The Signal, 1913-5-1, Page 441 TUrragLiae, May 1, 1113 District News AUBURN. SCHOOL REPORTS. ITHURSDAY. Mylig.I NEtc,i of THE 1VEstc.-A. (1. 7a. k.on moved to his house on the mill property on Monday.... John Johnston moved into the house vacated by Mr1.ckeon on Tuesday. The members et the Lutheran eiingregst ton are renovating their manse 1. -fore the new pasts'centre in... ..Thos. Hatclif a sprat Sce day et Seaforth Joseph Lawson, (seethe -es Wag here Inking over hie cement contract work after the spring freshets and report. everything 111 right .. Hamilrou Fragan and his son Mer.hall left here •+n Tur.day with a car of settler* r ferte to join the farmer eon at .1lsask, Rask.... . A. Asquith received a car of pnta- t,ees and is selling themetsixtyutter awnt a bushel . .... Egg. ' re in great demand bete Wednesday. No fewer than three produce dealers were here with their wagons looking for the geode .. .1. C. Clark has given up the beef ring business nn ace -Mint of bis health . Rol,)ert Si-ott is wearing a smile this week. It i- another daughter BAYFIELD. 'Ft'E-D.AY, .1�ri1'2kh. A Naw,I'.U'ER FUR BAYFIELD.-A printing press is being set up in the building on Main street formerly u.ed by J. Whiddon as a grocery store and we understand :t weekly newspaper is to be started by 31r. Wickwire. of Exeter. This is A new departure in Bayfield And we wish Mr. Wickwire every success. DEATH OF H. WAINWRIGHT.-- After several weeks' illness. Henry Wain- wright, of the village. neeeed away at the home of Mrs. S. Snider, with whom he had made hia home for some years. Mr. Wainwright. who was in his ninetieth year, was born in Ire- land and in his younger days travelled a great deal. hut for the last half cen- tury or 50 he had resided in and about Bayfield. B.t FISLD BREEZES. -Mr. and Miss McGee. of Brucefleld, visited for a few days this week at the home of Thos.,. King .. Miss Pearl Taylor and Miss Jessie McKenzie, of Seaforth and Goderich Collegiate Institutes, spent Sunday at their homes.... .lir. Rowntree, of London. spent a few days this week in the village superintending matters at Lake- side Park. Mr. Miller, editor if The Free Preis. London, A prospct' ire 'Smarten. in Park property, also• wee here on Monday Rev. D. C. Mc- Gregor, of Toronto, will occupy St. Andrews church pulpit on Sunday. May 11th, speaking upon the wort of the church both at home and abroad. The fishing season has fully commenced and the fishermen report unusually good hauls of trout and other fish Miss flare Hicherds is in London waiting upon her aunt. Mrs.Carruthers. who is very 111 with pneumonia Mrs. Snider. we under. etand, has rented her farm to McEwen Brans. and intends taking is trip to Indiana to visit relatives for A year or more .... Mrs. Sterling and Mise Linklater visited friends in Goderich • and Colborne on Saturday and Sunday of last week. WOMEN'S HAIR MASSE GLORIOUS. Peruvian Sage Stops Falling Hair and Dandruff. Nothing en dear:acts from the Attract - leeriest; of women as dull, faded, lustre- less hair. There is no excuse for this condi' un nowadays, because notice is hereby elven to the readers of The Signal that Parisian Sage. the quick -acting hair restorer, is sold with a money back guarantee at :til cents a large bottle. Since its introduction into Canada. Parisian Sage has had an immense sale, and here are the reasons : It is safe and harmless. Contains no dye or poisonous lead. it cures dandruff ill t wu weeks, by killing the dandruff germ. it stops falling hair. It promptly stopa itching of the scalp. it Makes the hair soft and luxuriant It gives life and beauty to the hair. 1t is not sticky or greasy. It is the daintiest perfumed hair tonic. it is the hest. the most pleasant and invigorating hair dressing made. Fight ..lay of the druggist who otiers you a substitute. be is unworthy of your rnnttdeore. Made only in Canada by the R. T. Booth Co., W.. Fort Erie. Ont. The girl with the sub rn hair is on every thick age. All reliable druggists. department stores and toilet gouda counters have Parisian Sege Hair Tonic. The girl with the auhnrn hair is on every pack- age. E. It. Wigle guarantees it. KINTAIL. Tt-steuay. April Stith. Miss Annie MacMurchle. who bas tre*n visiting her sister, Mn. Geo. Fer- guson, at Saltford, is home again. A caravan of Mexican gypsies pvtased through our neighborhood one day last week. Both Quick and Permanent Strength 1f you are run down re tired out. yrni take cold .easily, have no appetite, are losing flesh or have other evidence td lowered vitality, try our Macleod's System Renovator under ouo guaran- tee to refund the price paid if the remedy fail. to give entire satiefactioe. it aids digestion. tones rip the nervous system and gives both reriek and per- manent results. One dollar a bottle. Manufactured by MacLeod Meltrine Co.. dodetich. Ont For Pale ay E. It. Wide. The engagement i• anneunred ehneardine of Pt . Ktbel, youngest daughter of the bans Thome@ Matson and Mn. Rsttssn, of Oodes** and dater adBra Peggy Alias Mflleoisssos, of finessliss. to iloscios Berkeley IMealne. Ir. A., IL D.. of Baeovetr. ..surd arts el itisMsim Stalker. Y. oak. ani stes.ie et lie we. Pref. 3. tdyseellty et Tue res. bemuse .if the Iresrsa- are owned t• wed taco rau$tat7 retort.. tot mantles la skis eeluma.I DulegaeApril: nt1. The following is the standing of the pupils of Orchard Row school as it re- sult oI the promotion ezaraivations : Sr. 1V.-liladvs Rivers, Oliver Kirke. Martie Sproul. it. IV. -Stanley Riv- ers. Jr. III. --Howard Sproul. Edna Rivers. Minnie McDougall. Jr. 11. - Koh. Soother., .lodrew Sproul. Pt. I. - 1)ral Finnigan. M' stet A. B' ALM. Teat her Lothian. April 2nd. The following is the result of the pr,mnttili examinations in S. S. No. 7. Ashfield : Sr. IV.. test ezawination --Lens Englund PM Kelso. McNay - 454. ('iarener Henderson 44s. Evelyn Wellington :flu. From Ir. IV. to Sr. 1V.-linhatn McNay 31I, May Stein tan, Jennie Johnatnn INI. Eva Hogan 314. From Mr. I11. to Jr. 1V. -Rohs Helm 456. From Jr. 111. to Sr. iii.- Inura Stein 425. Wellington Hendee - eon 412, .11ex. McVay 405• From Sr. 11. to Jr. 111. -Henn Oilntore 42_' Thome. Helm 391. Beatrice Stein 374 John Gilmore :542. From Jr. 11. to Sr. I I. --Nellie England :173. Basil Rogan :fit, Dorothy Berge .113. From Pt 11. to Jr. I1. -Edward Gilmore, Louis Barre. Wilfrid Hogan. From Jr. to Sr. Pt. I1. -John England. J. E. JUH'-',TON, Teacher. The standing of the pupil• of S. R. No. 3, Ashfield. after Faster was as follows: Sr. 1V. -Bessie MacKenzie, Bernice Drennan. Hugh MacKenzie. Elmer West Earl MacDonald, Eddie Vallare, Idel Griffin. Irene Macdon- ald. Jr. IV. - Isabel MacKenzie. Alberta Beckett, Willie Johnson. Willie UacDnnald. Sr. 111. --Lottie MacKenzie, Isabel Atm -Donald. Sr. II. -Mary Maclvor. John MacKay, Richard 1Vest. Lilian MacKenzie, Willie t*enjamin. Stanley Drennan. E. G. M. MILt_ty, Teacher. The following is the result of the Promotion examinations at S. S. No. (( Goderich township. The Dame. are arranged in order of merit. Those marked thus • failed : Sr. IV. -Ed- ward Sowerby, Warren McCluskey. Hugh Davidson. Jr. IV. esWitlie Elli- ott. Sr. III. -Pearl Amy. Allan Ross. Jr. iI1.-Rs'gie Sowerby, Ernest Bell, Alice Falconer, Gordan Orr. Willie Pearson. •Mary Elliott. Sr. 11. -Bes- sie Davidson, Dorothy Biehan, Roy Wilson, Victor Ross. Jr. 11. -Allan Richert. Victor Falconer, Alice Sow- erby.. Pt. Ii. -Harvey Fuller, Dave Pavidsnn. Charlie Bell. Minnie John- ston. Edgar Amy, Annie David- son, Irma Bell. °Russel Fuller. ` Pt. I. -Hannah Snwerhy. Lizzie Pearson. Brock Orr. Gladwin lieevere. Austin Fuller. Harold Bell. V. ELLIO'rr, Teacher. The following is the report of the April promotion examinations fot 8. S. No. I, Colborne: Jr. IV. to Sr. IV. : Total 710. to pass:i5.5-EvLaina Brinley 453, Vesta Fisher 450. Sr. 111. to Jr. IV.: Total 7;i. to. pass :ITS - Fiume Snell 549. Jr. iII. to Sr. I11.: Total 710, to pass 353 -Hazel Ynupg 'i72, Charlotte Potter :171. Sr. 11. to J r. 111. : Total 625. to pass 310 -Frank Clark 4ts1. Nancy Gliders 460, Verne McCabe 370. Jr. i1. to Sr. 11.: Total 5S5, to pans "C -Jean McCabe 4'2.i. 1. H. BARKLEY. Teacher. Result of Easter examination R. S. No. 9, Ashfield :Jr. Tablet -Palmer Kilpatrick. Benson Reid. Sr. Tablet- :tllan Finlay, Lizzie Alton. Pt. 1.- Caawell Hackett. Father Glazier, Myrtle Shackleton, Finlay s3bactle- ton. First, Book promoted to First Roark- George McGlytln. Thomas Glazier, Olive Anderson. .le. 1i. clans B -Duncan ('ampliell, Mary Gowin. Jr. II.-- Fred Finlay 2114. George Twatnley 197, Frank Wotan lir!$, Sr. iI.-Lauretta Hackett:3tki. Promoted to Sr. iL-Tillie Heckert 156. Jr. iiI.. promoted to Jr. Iil.-&ieorge Glenn 301, Cecil Johnston 445e. Harvey Anderson 342. Sr. 111. -John Glenn. Jr. IV.. promoted to .k. IV. -Irene Moran :3911. Sr. IV. -Beryl Johnston 444. Reta Twaniley :350. Mem. C. 1« E. ('.oneness.. Teacher. Port 11bert. Ont.. ApriI2itf. The following is the report ,of the pupils who were promoted during the recent examinations. General pro- ficiency and everyday work was taken into consideration. Figeree indicate the per cent. taken. Those marked . absentfrom part of the examinations: Jr. IV. to Sr. IV. -Alpert Mmale 78. Gordon Pearsr.n 75. Mary Fielder and Della McGee 73, Line Willis ;it/leery Carey 53. and *Joseph Buckingham S9. Jr. i11. to Sr. 1i1.-Liliatn Frost (r, Olive Willie ::t. Sr. Ii. to .Tr. iii. - Harold Smote tri. Reta Murray (13. and George McBride 52. Jr. 11. to Sr. 11.- Pamiey Murray tel, and Gellow Smith 55. Sr. 1't. 11. to Jr. 11.-Hetry Willis til, Wesley Fielder and Minnie 1)ick- son 1+0. Lorne McGee. Mildred Riehard- snn and Viola Hoy 72, Violet Wilson 34. Jr. Pt. 11. to Sr. Pt_ IL -Hazel Green 9P. lvv Kuelduck `C3, Willie Geniev eI, and •Victor Hoy 5(11. EIdZA- IIFTlt CI..ARft. Teacher. PORTER'S HILL WEDmirRDAT. April:lith. tiorrgs.--Mrs. Edmunsoo, of Toronto, spent • few days with ber friend Mrs. Charles McPhail... ... Miss Roby Potter left last week for London. where she intends to spend a week. and then go on to Curries. where she intends . pending the summer Mss. Lewis,, of Toronto. is eiviting at Hall Root - ledge's 11 las Nellie McDonald, of London. attended the funeral of her nude, the late James Mri onald. on S unday saes. Mie Elsie f.4f and rider 011ie visited friend. in the neigh• hnrhond last week. James Mc- Donald had the misfortune to cut hie fent severely with an axe ns Sueday. The accident wiU reedew him usable to work for COMP tire* ..... ..John Blair. who has hoes 114 up with I rhsum.U.m, 1C .bbl to he up WAIL Mks Bay Lindy. oleo bee beets ill wit► 1,piaid Anew, le i spunvlsg. Mrs. MrJobs Om Is s34. impewtag very fest For Litmus b.adaaBat so a woos at this ..i WOMB people lobe sr* sebum.ter :lew�ismsOber' v of s bet. Liver i>'Us. i Irby pins is a loss ter 3i earns. THE SIGNAL : GODARICH ONTABI NILE. Triettair. April oath. O tunca Nurse --The quarterly sacramental service will be held • Nile Methodist church on *today May fah. at 2:31p. in. All interested will please note the change to the afternoon hour The %V. M. S. meeting was held in the church ham - went on %4 ednesday. Ls Atr.-Mn. Jos. Hetherington is not improving as rapidly as her frieode would desire Seeding is now the unler ut the day and is pro- grt•ssipg favorably .. Reg. Ryan is employed in Ooderich. He will be wined among the young people. . ... Melvin Reid is • fresueut visitor herr. "lu the spring a young mans fancy - Mies Mae ?:len. who wits visiting her scut, Mier 31. Glen, has. returned to the borne of her sister, Mrs. McNciL We are alai u1 welcome to our community Mr. and Mrs. Durr, who have taken up their residence on the Jones farm. REIN: HucescLE.tNINO.-We recall a little poem wbich tells of the house- wife changing all the furniture in the house at the time of the amend clean- ing while her husband keeps out of sight, afraid be, too, will be onnsideted not strictly wodero and up -en -date and ve.II be chsnged for one who is brand- new. This is the terror under which the wen -folk are now living. DUNLOP. WEDJIgaDAY, April 30th. DEATH OF MRN. DONALD l'UMMINGS. -There died at her hotae at Chicago. on April 14th, an old resident of this place. Mrs. Donald Cummings. She will be well remembered by many bere, as the fancily resided here for many years. Mr. Cummings, who was a carpenter by trade. was a well- knowu figure in these pa. ts some years ago. and many buildings here and in the surrounding country still testify- to his industry and skill. Among them stand the Leeburn church and Dunlop school house, as well as many private houses. Some eight or nine years ags the family moved to Chicago, where shortly after - ward. Mr. Cummings died after a short illness. His widow and family still lived in Chicago. but Mrs. Cum- mings wade a point of returning to hes' old home here every summer. Last Bummer she was taken eeriouely ill here. but as she became somewhat better she returned to her city home in the fall. short?" afterwards she was again taken ill and went into a Chicago hospital, where she seemed to rally Somewhat, and disliking the dull- ned.. of hospital life she was taken borne, where she died after, some weeks of great weskness and suffer- ing. of Bright's disease. Mrs. Cum- mings was about sixty-nine years of age. She was one of a large family, a good many of whom aro gone before her. Among the survivors are Mrs. Hogan. of Ashfield. and Mrs. Sullivan. Michael Dean. of Ashfield. is her only surviving brother. P. T. Dean is s cousin. Of her Otto family of nine children seven are living: John. in Dakota ; Loftus and Robert. in Chi- cago, and four daughters -Mt.. Crair- ley. in Toronto: Mrs. Applei and Mn. Wilier., of Chicago. and Miss lice, also of that city. Mrs. Cummings was a faithful and devoted mother. a kind and obliging friend. with a bright and sunny disposition. anti it will lee long indeed before she will 1te forgotten by eonne at least of her old friends here. Site was buried beside het husband its Chicago. BACK- ACHE If yw haw Backache you hoes Kiaia.y Disease. If you angina B•ekades k will devdot hoe worao--BnDM gtat s D eaas r fes There is no urs rtahbig and doctoring Tour hack. C. the irides yyaa There is only one kidney ...dicier hot it curs Backache every tine- Dodd's Sidney Pills We Give Steady Employment to retain'. eesrgette mea for the sale o• one products. Weere all the advantage. that a teliabkt. WA advertiwd. a.tah4t-,ed Arm can oder. Bros wiab to repraaent a Write Now, Wire it is too late for further tn- f rmatMa. OVER 600 ACRES, ander csltiv.JJon and one of the meet nom plena Nursser plan;.. to Canada. Ii.ub Mimed Si yeast. Free eats loony of mock. on application. i'8rtl! NOltSetl G. Teresto. (ntario. An Opportunity to Visit Toronto. To accommodate those wishing to visit Tcrooto for theCanadian National Horse Show. the Canadian Pacific Railway will issue return tickets at single fare, plus fifty cents fur ad- mission to borse show. OOING DATES From'Peterboro, Hamilton. Inner - kip. . Milverton, Elora. Kenilworth, Proton, Craigbu.st. Dunuford and intermediate stations, including sub- divisions. Tuesday, Wed nesday, Thursday, PridAv and Saturday, April 29th, 30th. May 1st, tad and 3rd. Front all other stations in Ontario. Sbarbot Lake. Renfrew and west, but not west of Sudbury, Tuesday, April 3)th, only. Return limit on all tickets Monday, May 5th, 1913. This is an excellent opportunity to visit Toronto. Secure tickets from any C: P. 11. agent Canadian Northern "ATLANTIC ROYALS" St. Lawrence Route Comfort for all Classes That: the keynote of tire sem-we on the At- lantie Royale. It'. the attentive regard for the '1,„ ` ' oomfeet am: Mcriekre of each l Belli u e:• 0 �j✓"lv namd in accommodation- meal'- and yr -to the -minute e uipent that her made the Tar - ` m ' `'ae Steam.htp- �►' �. v -Ada '"C`�'i"lifr lat ' ! R. M. S. Royal Edward is M. S. Royal George . m: G :Gv0.v w P d.rvedli +mous &morns experteooed travel ler*. Me, u..ddltion to bene sw modern. 67. Mos are the fa.•te.•, to the 13.111-tn ti -t ( edo*, "�.11. i.+'L-'-'` i eervioor But. write terdecrip'i es booklet- i, -' osiors. The)'re well worth reading. •. ',' We the CLEANEST. sows. T. sad ILST I!csrr DYE, se. M bee -sly yes ro.'i ewa,aa.e w /sow .her ens D of cod sew Gsed..m mode e4. --So lifieroker.ee Impo . bfr Sed for Free Gator Card. S.orr 1eskle•. W Sootier ef.r•s mods. of Drveae over atter r :t,. The /01tNWN-OJCWAr.DSO' CO.. Lessee. )foists. Cooed. Lv. Metered Steamer Lr. Hri•tol. Eng. Royal gdward Wed. Apttl W Tabs May a. Royal Edward Tue... June 3 Royal George Tuna. June 17 Took. J une 17 Royal toward Tuw.. July 1 Too... July I Royal George Tue., Ju17 1; Tres.. Jule 0 Royal Liward tin.. Jul, !cat, July .at Hayed °eorge tint. Aar. Sat.. Aug. n Royal £award Sat.. Aug. 1.3 Ask any agent or write H. C. Mourtfer. General Agent. Sc King street saes Tomato. tMtario. CANADIAN NORTHER'. 8T=AY8QIP1 LIMITED Sustainin8 That's the big essential of all foods and Kellogg's Corn Flakes possesses this quality in a high degree. Has a flavor all its own -as nutritious as heavier foods but, being more easily digested, is far more sustaining. Sold by all Grocers at lOc Look for this signature iedia,69:15 CORN FLAKES Si rrisr u Arai 1 1 THE COLBORNE STORE MOW Seasonable Goods in large quantities for the careful, or any buyer, at prices that make business at this store, "House of the People. We are making House Furnishings a specialty for this house-cleaning season. Come and see our stock and get our prices. We may have just what you want and at prices that you will find satisfactory. Linoleums A new stock this spring in Linoleum. and Oilcloths. We carry Nairn '• Scotch-tnede, the best in the wood, and some of the best Canadian - made. 2. 3 and 4 yards wide. 50 and 34 cents a ,;snare yard. Oilcloths 1, 111, 2 and 2} yards wide, 30e a tgUare yard. Rugs This is our first seamier for Rugs, therefore our ',tock is new and the best that :.an be had for the prices we are asking. Window Draperies ,, Window Draperies in Bungeleyy.r nets, in white, ecru and Paris shades, 13e, 30e, 25c, 30c and 33c a yard. Bungalow Curtains in eats from 95c to $3.00 a pair. 3; and 3 yards long. Scrips in plain, medallion. colored patterns. 15c to 33c a yard. In stock now the largest stock of 1lindow- Curtains and Draperies we ever showed. hosiery This is the Goderich Hosiery 4iouse and no mistake. There is little in Stockings that can't be had at this store, from our great 2 for 25c hose to silk up to a $1.00 a pair. We are maw starting to sell freely our first 1200 pain of the 2 for lac line and they are better than ever, which is saying a good deal for them. Gloves When buying Silk Gloves, ask for Kayser No Silk (clove like them. to At and wear : double finger tips in every pair. We have tbem in 2 t.. 1d/ruttier lengths and At prices 50e to tl.J3. Lisle Glevea, at prises 25c. 33c and Zile, in black, white, colors and opera Abides. Parasols P.ought your Parasol? No! Then you err in luck, for we have got some values here that would make any lady glad she hadn't bought., Direct from the waken, made for tbia seasons wear. Prints No oetter place to buy your print. than a: this store. Prices 10c and 124c. Crest Brand is not equalled in the trade at 124c. Superior cloth and atwolate colon and full print width, 32 inches. Ginghams ID stripes and smell and large 'hacks, Scotch and English make*. A reliable cloth and depend- able colors ''Prices 10c, 124c and 15c. Buy your Gingham, here and be safe. J. H. COLBORNE ) Machinery 1MasseylarrisShop HAMILTON STREET is the place to buy your Machinery, Buggies, Wire Fencing and Borne Black Fertilizer. just received- a con- signment of Canada Car- riage Buggies, also of Grays (Chatham), and some from Mount Forest. A car of Bone Black Fertilizer just in ; also 3000 rods of the Frost Fence. ROBERT WILSON The Massey -.Harris Agent Goderich New Spring Moods Coming in NEW SUITS NEW PANTS NEW HATS NEW CAPS NEW SHIRTS Everything in Spring Goods. It will pay you to come and see us. You will double your money buying from us. 11. Robins Square Goderich ii Our Store for Reliable. Stylish and Well = fitting Clothing It pgya you to boy yourelotbiog frog se. because wee buy ooly the kind that we believe will give our customers the best of satis- faction. mod whether you pay $lt.011 or $2i.00 for a suit you can be sure of getting your money's worth. Fancy Worsted Suits $18.50 This is an especially good line in a very neat, friary worsts brown and grey mixtures, at $18.50 Blue Worsted Suits $16.00 This lin- -'-P a•t-e it n eelliog for yews and know it to he n good one at. .:.., -ce a t,, a dressy suit, well -tailored, good ii ohs!1 lining, indig ••+y• ..... 1116.00 L'oys' Clothing We are strong on boys' clothing. a. our large sales would int1 .cote. We lead in good, strong. stylish clothing Inc lint+ Prices $4.00 to s12.00 King fiats Known `all over Canada for their style and excellent quality - every ha: not giving satisfaction will be replaced by a new one free Of charge. Prier *4.80 Special orders taken Inc 2ikh ('entnry Brand of Clothing. Walter C. Pridham In the Spring Time Brighten your house witb a few new pieces of Fur- niture. Please bear in mind that you can secure High- grade Furniture at right pricer at this *tore. Whether you ars furnishing an entire house, Ltti.g up a room. or purebaeing only a flask piece, we should like to have you call and see what we ran do Inc you. GEO. HOHMEIER The Square. Goderich 'Phone No. 89 ere* for 2 erdbeieser Plasm