HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-4-24, Page 5t con - E very ed and he eye, health. Mosley age (ways $1.01 s oar are re that bought. n's vors,with ant, eery - AFL Or- ce Cream tended to •w nehoot in ti, Cummer • All pteetinat sad grad - w. give t. may for our free me use with of Fur - in mind • High- ; right Vika her 1 entire wen, or 11106301 o bate we can LOCAL TOPICS mutual Meeting Women's lnstitttW. The 3day meeting of the kinderleh Bch of the Woweo's lo.titnte will lig held at the home of Mrs. Swausop, piece street, on Thursday, May Tat, 9p, a, .ts this is the annual mset- iaa for election .'t officers, • good agaodance is desired. Min Burned. Los Monday attain ion the byfltaole was called out to John Jo goo's.at tbe south end of Rio .tre,.1. where the hen was on A The call was promptly answered, m• the true the Ilion arrived on t ,Keene the tire had wade such beadw that (be bailding was almost co pletel• destroyed. It is not known h the fire .marked, as nobody was arou it the ' toll ngwood's Three Generations Masonry. qct,. Collingwcxxl Bulletin say Mann nd Ledge, A., F. tL A. M., God rich, is proud of the unique event of pest ursett'r initiating his grandson tkat lodge. In this Maitland Lodge pot dune. Marko Lodge, (:cdliugwo meow but recently witnessed a aim J�reereu„iuy. when Right. Worshipf Hyo, John Nettleton conferred t. degree of entered apprentice upon 1 gtaodxin Mr. Frank Nettleton, jr. A few yeurs age Mr. Nettleton also h the pleasure of initiating his son, Mr Frank Nettleton. into the same Ind lift to the Old Country. Mr, P. Millar lett today for Por wad, where he takes the steamer Me i11atie for int rip to Great Britain. I sill visit Glwgow, his former bona sad other places in Scotland and En ha, combining Mutineer with pie are. As head of the well-known fir of D. Millar k Son, of the ficot.c •torn, Mr. Millar occupies a prom oeot and well-established place i Goderich'. rnarcantile life, and afte several years of close attention ' bmsioess he deserves the opportunit tor relaxation which .his trip wi ere. }Jr will be away rix or eigb weeks. football League. awls meeting of football playe on Monday evening the followin schedule of games f9r the Town Leagu was drafted, with the understanding that if of her teams enter provision WI be tette for them : au Dr R. F. Parker, osteopath and eye Mae LOUAL TOPIC$ IN BRIEF. +•r lir and this uwrna sew shade or wood oartata eels r Art Shur hake. all ryas. of �viretaew shadto order. des the window sirs K thin w•Yp weather oouttnu4 the treat will woo be mal to writer Summer suite will moon W apes artua, pi Pndbant the Tallot now outfit. t' Perrieci at sad fie, feloner at for inn meas wade-toutder aarmenti. • specialist. at Hotel Bedford, Fridays, '` I beginning May 2nd, 12 a. w. to 5 but P• m. A. F. Blown. osteopathic physician, be is opeuiug a branch Wilco at Clinton. in- At Hotel Normandie, Tuesday, April ow P.9, foam 7 p. w, until 10:30. 51•tm, wl The Baptist church young people are giving an entertainment in the Ad - 'n cburch next Tuesday evening. Ad- mission 15e. Be sure to be present to apertd an enjoyable evening and to eucuursge the young people. e- Capt.. Dunlop, Capt. Sale. Lieut, • Nisbet and Lieut, Sturdy attended the to meeting of the officers of the .!3rd is Huron Regiment at Clinton on Tues- od day evening. Matters in connection r with the approaching training camp were discussed. Monday, June 18, is be the date announced for the opening of ils camp this year. :All The members of Huron Lodge, I. O. 0. F., will attend divine service in ge. Victoria street church next Sunday forenoon at 11 o'clock. Rev. Dr. Medd will preach. There will be good music. t• In the evening the Epworth League g- will hold its annivewary service. It le will be a platform meeting managed e, by the mewbent of the League. The K presiuent, C. M. Robertson, will as- preside. S. Belcher will deliver the m address. h Divine worship Sunday next at the Baptist cburch, the pastor officiating. n Theme for morning meditation : "One r Way of Honoring (hod." Theme for to evening : "The Kingdom Within." Y Bible school and Bible claw, 3 p. m. Young people', meeting Monday even- t ing. 8 p. m. A Trip to Toronto. " Tickets to the Canadian National Horse Show Toronto, will be issued by F. F. Lawrence k Sons, the down - II town ticket agent,. for $4. l(1 for the round trip, including admission to the show. Goodgoing Apri131, returning on or before May 5. Lawrence s is the • only place where these tickets can be • purcharied. Take a trip to the city before the weather gets too hot. • May o --Y. M. C. A. -Victorians. e 12-W. C. Flour Mills -Y. M. C. A 1� Victorians -W. C. Flour Mills • it--Victorians-Y. M. C. A. June -Y. M.C. A. -W. C. Flour Mills 9-W. ('. Flour Mills -Victorians Enfri,•s, with signatures of players are to 1„• handed in by Saturday, May 'led, to be aeeompsnied by an entr fee of ten cents per member (not more thansixterli players for each team) The regulation•• adopted are practical! tbosseot last year. Another tneetin will he held next Monday at A p. to. in the 1 M.12. A. rooms to complete arr+ngements and to discuss the plan ofentetings team in the W. F. A sellas The tate Adam Curry. Tbede.th of Adam Curry, Pieton slier+, in his sixty-eighth year, oc- curred ,m Thursday. 17th lost. The dr'•eat..•d w.s burn in Oodericb town- ship and continued to live in the town -hip until four years ago, when be earns 10 town with his brother Jos- eph. He was no. married. Besides ha bin list, twq sisters survive him : Yrs. Margaret Curry and Mrs_ Mary Elliott, h eii of North Dakota. ,Mr. Cutty was ,a quiet, unasruruing man of sterling haracter, and in the town- ship where he lived for so many year, be roe. widely known and. highly re(eea,ed. He was a' Methodist in re- ligion.. cent liege), and in the absence of the factor or North street Metho- dist church, to which be adhered, the faneral se>ficwon Suuday afternoon were rondneted hy Rev. Dr. Oaten, of Brussels- The pallbearers were Geo. Budi«, .Iohn Hudie and Geo. estate - Ice, of Gude' ich township, K. C. Belcher, P. W. Curry and Itol.t. John - •too. of town. A large number of the deceasetl'a old neighbors in the town- ship att.•ndsd to pay the last tribute M resp.ct to the departed. The in- terment was made in Maitland ceme- tery. The Late Alexander Glen r .After an illness of several .seeks Alexander G)eneof Coitarne township, d1ed on Sunday. April 13th, at Alex- andra hospital. He was one of the oldest natives of Colborne, hewing been horn seventy-four years ago 011 the farm now owned by his you,rgeet 'either, Rubs't filen. A. a young man he did a good deal of travelling is the State. with his late brother William. and in the Civil War he sert-td in the Northern arnay in the greatstrupgle which resulted in the abolition of slavery in the ['oiled States. Returning home, be Woo marlie•ti in 1875 to Janet St.rechun, who I./AVM. predeceateed him sixteen years. HP daugh- ten. W1jj11m, sons Ntatndtoo Alta. k. Mrs. A. McNJames arid eil and Mrs. Wm.ohn, of ' Jewell, of ('ollorne ;Miss Attie, profanation/LI Horse ° Min Mae, of home, and Miss Effie. of Vletnr'ia, B.O. Three brothers and two sisters also survive : James, George, Robert and Miss Maggie, Colhnrne, and Mrs. Charles Stewart. d Nile. Mr, Glen was a Presbyterian in r•rligioua faith and in politics a Liberal. He was particularly well known as a Mason • no was a s ember of Morning Star Indge, No. 3(I>i, Car- low. and had been associated with the craft for forty-one yeere. He was a keahia rfnegenial man, and could count ods A the hundreds. The f tf ok a Mt Saturday after- a"ber•t > es el his brother oms sesestiery and was conducted whit Ilasalal• honer& Be- sides 14d� reabse Mho f Mimes � r key. GeO. 6. Roes sea/satimme � ! le gyesaa. sad the b It w *� hen. Jaalual• 4" Ynrn,n ruston and �L'OA. am% Rohomt $ the There a 7 large astewigrg at A dainty,;74: iiribesesella la sum or ?Amy • BISHOP FALLONS VISIT. • PThanks the People of St Peter's Church for Generous Contributions. • Bishop Fallot,, of London, spent Y Sunday in Godet kb and preached to g large congregations in St. Peter's church. He took the opportunity of thanking the people of St. Peter's congregation for their contributions • amounting to WOW towards the new *culinary to be built at London. His Lordship stated that although be had started out with the intention of rais- ing $2.O,ttOti be had now decided to make it $100,000. He thanked St. Peter's congrekation most heartily. declaring that the members had con- tributed twice what he bad expected, Bishop Patin') stated that be had conducted missions in almost every state in the United States and in many parte of Canada, and that he was familiar with the conditions in practi- cally every diocese in America. Since his consecration three years ago as bishop he had traversed the dince'e� cf London nn train, in motor care and on tout, and nowhere had be found such splendidly established parishes or such zealous congregations. Ile referred to the pioneer days, when the fathers, with Indian guides and in small canoes, had journeyed up Lake Huron to plant the erotic and establish the present splendid parishes. The people of end ay, be said. owe a deep debt to these men for their hard work. LOYAL. WEDNESDAY, April 23rd. DEATH nF MRS. RHDMOND.-it was with deep regret the people ot this rnmmunity learned of, the death' of Mrt. James Redmond, formerly MIs' Nellie Young, which occurred at her (tome neer Calgary, Alberta, on Mon- day. t t e 14th lost. Mrs. Redmond suffered an attack of typhoid fever, which later developed pneumonia. Deceased was the second daughter of Mi. and Mrs. William F. Young, and was well and favorably known. The remains arrived here Monday night, accompanied by her hushsnd and two little children, John and Mary, aged four end three years. The funeral took flare from the residence of her father on Tuesday morning, to Bt. Petrl's church, Goderich, thence to the R. C. cemetery in Colborne. The bereaved relatives have the sincere sympathy of the entire community. John Young, of London, Mime Irene, of Ayr, and Miss Gertrude, of Toronto, arrived home on Meturdcy, owing to the death of their sister, Mrs. James Redmond. William McPhee has returned home from Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, where be was being treated far a revere attack of sciatica. He speaks well of the hospital staff. Seeding is in full swing. The weather for the peat week has been all that the farmers could desire. J. A. Young, our genial merchant, 1. out with his store -nn -wheels and is being heartily greeted by the house- wiveet. KINTAIL. MONDAY, April 21st. The farmer'* are all busy et the n eeding. Mies Janet Rose visited' at John Udwan's on Saturday and Sunday last. A sualessful quilting hoe was held Mia the Mies of Mrs, Woe. Johnson a IMday. Roderick MaeKenele, of Winnipeg spine • flaw days with hie brothers. labs nerd i(nr'doah, nn his way ho.. frogs Otbwa Mr. Motif/wale is see - rotary Oldie Manitoba Orcin Heowers Aasosatlen. Asa Ahrward and Danwa Mackay THE SIGNAL : GODERICIl. ONTARIO attended the funeral of the Iats Yrs Ww. Wiles" of Seafoetb. Rod. MacL.nu., ae000panNnl b hie Mere. Mise Anna 1laCYsnal� ni visited at the home of the formers sister, Mrs. Olark, St. Helmut, on Saturdsry• Trimmer, April.3led. Mrs. Mary McKersie, of Port Al- beit. is visiting at ft. McKwaie, !.eke shore,. Rev. IJ, S. Hardie and 911,.. Hardie visited is our vicinity this week. WortaN'e la*rii m. --The Woutaa'a institute will bold its annual meeting at the huge of Mrs. thio. Collia.00. May 1st, at 2.4.. p. ds. Klectioa of Dew ofllcer* for are Doming year will tyke place. All /tidies are cordially invited to attend. AutaURN. Tltt:rwn.Y, April 24th. Joseph Wilson is on the sick list with au attack of appendicitis. He is able to l,e up, but is still weak. K. Watson !shipped a car of cootie from here to Toronto on Ssturday. G. Yungblut sbi ped a car of bog. on Fhutoday. Howson k Lawson shipped acar of rollers ou Monday. The funeral of the late Alex. Glen on .aturday was attended by some of our citizens. Robert Stalker is buoy repairing some of the hoildiuge damaged by the wiod-storm on G,od Friday. A. C. Jackson has bought the Auburn chopping mill property from A. E. Cullia and will take pos.easion June est orsou0er. The pastor of the Lutherans congre- gation arrived last week and occupied the pulpit here on Sunday. He will take up house -keeping as soon as the house can be vacated John 'Roberton has sold the aaw- niitl machinery tb Howson & Lawson to be renloved and placed in their Mill dere Chas. Beadle has given up his parti- tion in the blacksmith atop and is open for work at painting end papering. Geo. Howatt is getting in a stock of McCormick machinery this week. to supply the fartners' needs. Contracts have been let for the new Presbyterian manse building. Lux- ton Hill, of Blyth, ia to do the carpen- ter work, G. E. L►enstedt, the heating. plumbing and tiostuithing, John Johnston thece eut work sed lieu Marsh the ditching. , DUNLOP. THCReDAY. April 24th. Fanners here are busily engaged int seeding, and if the present weather conditions bold the season should be more favorable tbao last year. That enterprising tea merchant. Joe Murray, of Goderich, is buying up all the eggs he ran get and is proving formidable rival to the other wovin stores at present on tbe road. The W. F. M. S. met on Wednesday afternoon at the bou.e of Mn. George Gliddon. A large number were pies ent and a profitable aftereoon was spent by all. THE GYtwiEs.-A large nand of gypaie- were ,enrriroped for • short time this week on Nightingale avenur. but .a their prrseuce there war, no agreeable to the residents of Dunlop the chief of police• was notified and at once came nut and ordered the gang to move. They did so, much to the relief of the neighre. The ramp was a large one. comprising about ten or twelve vans, Mrs. �Villiaw ilegie is at. present laid up with en attack of bronchitis. We hope to hear of her speedy recov pry. THE LATS HENRY 7gHLL'eL- There died at his home on the Lake Shore road. on Sunday last. Henry %oellner, after a long and painful i nese. Though a Ger•mrfn by birth. Mr. loellner spent the greater part of his life in Canada and for the last thirty-five or forty rears be had lived in or near Leeburn. His wife, whose maiden name was 1Viee, died last summer. Ile is survived by his three ,laughter': Yrs. J. McDonald, of town: Mrs. Brown, wbo lives at Amherst - hung, and Mrs. George McLeod, whit lived at home with her father. His only son died in early childhood. Mr. 7.oellner wits a memher of the Luth- eran church, but the burial service was conducted by Rev. James Hamil- ton, of Leeburn. The pallbearers were the three sons-in-law, David Rrnwn, John McDonald and tkeorge McLeod, and R. Bogie. PERSONAL', MEN TION. a g EAST STREET GARAGE We Have in Stock for Immediate Delivery '' second-hand Bicycles with Coaster Brake, tach $16.00 1 new Bicycle with Brake ..... -.. 536.00 1 .eeuod-baud steel -tired Horse Buggy in Hest - class condition. coat $120 $37.50 There are all bargains ani worth your cousideratiuo. Huron Gasoline Engine and Machinery Co. Itr'ODEIt1CH, ONT, Timex 243 BORN. WALTElt. At riattford, oar sundey, April :soh. to Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Weller, r .oj ANDrtuocv.--At Clinton. on tlotdny, Abell tag. to 1.1r. and )1re. Tho-. J. .(ud.reou, it ./00. DIED. sore.LYErt °M ores. . uores.on Sunday. April Sr. Henry loelleter, In h1.79th year. t=CRRY. eu (lodericb, on Thund•y. April 17. Adam ( arc,.is bMaeae year. NEWADVERTISEMENTS- April 24th. Page .l eek ion real- Tho'. Beats t Well Papers That tritely-- O«u. Porte,. la Well eat Suite- W. Aebsor, at Soo b Uric Shoes Downing 4 MaeViaer e ilwea oeiekeo' Excuraiose-C. 1'. R 2 Spring Citrates 7Yme-D. Millar & Soo.. 3 Readers -K. R. Wight........ 5 ne« Neto ('reditors--(.'kas. Harrow.... . 1 Bicycles. eta, for Hale- Burn Gelatine En- gler & Machinery Co g Vote for the aloe Knight Bylaw ( igen for Hatching.- W. Horn " 1 dkirtosakar Whirled-Hodgeas Brus.., 1 Randers Bleckstoos'e., 3 Notice - Hrophey Biros 1 Month mast Sete Itoys-HodgeDa Bros. iJ AUCTION SALES. tiara -Hoar. April It -Auction sale of home and bou.ehold furniture. at the warn - Las Brock .treat. G. L. (,t'KIM LL, proprie- tor . ?minas Gunnar. auctioneer. 'Muxo.r. April 7a.-wnctton •ale of house - bold tornit,ue at the residence of Una. T. H. Baow-xtas Victoria street, TrimiasGtorretY, ea rtroneer. More damaged wbeat-cheap for quick sale. P. T. Dain. E. R. WIGLE e I1Hco:utar Ifnear of Marriage Licenses WIOLEPHARMACY II Godacicb,'S Ontario RI iK HABIT Reliable dome Treatment Hie Thousands of wives., mothers and sisters are enthusiastic in their praise of ORHINE, because it 11as cured their loved ones of the "drink Ilabit" and thereby brought happiness to• their homes. ('an be given secretly. OR K4N E roots only Susi per box. Ask fur Fre Booklet. F. J. Butland, North Side Square, Goderich. Moe, 4. 1. Moore. of Stratford. was in town for a few day. last eras. Stratford Ammo John Tank* has returned from v W U ng friends in ((oderle` Mrs. W. Tighe has returned from as ex- tended visit with her sou at Milwaukee. Mi.. 1t trNeit. Hamilton street. has been tivssppeending soars week. in Paris visiting rein e•. Mite Margaret Strang left on 8aturday for Dunnville, where .be will stay for some time with her annt. Mr.. Ma.eon. Mhres Sharman. Atsddart. Graham end (lark were et Seaforth Friday evenlnr attend - Ing a performance of "Alla in Wonderland' by Se.terth amateurs. Ml w Grace Stewart returned this week from eleveksnd. where she had been raying with her sister. Mrs, Andrews, and is tier .t her howl. the Benwiller Nurseries.. Dr. W. P'. t 74r2, y.A., b expected home to- morrow alter rending two weeks M tie atm ern tart of the Provides at ea rigida) t.spsoter of horses for the Ontario Government. WHAT DOES iT MEAN ? Mr. Heedrie's Little Bill Respecting Oa- ten* West Shore Rsifway. The hill respeotintg the Ontario West Shore Railway Company which has been introesie.d in the Legisla- ture by Hero. Mr. Heodrii is a very short Ode, coosieting dr one pare- the arrthe Ontario West Nesse osmesis 1tWiway Owspa iy and .1g ri.�- be piad of sae awe! ' d . is name Stash-, ne eta.f L learn kr she aerof Ibe mionidipelleise by eury lore b mare 1 d.. b wit limb of the the *tilts of the hauliers s and other credit art of the gs These le eonsisi . startnoity earn le Gollerdsh se to *hy eel* a bol sitiacieillosth=sentild et We Use. The bare rot ailed fair it. and~~as she tears hall there is. I snd�iak of W Timet Ilse as WHITE SWAN BAK.h POest R t'• .e _et tar :'Stlsity of Purity" t'p.w the quality at your b.k,ng p,nrdcr depend. the e.uckeen of your cake Alta u putty, .hc 6r.[ -- Vhlt.te.,n Bak'ng wHITE SWAN Spiers A l errab Torono, Oat The New Store ON WEST STREET SSXT I'(t.ST-UFFII'1 WALL PAPER PAINTS OILS VARNISHES TURPENTINES. DRY COLORS, ETt'. 0 Wall Papar frons lc up to $2.00 ' t roll. Your patronage solicited Ed. Lynn Must You Be Bald? What have you done to stop your hair from tailing t Have you tried Rsladl "9d" (fair Tonic? 1f not, we wast you to try it at our risk. If you have dandruff; if your hair is falling out and your scalp is not glased and shiny, if ,volt Mae Ratan 93" Hair Tonic according to direr - Goes for thirty day.. and at the end of teat time you are not thomughly safis6ad with the results and will tell sus s0. we will immediately hand beak yo v taooey. We won't ask you to Ipsomfps anything. We won't even goatisa you. We will take your o we word sad return your money. Doesn't it @tend to reason that Metall 93" Hair Topic must be a mighty good remedy and have given great aatiiactioo to our a elomcrs if .re endorse it like this? We know el no similar remedy that is.. geed. It is bseawr of what Resell " Hair Tonic has dune for others that we back it with our own money. Why suffer scalp and hair trouble or be bald, when RessU "93" Hair Teale wit remove dandruff, make yew seely comfortable and healthy. i eassoee hair growth sad tend to prevent beldame - when we will psi tor 'eDDal1tms.ent should it fall tth W. Yen imply thte you e is t- mem ▪ ttw lR and !scot Masse Dost 4t ...p 'Tell ask se dim Me and $l. a b.SW� Yee ma buy Ilaral -aa" Hak Tooke is this conte niter only M oar sees.: M. C. DUNLOF. Brewer\ lite alma Are o...+4. Thor is a arose h nen* awry te.a pasdyetalzia. Mina °arida sad r 11eeg the 11rwtte,i.r 1he Itser ensimeritemesiers Areekall Y(rl'N(, MEN S Clithes 1VITH THE BIGHT .tIR of DISTINCTION YOU get, from our illus- tration, some idea of the smart new models which young men will find in loth Century Brand of Cloth- ing for Spring. Most young men of the present day realize the importance of being well dressed ; and they have learned to come to this store tor clothing with a national reputation for style, fit and workmanship. Ready to put on or made to special measure. Waiter C. Pridbm Sets 1Ki11t� nt ler ztsh Cegtwy C'Iet Peahely Overalls HEX,DVIII I ON 211116111MAY. Aram Ilk Iflar ~asfe lJiaesw : ,1=',0V$8,375,180 You Can Always het Your nosey Promptly - if it is deposited in the Union Bank of Canada. When that unforeseen need arises, or an opportunity conies to make an exceptionally profitable cash deal, it is worth much to be able to get your cash without delay. Meanwhile it is absolutely safe and is earn- ing Interest all the time. J. G. G1 flni:S, Manager Goderich Branch. jj LONDON, ENG., BRANCH. fr, w. Asst'. - assl, al Threadneedle, SL. E.G t . kk- C. &kyr SWIL II MKAaelstaat Manager. Why We Sell 18,&& Bl'ar I If you are seeking wed- ding gifts of distitfetive character, you will find almost n n- 1imitedchoice among t h e sterling sil- ver we are now show- ing. The goods a r e high-class and the price. very reason- able. E sell this woe./ ! fatrtipus watch because we honestly believe ,bat the South . Bend Watch represents idure real dollars and cent. value, inure service satisfaction, more everything you have a right to expect in a timepiece than any other watch made or sold for the same price. If you expect to use your watch a year or so, it's not so important what kind you get. But if you want Don that will give you a lifetiute ot service -ane that you can always iely on -a model of accuracy -get a South The Man Who Owns a South Bend Watch never hesitates to tell you so. He is proud to carry it -and with reason. Fur the South Bend knows no rival in reliability-. It is unfail- irglp accurate year in and year out. That's the kind e,f watch you want, isn"t it? You can get one front. $9.00 up. (' .11 in and look over t hese master time pieces today. J. S. Davey,aoderlch, - Ont. • CRANUT+UNICLYSWM HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS To Manitoba, Saskatcbewan and Alberta each Tuesday until Oct; Lith inclusive. Wen 31. E dmohinniptnng andand ReturnReturtli43 5 (11011 Proportionate how rate, to other polnnr. Return limit two mouths. Settlers' Excursions To Alberta and Sask.,trhewan Every Tne.tay until' *torn `eth lnct-t.lve. f•otn .trafnc- to 45,1.9 lost Nope, Peter- rwro. and Wrist. at very Low rater, Thros'gh coaches and l'ollmen Tourist Sleeping rare ere operated to Winnipeg without change, leaving Toronto 11.01p. in. is Chicago and 8t. Paul on above date-. The Grand Trunk Parini. Seaway ). the aort0t and 'r ni'•ke-t mute bet worn W 4001. pre Si.katoon-iidm mtou. Herth Its ervwtion+orad L{'a_rttcular ,from y'. F. Lea-n•n-.w a: vin., Tows Pa ranger at.d Ticket Agent.. 'Phone s. `-h --- .0-- t COLLEGE AT HOME Thousand- of ::n,bttinus young people are feet preteariug in their own homea to money lurr.tiva position• ea etenog raphers.boukkeepere, telegrapher., civil eervsnt... in tact every .phere of fin., ACUvrtiea Yon may rinl-b ,.t sol lyse 11 rod so wish. Positions guen.,, teed. Eater mileage any day. Indit•id owl tneteuctins. Expert teachers. Thirty 7..,. experience. Lwrge,:•. trans,. in Canada. Sven colleges. ,Special 000rse for teacher.. Amlated with Commercial Educa- tor•,' A.,.oetat:on of Cwnsds. Summer H,)as,) ..r lawoas Bp1•ton Business ('olh'Ke, l.ondon. Clinton Business (;allege Goo. Bhrrr, s 0. 1•. \Vaao President. Principal. Ideal Fencing No need of sending out of town when you can buy the reliable Ideal at the prices we are selling at. A number of manufacturers are selling a light wire called No. 9 which is only one feature of in- ferior fencing. Compare the weight, on the stale, of Ideal Fencing and any other make and you will find that the ideal will weigh the heavier. 13 U Y H h E T IDEAL Our price on 7 wire is 2fr C per rod. T s 1 D A L ilowell Hardware Co., ,... THE BEST PLACE TO BUY HARDWARta.