esm
ayainet Me. lithos arcane Ms pray
eppae..ts sere him elm dream Me
MOM to elicit dee !seta el the Taylor-
s& the public ao-
SaUliM1L1t7s THC$BUAT. ILA 1' S ldls
N ame tramam►oa
mama...isedttee, hat wee remain the
preedhase of arkieg awinie s semens
or d imm allrtt* na atsswor L t ris.
He eeeetd have failed ie his duty d.
with the information in his poominenp
he had permitted the manor to Mogi
Feuding the regular atheist of it-,
q uo, blocked be toot the only altar'
ssaLeva. Re made specific aoewatutrea.
gad raked for ;:heir r,derwnce to a
judicial coninni i1a- lnteead. the
Government moot the 0e the privi-
lergea and elections eo®oitter•, ome .
posed mainly of its owe 1ultowers-
Like the other committee, the par -
team tribunel strangled ievewteg,atioa.
Not convent with a a'Litawaahins
report. the majority in the Legislature
parted a tote of censure OE Ms. Proud -
foot, the Prime !rime=e r leading the
chorus of denunciation in a bitterly
alma se speech.
Mr. Proutiiaet has Aimee blab cour-
age. He bee tears within, back.. lel
still gales for a judicial inquiry, and
adetw to resign his meat i1 kw charred
are not . proven. Tex the/edit at-
taches Lo the mein 'who refuse this
es it
biers star Longbleed in moving the
aecund Nadine of the naval bill w the
lomat, followed the lead of We . Bor-
den in stating that - i be House of
Qotzmone had a direct mandate from
that 'monk- to pthele bigislatinn."
The noel assurance of finch a state -
went ent et owe bow desperate ie the Gov-
ormotint'e cage. The nary question
w in
woe nut ane at the last elettiosi
except io the Province of Quebec. and
there tiler Wilfrid Laurier's supporters,
edwooatieg a (lanadian nary. elected
more members tbar the C;oneervative-
!eiauuualuet alliance eupporting Mt•
Borden The Government has no
mawdate, and is afraid to submit its
propos«le to the people.
Senator Luugheed pleaded an emer-
gency and "the Germain peril." At
the present jtwt.tnee. when the rola
titled between Germn
Germany and Britai
are being more firmly established on
bans of ocrttldencw and goodwill,
the "�al
ereecy' pies seeress like a
gratuituu. insult to a friendly natiwt.
But if ••ibe (German peril'', were veer
so acute • 'bow futile the proposal W
send Bvcuuu money of *Mob eke' has
no lark and loftier the assiMtavoe of
Canadian brain • and brawn which
aught be of real and effective stehioe 1
The Senator's whole address reads
very much tier an argument forr
. permament policy of contribution.
11 the Goverroment, with the pies
of DM '•emerice1ty.' could secure
the first contribution, ten would
form •a
u! 'precedent for further noD-
tribloom., end Canada -if t he Gov-
ernmeot shoulJ beer its way -would
be in the dhatr.efti molten o lte of paying
tribute for its defence.
idg _ a11pa_e the tem : las dent
a right clot hide Mow sees, either -
Seem hie wise .t rimer_
West Illordea 111/1111 tee.
Ilse Smote wad Mama.
The naval hill mak
dad what wpoor leedea do tines.
thing ine 1 th
H eil ase ender e bars.
To haw wt at har•ea
Aid th
>ist e ammo* Ito hamg-}ear
legume. Dot to the roan who m
Goneerva.ivee cif,., independent iniad
agree that Mr. Proudfuot has not had
fair play. Even deem among them
who apologise fw 111.r. Hanna 1 '
cote the coudoot of the privilege/ tai
elections committee. !melt a aldd
tt injury when' Mr. Proudfoot i}oihie
dewed for his parolee to the midi of
public morality. Liberals in let i to
show their resentment of the treat-
ment accorded him. and their grati-
tude to him for his tinftinahiug per-
formance of doth.
That Vets of C....ura.
Ba.attarel barnt.a.
Mr. Pruudlc."t, M P P , wands high-
er is the osteesa td the people today
-•ceueured' try the Legislature teas
the even whom it w'biti wa.ehed
Far-entpa»d Peep. Approve.
M1u0ar Sams
Among fair-minded people lle-
Proudfo of has gained credit by las`
forming a duty that be owed to the
Province in attempt's/ to cleat up the
feats in the dirty Tay -ow -Haan. mesa
Edward Norman Lewis' chicken, are
coming home to roust. ID hie election
campaigns be has always endeavored
Wale political capital of the sums
spent by the Government io the rid-
ing. although these appropriations
avert made by a Literal Government.
The Laurier Government was big
enough to deal fairly, even generous/Y.
with this riding, in spite of the knowl-
edge that this course would redound
to its ,.we disadvantage, owing to the
peuuliat -•etuartnes.. of hit. Lewin in
pointing out ' bat these appropriations
made w'bile he was the
Wruae:rr llumnl.
Roo. v\ . J. Hanna, iu pulite par,
lance, has been "caught with see
goods " However soave one may be
reaentative of the riding. Now 'that Thorne too his friend- Mauooville.
a Couservitlre Gtrvrr uruent, supported they refer to it at all it a as the
"Nelsonville letter.' Thorne wrote
the letter as a report to bis friend
edmisunvifle of the trai,aactiona io coD-
wectiou with the 4sylor covtract of
srbicb Mr. Hanna had appointed him
sole arbitrator only a monib previ-
oaa)y. These two young men brought
aver from Detroit and, Port Roeoo
rich.. reapet-tivety, by Ron. Messrs.
Bnnsia and }teatime and plated over
thee heads of good ()mare Tories as
•o 1lden.tial edt•i..m a of lbs lThsitoe-y
Government. may trot some paw feta i
oar Tory friends, taut they should ort;i
fairly sad Allot tc, eaob the works tb. y •
performed. Thorn wrote the letter
mad Maisooville . et••eived it. The onus
of it falls on H.1.un5 a friend, not uR
Deman' Deal Go
(straw. °Warm iCamsw•vrtivm
Abwlt r demiels on the part of any
defenldaoti. ream though they be the
Premier and Secretary of a Provie^.e,
can hardly be accepted in lien of at
itnpartia) and complete teveattgatiot
ort char•gee.sade araluut them.
what's the Use ?
narrower Resit
What ie the tree of going to Sana
with Batas whet the court Sir held in
Hades!, A gne.tion of this nature
mnet bier accurred to the .stale of
mspc as they read r•rporte of the "eD-
vedtigavioo" of the Proudfoot charges
at Queen's Part, Toronto.
Eaves AB Over Tis Wed/
—Kasen Oils Far TLs
Geed k Hiss De vie.
We 'sew et au Ohm slope ae width
h oe lases we eseoreddl Is se■esehs the
elaken ig at verses, sir.sorbed is snaay
taedimoriale, se hes leis IL
Ihhaw'. Vegetanse Cempsomi.
Ia seem every coiniMaay dl/
Med wars mho nave bets stall ndIM
W adi by Wig tenuous ori Sona Alone
every animas yes finest Yawn aft ills
Meat pod it has toes dim amide aid -
loft weenies liar the pot le yens
Iran Omsk. It. !1 -"I — 11=
hod pens is the abdoman soil a
— tis sad sties
stew mob a sure-
oorams be >N oftwaiti.
Leis Z. PinklienCe
iegddYeCont arm!
Yrs dens r lilts
gist I so wiessager.
siteeildes is better
sad I as week wife
alines. I have
aiesswead Haley
asthma of fondles
beet remedy is the wadi. Yes an l+
fish this is the papas "-Mee. IMAM
l0Ua 1i Fax Cr..ekIL IL
is the Mash 141barstorY m Wait
Maw, nes tiles containing Wefts& 4
dogma& d lettersfrom mss seek- i
Ytg he/Mk is winch many openly
simar their ors Ogeotm as that. they love
earip od their health W taking l+)dir L
pimkh.m's Vegetable Ospms& sir"
as[ wham stove that it hes nova the
bora eargicel operation'.
Mire Pv-audtdet• %added
K naardane hep/ to .
The Conservative prow need sot
abuse Mr. Prcudtoot Today be
stands higher in the estimation of the
people cif this Proviso' thaw be ever
did. Here was a duty to rerfores-
and an unpleasant our -Amt he had
the courage to go ahead. He knew he
bad to face an adverse maiority. bat
he never faltered. and the people can-
not help but admire him for the cour-
age be displayed. This Provisos
needs a few more Proudfoot► in the
Legi.tat ire.
Mr. Manna's Friend.
dtattard Haoua.
The C%onee sense press u very ease-
ful to euppreae the letter of L H. C.
by Mr. l.rs'il, is in bower. it is only
natural to expect that Government'
appropriations for the riding might be
even a little more generous than be-
fore. Yet witness wnat bas happened
le conaetrtioe with the military camp !'
1 t will be remembered that the ramp
came to Goderich in 1144MS through the,
prr•soual inftuevoe of Mr. Hobert
Kolmea although be was not then
member of Parliament, having been
drfeutrd at the election IM['vioua. 15
1911 a be camp again rater to Guderie4r
the Los u again sperndi..g a eventide"-
vnMide -able Num of money in tis hope that ati
would 1•eec. lie a pr mite rent excuse
haw. lc 1912. a eh+ngr Of t.uve,rt-
ureut having tri.rn o a•'r. the town
ohne more agent some shunt/red• d
dollars in providing camp facilities.
with the. idea rd giving Mr. Leiria a
at ending on the cad near the bridge
the burse made a hinge over the em-
bankment, carrying with it the buggy
and occupants The buggy and hone
node a oomph,' a somersault. Mies
icOerol was thrown (.leer of time rig,
but her father still held ion to the
reins when the hereat• made nit. It did
not go far, however, before it fell asd
with the amSet■n,e cif Dr. Milne. of
Blyth. and other., who b.ppep ed
Moog in an automobile, ilii. 1toCloal
was reieamed fiesta his perilous pota-
tion. The et'ags} was badly' damaged
and .I,r butte• res i. el several
rrrat.ct.e., Bret the (Mte-anasts mir•aoD-
luuely .•acap 4. Mr. *Cool ieoenring
but a alight irjury to leis hip.
Sale of Dress Silks
Satin foulard bilks, 4.o inches wide, in a raogeeof best ccdors, neat designs
and commended for wear. Regular price per yard 41. to. Special 75c.
BlackSatin Duchess Dress Silks 38 inches wide
Beautiful lustre and finish, god weight and free from any filling.
Special value at per yard $ i . oo and 41.25.
a •Queen Quality" Hosiery
This famous said kanad 1 Sails.' said t hil-
dnaa's Soar we hale sew la Seery Gyle eel L*'iene— wilt like thread Hose. da•sille heel cad
cele "Quenu Quality," rtaesbi to lq at per affair Moo
**Queen Quality" doubt/ Thread alk bele Home.
emery wee for sneers and cbildree, at per pair N.c.
-Queen Quality' silk Hosiery. weer oamy
,etrnded and of twantiful stank., at per pair. 75c.
$1.110 and ;1.21..
Extra Value in Coats
ilireee and ,rattles r ataae. apland14 Costa,
evade of virur.a, o-.veet coating cloths sad urocele.
To Ore -made and beautifully Aaiabed, eioe'ead
weight 1..), .p••• g and simmer wear. Special
slurs at 17.0U, UAL sad SNAIL
Carpet Offers in Several Excellent
heamtes Imported Squares, Wilton. Velvet,
good designs in soft °Diorisga. Stscial-
1 feet x L feet 512(4' P feet 1 It floret 87111.80
1 feet x 101 feet 514.111 10i Mate id feet en (1C
The Palace Clothing House
hdiviinal Wadies
Aff tent
pwrurita evident* to begin with w
any day. Positions guaranteed to
gradwtas. Staff of specialists. l.o-
Iormatlas free.
C. A. Fz.r nes, F. C. A..
PrindipaL fie D.Ftsaaaa
I unlop the Tailpr
West tit-, Godericb
A Remarkable Offer.
tempted to condone hie offence, on I chance to Per«iradr t.iw new (Guiern- Subdrrrlwrs tt' The Signe] mey
sMt•trre'J-ter I1r,ily G••tw from cow w
the ground that both parties 'lawn. m•-ut Seto tu'.i.iDg 011r Ciodet•icb camp JauWu L' 1. 2919, ten E1.IM1.
done it,' be has etifered the Mips'- a prrmanen't new. Now we learn that Nev. «u•• -/ribs .' 1.. 1 :.e• Sigsal nine
donatde crone of Went found out. and the campi.. g ,Stag hook to Londuo, to ; hove Toe Signal and i ter Daily til i.
should pay the penalty. in aroordancr spite of acv n'flurnor which Mr. LuaeiladAtetrmtu now 1.0 Jan;.ar! hit. 11414. lceet Sl,
with the unwritten law. ma pras.aes•}. •New rnbsrrr•'etre roar have The
How Blur ore we t" -keep our Tt•1 - Tut. (.ovrt eluent. (1 ie. true., is appt't► Sigto,e sod 'r. - \\'mewl} cants' for the
,teres half -way dearest ° If Hao- praline lame pisses tut hearken works remainder of the rear tot pule_ en' coy
La gets off scot --free the people will
come to the eonnlueion that "every-
thing gun«" and a carnival of carrup-
tion will follow. If Hanna stays in
the Gainer he might as well come out.
in the rens and publicly invite ogm-
paign ruotr•ibutionsl.
Unless, Hanna .Ceps out we may ex -
petit to wake up gime morning and
Sod (i.••.rnment advertiarmenu in
the part r press. calling for tender,
from couttsaturs, frenchiee-grabbers.
railway corporations and tariff fav-
orites for oontribut.iooe to the cam -
wage part, Government favor. to be
distributed to the highest bidders.
with the reservatire clause that aoy
sled all tender iterates will be sc-
agilel mad endorsed later by the coon -
midis w dleotrws sod 'wiener s.
at Goderich. but io e.. doing it is
simply carrying forward the work
of improvement which was commenced
try the Liberal Govetrnment
We admit that the extent of the
appropriations aid favors secured for
his riding is a very low etsudard by
which to gauge the nsefutseits of a
member of Parbarueot . but Mr. Lewie
rarely cannot object to being measured
by hie own role. If be bad succeeded
in hringerig the camp to Gilder -lob. be
would have claimed credit for the
aohievenleut As by has next .1110.
asedad. be cannot eewaplatn if the
itnpresuow named go abroad that
his usefulness s in this r-ewpect is $
La, we have already remarked, ]tie.
Leon. thicken* are rermisg horse to
The Maniteshs Fere Prem.. the repoe-
sentstive jonrm& of W*omea Qamaga.
is s remit ismer syr
"Mr ase d ase he counted wpm le
petro heavy est the erpsar of lir
Jesea The Ubeesb 1 Oil cis sp-
pear a he wry L ssee is their
lacierwho its nese seat ssaoottetr her es-
--d the party ss as e/sttlee
egaitiseg Hes.'
1111T THE 111111101111111T11111101111
Lewis time muse
/be ei lsoset sdiss is hr ed 'tie.
vases... td as Meed et aaeiaaisi em
PUritq feel r miastapessen td by torr.
illenor a alsebieses
They 'tins M imaib 1t se s w
tamer- eeemr to messes the Pesselie-
dbi rye tie vittv k ea he
They haven't cwt that iBiJfiSIM
Aeemliseg to Mr iaswsa the
met Ifeatruoalisa flow owl len
sahib to the pentium tial by lir
Laeraer ss swiss Ualealles
troop to help eight Orisons 's balder
las tion& Aeries. Oeesoresti es stout
he proud te ue esiet tare Ube stets✓
hmlesed their poli/ sled the Qsdlata
litesisddhb sere /saw 1• tell sslame&
prevent eutrecriter I e The Niguel may
have The Weekly Globe for 90e.
Send all euliscriptiotp to the office of
The Mligoal. Goderich. Ont.
Health is Lhr great Mat of gifts, coo-
ellatetireesi 11w heat mites. Truth ie
the hest orf reiatteam
The aesi'sUm pies Is he basest
St the eldest spars L all pe apMaa sir
the Iadue et this word hell They
abetted hear thwsht 1 that Wise
boy ~Paw from Mew p..dYe.11 waarsNr. wigs__ fteledl
slab barb meths owe eisieed is INA. mom d.a_j_ w 41 p
Ids Seeder his Ws ,.s.* ed torte• else i illiewptlse r ill SW Wet
We refer to the Westwood Bibrace.
It is a pair of Suspenders and a pair
of Garters ,combined, for boys wearing
knee pants and long stockings. There
pIS ro semblarce of harness about the
device—iseasv tc adjust arid fills every
at !aha• utab'M for the summer se are sow twiny;
shown. 1 t will aurpise you what Oce Footwear we
are showing at liL, 7r prior.
We will appreciate showing yt.0 the popular white
net/ buck. white carless Pumps sad Oxfords. i.ateet
and gem -foetal Pump.,.
Wm. Sharman
Corner E.ast St. &al Square
• Mowtra-r. May Set
William Riley. • of Londste ro,' ie
able. to be about again. we are plowed
to 'Late.
Mrs L Wetter, has returned to hew
home is London atter epewding a few
weak. with bin parents. lar. and .Mrs.
Williau, Riley
Mrs. J. H. Oster -bout. accompanied
by herr sono, Hat* sod Douglas. were
at Obat.bare levet week or a visit to her
S.esot'a She also attended the W. 10.
00r.eutrao is that pity
Mer. shad Nes. W. L Nair anneunee
the erragemert of their daughter,
Seen IwwralL to Jain Howard be Noe
dnm of x.asdoeh oro'. The marriage
will taker plea* ee the sed .rr Jam.
John Pigott has dispersed at h» band
ease seseyArvuRLt team to William
oellimaire, the wolOeserveti bnsr-buyer
ort 5a.kuvse Tb. arise » said to have
has is the awegbl orboad d OOee
'diacoele loosen Mot Orsi prier et retry
sehlhilles et ohs* they ypsared
hist eyeing
Thewubsnoosesoiesesse.-Tio• pMK
aneadsR heed ort Lodisww- ve M ern
elf 01.111111111.11 and last meek to organic,
tar the Oseeds Teverpaem.ae het riam
pules was wall sir eolet The tubo.
Steam mama slsatad tams nallised �mt-
Loves used glesimoses-A. Seimminee.
1 aid M. es
41 •sir! 1 !>�ae» ti Mae
As Anna sitlles-
best Olin► doe
We have
a big
of Wash
just arrived
New York.
They are
to please.
T e Semen odour!
Igoe& Ger thelawt Osrsefia. fteedtalf'r Oaltr'--ar. Pinole sada
now 5._ Oars tint Cts
at i2c per hour
This is about what it will cost you to run a De-
troit Vapor Stove, which can be operated as safely
and quickly as City Gas.
No wicks
No smell
No extra cost
No experiment
Let us show you one that has done service five
years and is still in first-class running shape.
A larger and more handsome Vapor Range has
replaced the above stoles.
We have a full lite of Coal Oil (wick) Lamp
Stoves : New Perfection. etc.
Howell Hardware Co., Ltd.