HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-4-17, Page 8huReam y Arran )i. i
• Wham yea are baying Family
Grtoceriea, the Ant consideration
is Quality.
We Ryalantte4 teat our goods
e ill stand tbe quality test every
time. We wart y,u to try
them. and if for any reason you
are sot perfectly satiaid we
want you to let us know•. - We
axe here to g, i r ou aatidact ion
in Grocer es
Gies us a trial on your nest
Sturd) & Co
Grocers, The Square, tioder•iei
is selling
all his
Stoves and Ranges
in most cases
below cost prices.
Cali and see them.
W. R. Pinder
H&metre' et.
New Spring
Coming In
ARreelet Flew a WIot at Miele.
Wee Ramped by a Hairsbreadth
AIlslgro, an abaft -hist aid ► sieve
et Barcelona attemg+dd to kill VTays,
Wag d Spain, w meal j. 7 Meg
ams rating with Ida escort ahead the
parser wises a man sprees hem the
drlewaik and asked the bridled the
TRg's horse with am baud, preesatlag
• atevtdver point bleak walk tea other.
1!e Meg took to the attaeties et a
t�sa Wtth Diktats( rspYtd be
Reg Ids spurs into his bream. efree•
feared ♦iaiantly. xis vtd iltatm mesad
kis lies. The ballet taetsad d bare -
lei itself .3e tba Liars betasm, Wrack
the horse la the seek. bet . clam
was It that the ='lags 1sRt glov. wom
blaciaeed by the powder discharge
Inbra the aeeMient was able to pelf
the ter agate a ase st eervtas man
eSt M him The two are tell
tO the MINN locked to sack others
edea. .tr�1hg turio•sly. Tk. se-
eew & -add to tree hta revolver
Ma sad Abed two more shoes la' rapid
Ilmwanhe. but the Dicer knocked
Nig avis gelds and iie bullets flew
brei _ 4 Omagh the air. it the
ammil d the hat shot the Altars .tai
baled the berme ea the sidewalk
ail NMI* a stag amend the a.sasait
eg*be d tear palatine e• be he was
. and b edlended.
!!e, aeeeasin is a well-groomed, in
lesit ag man. A. has a Plena -
face which suggests that he L
aaytbig but • criminal. He says he
L e carpenter. but loons more )Ike a
diet. A reporter asked, ••looby did You
he at him"' Allegro stammered and
Ike* mid ' "I don't know : 1 cannot
see! What has been learned of his,
aatWedlwta. however, eon/rats the
Im that be Is a theoretical
'i oJR. who agreed or was forced
b Iolatr111e•t ooterades to asaasdnue
lbw ti. and bas been waiting for
as y since his arrival to
•taws Perms• Killed i. a Dere intent
Near Montreal
Az excursion train on the Montreal
Chambly branch of the Central Ver-
mont Railway carrying about 700 pm -
imagers, returning from a free realty
trip to the Albini Subdivision owned
by Cottrell. limited. was wrecked on
Sunday night about four miles out of
St lambert: The special was running
between twenty and thirty miles an
hour. when. from some unknown
Muse. the engine and three first
coaches left the rails. Seven persons
were killed, and a large number in -
hired. The engine was running tender
trio Whep the derailment occurred.
the tender jumped to the right side
of the track. turning bottom side up.
idle the engine went to the left..fall-
ing o0 Its side. The engineer andeeere-
Man were thrown from the cab, the
fireman. J. Moes, Montreal, receiving
Injuries from which he died soon rafter,
while engineer Christie escaped with
some painful bruises. The three
coaches which were derailed remained
upright on their -trucks. but the tele-
scoping of their ends caused.moeti of
the fatalities. The passengers of the
first and second care suffered meat
severely. All the deaths except that
of the fireman. and most of injuries
Work Sed S "' . A ONCOST
eetito tb. ad;..mss Rm1a.r. •fit►IN WIi�NIPES
oak at.
t t agraediemMMMlirtrM1�"!rlt••CYuerh •teaidaa�sm a Aa-1was srllr !r w Rli
m.rt,ngs M ►old Pia tc7 a Miem ooaMd {.b sideeamplimmit -
sidreb'}lbaa b isms sr
Twosts Grain Prices.
at the Board cif Trade
-\-Drew. No. 2. winter
. red or seised. f6(w 96e,
Wbeat-Nes. No. 1 Not..
bait(, Me. 2 Nor t.2.. :o Nur..
auadi a %eastern Oats -New Nu: 2,
42ibc. Ne. 3. 310(, cm track t, ke porta
Oster* Oats--gle to 35c ouutde,
Ole to Sten Tomato
Odra -310. 3 Yellow, 6k. all ra,l.
track, Th eat.
a� ed Oste-Per bag of 90 lbs-,
Madam per D .74. wholesale.
Pon. --Ns- 2. *1.16 to 31.10, car lou,
1±laekwbat--No. 2. 56e, outside
R1s---No. 2. 60c to 62e, outside.
Rey -64e tc, SZc.
M3pfesd-Manitoba bran, 320 to
2h3i1; shorts. 322,00, at shipping
palate; Ontario bran. 420 to 320.50.
i bags. shorts. $22, track. Toronto.
Termite Cattle Market
R/Mmssetatiee prices are -
leek* export tattle .. , . 36. 75 t0 37 25
cattle6.50 7 00
Eisleirt 5.60 6 00
Redeker cattle, 'choice6.26 6 85
do. medium 6.76 6.25
do. common . , 6.00 6.25
B atcbero. cows.
Chi6.25 6.00
Cutters 4.25 '5.00
Canners 3.25 4.00
Botcher balls - 3'N 2.25
do. medium 4.N 5.00
4.60 5Uu
Bologna balls 3.25 4.25
reeding steers
(bon » • 5.50 (� .Stock15
�• 6.25 3.75
do. medium 4.76 le 75
do. light .. 2.M 4 50
Milkers, choice, etadt..,10.11 75.00
do. medium ...d._M,M 50.00
SprlaSere, choice 60.00 75.00
do. medium .... 30 . (i(r 50.00
Spring lambs, each 7.50 .73
S►sap, light ewe' 6.50 7.25
do. heavy ewes 4.60 5.00
Bricks and culls ..... _ . _ 2.00 6.0(.
Good lambs - . 1.00 9.'0
Medium Oahe ... • 8.00 8.50
do. culls 6.00 7.00
Hogs, 1. o. h.�+ 9.15 A 25
do. fed aid watered 9.50 9.60
Glees weighed off cars . 9. 75 9.85
4.50 9 (Nr
Farmers' Merbet
a?'o11o*•ing are the latest quotations
for farm produce at St. Lawrence
Market; Toronto -
P`all wheat, bushel $ .92 to $ .95
Oats _ . .:$:;92 .00
Goose wheat , . • 88 . be
1larlry. 58 . *e
Buckwheat . 55 . M
Rye 65 .10
Ps. .. 1.00 1.10
New hay 16.040 17.10
do. No. 2 .1.3.40 14.00
Cattle has' 9.00 14.00
Rye straw 16.00 18.10
Straw, loosebundled 15.00 11.10 -
Eggs. new laid, doses, _ .20 -t2
Bntter,dalry .26 .32
do. creamery .32 .35
Fowl. dressed Ib. .16 .20
Chickens .23 .25
Ducks 30
Turkeys .2i
Geese .1,e . u
Lice fowl, lb. " .15 .16
occurred 1n these two cars. A' die (*Wham .11
train was crowded to Its lull capacity. "` ` ;it. •
many persons were ataedinf on tete yri:.x. .ter atked :� • Z .111
piatior0na, and 11 was a deo v, _a`",'_ .20 .22
number that the yict t me fie'. e.}Iens .. .12 .12
gonad. Escaping 'tea their Potatoes. bats .105 1.00
sr of the lohomoev. were chi"! ipples, barrel 2 tilt 3.34
coaches w, �y cherit from the boil- waved bog. 12. Mi 13. W
some t bull d, tilled thesdrrtiied
y�T a fa'' 6lindl tea scattier;
ng steam
�_" evtrt/tully e and added to the con-
+luras of the surviving paseniers 'sad
EverSythin� • l j ed them in their efforts +s
care. Good3.' ria s,� ,,,._
pay. + • /
x►w Mild Maltleek.
Sea who - fie•
hie ere,
Shop= I t will pay' ou to come
of and see un.
roath leg
Mill .•
You will double your
money buying from us.
11. Robins
Square Gnderich
T. Swans'
'Biu Livery
aid ®ick Stables
MOtvrna•i. NT Warr
J0er O,T THP Bgl' A1ie
called for is
sit the tome hof
at O. T. R. or
Repeat Pnimpt
Mere -
and Reek
he hosed u
A Ott ree
, ! 1
I•va-PankhursTs Hong*, Stri i.rLN
to Her Release
Mn. Emmeline Pankhurst, O$SSF
fragetie leader. was reed arae
Holloway jail Saturday mt`lag ,atter
haring been on a -banger M111e• states
she was sentenced. Daly elmwdelet be-
fore. to three years peas)ede.
She had persistently reltleatbewea oke
most tempting food. Rat
from estrrme weak deder.d
to be e'erioar sad abe wee hobos to
a hospital the may be ta.peh•11bst
Upon reeovery-
An anonymous letter. tlemateales
him with death, wee rreit ed 1•
Je.tee Sb (haslet Illsageop se Loek
the magistrate elm et ON Ridley Wet-
trm'M tore. Peebbmlat 1;jMlbepd Tard
immediately beim ea ►ttr�tviegation.
as 1t was not darter `het letter
COMP from the alleeede. The women
who smashed the games over the
pictures In the Nam- - Art Gal-
lery were arraigned 1s egu tIland oum-
mitted for trial. They men reaseeel
on bail os stelae se asd•rreking to
believe 1 houssetves pealing tie al
A Format Msnorter .l l ureal 01110o
Mowat Csidleet T
r; a Metras/ wagso tie
teeth to • erred at hie re neves. ttir•
sate. d ae /. 1'. ad to his s 1st
year. Uwn'eH. M
bad berm as meals
i ttL
MIR lgnre h the batbeas lite of T M-
ete Der trey leve& 0 peal' . be
tree • Ubwai, NM • millmo e • er I>rr
Idles ter Meer lava r mad velar • M
mar Fr.v0eW1 Trimester.
UMW aaie*eeerl
The stele d auermee
t.nnr•s ria the Mieure.leUbar D
Roffd e. wee oell28 tlmwr
•.• r.itaNaa .f
amnia ahs tree - r.
routs Meade.
.t-fke 11V
1 m
East •wale Cattle
( attle- Receipts. 1,4110 bead; active:
cows. 15 to teem nigher: others et.cady
to lOc lower: prime steers. 33.75 to
21.0(x: shipping. 38.00 to 68.65; butch-
ers. 36.50 to 56.65; cows. 34.00 to 47.1:0:
337:. to 37.5(': beifeee, sees to
38-50: etock beaters. 3.5.50 10 $6.00:
stockers and feeders 56 (4i t0 17.75:
fresh cows and springers. active bra,.
325.00 to 384.00.
Veda-Recdpta. 1.911 bead: slow
sad steady: SIM to 310.1*.
Itiap•`Boerfptaa, 14.100 bead; active
le hither: beery, 11.50 to 30M; mired.
30.12 to 39.70; Forbore. *l:lf to 31,76;
Mrs. 39 70 to 31.75: reashe WWA0 to
36.76. 'tags. 37.10 to *1U0; deities.
311.50 to 3975.
Sheep and lambs -Receipts. 11.000;
stow: Medea. 6 to 1tor lower; yeariiaga.
lifelower: wool lambs. 1114' to $1.36:
CK/d barba. $6.10 to 3(0 1%: year -
lege 1111 te OM; 'tethers. 17.04 to
3T.i; ewes, ale to 37.54': abseil
edeed.s66:22 M 37.65.
Chimps Use Steak
cid tle---ieeel/L. 20.000: ..Itct
steady. Begone. 37.36 to RIM; Toes
emelt. $6.10 to 37.16: 'tethers tall
'eider*. *6.10 to 11.16; more earl bett-
ors. 33.10 to NUT; calms. KK r 30-
Hoge-Roes4Fta. 27.151: meat
its 4y. Idgbt. 0.10 to 3040; 'Mad.
PIM to 11.40: berry, 0.90 b 0.601%;
tengh, 38.85 to 31: Mee. 17 to MA;
Mt of mho. 10.16 to 311.46.
Mbeep-fR.eetpt.. 20,00; market
steely. Native. K11 to P.M; rear -
Imps. 116.75 to Stir; labs. sleeve,
Merehmete ere gaatlag to fafine e.
ler bendoidlitIA01. as Atigwa:-
Med ekeer. Ne. 1 ...311.11 to MAN
de Ace. 2 113.0* .00
Wilke. Art 1 *1.11 31.0*
da No 2 24.60 116.60
r1sWlb, Na 1 7.60 *.10
da IM. 2 4.011 4.64
the, As. 1 19.60 20.20
M Ids. 2 17.60 14(
Stied Rely gad Shan
Sew'bey. 71.. 1 URN le 312.60
din !e•. 1 0.0 le 10
de lett 3 . *.11 0 M
10.0 11 le
meat,. with - toerrant new Ging
sad t �� bo'',
a. '1u alien
W arrwe� Ase 11bi alt- =ol'ssrla Lexi t.m gt
thv a Lark 1r• asrdall t0 b1r+a7• f� ti fbe neva � j, -c that
The rid .salsas traatwttevr3al
aper„ntrd : I3. �. (gaged weer*
MrEtoy wet
to 'yo(d
tieddew al
jr.. was ippon
bevy, w be
work ,n conn
envelope 'yet
been to effect
bast part et a
very 1-atisfactl,
The salary of
Reports of the
past } erar were
rector, t bei w
secretary, the
tendent,the W
Channel Guild,
healthy and
Votes of th
officials and s s,
with the church . J• 1•
the chair and . .
warden. A cote d t at
Moore, of Stratford, for e '
braes oomrnuoiun rail . d
Easter in Memory of ber 1 • his
was p .aged, and a rested , 'tNs
sympathy with Mr. Porter
ooniiooed illness was adopted. A •
d thanks to the retiring vestry
D. J. NOW, was parsed.
Owing to the Meomvenience it ha
ing the financial year of the churcer
end March elet, resulting in having!
t wo Easter zolleetioos included in .
some years accounts and none in
others, and to baying to postpone the
Easter vestry meeting when Easter
cone early, a change was made, and
hereafter the financial gess. will close
the last day of February.
The rector, Rev. J. �.
_ waste ra- be
faseal aid ay a beams Wes
Vi k Lwemner. ••1a the
aaa1ota•'. 1M week a
Dr. � tie Inpieaiaromai imam.
This s W 1
St. t. GoorgeysSfor the tea
r and ie growing
se x ton was raised
urcb wort for
received fear
Use ea
y school
is mese*.
t r sliete'd
is tbe ack. As
resalas. Mein
ems iseisior d
mwa be in thea
ads would sot 'acreage
thea a fair trial and the
ebbe gend-•
ITLLA smelt care eon or year
•,� be sdaaded. Sec. a box, 6
32.50. Sampee flee if yon write
ationa' Drag and Chemical Co. d
ads Limited, Tttwcato. 1M
Rather Late.
The young man bowhad taken the
debutante in to dinner was talking
art '•.'tear you fund of etchingsV' be I
asked. ••Ae • general thing, tea,' she
answered. looking up into g ewes,
with un engaging frankness drat I
threatened tato( to his heart : but."
abs added hastily. es he 'torted to gay i
sat.eiing pretty, -nut airy toeigbt.
tb..k you. 1 t is latb.rlet.. A small
piece if jelly will bes•itient.
A let ger a Litho.
ate pleased to announ:e that
re de t with
ham• presided. ani the attendance I
was one of the largest for years.
He Was Cored by Dodd's Kidney Pills of
Rheumatism, Gravel and Diabetes.
Rousseau Mills, Portneuf Uo., Que.-
ApriI lith.-(Kpecialt.-•Tell the pub-
lic Dodd's Kidney Pills cured use of
gravel, rbeuseatirm acid diabetes.'
These are the wads of Serapbin Uat-
pe.tier, of this place.
For ten years 1 suffered," Mr.
teepee tier continues. "Then 1 betrd
of Dodd's Kidney Pills and decided to
try them. Almost from the first they
relieved rte and. now' all my gravel.
dit.betec and rheumatiem beve en -
Lindy lett' me.
-'I want others to know what cured
Mr, because 1 do net want them to
•lar as I have suffered."
There are thousand* of jure such
kektis proofs in Canada that Dodd's
they Pills always cure kidney
disease. 1f you take the disease early
they will cure it easily Lad quickly and
you will he saved muck suffering.
able to
*2.40, or owe
Weekly Mail aid
period -by 'nail
Send or bring
this paper.
Those who are already
signal may have The - _--
Empire for the remainder of
for *1.90 or The Weekly Stall
Empire for 3(ec.
made tttaagmmea s vel
and Empire .hese '. we aro
our owe piper and The
id Empire -by mail onl'o
anuary 1�t., 1014. for
n paper and The
npire fcr tbe same
-for fair.
office of
Ted -"If you make lore to that girl
you'd better look out for her big
Janet her.'- ••Ned -elf throe's any
trouble its more Mately to ba aemsea by
her little inoevhee:"
Seth Quick and Permanent Strength. '
if you are run down or t'red out,
you take cold rosily. have no appetite,
are losing flesh or have other evideoee
et lowered vitality, try our MacLeod',
System Renovator under ou. guaran-
tee to refund rye price paid if the
remedy fails to give satire satisfaction.
It aids di•sstioa, tones up the nevvous
system and give. both quick and per-
manent rewlte. One dollar a bottle.
Manufactured by Macleod Medicine
Oo , Goderich. Ont. For sale by E. R.
To Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Al
Low Round Trip Rates each Tom-
as, March w October inclusive
WINNIPEG and return 536.00
EDMONTON and return 103.00
Otha Wait t ti OrwPortion
une smatie
TONraT S.Lawsmo Cris
ea all exassuisat bertha
tsareareetaiamil with ea. be err
Fai retain
if to MI yea
Specie! Trees
WIU leave Te
rests met
l'uran aOar
001-0111111T CAWS ON art
"o. No Mares tar berth
Through Trims Toronto to Winnipeg and west
via "Empress of Asia"
Lime -
NW es resLeh. Tows. bostos.�r�eeiiingg sat Labe w,i:.
ilbroloare awe
Rang elms m�L bra •tom Aamsfi
def rte ad�md-_ asefsal fiat ie
sem. 11 era suip� a Base liam.
las A S •1. , Qat.
See Rtftllla, Qui
ala Irisedsee, (el
Mallek th rw A ritpeil Litt r true, ('s6wjtp
is cress s ram trnm on=
Ladies' and Gents' Slippers
Boys' and Girls..Skating Shoes
Ladies and Gents Skating Shoes
Boys' and Girls' Slippers
Bootees for the Baby.
Everything in beautiful. r.orrlort.able and serviceable Footwear,
Style- Right Prices Hight
Corner East St. and Square
T. Tli.;
tt 11 \ YOU
Father-- "Why, when I was your
-- s..
me- spend in a day." Son -
A j t �� ` `torp
tailur displayed thetoliowiog Atm nevelt'
Davide his oboe :-"Don't go eke- "tt'
terbere to be ewiodled : try us.
pa, don't scold me about it.
by don't you go for grandfather''
Orange Lary to dry Wks the
mo -t olaalaata car et tramem Ste -
ore ill Fairing et the W. 1..n-
carr•bosa, Paudot sad asetaase
ys.trastson, eta, etc., are .a 01
tis reamed tri the stet lee its
trma, awl eatment aim a mmRYf
=arm romitly is a
misearatsra. and
ea tee Moor ewes et lrlarW and
Lehr- It as as epees. steNmeat:
teat is t tea est Mhos isaaas00,
me is ssa•sa Elect r the
parts sal It tbndata sets wt�
se the commati d kir haws lima
at ehearsar enol... as u. ares r
dams mated smell the doom lop soils le eel essvaMei
le is 11,
assist hely hater a lindne a I
•t sI bassets sell awes t is pmOm,ri, aides ewe me I that h
>>r1 what Y e w edea t obs T wilt Priewats
a*1 for bum Is -„es, et for ee bea te mete tas
kir ' t who will warm tier tt PAoe. w L
tteaimcnt. ABdre.a MRI. FRANCES C. CURRrAN- onimotion. IFNT. 7
For Sale by Leading Druggists Everywhere.
Forret color sd lire a.
v'kilr; ,fie/ r•ndurarice /tar/!rs
Take this good advice "ow,
before you paint or let a con-
tract .
owtract. Four years from now
you'll be gl,od II did. Lore
how ; /f.rl is the lard -e per-
centage of Iirandr.ini s B. B.
Genuine «•hitt: Lcad--Wu-ld's
hundred t, e -r tandard- 4mmd.
bined in
Come in 1 We have a tell-
ing booklet that will arouse
'pot to vex, in lit i it paint.
and chlorod
' The Store That P1msa"
Give Your
Every tarn -
will the old b ou '
their needs. To.
They are familiar
sbotetd have tall
to meet t119 ens •
n• - t protide for 111. sots. h,,'
-'-ad, derrlotted wi'h tail. suffice
1r :rye bare been hrn'zgh;up to t
with all the 1•ha•res of farmin
„! ih-ear o,rn. 11 ,R ig the•
ti -v
The Logical Answer Is Western
Iiooraade.•i . • . ,fie,i.•.1 int - I,ci.acre
being tbrSwa open t .r entry by the Damnatirsa Gov
moat or ear the I,nr•.uf the
Came/Ban Northern Railway.
tae hog a red. rbcs•. Tlutre are etre
the ape sad w•I is o b"t* oasis le the well -wooled.
Manitoba. 3rkastcilewat and
A large ar.buf tl ttsw • bosr.teadt A. p
adapt ed t o mixed tronas.
Writs odea Enquire Today.
waieveL.d10 witsta Use Comtism shit b SuirtA"ern It W way.
fe rmatha as b the lorelise et thew fossmetaalt
to memo earl Weer hew Write for "The
Aa kat ' •?Ives isrsvleaL.: earl ter Prase
liosti t TN WSW Mitwry.d,
R. 1. Fairba_im, p...e
68 King Street F , T