HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-4-17, Page 10•
10 TSAhaay. Asi11. 17, Null
Wall Paper
Arc,: het large shipment of
Iwpoit-4 Wall Paper. the
lata 01 the mason. This
[Lakes our stuck vert ex-
ienaive and cwopiete. W bile
the papers t erneelves tete
charmingly pretty. the
prices are an tadu•eweeL
We bare marked these
papers re. as to etaar them in
a. short .pa. -c of time. Prices
commence as Ion Mg 15c per
roll whieb is the price of or-
dinary douteetie popess,
while the most expensive is
:.,c pet z ell.
Canadian Papers
We have a full .taca of
Canadian Paper-. ranging in
peace from 4c per toll up to
Terme strictly cash.
The Colonial loskStere
Gt , PUKTER,Peon
To Manitoba. Saskatchewan and
earl Tuei.'.sy until Oct. rtlib Wahiawa
Winnipeg and Return $35.00
Edmonton and Return $43 00
-Reoaalrn loimit ttwwe soto othe
Settlers' excursions
To Alberta and Seekstehewan
Every Teasiay este April 43*b met -mire.
Man *bedew en thwarts Port dope. Peter-
hswt awl Wet. at vary haw rated „
osashe• and Panama Tou.[r.
=2' ace operated to N lnniptw
lutchange. leaved 1 canto Itbr p. u+.
via C'woago awl Mt- Paul an abase data.
The Grand Trask Parsec 1taitwar tbe
ewsrta t and ulnae's wrote bat ween \t mi -
s es S..kat.00u-Sawestoa. fres
Herta P•e.en Straws sadpastleadam
. F. Law:. n» t
na seTows Parespar
awl Ticket Areata. 'Phone a.
A 01
6 S f
MIS NMallsts Mgpd Were 1•
relpltrtw i
Ihlp.a't threat/mid id IndtntrW
Vate galvanisesefi.a ee ala11 prta-
'utas ethane ooh vote." became
wean.en ]ready ohs. abos vett
and trades tines gait
deoLrfas they would r td.
Oat11 tae Ooverawe/et grwa their
domande The Oovernmsnt bad 44,0011
beeps ready tor instant action. bat
stay of the regimeeta were known to
be at ante -clerical ssntimenta a•d to
symyatay with the Bodallate. "Bol-
dier% do not fire on -our erotrers,"
was the motto on • huge Benner die
played to from of the people's palace.
headquarters of the striker*. and simi-
lailar banners were displayed to all
doss. ' The mins workers, 114,000
Moog. were the first to quit. and they
Were followed by the railway as.
e•oslgb of the latter rezaalaing on data
to operate trains, because Belieaa
sallva.ys are goveramsatowned.
Renal H2Onnssa Was Operated
Upon in London
The LucLess of Connaught under-
went an operation to London. England
en Friday to prevent a recurrence of
peritonitis from which she suffered is
Canada. The actual operation on the
Duchene was the removal of the ver-
er' miform appendix, the displacement of
which had caused chronic obstruction.
The progress toward recovery made
by the duchess is mo good that the
doctors now are confident of her corn -
plate recovery_
NEW AOV E RT I SEM EN TS -April 17th.
Aaneewesimet- Lr. A. e. Ream. Indm
.etleo-A.bYe Lawry 1
Farm ter asst-Jenar, tiaMeaar 1 1s . t
Tee le One Was ISMS
A ttaaltar, mmdhsams-ftsf r. •
brew Print Satirisation were
Us. 2
Olorisa. (i -J. S. Arstr.................
Panting -NteadsestHeseense- .... .... . s
Lsrak for eats -L T. Wanes. 1
imparted Wall Paper -ties. Near
Try the Hans Maw -J. a Iles llases •
Servant Wasted -Mee. W. T. Maxim ..... • I
tMnera Waisted- Mrs. Wel. COMA- ...«1
.&__sewe s Sat -A.1. Camper erre a
cheer.-- Wind Aid Nat! /Usti Maim
diet Chetd _. s
S.-& B. Nies .........-- 1
Baaai Zzb1Wt-Qatar slibe amm-
!a k and Neeas- W . Cl.ra, ltaeUrf ... erre, a
Man Waated cotragwa t11t1ba 20110lea.
ltd.. CilMagwoed l
Ss,rto. Trade w Fd Mae --4 i.Celbeene1
Asa1w Mate -U. LCuMr . 1
Aaameaeemnatrtteedith Leine-
Marriage Li eras.-LlA Wien- ..... . •. • s
The Mammy -Hmtela4111t WIlme.. N
or rale -a Cake; .. I
steadlag Flit Comm O-tt ••t
Hasa Apeinaltia l >lselfsll .
Beady -C- C. Le_..
Reads- P. L Hesdnie s
thumbs. W. H. H--Yss .M
Yonas Idea's C7atamr-Waller C. -- "" to
Tees re Sew i ked.. s-ist these. Ia
Reader - P. T. Mum s
House to Brea -tit. W. J. Cee 1
Coffin Blanketed by 6,000 Red Rcapes-
14 is
s.s-His Favorers Flower
Funeral services over the body of
J. Plerpont Morgan were held on Mon-
day morning in St. George's Protes-
tant Eptocopal Church, when he had
worshipped for half a century. After-
wards a special train conveyed the
Atneral part) to Hartford, Copa., for
Baal services at the Morgan Mato
imam in Cedar Hill Cemetery. Blan-
keted by a covering of 6.000 red roses.
Yr. Morgan's favorite flower. the coffin
left the Morgan library, where the
coffin had lain in state since Friday
night A vested choir of 250 voices
,Preceded the funeral party into St.
Gesenies. Behind the cheer camp the
• . then the pall -bearers, the
molls. and ,the family.
Singer Sore
A new Shipman of Babes
Bonnet. and Little Darling
Hose just 10 at the Singer
A lull stock of roses, jsbota.
crocheted collars and bags in all
the new shades and shapes.
This is the time of the year
weall think of lingerie. We have
a new assortment of under -
waists, nightgowns and eom-
bi_ .tion suits at very reason-
able prices.
The waists utamped on crepe
marquisette to he worked in
white or dolors are the latest. A
nice a eortment of these to
choose from.
New designs i n tinted
mintres. runners and cushions.
It you haven't seen else new
ttiouesod flower stitch and
heather designs, call and see
A lace line of hated -embroid-
ered articles. suitable foe wed-
ding gift- Prices are suitable
R'e -tarry a full assortment
of all U. '1. 47. crochet and em-
broidery threads.
Special lemons on any piece
Amendments Provide for a Shorter
Period or Sale
The ProviLcial S.--r.-wry announces
the following abendments to the On-
tario License Act-
The bottle trade to be eliminated
from hotels.
Hours of sale to be shortened by
probibiting the opening of bars before
i1 o'clock.
Shop license fees to be raised to
Same level as tavern licenses.
Restrictions to prevent storing a
llgsor in stables.
Reed How Useful 'It Proved ii These
Widely Diderent Cates.
'ham -Bark's strongest point`its
effectiveness in all kinds of skin
dieeesee and injuries. Just note how
excellent there persona proved it in
widely different directions.
Sore Heel. -Mrs. C. A. Campbell, of
Pow/moan. Ont.. write* : -'One of my
heels was arty bully blistered by a
pair of Lew shoes, and t be poisoo 'us
dye from my stocking got into it. and
made a bad &ore. For a week 1 could
not put en a shoe. and suffered great
pain. I applied Zam-Buk, and aro a
few days it drew the poison out end
healed the wound."
Bad Cut.- -Mrs. J. Virgint, of Onon-
daga. Ont., writes : eZam-Buk heakd
a lad c$t which 1 bualained. 1 was
hurrying acros- ray yard one day
when I *lipped and fell heavily, dry
knee strikine a sharp stone. At the
moment I did not realize how badly I
was hurt. but 1 found 1 bile a bad cut
about two incbes long. very jagged
and very deep. We bathed the cut
end applied -Lam-Bak. This stopped
the stuartiog very quickly. and in a
few days it hal bealed the wcund
completely. Fur cute and bruises
Zaa,-Buk is a splendid remedy. -
Eczema Cured. -lairs Antoine Ar.en-
aulr. of Maziamvilk, P. E. l., writes :
`•I can highly recommecd Tim-Buk,to
any person gi fferine from eczema. I
bats this dielase and was under doc-
tors' treatment for two years. without
any good result. I then tried Zam-
Buk and in the end it cured me."
lam-Buk is just as good for piles.
blood-poitr,n, festering sore., pimples,
cur uptioni. ruts. burns, bruises and all
in injuries and dieeseee. 50c. box
all druggists and *totes, or post-free
for price from Zatn-Huk l:o.. Toronto.
Try Ism-Buk soap. 25c. tablet.
in 1.. riativs to Fabere
The Tomato Blobs says the vntarto
Si Wart Shore Railway is to be loupe-
I/wiled shortly. As appointment
would bare been issued sorra time
ethos, it says, t.ut solicitors for Mr.
=ll f
•s asked for eines delay, it bring
teat he war at pnwept in the
Southern States. .It Ie aneon•eed
now fiat en appointmtsa will skortly
be taken out Sad the whole retention
iaveatkgateed by tie hoard..
J. S. Haodri. bas introduced
a biU to the Legislature W relieve the
moeieipalities cuoeemed. either by
eer Of putting the road into the
bads of a trustee and paying off tire
bee1t11 beidese or by putting up motley
enough to pot the line in operation.
The best and purest ice cream at
8nrdette's. Try it.
More damaged wheat-ebeap for
quick oak. P. T. DIA..
Use the reliable Reade of F-,.rmalde-
hvde sold by E. It Wigle. druggist.
and have amutleas grain.
C. C. Lee baa engaged David Hyslop
to run his vacuum cleaner. Any orders
left' at Mr. leer's stole will have
prompt attention.
The regular lueeting of Abaseek
Chapter. 1. 0. I). E., will be bell re
the CCt:rt house on Monday next, `1st
inst., at 4 o'clock p.
le it not ahcut time the baseball
entbukiasts railed the tans together
to arrange for the coming reason's
sport i
The lacrosse meeting which was to
be held Iset Thursday evening was
celled off on account of tee unfavor-
able weather, No date has yet ,peen
fined for another meeting.
A mertiog will he held neat Mon-
day. April 2lst, at 8 p. w. in the Y. M.
t'. A. rooms to make e.rrangewenta
for the Town Football League games
for this spring All who ate inter-
ested in football ere invited to be pres-
ent There is a prospect of some new
teams being entered for this year's
series. thus ensuring an interesting
contest for the trophy.
The annual weetiog of the Goderich
lawn bowling club wee held on Thurs
day evening. The treasurer, Joseph
Kted, :reaented,a etatement *bowleg
that the club is in a gored posit ion the
aneialiy and asked that be to allowed
to refile from the office. On motion
of Messrs. Macklin end Tape a vote of
thanks. seas passed to Mr. Kidd for his
service"' durisg tbe Cast four years.
Ofseere were retested for the year as
follows : Hon. president. R. S. Wil-
liams, Toronto; president. Dr. Mack-
lin : vire-president, F. J. Hotbed : sec-
retary, W. Lane : treasurer. L. B.
Tape: auditors. F. J. But load and H.
McDermott. Meters. RusuhsIe Nairn
and Hunter were appointee to act
with the officers as at. executive com-
mitter. Jas. le Tigers. of Hawiltuo.
and Jai. Yates. of town. were named
boar Lary wemtwrs art the club. The
executive was empowered t0 have
ligbt provided on she green for bowl-
ing io the evening. L E. Doberty
and Dr. Hunter were appointed to se-
cure member&e the membership fee
being fixed at AK,. The matter of hold-
ing a tournament was discussed and
was left over for Suture consideration.
Amendments Provide For Raising the
Income Exemption
A bill to amend tbe Assessment Act
oras introduced by Hon. W. J. Hanna.
The principal change L threefold:
(l) Raising of the exemptions on pee
9011111 t#arnings of householders or
head of families in cities from 11.200
to 11,600: (2I from 1900 to $1200 In
town. and villages: and (3) repeal of
the section of the act providing for
the special form of assessment se
'term lands" to towns and villages.
A Fear That His Holiness Has De-
veloped Pneumonia
All iodisation point to the utmost
gravity of the Pops's canines's. Hilt:
fever and cough are glrlag manse for
great alarm. The Impraeba has
gained ground that the tracheal beol
cheek Isms developed Into paeemo•ta.
The Singer Store
Next Bell Telephone Central.
Brooch Sale
Regular 75c, $1.00
and $1 25Brooches
for 33e
LT116ar 45G
See Oar Widow
Walter IL Hvrislvn
%mei yawl tilde. 6mde sick Or -
Workmen's Cempeeseetlee
The Workmes'e Oomp0a•tioa Alt
will sot be tatrod•od Is as Oates*,
Legatl.1ure until meat surisa. k
>rapiytmg to a gwest55S os
K. W. Rowell. the Freest
made ft dear that the Government ball
■s 1staottoa of jeopardldag the s
ems of Its proposed Ngaelaties II
;caste actacn but would. b stares eS
Iib Hegar Use for espllsretioa. be
able is letarg is a year lames a lm
that wodi he a 'nodal la every palm
canard trona page 1.
meowing at the hour of tr o'clock in the
f'wesoon and continuing until 5
o'clock in the afternoon of the same
day. by the tolluwing deputy return-
ing officers :
Polling subdivision No. 1. at
Tbompson's wood shop. by John H.
Edward, deputy returning officer. and
John B. Melay, poll clerk.
Polling sub -divisum No. 2, at Robert
McLean's store neat to Wm. elhar-
man's repair shop, Eaet street, by
Charles Bates, deputy returning of-
ficer, and Reg. Sharman, poll Berk.
Polling *art. -division No. 3. at town i
hall. by Ed. C. Belcher. deputy re-
turning officer, and Wm. Knox, pull
Polling sub -division No. 4, at
Stotbers wood shop. by Huron A.
Tuffotd, deputy returning officer, and
Wm. Stotbee, poll clerk.
Polling sub-d,vicion No. 5. at Mre.
'Walton's store. West street.. by George
V. Black. deputy returning ofttoet, and ,
H. 0. Sturdy. poll clerk.
Polling sub -division No. 6 at
Bropbey s store, West street. by H. L.
Watson, deputy returning officer. and
Wm. Tait, poll clerk.
Polling rob-divtsioO No. 7, at Dennis
Neville's bowie. by Donald McKay.
deputy returning officer. and Robe.
Tait.. poll clert.
11. On Friday. the het _day of May, 1
1913. the Mayor of the Aid town shall
attend at the council cb•mbeee of tbs
said town at ten o'clock in n dfars-
noon, to appoint peewees
the various polling places atoverpaid.
and at tbeflnal sonsming up of the votes
by the clerk. on behalf a the prunes
ieteeestsd in and promoting or oppos-
ing the passing of this bylaw. respect-
11. The clerk of the council of the
attend at
said tows d Goderleb shall
Me .ides r the tows ball at tea o'clock
in the tear000. of Tdslkda . the Orb day
of May. $U to esup the member of
votes for and against the bylaw.
Provisionally passed at the council
cleanable* at the town of 'w4
the 4th day of April. A. D. 1912
Mayor. Curt.
TAKE NOTiCK that the above is a
true copy of a p. . ' wM•h
beg bees takenkits sad
width will he the
ehltisY et the =91
i ty (M the
evens et the .anal t lissom be-
eehS shfai.od thanes,, afar ohs math
Pram the first pabrmtios k• The ti.d-
aN/ Oar asirepaper. the date steads
Wahl the 11 ti day of=In
tbm the vales d e ess.so
of the seed amaisipahty wail b alma
thereon cu the day and the hour • dad
wM•r %Me solus that doll
mmillied timer ass sem
wham 0f • TIL. *
ee tie day a •10 Irne
wY as • e.dete y ietat.e.tl•m d
fratilks••••• otherwise ammo
MN wpm* v •w1Sill for
Left M Ie few 977AghAoo
The expert ayprdeera eopol•te• b
the executors ruder the well et 1!9
late Cool Jobs Jaeob Yew. to dol
tsr.fae tie value d the real •.d
pmmsal property fa Se stats. fled
the purpose of the tramfer las, boa
a plated their wart Their hose*,
.staid with the sidavfts Yell11 %
mesaata L thaw that the bel almm
t as estate ell be minuet.
21L 1.
Death ed Limey Thseases
Impremdm e Da 1100110W war thea
trmsrel as datt.drlr tfssadat M lrb
Thaspsea. as entre at • Owned
Otamilas Pres. -eMar, the Imo wt/
has a. 0. 11mmal a. Wes Tater.
sem died as ♦awed 1111•ewlms e.
Peat dab
Par the fleet thio a the Made bib
tees. Teethes was phase r
.able damsel's, lab the (
halon Sea- atm rnsdme. •weeSara et111.s
M fleet 'sae s.mB.etkw we'
is the place to buy your
Machinery, Buggies,
Wire Fencing and Bone
Black Fertilizer.
Just received- a con-
signment of Canada Car-
riage Buggies, also of
Grays (Chatham), and
some from Mount Forest.
A car of Bone Black
Fertilizer just in ; also
3000 rods of the Frost
The Maasey-Harris Agent
The most delicious flavors, vi ith
the best and purest Cream. serv-
ed at the BAtnoaai. Cera. Or-
ders by telepbone for Ice ()ream
in bulk or in tricks attended to
promptly. Telephone tel.
0•mifil Apel 2*rd.
'A most w•adarfld seta A
hilaAmosBos the Mat Rs te
eh a Mins 1 ens.
again." _Rev. W. a
atat _ an swim and sondem
theDon't throw away tsbrios that & few
oasts will snake wearable. Us. a good
dye. R 5(. Wigis, druggist. sells
diamond. Dyola and M ae Fo=e . ,.nap
Ge etwme t Will Net Groot It te Town,
bot Will Lease It.
The following is the text of • letter
addressed a, E N. Lewis, M. P.. from
the Department of Matins and Fisher-
ies at Coteau •
Bra, -la reply to your letter reealimR
to the application of the raunieipatfty
of Goderich for Indian bleed la
Goderich berh.r to eetable& indmtriot
concerns. 1 trrg leave to state that .ins
Department is ready to enter tufo
p o ate with the municipal autb-
oettiehl for tee use of for property for
the prepares res indicated in Mayor
Belden letter.
The Department the public intsreat
is not disposed to make a gent of the
isle d beet will lea... it at a rraeooa.b(s
rwotal for a tern, et years 'bat may he
agreed upon and providing that no
bee•kwatess or other works than be
built that will reuse i „jet y cache -pres-
ent Maitland River Breakwater by tee
or hesheta in the spring of the year.
The plan which accompanied the
letter of tbe Mayor of Goderich pro-
poses the construction of a breakwater
oo the n..rtb side a Indian Island
which it al•pears would be a protection
to the pseeent breakwater, but its et-
feetivesees will be a natter for the
consideration of the Government
' engineers.
The pr ,pored abutments against the
present breakwater and aecrs to the
wharf property adjoining the Maitland
River breakwater would alto require
i consideration by the engineers, and for
rights over the wharf property by
lessees of the sand beach and the best
1 use of the existing wharf propertj: for
shipping and trans -shipment from the
wharf will oleo require careful cow
* lderet ion.
The .Department will endeavor to
err-ange the terms of the lease no as
• amply to protect the public interest.
FLOWSKS., Ruta res 1111.
FRUIT'S. - Pisa
&sae Omegas. etc.
barb Lettuce. Radish. el
Onion,. Celery.
SYRUP.'- Log Cabin R
Mepls Syrup, labelled :.
lutely pure.
FLOUR -`etI.rising Buckw
MEATS. - Choice Cured
Cooked Meets.
COFFEE Sad TEAS. -(leer
special hksed Aurora Cuff
and choke Tires.
awple mupee, ofstrictly f
lfgga and ebdee Butter.
Call or 'phone ee
So J. Y®lBn
Hamilton 'treet
are entirely different from
others both In their compost
tion and their effect complete
evacuation without purging or
25c a hoz at your druggist's.
lagnawatsotn any eNtl,Cel Oe.
r c•waee. uant*.
Tons of New Linoleum
Meds [mal r fetal_ _ _ ell I. L [POI.
U get, from our illus-
tration, some idea of
the smart new models
which young men will find in
loth Century Brand of Cloth-
ing for Spring. Most young
men of the present day realize
the imnce of being well
demand they have
learned to come to this store
for clothing with a national
',potation for style, he and
Ready to put on or made
to special measure.
Walter C. Pry
Ikea Ow
Vag [cot 0•46111s
Tons (3f them. Freth from the English
and Scotch .mills. Just passed through
the customs this week. Clean, fresh,
thoroughly ~seasoned qualities that .will
prove their worth when wearing time comes.
New and artistic patterns, either block or floral
effects, in pleasing color combinations. Designs
suitable for Halls, Dining Rooms, Kitchens, Bath
Rooms. ' All widths made up to 4 yards.
Printed Linoleums, sq. yd. 45c, 50c and 60c
Inlaid Linoleums, sq. yd. 90c, $1.00 and $1.25
English.Floor Oilcloths, sq. yd. 30c, 37-'c
Every characteristic ,style of a pat
ti trlarly individual year has its
illustration in our big attractive
millinery department. Both in
form and color there are number-
less neer feature*. Fresh New York
arrivals this week serve to keep up
the interest and forcibly illustrate
the decided tendency to the brigbt
and gay in trimmings.
These 33e Dress Goods
These Drees Goods we are telling
at Kb a yard are worth every cent
orf Klee ail wool every yard of them.
Browne. "ii
mostly• ito sod
Per 33c
You Cas Gst Material for
a Good Lack Skirt
for 57e Per
This material ial-wool pan -
am& it is M towhee grids. The dye
is -absolutely tad sad the mama
pries WOO. Th• peasasse t •
okorbyg lot SO yetis seto eller
•t 57c
11 New Serge T
Dresses sIq
These Dresses are made from if,
a real English all -wool serge.
They reflect one of the memoir s
best and most popular styles
'and are redly a most serviceable
dress. All ready to put on, any
alt ratioos required made with-
out retie damage. Nary. tan or
{ black, each
Aimee Dresses, same quality.
Particularly Good Values
is Colored asd Mack
Wks at 93e
Sad $I.50
Toem silks are ezoeptiosally
good value. They sue of heavy
y d w*is am Pi
mashie a ce
at each peke is moble las
11_ a
-isob per* silk P•ii9Sc
Mira pure silk s1 e0
skate ■emea s....
Hodgens Bros.