HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-4-24, Page 4Corsets
D. & A. Corsets are leaders in perfect eon-
structioo, material and workmanship. Every
pair strongly made, handsomely trimmed and
daintily Hoished. They at once appeal to the eye,
meet tire demands of fashion, comfort and health.
They are physically easy as well as fashionably
perfect. They are pliant. Give correct carriage
and graceful pose, boning unruetable. Always
buy D. & A. they are here 50c, (10c. SSc, 11.0)1,
$1.25, 11.50 and 112.00.
Wren buying Silk Gloves, ask for Kayser.
No Silk Glove like them. to fit and wear; double
anger tips in every pair. We have them En 2 to
16.button leogtbs and at prices 50c to 11.2x,
Lisle Gloves, at prices 25c, 35c and 500, in
black, white, colors and opera shades.
Bought your Parasol? No! Then you are
in luck, for we have got some values here that
would make spy lady glad she hadn't bought.
Direct from the makers, made for this season's
We want to call your special attention to our
Dressmaking Rooms over the store. where you
can get. your Dress, Suit, Coat or Skirt made in
the most up-to-date style. Mn. Carter has few
equals and no superiors in the Dressmaking busi-
ness. NVork done promptly.
4 LvagLrr. Aram a 111111
0. F Mamlins's Proposition in Connec-
t on with the Canning Factory -
Town to Furnish Water and Light
tor, the Military Camp-Counci
Waists to See Prices on Hydro Sup
The regular meeting of the town
council was held ou Friday evening.
All the members weir present except
Deputy Reeve Clark.
The following pet itiouef.0 bid tea Atka,
were presented :
Wellesley :street, west side, from
Lighthouse street to Br itauuia road:
Newgate street. north side, Hau,il-
ton street to Albert street.
Nelson street, north side, 'Waterloo
street to Maitland road.
Bruce street, south side, North rti ret
to Cambria road.
Elgin avenue, notth side. Essex
street to Cambria road.
Elgin avenue, south side, Victoria
street to South street.
-inglt•ses street. so,tth side. North
street to Cambria road.
Anglesea street. south side. North
street to Maitland rued.
Anglesea street. north side. Not Lb
street 10 Victoria street.
Stanley street, east side. Kitg.ton
street to Elgin avedur.
St. Davids street. n.uth side.
Albert street to Kingston street.
Britannia road, north side, Norfolk
sweet to Toronto street.
Waterloo street. teat side. Ne'.,on
street to Britannia road.
Soutb atreet wast side, Britannia
road to Blake etisrt.
H. J. Morris. who we,. 'sponsor her
one of the ♦ng terra street petitions,
addressed the council and mid he was
quite in agrernwtt with the other
petition. asking for the construction
of the walk as far as Camra is road.
Mr. Mortis also took occasion to ask
the council to do sane grading on
Anglesr a street.
Petitions for Sewers
Petitions for sewers were sub-
mitted er follows :
Wilson street, from Britannia road
to Thornes street.
, Cameron street, from Britannia r cad
to Blake street.
Lighthouse street, from Wellington
street to Wellesley street.
Wellington street, from Britannia
road to Elgin avenue.
Building Permits.
Applications for building permits
were received follows :
David Brow , for extension et rear
of his store on the square.
F. E. Bingham, alterations to former
Huron hotel building.
Nailer Hewn. two-story and base-
ment brick -veneered residence on
North street, west side, between A.
M. Pulley's and Wm. Coats'.
W. J. Carter. two-story brick -ven-
eered house on South street.
W. E. Kelly, automobile show -room
nn St. lndrew's street, one story
hi b.
These applications were referred to
the chairman of the tire committee
with power to act.
An application from Chas. C. Lee
for permission to place a five-barel
gasoline tank under the sidewalk in
front of hiertot-e, with a pump at the
edge of the sidewalk, fur the supplying
of motor cars, was referred to the pub -
Gr works committee.
An application from George Newell
for permission to cut down a tree in
front of his place in East street war
referred to the chairman of tbe public
works couiwitteteaod the chairman of
the parks committee.
The request cf Geo. Huggins, of the
Lyric Theatre, for the transfer of the
lieeose for his moving picture show to
the new premises now being prepared
for him in the Huron block. war
On request of A. M. Robertson. the
Toa n Football League was given per-
mission to use Victoria fart for their
games. The matter of levelling the
grounds was referred to the parks com-
mittee, with power to act.
Canning Factory Proposition.
A proposition from D. F. Hamlink
in cunnectionwith his canning factory
protect was referred to the special
committee. Mr. Hamlink requests a
loan of $1U,UOO—$5,000 thin year and
15,UIIlJ next year.
A ecpy of a letter from the Ontario
Hydro -electric Power Commission to
the local water and light commission.
with reference to the ordering of
material for the installation of the
power plant here, was read, and a
motion was passed requesting the
Power Commission to submit prices
for approval of the council before the
material is ordered.
The cemetery and parks' committee
reported Bowe improvemects made at
the cemetery and reported also that
arrangements had been made with
George Laithwaite for a supply of
shade trees at 24c. each in the bush.
The report was adopted.
Road Machine Co. Siding.
The pubtie works committee re-
ported as follows :
In the matter of the petition of the
American Road Machine Co. for a
railway siding to their factory, your
co,nrnittee recommend that the Com-
pany be ootitied that we cannot accede
to the terse oI the petliiut), bot that
we are willing to meet the Copnpwty
;Id rodeavor tocowwto erran$eweste
ore acceptable to the cuuucil.
In tbe matter of the letter from the
Bank of Commerce, Chatham, with
reference to [anal payment aro sewer
('retract with the Tarlitbte Paving
& Construction Co., your committee
rucowweod that if the *ewer is fouod
to be in good condition now by the
engineer, after examination. and
everything satisfactory. the emotion
retained on the contract be paid.
Vntir COwwittee also recuninrend
that some weans of collecting and dis-
posing of ashes and garbagebe de-
vised and instituted by the oncil.
That the step. at the foot of Writer
loo street be renewed under tbe super-
vision of the public works ccwrnittee.
The report ivies adopted.
Special Committee's Report.
The special committee recommended
that the newejl pay the membership
tee of $15 to the Union of Canadian
Municipalities, and that a bylsw to
grant a fixed seseesmeut of 120,000 to
the Guuerich t trgen Co. for a term of
ten years be submitted to the rate -
pavers at the exp.oee of the Company.
There was some discussion over the
additiou ofa third clause to the corer
utittee.report. in connection with the
supply of water and light fur the mili-
tary camp this year. Reeve Mun-
uinga wanted to have the expenditure
for this purpose restricted to $500, but
oe s division be was sit only
try Councillors Young and Lattbwaite.
The council agrees to furnish wales
and Tight for the camp free of charge.
the report of the committee being
adopted with this addition.
A motion in. favor of installing a
more adequate fire abut° system wee
The chairman of tbe market ccm-
mittee wee authurtr d to have a load-
ing platform Molt at tb. t.. 1. R.
cattle yields at a oust of ilo or i12.
Mr. Richmond. rrpreaeettag phe
Bell Telepbowe l.'o.. was ps+essst to
confer with • the council with ref-
erence to the request ,,Bads of the cool
patsy that the wires en the stare be
placed u•deiner•und. Mr.
tend to persuade the council to t edify
its stand in the erecter. and omen •
preposition by which the tows would
pay about 11.000 as compensation to
the company for the teas involved. •
Tse council passed a oetion repeat-
ing the request that the Belt(.osepany
remove its poles rod wir•eo from the
A bylaw to borrow $10,1100 for cur-
rent expenses was read three ,Ines and
Ez-Reeve Taylor, of axe r, was
Maresent and on the invitation of the
yor addressed the council briefly.
He expressed his pleasure in the prog-
ress which Goderich was making and
hoped it would go on to continued
N yea hate* Backache yes low
Amass. 1f you
Backache it will deretst
scrambler wane --Bright s Bier
ems ee Diabom. Ther bp no
see rubbing and doctoring year
back. Gee ,h. kidneys. Thais
ie any ace kidney medians bet
k rises Backache every tisse•-
Prosperity and he an ornament to the
county of Heron.
Mr. Taylor's remarks were warmly
applauded by the councillors.
The meeting then adjourned.
C��Y ts t is eke geed
aruik Stain
Sur .1 ki4s of
Floors, Ftleilfe & W.Siwerk
Easy ss sppty.,- 13 aim
Mai. b Carynisrabwsm Co, Meow
Pura' Sti•Co . d6ris's rfs,ri•s►
tar we aI i!Y Gir hall Boor rf�wn„r
Howell Hardware Co., Ltd.
Manufactured by
See Display in Window at
Chas. Lee's Hardware
These fixtures together with other lines
of brass goods made by this Company
should be manufactured in Goderich-
and will be if yo,u
Vote for the Bylaw May 3rd
The business has been established for five years.
Every year the annual sales have increased.
Electric fixture sales for March, 1913, were $1500.00 greater than Febru-
ary, 1913.
Thirty-five employees are now on the pay -roll.
R -K goods are now favorably known throughout Canada.
The business is not a new venture—but has grown year by year --.end
has now outgrown our present factory.
We can easily double our present output with a larger factory and in-
creased staff.
The goods manufactured are in demand and are staple lines sold in
every town in Canada.
The town of Goderich will have ample security to cover the guarantee
we ask.
Other Towns
are securing new
factories every
needs more
Factories have
built up towns
Stratford Berlin Galt
Guelph Brantford Peterboro
will do
the same for
new stock this spring in Linoleums, Oilcloths and Rugs. We
carry Nairn's Scotch -made, the best in the world and some of the best Can-
adian -made, 2, 3 and 4 yards wide, 5o and 55 cents a square yard. Oil-
cloths 1 11, 2 and 24 yards wide, 3oc a square yard.
This is our first season for rugs, therefore our stock is new
and the best that can be had for the prices we are asking.
Window Draperies in Bungalow nets in white, ecru and
Paris shades, 15c, 2oc, 25c, 3oc and 35c a yard. Bungalow Curtains in
sets from 95c to $3.00 a pair, 2i and three yards long. Scrims in plain,
medallion, colored patterns, 15c to 35C a yard. In stock now the
largest stock of window curtains and draperies we ever showed.
We have just added to our silk stock • large
shipment of :t# -o 35 -inch widths in plain blue,
tan. brown, black and a few pieces of he new
brocade in tan and blue; 35 inches wide.. These
brocades are very new this season.
Pure silk Shantung., 31 inches wide, in blue,
tan and natural. They are great value at 11.00.
Dress Goods
The best are here in the newest makes and at
popular prices -00e, 85c, 90c, 11.110, *1.2S. 11 50.
Our leaders are serge*, whipcords, diagonals,
santoys and poplins. We are fearless to guaran-
tee our offerings in these goods. No better cloths
and no better price* tq be found anywhere.
We carry much the same makes inblack. with
the addition of pauawas, voiles, silk eolieours,
broads and venetian*.
Dress Trimmings
A big assortment of Trimmings in colon to
match our Dress Goods. Come here if you want
the, best and cheapest Trimmings to be found,
quality considered, A lot of specials in black.
No wetter pace to buy your print. than at
this store. Pnces 10c and 121c- Crest Brand is
not equalled in the trade at 124c. Superior cloth
and sheolute colon and full print width, 32 inches.
In stripes and small and large checks, Scotch
and English makes. A reliable cloth and depend .
able colors. Prices 10c, 124c and 15c. Buy your
Gingham. here and be safe.
TUESDAY, April 22nd.
Locate.--Seedingiand house-cleaning
is the order of the day Miss Laura
Lautenslayer was home from Goderich
over Sunday Miss 1. Williams, of
the G. C. 1., spent the week -end at
home Harry Barker, of Goderich,
epent Sunday with bis friend Ed, Law -
SOD R. Foley visited his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Foley, on Sunday.
Elmer Lautenslayer left on
AVedneeday for Collingswood. where
he has taken a position Mr. and
Mrs. JaP. Gordon, of Goderich, are visit-
ing friends here at present Mrs.
Harper and daughter, Miss Verna,
have returned totheir horn.! at Ham-
ilton atter a month's visit with the
former a daughter. Mn. Geo. Gliddon.
. The W. F. M. society will meet
at the home of Mrs. G. Gliddon on
NVednesday afternoon.
day morning Henry 7.oellner died at
his borne. He had been in failing
health all winter and had been con-
fined to his bed for the last month.
His wife died last August. He leaves
three daughters, Mrs. McDonald,
Goderich • Mrs. Jones, Amherstburg,
and Mrs. Geo. McLeod at home. The,
funeral takes place today to Colborne
Ttr.RDAT. April '22nd.
James Moreland has shingled his
house and built a wire fence along the
Chas. Stewart has reshingled his
barn, which suffered from the heavy
windstorm ou Good Friday.
The farmers are very busy prepar-
ing for seeding.
Miss Annie McIntyre, an old resi-
dent of Colborne, died recently at De-
Russel Potter is helping Geo. Ash-
ton with the seeding.
1111. 0011 hl'H't '
Ws re CLEANEST. enwtEST. .ae Scar NOW
DYr, o., c.o s.7 --way yo. 4.at wr Imre . .
boom. .a.i KIND of Cloth yew Good. era meed.
.r. --s. Mortar No I.q.Wete.
Mod for Fre* Color ford. Seery Booklet. rd
ee.ei.r striae ,...hr of Drip, over olio, .n:ert.
re.er.r. Cr..d..
The most delicious flavors, with
the best and purest Cream, serv-
ed at the BALMORAL CAFE- Or-
ders by telephone for Ice Cream
in bulk or in bricks attended to
promptly. TelePhone 64.
The beat practical training school in
t)ntarto. Three depe :menta. Comm,
Mal. Shorthand and Telegraphy. AI:
000raei are thorough and piectioat.
Teachers are ascertained and grad.
Sate* are placed In positions. We give
individual attention and .talenta may
enter at any time. Write for oar tree
catalogue at blue.
D.AL. McLLCHLAS . Principal.
Ma sey-llarriSShop
is the place to buy your
Machinery, Buggies,
Wire Fencing and Bone
Black Fertilizer.
Just received - a con-
signment of Canada Car-
riage Buggies, also of
Grays (Chatham), and
sonic from Mount Forest.
A car of Bone Black
Fertilizer just in ; also
3000 rods of the Frost
In the Spring Time
Brighten your house with
a few new pieces of Fur-
niture. Please hear in mind
that you can secure High-
grade Furniture at right
Woes at this store. Whether
you are furnishing an entire
home, ening up a room. or
purchasing only • ingte
piece, we should like to have
you call sod see what we can
do for you.
The Square, Ooderlch
'Phone No. S9
Ascot for Nosdbelen.r Pianos.