HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-5-22, Page 41
TIMInelett. Mae >B all
District Nevis
PORTER'S N11.1,-
WgoxsxnaT, May Yl.
Norge -Mr. and Mrs_ Wilson of
Oestralia via tad at Geo. Vasdet-
beeRh's list week The Misses
noessss tad A Ids McDonald rr4.wreed
te Olean last week ..T1ts l�diee.
AY meeting w. 11 be held at the boste
of Mr's- Wm. J abuato. as Thurnd•y.
May 18. -....ale &ilea are going the
reuses in tn. neighborhood. The
Moodie of Mies Annie McPasil will be
marry to bear she is sot improviog as
fast iss we w osld like.
Witosestl&t. May i1et.
George Riehardiem bait a succeeds'
bare-rtriraglast Monday.
Mies R. 0. Mellillae was bone from
Lilian for the weet•esd.
Mss. Etirabete bark `'pest the
week -cad at her home •t (inderich-
Mies Jessie McMillan is visiting her
sister. Mrs. Reit.. Morrie. sear Safi -
Mr. and Mrs_ Jan Yates and Mies
Zesty. Hayden. of (i.deeieb, wens
visitues •t 1L Haydeo-e over Suede?.
,obs Sebotsehal. was lip Ross Clio-
THCIfaDAI, May to for several docs Iaat week manag-
ing the min herr. nhile S. ("unntnK-
A 01 the
hr* s Congo. p exam- bets was in Tuweto 1Uendiag the fe-
etie're l the God erre ed foaTownship Fru- soave' d his nephew.
bo 14 have auesday. for a picnic to
lee. of Soothiwftue, Cons..
he bald on Tuesday. June ked. ik ung old friends around hese
$bet's Point. .e .vet is expgected
the w after as &treenet of thirteen
tobe tai Club aornful . it t rzpe!etd cosh sand oy his
to be a very s scornful nil event. ! cad there chtPoem Ile wee ld�r
HTDso-Banesto Posrgs- - Ceder' Mr. and Yrs. Alfred Osman arrived
the auspices of the Farmers' Club of ;loot Friday from London,
held ieh tow Debits, a meeting WAS in the v are guests of Mr O. -
held at the Orange Mali on Wedoea-i England• �•s RMr. 0 -
day evening to dierees the suh)ect of i mau . motbeer, Mrs
hydro -electric power as applied to Tbey inured settling in ibis vicinity.
operations os tbs. fares. Reeve Me.I We wise tbest every microns in their
Clure presided. J. H ('aster. engin- net besee-
eer of the Ontario Hydro•rlretric veer* -1 -aT as'uHkk&i• - win I3rown and
twit eon. Crave an address expl.inios his Loon ear doing • ru.hing easiness
bow torn. ttranrbesof fa' woe► nwld : with the cement and on ac -count of the
be rimed on with the ed of electric excellent work d roe in previous sea•
power. There was a fairly awl at- • inert. be, has tours wttr-k oo band tbao
avid Root. Elliott from the county 1 A cement house t,.r toil! Raster: men-
est fouodauon for Wes. Cuey'e Lew
1born; ('ba. Crawfo.d's and :late
'Green's. homes plastered and Mocked
Tsr.aosT. Ma%_nd. {sotside wbicb ha. male a Rrw.t im-
The oessenteellar walla are finished prevenient in the aapesrance of awls.
for tbe Preebyteri.m m�ansr and now They we now doing some work tor
the arrival' of the ,-arPHI ter is fbu.. Hacbardwo.
Rev. Jeekwo Wikoa and Mr.. Wil OUNKUANNON•
son. of Berkeley. California. were suit- jolt NEW 1ON. DENTIST. OF
ors bees on Wednesday, renewirt old ll Locks... has serol rimiest es side
acquaintances. Mr. Wilson Is kook- n.tst ant .01 b.eawni rite ►i. stars
H e is a turn .usenos u the b taw sties Leeks..• a h.'e
lest well end prosperous. h..01 be renal creel lar. -ill'slue set -
of imp'xt*iter tit Berkeley'. at ptrsent sit.
bolding the otUee tet mayor of that orIc&-THE LOCAL AGENCY
city. ie Dememese tar The tunas! is at tin
Howson k Lawson shipped the last Seek ase messes Stare. visor*
car of rollers ter the arasxm this weak. •••sloe a r wve•t rm«w will be
R. J. Rotted received a car of elms iw women cite Sir the same.
THVHaDAY. May -tee .
feroce wire last week.
A btu YATALITT.-The village wah
uhoc 04 by theaters of tie drowning
.d tittle Isabel Elliott in the ricer west
of the village on Moottay trotting.
1•at•.1, the three -yea. -old daughter of
Thome,- Ellio't. of A.bteld, was play-
ing with tame other children u the
over and lila attempting to ernes the
stresses one . when it *tippet
sod, .be vt'Iss:ibtown into the watgr-
T1oaRksettbiYtes heoueht aid. but it
arrived WOW* to be 'of any b.lp to
the lig& gin chole water at tbe place
where the sere de heroine ani wee only
hot the children
"dance. &n100s tbnae pra..eot tori be riper ts to acv rmpti.h before win-
Yayor Reid, Commissioner
Masai ter- rivets
bare fresco asyded:
A uun.lwkr of our eiYatns atteodad
the Davis livery tale is Ooilexieb oat
is.. Fluker and Jobs «right eseb
loot valuta ble hammiest meek.
Noah Inatome. now of 14uDedetd.
rinse home for Sunda".
Jos. Lawson is bete to Salop bis
work on the bridge'
DemanJed by time who assist on
the best. Bleeksinoses. ice .earls •1n
bulk or fe nay bei icks. Oederedelieesed.
Those 240.
&hoot a fent deep.
seineri w young to keine what to do
lbs eine .soon.. '11Ftessav d
t~ tittle girl rook place to
cemetery on Wodtl►mday
Tu Lees 9eerm Nsoo.-2'ss
tnw.ahip of West Wntts.oeh loot w
et its moot nighty respected residents
woes !Stephen Medd •asweeed tb.
1104 einipsecies so Monday of lam
week- Allis death followed • long
period OfMtQering from as •u.wk nt
pb.srisy- ?kr deceased was Porn is
Whitby afyose year* ago. and when
Mat a lad he came with his parrots to
West ef► awaeosb. settling on • far
sear Aeburn. Wbeo the suhjeet Ot
this notice grew to tna*Ptutd he par -
chested tb•- farts oe which he died awd
atterwaroe married Mies Beadle, of
that .ane section. who pedereaesd
bits several years_ Mr- Obeid took •
lire intetro in municipal &(fair's. bay-
ing occupied the Reeve'. chair toe eev-
erel terms, sod at the time of bis
death be had a seat on tbe eoe:nciL
In politic, be was • staunch Conser-
vative and in religion be was a faith.
fol rnemher of the Anglican ••burrh.
His 1.p•rturr is mourned by his par-
t nte- who are mill living on the boom -
steed. and three brotbers sed three
sister, : Jobn. of Cunfas000 ; Robert.
(tf west Wawanosh James, of
Auhutn ; Mrs. Symington and Mex.
Nerves. d Colbaree, and Mrs. E -
Phillips, of Auhnrn,
• W6D!c DAT. May Mist.
TOE LATH W. BsopHT--Tete fun-
eral of the late Wm. Brosbr. which
toot pisex from his toeideoce on the
9th onoeeseion to the H- ('• crmetes7
bete tact Friday foeenopn. was largely
attended by sorrowing friends avid
relative. Rei. Fatber Dean con-
ducted the tune:al.nodose in the
ebureb and at the grave.
Woe toes leorirese--The St- Aus-
u9tinr hranrh of the Women's Iwta-
tu'r heli 118 annisal meeting at the
home of Mr.- Joon Thompson on
Tu•wdey of this week. The following
are the oRkxrs for this sear: Prem..
tient. Mies Miry Culumin.p: vice-pres-
ident. Mise Rehires Thompson : 2tid
vice -press len'. Mies Helen Tbo.spaoo
.er,eIary rod treasurer. Miss Joeepb-
ine McAUi•tet ; Sitectors. Yr.. 8.
T'b..mpsoo. Mee. Wm. Andrews. Mies
Maty A. Brophy ; diettiet dusdore
Miss Mary A.. Brnpby.
News ?4om .-Mr..and Mtn Jar-
. dine, .of Go.lerich. visited the latter'.
sister. Mrs. Criab T'bompson. oo Toem-
d•y Yee. S•oagas, of San Frac-
clew, is visiting bre brother. Samuel
Tboispsoo. -Miss May Redmond. •
of Goderieb Collegiate Ismitote. "meet
the week -rod at her home herr
Joseph Boyle i. sporting a new buggy. 1
Mr. and Mr.. John C. Clark, of
Auburn. avid Mies Aline Clerk mod I.
Hoy Seller& of Morris. visited at W. i
Thompson's this week - Quite a
numter from this vicinity attended
lbs funeral of the late %tvpber' Medd'
last Wednesday Hes. Troy. .,f
Godeeieb. vi.itee in this vicinity tam
we -k. -.-Rey. Facto-, Blur. of I% . 4-
leam. visited Rec. Father Dean ibis
1. Rlinmsellsin aflke hoes.
The mem is Uric Acid
is the base& U the kid.
says ea their week dere
wombat he r Uric Acid and
so Lembsgs Make tae
ea �
entre far Latinists
We Rive
Steady Eitployeept
Se tstiabia, wobble* mare trot tbs *ale emir
pwira& W• dye s/ tate d rsuesa es • boat
• rail..k net ad.erd•rd. saab..+.e Okra
nae near If Pea wYb m rrtews.ai es Write
'4... bare k is tee lair ter briber le-
eider eeltlr.tiew &ad cone nr eh• start es.ew
rine 'mare *sats in &dodo
11 -1 * -1 31 tear.. /'ns asu.terar of rack on
appIKn: mon
T,ronio. (httart.
Spray Year Orchards
1 eau &apply yo" with Sprviy
Pumps and Materials at lowest
rest- i have the N•ngar& Brand
Lime Sulphur. Isiah the I -quid
sod the dry. which is retdc for
Woe. much more c'+nvenirot and
cheaper: i lac. Areenete of Lad,
all fresh 1913 ours- Hot- tbe
best and take no chem -s with
old materials_ Will bell in any
D. F. Rosin k. ttodericb.
UR offerings this week should interest yod. Space al-
lows us to mention only a few of them. Our knowledge
of what is most needed coupled with our buying facili-
ties makes it possible for us to offer many. lots of
reliable merchandise at prices that would be impossible
if bought in the ordinary way. • Read every item.
This stars never bad such a crock of gloves to
choose from es today. front 3 to 16 -button lengths.
and prices are from Ze to SLS. List gloves. 2.5o
std 35c. in Mask. 'bits and odors. Kayser is the
best 50e si:k 1.love made. Every pair double
upped and great wearer. Perrins 12-bettoa
leoRth, ht.ck and whit•', double tipped. 731. and •
16 -button h-og•h, ri4.pe I. psreailk, $I.0U. A 16b.O
tonlength. Perrin'. 1. -st silk, black and white. $1 25.
Linoleums, Rugs
M,.re + ••w Mu.;- .n•1 Linoleum, for this weeks
arlhnp;- l i.atse• • I. seal Northcote Rugs are our
nig reilrra. Sea.n:r Al e: perfectly woven medal-
lios and trellis two' • , ... Jur prig are dead right os
Russ mud Linote ..... Reg sins., 23:3. 3x31,, 3:4
sod 3414.
�'it•{e Suitings
4 Lo„ .1 .h.,r in stripe std floral dere ens
.n1 tsar p.o.e. art t t o . 3a t.0 30 oeota. Twenty-
seven inches. colors poi fret.
Pbenosoenal Silk orange at Shin more daring
Um lest tour weeks. 34 to 111 istiee wide in wavy.
Vitas, reseed'. . , brown and arena Values tell
A hunch of bargainlame,a one box full your
'choice 2 cenza a yard. Fot t yooe cards of raker
ciemw a.d twlchos insertions to matchEnglish
and Freeeb snakes from 3 to 15 carets a yard. A •
good showing of shadow and oriental make*.
Coo oboe a better and cheaper assortment in
1: to tComets. $-toeb Coets, Waist Flouncing,. Cbil-
drew's and Ladies [Skirtings than ever, 1: to 1b Inc,incb for waist and flouncing. 15c, ffic, 30e. 35c.
Mimes and ladies skirtings., 27 to 4.5 inchesamide. 4Ae to f=.2 soma of them band -made.
Just now we are stowing a large assortment
in 1*r oe Collafrom 33e to 93.. !woe ()suss and
!Sutra to match. 50 -to 51.5(1. Collate in leslsarian
amigos and coloring.. Etehr idered a t..piatn
Collars, 13c. 3k and :';'x• in all size.
�^ J
IThe following is the monthly .-hnol
to/sort .4 S. S. No. 14, 13tin1er. for the
month of April- The amsert are in
, order of merit :
V.-Gr•aeie a. Ross. Allan Fisher.
James Janine. Sr. IV. -Anus M.
H' n4. Lawrence Edwar 1 Wastuan, N.
J. Hooka. Jr. 1V. -Louisa G. Yeti! -
mons, Anna L. Fisher. Ceeil W. 13.
1 Johnston. ) r- 111. -William A. Coi-
fico. leabella M Collins. M. L. Nigh.
Sr. IL -Harold " Rao* well, Norma
Hood. Gracie Cooper. Jr- IL-
Etrr P. natter. Verner RMeet,-
1 snort. G. H. Fairhsirn. Pr. 11.-Frrnd
Penmen Agnes Nigh. Pr- 1. (b1---4 4aa -
once Harvey. 8. T. NighL. Settein .
Pt. I. (•i -Wolter Workman, Exit. A
\age, W. A. Rose. The bast spellers
';',1 the itbly sp.UisR miatebee were :
V. sad IV. -Jeanne M. Collin+. Jr. IV.
i Ylswi.& (1. Mytpymewit. Se. III --
Bella M. Collies. 8r. 1I. and Jr. 11.-
1 Ella F-ishrr.
Buy Real Estate Now and Share in the Big Profits Being Made
You have an opportunity right now to buy on the brand Trunk
Pacific Railway choice lots in six towns. Four of these are
divisional points and among the fastest growing towns in
Western Canada on the main line west of Winnipeg.
The Company is pricng these lots on present conditions, not on
future demands. It is the purpose of the Grand Trunk Pacific to
build up these towns quickly, and they know the best way to do
this is to allow the purchasers of these lots to make the big
profits on their increase in value.
These six great towns are to the Grand Trunk Pacific what Brandon,
Calgary. Moose Jaw and Regina were to the Canadian Pacific a few
years ago. Think what it would mean to you now if you had bought
property in these towns only a few years ago.
Western Canada is growing faster now than ever before, yet
close - in lots which sold in Moose Jaw and other Canadian
Pacific divisional points a few years ago for $2oo and $300 each
are worth as high as $5,000 today. Here is certainly an opportunity
for you to exercise your foresight and buy lots in Grand Trunk Pacific
divisional towns. Lots are 50 by 140 feet deep and range in price from
$2 to $5 a front foot according to the location.
MR JOHN W. C RA I G I E is the authorized representative of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. He
will be glad to furnish literature and information.