HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-4-24, Page 1010 Tum sfl&T, Artcu, 211. 1913
Singr Store
s - _--
A new shipment of Babies'
Bonnets and Little liarhug
Hose just iu at the singer
A full -:tock of roses, jabots,
crocheted collars and nags ,n all
the new shades and shapes.
This is the time of the year
we'll think of lingerie. We have
a new assortment of under -
waists, nightgowns and com-
bination suits at very reason-
able prices.
The waists stamped on crept
marquisette to be worked in
white or colors are the latest. A
nice assortment of these to
cboose from.
tl:. New designs in tinted
centres, runners and cushions.
If you haven't seen the new
thousand flower stitch and
heather _designs, call and see
A vice line of band -embroid-
ered aiticles. suitable for wed-
ding gifts. Prices are suitable
[=We satry a lull assortment
of all D. M. I:. crochet and eur-
broidery threads.
Special lessons on any piece
The[ Singers Store
Next 13,41 'Telephone l entral.
Order your Grocery Supplies
from the
FLOWERS. - - Easter Lilies,
CarnationQ, Roses.
FRUITS. - Pine Apples, Ban-
anas. Oranges, etc.
VEGETABLES. - Fresh Rhu-
barb, Lettuce. Radish, Green
Onions, Celery.
SYRUP. - Log Cabin Brand
Mcple Syrup. labelled abso-
lutely pure.
FLOUR.--Self-rising Buckwheat
MEATS. - (Choice Cuted and
Cooked Meats.
COFFEE and TEAS. -Our own
special blend Aurora Coffee
and choice 'Teas.
ample ,u ply of strictly fresh
Eggs and choice Butter.
('all or 'phone 52
So Jo Youn
Hamilton street.
MINI" 1.1
Saturday, Monday and Tuesday
April 26th, 28th, 29th
PRIL SALE DAYS will be attractive from a money saving standpoint. The goods are here to make them so. Big,
generous assortments of new merchandise gathered together with every item marked to sell at less than actual worth
because they have been bought that way. New, seasonable wanted goods and qualities beyond any doubt or question.
Come to this month-end sale. We will make it pay you for we have the goods and the prices to. save you 'pone).
Brooch Sale
Regular , $z.00�
and $1.25 Brooches
for 55c
Regular 45c, 50c
and 6oc Brooches
for 35c
See Our window
Walter H. Harrison
'impeller and Optician Goder;cf,.Ont.
Our Import Papers are ex-
clusive and will make any room
alt,►, tier. They are ea
Io t10 host exacting taste.V1
are showing them in a wonder.
ful range M coloring's, daitty
striper', floral. self - tone mina
tapestry effects. We want you
to new tbem. No obligation to
purchase if you come in and la
at them.
Prices range from 1rr• per roll
op to 76e, while the Canadian
papers range in price from he
per roU up to Mr.
Pretty cut -oat Borden from
6e sad les per roll ap.
The GINis! loot Stere
ONO. P0*TIsa Prop.
now a O.i.ri b.
60 Pairs
at 29c
-Sixty pairs ladies' white cot-
ton Drawers, made, from fine,
English cambric with wide frill
of tucking, stylq as shown, 29C
per pair only �J
Some Suit Specials
Tato or three odd lilies of ladies' tailored suits to be cleated at
very Low prices on sale -days.
Grey. Suits $5.75
Three only. grey cloth suits. ,ilk lined. man -tailored.
good style. and dressy. . Mouth -end sale days, choice
Duly 66.76
,Sleek Cheviot Suits $8.45
Four only, black Suits. made froth all -wool cheviot,
.silk -lined, good .-tyle, s special purchase. Only 4 to sell at
each • ..............58.46
Elderly Ladies' Suits 0.75
Two only, black itlsiis, style made specially for elderly
ladies. large sizes, made from good quality black venetian.
An extra 'amain, each 69.76
Children's Drawers 2.5c
Children's white cotton drawers, embroidery and tucked
flounces, per pair only 250
Crepe and Cotton Gowns $1.00
Ladies Gowns. two styles, made from fine cotton and
crime, e, embroidery and lace trimmed. each. 31.00
School Bag Raincoats $5.00,
Girls' Raincoats just in from New York, fine quality.
absolutely rainproof. A waterproof school bag with pencil.
etc.. with each chat. Navy or fawn. each 65.00'
�'-�'Y r'Y'-Ir--Y'v-..--Y-�.--�ry-y- v' -v -••Y
A Blouse Special $1.10
Fin• muslin Blouses, embroidery and fine lace
trimmed. high collar or square cut neck. An excep•
tionally good wrist at the price, each 31.10
Lisle (.loves 15c
Thety pair, Lisle Gloves, medium length, tans and
fawns only, assorted sizes. Sale days, per pair 15o
�r-v-.�v ..-lr-..y-..--v---y--w-.ter..-1►-y--r"•--y-�
A Big Embroidery Clearance
12 ys t. t : mbroiderles and Insertions 7c
1 ,p hundred yards Embroideries and Insertions,
der.. "f patterns, fine and heavy makes, various
wing .•gular 12;c, To clear sale days. per yard 70 1J
Ladies' House Dresses,
made from good quality prints
and ginghams, a good assort-
ment of colorings, will wash
well, style as shown, all sizes.
Month-end sale
Hemstitched Handkerchiefs 3 for 2Sc
ladies f haalerebieb, wary fins t resll sandy
embroidered. Re -n ' 121e. Salo Days $ tits alas
Lace Edge Handkerchiefs 6 he 211c
Tan dense sissy tamdkersblek 1011* sits
Ladies' Umbrellas
at $1.10 "
Worth a good deal more each
and all of them. A maker had a
lot of handles be usually put on-
*1.bO and $721,0 umbrellas. To
clear the last few dozen out he
offered them at a price to let us
sell at this low figure. Uncut -
table and unfadeble top, strong
frame, handsome handles. Reg-
ular up to $2.60. Month-end
sale. fin to sell at each .... 31.10
Very truly extra values, both of them. Two
specials bought just for this month-end sale.
60 Pairs at 59c a pair
Made from heavy contiel, new model, perfect fitting,
long,strongly bound, hose supporters, top nicely trimmed
witin-°ertiuo. Month-end sale. per pair 59c
60 Pairs at 79c a pair
These are good dollar corsets. The material is a strong
cootie'. medium weight, for spring and summer wear, but a
very thin weave, strongly bound, new model for spring.
complete with hose supporters. A really good corset, per
pair 79c
Lace Collars I5c
Lace collars, white only, new shape, regular Sic. month-
end sale 115c
Cross Bar Muslin 12t,c
Two hundred yards cross bar Harlin. tine quality. :13
inches wide. This lot is made up of maker's remnants, rego-
lat 20c and good values at that price. For month-end sale
this lot per yard only....., .. 12',c
These laces are just in from England. The
values are truly extraordinary. The valenciennes
we can sell only by the dozen, the linen any length.
Valenciennes Lace 35c a dozen
One hundred dozen Valenciennes Laces and insertions as
sorted qualities and widths. regular Scto sc per yard, put up
one dozen yards on a card, special for month - end sale per
card 36c
Extra Valenciennes Laces 60c a dozen
These laces are very fine quality. assorted widths. new
matched partrrn.. put up one dozen yards on a card. We
cannot 1r,ke the length at this price. Regular prices 8c to
Inc a yard. Month-end Sale per card of12 ards.... .....60c
Linen Laces 5c the yard
A thousand yards of linen torcbon Laces and Insertions
2 to 3 inches wide, a big range of new patterns, very popu-
lar for vnderweer and dress trimmings. Regular up to Ilk.
Month-end Sale per yard ... 5c
Big Doings at the Dress Goods Counter
Some extra good values that ought to make
the Dress Goods counters a busy spot next Satur-
day, Monday and Tuesday.
54-iacb Serge 75c
All wool dress and suiting serge. Full 54 iocbea wide.
Copenhagen blue and black oniv Regular 91.0) a yard. For
Memtb-end Sal sive 'Eric a yard and buy it at.......... 750
50 -rock Black Serge 50e
One end holy, black serge, all pure wool, just the thing
for separate skirts, a real good bargain. Month-end Sale
per yard 500
Navy Serge 89c
This serge is worth 91.26 per yard. It is all wool. made
from the purest imported yarns, Indigo dye, 52 to 54 inches
wide, splendid for suits and skirts. Month-end Sale per
yard itlec
Navy Carting 65c
One sed only diagonal cloaking, navy blue. all wool,
wi'l make splendid spring and summer costa. Regular $1.35,
for Montbeed Sale, per yard 550
More Wool Panama 57c
All -wool black Panama, rieb fast black. pure stock, 50
inches wide. Regular 90e value. Month-end Sale, per
yard 570
Brussels Rug $16.33
Omaha* Brussels Ruga, new deslgws, neat and attrac-
t n v e Paws and green 'bad.,,. sire 9 festxl0 feet 6 Inches.
Rog. that will wear. sale Days each 616.'25
A Large Tapestry Rug 58.00
This Rag is 4r44 yards and of good quality. The regu-
lar pries was 916.60. We used It lamer showroom. You
would stat known this unless we Ned you. bate Dar we
will ..4I it for .,
Lace Edge Linen Centra 87c '
Pure linea emirs*, baa edges. Very baad-
some and servlerabtet. Reinke PLOP treaty. sale Days 57c
Dresser Scarfs and Lunch Cloths 39c
1 risb stasbrofdsrud drawer scarfs said luneb cloths, beer -
starlets .eery sgrY6 fake Days say
36 -inch lunch Clutha 30c
These ttlell s sae worth affair thaw doubts this psi est
wide wife mw et dwwa work. Rale
Days, s tri w . 04. Me •
Linoleum Bads 30c
Mix ereslate wa,.--- i 1wide goad qualtba.
fa las • 110110 AM, a . A M sod eat
1leltniar Days
par tenth. read tett.. ••... yogid.ae+ae !M
Girl's cotton Dresses,
made from nice prints and
ginghams, neat, nobby, little
dresses and very reasonably
priced. Month-end sale, Itach
Bungalow Net 25c
New Bungalow Net, full wrdt1.. r, at, tasty path.: D. cern
shade. veru special for sale days tett. 26c
Curtain Scrim IOc
Crean, or white curtain serim, god stripe design, will
wash and wear well. Per yard,,sale drys only l Oc
Union Rug $6.50
Heavy union art squares or rug.. splendid .rearivg qual-
ity. neat designs in fawn and wood shade., size 9 feetxlo •
feet 0 inches. Sale Days .... ...... •..... tett • .tett.. 66.50
Pillow Shams 70c a pair
Lace Pillow Shams. three patterns. good finality and
good appearance, firm strong, edges. Sale Days rer pair 700
Fiannelette Blankets $1.1L
These are le sizes, some are maker's seconds but will
wear as well as perfect goods, a decided bargain per pair *1.15
Dark Linen Crash 10c
Sixteen. linen crash towelling, heavy weight,flrm strong
weave, splendid dryer. One hundred yards to sell. Sale
Days at per yard .... 100
Huck and Crepe Towels 2 for 23c
Another large abipment in from the Scotch maker.
Prices have advanced so high that we cannot get them
again to sell at this price. Large eiz., good weight, 2 for 25c
23 -inch (class Towelling 10c
Two hundred yards linen glass Towelling', red border.
23 inches wide. This is a real good towelling and worth
more money. Sale DO.. per yard 10c
16 -Inch Union Towelling 20c End
This is a good linen crash towelling, 16 inches wide,
hea$y weight. red border, done up in lengths of 21 yards.
End Sale Dave 20c
Clearing Table Linen Remnants
Hear is a good chance to get a table cloth and save
money. Ten or twelve remnants of Table Linen, bleached
'and half bleached. Ends are from 1j to 4 yards Ing, all
clearing at reduced prices for Sale Days.
Fine Pillow Cases 25c
Extra quality pillow:rases, all sizes. mail • from very fine
cotton, made specially for thin purpose. Ea •h.. ... 2543
Linen Damask Table Cloths
Twenty only large rises, fine bleached Damask I.inen Table
Cloths, 34 and four yards long only, moat of them double
damask. Regular 9a00 to 97.00. Sale Days 62.50 and 63.50
36 -inch Black Silk 75c
Fifty yard+ Meek pailette silk, firm weave. a rich lust-
rous black. mailable for waists and dresses. Sale Days per
yard ... 75o
Fancy Silks 50c
Fancy silk., suitable for dresses and waists, mostly neat
narrow stripes. shades of blue. grey, etc. Regular 75c. Sale
Days per yard only, . son
Ball Brass Buttons 5c
Braes Buttons. hall shape best quality. right site for
trimming. Regular laic a doses, fifty dams to sell. Sale
Days per dozen tett 50
New corsetcovers,
made front fine Eng-
lish cambric, seams
double sewn, featly
trimmed with lace
as shown. Special
month-end sale, each