HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-5-22, Page 1;Hing ay 'w Millinery 'd for warm is and New and we will oilier in the !Winery you hearty wel- Friday next, y Counter est makes of children are ose we have to be found igs. black or itoekings, per Is black bash- er Pair 2542 isle Stoetinas. Rio en- easbrnere ' Perim au's" it .'Moo and ties tog rand sum - les. *so and i0o 00 Meek, tea or it with doable from Switaer at special per Awnings old Awnings or have any vould like to ow about it. ply all kinds it recover old Estimates gyring ? 1 Canada or ason's trade. quality, we We can save to back this gs bought for $11.75 or $12.75 e Mills Id Scotland. quality we very strong, of block c,r yd.... ,roc 1 Import - G idelridi Stationery TLe Jaw bride-to-be is in. wired to come& The= about We wedding manta etc., in the beet ayes. Samples ..tied to oetr ot Loire addresses on rs trovers gerr Pot R1'8 Tru --Xs. lase nal. BODBRICH. THURSDAY, MAY '22. 1913 !Ht IIONAL PBINIfRO 00., lid-. Poneaswasw AN EQUILIBRATOR The man who works o. .oms•issions has good weeks, then Mises that carted ansiey. A savings account enables bin to sdadikedins his io00dL Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto t derich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager et45t, ser low i s to to e e et ({n�e.�cak, west. ter boll v iers en F•45s, Psi ben par Web 1 t• to 1'e Barr. /w bore e 5 he 1 4. iresralasa. fear Pia >r . to Ss re Mex. Any per set tete 10 blear. pair. pr At Y M te 3 M mesa. Par tae fat • be 11 oe Ora. Per tea....... 2404. 18 1111 A. Par tau ase 1s AStraw te se es ed, weear Mel .� rise ue s se tratem Cher per lb e31 is Old e!0' 0le sIn Mem on don e lad to e L d eN lo pple,Fir lial t Si .. ! • ie6saas. /wb•reei s :d to e w Cada. see team . Per cwt s ale to S 35 Castle ampere err awl eel to leis sMto eM 35 to 4M se to te a al to ori e4to ere 1 0 to 1 !t ITHE PROUDF00"f RALLY 'THE MIN CI:1°CH- per stet.. Iris Perp.. TNaabdesmernpeerr aaeewt A. G. NISBET . +,:1 RXPEE.bKNTATI VI Fog THE COUNTY OF HCROM OF .THE New York Life Insurance Co. Assets $72o,000,000. I'FFh i NEXT CANADIAN FANG OF OOMMER('E, GODERICH PHONIES : OFFICE 8U ; Hot: sE 150. P.O. Boz 364 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 1ToTICE TO CREDITORS. Ksac c./ Art OS, lura. JUNK Corrt.arrta. Ultimo • Seiw. e beveby alum perloaat to 1 Grater r_ drape R ow: alba all wear Mvtrad Vdarn ma tae Al Merl Elsa Jan.• ( 4 &eas s& died ax s. Oat mar Mtic .•„ at shwa t >b day ef 4. a t nal..i.M Bard r seater rtes a.C.-riaaedSerJema. Taw rad t!'illaan, Y. feepdm. -wee--t a lit slid cera -e.. o r WA the SW dal ei ably. Ill, tog partisan= .f An le soln se alis the roe et tet tersitY. It /alp. IA kir. sod tint e®sr with ten mtadeael en me 'sentarse. Andhra@ the spm ell agate seoeaed same taw elssatad .ass ►.eine reed day te tit MA a akin they .hal taw taw Aril Am, radth ..d eseseaie A tees fa-IIMIle ler dere or er poetareet. b w pores,. of trliose *am nitros le nee Ion user: received by them at tie doss elf etl lezinuor !W tr. Mk day ofy•g, A. 13. Mak CRAW.= OAstatOW sides fur Jur Yaar..d William T. ilt.,'- dm. Lneret n. el -0 SITUAT O VACANT WANTED ATTONCB. - POUR M(rdHIPBTMEIAOwan . QTESUGRAPHER WANTED. -FOR 11 otos wait. Anti DUX G. sgNAL WANTED. -TWO WOMENOR _workTV biter lweefty LLs Ll earastaasPee. Apply sen ).1itAY QLLBSLA.DY WANTED. - DRY- " "4" : nems simedinge oreiret SOT s. Carel P. 0. WANTED. -A CAPABLE GIRL re wens° to de i....l ksesaw.t r Nei el tea Hide wrap.. add. A MFy te W. M. COATS, Norte sorest Jtft. W AN TED. -A MAN OF GOOD AD - TV mess awl shift is oat 45 ear mar geairr to the await alA eplwdY 2128 Kll I1 11s YFILd k 111'r l nN.. - en REPRESENTATIVEs WANTED ie Gator to rot ea Air awl c w,n. an fibers-* id miemied mfr oat= 4Qait:. menthes kora. bet • tow wmamas +fay a Au" fir anoreause we dere 0'd were aye fa- tealsee web roar AA redLEA AILY Knot st met IONIC Oe LOST OR FOUND. nit Ai ED ON THE PREMISES, 72 13 LAST STREET, on sr Shoat Mar Sad. • red yesTUag eon. Owner Is r.meeded be Pave property and oar all expawr. .tilt LOST. -O\ SUND4Y, MAY 4Tts. is SaitJ.d oeeests17. • need is +see web o•w�saiysst renter. Finder siceoe Move at THIt SIGNAL ()M( & PUBLIC NOTICE. WANTED NOTIOE TO CONTSACTORS- I will strenne warted tenders se tie mem • Mr: a by to be arced at the poi to • two semet fa tire taw d Garr Teadrs for wear work sr f r rare ekes Al be aswtileroi A usente elom�essm40. ureter ei r eget •t Nader price rat terr. No seeder ria sou . pier sad seesdh des_ can be ern in the Coate CI s Wise. Is C. MChatnG . .4 am Dated Mar is. 1111 110. (lRNTRE HL RON LIBERAL AS - kJ SOCIAL -M. I1X M HELP ANDsm DOMESTIC TANTS. -Pros ee terhely a: at ease to WILLIAM DeloLw Gwersrrt ' lassie/t so0. Helens. rho. Orden tit with H. It. St.. Bras. Oat, win receive erealM ei 0'A OU The anneal Are d the Cate Retro Liberal Meratlsa w1n be held s Owe.Af:e a Friday. May Ip. at 3 err R a The ail be 444, d by the msmbr. Mt J. C. Went. 14. I' P...ad stirs. YtIitDlt J. L. K1LLORAN. President Sece'ewy. � iN scTG OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. 'fie gowel of the eri.s.tsee of thearty at tit M wss ill mer s esaodteh•shr. ea .'1`sWrll•F�7a•s isANA bat 2 ern*d bee tAoro t Dalai May W GUNK$. Stat FOR SAIL COURT OF "REVISION. COURT OF REVISION. Colborne township meant will meet as Oeart Rewiring in the towns -m bait Car kin.a1 M000dssi , May 3eL. a an L McILWAtN. Mie T.swaetp C lerl. FOR SALE OR TO RENT POR SALE AT A BAROAIN.-ONE Lt of Me beg bait. new brisk twos. In O.derid. (;nod inaetsaa Eree7 moveeioee. Kr tear. 1�05AP O Chi DRY. !MANOR'S ANNOUNCEMENT RE - A rrangements Well Advanced for Big Demonstration GAROING MILITARY CAMP. May 30th. Judging from the interest displayed throughout the district, the Proudfoot da000atratiou to be hdd in tioderich an Friday. May 8110t. promises to be* big event. in the political history of Western Ootario. Mr. N. W. Rowell. the leader of the Opposition in the Legislature, will be ben to address the gathering, and as it will be his Net visit to this esetioo-at least in his political capacity -there will be great, interest in his appearance. J. C. Elliott. M. P. P. for West Middlesex, one of the leading Liberals in the House ; Hugh Munro, the able member for Glei,garry ; J. G. Ander- son; M. P. P. for South Bruce, and otber members of the band of fighting Liberals in the Legislature, will be present.. AOR SALE. -A BUILDING LOT }ro Nswxate wises'. A pilar to F. 4. 1D sNsad (1FFiCIts TO RENT NEXT TO *41G- �J \ AL Office. Rested by hot water and vault la oomeec i•a. Apply to J. P. BROWN. LOOK SALE. -VERY VBOICECOR- L' NRR bedding let. MOM het. ea North strew. Ooa.rle_oaa47 to nine K. T. LI. North Meet. - SiOR TERHORCr mak . A bowel. tyear at EMONAL volt SALL-DOMESTIC SEWING A- Apply at SIGNAL OPTICS. get 'OG8 FOR HATCHING. Y Ceberee L C o R. I. ds and 8. C. L wla sgferes le pea Ns. 1. bandit Idte eales' pperm++ wrousse s. Mrs WI= and eve Stewart weer here Pw N. S lsaharam Madel by Ferrera A. Tea a ay 0'a reddsae. Qa.MyHweseses LCiL rMetmad set C.R.L red wad �Alt a 0'. Osseo Win- ter TiTw-.lii'aOdm PmF HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT. - Two 4.oT otos room. sed all moire eooverrianeei A very deafranle location on Most Baser. A bartpie foe VEck sale. Aspiy to O. M 1N.LIOTf. O.d.rle` et REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. we have fee sale about thirty town iota prices roar ter LW upward-, also throe a tonna P� DrOOOt. MAsled etbee YS t EILWR K riff: Oat. R BALK -A COMFORTABLE aid' her ; etre ase roar har.Vats. b K MM For prism and trek: hod A Aar. Ow Dies- dspy td T. COAD or YRS. GEO. WAIT FOR THE WAIT FOR THE D.&C. Excursion STEAMER CITY OF DETROIT II. Goderich to Detroit and Return Fare $i.5o ('OUD GOING JULY 6th AND RETURNING JULY 7th OR 14th Three or Moe dayt with your friends is Detroit. when th. beautiful City of the Straits is at no t0'. The M.arosr City of Detroit 11. >a el non ___*_ 4145 and he ovary way it M of the `ort Mato w the hike. with thdieF ref Ames - rem ansammodonm. J. rnes- ,J. W. CRAIGIE, Agent jjiOR SALE. -LARGE DOUBLE L. bone es lot Ili West street : aka gist half d lot 4t4. Arthur street. Galeria` to 5138 DOYLE. WK street. r enbmM toJ.6.H,WKINS.ia Sixth were & W.. 8oeth Magee • ANA. tett. i3OR MALS. --SOLID WELIiBUILT ✓ .mlihne rat the sseti•oR emir er Wide •vapls U•I YFetsres stewt- Ons d the laeR I.aatletse Mea Lora aright mem: eel eo.lt klmaa�> weld - eons. It 4400 trate•. Agr sa prewar r torfarther p•rtie taro. i4 Toronto is seudine, a good delega- tion. including a moo whom the people of Cents e Huron will be especially glad to sec -Mr. H. H. Dew.rt, K. C., who was Mr. Proudfoot's enuc+e1 in the fam•,ue "Intestigation" befnre the FOR SAI E. --ONE HUN - r DOLiD.eres. ea Re ss.esedw.Owlmlr I - flee day Mrs all weer wla- ls tlea Ise dem M be ped coediting' ani A WWe w eWeseW Woo Apply BERT efwrenein P O. 11411. privileges .isd electrons committee. Many tat her prom ince Liberals trout other parts of the Provisos' are expected. The meeting is to be in the evening. at 8 o'clock. The West street rink will be seated for the oecae on, and space will le reeerced tor person. coming from outside pointe. The r ink will bold an immepae crowd, and there need be no fear that anyone coining hum a distance will be unable to secure admission. The railway arrangements are not yet completed : but •n effort is being stale to recur* trains out of Goderich after the meeting, on both G. T. R. and C. 1'. R.. so that persons coming by train may return home the same night. There may also be • special train from Stratford to Goderich on the 0. T. R , arriving here about 6 o'clock. The normal meeting of the Centre Huron Liberal Association, which was called to meet at Ssaforth on Use 'Ti tb. has been postponed to the alit Is and wilt he held inGoderirh on the after- noon of that day. MINISTER PRAISES ZAM-BUK. RAILWAY INVESTIGATION. Bell Telephone l:0. Hasa New Propos:- eon -Victoria Park to Be Enlarged -0143 Bathing -house to Be Patched Up -Other business Before the Town Fathers. the freight sheds and also with refer- ence to the proposed filling up of the trestle at the foot cf Wellington street, wen referred w the public worts committee. V. M. Roberta reported that the sewers orxrstrueted by the Tartithic Paving A Construction Co. were in good repair and that the contractors were euutled to the amount retained by the 100'0 on the rootrsct price. Speediest Moe of eleetricalequipment to be used in the installing of hydro- electric power were reerited from the Power Commission. As the water and light comwissiooe,s were con- sidered to be wore familiar with the handling of such goods the letter wan A somewhat surprisicg feature of referred to them for consideration. the town o,uocil proceedings last Fri- The fire committee recommended that the chairman be empowered t0 have the book and ladder waton„re- paired. Adopted. The public works committee recom- mended, respecting the request of the Bell Telephone Co. for permission to place their poles sad wires on Bruce street, t had .ctaoo be deferred pending settlement with the company in the matter of removing poles from the Square and placing the wins under- ground_ In regard to the request of C. C. Lee for • permission to place a gasoline pump on the edge ot the side- walk in front of his store. no action swami recomweoded. The third clause of the report was couched in these words : "That no action be taken in the matter of building • new bathing - house below the summer hotel. but that the present bathing-bouae be painted and put in good condition and that this 0•attrr bereft in the bands of the chairman of this committee with power to act." in the rustier of set- tling th-laslitbic Paving A Construe- tiou Co.s hewer contraA it, wise recommended that upon receipt of the engio.er's certificate that the sewers are in good repair any amount re- tained on contract be paid tbe Canadian Bank ot Commerce, Chat- ham, and that the Doty Marine En - Vancouver, B. C.. enclosing a petition gine A Boiler Co. be notified to this for 1 he council to circulate. The effect. The report cerrird with the first Association see►eto influence the Do- minionGoveruiueot to take over the banking sywtew of Caseda. The petition was referred 10 the special committee. A petition for a sewer on Elgin avenue from Wellesley street to Nor. folk street was referred to the clerk and engineer for a report. Chief of Police Postl.-tbwaite's re- quest for s new uorfor m for himself and Sergeant Moore was referrer to the special committee. A request for financial amistanoe from the Provincial aseochitla0 for the care of feeble-minded was referred to the finance committee and will be dealt with along with other grand. Judge Holt. president of the Alex- andra bcspital trust, made application for the anouel grant to that institu- tion. Owing to the large number of patients from town wbowete treated there, it was requested that the grant be made luster than lost year if possible. The letter was referred to the finance committee. A letter from the Great North- Westero Telegraph Company inquired if the town was willing to pay the actual cost of placing the company's wires underground on the Square in car the work should be undertaken. Mayor Reid stated th.1 he had been aeeured by the local representative of the company that the town would not have to meet such expense. The letter wee sent to the special com- mittee. Tbe booed of management of the Canadian Free Library for the Blind, Toronto. sent • letter requesting that the council advise if its last contribution was intended for that inetitutioes er for the Dominion Tactile Preis. It seems that Arthur Gate, of Toronto, foresails, in the employ of the Canadian Ftree Library for the Stied. had resigned his position and in collecting for the Dominion Tactile Press had left an erroneous impression as to which organization be rep- resented. This was the case in Gode- rieb and the clerk was instructed to 'notify both parties that the grant of 116 toed* by the town council was in- tended for the Canadian Fres Library for the Blind. A. H. Sanderson, the local C. P. R. agent. sent a letter stating that the roadrnester was arranging to lave the roadway leading to the C. P. R. station repaired and that tbe super- intendent at London bad been communicated with regarding repairs to the retaining wall on the south side of the same roadway. The letter was filed. A letter was received from 1. L. Richmond, district superintendent of the Bell Telephone Co. It is self- explanatory and is as rollover : T1s Me sed Cower. Oader 080T1088811.-1 R have to advise nee day evening was the announcement made by Mayor Reid that all hope of landing the military camp this year had beet, practically abandoned. On Friday afternoon His Worship received a telegram from Col. Hodgins. D. U. C., advising him not to do any- thing towards arranging for the water supply on thee/map grounds. He im- mediately telephoned the Colonel and was assured that the camp was not cowing to Goderich. The Mayor immediately communicated with the Toronto General Trust Corporation and was informed that the Attrill property was not available for wihtary purposes this year. Tbe difficulty which has arisen is the fear ot a water scarcity on the grouois. The spring wbtch had heed depended on is rapidly drying up and the only other available source is on the Kuntz property, but the cost of laying water pipes front the pp, iug to t be c,awp ground.. 2AIIU'fect distant, would stens an elpeuditure of nearly S1.241 This was telt to be pre - tat rnlive. Follows et this ezplanauoo the mallet wan dropped• and tbe rouneil settled down to regular busi- TeUs Mow It Cored His Wife's Bad Sore Ontario west Spee Affairs t0 Be probed oars When Everything Else Had Failed. y. A communication was received from Rev. Henry J. Manton, of Black- May the Bu.iness Men's Association of falda, Alta.. writes "Mer wife bad a T.,rooto, May 21. -The Ontario Rail - very bad sore foot, which it .sewed way and Municipal Buaud has set May Mil for the opening of I he investigation into the affairs of the Ontario West Shore Railway. The investigation before the boar.l is IJIOR SALE. -FIVE ACRES OF i' rod. peat el el Moses. LL os. N _ �"e teernsits.areseresa tort II her awl ap wok deep p�pllaeasestar ch res... Mese a Una alt vatlt _ � M W heat♦CA mlw�ii. QYoaa- TLer impossible to get anything to heal, The sate would Deal to a certain point and then fester sgaln, and so on. I procured a box of 7.m -Bek, and after persevering with this betted balm for sumo time the sore was completely the outcome of a demand that file pre- Kre were eco grateful for this cure, bealed mote'. of the line be forced to give an m ry and Zana -Bok acted to differently to eccnu0lintr. any utbrr of the 'muses., rrwcd4,e we bad tried that 1 thought you ought to know of this case. I Dave since recommended 'Lata -But to several cf my pariebioaers, and it al- ways gives satiafacud o." Another instance in which Zam- Buk proved of unequalled value is told by Mr. N. L. Gerry, of Brandon, Man. He says : "I had my left foot run over by ♦ wagon loaded with wheat. The foot was very badly th crushed, sad my little toe and e next toe were la;d open. 1 applied m la -Bub. and only bad to miss work for two days. Toni-Buk haled the wooed so quickly tsar nu the third day I was able to pit on my boot and walk t0 my work. In i sbort time my hee were quite healed, and the foot is. now a' sound as ever. thanks to la-Buk." Just as good for chronic sores, ulcers. piles. blood poison, burns. scalds. eruptir As, eczema. and all sk n injuries and diseases. 50c. box at allru druggists and stores, or Zein=Bok Co., 11no.m. to. Try la -Bot soap, Lou.too, c. /ale tablet. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Mayr 1 1 Seer tar the Brit -J.& Mop s Help Wasted -D. Fml F. Haist 1. w 8 Wear HIgh- d bore -J. H. 1lR7rlea5 p Rewm-et 1.Tweet* �ed' Mach tray Bepor1 mar .sr Biaes. L dma. Growing - Rona dsa muter Oa. w Neap Representative Wanted -SA Welke- Oat. elke- NTerre 1 Prow Ate- Dude she Met • T tide. Dur -C. P. i. 7 Jews Meolet-Co My OAR 1 Wall wars .wl Arra -Ge• Porter N Poe Urea alt -Hewell Huiware C! Peepsg tier tae B.laay-M. MObrse Oar Toikd W *MA lasered t Deet W..s-W.wr a Harv+.a e lindene-ill. Wta...... .......... Mar Maes le 1 1i1ENDKR8 WILL HE RBCEIVED A 4 tae adentsed• er erase of Mom. ter heAA,SL the �d •4.sawaws► eirdragammme leo The b•Md- h apmeleWrrisoaandMore le a= ✓ 'nm ed o the Form. J W. SMITH. Ora► rah. WM. also. weed ton. C1ao. I tiros SAL& -HOUSE ON BRUCE E N.e tem. beta sea dent ; sew hat fir eemesa meet the mi wa.rta4 Mem he Were. AA A. herr Wena ltewerwe •tis 1sw water .4 Mea 'eMOW in Met sit rin wed aerlaket Abe r A4..0s new sa ppo.urser It pe -dor. WILLIAM KILPATRICK. noise signori Ott 'WOE SALE. -LOT NUMBER FOUR- It?WC Mt asae.atoemedp ('I.dm.5. a seg A awes sae" 1teen dement..*♦aw Yl deme mum gemsede sad R0'. rer' p0' crew if t0' r45 lash : ails whet • wow ip pM�ag�pbdimai�t our is messi wsesaesL . tae 10 I y teiLrmofM j�ARM FOR SALE -THE EAST I` al r 1st s45 r w Sarta .4 L d•.a 1INKM•sMsa'nd.�pv_Sear d tis!Iftee trwbrapiaaae�W�f.A� da a 0 eggs rsess aid bra T1wu to pW718V.1.47Mlit SAL& -THAT F1111 RNRi- p.ppeeq e w sere d oomww, eles.sA ser `mmV_wth Mape 45 �.e me bit r erase la WsNorm mere Aare .4 y ti�lIaa 1p ke ta� urdi is m ►. hi ale.l�w Iowa et et rat =iimw tae Ore Win arra. PERSONAL MENTION. Klin. Fon. y Blackst mei* visiting in Toronto. 5r-. Humber sod Meat King are away on • trip to Toronto and 0ri1fa 5. Hamilton Oakley left on Monday os a beuoeas sip to Mo.ueal. Reeve J. V. Campbell. of Flet K awaao.b. ow. in town os 0.innerddaay oo bu..ine... Mr., Roo` of Roxbury. Mad.. ,. t be gue-t of her son. Rev. Geo S Ito., Cyril Cama student at Trinity Clasen. To - rate,). holidaying at kis home in tows. Miss Annie Clark. who has been in Port Huron Myths part year, k•a returned to br bows in town. T. R. Elliott. who hes been .todring at Tomato University. is viritiog .t the par- estal home in town. Wiagbsm Advance: Mr.. E. Mahood. Min Roles Grisham and Yrs. John Carter. acre visiting in Golerici this week Ili,. George Brander mod Mrs. Alex. Malloy ale oblides. eh of Macklin. °oaL. •r. hew se • visit to tet.tl►.s in Goderich enc lo Co(Mrae township Aries IMJi-W. C. wiser. selesddy 0'..w -Mex art esil Wasted -Mrs. Wm. Coale 8edes - BI•akmsee's $ Areal-0sw. He.e iAmat a►riser 1 s Mader. -F. IG M•ed.tto lsaep.pber Wanted-ilos Ii. tays.4 Mrs sad Ads Livery -T 5. Gerd. PA New -C. C. Lee .... e A M•. Owes i1 to Miaow -tr. t:. Primass 3 Thos. wylli. sod family. wall -known reW- dont, d Ouder40 towe.hl„ have moved to town rad Mn intro ay their resident at the camera r.eia .ad 11Mores suers. Mie Gertrude Marrs. who hag bees a ester-la-tr4wtag at Wesley hospital, Okla- homa Civ M bees sa an emended visit to her poi e a. Mr. awl lira IL C. Maadala The Mr -e Oil tie. of the staid d Ai.mo- deo esseitai. were ear to Urea this 0'.t by the steer d their mother. wed W 4045 Moa reprised to town of an Ceres' Wok. Mr. awl Mea 8. J. Bekker Had fairy MR reeeedar mortal tor the wort 3tia Scheer will pia. far en Iteveleto.ea M C w will re- �si• tar. re- fer a woe when Mr. arieerr Vaamepver • rat Their mesa triawle In tows jMa r ori bias tams goad leek ti taeir tsew hen Caps. W. W. Mee V tear. et far.M, was lb Wens o01ee.day, M kis May to 8sadrth te •t- rod ata ralreg sal ererels ter tad sisre et the Ord Reetweat seadecied ea Weirdo try 5gpr Oslo Melt. D. & O. Aiteasgk . .esYsat Odor lm. somber et yeM s, 'ae" ride a W same tea wain taw cad Thirty- thied M. L AA. wig Me been a reddest et Gedriee ler err yeas w IA t e Ai we wad he bereo hr. be. mewl W Any awl Area i.b to Tared waw slay will Adele tame. They frit sapho Aril d�rrdlda�e�lrpwetr inn anataM~wead.fa wavy eta trier re are merry es ego them M.vs Q-4 - MmmBebe Doyle Ms roared frac an ix• tared vwalu to tar Meter. M. r. DrBoredt Bored at Serb. Sew 5. C. Gegen, wit t the ender et Weftwdfalm Ftsrad.. bee enderto the emd Woe es the 024013 She woo aer.ompend d hre Of bar see. Al.a Cerro. where buss le at Weewa0M. Mal Deasy Heroes of w•tttgham. M visiting is tea Mn. Ordw Hewlm.on. . ? r 0' woo slater. M C.. to rho geed of Mr nod Mrs. T Aregeek, MA w Mrs. Jeers elfin W er( ser1. ��yy �.e.id, nee natters le era week. m•tt Yr: WMma a.. Mor teeileee 0'f lei. hs.Uaa m rhos,w Pmt et led ma - L TAT* AND PRIVATE L' rums L. L 1 w l'namme.sfle 0'w_I her rest al. eel halt pas A Appy TIIIIIIIITT. Owe neer Mem Yea OM AUCTION SALER KUCiTON SALE loving been war la Abdo . Re M litte. set part arseues 4.► M liege OM. s4 et Mwbdo w otos. A ALU aelpilfit\rl� Aro Emu taken IlablrN af"-p• •• Me W UR%1TL _ !k. w• e• 0'w oda b p.tlr assess I �-Me eeY is a m45smw Oodles to d W ewd AIM JUNI1 . Orders► w uwv Part. la ��Tl et�w� �� i_�pwir•YdYtivvee A ewlwew 1 fi'i i'e M 8 bearsads wan . where Ar* You tdo.etg • Mona 1 tango. 4 Ito Vi•lpria Day t The G. T. R. •omm sieg..e ei wow sheet • "�iaf 5ra J r t d tows. clause amended so sato grant permis- sion to the Bell Telephone Co. to string their wires temporarily on the •own's electric light poles on Trafalgar street. Referring t0 the question of having the court house park lighted by hydro- electric power and of having light* placed on Maitland bridge, Reeve gunninge suggested that iso effort be made to have the county bear pert of the expense. The Mayor promised to have the engineer prepare • plan for submission to the county council when it convener in June. Deputy Reeve Clark introduced the question of cleaning up Victoria Park and lengtbeniug the grounds by tear- ing down the old tence at the east end. The matter was left with the public works committee with power to act.. By a nsolutio.aetooduoed by Coun- eillor Vaoatter. w•w.dd by Deputy Reeve Clark. it was decided to recom- mend that v ictnria I)ay be observed nn Monday, May 2&b. Councillors laithwaite and Young registered their vote against the motion. favoring the observance of the day on the usual daps the 24th. It has since been de- cided to nbserve the holiday on the 24th. Councillor Graham reported that Capt. McLeod had agreed to take the, po.uor. of market clerk for soother year at ati minuet rental of $15. This feet with the approval of the council. The council then adjourned. ell 1t :mewl a lea l leer ▪ area• 4111=r� l SMR alwd4etp °ele" at singt• ld ea see • 1 1Mera�.s rat hat i (raise. Wei ping May Th and ]t wed pep•a. I MIN erred Mea 1 ween.est seer. 1,1 a0 to may 27. am your reWtmwdee. w.p•-. waresder. blsds. •ere slam. hien P.F. Lawreaes 0 � at * awiaa, ewes.. Rieke +leads.. trek w ries smr e. 1,10•110P.wit 4.toe soba ill• Nwa neer sod avoid d0' 0'•4... ewer. bee ws. Where. he. lay rs lbs Mahon 00.7 r.tu.ded Sr, , l• weidia_rsrrtherr Mv..ls.M 0'i cis •.y tickets het used. strews. e. . Peak v thee.erteerr Trari be~Oa IF Jibe e4. o the 11, dem Thew le • • .thst h hobaitilagir et eweghee Y is are 7OOMAS4U1I ST.. The Iew •ffe ti.g tit boon elf bed - nem for the barrooms ammo iota tritest lilt Friday ski tie ale et "wwl mode" is4404 prohibited before t Weis* la 4h. msr..g. 1. dee Sisal haw sebo.l .-a-'-.t►w rols'nNe of the third yeas. .*au -I 4 ▪ Weietedy. tho maim of wilt Pratt rwtt �r� .p*.•ee le the lot d dl3- ' et pit t . P. S.. wglydblg a w temdirl iaiaa3 . erimbeg .t the I.t_wMrii.g lege at CAMP GOES TO LONDON. Was Qeesttoe of Water Simply the Reasoa. arc Just an Excise ? As indicated in the report of the town council meeting. Goderich has lost the military camp and it goes to London this year The reason for the change as reported from tbe miliary divisional headquarters at London is the question of water supply : but this is regarded here w .n excuse rather than a • reason. There is abuodaece of pure water available. and in other respects the grounds were apparently satisfactory to Col. Hodgins, Cr. 0. C.. anti bis staff. it is said these was some lack of harmony between COL Hodgins sod Mayor Reid. hut 1.4.. would hardly account for a decisioa affecting the whole military district. Another �explanation is that the psople bad a bigger "pull" At eny.rete, the camp goes to London, and will be held on the dates previ- ously announced for Goderich, June 16 to 27. It uoderstood that in addi- tion to the two -by -tour ramp grounds at Carling's Heights some additional area is available for manoeuvring. siege lest weer seserg. It is eigt N b 45llowAMsesr T��e1r...��1Ae11eR•gpe0. �aw�laaa Tis 040507 M sti wtaMag b seine te a =• rwwwmeacw..i A Ads) too A Ilse map la .4emnmethe LL.jlas Warnr�4. year aerial Oinelt fie w tit to by on um gama•a r lam p�wm Isar A LAKE TRAGEDY? Sim d Paper Tells ef Siwki.g Launch ea Labe Herres. Russell R. Post, of Ao for- wards to The Signal • alio paper which he and anotheer boy found on the shore of Lake Huron near the Point Clark lighthouse. The paper i. evi- dently . page tor. frons a s4a11'memo- randum book, and written ma it in pencil is the following "October litb.1912. "Gasoline launch Anna Brit. of Sarr- n ia, slaking middle of lake Hero.. John Amber and brother Tarn aboard. M wens a0' Tel father. Good weer who •*•reds di b!~ 4r moo tis* Mi • sp_ Poet, p to The sis- �p •Y.s ip rpoat dk��t+y Wtasr sal. says it wen in . 4144407 corked semsrsr ter hottS wed was partly coveted with epnMe. lissom la i•o sew der •sed. tar the of palm • 11 steed by our agreement d Grey will Maud by liths," sail Bum -mount. "Well giro the bead ear .r yme.' This es•m*d to be ohm mambo the meant and ohs wS sadly ass •sapi'ny t. this !• aim ommrisMt.as tram the tows elddli he Ma bed with A. IL Km- Btlaekatwe's, rimes at;essey for 1RWil- o rre's eboeslMM• that aro 'HiiereK" See wisdom ahgllay. 4 merest � ..dih.4fr at Nwt.1s&., Belseo•d Oe&A Dr. R. F. Parlor.toad err .t Mead ,*tido,. 12 a. ate tis. 111.tot your Vislaria Dya6 •sutia..r7 ▪ the e --- 'grin Clic