HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-5-22, Page 1071 Tlmions t . Kay idlh
Wall Papers
S p.i tlsg Goods
Wall Pager
mrrb/,d floral a and aa.saa-
tronat patterns raal•11m• it fries
tr..m is per roll op roungea bait -mew remota.
Import Indilty Sorel.
fessibg ia prier fewer 13re lair roll
op to lk M= MI.
Import Vagliolo Vega% II
yorsr. oda. en
prieelisn.ar leer veil 'V ' .9tl.
SINI tins Hoods
Heme„eedort Comma:- Trews
sad liasebial geode.
Reduced ed yrims aft iebeseball
greeds see oar tier. window.
Os. d dna,
M(ore. ILLS
IS Wog
Tadao -
two bates af
PILLS - and iris
all ane. Thee behene
of Me. e
tmc de y
d Ila Pate, el
Weser sal . S e
fle•ceiscs it
amend. gra
"I have bees attQimt�s Belsey
Tremble for ewer ire ll[ yeas 1 /e
mai also ]thdum rune tares
art mrsselea. emit ant biome* m mlesad
am mime ----;I a amid irk wash
I emdbea Saeed b eaame d ay beer
Pleyrieie o but Mbent acid and I isle
was Ohm pamils One defy I mat
ewe et our I beedho s, who
hid bee twat by _erre Lowe GIN
WILLS. cwt be daisad se is I y tis .
Se 1 Weight taco bores et hey lewagista
and Where I bot owed tar ter
lig charge. Seism I finished She
second nee I was completely cured.
I can assure you I can hardly believe
it for it 1 had only known what 1 know
now 1 would not have spent over One
Hundred Dollars for nothing whet two
boars of GIN PILLS cane] twee"
GIN PILLS are gaining a world-wide
reputation, by the way they camquerthe
moat obstinate cases of Rheuma t1m
and all kinds of Kidney Trouble.
gee- a box, 6 for 52.5o. Sample hes
idles write National Drng ani' Chemical
d Canada. Limited, Toronto. sac
The CoiniaitostSisse
6em0. Pct8r- - Alae!.
pine IYU�
'Sieger Store
A �.� shipment d Babies'
a�...�•4 :.a uux Darling
A new shipment cif BabieR
Bouriets rad Lit.tSt Darling
Herr Jost iv at the Singer
A full stock of roars. labors,
amounted collars and bags in all
+..eve• shades and shaFes-
Thio: is the time of the year
wean thins, of lingerie.. We have
a slew assor•t.ment, of under -
waists. ightgowns and cow -
innaUot. Mutts at very reaac.a-
able prices.
T'br waists stamped on crepe
marquisette to lir worked in
white or colors are the latest- A
Moe Assortmentcif there to
choose fr•otr.. ,
New designs i n tinted
moves. runners and cuebions.
It you haven't Teen the nee
thousand flower stitch and
heather drsegos. ca.M and ser
A nice line of hand -embroid-
ered articles. imitable for wed-
ding Rifts. Prices are 'suitable
R r nrrrg o lull aim.o, Unent
of all D. W.4'. crochet and em-
broidery 'threads.
Special lessons on any piece
Order your Grocery Supplies
from the
r .
FLOWERS -- Eyster Lilies,
()ernes ion•., Eoaes.
FRUITS. - Pine Apple -f. Ban-
ana,. ( Manges, etc.
VEGETABLES. - Fresh Rhu-
barb, Lettuce. Radish. Green
(lnioaa, (celery.
SYRUP. - Log Cabin Brand
Maple Syrup. labelled aboo-
luterly pure.
FLOUR. -Self -rising Buckwheat
Fleur .
MEATS. - Choice ('uteri an
Cooked Meats.
COFFEE and TEAS. -Our own
special Mend Auroras Coffee
send *Moe Teaa.
ample supply of strictly fresh
Eggs and choice Butter.
(;all or 'phone Fi_
THE : GODBRI C R OffrAiih.;
igen Amide -Safi Onnor ►adon
ap r .1 =1,11.LWL items ereras to
ciao... id t arm lr-'-i_ wwme, Ino
summers of AsnaeMa
ErW r 'Mem Steil mdhlela
tib ye dmidb etas Gal b
the Met measles phi lif
• the emesast6a pita le
d eve oder eswmadsM ai
S OW M. beam MIMI hirer the
WM et p edahr psMlea Salm
l•llle dint at the lor d time
them__ Salad aid dd. obese le
dh ooh d Mead die mderadoe d dm
Only la ram hsrls la the eider
eland a el limps Meer harmine
hen heir Mems$ Sr many ceteris
ile pmhhtw et aall6t'aewry yields d
Seep segs Me Mea Moat The es'o
Mattie ed damp Is .L_. te shot
of the Did IDIOM bet the OW pee
acre td what is GtmA H awe
than twice that >a the MOM States.
the yield of r s waft twice a ler"
the Ade et imam eigiody a tidal lar-
arger awe Ile Old] of oats mow them
emeifnt Mos
The p pelrmate area or cereals
growls lw asewer i Se about oma tits
leas thew b the hided Stateswhile
the peperMes to aria et hay and for-
orage camps is twee-eaeirgnme _. In wddl-
e+ le that. the peen rage aft the total
area err to plaid to moot crops is
awnimMl greater in Germany than
SE the Oiled $tales. The root crop.
T mbe largely of potatoes and sugar
haste, sad the bent German authori-
ties) estimate that at least oarthird of
Om products of the area of these two
Cusps is available for stoat feed. They
glee estimate that one-third of the
prai.ths or the area devoted to cereals
ie devoted ie the feeding of domestic
i mimak Germany therefore devotes
very much more of her moil to the pro-
duction of feed for bee stock than
Oen the United States.
Os the same area of farm land the
sparest farmer maintains on the aver-
verage from 30 to 76 per cat more live
W t than does the American farmer.
rho manure from thew animals Is ale
W ater cared for iv all Eineopean thaw
• than It is le this country. Not
The Singer Store
Iciest Bell Telephonic Central
Hamilton street.
He also owes It to himself.
Your wife, mother, father or
brother is prouder of you when
you are well dressed. Your sweet-
heart prefers it, and your boss, may-
be, is kept bock from advancing
you because you don't "look the
port." Try dressing better and see
if it doesn't pay you. We've got
the good clothes for you, from head
to Hoot, to fit your body and your
We sell "Better" Clothes
"armors RITZ aehaem steer' -air
Las 21r2 seal. ImeITIa
cab that. the Dulled thew tomb
trast.gnantitles o1 cotbwaet meat 1w
and adlmeal and other Oath ellmemon
t eridiag .tats. wblle Germs, hmpeab
Mast quantities of these smemlela. Get -
Imes farmers not only commerve their
ewe natural resources. bat they draw
e m other parts of the meld to m-
hda the fertility of tad* hinds. Amer
M hes been meeker her sill and ti+
hills the ,.elm¢ le -_pe. la gip
7Y 1. Iii moos et Sella" ahww
OM. Omlwwa/ mar somolly as her
gni SWIM Gem et antes et meis
=we d SWIMS et aMsmda,
tear et ammehnlMem amt
SAW, torr et bade des da Mina
to — asoma at pat -ll- mita.
We wee sew omSmehill Se Gana
-ea-4— that a mpeid the siiploa
et mead motnw •t >Apmrre le i
h-- wari& aa.w sisal we mart thio
The eeleseia• •1 the FLSL -
is Gm Sat plea. we watt hameaee
lhehe amber et degsad1e •alarm •
war derm who, hod li /wend he
:M o the hew mint he sale far
'bow trash sal where lie veneer W
ant the espial pal te peeved. the ,.aper
grebes d dssslle a lmgY Ins
e mit be •applied b the e. Moore r.
The el'eet et gra rasa •a as /ntiy
mat Se ••D mage a a..enmw.ma. M
le mill loom to .vary bamiieaal
faun: Op te the wend time at
--- et wgrlesMaee b hoe
pwrile wahrmt ten twee
Gaga a e • momet
Se elhe_ireems d edea
eel Mead Gab tpleUme mea mad
Me -ands- r le era
le sillies r hemmeeles the snwr
m1 wha■hre excess Awe low Sawa
•mar amame meet pey mama ams. -_-
M amens e- crepe mel le sem veep
wide pasts • weepy et hear we
Ile mei. loyee m •.eh a Anew.
pens eoliths oma:- me ...rags ea
p-egr slater et the Mt bet web
w all et amide mei hewesla trtr ere
Me le dim Ser MO, d •reane
Sas w ale alawas Oma ea maim
el tawny et Ole Modals poi rata
ane lrwR leg hemp err qct le
ttieapas The edam end amen no •
leplielasea emp lhmpemtl
w ed Omesq► that wets -_—
adl Raw
rrlmwlriw a le the d
apleMiee la liamea sort
dim that the a•anaw banes hl Or
PM ed aim soma dog ail1 am -
wet MS ma Ipowe alar geld►
..eras e•g• te 75 per .met ♦ poi
asp d deer W • taeelms
the y ehl ase,. MIS team IL
ellowe s whom the
ret aomihls clown r arlmm Serb la
- aS d Ye year sad seared t mar
Is b oisfws t• Pre ter aneher a•ip
at a ekiri leer la them yaws Melded
Ow Whit et Mem Ohre dmf
awes b a ihdler re iutwers
amts at r Ms le a law peen 8.-
The Mesa Sia lepime amps
hew mil a teasel is: as at•■4
la mem aeon en depleadl i r i.
the tad /]yet nitrogen to and a ewe
O lmnt et the sola pralpr. bet ave d
Ss loathes plant and aid Mir
1b the ai when soils am Omni for
NW "NM wlbuut aro aa_- rim
thwr dmllIty this •can1e raw b
retied est amt the slimes imAaMs
Beer. sleeps Is newly ahmem Obi
Sat hest deed mn-tle.ent r hiss
seised la the roll
The Dad bee already been w`msd
a flet w nowt a Joao pagafha
et[ ear weir awed meal, gamma awl
Mir rich afmgenoe isdlsg e•ee .
Them moi• are di mesedively
tit! fel mhtmsgwa They Medd he itit
or lama fad to live sleet sad die
g ime* >•emmul to the *sa.
Osyo.d nes as Oar Owe wsse.-aea
Thee la this edemas hefweem ear
MEM. sad fiat er Or alis slew
trim at Elmepe: Hither* ire have lemma
Weathers of ear Deeitilie rich In far-
t:Meer eonsithm ns. wilts they maw
been important ]fey herr been draw -
kw ea the amt. reeled aegis et tie
meld i Mihir with which to feed
theft ones She American tamer will
De art lel a heti steep forward who
be *rim aisflas timer materials sod
sirs thew fel him own aoll. What -
awe othortegme smear say be must be
]cede up by the leleillga t use of core-
iam ei leargefermg. Them is no danger
d a adlmgea Slmdam. We can grow
kgemileme mpg to supply nitrogen.
ewe alma, W ludicions use of time
biose frogs gait and other crops and
by the use et lelelligently planned crop
rotations with occasional catch crops
for green maaee,k keep up an abun-
dant supply of humus_ Even if we had
DO otber resources for maintaining the
fertility of the moi than leguminous
plants and Iguana making crops we
could on mach of the land in this coun-
try maintain a Inv .1J higher standard
of yields than obtutne at the present
Who yea ase ave a••iy
gwewdes. the litre esioldesions
We pwnisee fast ear —
oill Alli M• .hely Irot war!
Moo, Wo moot you r fry
ihama awl efts/elm" •arntm yes
are saint peelh file added we
want yea is het or hmel-•taw►s
are Mee le pee yew Galriulien
in Gseeenes '
ori we es a trial em pow mesa
order .
Special Values in
Mantel Clocks1
Sturd) & Co.
Gmeser .. The Square. Ge loth i
Ste" Suits
are most sere unable when you
have them made of the hest
goods in the most up -to -hate
styles. You will obtain abso-
lute satudaction if you patronise
Exampisr of iucoeaaful Faee.in•.
In New Tort state there are large
areas of ]sad widen formerly produc-
ed satisfactory crops, but which in re-
cast years have been reduced in fertili-
ty to the point where their cultivation
1s no longer profitable by the methods
in vogue in that section_ ♦ few years
a1P a representative of the department
d aQJcedtere induced a /armee fa that
modes to grow for acres of potatoes
wader bb direction. This tower W
bene growing potatoes for many years.
Mier seed which bad poem paws for
• years in that locality withal* r
kelp •e maintain ib quality. Bis Gr-
r" yields of potatoes wog stoat
Del/ hmrels per acre. Ha wee lddp
al fs aeleaee new and 1r..4 maid
mei be emigrate in the most tiwaagb
mmmwet As a mean tines Soar acme
Dmimawt a yield d WO hmnhi et pe-
tals' per acre. their sundn hew
Moe hem mewed by a number se air
M* ave in the mime locally.
dlaaisis termer a goad saw yews
ye eillOt ibed on Ids taro • MOM
et ewes ems. ma, (lot. The sae
ami a &mom fed tr begs wbielb were
mares leg o gs the dews Vary
Rae toed www p eelemd, but rimy -
aim Sisal ea Ow fan was wavered
Ilse ammo sod Moral to the laud.
M the hag at this cram if
a.eY* ` OM et encs we about
thdtadles hushes Iw M sera Ter
swore later R ted Mm le ossify hash
eh per aim the ammo yield ter ler
eeoree ttive years ides 90d beide
Wit arts
A Khmer/ term phleb bed be d.
weed le erre sad reboot ter •evesty
perm aril ea wiles M yields err alma
wen it elll hamlet per eon mod
sera all thenyl e brads me
ureide tIMI to a Weis d Dorados oh*
hr to that ?est d perliel Der s »
gels Dara la de yews the Pelle d
Ste tars were sew thea deehlaL la
watt et fhb rfmwehr the fdeerleg
Waft mew. emphedeel:
Dee" Sal pinwales et the trelL
Verlag d w01 IMMO •.aa.
iSehb Adam and Sewed Mem
1ma d the soap daft the pewees
sang wad m"wdaqy atter a lila.
!w }AMM mar et emewa d l ter
INS= ler the ]Aware/ me et hese
hl/DieM geaps gat the sr+wh
Melt hulas I as OM Mere win !r
eM meal lima A edam eiadlb d1
der to ped hmedemt sups
Men lova Yoe to me aemh -
�h�ahwr • ens lei 1MntMtt i
Lw Ow ima bilk/ Om yds Whihm
• hoe mew and Ave lapel asWOWS Ilho 60.
wilt ale is WSW mail h- - /
~of sod olaid. IWO OW
Mew Was WI
OM ewes maim War ass pee•
trap groes. i10 ai ow A
——pltrls—.— bylaw at sung$
Dunlop the Tailor
West St., Goderrcb
It n �emowmh ammoyeane to be1
Waiter H• Harrison 1
!Smear deeamamenst without hav-
ras the oiiam
iei imiMlraitj of having , arli`- molmwmme wpm sammalimmae'•
it wine OR a hill Unit kasha like old
feet the eweneeama needs
bet ilu= midi edema heem t to
his alamillealwarehmeMpmement.
It is asamiliswamolleme awry
it is is eisadolt a Sasha et this kind
that is .o mwwnwwq es re amid hen-
n awe. Goad andiwam r wit p ebeint is
not so expellable M to prevent lie nae'
by say awabaat doing boatmen in
See our large and well selected
stock of Bakers. Bread Trays,
Sandwich Plates, Cake Plates.
Butter Dishes and Tea Sets ; Cas-
serole Dishes with brown, white
and green porcelain linings. also
our line of Fancy China
To New Subscribers GreatIn ada and
n Britain
The:Signal for the balance of the year for only,...... 5oc
II Black Petticoats 98cf'
A most unusual offer. Sixty fine black Petticoats at only 98c
each. Real value a good deal more. When they are gone no more
at this price, for they are part of a maker's clearing line bought at
a bargain.
Ladies' black Heatherbloom Petticoats, made from extra
quality cloth with wide pleated frill and six :.luster of tucks.
in one of the latest styles of the season. Sizes 36, 37, 38, 39
4o. Regular price at least $1.25. Extra special each only...
Showing New Summer
We are showing some beautiful
creations in our Millinery Department
that reflect the very latest ideas in Mil -
linery for summer wear. No pains
have been spared to make this showing
better than any we have made in the
past Each hat has character and or-
iginality. We invite you to inspect
these new styles at your convenience.
We have just passed into stock
new Hats, Flowers, and Fancy Trim-
ming, and once more the stock is up to
the top-notch for assortment and variety.
For Your Verandah
Verandah fasiii.p will car Itis great de-
mand. We are eaaeybog • apie sdrd assortment at
MOM" and mala etc.. for tiffs purpose.
Varela !Mlles. lr to le year aids.
Fibre lops. al sins from • feet to 11 tset io
For Your Verandah—Continued
Bamboo sbadep. green or natural. all 'riddle;
Soma • to 112 feet.
As ales Daces in peen. red and tan f tripee.
'Than we maim up into Cta•t*ioe soy sir desired.
Ainsigne garde to ester hot V-- _ WM-
dowel or Dams
A good swore id fancy stripes y om.ke your
selection frees l wort gusesmised We will
be glad to Masan emeimwAea or imperc
F-zcy e> ire V Ail tiers
Ms *pro our E amt Lula Gloves Soot
fres Yee SOS* onsidselwr_mL aid bey ties at
~mho Ono. This ggwmga dr tiro rare -
tam* poi whore we are aide r idler is urea .
=ggi�l�, a know time awe ea railer 111111
aiL is Ommilia dee KA/ e d Ri per pie
tam Moe fa me Ohio eamber.
Demi— Me MN list hetet gip. aloewoisoo-
gyms any dial d
Moog Loos biters. - .is, We .mad lie per pear.
!mei ohl Lids Glows Mises sr oiler. ep•ePer
Per pate Westioosta
Bowes, double Smear tips.
Twawel�ODA tem lint alias. Amide iters
taps- art wsnam-hwi pr dei Ms
Twilgimmdmi pw at Maim h iedry
weight. demhb taw IMPS ilv dolt SUL
. 4.416.-
Raincoats That Stand
the Test
Or Rwinsmab are mete from eriw,.osi
mMwrlale, all ammo are meson mad ememl-t
a pewees lases hash haw the Ileo
fey ifr NO wises leach They raw be
bey eel- toil ammewee Sat list we be
ealehretery le p ow w"'. isms
ss:M. sieoI. *shoo matt *MAW
An Az>i/tl■r Rag for
w.. is • splendid weds. i. geed hbss.
�l _aria___ seamier or rose
' .- se mma�y sem
Ills ave me 1- he eemee d.
mod eliental
: hod'eiw ds brow ,tee .it p tt
t Mehra. MMiew loot at sea