The Signal, 1913-4-24, Page 7ERY 3ros. up in e and This 'nes )x of ill of le to ening onthi: u buy proof llaceS 7i RS« ell Hats. DColdi rds -ols have produce 11111/4) tph dad at SIGNAL THE SIGNAL : uODERIOfl ONTARIO THVIMID.T. Also, :8. hili 7 meowed w gid 'crane rea et isalaar CITY OF FLATS. Wirers the Neuss Regulations Are Apt te Vett Free -Born Canadians. The hlti sbaeorger is the evil spirit dViscum.City ofFlail, say* awriter $s uvea in • gloomy cavern at the WA of the stairs and pounoes on you es�etserr�� time you peas and til you you rrals$'8. I base never really mttahr- ger the house regulation. Atter 10 B y ELOW is given a oelste lie j o oboot a chill air u of the tomb mi- d the sutnsar earrags el the Slops the house. Later than that Design Northers Atliatie ▪ • riot tram se tie arts la se s omni am whew. Taw Imo us sew seam (i.Mo+nrol . Sayer � WAIL ANA IN T,.. Mar rat Ural Lw4 Wed. /nee 4 tore Goof. wed. lean 1111 Tr. ha• 1' awai LeeN W4. lei 3 Ta , I roroi Ggf. wed. tet, Y reel Beware lot. ib To, loyal COMP ▪ A, • RurM4 as d a4. A.. Royal Goethela tarsi Bawd Reel (hong • ,. , keyal Lewd r r.r.i Genn as Ia. ea. to y, AM. Rein' Lwsr4 to tet Melding .d all lata - Or osier , ane. a a. C. a.aan. OaMd am.at 33 slat West Ilea Termaa. Orarh Ate. Ay 11 NIL s I. f4 Oa. 13 New. 1 s... ll CANADIAN NORT111kN STUAMMM' n. UNIT= MacEwan's OA Best Scranton Hard Coal -all sizes. Cannel Coal for open grates -the highest quality of Coal that can be bought for the purpose. Empire Domestic Lump Coal - most satisfactory Soft Coal forranges,box stoves and fireplaces. Standard Chestnut and Furnace Coke. All kinds of Hard- wood and Kindling. r MacEwan Estate Telephone 9+11 ...r .Immslid. :111111M 7 t■ I I 11li ninnunr JIUbI Ger ROM THE ALL BOY UP you may not sing, dance or play any soesteal iasteument. I way ams ad a party when one of the guests, not observing the lateness of the Lour, volunteered to sing "Ora Pro Bobia'1 She had not gone much beyond the fist bar when rhe noticed that i1 mjy wanted one minute to 10. TAs.�asd with which she wished the song, pad on her ha and ooat, shook hands all around, and was out in the street before the hour had finished striking was a lesson from which I have not yet recovered. At no time may one shake one's rugs oat d the front window, bat between the hours of 6 and 8 in the morning. one may beat them in the courtyard. A visitor, waking up with a alert a lit4e after 6, and wondering whether the thunder will give hint a haadnobe, tail b appreciate the pri- vilege. Por about an hour the city is as if wrapped in s sand storm: ,everybody is in the courtyard banging rugs The Viennese lrausfrau invests all her spare cash in rugs. It ia the proudest day of her lite when she has so mem that she is the first to start heating and the last to finish. 1 t one keeps • dog, on wet days mu must terry him up to one's apart- ments, partmenta, so .bat his muddy feet do not sail the staircase. Particularly well do I know this last regulation, for at one time I was the proud possessor of a mastiff. In the first month of my stay it rained on 17 days, and I lost nearly 14 pounds in weight. My medical attendant said I was not physically stray enough to own so large a dog, so, as my rooms were on the fifth floor, I exchanged him for a Icy terrier. Dustbins which age generelly kept in the kitchen, next to the gas stove. have to be carried downstairs by the tenant and deposited on the pave- ment for the otmvemence of the dust- men. An official makes his appear- ance a few minutes ahead of the dust cart, and olangs .s huge bell at the foot of the stairs in warning. At the sound doors fly open Ile if by magic. and the next moment the stairs are crowded with women -young, old, strong and frail --reach with an iron dustbin strained 0o her bosom. If you are wearing new clothe,`, you want to see that the dust Dart isn't in the street before you start mount- ing the stai}•s.- member of the family enjoys a bathroom. Why not have us an up-to-date system of IODERN PLUMBING your home) When we do a job of kind you do not need to spend sent for repairs for a long time. materials we use are the best and work lasts. RED. HUNT Hamilton Street, Goderich Plumbing, heating, Electric Wiring, etc. G TO THE HIGH STANDARD maintained in the popular t4riOTT . Ost.. the demand tor the graduates h erne. of the ',apply.('ollare pm all Cater now. Write roe ostelerea THE LATESTMARKETS Farmers' Market. Polkeeing are the latest quotations torketerst proBlroe at Bt. Lawrence t. Toronto: - Soh wheat, betel ..... $ .92103 .96 Baia .19 .00 Mune wheat .. 38 .90 .6$ .80 llbefiwtisdt .66 .86 Issas 1.00 Wow hay 18.00 4o. No. 2 . , . 13.00 agile bay 9.00 Mime straw ...t 16.00 trundled 14.00 , loose .. 8.00 new laid, donee.20 lthaterrialry 28 40. creamery .32 Awl. dressed 10. .18 .22 .20 26 .16 �we fowl, lb.. .16 Chickens .16 Ducklings .16 ► Turkeys .30 - Hens .12 .96 2.00 12.00 Doll Theories. According to a Japanese belief, dolls sometimes .come auwe acquiring a soul 10 process of being played with by snooessive generations of children. Food is provided for them, and they are treated with great we, lest neg- lect ahopld bring trouble upon the household. One pretty story tells how a childless husband and wife borrow- ed a doll that had gained. tea. soul ted and clothed.it sand .prospered there- Al1'thiszis3;nslitter contrast with the unpLe�,,a.d,,lltheory of Yarm, the scholar of ent Rome. He held that the doll[ given to little Romans at Christmas --that is to say, at the �q�g�na�l ss fice0 ntebnman,beitrg•to11ae6utlea► L od- Caas Desks 'rya Gesso *nu. 4cassell. The.eau aaiMOl�'metro[ aotietth�ern git,is to the OkselllelMul what w�- Iii�a �s, .s !�afla�seBoremost roan ed alLette wormva before high 1 etas, semen. mn a grapdtr rolefp play. Tospre- died over the mosiattmadant rInc in fast history of tteemogt -important branch d the human•araee -waa.a task that none tent the gra testho1 men could successfully perform Caesar IIMPliOns 1 hdacle afterantiher -aside gaatroodat9..t wberetttbe$neants9O Potatoes. bags Apples, barrel Drained hop .00 .00 1.10 17.00 14.00 10.80 18.00 16.00 9.00 .22 .2 .36 .20 25 .22 .21 .11 .16 .18 .18 .12 .12 1.00 3.60 18.00 Toronto Cattle Market. B.epresentauve prices are:- Tritestion export cattle.... $6.86 to 17.36 ileorpool export cattle.. 6.76 7.00 import bulls 5.60 Botcher cattle, choice.. , 6.76 day medium 6.00 do. common 6.60 sober cows, choice6.60 medium -. 6.00 do. common ......... 4.26 Oaten 1.60 Winners 2.60 Dutcher bulls 6 00 d0. medium 4.60 Bologna bulls ..... 8.26 'Feeding ,teen 6.60 Stockers, choice •.._.-6.26 do. medium 4.76 40. light ... 3.00 Milkers, choice. each...60.00 do. medium 40.00 60.00 30.00 7.60 6.60 4.60 3.00 9.00 Hav i ng pu rchased the hush ens formerly conducted by F. Barlow Holmes, we Fur" Peasdealing In Coal, Wood List, Comsat Ilial. We will handle Scranton alai Lehigh Valley Coal, two cess which are recognised as the beet we wish to giv'3 the MM, of floder,.h and 110 b l er dao hose teem MI d Mr. dildsiatw ked may ettlhgw libs wish anything in our hes All orders left with Jae. TSt+m• ded tie. st»tt, peeesptJy b&6kdki11 Springers, choice do. medium Iprtng lambs, each Sheep, light ewes do. heavy ewes Sucks and culls Good lambs Medium lambs ,,,e.... 8.00 do. culls 6 00 i f. o. b. 900 4o. fed and watered9.36 tap01&41.:':'„....-••••••-•• - eraighed off ears. 9.60 y• y,... ....f. 4.60 . FeedillFor. the salsphaat. -thedeltphantierellgestihn4unm tihos'.+are very rapid it. requires a large wmoan"tof fodderdaily, about 600 pounds in enoetceses. In itawrild state the elephant feeds heartily, but why. It is careful,in selecting the few torsi/ trees that at likes for their beat Orr foliage., bout will tear doltrabranolhei and lease halt'ot4hem untouched. It will strip ori the bark from Other •team and throw away w Aa it is a large it selects. its freer= f _ eenseelokOtOnehrian ls pie his res eras Alfred Arit- a oaten memory.Cyd bousehod he is waitedon.at table by one of hitars, erhilaother mem- bers of this film$= stretch out and help tbenniebirs- aha bread, it is said, 'is baked 6y -the Queen. He nage! the habit ad swing upon his. people and is himself a depositor in a saving' bank. The king once remonstrated with a hotelkeeper who had bought himselemsgold watch .and , pointed ront that.tdasosnifiwgeh.arait-a silver. Toronto Grain nes. Q1entations at the Board d Trade were,.. follows: -Ontario Wheat-New„No. 2. whites prheat,.whlte, red or mixed, 94e to W0. ontalde. M,settoba Wheat -New, No. 1 Nor., 98;f,c; No. 2 Nov., 961/sc; Vo. 1 Nor.. fs14c. Canadian Western Oats -New No. 2, 42c; No. 3, 3S%c. on trick, lake ports. Ontario Oats -33c to 35c, outside, 88e to 38c, Toronto. Corn -No. 3 yellow, 63c, all rail, track. Toronto. No. 3 yellow now tinny 58e, c.i.f. • Rolled Oats -Per bag of 90 lbs.. $3.231-2; per Dbl., 14.70, wholesale, Windsor to Montreal. Peak -No. 2, 31.00 to 31.06, car lots. outside. Buckwheat -No. 2. 62c to 53c, out- side. Rye -No. 2. 60o to 620. outside. Barley -48c to 50c. Mlllfeed-Manitoba bran, 320 to 120.60; shorts. 122.00, at shipping �olnts Ontario bran, 320 to 320.50, In begs; short,. 122. track, Toronto. 6.20 7.00 860 6.00 6.00 6.40 4.76 4.26 3.26 6.60 6.25 4.26 6.15 6.25 6.75 4.50 70.00 60.00 70.00 60.00 7.75 7.26 6.00 6.00 10.00 8.60 7.00 .00 9.40 9.70 9.00 BRITAIN'S BUDGET 00,000.000 ?OUNDS Twenty Million Pounds Will he Asked For the Old age Penalewa, Insur- ante Act and Labor Exchange If the British standard of valuation were the dollar and not the pound sterling the vomtug budget would un- doubtedly be known as the Hinton Dol- lar Budget, for the sum which Da�ld Lloyd George, the Cbasosllor of the Exchequer will hays to ask of the nation in the budget speech falls a very little short of £3M.00,000. The principal items of this smiles budget areasfollows: National debt ..... t$4,600,00t• Local Government greats, road board. etc. 10.800.000 Royal and judicial sell, c l c es 1,700,00i, Education Old -age pensions, national health insurance, et.c.... 20.099,000 Other Civil Services 16,245.010 Collection of revenue .. 4.5Z3,000 Postomce telegraphs and Telephones 24,2�G.Obii Total etvll expenditure £ 120,S8b.00i+ Navy 40.309.0'+0 Army 16.2.0,000 Asthma Catarrh we0091G COMM "AMOK COOP COWS COLDS Leek Within. The things that are unison ar il ce true fors and substance.of wisdom. love or dente, ideals. The things than are aeon are ewer changing for seslmethind be for ens Thor- efore we look pea and happiness, and we value e obese conscience above rabies. We veins above bees. meads and honours that teams quiet. the well done of the tlr1aee.v spirit ethasref 4 with our, that oil is walk as metier what parer.-11esttles. OeMrMeg Brick.. The es'nr of a Rima is eanttolled ta a*�hIM41n s1Il a mid* £ 190.417.000 CAPT. SCOTT'S DIAP.Y It Enhances the Glory of Every Man In the Expedition lady Scott. the wife of Captain R. Scott, who lost bis life in the Ant- arietie. has written a letter to the newspapers ID which she expresses her thanks for the sympathy extended to her in her bereavement and thanks everybody for their generosity In sub- acripUons to memorial funds. She adds that her husband's diary will be published in full as soon as practio- able. "Every word in the diary," Lady Scott says, "goes to enhance the glory of the expedition and the work of every officer and man conoerned in it:' East Buffalo Cattle Cattle -Receipts, 4,500; fairly *o- live and 10c to 16c lower. Prime steers, 48.75 to 39.00; shipping, $8 to V.65; butchers, 36.60 to 38.40; cows, 4 l0 37.60; bulls. 35.75 to 17.60 heifers, 36.25 to 38.50; stock heifers, 55.60 to 36; stockers and feeders, 36 37.76; fresh cows and springers. IsteadT. 135 to 185. Yams -Receipts, 1,600; active, 600 higher, $6 to 310. Hoge--Recelpts, 14,000; active and 10c to 15c lower. Heavy, 39.40 to 19.45; mixed, 19.46 to 39.60; yorkers, 39.36 to 39.60; pigs, 19.26 to 39.36; roughs. 38.40 to 38.60; stags, 37 to S8, dairies, $9.16 to 39.60. Sheep and Lambe -Receipts. 10,000; active; yearlings steady. others 10c tq 26c higher. Lambs. 16 to 38.50; year- lings earlings 37 to $7.60; wethers, 36.60 to 36.90; ewes, 36 to.$6.60; sheep, mixed. 36 to 36.60. NAVIGATION OPENS A Pleat o1 Sixty Freighters ..eft Fort William There passed through Thunder Bay eastward boun 1 on Sunday from Port Artbur and her twin City of Fort William, etxey great take freighters. laden with approximately 12,350,000 bushels of wheat. oats. tax and bar- ley. being the vast fleet which has been lying in th(' Twin City harbors during the past Winter, and which the opening of navigation has set free. This gigantic fleet. placed stairs to stern, would form a line of ships over four miles long. AID STOCK BREEDERS aar.suewae ions A dile► mate and e..eahel etsttes_ae for a MAW W Mtloriam. adenoid Oman& the M..:a - wa. Wnfa. V NM Wilk 1.4otwt Ulna rents Tie Le awning tie aaueepOs atom. 1nne,d 'with livery breath. nukes breathing oew....ru.. the sore U.eat..n1 owes the t: o,t*a, aaerwrm rs- t W .basis. Cr.ad.as 4 4..,.a•4 to soothe/s ata p.., 4 ea.1drea and a argN to eeer.•ra Irma Aemote. ataa se pawl tri i..orytlw booklet. ALL oaueourr$. Trr cRCIOLFNR 7.414 S r?IC THM)AT TA8LgTN lur Il..,- r.ed thmat. 71.1 an rrn,M. MstM sae a th. ,.. . , let:. r Omar& 'v Vero Cew.Mea Cw el orris k.. M.T. L...•.eg 13.twlding M.'o .nr Can. ltJwe'P.digred Animals Will be i-ean- Chicago Live Stock Cattle -Receipts, 19,000 head; mar- ket steady. Beeves. 17.26 to 39.26. Texas steers. 36.76 to 17.90; stockers and feeders. $610 to 38.10; cows and betters, 33.00 to 38.40; calves $6.60eto 38.60 Hogs -Receipts. 42.i,in, market steady. Light. 38.96 to 19.36; mixed. 38.90 to 19.26; heavy, 38.70 to 19.20: rough. 38.70 to $8.86; pigs. et to 19.10; bulk of males. 39.06 to 89.20. Sheep --Receipts, 22,000; market 'steady. Native. $8 to 17.16: yearlings, 1e 60 to 37.51; lambs, native. $8.00 10 $815. ed to Local Organizations Hon. Martin Burrell. Minister of Zeki4ture, and Mr. John Wright. live commissioner, have agreed upon F plan for a substantial eecourage- pteat of the live stock industry In tJapada The original cost of the animals will be borne by the depart - t, and they will be placed 1n the de of such local organizations as agree to certain conditions which will be set forth. In a word. these titres %will remain the property of the de- partment. but . local associations will be responsible for their proper main- tenance and management under the enl supervision of officers of the ive stock branch All animals dta- tributed will be bought. if possible, Prom home breeders and will be Can- adian bred. In the -hilt Otter Creak 'near St. Thomas. 'Fbe brothers took a boat with the intention of going to MID island sheeted about In the middle of the c no one saw the accident. betteved the boat oil➢ sized s could not ■wten they their death. Rep tor from Ottawa, office air leepector himself as an inspe . Postai i)epamment at r entered the post last Thursday and obtained a took containing 79 blank money mains numbered from 4,131 to 4,199. Ha left a temporary receipt, promising that the official receipt would be.bnardad within a day or two. Seed*. Merchants aro geeting to farmers, per hundredweight, as follows: - Red clover. No. 1....334 OO to 328.60 do, No. 2 23.00 .00 Aline. Pk, 1 28 00 31 00 do. No 2 34.60 14. be Thnotky. No. 1 7.60 3.00 do. No. 2 6.00 41.64 Alfalfa. Pio. 1 19.60 1N. 10 do. No. 1 17.80 00 Bitted Hay sad Senior. New key. No 1 512.00 to do. No 1 9.00 d0. Nei $ .. 4.N VIM stagy ............ pr. Roche's Health Hon. ion Roche, Minister of the fa- terfor has been making such rapid recovery since has operation that It is not likely he will retire from the Cabinet The doctor expects to sail for England on May 3rd. Upon the condition of his health upon his re- turn will depend whether be wi11�1vr main In the Cabinet. , fn. Id 11.00 9.00 .a SEEDING GENERAL Ontario Farmers are as a Rule en the Land Dynamited a Dam Dynamiting of Hincbbrooke dam. lapanee River, near Parham, by par- ties at present unknown, had a tragic end. Gideon King. aged 25, unmarried. was drowned while driving over a bridge a mile from the dam. which was loosened from 1ts position by a big rush of water. Both Quick and Permanent Strength. If you are run down or t'rred out. you take cold easily, have no appetite. are losing flesh or have other evidence of lowered vitality, try our MacLeod's System Renovator under out guaran- tee to refund the price paid if the remedy fails to give entire satisfaction. It aids digestion, tones up the nervous system and gives both gaick ard per- manent results. One dollar a Bottle. Idanufactuted by Mset.nld Medicine Co.. Goderich, Out. For sale by E. R. Wigle. A week of sunshine has meant ,a trreata deal to the farmers of Ontez70. Reports from both east and west of the Province say that they have base able to get on the land. Some othrlf complain that the soil is unfit yet, MI seeding will be general this wept, Two Brothers Drowned George Chalk. aged 21. and tai young brother aged years. of Post Burwell. loot t_ --r llo' . ht' drowning Cause for Alarm Loss of appetite or distress after eating -a symptom that should not be disregarded. It is not what you est but what you digest and sesimilate that does you good. Some of the strongest. health- iest persons are moderate, eaters. Nothing will cause more trouble than $ disordered stomach. and many people contract serious maladies through disregard or abuse of the stomach. We urge all who suffer from indi- on• or dyspepsia, to try Rezall • Tablets, with the under - Bleeding that we will refund the money paid us without question or formality, if after use you are not perfectly ambo led with results. We recommend Recall Dyspepsia Tablets to customers every day, and have yet to bear of one who has not been benefited. We believe them to be without equal. They give prompt rend, siding to neutralise acidity, stimulate flow of gastric luioe strengthen` the digestive orpana, and thus promote perfect nutrition and correct unhealthy symptoms Three thee, 25 cents. 50 cents, and 81.00. You can buy Reran Dyspepsia Tablets in this community only at our store: H. C. DUNLOP. Gnderirh iV ,IAM. Oatarie There le • Remail Store in nary every torn and dty in the United States. Canada and Great Britain. There r • different Recall Remeach especially y for road. every ordinary .herr parr - i1 eachwhich itisr aceisad lar which it u ree®smded. Tia Rasa stereoOrerere SAmerica's Oradaet 1 "ORANGE LILT SAVED MT LIFE" These wards or expresdone bav- ttl� the sates are eeettleed as lragteb er oke Ilitlsee 1 [rye w %mak ethers eaewemIlws ��as�I1,,es lts r beteg the Met Me= them SS sp tie artlw 01 erelgw.- ask ethers was !tad severed seserviless niZ gamest Use. 811110. TRANSCONA A GREAT CITY IN THE MAKING Transoms, will be one of the greatest railway centres, of the West. The Grand Trunk Pacific has Targe shops located there, the Canadian Pacific Railway has established Ionone freight yards. and it bas been persistently rumored that the Canadian Northern Railway will move their entire shops from Fort Rouge to Transcona. Transcona's future as a manufacturing cit?, as well as a railway mitre, is assured. and several large industries are already established, requiring a large number of men. PROPERTY WILL DOUBLE IN VALUE many times over in the nett two years, and there are big profits for the investor who buys today. We have a number of lots to sell at Tran.cona and offer them very advantageous terms to Gode- rich purchaser... Write for our booklet., which tells all about Tranecona. Scott, Hill & Co. J. T. Goldthorpe .'3 Canada Life Building WINNIPEG, MAN. oseemetristramesesseestesessemetswereirweree ie ap,tt.sStreet t to t7the ..ewser tenePirlon ewd Ma � ' w 1 eeet8tkelt eefad t fax <re4 ' Vet: 'weft. OR k i5 I... tar II .e. MMS t ti a i5* M. OM. For Sale by Leading Druggists Everywhere. Agent in GODBRIOH Hurst Telephone 6 r 6 THE SIGNAL'S CLUBBING LIST 1913 The Signal and Toronto Weekly Globe.... $1.60 The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe 4.50 The Signal and Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.85 The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto) 1.75 The Signal and Toronto Daily Star 2.25 The Signal and Toronto Daily World 3.25 The Signal and Toronto Daily News 2.30 The Signal and Toronto Weekly Mail and Empire • 1.60. The Signal and Farmer's Advocate 2.35 The Signal and Canadian Farm 1.85 The Signal and Farm and Dairy New 1.60 Renewal.... 1.85 The Signal and Canadian Poultry News The Signal and Grain Growers' Guide The Signal and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press 1•6o The Signal and London Daily Advertiser2.90 The Signal and London Weekly Advertiser I.6o The Signal and London Daily Free Press Morning Edition Evening Edition The Signal and Montreal Daily Witness The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness The Signal and World Wide The Signal and Presbyterian ' ' ' The Signal and Westminster The Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster The Signal and Catholic Register New 11.7o Renewal . 1.85 The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto).. 3.40 The Signal and McLean's Magazine . 2.25 The Signal and Home Journal (Toronto).... 2.75 The Signal and Canada Monthly (Winnipeg) 1.5o These prices are for addresses in Canada or Great. Blftain The Signal and Lippincott's Magazine 3..25 Including postage to Canadian subscribers. The Signal and Woman's Home Companion (New York) . 2.75 Including postage to Canadian subscribers. The above publications may be obtained by Sig- nal subscribers in any combination, the price for any publication being the figure given above less $l.00 representing the price of The Signal. For instance : The Signal and The Weekly Globe $z.fio The Farmer's Advocate ($2.35 less $1.0o) ... r.36 1.35 I.50 3.50 2.90 3.5o I.85 2.25, 2.25 2.25 3.25 Sags making the price of the three papers $2.96. The Signal and The Weekly Sim. The Toronto Daily Star its a5 lees 31.001 ... 1.35 The Weekly Globe i$t.6o leas Stool. .6e =100 -the four papers for.$3.6o. if the publication you want is not -in above list, let us knot.. We can supply almost any well-known Canadian publication. Send subscriptions through local agent or by postoffice or express order (not by bank cheque) to The Signal Printing Co. LIMITED Goderich Ontario 18.7s