The Signal, 1913-4-17, Page 5THB t11GNAL : w T. tl.�ismaltts. �„�/TOPICS s. a.te regularoCA LDea.trie;s. rea• lms almost theses* W- DEBICII. ONTARIO T1s--- o. Aosta. ▪ rit Jose 7 Qr. Peoria- ea cif ca+tif �" diewet� A4t pspaesmtt>Mat two aloe ',times stook) Tr-, Cab, id Joao 7tIla. lia NeljsillmRte 'will bs p'rn•rindr kw:6 W' I for the Caetawttig FeCIsr . you can Iling at. g a light ure of in - Time your bowie witb piece.. of Fut re hear in mind o ereure Aitch item at right stairs. Whetbev Wag ea entire sip a leets. cr toil a deo* tdd like to have e s what we ens sus N.. 89 D. LIIIInekillikt d ate Hume Cart Co.. tbsa•+aa • rgeseleft ie Geer grate& tomatoes adYw� badoltse mad• sad dimity oomtreMa have i• !eg to roost nes the ewer reply at mace t0 Asseeti Meeting. Theannual m eg of the Godesieboats .� k Statists Mroeiatisaa was e hoods, esenisg• The abeeterate was rr faker tie with the sor"ti"e that Dr Mere c �j A. Farmer. Dr. 1131101110 ie �,y.,t. W. L Horton vioe-pretedeatt rea.nrer. end Wm. Campbell M••etal v. W. Lase. J. T. Goldthorpe, time N , A adore area managing easi- Wage- Toe lawn howlers will have the ground: this year on the same ami as Lerner-. wand Light C.tnmiestoe. LI the tneeetiag of tbe water and feet cem►missios rte Tuesday es ening • em decided toe se 'Glee • atcta *1 V . mi. la the SOS* •la}, at tbe same prame as that used yr tyro Weems Canada Flour Mil lls Oa lien. Swarti+a�was � engage d as me "Meer reseed* tom The mestesee ter tare Fplaice a Geo. f upppic of halleisah .. pip was awarded to Ped Hest. sad ochre eaterwor'ks,set'veoe reapplies ars to be bawibt from the Jac Morrison Braes Mfg Co d Tlerooto. A .ember of app[iratioos for water and electric Iigbt servicer were granted. cootie teeing the Ms. omae >r eniiresaataiii tea N...reee Lila nese. Tara Oel►rtse toot isle- IL tease re sorted that Mea bed A. R. Nisbet retersd Friday teirt ti lWmli..1, wires be bad lean 7aootr the aereme .time the Delaseem/ dere no end ysaMt d the New -York Ude amm Ou Mr. Nirbni is the ode et the New -Tort Lt- for ��^tey-;� Sae •mrstint eras wen sae lmmdei� sod arta a very tatesest . asR*i 2. seem d robe most ...s0000smeaeeltlammat imswes teen in these Provision being promo. For fat. George s Dai. A unitise staetalnmeot is to be given et N ortb street Methodit eberrb, under the asspioas of the ladies' Aid. on Wedmsdey evening. April ^td. when Rev. Kilos Baron. of Sighed. -the Yorksbite l�igbue- gale. will Rive one of his inimitable Yr. Boon is a singer. a r, a dramatist -in *bort. ageseMl alernnsd entertainer -and everyone shooed bear him. A dwieastoa. 'erre. Free Exhibition. In transactions with tete health ex- hibit wbicb is to be in Goderieh from Friday d this greet to x coda y next. a moving picture tzeihiti .o will bre given at the town ball on Fhday and tSetardity timings, cominating at It o'clock. There will be so admiesios No. The car oonteiaing the exhibit w ill *sieve at the G. T. R. station Fre. day morning by tie 11.I5 train. Everyone is invited to visit the car e nd ere the istere.ting and instruc- tive exhibit. fanners. Attewtt•n 1 The enters* Goveeamrat through tee West Burge Agricultural tin:rety u offering a eerier of pities meson in amber for a e0saditig maid crop com- pruU"n. (late bees bars Cameo for the test in this district. Whig eosaid- reed the best crap for snob a eremep•ti. im- partial judger. wbo decide on politest d freedom float weeder and other de - fees. rieanlium*, yield. etc. It is hoped that tbe farmers of this district will tete advantage Of this incentive to tine impracement ..of train crops. Ao official &coomaoramest in teepee - tins wits the proposed competition renews this weer u the advertising c,.lutnns of Cee Kignai. est bora abeset from a . O. T. U. emetteg Mt*. htl i y air mod Ib Th. look for liks day_ well earl was lobo by alma ) _ tl_ja�pardtlsldiat {tie nook_ ist mnos as is the Lab . Ieflbs W tae the nb .imimi-. a i• iamoa'`'atms Ik at Tomato roseady. It watt sr seal s• Ming siege, *.d the amiss trotted tea d the Wilmot:mewl et beld Tt.. EAST STREET GARAGE t Our erre .tor? d Automobile. Motes stoat. (}o' alias god Bicycle geode ie woe Nan Wr yyf if ire A yy article not in stock w ill be f roomed leo satisfy ea cert, pt of order. Huron Gasoline Engine and Machinery Co. uODa1tICH.OtiL 'Pmurr�t zea Both lir. tied Mrs. rear are wall knows ►ere. bawler( lived in (Y,dita. Beet an tier !i Thr newsy sans. tae Use food. Mies Allan aye Pse tea rttc:tls.t tae• -Come •� E. R. W1GLE w at revel the pert week deeming P RIGI.I; � ,r[ Fore Wil the Sewer a and aaasedy [� Gdeaieb. the .lav ►onksiR tarot ani trim' .sr it friends wiab these ever- success is flood ...err rifer Flet t arvi•gr their new boom. !mut Oi Marriage L.iDb et s The stases dsaoigatinn at tea, part Parts Caretaker ifelf tale has bee. u is ' PHARMACY otsesed oft ti E with the departure ba. the k Osdarir of the steamer Empress Tac nr three for 'levetaaid Later "s Mewed { b• " Still entber sad at u boort tin lies l t of the old teem have been rut down lbs steamer Thomas J. Ilntmnruod srs7L par the grace ger a -reel.- - a. " e better Pr t. Pew. Soave ret of n the McKee, lett seely Port train of •y morning. going to ken' ProPle was tine walks sod ap to Lorain for s cargo of noel for rte toe tram a fair show to voter Mull. A The remainder of the fleet S'i wile3asr a. snoo as presage is afforded soo.e ut the berry a eat e Homage S'.-Mlar-ys River. 11 rs said K s-taeeber.who bas beer,a..e,:Stant distnot wfOln°1 ade.t d ' be Pfeefeo- thrrr it std l a good deal of ice at tree tial life lee.esnce Cc, with superve wen of the wort bees► •M' en Chutes. The remainder of the canto d the Seaferth, Winghaw and lee -know. Mesa,er tato teem' was elevated ort Pea beet, tr•malacrei to the oortherm Monday Cato tel Goderich ch TheEsteer k theleiean, with headquarters at Owes Transit Co.'s only tor. steamer tiound. .Mr. Kerber. by bu careful ere Gordcw is the only remaiaisg *termer tention to liminess and Kendal Mae - yacht. wbirb wee built at Kincereine wiL welt him merited thon e winter ort striesiooa should be venlig and eat (treed UN1ON RANK a W. est urorath. which makes woe Sea.rielly ie lams all alar• more repidiv, too, lime sae • :;ended ewer( *l= months. Tr. to Ttld lneb (Nee) • SIS Sue Sy tematicallY pi 'sloes i to s the weatldy. pest+,•t. tar de oi_lsR of w many el �.1. as or .resin. in the Ctsice Beak t f C . nada, tatoiney aaramu he later--• whittt it J. G. GEDDES, Miarager Gotierich F- = •ch. sssmes/sr. ales lI11f. llitA1t1G7. J f..V. atom • 14w�s• tte. sL,„ r�G 1 G. M. C. MART SWIM Allo y�v holding winter swrlLg Beaten ser. made many Iriesds herr. wbe 1 Campbell k HacE•y s new asking euccrsg, in Pis new field. • Children's Aid Society. the pa*t winter, amort in port on The merles& of the Children's did ,Masada} last Sor sty bat week walk well attended Cont rector Birmingham launched and the interest abowa in tbe work (teed big, new crows on Tue.day. He was keen. Thr county officer reported as also haying the Oleo an old sailing that three children had been made watch of the Stkiety. The tresiet err• statement showed earthen hand $ .O& During the meeting the settwtary re - remise, averbauled and repaired and will use it in him work for carrying gravel. omen. etc., the coming rum• RUT. caved P. C,ontr tbutions for tbe edit Watson is remodelling his month are es follows: J. P. Hume. launcb in preparation for the coming $I : Blyth C. A. S.. g30.06 : Ethel Can- season. dim Cleb. SS: O. C. Whitely. SI ; Alen: Uolborne is building a new Lk. and Men Strang. V. ler. Wax- sailboat it will be about thirty feet reser. SI : Yrs enteeth. Zw : Mrs. in stogie. (`aerie, $3 : C. Newton, SL The Late Mrs. Jewell. Three Generations in One Lodge. The death of Elizabeth Ashton, Veteran Oddfellowt. lin I/midst- evening. after the regu- lar a„rl of the )odge. the snemher* 1 H u:.,u L Ace. No. fit• L O. O. . F.:watweed an esteeming parreestee her. several members receiving vet - arse', xwels in recognition of tweaoty- ffre Trani eintieuou* membership in the lodge. The presentation was made u felicitous. mansrr by P. G. Sberiff Reynolds. Thu recipients were Jas. Tree-. John Robert', C. A- Nairn. Alex_ Jarbutter ami. Capt. W. fie b. J. C. Martin. H. Stowe aid Robert Given also were OS the list but were no peewee even members orf H u e ` w Lod will Receive crania: reionolaMioe at a later date. A unique event was cele. rated in widow of the late James Jewell, Maitland Lodge, No. 33, A., F. et A. which occurred on Wednesday. April M.. last week, when Past Master 1111.14 at the home of her son, William Alexander. Straiton initiated bis Jewell. Cambria road, removed an old gra.dson. Watson Straiton. into the resident of the tows and neighbior- rites of Ancient Free Masonry. crest- hood. The deceased bad reached the belt tbe record of having three genera- ¢'nod old age of ninety years.. Sbe tions in active membership in one .hod been confined to her bed the lodge. Thougb Worshipful Brit.ie.Tr int two years, Cwt bore the weak - Straiton had not exemplified the wort` owes of old age with constant patience in over thirty -tour years. be per- amid cheerfulness. and retained ber formed the ceremonies on this oror . mental' faculties to the end. Yee. sign in a most creditable manner. to' Jewell was born an Devonshire Eng- tbe manifest interest of a great num- land. was married in 1S4e and three ber if resident and Meshing brethren. a Tears later tante to Cahad& with ber Chace!) lodge, is himself seventy- the township of Colborne. Her but Lees', reotee ti oen-e.caules 1 ber 1•ttii, and the recoil ANNOUNCEMENTS. Ret ekab Lodge will bold a social evening in the Oddfellowe; Hell on Tuesday, April 2nd. The t3laedstme orchestra will be in attendance. A. F. Brown. osteopathic physician, is opening a branch office at ()linos. At Hotel Normandie Mondays from 7 p. m. until 1u 3ta, commencing Aon '.Sitb. 51-im. Seed oats, barley and peas for sale. All kinds of field �garden aeswde. Six veriet.ies of early p a ear iof cboioe votatoee for table U.S. A. J. COOPER, Hamilton street Rev. W. V. Wilson. D. D.. Toronto, says of Rev. Enos Bacon : ••1 shall never forget both roar entertaining and preaching. 1 violet know which to admiremost We have all tbe„dianf•-r tants and germicides that bacteriologists have proved efficient_ E.B. Wigi., druggist, tioderich, One Take bower box of Buteettr's cboc- ° atex. Sbe will like them. Alberta Elections. In the Provincial general elections in Alberta held Apti1 l7th. the tiifton. W. Bro. Straiton. a former Master of busbaod and two c6ildtra settling to Government w&i returned to power. t.. three ears of sage white his grendsrin band died in Nbvem some teats unser - ed w town with her son Wil The Bylaws. What about a public meet:nh to dit- cuss the "two industrial t:) lea. to be toted on May:lend A Genuine Service. At cost of "leas than five cents a week The Youth's Companion opens the door to a compaby of abs most dis- tinguished men sod women in America end Europe. Whetter they are reveal - has Curt hecoi»e of aero• continued to lire in C'olboroe until she removed Bribery Cases at Exist er. liam eight years ago. Of- a family of The bribery charges in connection nine three sous and five daughters sure witb the recent local option vote in sire: Thomas, of Dunlop: James and the township d Stephen twee before William, of tow* : Mrs. Julio Allen. Magti.:.rate* Moir and Sanders at Moe Wm. Alien. Mrs. Richard Allen. Exeter on Swot day. Ezra Brenner. of(iolberne;' Mrs. Geo. t`ulbert; of hotelheeper at Grand Bend. appeared Goderich. and are Walters. of Salt- on three charge". end his father. Jos. ford. The descendants number forty- Dea:h of Alex. Giro. After an illtams at revere] weeks Alexander Gies. of Aotbotrse., died ce Sunday at AI-z.erdr ► bo.pital. in his seventy-fourth Year. The (opera! will talc place on !iaturdey afternoats at +:se o'clock. fess the stridence of his brother. Robert Gees. loth awcesocw of Colborne, to C'ollswee cemetery. The funeral r.ercire at tbe boom 5111 rowme$ice at 2 o'clock. Mr. (*len was very well knows both in town and tomtit*. and the trews of his death was cerebral with profound regret.. He bad lately sold hitt place ma Dun- lop's hid. mn-lop'shid. acmes the riven. with tbe in- testine e n-tertinee lgoing West, but the illness wfsish bar grace proved fatal inter - vested Healers horn harry Washington. totters bare been received by his suet' sod sister here from Hary Wed isBt.n. who is in Dayton. Obio. talkie about his experiences is the aid. He was eatigbt os the street hr the resit d erats•r and bad hard ark getting to as apartment house. m here be boot shelter. The water st-ss ms to his waist. with a strong '-estrea( Its sr imprisousd witb Mitts in tits bendier trots Tuesday a•enni•g weld Aida? none. The huildieg took are. but they managed u ezt.ingilt• taw Guam When he re out is west to his place of "inPloYarest. the National Cash Rese- w el- ee-,seer Oo.'sttmeMry. where be stayed dry sad eight for a weak or more and -'neagd is OM wort of reams and re- lief which was carried on from that place. 100).I n • mooed letter. dated April Harry deseriim the city atter the flood se 'eta awful Chaps. he ores* were pied bitch with wteekeer- Almost evmryekeng down town os the first bars and banrmesta was lost. *tri M same rrdisliaa emu the aeon west, N der sassed Soar sad over lbs bade. Those ave does of piste, .have pasgie asst Wes in lbs roof bo rot sea sats MMR Arleen Is the at- tic, mil asatte of bsiidiwgs where a big wee sot Is the died the mtese& Elmet and a punaat or board or pr. or rope *arms 1e too wortwere eased Ikea begs were wary ty the el Kis sirs irate w dr easeml tumor at Ms �aea t w be is ase Mme sass. ')10 a wet he t o decal psr thapn Mee bumf show • miptat dips: 'we esseead shoes plasm Ilbee=ire sass bass : Imam by �y grams. 1.11=1111114 . hews a1 army tlstSera aMi um a Mak/am as Is atsmstt.s Brenner. on One . Grown Attorney 1 &me grandchildren. tifty-one great- Seeger represented the (-roan. el- moo Deejardine and Frank Perim I lirinar and two great -great -grand - testified that they bad been paid I children. The funeral took plane on reat industrial es a or + s were laid reside those of mesh or telling of their wanderings tmoney by Fuca Brenner for their `Friday to Colborne cemetery. where Iderenh� votes. money, "scrim refuted id lx was the bulb i.s Rev. Dr. Medd conduc:.rd !a etraawee Corners of the world. or fsed- of . t riop .. butbabe it ilea - her fuese std i the imagination with rare atotarle dol a Oevise said he bad terra given a .the faaset[alservioew cud tbe paltbesa.rers i they ars wing Companion readers the ._ .�.. .,. .,.d Emanuel y giving of wboih forty-six are two -dollar bill by Joseph Brenner. tout j w'ar'e t- it had not inft:,eneed his vote. 'mei MiIahaed, Warsaw Alien and Richard berating against Ezra Brenner was ad- Jewett. journed for a week. The case against Joseph Beetle r was dismissed. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. Building Operations emelat asvere asasetb t--eda d wearkaaaw- Goderich is experiencing a rapid shale-ti.a•0tat-sostiellsliswe,■•rt. pnd�I... - growth so tar a- home-building goes- .r.Os. Nyw it the rtes era ceras rwab quint t !AMUCK peyet tri low boners were ranempree.[. mikowler Ir Veer sod at t -5 rate thing- have per seed riatwem Ntrted in this spring the sworn., , ^ffneedt VOA 'vr beet. of t emeelres.ea Seven serials at lst will be published by The Companion during 11+13. and *early owe bur deed ot.bev complete ; stories` in sedition to some Shy special eesttabotions. cod a taotssure-box of sketches. anecdotes. expert advice se to athletic sport*. iceas for bandy de- vices round the house. sod so forth- 1 bag hours of oon,paniooiip with the were, tbe adveoturneus sed the enter - teasing. Announcement for 11113 will 1 be ernt with *ample copies of the paper 19113.3 will he a baric .resew in t.be 1.0 13 - edeas. H:s='-cwt Nasika i■ bsa•almrr- Glorious Gems The glom• of diamonds and other gems never pales ; the iridescent fire never dies ; the lover' radiance is perpetual. We ease been wiling gems for many Tears. We know their valor. Here yap will find one of tbe most con plete collections of diamonds sod other reveres in the country. in the latest designs of set- tings. Every grin thoroughly guaranteed pure in color and perfect in cutting -with a price toying of t urf y ee per tone Our store is '>x ideal place for wedding . •i birthday presents. The bet -ter judge ,.f jewelry you are t be more you will appreciate alie quality. beauty and las' priors ed our varie.1 stork fring .u.'.)i .eare...;1a•rr- H -.. W.uehre. cbais-. err. IV" dare s.tisfyings^ernes It a uatotncr< - new awl .•ld. every day -we call p! nor you .too. ing list. Thaw who are potting up torr fs.(arosmad tllobatebamt•I. to any address on request- tbe new bni'i4ings are to be congratu- There was a good wood is town for Every new r:uhscriber.wbo sends late(' on the fisc c ma of bowies they the bone fair day amtTawa ay. g215 for the fifty-twoisenes of are erecting. E. flWigle, dr.giiiot. has been ' 1913 will receive as a gill' Tbe C om- W. Hera has started the foundation appointed an issuer of marriage issaion Window reanaseeneer and for bis new reedeaee on North street. licenses. Calendar for 1913. Des listbli Coco- a C. Yusnings i* bonding sae Tri- The wat'r sprinkling wagon has pinion. 144 Berkeley Ste Boston. Mao... liew subscriptions received at this teeter street.ka site on Ter again guide its supearanoe aod ILL. go- W. Blake is e there the rounds ou the `equare- etre* rave the erection of a new log bw dr The Doty Mariam Revise sod Boiler buildi.g loner -Bateman is Oo. are roll warring overtime to •till basing tbe former Trvtbewsy prop'coders. They t+Wtlods car of seacbin- . eery en Britannia road remodelled and ser to Mommnsl the past week. Itted up and will oerupy It during the Ibe Wort Haw Woman's tuatara* coming semeser mouths bas gives a teatime re a cot in the W. E iLelly. Fordo moKIdrwtee, es i10..to hospital toe .t•u•esptive erecting i► stew abed for kis amen at hie child/ea toter known a. "Thu West office an St Andrew's street. libuttio Wormed Institute Cot.." The sed Huron House is beim( t+- wad" Mr. i. W. Rei. - 541t sad a pontes of it will is tam, �L d a has hem appuisted leer future 6e c.Lieerd up as a mottos I grooms at Mit.•hvll and took pietmre theatre. I rem the oaks van Twesday. tie wiU 1 alas art al taisoor,ba operator far the A Double Firs Call. A. N. W. sed will reverie in the The [M 1 iRs. was called oat faucet est gnu hat reign e of Klement' t' sod 'a hose Ra. De. altkOli Torseio. to Rev. of L{} tad Victoria! offloe. MAY VISIT GODERICH. Pespoese ee Sigeal s lige targe to hien and Brace Old Boys is Detroit. To the samsssJ hangtaet of the Harron wed Bruce Old Boys and Girls' Amoo- dative of Detroit. setter was bald ss tee evesieg d April fhb. The Sipd seat $ teirssese of greeting. asett batt that (10 Ao oeiatioe visit Hsdeeici as their sanest summer omtisse this year. The folks arm reply ha... ben re- ceived eived : Detroit, Mich.. April 14. 13ditor sigma.. Gedesich. Ontario. k the comer ngmtotm • DIA* Sta. - Bell to acknowledge The west alarm w -•s at a►orst Karol Same : bort .eget d re sort t o f 7� tel tgrum. which wa. streets. f bawe bad for year' 1 an _road ear toast -master to tiers tmem- 3 & bear s. s.. and ager putties he � c y� tie Mare. a. they 'opposed. I "-�� jwheM�! t°s age to the t ret so the ioct ice. -pt f n asst pro- mos w�is` Mr. Boom will arm.. int which accept many tM.ha. macs went back w their !tees. A little } ftf lbw street Kokleg Cat cher** pee he.gwet was a Runt stress- tiore then an boar of tam the first 1 harms W edwemfa V wmmettR nest weft her bemired at t..mag. Al the bell ran[ agate, the *SO waewoe baa imm k nee aofiei.tUv nein" *P's tsy, 71►i* Mow that use etprireg w*�tbew Carry a South Bend Wa�c and end forever the continual anooyt * of m iass3torate watt ,. Soeth Bend are the watch -e rites among turn who know. When you buy a South Bend watch Priem um tun secure our ezpttrt regulation servoce. This is important.. tot watcbee dant run the same for ere' ybody. Camels aod let us tell you why. Reel v South Bend Watch must pates 411 }nap•ctioaes sad run on the dot in freez- ing cold and tailing beet before leacher the fsetory. This takes a full year but Moues accuracy. Come in and look over Due teem and prices. Both will pleat - artily outwit* you. Come now ' J. S. Davey, Goderich, Ont. WNW 1.EID.-1■ Gdeis . eve .taster• 1yc�'D� Mk. to Me. sot Mrs. Aeolians MOIL. !]nom avoa:se • esttldres o ,t a d ]an..L 0. (% ssambtis. illsrell VII (re arts. -cert Friday. Adtltb.wv reareswr. MEM its rte lir 1. theta a the Tewin web GLIM-At - Riga. ,10namiss Molokai. W 1 -tri trete. 9 ti II1t4 0aia t;tiaiseir+ v F 1110 ' tL �sisb sr d the CV= f.-ta Golor aft Inigiebar. Are 10.1 ir.awa+Adam astaasyIs beAlirti yam . Aare awe error riniiemee et ow maatber. Jeri.' -- near, .tart milk atd*ri. to KMFYaai emestenr. Heerlen al ala isms aro s *Week. Pork at, Beans AUCTION SALES. 5A1•.'$OAT. AFril 9L -Aunt eo Ws d� Irma nae Iema•Mie boaster.. at tL. mein tom anek alien. _ G. 1. (,t'arstu. pruprie tr llsrauswvasv- aaocti.eeer. rioicn.T. sort 111.-Augtiga. ate ret heave Sold tsewtte,. at tele re+edeer,e w 1"a.. T. lie. Mosartaat. Victoria,R.reet Tema sap6cssar, l amglersm i4 broken out worse eTmel time it was ezd� for hoed• hot arrived the somber 01 i at rete AaeDeiadoe. it ba, her. mimes tett trot wort. coo demaS' had C1 ale Grille leas dwiedied doors /m by several a.s.iberw that we bold our . bees dos. gnomigalis the bark two. Three have hese about .eve taset amuse antis, at Ctsl udai*hie yrsr pK d doers Mimeo the Mimtboar re sialoose $rorty aII winter. rim Pe fee a day or two. m.agbt perhaps L.. os vett. • At the emossall .diee.k , t*. 'resort i.taate@ are d esoim.1 we 'nicht make the tripes the simmer .� •- ' mead sod tie Ether three are mo mots. 6eey*...ie les 1919 see atemoril d the .arena w iw*tsasw. NUL our outing .as bsY ak v.44ds-lams. ow. sad M_--. f*3•m "It w tirr blera webs the say ass tae anise assoboe M. Ttbsw ares se euisipt `101. brei hit die ViM i..! sMt► the teals et banes attached to wastes created edditiowel ezeit rest }orale( away with the Oregon. made doers Victoria *toot tss- tyeorth sad after tasveribis _ it the tsar. !et o.p dlit Msec Isom at oeacihr bwhes trey wee homed sebast or two lister set merit Deriehosed Detroit asongsAaa fee The will ber seesawed so thew.mad bee a ttsmsits bows Mtaada Smmdsy sea solely the trip ea Woo Boialsh 9 i e.. rte.. T\meds y. Jori H. sad tasters newsier. tuns' 12. INS petiedars Grit west 1. Nay. 1 y oma st its bee - lbs is sew for noir aaperle t The g�me M t*s eawe.vl d Dr. wegw. bee, mew M my, ams est >lL �, sr1� Ya bib and mer a sirs gory vias wee w e be se d. st r. ..w.a.t: /My ww etas lambed la east Issas ti. omen tbit bsaa ._11111000 to reee end 1....... as w omen Peas Ise - testa It war ( war Lowe rash best ere* fiat a amort ; Dm"' ami Medds ors d Sr. d bas ns %mi a this west M t 10g Ibnrwn to 1risaier glees r sabre dell in war : Ur. sell We Ohms. Yieb,'is .'b°al'weebi w adessisei1.. barny lbie aawAme. w e w byy =smr l �a� fist l>Asamris. w*ae eteeseeebissa krr Wales ; T. A . 1114 - limb rata!aM M Da filtldla ales. the are' lit. t<rw wabn4 �mg r� 1 tars_ ammahr7 : Q A lbsolaai. -u sat het Ned >� mtai ►Aima b. hist wltim/a , lntsamaar. lD! she twoias ra itesssire >S wwdaeiis to slats Test wood ofd Use fait wmsmer. L will advise you itomblg you wile for else kind eros iew.ls ousw.751 is yo.r telegram. i beg to remain. slams truly. T. H. lacc:Goat. ha cwt program meat f)M am whisk White o as eisbarm t fewer los. Tai isles se Mas deat*iation are : Dr. J. P. roe - toasts. twesiient : D. A. iter _dL.-t for /kilos : T. diel= Higbee grade beans kept whole and meaty by perfect baking, retaining them full strength. Flavored with delicious *areas. Thor haws se Ss••L Mimes Quick,, Ri i)•aaut Polish That Lasts The Ontario Government Health Car Exhibit will arrive in Goderich ion G. T. R.) on arrival of 11 35 a. m. train Friday, April 18th read remain two dayf Everyone is invited to visit thee ear sad see the instructive exhibit. A Series of Y ovine Pictures will he sbown st the Town Ball on Friday rad Saturday average emwencing at *o'clock. ADMISSION FREE Lek. McNally. Medical Officer d Hrmtb for tbm district. will ber poises( sad speak. *0a041 hear many this* pen might to knaea- heaalkh .suttees+. I IN POUSUL he S'>Eeate/ Summer Schools For ergen.es is am Bait a-- aeardsot- moosem rsatterar 00 00 ase..,,... bsaeMsae(avi- lo oast woke 1 A aw Tlstsmt. (17.C'ne5 Mai ..ea, time w00 tlltm eats tlnsaei iesaM- taw Air id is Lmtsa tit- -Obis pear. deolo ate swap setae sq fir Write wa er ggoor.ss a P1a..e.. Oar osaitlttt4 Tomsk iew CENTRAL BUSINESS CC:.LEGE STRATFORD. Ore. Toe Yost prnti.atl 6Ria.rraolod i Ontario. Terve er.retsw.vrt•. CrrRr- doh SiastkrRL seal Teles s.by- All warns.•. are (1..enat a:,1 Fssisisu. Ttlseberi• err eiseeleseea sad Enid - awe. are pieced ie pwelew.. We rite iwdla-idW etrastiee said ..:udcmt. mar enter .t air t1ms. Wrist floc air hoe ratakea tae at owe. D. A. XI, LACBL-1.\ PriscipaL esereseeeeseeoweeweriesleitoreseweesersee COLLEGE AT HOME T1.aasata.r.t51&-Teas. Vodka pe.rsrt.m r limit grow Maat*vs pokier mavr! eent.s*,�rri `~�rwsf .es.s u aa1s/, at waw w as sk- ims towL lawshosa kaiaks ra ndaw iM� et rta�sr. IliMesoara Owe MIN Mdocss Caste tltaee 10.+'00 t IL Wane [.sestet. rttr/.rt