HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-5-1, Page 2• TneastraT. Mar 1. 114e thrall! Signal UOD CR WIT ARM. PUBLISJ;R EV RY THURSDAY THE SiGNAL PRIN111N�t CL., Limited. TWphon. o. SS. Tees et aub.cr,atisn $Les per samara e. s in advanc :Ss moatalb : three month., To United States subscribers. $1.30 a year Stvietly la ad s at.c0 • Sobsertbers who tall to receive Tug BIO AI reaWariy by mall will casae r f.vor by i o- :maaiimingog us of the fact at a. early s data a., Wars • change of address lar desired, both old and rhe pew &ddres. &oald be even. Advertising Rate.: Lee sad other .imjLr adventlements, Flo pet line for fit.t insertion and Le per line fur each subsequent inaeruon. Measured by • Doposretl scale. twelve lines to u, inch. Ru.tness cud, of sir lilies and under, IIA per year. Adverthemenu of lost, Found. Strayed, Bit - nations Vacant. Situations Wanted. Houses for Bale or to Rent. Farms for Sale or to Rept, Articles for Sale, etc.. not exceeding eight Wes. th each in.ertiae ; Zn for first moeth. Sac dor each .abeeesLa ent month.Larger advertise- ments in ptopottiou. Announcements to ordinary reading tsps tem septi ter line. No notion ler than Any epecW notice. the object of which is the eeunlary benefit of any individual or as.od- anion. to be ooniddered an advertisement and charged a000rdinely. Rates for display and oontrect advertise maty will be given on appiac aUoa• Address eh eora.nanieenone to THE SIGNAL PRINI1NU 00., limited. tisdssich. Om. GODERft.H THUR13DAE. MAY 1. IIID THE PROUDFOOT CHARGES. No matter what may be the result of the reference of the Proudfoot charges to the privileges and elections committee of the Legislature, Sir James Whitney and HO!). W. J. Hanna have only themselves and their hench- men in the public accounts committee to blame for the submitting of the formal chargee in the House. Mr. Proudfoot wis trying to bring out the truth about tee Taylor-rcott affair in the regular manner in the public accounts committee, but his investi- gation was persieteutly obstructed by the chairman of the committee. abetted by the partisan majority. Mr. Proudfoot is not a man to be easily baulked, and believing that his duty to the public demanded the pressing of•tfe inquiry and the elucidation of the truth he did the honest and courageous thing by laying charges in formal manner before the Legislature. If Sir James Whitney and Hon. W. J. Hanna are innocent of wrongdoing, they will welcowe a searching in- vestigeti;,n, without any quibbling or hair-splitting over technicalities, with- out any application of the gig to witnesses or to the counsel engaged. Such an investigation, it is apparent, however, will not be allowed. Mr. Proudfoot asked thet the charges be Bent to a tribunal .,f judges, following the precedent of the Gamey charges. Instead of this, the Government sends them to a commiteeev of the House composed of twenty-nine ('ouserva- tives and seven Liberals. Does this look like a desire to bring the truth to light Mr. Proutlfoot must be given a fair chance to wake out his case, or the people of the Province will draw Their own conclusions. EDITORIAL NOTES. The composition of the committee investigating the Proudfoot charges is twenty-nine Conservatives to seven Liberals. The chances ate twenty-nine to seven that Mr. Proudfoot will not get fair play. The Tories say they will abolish the Senate it it throws out the nAval bill. Well, the Grits will abolish it, when they gat into power again, if it doesn't throw out the bilL So the Senators may take their choice. The Ottawa Free Press pointe out that the Cabinet which drafted the closure rules is made up of novices : only a few of them have been even members of the House of Commons for more than eighteen months. Yet these mens in their inexperience had the preumption to force through Par- liament u measure which limits the freedom of discussion which bas pre vaned in the I'arliament of Canada ever since it was instituted. The closure rule.. which were adopted for the purpose of preventing ^obstruction" of the naval bill, were passed by the House of Commons on Wedne.day of last week. Since that day the Government has not once given the House an opportunity of making progress with tbe naval hill. Their own dilatoriness dismedits the statements of the Ministers who pre- tend that there is any real urgency in connecting with the Horden contribu- tion scheme. The Exeter Advocate ACCUSE. tb. ''bowlers" -as it teems those wh" oppose the application of clover-. in the Hama of C'.ommoee-of seeking e general eleetlon. What good voted a general .lection do the "bowlers- lees it davetrated tiara majority y d the electors were babied them 1a their oppndtlrrs to the nearsr, which ihi being permed by the prams' Government f And if the majority is scalereM tie the Go•lesseeL why THE SIGrAL : GODERICH ONTARK. abould there not be a general electloo so that Parliament may psoperly,ra¢ resent the people? Surely The Ad- vocate would not argue time any set+ of meat in umLtx have a right to do es' they please, regardless of the anises of the people, Just because they, happened w get into power oa an' entirely different issue. If the G.Ivero-' went telieves the people approve of its course, wby does it not , all a general election and sweep the "howler's" out of sight end bearing ? , Laurier and his party never didy-' thing for Britain, says a Conservative paper, Hying in the Lace of tbe history' of the last seventeen years. .11 The greatest era of British Imperialism tbe Empire has seen was ushered in with the granting of the preference on British gruels by the Laurier Govern- ment within a veer sttgr it toot office. i This was followed a few years later by the sending of Canedian troops to the help of the Empire in South Africa- -the first time such a thing had ever been done, and In marked con- trast to the refusal of (crater Con- servative Government under Sit John A. MacdontJd to send a Canadian contingent to assist ill fighting the Empire's battle.. • And it the present time tbe policy of the Conservative party is dictated by the Quebec Nationalists, .oho oppose the man - 'bag of any warships by Geordies*. The omers-Pelletle -fiord proposal to .rod thirty -live esillioa oilers of Oana•tien money to Great ritais is h simply a miserable scheme to keep the Nationalists in IID* while in Ontario and the other Pruviones a great hallo is raised about whet the tk.nservetives are doing for the Empire. Id Quebec, as in the other Provinces, the Liberals bave fought for a Canadian navy - built isitb Canadian money end manned by Cauadiens--to be at the call of the Empire in any time of stress. Which is the truly Imperial party - - DRUG -STORES ON SUNDAY. Godetich, April 'Gird; 1913. T. the Editor or The Sispat. UEAIt rills -1 wiah, through your ooluuins, to draw the attention of parents and Sunday -school workers to a matter brought to any notice several time. lately. This is • the habit that some boys have acquired of purchasing cenaies on Sunday at the drug -stores, sowetiwes with money intended for tbe&undayechool collection. One boy explained that be did not know it was wrong 1.0 buy candy on Suoday, as the drug -stores were open and wen were buying other things there. This explaostion reveals the danger. first, of young boys form- ing bed habits, out knowing 'they are bad and, secondly, of illegal ening on Sunday through the selfishness and influence of wen who take advantage MR. PROUDFOOT'S CHARGES AGAINST HON. W. J. HANNA AND SIR JAMES WHITNEY. Following, is the text of the charges formally laid before the Legislature last week by Mr. Proudfoot : ••1. \Villiaw Proudfoot. a member of the Legislature for the electoral die- trict of. Centre Huron. iu the Province of Ontario, Dominion of Canada. de- clare that 1 am credibly informed, and 1 believe that I can establish by satis- factory evidence : "That Taylor, " Scott le Company entered into a contract with Hon. William J. Hanna, the Provincial Secretary of the Province of Ontario, for and on behalf of the said Province, on the 20th day of July, A. D. 1905, for the.term of five year. from the 1st day of September. 1905, to the 1st day of September, 1910, whereby said com- pany was to manufacture washboards and other articles as therein set forth. at the Central Prison, belonging to the said Province. The said Province to maintain and provide the woodwork- ing shop then installed in said prison. and to supply • minimum of eighty' men, and if more required up to a total of one-third of ,tbe total prisoners. The said Taylor. Scott A Company to pay therefor, according to the schedule set forth in the said agreement, and also in an agreement which was subsequently come to be- t ween the said parties. CLAIMED DAMAGES. "I q the years 19117 and 190x( certain disputer arose between the said parties' in which the said Taylor, Scott & Company claimed that the Province was not fulfilling and had not fulfilled its said agreement, whereby they ciniwed to be entitled to damages. "The said dispute, and whets which arose from time to time. continued down to the 18th day of November, 1911. when same wete referred to one L. E. C. Thorns tor adjudication. PARTY CONTBIBC1ION. "In the year 19(14 the said Taylor, Scott A Company. or George t) Taylor, was requested to make a con- tribution to the party funds ot the Provincial Conservative party of the said Province, then being in office, or to the Provincial Secretary aforesaid. and in aceerdance with such request did contribute and pay over to the Provincial Secretary tbe sum of $500, said payment being illegal. corrupt and subversive of gold government "Int the beginning of the year tell. the said Arm of Taylor. Scott & Com- pany made various efforts to secure a settlement of their claim without euccese Finally they applied to the Hon. the Attorney -General for a fiat to enable them to commence legal proceedings. The claim then put for- ward was for the sum of $14.463.04 made up of damages suffered through various alleged breach& of said agree- ment. Ai'PI.tC ATIOt DELAYED. "The application for the said flat was greatly delayed and the .aid George C. Taylor decided that it could not he procured through the ordinary and proper tbannels. Thereupon, and up- on a number of occasions. he inter- viewed the Hon. the Provincial Secre- tary wbo took the ground that tbe said company had no valid os legalclaim. The said George C. Taylor contended that they had a good claim, and insisted on said flat being granted, and accused the said Pe o- vincest Secretary among other things as follows : - DRAY' IaaeOCLARITIES. "That be, the said Hanna, had oc- cepted the said sum (d $500. from the and Taylor, thereby leading tbe said Taylor to believe that hie claim would he satisfied, and that the aid sum was paid in consideration thereof. and then rte lame was given for alleged political and party purposes, as here- inhefore set forth : that the said Hansa manipulated the opening and granting of certain coal tenders ; that there were grave irregularities in con- nection with the purchs.e of certain self-teediug stokers, and that the acid Hanna had otherwise acted in an im- proper, corruptand illegal manner, and against te good government of the Province and tbe administration of the public affairs thereof. ••All of these matters were laid be- fore the Hon. Sir James Pliny Whit- ney, Prime Minister of the Province of Ontario, and within -a few days afterwarde said fiat was granted, but on the understanding that it was not to be used for three menthe. The House was theft in session. DAM AO SR INCI1EAMED. •'This was followed by the service of a petition of right by the said firm, wherein they claimed $60,0(11 dam- ages, although their said claim, as presented to the Fepert men t,amounted only to the sum of $19.403 02. "A defence was put in by the Province, disputing the whole of said claim, which was, according to the reports of the Government cflicials, wholly unfounded. "Great delay in the prosecution or adjustment of said claim was caused by the said Provincial Secretary corruptly and improperly endeavot- ing to obtain in the meantime a letter or document from the said Taylor withdrawing all charges made br the said Taylor in tbe premises. 81$ JAMES IMPLI('ATED. "In November. 3911, after the then approaching general elections were anuounced, the raid George U. Taylor insisted on said claim being disposed of before the election., again making uaeuf the same' argument/ on which the said flat was granted. On the strength whereof he sueceeded, through the raid Hon. Sir James Pliny \\'hitoey end the Hon. the Provincial Secretary, in having the claim referred to the said L. E. C. Thorne as sole refetee, without appeal, his award to he made within thirty days from said date. and the amount found to Ise due paid within sixty days from paid date. "The said referee was •ppointed on Saturday, November lsth, 1911, at four p. m. He made an award on the 24th of said month, without taking evidence. whereby he found the said firm entitled to $21,0fS,03. This sum was paid on January 17th. 1911 The raid referee was paid $3110 by the Province and $760 by the said firm for his services. MR. PROL'DFI)OT a CHARGER. "I charge the said Hon. William J. Hanna and Sir Jellies Pliny Whitney with illegally, corruptly. and im- properly causing the issue of said fist, and entering into the agreement to refer the said claim to the award of the said Thorne, and i sak for the appointment of a Royal Commission to investigate the conduct of the fetid parties in connection with the Taylor, Scott he ('ompetey claim. and the state- ments and transactions bereiohefore detailed. "1 further charge that the actions of the said Hon. Sir James Pliny Whit, ney and Hoo. W. J. Hanna, whilst respectively being Premier and Provincial Secretary, in connection with the said contract and adjustment thereof, the granting of the flat and the settlement of arbitration and pay- ment of the amount awarded, together with the demand for and acceptance of the said sum of 11600 by the said W. J. Hanna in manner for the parpoeee above set forth, are and were unlawful. corrupt and improper acts on the part of the said Hon. Sir James Pliny Whitney and the Hon. W. J. Hanna., and that the same are contrary to the law and rsctloe or Parliament and of this I.ealative A.eemhly, and are subversive of good government and the due andoper administration of the public affairs of this Province." *owing .industries Acreade the papulation CURE KIDNEYS AND RHEUMATISM DISAPPEARS 611I nus rhe Mao I $ Get rid of YOUR Rheumatism for good by taking that reliable remedy. GIN PILLS- They will relieve the pain --they will strengthen the kidneys ---they will cure you to stay cured -or your money will be promptly refunded. Montreal, March nth,1912. " It affords me great plesure to inform you that 1 have need GIN PILLS for about six months and that they have done me a great deal of good. I had Rheumatism for two years and this winter leaved myself from it by taking GIN PILLS. I highly reotenmend llama to the public." A. BEAUDRY. GIN PILLS neutralize the acid con- dition of the urine, prevent the forma- tion of uric acid in the blood and stove in the bladder and kidneys, keep the kidneys well and strong, and thus cure and ward off Rheumatic attacks. roc- a box. 6 for 53 5o. Sample free if Co write National Drug and Chemical Co. 01Canada, Limited. to. 145 - - of the drug -stares beingopen (for supplying medicines) to purchase cigar*, etc., knowing that the drug- gi.t'will not like to refuse their re- quest to be accomwodat.ed. Why should the drug -stores be open oar Sunday at all - Surely the drug- gists have long enough hours during the week, without, being obliged to keep open on Sunday alsd, fur the ac- commodation of the ailing commun- ity ? The prescription work done is practically nil ■nd the tewptetiou to sell other articles than drugs is corres- pondingly great. Perhaps other cot - respondents can tell us whet the custcm is in other town. in regard to closing drug -stores on Sunday. Rut, at any rale. the boys should be taught re+deet for the law of the land. and for the Sahhath day, by example as well as t y precept. Thanking you, Mr. Editor. for this privilege, I am, Yours faithtully, SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKia. FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. Not Our Horse. Anyway. Toronto Star. All right to get rid of rubbish, but dnn't 'nate a bonfire of it too near the house. This Is Why We Walk Toronto Telegram °Admirers wb- prb.eoted Sir James Whitney with an automobile meant to do the Ontario Premlet a kindness Yet the Ontario Premier will desert his trusty birvcle for the automobile at the risk of ,hontening his days and reducing his pleasures. The automo- bile is a snare in en far as it alienates men from the simple joys of walking, wheeling and other forms of personal exertion. iii ctive at Seve • any people at attribute their good health to SCOTT'S EMULSION because Its concentrated nourish- ment ereates permanent body -power, and because It Is devoid of drags or stimulants. ee.,ft h t..wnr Toioeto, oat 1171 CANADIAN PACIFIC EMPRESS AND OTHER $TEAMSHlP$ Empress of Irish Mar. 7 Empte.., of Heltake ...-...Mar 21 Lake Manttobw ...Mat 87 Empress' of Ireland . -.. ' .Aaril t Empress of Beiteln .....Apri1 I8 Lake Manitoba AVM 12 Empress of Ireland May s Empress of Britain May 16 Tickets and ell Informer ion from any .tesmabin agent, or J. Kidd, Ascot. 0- P. R.. tioaerlca, Oat_ CANADIAN laAa.:.t('1C HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO Manitaba. Alberta Saskatchewan Earb Tne.day nntll (irtober fits. Inclusive Wionipg and Return $15.00 Edmonton and Return $4800 (Nh.r ponds t■ pesporti.a Return I,mlt two months SIONERKEK MA TRAIN leaves Temente Arep. p. m. earth Te.eday. May t le est. tauatvs. met teals to tele r ids k., M r.seh.d earl ender enabling woos wmake re to ake all .ab'eeeh Ileo eossedlwa ThrongL tralna Toronto to W iselp.g and West Aronad the World vi. ., tea.+ of a.la" Ltv J 1e11..rt�trtt resewas�ts�t��r`laatss It daps .I " Leat. am. her teen. sperm .sriaope hs awe set M Mope in 2s Lem •f - w i wereer et Se !'' `Ac 5p'rmlrs `Ielh rhe V ACHESON el SON SPECIAL SELLING OF Imported Brussels ; Tapestry Squares From our large stock of these hard-wearing and serviceable Rugs we have selected about fifty of various designs and colors which cannot be made again and which we have decided to clear quickly at , special reductions. Regular goods at big price reduction. Rugs alt. 8:9ft, 58.00 7ft. 6 site. *5.75 9ft.:10-6 $7.90 10ft. 0112 $10.00 Sgt.: L *8.00 Velvet Rugs 313 yards $1 2.50 3:3l yards s 111.00 3k4 yard. $518.00 :4 yards 25.00 hearth Rugs Twenty Holy Wilton Velvet, 27x64 inches. Regulari3.3i) for *2.00 Curtain Neta Very fine qualities in Bungalow Neu in cream and Arab shades, 38 to 40 inches wide. Special per yard 10o and 8So Swiss and Point Arab Curtains Specially priced, new and bendsome .tyle*, at per pair .. 51.75, *2.50, $8.00 and *5.00 PP Ladies' and Misses' Coats Swart styles, beautiful cloths and perfect fit ting eats, made of the new Wbipeords, Tweeds and Serge., Prices now specially reduced to *8.0), *7.00. $8.00, $0.00 Ladies' Suits and Separate Skirts Hermes, Whip.wrds, Seaford .lord., A vet •elect range and at very moderate price. Skirts range 08.1$1. 53.50. $4.00 and 56.00 Suits range 512.00, 515.00, 118.(1) and $0.00 Floor Linoleums Select patterns in a very large choice, 3 and 4 yards wide 40c, 500. Silo and a5c Prints Thirty pieces only heavy Indigo Dutch Prints in neat patterns, sprays. etc., :3'l inches wide, best cloth and colors warranted. Regular 5)c per yard 1Se W. ACHESON & SON 11 it Summer Schools Far courses le all harms$ stlyattr te�rapphe . to and f r 3sektpaMg. er S amd fora Sis P. ervfa.az Commercial Specialist.' will be conducted lin Shaw's Toronto iThe Centra! Bsde... Cense* with tour city Branch Schools,. from July 3rd to August IRI MMM year. Students may enter any ties ter em- end courses. No vaceUoe.. Write W. H. Shaw, President, for catalogue. ee Yong. et.. Toccata. individual instruction AT THR NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE OWEN BOUND. ONTARIO permits students to begin with us any day. Positions guaranteed to graduates. Staff of specialists. In- formation o-formation free. C. A. FLrMIteU, F. C. A. Principal. G. D.Fteetne Secretsey. Overalls Free! We are sole agents for Walker's Overalls, made in \Valterville, Out. We guarantee 10 cents fon every button that comes off and `li coots for every rip. For every six pockets cut from wore garments we will give -you one pair of Overalls or Smock Free. (.et the habit of saving your pockets. Sold and guaranteed by REG. BLACK Also by the Walker Pant and Overall Co-. Walkervife, Ont. P. 0 Spring Hardware Bargains it y 11 0 Everybody � is usingPaint thea days. We have too many lines of Paint and have decided to clean. Ever •bod • is these days. We have many of and have decided to clean . out what Elephant Paint we have at about Half-price. Here is your chance to buy Paint cheap. Half pints roc Pints 20C Quarts 40C Half gallons 8oc Floglaze is that hard Paint we have found by experience we cannot too strongly re- commend for veranda floors, kitchen floors or, in fact, any floor you wish to paint. Garden Tools Grass trimmers, tree pruners. Carpet whips, carpet tacks and dustbane are all needed of us these house-cleaning days. . Lawn Mowers. We are showing a full assortment of sizes and styles of the celebrated Brockville Mower. Purses for the boys and girls While they last only Muralo Wall Finish Muralo Wall Finish, in seeera Muralo Wall Finish Muralo Finish, in seeera of the finest tints. Regular 5oc for 25c. Handy Varnish Stain. Regular 65c tin 45c Regular 35c tin 25c Regular 20C tin 15c CHI-NAMEL has made a last- ing impression. You can get Chi- namel only of us. Detroit Vapor Stoves in coal oil and gasoline. Well you would like to have city gas. We have a safer and cheaper stove to operate in the Detroit than city gas. Made in all sizes. Screen Doors at half-price. We have just a few slightly damaged in shipping that we will clear at Half-price. We have a fine assortment of the best made screen doors. at less than cost, with our name on. roc For one week we will sell Re -nu - We can save you money on all all Wood Polish at tqc per botije. lines of Hardware. Dust lane at 29C per package. If stet are building see u$ about your nails. A large shipment just to hand. The HOWELL 'HARDWARE Co. Ltd. �=============41