HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-5-1, Page 8• Tuvnetrae, rile 1. Isla TIM SIGNAL : GODSBICH ONTARH; Wall Papers THAT SATISFY Our Import Papers are ex- clusalve and will make any risers attrecti%e. They are satisfying to the most exacting taste. We are sbowinn them in a wonder- ful range of oolutiogs, dasisty /tripes, floral. self • tone and 'tapestry effects. We want you to see them. No obligation to purchase if you come in and look at them. Prices range from 15c per roll up to ;Sc. wbile the Canadian payees Range in )rice from 5c per roll up to 25c•. Pretty cut-out Borders Prow T.c and 1!k per roll up. The Colonial Book Store GNO. PORTER. Prop. Phone 100 Goderich. tretrOsittertessOOSSWOOSSeesSafterelsetaeserre O. -der your Grocery Supplies from the MAPLE LEAF GROCERY FLOWERS. -- Easter Lilies. Careat ions, Roses. FRUITS. - Pine Apples. Ban- anas, (oranges, etc. VEGETABLES. - Fresh Rhu- barb. Lettuce. Radish. Green Onion.. Celery. SYRUP. - Log Cabin Brand Mtple Syrup. labelled Hbso- lutely pure. FLOUR.-Self•rising Buckwheat Flour. MEATS. -- Choice Cured and t . oksd Meats. 416. sW COFFEE and TEAS. -Our own special Mend Aurora Coffee and cltoiee Teas. BUTTER and EGGS. - An ample supply of strictly fresh Eggs and choice Butter. Call or 'phone +i2 S. Jo Yung Hamilton street. %OTIIEKS'DAY SUNDAY, May llth To honor the best mother who ever lived --your own. Bright flowers for mothers lir. ing. Whitt flowers for mothers' memory. i will be prepared with a good assortment for the ..eca.ion. 6eorgeStewart. Florist saisesetellekeertenestrosseseesesesesew COLLEGE AT HOME Tt,outi.nd- of r.mbitiws yemaa ate 100-: vowing fa thele ewe = ta.eru pr lurratira pa#L10nea iwaksn�bookksepsew, sal sra01 .e ssia syea,is (tam miry403 nos metiattes. �tasg/lsr�s o�f�- se with the at est ouutugraseAA a *U7 I.SivW- ual taetruetlea Esom teeeauw Thirty yawn' expeei100s. tamest oakum to caned& flews maws special county for taaeasta. Alllfated with ('_Lal Mils. ton' Awoo..t:an of (.'saki► ile�met schwa at fume. Seams glainros Con.ge. l.osdon. Clinton Business (;dir=e Oen 6rotros it 1'. WARD l'eaaf•mt 14inrllrl. See Our Special Values in Diamond Rings $I5.50 and $I6.50 Walter 8. Darrisoe THE LATEST MARKETS Farmers' Market. Following are the latest quotations trfarm produce at St L.avrsace het. Toronto - Fall wheat. bushel.... .3 92 t.. $ 96 Oats .29 00 Goose All beat . 00 92 Barley d 64 64) ilirckwheat I Al .12 Rye .00 .00 Pen 1.00 1.10 New hay ...16.00 11140 do. Na, 2 14.00 15.00 Cattle hay ... 9.04 10.4* Rye straw 16.00 18.04 Straw. bundhd 14.00 16.00 Straw, louse 8.00 9.00 Eggs, new laid. dozen-.110 .25 Butter, Bair) .90 .21 do creamery .3s Fowl, dressed ib. .18 .20 Chickens .22 1st bucks 22 .26 Turkeys .24 .26 Geese .16 .18 Live fowl. lb. .16 .14 ▪ Chickens .16 19 Ducklings .15 .13 ▪ Turkeys .80 .22 " Hess .12 .13 Potatoes. bags .60 .90 Apples, barrel ' 2.66 4.25 Deloused hogs 12.75 13.35 • Toronto Grain Prlees Quotations at the Board of Trade were as fol.oss: Ontario V. htat-New. No. 2. winter Wheat, white. red or mixed. 96c to 97c. outside. Manitoba .Wheat -New, No. 1 Nor.. 99c; No. 2 Nor., 9t1,Sc; No. 2 Nor., 94iiic. Canadian Western Oats -New No. 2. 41%c; No. 3, 34e, on tract. lake pats. Ontario Oats -33c to 35c, outside, 38c to 384c. Toronto. Corn -No. 3 yellow. 63c, all roll, track. Toronto. No. 3 yellow now 5S' c. c.i.f. Rolled .Oats -Per bag of 90 11x.• 62321-2; per bbl. $4.70, wholesale, Windsor to Montreal. Peas -No. 2. 81.00 to $1.05, car lots. outside. Buckwheat -No. 2, Slc to 52c. out- side. - Rye -No. 2. 60c to 61c, outside. Barley -48r tel 50c. Mtllfeed-Uanitoba b. -an. 820 . to 420.50; shorts. $22.00. at shipping potnts: Omani) bran, $20 to $20.50, in bags; shorts. $22. track. Toronto. Toronto Cattle Market Representative prices are: - London export cattle.... $6.85 to $7.25 Liverpool export cattle.. Export bulla ( Butcher cattle. choice do. medium do. common ! Butcher cows.. choice do. medium do. common . Cutters I Canners ('Butcher bulls do. medium Bologna bulls .. 3.25 reeding steers 5.50 Stockers. choice 5.25 do. medium 4.75 do. light 3.00 Milkers. choice, each20.(10 do. medium 40.00 Springers. choice 50.00 do. medium 30.00 Spring lambs. each 7.60 Sheep, light ewes 1.60 do. heavy ewes 4.50 Bucks and culls 3.00 Good lambs 8.00 Medium lambs 8.00 do. culls 6.00 Hogs. f. o b. v 25 do. fed and watered. 9.65 do. weighed olf cars. 9.90 Calves ° 4.50 6.75 7.00 5.50 6.20 6.50 6.90 6.00 6.50 5.66 6.00 5.50 6.25 5.00 6.40 4.25 4.75 3.60, 4.25 2.60 3.25 6.00 6.00 4.60 5.25 4.25 6.15 6.25 6.75 4.50 86.00 60.00 85.00 60.00 8.00 7.60 5.00 5.00 9.00 8.50 7.00 .00 :00 .00 8.S0 East Buffalo Cattle Cattle-Rec(:pts, 4,100; slow, 16c to 26c lower; steers. 26c to 99c lower; prime steers. 18.25 to $8.50;1ht p7.56 to $8.26: butcher. $4.26 to 88.16; cows. 13.75 to 1726; bulls, 86.76 to =7.50: heifers. $6.00; stockers and feeders. 16.00 to $7.75; fresh cows sad springers. steady, $25-00 to 885.00. reals--Recelpta, 2.600; active, 2&c tit 50c lower; $6.00 to 810.40. a few 01025. Hogs -Receipts, 16.000; active and 26e lower: heavy. $9.60 to $9.16; mlx- e4. 19.10 to $9.20; yorkers. $9.11 to 19.25; pigs. $9.20 to 31.25: roughs, 68.00 to $8.155: stags. 17.00 to 17.50; dairies. $8.90 to 69.24. Sheep and lambs-Recelpta. 14.000; slow; ewes. 5c: lambs. 15c higher; lambs. 65 00 to $S.1$: yearlings, $74 to $7.25; wether.., $1.25 to $4.80; ewes, 13.50 to $615: sheep. mited• 86.00 to 61.25. Chicago Live Stock Cattle -Receipts, 20.000; market weak to 1Oc to 30e lower; beeves, 5720 to $910: Texas steers, 86.74 en 17.72; stockers osd feeders. 1610 to P.N. rows and heifers. 32.1.4 to $8.84; e1110e0. 34.0 (0 11.76. Hogs-Reoetpta, 44,000; market doll. l5c to 24e lower: light. 18.00 to 11.71; mixed. $8.40 10 18.70; beavy. 88.21 to 14.M; tough. 0021 to $11.40; pts,. $1,60 to $s,.7.; balk of sales. 18.94 to $6-6t. Sheep--R.•eelpts. 28.000; market. slow. 10c to 1 Se lower; satire, 15 .10 v 37.15; yearlings. 80.40 to r1.3.; lambs, native. $1.54 to 00.71. Geode. Mamboing art pr+. i' if to feat t er% M6kedweltdt. as fr.11osrs.• - dower. No. 1....125 60 to $61.10 Me. 1 112.00 .M Al9ea. les. 1 28.00 26.00 4ht Ns 8 24.60 11.M tlllmMhiy. Nit 1 7.50 6.00 I Im No. 1 6.30 4.50 mow. No. 1 11.80 26.50 het No. 2 I' SO 00 Rated Noy mid 3 -ass Now Iso.. No. 1 812 ! ' M 813 00 41►1400.1 11.'' MAN de las. 1 s w fa.es Rah* stem for 6IMP Vote for the Tievo BYLAWS` May t, 3rd 1 GREAT MUSICAL EVERT. aid whims i4Oue.ted to do se srmphe •lapeeaal palm lad other asteria! be Queen's Hall Cowers Grgamst Comingred ; copses of all oosta'a5b Here. fau or ns, tbe :Ls- Gat ty Sellars, the worlds famed Eal,hsh tattooist of the Queer's letup "C"4atti� also of the Loudon, England, coocerta lad the approved l'ryetal Palace 11 tasks! !festival. is to PIM= IM Ware dillgibudmtaritem ..p • here on p."..eveoitig Desi, mayat submittal by Mr. Caster. kb,NorthHeel otLodiet Bir. QMmortatated thaalamus& thous - The M notion' ar Isis' wr.rth of material torr The program includes the coronation' Oodeeiek W ahead bole ordered by mark Of King Geir'ge V. And Qat mi't-al e afro Rave the Vary. Cathedral chimes from thea Queen's Hall. London, will be weed with r�sesmtCumlet ht. ntdisteibubot the organ. Other items will be the int woodesot Bereao aw aW two": l- Russian Patro, representing the ale-fi▪ rw(grst-M om,tap or 14.1.000 prose!). passing by and the gnsdtsal instead tIIM,00at disappearance of a Ruaatao petrol and the Storm at tier. In the Patrol. the tramp of soldiers fir drums Celeheat Goidaw Wedding. trumpets and wilitary edrets are stria:sea 0ersid: A happy event dealt). portrayed. The world's pews was oslebgi6Lad on Saturday. ,April are unanimous in declaring this organ- lytb. when Bir. and Mts. Patrick J. ist to be prominent in such doe rip- buLLivaa, Wsiltngton starerrale tive music as The Storni, in which brand (10fiftieth alatfvmemry o,f thele rain. wind, thunder and ligbta►sg acclaim.Hata the hosored couple ef7ecta are ubtaioed. (17,e iiaglub joy tie test of health and loot for - paper states that Mr. Sellars in this ward or Way more yeuy of happy piece obtains the most remarttahie muni• d we. They ate old resiients effects ever beard on an .roan. He a Stratford bare t rte wird mere for hue already complrt ed a &chid . ieaotd ILRy�ix They &err married on this tour of AC recitals given in in the cid 9s,. Joseph's church by Rev. direct succession on the largest organs Father (lriaoon. On Saturday the of Canada and the IEla ted States. The imaooediate relative. and friends largest audience in the history d Aa(hdsmdit their hose and flt.ungly many of the larger cities visited hive moms' twit golden wedditm. Air. ltd ism, OAK wan have six cWldrea, n amely :Mtn. of Los Angeles. Cal. ; Rdwaid. it North Dakota ; Mrs, M. J. Camino, of Detroit : Mrs R. J. ]'hello, of Soderich ; Mies Kathleen, of Chicago. ltd Miss Margaret, of this city. assrwbled. Comment is 'frequently• made on the ease with which Mr .Sellars adapts himself to strangeinstruwsehta. A• times he never sees the organ un- lit commencing his recites. He plays eutiiely from memory, sometimes ex- temporizing on a theme requested by his audience. A crowded cbusrb is therefore anticipated next Friday etening at the popular admission of ,i cents. A POSTAL RECORD. HUGH GORDON'S DEATH. Caused by Blow with iron Rod in Hands of His Son Robert. SL Q. H. Williaas Shows RematkaMs! The iotluest into the death of Hugh Efficiency in Ptstoffice Work. (iotdon, of the township of McKillop. The following reference to a f antler I was c'.ncluded at Seatorth on Tues- Godericbstudent, whose old 110100 isle day. The jus. found that the de - Dunlop, is froThe Petoskey AMoeb.) sed 'came to his death by a blow m Evening News of April .12; ..n the bead with a ,rod of iron in the The Petoskey postoffice force is hared. of his tion Robert." Aledical proud of the fact (bat it Dasa mail- evidence was to the effect (bat Hugh Ing clerk who is as efficient es any , Gordon's skull was exceptionally thin. that will he found in the State. I Afterwards Robert Gordon was The clerk in question is `t. 4. H.' taken before 51agietrate• Holmested, Williams. and he proven his pro- I but proceedings were adjourned to flciency '1'ueaeay morning when be; Wedoeedav 01"i xt week. under went an examinaticw by Exam- iner A. H. Graham. chiefclerk 14. M. , s. Mr. NS Shams' record. as shown by the statement of examination made 'I out by Mr. Graham, is as follows, a record that is considered good : separations, Itt; cards handled.' 1,612: tuisthiown. s(teenteeh : not I know n. (1; total error., seventeen ; correct, 1,505: time consumed. mei hour, thirty minutes : cards .correct 1 tier minute. fifteen. Per cent. correct, WW1. Cine ..f the principal t ommr able restores of Mr. Williams ro reaedi is the fact that not a card sae "unknown" to him. COUNCIL EATS HUMBLE PIE. Not Permitted to Have Any Say in Order - mg of Supplies for Hydro Plant The town council isnot to be allowed to interfere in ►be purr -hate of mater- ial for the new Hydro-electriv plant. The Hydro -electric Commission of On- tario will attend to t.bat-all the town has to do is topay theNibs. AL the meeting of the town cc.uoeil on April ltuh the council reseed •i resolution requesting that before ordering the Material the Commission submit prices to the council for sp- ovalst As a Sequence of this revolt- l tion. Mr. ('aster. an engineer of the! Commission. arrived in town and a special meeting of the council wee held on Monday evening. obeli tee TRY iT AT OIL EXPENSE eonncillorni were informed as politely as poreit le by young Mr. Caster that" they were not competent to deal with the ordering of materials and that the (Commission at !brant , was not pre- pared to submit prices in advance 14 the council herr. Mayor Reid was not present sod in his atuenry Reeve Munnings occupied the chair. The others present were simple treatmrot, own lx given in the Cc.uncillora Mcl'►i0lpo, anatta. home withoct publicity er boa of time front betaines.. and at • small 8 it e. ORRINK is prepared in two fotma No. 1. serret treatment. a powder : ORHI\E No. 2 in pill form. for those who desire to take voluntary treat- ment. ('opts only $1.(se a fox. Goose in and talk over the u,atter with us. Ask for booklet. F. j. BMUani. Nertk Side Spare. Goforth. ASM TOUR ROOM BOOT PO4 Or t Campbell's Varnish Stain O taller ILi10 ss 11 is aka geed he a♦ stands of Flaws, Ferskate & Weeewsrk Easy to ripply.' 13 cogs Mod. b Earessimillaum Ca- limas= BROOM HOLDER ERI Hors the r s na.. w sad o aR.se d._ t_==_ e POs( MA IT Howell Hard WA r C. Orrice for Drink Habit We are in .ar eest w twn we ash you to gise O1(RINK a t1 61. YOU have nothing to risk and everything to gain. for your mosey will he returned if after a trial you tail to get result. from ORRiN& This offer gives the wives and mothers of those who drink to extes. an opportunity to try the ORRiNE treatment. it is a very Young. Gtahnm and Mneer. After hearing Mr. Caster the coun- cil passed the foliation resolution, moved by Councillors t anatter and McClinton : -That the .• Hydro -electric Power Commission of Ontario he empowered by the corporation of the town of Godericb to purchase all material re- quired for the installation ce the dis- tribution system foe the said town, WiliEll OWN AT S Waives Ms1we afters or= Ve tree tee treatment Mss,8� tiers mum at ormsgs 1.4. WNW two ar tares save sew easeasaallagtta use the t poseem et breams not kw btr• W Ws ens raewssm ;."1" news std �(L�t Ie �• .pi.s.ty ewna t� b w de.eety es fps weseidr eswr roosts( this � 0 00011r. 1111.1111111 Musasse pada b to esee ns MI w'aring ors miasma at We ra M. » '`.ark Way .v*.mails 2 rtt�4Nr.'ni .'rIf4LtrO�0w For Sale by Leading Druggists Everywhere. )1°C.IPI"M.\ Iu p4int. figure it's lime, it'ls W, first. How foamy years of wear? ll"pelds chief ly on paint's first essen.fal--- White Lead. What quality White Lead ? How much ? time kers prov- en the quality. For .i hund- red years and more, Brlind- r3m's B. B. Genuine White Lead has been World's stand- ard. rind the quantity is irn- igdaie•ly large --p0 p. c. Mayors. teed --in RRANDRAM-HEMDERSbN -Et4GLISM" PAINT Come in ! To -da} is the time ---before you paint or let a contract. We have an e'_y--- oprlring booklet for you. 0 Charles J. Harper. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills owe their singular effectiveness in curing Rheumatism. Lumbago and Sciatica to their power of stimulating and strengthening the kidneys. They enable these organs to tlionlioghly filter from the blood the uric acid (the product of waste matter) which gets into the joints and muscles and causes these painful diseases Oser half a century of constant use .has proved conclusively that Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills strengthen utak kidneys and u Cure Rheumatism What would Goderieh be without its factories = We need more. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE BTRATFORO. ONT. The best piactteal training .ebool in Octan Three i.aartarsota, Ccanner daL Shorthand aad TS)egrwpk7. All coarse, are theareda and pe.mieu. Teachers ars expeifineed aad ,ed. sue- are Awed la melte ,.. We gig -e Indiridusl attention lad students 'nag enter at any tine. Write tar ear free catalogue at ewe* D. A. McL4CRLa\ Principal. Biacksto e's ice cream appeals to those who insist on the hest. E. R WIO4 hew d Marriage Liceoses (l.artlri'IUL5lych PHARMACY tlutario HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS To Heti toga. kla.kateliewan and Alberta sass Tway mut !lot Nth kadltdrt. Winnipeg and Return =3, r„ Simontonstaasmad Return 44:t tr Pimiatarc beak tkar 'twwe ee tastier °O`al> Settlers' Excursions To Alberta and Saskatchewan treys asda�alaocYariw�r, iso +fits iod•,.:, teen M\ aa• &roma et vary 1sw�rate.. Ye.m 1ltissaM ems►er aa4 Pallmu: ouri.: M cot to winanae 161=tinrwT�ereutuItus,e a�. via Yl aye. 29.1 w amu, a late, The Salm Three Press Karina, i. for mbartnat dousmid 101146101 taealr►etesee tt ii.u. F. :« 't s� .*, and Ticket &sesta 'Hasa >\ Remember that Pinder is selling allihis Stoves and Ranges in! most cases below cost prices. Call and see them. W. R. Pinder Hamilton St. 1 Departments of Interest to Those with FLOOR COVERINGS or WINDOW MATERIALS to Buy UR STOCKS of house furnishings are particularly interesting the- spring. There are two outstanding features about them that make them especially worthy of your consideration when buying Carpeting or Curtain Materials. First, they are all new. We started the season with absolutely fresh stocks of Rugs, Linoleums and Curtain Materials of all kinds. Second. These goods have been bought direct from the makers, and our prices are now on the lowest level for this reason. We have endeavored to lay before you a selfction that will appeal to you. and would draw particular attention to some very handsome English -made Wilton and Axminster Rugs. These are of a higher class than we have heretofore carried in stock. There is a very large range of patterns shown, 'suitable for any room. We have them in all the most wanted sizes, and any special size can be made to order, taking about six weeks to getaflelivery from the English Mills. The stock of Brussels, Canadian Wilton, Tapestry and Wool Squares is also worthy of mention. These are also carried in all the standard sizes, and orders for special sizes can be filled in a very short time. The Linoleum stock is shown in the basement, where over half the floor space is devoted to these serviceable and sanitary floor coverings. The assort- ment of these offered you to select from is one of the largest in Western Ontario. There is no store outside of a good -:sized city showing anything like the range you can see here. Every pattern is new. Every yard is bought direct from the best English and Scotch makers, and price for price, quality tor quality, our values cannot be beaten. IlE", If you have Carpet or Curtain buying to do this spring, we should like to have the privilege of showing you what we know is the best stock that has ever been shown in this part of the country. We are paying particular attention to this end of the business. and have every facility for giving you satisfactory service. E.aglish Wilton Rugs $30 to $30 Caaajiaa Wises Rags i25 to $45 Easli►h Axaliaster 1Rc gi 125 to S50 C.aaaeliaa A:.iaster Russ. S25 to 135 Bomb Russ 1!4.25 to 130 Tapestry Rap $ s to 120 Wool sad U108o41 tugs • . $3 to $20 Eaglilsb Floor OIMis$bis per sq. yard .... SOe lad 3Tte Easli.k said Sea& Lisoisw.s. 3 lad 4 Tarts wide, per sq. ysel 45c to 85e HODGENS BROS.