HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-5-22, Page 2hecnattAY. MAT 13. ul MOM ONTARIO. )pp: a +s IVY THURSDAY ev C� T8s rIOTel js ise *I$T O Ilk• U UsL �t mm Trams at aa ns•rrtba . t�.e�.t�s Mass* tau Tb Oaisel below sahsa(mw* WO s sew Weedy y to advsraga. eburs mp �g wise ten to iserlro Two Hassel ease sal molar • favor by so muted tt mese the toot et be sixty • dell r arrow• okeage d addrow V wears& Soto ole sae dee sew adirew 1W)A be (Ism. (iwyrtrkia lissom : Legal sad aur &east advamegeosatopw )b Wes lar arta haseUaa sad es mar time ass mock sel�s10 tea►. Hammed h • nsxdaealtvrahsto as leustaess amid d ds lira sad seder. M par Ade.Wamwta at Leet. Yeast. Strayed. alt, taeM/ eserer Tto Rest, for s or t1. Irr ArdeNs tar &ata ase.. sot ocesetlar Ise loge. i Se taoorti� : IN ter lural lasts. emsskk moth. Langer odvsstls► swu am.wkwmsaw to sedlsry modtee type lee eras• oar Una leo .glia. Ism thea Ne. Aay special auger, tar oh`w or wileh it the saoe{ery unset gt W ladiridsal or egged- stAre. to M ids ed as adrmtimorst and ah•resi om rd/ad.. Molar for display wed eosiract advertise sets will be slate o. appl►stlea Address W oom.auMetYrs to TSI SON 1 L PY.LNI 1 %U 00.. Least. iisearich. net r— DrJiK'H THURSDAY. MAY !t 1103 — s MW UOROEN AT TORONTO. Premier Borden visited Toronto on Monday, and was mightily applaud• f by a great congregation of the faith- ful as be unfolded the Ministerial policy of naval contribution. He de- clared that the policy of contribution was the consi.tent policy of the Con- servative party ; but he repented ani imputation that it would cantina* papers. Last wick it quoted from am the permanent policy of tae The Kincardine Review the following party. The Liberal - scheme of • whole affair before tie /table saveable nemasit.t.ee of the Losinster. 6tt�Re reek was barred e cissase on tr tit the tsa.na. arise dial M east to • judidal est bev.etiga- tion. leered the aanrsd ltiatsMn sheltered tSeoeely S behind • parti- san enter tem ernes the bisekba thetics were Man saspioyst Yr. Proudfootsod his counsel thereupon. seeing that tbey were to be arbitrar- ily prevented from hoopoe out say evidence damaging to the accused. withdrew Irons Use committee. The subsequent proceedings were a farce. the accused lfieiatere receiving • oost of whitewash. and Mr. Ptoudfoot be- ing censured by the LegiaLsture be- catsr, forsooth, he bad not proved his came before • committee which would not allow him iso oppt rtueity of prov- ing it Mr. Proudfoot also was the victim of a flood of billingsgate let lour by Premier Whitney. ooe of aM aOGLLeed Ministate. If the majority in the Legislature is to be allowed to use its powers to .rifle investigation of public affairs and to cover up rot.tenneta in high pieces. and the member who etteutpts to perform the act of cleansing is to be subjected to ohloquy, and his cherries and his conduct are to be grossly misrepresented in the partisan press, whit is Ontario coming to? WHY u0 THEY MISREPRESENT ? It would be too much to ezpectrof The Goderich Star that it would re- frain from its habitual partisan mis- representation even to the point of aztendirsg fair play to $ town.man ; but surely in such a cele it does not peed to g t the length of ringing in the 'Cross mi,sterementa of outasde news- THE SIGNAL : GODER1CH ONTAR1 peopageeb; while Yr. Bowies kr compromised with teem, takes amend attar= iamb itis Order sad ramble is olden with Omit ,support. par•gt sob : "1t is useless for Mr. Proudfoot to deny that his charges were based upon floe charger of Ma1sonyills, the d s - charred l.rivate secretary of Hoo. J. A. Resume. He may, not have per - sorsa! eoaaeas•ioation orb al•iwueilie but the material he used was flrelishid by that worthy. For instance, the e letter to MaieonvlIle was in the beads of Proudfooi s counsel. How did be get it? The argument is used that Thorne war Mr. Hanna's trusted employee • who made the 'honest award.' Why then did be write the letter? Be wrote the letter the.day after he was paid by the Gov- ernment Olt for services for which be demaoded $750 The !lust and the last sentence of that paragraph are egregious lies, and the test io twaddle. ° Mr. t'roudfoot'a charges were not "based, upon the charges of Maisunville." The Review knows that, and The Star know, it. So tar as Mr. Proudfuol's charges are concerned. Maisnnvilfe might as well be in Timbuctoo. or Jericho, or in his grave. The famous letter (which The Review ana The Star take good care not to publish) was written Tot, not isT, llaisonville. Its aulistig.„..rellt Thorne, the eonfidentlal aoeountaut and adviser of Hon. W. J. Hanna. and he did not write the letter. am stated by The R -'view, ',hr day kilter he was paid by the Gnvercw'nt $ret for ser- vices for tihich he demanded it;Z.0" This is pu-t >, chmrmcterislic Review falsehood. made nut of whole cloth. and ill nut..ctnted to bolter up a load case. Before the privilegea and elec- tions committee Mr. McNaught, a Conservative member of the Legisla- tore and • close friend of the Minis - ten, gave Thorne • certificate of ex- cellent character. Thorne swore hefore the comairtee of the iegislature that the state menta made in his letter were true. These statements indicate Hutt Taylor held over Mr. Hanna certain chargee some of which Thorne aye be (Thorne) knew were true and could be proved : that Taylor would not retract, because, as Thorne says, "T. could oot be expected to Fay be had lied when be knew he told the t ruts-•' and that Thorne's ser- viees as at bitrator were secured on the understanding that be would settle Taylor's personal attack oo Hansa. "If- H. wanted to save hie head be would lure to get aloes wit bout the letter." sinning the proposed let ter of .retraction from Taylor. .'1(e!►. art H., and later MCA. 'phoned rex 'O. K..' but that to put 11. right before Whitney the suggestion must come from MeN. 1 agreed to this. sad suggested that the whole thing. including tilt details of arrange- ments. be left to me. McN. agreed. 1then 'phoned everyone doe for the meeting Saturday p. rue. and told them the meeting was off 1 'phased Whit- ney'. ser . and rooked him to have MeN. rooftree soy information 10 Thea 1 arrsoged for H.. T.. Mell•ng and myself to meet Instead at l p. es, in H . once. We met surd the an - rimed agreement was signed. afire due wttgeetkouw by Mci.. sad ear toss Muff dsesmiers. etc. •'Now. if you sok ase, the (invecs- seewt wee he some hole when Mir James eonseited to that agreetMt. !T•r Mel. took him mgasropy of it imams aha"Dye moossese d my OneontJ- tioea memo very lmpeeper aegres- pass and awes were made me by esetaia lemma. 1 easmet tell you tante Maas [Acis lima ss cellar." A poatseript to tb lasses said : • •T a Whitney Veesesummit es seek sews es r t• an oveetltv► about esMese ro ambre 1 ea it ie possible to lewas ready lied the :. an tis Itftit.+- Mr. T4eeWst wary peepmty roe sales. t es be Ms asey le IRebs the e Canadian navy was dieloyal, !maul - lasing, separatist nod Several other things, although it was unanimously adopted by Parltameot in lir and was supported in some strong speecbes by Mr. Borden himself. It was ridieuk,um for the Liberals to talk of building warship in lamad• ; it was impossible—cwt the Coo.ervative Gov- ernment would probably make an attempt at it in the ear future. The Consetvatice policy was determined upon a year ago after consultation with the Admiralty, but it eau before the people io 1911 and was endorsed by them in the election oo the reci- procity issue. He had beard the navel bill might be killed in the Senate. Sir George Ross, the Liberal leader in the Senate, was "a sound Imperialist," but be might be the inM.rument of others in esaasinatiog the hill. The SsnMe coutaioed men of high cbaracter and intelligence, and was entitled to respect, but if it killed his bill it would get something it wouldn't like. Mr. Borden did not put tbings just is this way, but this is a fairsummsry of bis speeeb and attitude. We fail to see in any report of his remarks any declaration of intention of letting the people vote upon lits policy. He would not case to may that the Cana- dian elector. are unpatriotic or un- intelligent. but be will not trust thea[ with his thirty-five-inilliou-dollar con- tribution. EDITORIAL NOTiLS- Keep your eye as the Senate. Huron backsa fighter in the person of William Proudfoot, Y. P. 1'. la mite of (rusts, it arms net Heron may Soak forward to • good fruit crop this year. The English suffragettes think , they will have tbeir own e ay wises Pressler Asquith passes off the mese. Lang live Asquith ! Urs.O.YON RODEN a LYNDON, KY. Reo 'oul vtrlsiia L�CamPatr•ii /a= Nervous - sees, Headaches. Idaho. )thy. -- "I have lees talking illiagiblihmoesVexetalieCam mad 1112bStifilakse algia peine.lmekaeisg. IMINIMessm sad a general run dews tea- abbot earid of the system, and am entirely m- imed of ties troubles. 1 rsoesmsad year remedies to my friends sad glee you permission to publish what 1 write —Mrs IL Vat Round:. Lyndon, Ky. The Mooteal star is peeved beause When s Iowa like Mus Van Redsa nobody attempts to mast its "ergo- is geesaess ware k to writs ssti a Mb menu" op the navy gtfestion. Tho tar as the away for Publication* min Star is referred to Preventsit3:l. should at hast he given credit for a fishy were deals tbhelpether suffering wanes for we aware yes there is no other res - Thousands of Union Jacks were in aowwity she slash court such pnbidli. evidence at the Borders erecting in camas * woman's Experiences Toronto Liberals do not need to Windsor, Omit — • The birth et my first carry Rags to prove their loyalty and cbsid 1dt me a wreck with teri{bh weak patriotism. Toronto may not be overly food rt Louis Pbillipps Pelletier ; but so long as be delivers the Nationalist vote to the Borden Government Tory Toronto has to put up with hiw. Mr. Proudfoot be.a asked for nothing more than a fair bearing for his charges against the Provincial Min- isters Are the people of Ontario going to stand by sod wee him get anything leas ? spell, but I as gime to tell you that 1 de not have those week spell and I fail Ria a new women alas taking Lydia a, Pinkhna's Vegeta* hie Compound. I am now well and strong sad can do my ens housework. Ids not take methane d any kind. 1t was Lydia k. ' pl. k s's Vegetable Cam* pound that [stored me In ha•lth."— Mrs Roamer Fuasanw, t3 Penal Avenue, Windsor, Ontario. As a nde, i. is best not t• shift hole.- if yea wait apaeial adTisa Amos to days &bow, but to observe them. Lydia E. ptakbas isel¢s40.. (stfiie' whenever possible, on the day set for dnatlal) Lyse, shutes. year bMst� them. The attempt to have the be sysaad, sed sad soma st W a Twenty-fourth observed on the -.36th" wmaa and bead la debt MNSIMmfat bas resulted only in confusion. Flag-waving was a prominent feature of the Borden demonstration at Toronto on Monday. In spite of their alliance with the anti-British Nationalists. the Bordeoites ` would like to have the people believe they are loyal. AN OPPORTUNITY MISSED. "Alas! the poor Nationalists- Either side is willing to eontribute them to the other.'—London Free Press. Not much. Mr. Borden could not get along without t hem, and swallowed his principles on the navy question in order to secure their support. it ,n. W. T. 1Vhite in his budget h sed an uppoetuuity of doing The Ottawa Government this year is asking Parliament to pass estimates g-r� totalling over 0,00U,000. Conser- vative newspapers which were wont to be dismayedmodes* by much wore mode estimates of the Laurier Goverument will please take note. the belief that the ' majority of sesame.Canadians are opposed tet the contribu- tion and that it is tbeir duty to disallow the bill until the people have had an opportunity of voting up- on it- Spr ng. The followinglines were written by Miss Marjorie oore. now of Bow man - voile. whew Th many readers of e Sig- nal will reoteu.ber am abe deuehter ofol the tete Mt. and Mrs. A. J. Hoe ' of Goderit h.w Literrielpng. mimeo,tnppiag. ri Come the buds. a sorra. oral rows..eowa Ceres the groom gloss run healthy. weeks.cams the weeks. with wet ere wealthy, tome the soethwieis cool and mile. Come the fruit -trees. b. c•-• tilted. Coe a cp b. rib( -time as rr -►ie.. Come tie glowworm, buuerfice. to It is aprisg—it is the al -woe. It's W Ew eb et ail tie year .xe Whom tae leaves agram sad trotter. Irina tie reeds blow. small and .lender. oder, et Wham e norm* are Comb sed uooding. Klan the pio• eehmaa•Aside grit plodding. tt-bs° 'ha tilak7 lamb` are par lar' The Conservative M. P.'s at Ottawa Wino the mrrdgar.me amariest presented Mrs. Border', the Precimier's when tae .ara.m rgmer aeon rare. w J� with an automobile. A very tnru:t Wbeu tbm team[ i. ov cruse groin gracious thing to do : butto the wicked gar. o Mwm- will t.M Sod Grits. reehering tome things that Soma tie rood.. wilt -tart to .loop. !Soon the watKr'...ugb bs -alien. Soso tb, flow -;re -now. tied Ube Sleek e trait *o•l+ bang w in growg. Hess tam termer. retie Lanky sowing. Conservatives said in Hill. ate chuck - bog over the fact that tLe car is an "Ohio,- made in the United States. The member for Centre Huron has always taken a lire interest in ('soda - rrch's sdvaocement, industrially and otherwise. Sir James Whitney has borne testimony to Mr. Proudfoot's practice hoos t patronising hoe in- du.tilee, a• the latest addition to Gotaerich's industrial concern* i, a Attar that ttr ntamdt, Aae reioro. Cost sod soatbi..w • se. Secomome. Woos Ms Ware. ir\.m et .he tier. Woos away the bit..rWes. es. Waw. tr.= as oar lei ey Seams. W..ta s,r got ear sprtaltlmo mYsware. with gat.... Wow with ;Mom «'mania North triads slier —ttSJ Maw%lineMawwith swain s.psa. Card sad oink.. real sad obearkw. spire mus Will •s roar.ee "1"•"4.6bu splrncl d nervier for l'aoeda. The taeiory tut the matrufacWre of bras with se. +toe, wham/Peg io-t. WW1 wide .t atz.. bate a tt h ..sow. W11 grey .lim and clam& ar law. - - with • ioag fru .ipvtag—beuar. 1s r. Borden soy. bis novel policy vYtta the "1" daa'ds-filte'. was the trait of htr visit to England we baretbmMesima end rooiulta2401,64,:a tion with the Admiralty ken sad i. toy •resat last year. He also says his naval 'are re.t,••,•lirtemee.se.trirheet- policy wart endorsed by the people at lime tie slower. sad tier hoe irersouseit. the last general election, a bicb look Lore the wend. the tram ase ureses.. lea. a tae .bade sad .umbies 616.61"''pleb the ewer before last. It sounds .bade 1..t.+ rwtb area tsrstew MOP. rat ber queer, but it must to all right if Late roar bone *lino Mas tors. Mr. Borden says so. -essrlsire :ape e. United Steres C •ngteet i. at present engaged in the di.cut•ton at a 1.111 to lower or to reutovr entiirly the duties on • number of artielet :n which Can- ada is iutereetrd. If the Canadian Parliament had intimated its willing - nes to meet the United States in ill tariff reductions the passage of the tariff hill in Congress might have been rendered lees difficult. as it would have riveted the opposition of one of its strongest arguments. It means a good deal to Canadian producers Chet they should have a market for their goods io the United States, but the Government at Ottawa refuses to take a step to secure such a boon for the farmers and workers of this country. fitting.•. • W. ACHESON di' SON ts Carpeand Rugs AT CLEARING PRICES This week we will sitar out • uumber of pieces of 'reposery, Besaasistaad Velvet Owner, at wig.* our stock has been rurij large. it moth under regular value. R,ducad blearing prices on many lines of Begs Heavy pile Tapestry Carpets. 27 inches wide.melonin • good range of melon arid dodges and revues - !needed for hard wear. Specially priced per yard iN Wilton and Velvet Carpets Cromle)t's K glish make, hendsotne dents* and colorings, heavy pile, super yard 111.28 HOW THE NATIONALISTS STAND. Of the score of Quebec Nationalism in the House of Commove. five voted against the Borden naval hill and the rest in favor of it, no the third read- ing. This does not mean that the gee Nstiooalists• or any of them, support the Laurier nary policy. On the amesdmeet to recognise the Naval flurries r ries A et- or. in other words, to make the proposed espsnditsre on a Oasaedisn nary — tae Nationalists voted in a body against the Leerier The situation, thew. iv that the entire Xatiosslist oostlagsot from Quebec is erppeerel to the Liberal en- emata ; Mims of them awe is Ree with the Borden -Pelletier alli•sea, sed eye either are opposed to any neat sx- sasitsre sr deemed a plsbadts bm tees say sepsadkure k melesehies. the Morels of gram haws pts. M • garnet est gfnataistie %OM sesL.5 the Illailusaliste rad their aati•srideb One hundred and one members of the House of Common* --out of a total membership of 12l voted for the Borden n•va1 hill on its third reading.' The Mother I'ountrs will appreciate at its true worth a "gift" forced through Parliament by the clo.ere and on its deal readies supported by comb:kewbly lees than oue-bmlf the memberabip of the Hoare. A proposal to appoint a negro letter - carrier bas made some trouble in lbs postomos staff at Wisdeor. Mr. Wil- cox. the member for North Ler. who recommended the apoointaast. stands by it sed declares fast ewer bate their right* at Canadian .hiss... He ie right. sad it M to be hoped that the members of tie stall sob are drawing the eider Use will be allowed to maims U they wast te dem. No matter what us ielipuwcias le the poet. the ffataar w/0 be doing a ted aewhs to (lasedi if it 'brews ort the fstdas naval Mg. The Libsd Itwdeee hare ehallamted es appeal to the peeper on the isms, sad (as Mis- tstertaltsts evidently see sot wwaswd that the "teeters ape Mhtrd t,nes or they would seat hwitMs M seam ibm oballmpa. Is las etisaimss ewes. tr siwe r< cite aha -tin psalm/ to Upper tapas Navifpeion via Cariad Pacific. Steamships. The t'anadun Pride. coma,,ocing May Loth northbound, and Mar 110 seuthbowne, will operate Great Lakes Stan ru ktip Kapr.as treble between Totosto and Port MrNwooll on the following scbedste. with Brat -class coach ase parlor car running through without loral stops. Nosrnrsot:xn —Leave Toronto 12 43 p, m. ; mit rive Port Mchieoll 4 p. tan each Monday. Teseday, Wednesday. Thtatsdsy and (Saturday. connecting with i he palatial C. r. IL Upper Ickes sseaw.hrps having lett Melificoll on above days for SedtRte. Matte, Pnst Arthur sed Fort William. !•.ot•Tttsuctytr Leave Port McNieofl slob Smidey and Thursday at x44 a. on.. arriving Toresto 1200 noon. and baying Port *eNieoll Meade" Tomalleys sae Saturdays at 11.45 a. m., arriving Toronto &le p. m. Datil atoesesip Simms, pose este cowt- esiriw, eoanatelas M made with Upper Lskca eteaatsitp by leaving Tweet* la a. m. Pup 111tom lea Kidd, l:. P. R or wefts I L O. Minsky. Muir' /Wet. Tortuous The eras et a nammlie er orie taasd ■Metwisf 1e. the Brussels Carpets imam number of new doma in m brooms. fawns in cos vac tional paiteres. ter value $1.10 for th Floorfie Oil Cloths ini Special lisg of trysrd wide Vitae Oil Cloth. neat small peAte ss OF bleached esarreatioesal de - sigma. suitable for toy loom or hal. .1 per agents yard. - .. sae Ll Scotch inlaid. 2yawls wide. Pstterss Pi/Mt caha through to the canvas, at per pre rad 75and e Ladies' Separate Skirts A very large showing of new skirts, our first season's com- plete showing. Beautiful cloths and in style very smart and pleasing. Serges, Whipcords, Bedford Cords and Tweeds for ladies and misses. Prices range $2.50, $3.00, $4.00, $5.00 Spring and Summer Coats Black Silk Coats are in greatest fashion, and what is handsomer or more serviceable and always correct? a range of sizes 36 to 40 at $8.00. $10.00, $12.00 Cloth Coats New late arrivals showing in Cheviots, Serges, Tweeds, in fawns, greys and neat mixtures for misses and ladies. Special prices now $7.00, $7.50, $8.00, $9:00, $10.00 Butterick Patterns and Delineator for June on sale. W. ACHESON & SON aim Summer Schools. Far wearers in MI Skisam ,shunts imam t• tssiddss son Sooketeepore er AIWA OarVAsea reaskseleiseriewlhw win he eawdeer d io tt ow's�sitwa l withTweeds tile (realest eke �a wawsab •Ite Jahr kill ato A=6111116 Nis year. Stedeab r7 sates aril toms lar •a' oral osarms xe vesataisaa Wder w, 111 Tease .Fi e t . nisidest s ea isdividaal isstractisit AT THA NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE On Ea SOUID. 011TAmO �a p.orinite stndents to begin with us any day. Positinos guaranteed to graduates. Staff of specialists. le - formation free. C. A. Fuxtwo. F. C. A. Principal.. Y. D.f?t.ngiue Secretary: orsrwey+la unite axtr. 4abetwee stns ata t7imase 1. tor. iOW Jas. Cumming Painting, Decorating and Wall -paper Hanging. All work done promptly and in thorough manner. Residence—Albert St. Telrpbooe No. NG. MacEwan's 1 1 Pure Linseed Oil DON'T HANG ON TO THAT COLD ANY LONGER WHEN VOL: KNOW THAT Na=druaco Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and Chlorodyne IS A; CERTAIN CURE FOR COUGHS, COLDS AND BRONCHIAL IRRITATION 'The Store F. J. IUTLAND Tb.t Pleases. Gedegich. Osamu. at 75c a Gallon No excuse for not painting this year. Pure Baden Raw Linseed Oil at 75C a gallon, Boiled ?roc a gallon, is extra good buying. Vi'e secured a large quantity when oil reached its lowest alter last season's flax seed crop. No mixture in this oil. It is the genuine article and we have barrels of it ; every barrel is branded J. J. Livingstone, Baden, Ont. We advise you to place your order for oil with us at once, as oil costs somewhat more now than when w bought. C A L, Best Scranton Hard Coal—all sizes. Cannel Coal for open grates—the highest quality of Coal that can be bought for the purpose. Empire Domestic Lump Coal — most satisfactory Soft Coal for ranges, box stoves and fireplaces. Standard Chestnut ad F rnace Coke n u All kinds of Hari wood and Kindle.((. Tbe Sowell llardwareCo, Lanka Peter MicEwae Estate MOM*gf f Tai sirs ri.ACR to atm �Iix 1t�DWAIS. iDEAL FENC I N mid t� is the strongest d heaviest i rem tss ea the market We have a car of fresh Portland Cement. The price on it you will find right. If building a barn or house you should always make it a point to deal for your supplies with us. We will serve you with the best goods at right prices.