HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-5-1, Page 31 rviceable Rugs nd colors which o clear quickly at reduction. nd Misses' Coats ut.iful Botha and perfect tit• the new Whipcords?weeds .00, now speciality reduced o it -00, 1110.00 and Separate Skirts Seaford weds. A ter very moderate pricer. 88.50. 111.00 and $6.00 00, $15.00, $16.00 and :Mae r Linoleums in a very large choice, „ 3 and 400, 500, ffso and 550 Prints rely beavy indigo Dutch Prints ye. etc., :32 inches wide, best anted. Regular 20c per vard Y5 alter'. Uceralls, made in your pockets. Bold and =1 argains n o Wall Finish 'all Finish, in severa ts. Regular 5oc for 25c. arnish Stain. r 65c tin 45c ✓ 35c tin 25C ✓ 2oc tin 15C MEL has made a last - n. You can get Chi - us. Vapor Stoves id gasoline. Well you have city gas. We have :aper stove to operate in in city gas. Made in een Doors We have just a few ed in shippin' that we ill -price. fine assortment of the n doors. , with our name on. Its ve you money on all �e. nit fee us about your iluptfrlerlt just to hand. .rota. 0 E Co. LW.11 MO ONLY tENDINB BEWARE OF Ill ITA- TiONB. SOLD ON THE MERITS Of s�esl NT BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. GOLD LETTERING D pop LEATHER HOODS patT'inciaAkstchief oo Warble L H. TAYLOR, Eraarroan MEDICAL DR W. F. HALLOW. M. B. Vitus sod iesYrece. North strew, (iedseieh, saadCeenty Raai.t ryddes. TWeboa. IYI T1RF. J. R.FOR.STER-EYE, EAR, 11 ss,s and throat only. Uow rod, Sus York Ophthalmic sod ♦oral l Irate. mita .tri -t. tar, Now sad 1 bleat sesptal. snail• egutrt. lad Moorsesid i700 Boseita1. lmi., ).naiaad. Omos. 9 8. Wateets, street. a oitlitd. oppo.ite Knox Church. Hours y. Ott& R . to t t. in.. 7 to I a m. Telepboo. 0 LEGAL DROUDFOOT, HAYS rt KILLOR- II AN. barmier*. eationres, oetariesynblfc mats to the Maritimes Court, etc. Private faMt to ked at lowest rotes of interest. lasslid t .We `Quare. Gofericb. W. eftotaiVooT. I. t... R C. HAYS, J. l_ CILLO CAS. 1G. CAMI KON. K. C.. t3ARRIS- TER. .oltc,tor, uMary aoblic. 0e1orw- '0treet. t3udeticia, third door tram LES (rARKOW, LL.B., BAR - Wien. attorney, solicitor, etc.. (lode Nosey to lead at lou.. -,i ryes. 0. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, Me .sa.ccor, oommiaslseer, notor7 public. t. AUCTIONEER. rHoL . GU M)AY 1 ACCTIONSLR Cbz C. (;odeneh. ell a.troctfoos by mai! a Ott at ,t7 OM: e WtIl M lAl) .t eked t6. t;s:desoe tele Moos 11 82(I.(i00 PRIVATE FUNDS TO �'�+vv tvllvlvV loam. Apply W M. CAM- auS. lf.rn .er. Hamilton strata, (biderich. IV. 1t ROBERTSON. INut:RANCE AGE\T. Flu a.t Lust Me • Alli llk Canadian sad AV-MAULtcarts urn LaQteraaa' Ltsatrl tet : ]ite oras& �,s s�ads �e,leatontes .srsarraFSOF inaurrA.� ra� Bows: The t;,8. Fide1l7 aid vaara nes tit MPsar• Ohne ►::-.doce. nertlemet earner of Vic- toria and N.. Ladd. chaeta. - Pbn&e 1:o. NEN \\'• CRAIWS, LIFE. FIRE ti tad as iceut ton A�at to, mstsat as.i .tockodwyaeys. 7as.rartw oW log* saectro oro bort uredo rad at lowest rates. all u °aloe. corer We duvet sad eeuare address J. W. CSAIijJts aMsetsl Dat telephone Ze. MY'cit.l.GP MUTUAL F15113 IN 8 C H A I: C Y CO. -fano sed isolated tees p ot• rty ensured. Oaten. -J. B. McLean. Pros„ 8eaforth P.O.; Jim '.onr.oJly, Vice. prem., Mollaricti P. 0.; :lanes L hays, Lice Vaal, 8eabrth P. O. mostoot-le F. Me4re,aor, rt.stl rth : John Er are. K unholy; A% imam Rants Constance; ybeLotereiii. brenarks*seea ; Jams Yvess, act stn, can Watt. narok ; Maisdll Aaw,tn J. R•, cue, BoimovvfAs; R Smith. S*tloek; Williams Gasser, taeatatli >< Wsriity. SesMsh. t'enteaseases sea 7 g"os')( •ew sal fai w elms. ie ac R tau. u,uosee. ristes £IS 010u01. tiMsrfoh ■ARRIAGE LICRNSLs WALT/4i E. KELLY, J. P.. ootiilttela. ONT. ItEUEft OF i ssmaOL IICE:NE . SHAVING PARLOR B��S BLOCKBARBER tfHSO�P. slim a. siaviat a appreeistid- Forty year$ in use, 20 years the standard, pre- scribed and recommended by physicians. For Wo- man's Ailments, Dr. Mar- tel'. Female Pills, at your druggist. WILL ' GAG WO THE SIGN 7110dey'11. banal, otitall b� ler.��r TORONTO WOMAN L : GUDBRLCH ON'rARIn Wilfrid L ' that FLAN TO STIFLE OPPOStTtOh MAY mousey should be divided amoog.t the Provinces according to the pop populatii FAR_ pendant,pe ra (at teat cene, but with do acy be refuses w allow tbie ute ourpurated into the bill. As the law .land. it provides �(ur epecifc sum, but for the eapenditu of such moneys as may be voted (ro year :O year. That in itself is a Ocularly dangerousproceeding. give. the Govern/moot a power ivaaipulatiog public moneys which n (ioveroweot should have. In case by-election a being held there is nnth Government Carries Closure Rules With Majority of 86, but a Vigor- OUa Opposition Will Still Make Itself Felt in the Mouse -Borden Jockeying wart the Highways Aid !fill. Ottawa, April an. -The pacing of the Musette resolutions un tact eveuing ofAp rel 'Gird baa opened a new era or Parlhmeotxry life in Canada; an era the result of which upon the nation's history can only he judged by the counts of events. Ctwure was carried by a solid Government vote -as would he the case in every proposltion tethered by Mr. Bunten nod Mt-- Ru,ter. I u 1116 11111 uieat„vg 1a impose Ube. to deterwiue, .0 involved is its pbr'a.eology. This was shown by the many differences of opinion during the debet., isnot the fact that the Premier was willing to put in an amendment before the &scheme he and bis followers bad arranged made it impossible. Purtbee. Mr. Borden, in bis anxiety to get this unpleasant gag business over. offered to call an ezua session of Parliament in September wben the Dew rules could be considered in a constitutional manner, by cimmitteee presided over by the Speaker. Tbe obvious inference was lbat the new ruled but tweet hastily put together to enal-le the Gavernwunt to dragoon Parliament un the naval bill and any other measure upon which they de- sired to stifle opposition and also to acquire lower by wbicb they could drive the estimates through Portia - went in bulk and prevent the aerin;t of scandal.. So far as rules can accomplish this, they have succeeded ; but no rules can be devised capable of preventing an active and able Opposition from /mime log to the notice' of Parliament and the people those matters which de- mand such publicity. The manner in which the Liberal leaden have suc- ceeded in loosening the gag during the past week gives reason ti hope that they will he able' to prevent that stringent closure which is evidently designed by the itiuieters who are leading the Prime Minister. It wad a notable feature the; the Nationalists in the House to a man voted with the Government. The close of the debate was 'marked by much brilliant oratory. A particu- larly weak defence was essayed by Hon. Mr. Borden, hacked by one o1 the most remarkable ebullitions of egctisen in Pariiaueutary history from Ni. E. B. Osler, who undertook le discipline Parliament and declared that in bis seventeen years' connection with it he bail not beard a dozen speeches worth listening to. One reason, though net mentioned by Mr. Osier, was that he is veto seldom in the House. An Exciting Conclusion. The final scenes wxrefull of interest- Tbe debate was concluded by Ur. Clark, under whose vigorous onslaught the Premier and Hon. W. T. White were ill at ease. Hon. Iir, Rogers was prudently absent. The galleries were crowded and the House itself was unusually full, while suppreased ,zciternent was in the air. An even wore remarkable evidence of the Gov- ernweut's pertnrbatiou wise that a gang of plain -clothes men and detec- tives had been posted aronnd the chamber. wNlle at the actual vote tak• rug the Antietam Deputy Sergeant occupied,bis seat and Deputy Sergeant Bowie was posted beside the bpeakev 's chair ewai' ing orders in case of ilie- turbence. It was reminiscent of the days of Charles 1. wben that wunarcb came with his soldiers to arrest the five inewhers-a move which event- ually cost him his head. . There was no dieturhaoce. Two votes were taken. First on Mr. Hezen's gag motion to put theclosnre. and then the closure itself. Only s few cries oto "shame greeted the Nation.tlist members as they voted to swallow rheiroonvictioos, if -they had any. In each case the vote stood 108-73-� Government majority of 315. When the House adjourned the tension broke. Mr. Borden hastily escaped, but his followed raised feeble cheers in honor of their Bret trate of the application of brute force to crush opposition. They were speedily answered by the Liberals. who rallied rouod Sir Wilfrid Laurie, and cheered him to the echo. Ominous Obstinacy. There is something sinister in the determination of the Borden Govern- ment to force through its highways aid bill in exactly the same terms as last year, when the Government de- liberately strangled the measure rather than accept any amendment from either the Opposition or the Senate. in the Tight of the closure which is now in force it N doubly sig- nificant of Mr. Borden's determinet.ioo that Canada shall not be ruled by a Parliament consisting of Government and Opposition, a House at Commons and Menace, but be autocratically gov- erned by the (}abioet with no totems.* of advice or amendment from atyos*. it is evident) their intention now to force this bill through, by closure it necessary, leave it to the Senate to amend it again, once more leave the bill rather than accept amendment, and then try to persuade the country that the Senate and the Opposition did the deed. Hos. Mr. Osehraue ba. spin fathered the bill without alttaslag s word [ossa the Waimea et heat year. it simply provider he ,. _wed to spend esus tainew !sin meseeeepos the a restawstttm and tiahtatssseee of ender ariesa sm.w1 withace dW Ve91rtmataas. it h ea Iseseeat- NIL hat is owe*. the esmell• flew et =t7, �w r Mlerisdation et teMasttdrue earC teem swallas ell 01 lair shoe mob muse, g _u he '''' epee euehetwo �sd1� � W ita aM~irs rte pekoesestiadis pee wwWsthe �h 4 •�iw. tr sl mise ro� : uu I Feed From Bearing Down airri Pains, Backache and Pain 1" it- I in Side by loydia E. Pink - of o halo's pound, � • Toronto,Ont - "Last October, I wrote torso foradvioe es I was completely rum W, down, had bearing down sensation m the lower part of bow- els. backache, and psis in the side. 1 } 161 td *a2ffered terWy tttel� gas. tern, took 14tH. E Pinkha,a'a VegetabteCompouad I mud son new entirely !i ' � I. 3,��free from pain in ` beck and bowels and I am stronger in every �' way. I recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's 1 I Compound bighiy to all expectant moth- s era. "-Mrs. E. WANDaY, 92 Logan Ave- r, !nue, Toronto, Ontario. t I Consider Well This Advice. No woman suffering from any form of r female troubles should lose hope until ' she has given Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound a fair trial- This rial This famous remedy, the medicinal in- gredients of which are derived from na- tive roots and herbs, has Zor nearly forty year's proved to bet meetvaluable tonic and invigorator of the female organism. Women residing in almost every city and town in the United States bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. WELL AGAIN ing to prevent the Government 8oud ing the riding with moors' "to bui highways." In case there is a Provin- cial election there is nothing to pre-; cent ao undue proportion of the road money beiug voted for that Province. 1 In case of a general election there is nothing to prevent an immensely io-1 creased vote for highways. to be used as the Goverolyeut con.iders best to' aid its own intereess. Sir Wilfrid Laurier bac laid down the position of the Op action wit atweolute e•laritl. Tbe Liberal part approves of the piiociple of the tut beeitity and is as ready to aid its pass Wee as they were with the bell to gran $10,0000,01h0 in aid to agriculture. Al the Opposition iosieta is that thi money Julio he sac aide guarded that i cannot be used for political ends; the it should tw expended by the Provinces who have Mini,teal responsible to this. work, and granted thew accord ing to population. In order to test the sincerity of th Gocernwent and their belief in Pre- mier Borden's bigb-sounding promisee that.. altbough the Guverntuentf would not make the bill in for torus Ueaired, the procedure thereafter would be satisfactory, Sir 'Wilfrid Laurier moved an amendment to the bill in exactly the words of Mr. Burs tent aid tc Agriculture Act -that while the House recuguized the importance of aiding the construction of highways it we. of opinion that "all the appro- priations for that object should be allotted and paid to the Governments of the respective Provinceb in propor- tion ter Inc pouulation of such Prov- inces respectively as detett:uined by the last decennial census.` klut"thi• principle although appar- ently good for agt•icuiture was y- garded as had for highways. llr. Borden refused,t o accept it and again attempted to tltl-r,w on the Opposition the onus of preventing the Govern- ment trout .pending looney Up a highly meritorious object. if there is one thing an Oppo.ition ie needed in Patl,antent for it is to watch such ,neatense end t0 prevent the pun.ibil- iry of giving the Government power to handle public funds for its owe ad- vantage instead of those of the people it repieoeuts. That is what the Op- position did fast -year. and that is what it will do this year. In character, .in mermers, in style. io all thing., true supreme excellence is snit pticity.-Longfellow. Be charitable before wealth makes thee covetous and lone not the glory of the mite. -Sir Thor. Browne. The ultimete result' of sheltering men from the effects of tally is to fill the world • wall foul-. - Herbert. Spencer. Be not cut i,.o•. in unnecessary mat- ters -for toms- things. are shown unto thee than wen under.tand,-Feclewi- ertices. •. Without bop- it et impossible to ray; hut h. pe m.kas our preyeis reasonable. piu.aioeate and religious. -Jeremy Taylor. It you have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Plnkhatm's Vegeta- ble Compound will help you, write to Lyell. E.Pfnkham Medicine Oa (e.eddeattfat) Lynn, )lads., for ad- vice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a worthily and Neild in strict confidence. By e:sotinin. the 'tongue of a patient physician. first nut,the di -ease of abs body. ani pMlosr.nhele the disease of the mind. -"Justin.' We mor know oureelees, and if that does ri, : aerie to. dbeoc.•r meth it at least serves to regelate our lives. and thele is nothing more uwt.- - Pas- cal. If a man be greri,.us and , ,nrteous to stranger* it shows he ie a , ttizen of the world and that his heart is no Milani cut off from other Iamb. but a continent that joins to them. - Bacon. NA LAXATIW.e Women'a commonest allrneat --the root d so much of their C.; -health -promptly yields to the gentle but certain Settee of Na-Dru-Co Laxatives. 25e. a box at your druggist's. w anew int sww ace or uanwi. decree. Ill VIMENNIMMMIIMIRW 11 111evaanar, Aram. d1. tat/ i irlcCal l's Patterns D.MILLARuSON Perrin New Rugs for Every Room Just passed into stock a choice selection o! new Squares suitable rooms, in all sizes, 2/x3, 3x3, 3 x3`s, 3x4, 3 x4#, 4x414 - Square is personally selected with the greatest care. Our special 3 x 4 Square, be -.t quality English 1 apestry, doral and me- dallion patterns, each • S15 a' Velvet Squares, ,; x 3%, from .$18.5o up Brussels • Squares from §112.00 up Wilton and Axminster Squares Special Old Country Scotch Brussels, bought direct from the manufacturer in Ayrshire, Scotland. These Rugs will stand the hardest of wear and colors are absolutelylfast, in all sizes, from $7.50 up New Hearth Rugs Bissell's Carpet Sweepers New Door Mats for all Ever}' New, Mattings and Matting Rugs Otfr spring stock of Mattings and Matting Rugs just to hand, the values we have ever shown. Japanese Matting, in all colors, from, per yard best 12',C Japanese Matting Rugs, in all sizes, suitable for bedrooms, verandas,. sum- mer cottages,tetc., in rich, new designs, at most popular prices. Linoleums We are busy selling Linoleums thesg days. Nairn's Scotch Linoleum hardlweare•or has no equal. Four yards wide, in all new designs, per lineal yd. S2F25' Oilcloths English and Canadian Oilcloths, in all widths, in tile and floral patterns, suitable for all rooms, per square yard 3oc. Special value in white Aerie) Bedspreadst full double bed size, each 81.25 Handsomely embroidered' Irish Pillow Cases, full size, special purchase, per prS1.; 5 McCall's Patterns and Publications Millar's Scotch Store Phone 5i li 1 ltsirland A. Humber, a former Gr derich boy. has tweet elected presi- dent of the \t-estern Ontario Baseball s League. The Ledger in. laden London, Waterloo. Stratford and 'Woodstock. Make Your Paint Money Buy Satisfaction! '1'40 make your paint money buy satisfaction A. means a great deal. You can't achieve sat- isfaction with cheap, inferior paints that crack and peel and blister and begin to look shabby almost as soon as dry. Icor with paints that are coarse and uneven in texture and lacking in lustre -- that will not give long wear. But your money buys wsfsilv,g satisfaction when you spend it for Lowe Brothers High Standard" Liquid Paint—becau,e it's made of best materiab-it's made by highly efficient machinery which grinds and mixes mach more thor- oughly and uniformly than could � Beaune TbeLowe Brothers Carnpatty has eo Tears experience In good paint making behind itnod its experts are aiwsys seeking hetk.,wewd. The Cratere* results are that "Mirk Sileedrd" Lipoid mint goes farther trod semi Wow di (Its pits, that it gives mere slew me retain; its look (et brilliants sod tra - fir. Ira the best paint investment you can make -pays you dividends of long and satisfactory service. You can find more beautiful, durable, rep -to -date color combinations in this line than in any other. Your house will not need to be like your neigh- bor's -for there's variety here. 'High Standard" Liquid • Paint is put up in seated, air -tight cans ---ready for ap- plication. Every can, Large or small, contains the fall quantity of paint designated on the label - Full imperial meas- ure of Paint Just am dapendabla as "High Standard" Lid �� � Paint are Lowe Brothers Varnishes Semi £nsale, /or . sa flee' or in - far E .ars terior J w a shags and fiwisb They we soot you sotlte'y es well es give saLet ae a lieem Iter year consaindll‘. Allo'_ .hili ,ss soot* ; LIQUID PAINTS illommemmums 1111/111•Y,II THE HOWELL HARDWARE CO., LIMITED, GODERI taB trey delete ls,*ie dt ea ee e awM ---t --- - • �1 .Is Ir Spring Is Coming Let us have your order for our Spring Suit and Overcoat. You will neer! _heel soon. Dollop the Tailor West St., Goderich COAL Having purchased the bu,.i- neaR f01 Wetly conducted t,v F. Barlow Holmes. we pur- pose dealing in Coal, Wood Lame, Cement Fire Brick, Etc. We will handle Scranton and LehighN'alley Coal, two lines which are recognized as the best. We wish to gid? the people of Godench and vicinity the hest service pos- sible, and shall be glad to hear from all of Mr. Holmes' customers and any others who wish anything in our linea All orders left with Jct. Yates, West etre at, promptly attended to. ilcDonaRbaGIedbjI 'Phone No. 75 Yards at G. T. R., Nelson Strew ICE CREAM The most delirious tlrvon,ta ith the beet and purest Crean]. nerv- ed wt lire 13AL11ottAL AAPS. Or- ders by telephone for Ice Cicero in bulk or in brides attended te D romptly• Telephone t.:. F. E. BURDETTE 6-- T. — T. Swarts 'Bus, Livery and flack Stables Mo-YTR EAL STREET JUT OFF THE SatUARE :BUSES MEET ALL TRAINS AND : PASSENGER : BOATS Pin angyyppart of ngrs called town rfor all trains at G. T. R. or C. P. R. depot*. Prompt service and careful atten- dance . Our Livery and Hack service will be found up- to-date in every respect. Your patrol) age solicited. eese-, T. SWARTS Phone lir Montreal Street SHOE GOODS at SHARMAN'S Ladies' and Gents Slippers Boys' and Girls' Skating Shoes Ladies and Gents' Skating Shoes Boys' and Girls' Slippers Bootees for the Baby. F.verytbias to beautiful romiortabie and e.rvic able Footwear. Styles Right Priam Right W. SHARMAN Is Corner East St. and Square