The Signal, 1913-4-17, Page 4TSE SLG} AL : e q DERICH ONTABIG Titellabesio Area 17, 1111s District News AUQURN. l GR!_OW. Till KADA1. April ah. THC.aDAT. April 17th. MA.,oNla Ni(HT.--Rev- D. W. tot- 1-Asuuitb unloaded a car of feed Ras of Exeter, Masonic D. D. G. Ww this week. forSouth Huron di.trtct. paid an offl- 1 aeattbew l.ockbart has sold hu►ome Mal visit to Morning liar Lodge, N. farm of 15f1 acre% to Robert Taylor, bis retro of this • we on so These was .. broth cin—iso, foe Ir•tal• week. Tbatr was a Large atten`i1r me. Gravinateio left on 'Monday Meitlat1 a number a yrsitarre from Ralph ewallowburst, including Lodge,Godettch- The first 1v join bb_. brothers al degree t a Y 1.Ieified, and after re -Alta &D iate treetiments an restiag address was The cellar is being excavated for the given by the visiting 'Alcor and wee new Prnsb%•teriau snow. such appreciatedb! those Present. Jos- Irwin has moved into the bourne LANEti. be bought from the(irarinsteinesta b SATCRDAv. April 12. e are ver f OLD t ' record the`tdeath of a welly eeteetued wother and neighbor. in the person of Mrs. John Hogan. sr.. which occurred on Thursday evening. April Ord. Mi'a, Hogan had not been in god hr.lt.h for some time. but the end was. not expected w soon. Mr. lied Mrs. Hogan have m lived on their present farDear Inner during ail their wedded life and have made many friends. Those of t.ne family to mourn the loos of a loving mother and wife are Mr. Hogan. husband of deceased. odoughters n ter, and four sons : Mrs. of Kingsbridge : and Hannah, Petri:► sod William. at home : John and Philip, living on farms near by. The •ympatby of tbe entire community is extended to t.be bereaved ones in the loss of their loved one. Mrs Hogan, whose maiden name was Katharine ; Austin, was born sixty-seven years ago in Godericb township— -- tIOLMESVILLE TEE Het-Nlox.-The Boys' Re- union committee Friday evening at "1. o'clock. Every- thing is progressing favorably. Pros- , ppeecctsare Root to secure one of the Cabinet Minister* from Ottawa. Hon. T. W. Crotbers. Labor, is our choice. Mr. (''vgtbef•s f is reputed to be one of the finest platform men in Canada. N. W. R. well. K. C.. M. P. P.. leader of the Opposition in secured lW. C. T. U. PtenoRAif.-Tb�ere wrier a Torontowill also , large turnout at the Idetbodist.sbure6 possible. The baseball committee aro ; n on Wednesday evening last to liste confident of landing the Clinton and I to a very interesting program Pre aissmoh teams for • came in the pared by the W. C. T. U. A number will ben. The fdll schedule of ening. porta of papers were read. and prises were will be drafted Friday fort .11 iawarded for 'mows on the subject Ez,telleat prims will be given the events- Peoples Day ]Text Sunday is Young in Holusescille Methodist church. The pastor will preach to children in the morning. Subject • The Ribbaxtd of 1 finished up bis maple syrup reefing on Blue." lu the evening he will speak Thursday last, Belied a very emcees.- particularly to young people °° fut.romprun. and has bad romp of a demand Money and MaLrimorT. A large than be could supply. This is his chorus of men will lead the singing second year in this business and he at the evening se'rt-i"- satisfied those who bought last year so well that they all returned and brought others. Mr. Slott ham ale' grit his father's barn reroofed and left Monday morning Inc his Goderich tnwnsbip farm to kook after his pi lin- ing operations. Lloyd Ferguson has engaged wi Jas. 11 Ilowett for t.be summer Wm. orate has hired with J. J. teashington for the summer. A meeting of those toter pled in forming the Auburn beef ring he beldin the fire hall on Saturday night :o finish up the burners and arrange for the pleat supply for tae coming eumnter. 1.C. Clark has the contract of killing for the Summerhill beef ring. T. Ratcliffe is laid up with an attack f sciatica. The farmers :Ire getting busy plowing. Some hove cownienced "online. Howson k Lawson shipped a car of rollers on Monday. Mors the Thrifts Houssodle Wog Sam as odd Pass. is tryiag amiss honseheld scatters and s& the mine Iltie u of a hospitable taro of anii alloing the peonies becomes an task - A some -m1 *s& who has been obliged js out down extremes recently solved slid entertaining son debgving a poverty party. bM y 1 meby admit was charmingly informal and cbe�• and they appealed to the ��a, RIGHTS III THE COLBORNE STORE who pronounced it the "beet fila ever.– The invitations were written oreown wrapping P•Pt7 with a and delivered by • boy as grad.. This is supposed to save polar age. for the rp-rtt of povery fttrui he I maintained in every' small & MIL When decorating the table and D home Ibis brodess � paper flowers arraogod to On cans and frtut lacy Paper and wooden dates mak M are .old .for peen ng and tin car were used wad instead of silver, tab BLYTii. 1st-68DAT. April 15th. S8 v ERSLY Br RNED. -M re. J s me's Logan, who lives at the south end of the village with her son. met with a serious accident on Saturday night which may yet prove fatal While alone in the bouse she was carrying a coal oil lamp. when it exploded. burn- ing her #rightfully. Although suffer- ing greatly from the burns she man- aged to get to the telephone to call the doctor. who arrived before any person else. Her condition is very critical. lir her hands. arms sod face are burned. knives. ions and spoons gram the as tebtable.DodtItlt filbs dasy P3 are r The room in which the Patty was y ours a boat held was cleared of all anneoesear71 furniture and furnishings. sena ss brio•&Lrac, crystal and silver, sad wooden boxes were used as chairs $4 seat the gticrts at table. The light was furnished by plain white sperms candles in tin candle- The tum were requested in wear izpentave costumer, the ladles gingham or calico dresses "fatbsed and Wan" or very much patched and the men bice jeans and flannel shirt& fur refreshments the following mess was waved: Cornmeal Yash and Milk. Cold Sandwiches. Masi` Pickles- Doughnnta. Cookie t. Coffee.. Waat�r taws sriisa Midm Dtld's mai !� �� T eyysae �Tbei aw waver failed i• owa They ate tae may , .dy dim arms Ms eared M. •sd Morgy nmedy ay am Th L,. tar nas 1 Dos tills" lite -+)>i bas and wean -bet Maw rims nee daageroms. Tb. eigrel and �y cons for Driest' I A,ea..�... is Our Spring Trade Is in Full Swing Now THE best that home and foreign markets afford and that cash can buy is here. Everything seasonable that properly belongs to an up-to-date drvgoods business tor you to pick and choose from. Room here for only a few of the many things that await your inspection. ODD'S KIDNEY PILLS of tobacco and its evil effects- A pro - Frets d musical selections aim was given, all being much appreciated. Goon MAPLE STxrP.-R. R. Sloan ST. AUGUSTINE- TCEeDAT. April loth. Mis. John McCabe. of Calgary, is visiting friend* in this vicinity. Mrs.. S. Roach visited Mrs. John Thompson this week. W. Nixon is working with Wm. Sylibs at present helping him to build fences. Mrs- Geo. Brophy is visiting her mother in London this week. There was a good attendance et t.be Wowen s Iostit ate meeting as the hone of Mrs. S. Thompson lad Wed - Wade Dress (foods TM best ars here in the newest makes and at potine. figs. 81.tsl, 81..1,Our lesi polar are s whipcord& diagonals. saatoys amid poplins. We are barium to guarise tee err ofisr cgs in Chess Roods- No better cloths and no better prices to be found anywhere. We carry moth the sante make• in block with the addition of pana.maa voiles. silk eol,enues, broads and venetian.. Dress Trimmings .1 big assortment of Trimmings in colors t PERSONAL MENTION. Air•. tRei-t Jeer ti.,'a:..az. of Detroit. o is icor Key rruitl,etToroote. i. visiting at tbe of b. .mr t :caw -stair sari Y 7- c,ew. Baia Y 'bating relatives in Col- borne. township this rust. Yi«- F vInr. ardir. of Tomato, is visiting her .jster, lit+. W. A. Cooltltaria_ Yr N' A. COMMU.ret•ii CAMAS are to ler bee out lads of ,gra threewto serilim W Mir Lw Laura Ientdarer. of take a poaitios a 5 J. Sewage ss crus Quo Searorta hews: lira lira Davis, at Gala Pleb. vision bar Yr aid lira Alm Davidson. a low it a tau week• booms Yawn boo relented ferntrui at Lai= era fie tais gavot at kswle4. Arne. 1i• Tem& Simies meet. 9arneI Lisa Pie arse to bribery a tab . • praline r eisoeidae L tbe ameba cls ser there- Mir k iesa well Joie Mr a Assert. re- raiaint la townie the reletlra Macre Oak to s bee ill rt.S raised b! tae Janie Y. ML C. A. sear envies wstb wldgl• be is connected. Mid ba,of beret wbo W bra a patient at Alsaadea beapit ia again W le be about sailhis as brother. . Jaime F. ]tr `P+.a r••d- Grattan faaiMae, of the Beak of Osrrse'e• bioecel afaeleaol std Mairalle branch sal take et on M4aa Miss o peeltba• Grattan e eneatke a Tamale pais dnciM el ks ron long rhe aroac r eatieeed se tats ewer Maw Ifsner we tsar expect to •as kir a tows attea Meet. tidwrMlesshar retard Lar1e'at- nor ba..r w e.X eosoanpst.isl br lora mea, ilr.rat e.r..tuue. of FaIL• std berdaeaMa Alin. Climbs IiassMN and tow ahfW ren. Edward and Imine. • Yr -Gretna. left oa Te",dar for Ms brute et Niagara Falb. actor rip: whams few awe. at the old bare. The cornmeal mash was served 'ion lsage crockery bowls with • geuestos/ supply d cream and sugar. It u rem& ly o delioos enough to please the mod critical epicure, es were made from The sandwich brown sod white bread, and large dill pickles were served, •s well as thesmall. sweet variety. apple pas. o 1d-thabioned wise' cook ies and doughnuts or crullers >d pre- ferred d ootistaAe an appropriate sup- per for the poverty party• padding pans contain the sand- wirhela, cookies and doughnuts. Cider as served from • dishpan with • dip- per in lien of lemonade or punch. A prise was awarded the guest wear- ing the most "`poverty stricken" cos - tame. Just after the awarding of the pry some one recited Over the )hills to the Poorbouse," while any one related "hard luck" stories. and to the :senator of the worst ones primes were Riven - "Poo: Richard's 'Litale Dorrit.•. "Oliver Twist. '`The Old cariosity Shop,"etc- Old-fashioned candy in 'stick= and molasses taffy were handed as a spe- cial treat during the story-tellinrt- At. an open fireplace the gum huddled in true -'cold and starved". fashion. This fire also served the cairn, from which popcorn balls were made in the following manneV Boil together the tngredtents•nsed Inc the old-fashioned molasses taffy and before removing it from the fire star in enough popCOrn to thicken it. Take the mixture oat by the spoonful and as soon as it can be handled roll it into balls: then roll these over and over again in kernels of corn until no more will adhere 10• the balls. FetteI7rt: OPERA -noes. - The farm- ers are now on tbe lewd again, and in consequence there will not be many in town Inc souse. time until they get their crop The e roads are still rough and it is eery implement driving re most roads. although the roads rf Huron ennIIV are fairly good. Pos- sibly we shall be ahie to get some of c. that great amount the prrs.ent ihomin- Gilbert Grieves bad i hereon Monday j'ccoodGoro� Pn itrvipinigg tO Rive for raisingtthe (Old of hit shed. g Joseph Fll-un had a very successful A Sort ttOt 4isro'-T1tesl. Geom. Joh day and there wag a g h ce.c enrtxsefnl aaeemhtc auction sae ocel crowd, in their cloh mom. on Friday night. John Purvis took the hide. There was " very gond attend+neO. ,i. Johnston passed through the burg I considering the bad west her and the with his tea auto nn Mueday. • state of the roads. a number hang Mr. Button, of l.uckoow, visited A. - Johnston this week. 1 on Tuesday. • it was •(90 helds PARISIAN SAGE. Im:taboos of This Gnat Hair Iuvtgorator Are Abroad mo the Land. Look for, the Girl With the Anbarn Hair be Every Package. l'ari-nan surge--a•k for nt by name when you went the i••al hair grower and dandruff cure. This % picture of the rarton in whirli osch !bottle of Par- isian Sage is packed. Parirtian Sage will hellish dandruff. st op falling hair and Rh- ine acelp, and pro- mote a new grovrth of hair if the hair root is not dead. It is a clean tonic aod nii* lead or other It will put radiant beauty into dull, faded. lifelese hair. and as a dainty hair dressing for women it cannot he matrhed. Get o .5111-e-ent NA tie herr from %Finirham, Clinton. Re' - weave. Lnn5esboro' and Auburn. Tony Vita's three-piece otehestre fa- nichsd the music. A numhe. of the ladies lnr.keel very pretty in their beautiful ball dressiest and a few of the gentlemen had fnll drew snit*. giving the assembly a nice appea-ance. PER00%A1- AND GEI(ERAL.—A num- ber of the hr.ys are 'starting 10 throw the baseball around tbe streets. 1• is shout time they were fretting tome ho to nreanixe for the season .. .Mies Bella Scott. of East Waware ish, visited her engin. Wm. Sant, herr last week• before leaving for Billings. Mnntans. E Watson A Same .hipped a car of cattle and one of hogs to Tarnow ' this week Duncan Macdonald received a ram of fencing wire tbim week and is now busily en - Paganini's Promise. One day w -ben in France Pags- runi, the famous violinist. took a cab to the thsatre, where an enthusiastic audience was waiting to hear him per - which he played on a single string. On alighting be said to the driver, .140. moth oue your -to Toe," replied the man. "the' boe 10 francs." "What. 10 tramcar es. claimed Paganini. "You are Yes...ins!. -Indeed I am not You charge as much for • seat at your concert" CHURCH NOTES Prints No oetter place to bay your this stere. Prime lite and not equalled in the trade at and atnnl.tte colors tad full pelt twat, b our Drees Goods. Coma here if you want tbe best tied cbespeat Trimmings to be found. quality considered. A kat of specials in black. Allover Laces A choice assortment in black, white, cream, Paris, navy and kin's blue. These laces cone direct to to from Switzerland and you will find our prices much (ower than you are likely pairing in other places. Insertions. Raadin&s and Edg- ings, in black. cream. Paris and white. Oingiums In stripes and small and large • becks, Scotch and En„1i>b makes. A reliable cloth and deprod ..be cok.ra. Pricer 10c. loot and ISc. Buy .,ur Gingham's ben and be safe. Silks We have just added to our silk react a large shipment of Sf to 31 -inch widths in plain blue. tan, brown. black acid a few 'pieces of the new brocade in baa and blue, SO inches wide. Them Brocades are very new this seams'. Pure silk Shentungs, St inches wide. in Ww, tan and natural. They are great value at 11.1111 - Rugs, Linoleutns and Oilcloths A full new stock for this spring's buyers. We feel sate in saying that we cannot be undersold in these floor coverings. Our prices will be found exception- , ally good on Rugs. Linoleums 8 4, 12 4 and 16 4 wide. J. H. COLBORNE M r. James Young. of Hayfield. will preaoh in Victoria street church next At North ortree: Methodist church neet Sunday It Dr. Oaten, of Brus• eels, preaco morning end evening and conduct the adult Bible class. A notial welcome to all. The London l'auference of the Metho- dist church will meet this year in First rhumb. London. coo/cocoa-log Thursday. June O. at 2 p. the MID- Wednesiay. June ith. at e:15 a. tn. of Pat otos Asap today. If It doesn't give complete satisfaction. your airessy will be returned. Sold by E. R. Witte end dealer* everywhere. esT. HELENS. T -wan At April SUL W omen's I mei t ate will bold its rtionthiy emetiag at the home of Mrs. o'clock. The subiect will bie Pleat. rad fieritos Need.- Roll ea. to he vespoeied to by quistatisea from Wordsworth. lliere will be the mad diseassim cm the ottastion ismer. Come prepared. All the loess are eordially invited to starrall. visited Mrs. G. Derain for • empie days lam week. Miss Pearl INtil end her friend, Mien Fiume. of Whistlers. upset the weshosid int the Isrunsee home bare. Iinems am/ her two miss amtwal them dos West ow Ilia= sad aro erszyiws et W. Mow. us. Hamm anima with she ear. We hese es hare fisommo imam in Elm a. Eillisellore at timisenth, D. el Whishos, le vie& Mem PlItgli111111 War silent for • minute and then. with • complacent ensile. he handed the cabman a liberal tare. siring as he did so, 'I mil pay you le francs wben you drive nie on ooe Maine worship nett Lircts Day in ating. Hours of worship 11 a. tn. and 7 p. ni. Bible *Moot and Bible aeon •t O %J. in Yammer people's MeeLlIne blondes, evening/1 p. m. Visitors will he °Drill/Lily welcomed to al] three set - The regular monthly meeting of the Y. tv. it. It. Society wss beid on Bre. J. P. Melee. The niertieg WAS ,ioefiested by Mies May Stoddat t. Petters explaining the -educetionsil. medic•I and evaoicelical work of the ciated. 'roe next meeting will he beld May 1:3112. AU young ladies usade wel- Lond. 41. pre/Wiled two seerrnor, In Mitchell is a floe speaker and he eon- veyed his menages at both services in a most able manner. Ile alio ad- dressed the Sabbath school in the Rev. G. A. Woodside, Brantfotd. Oot.. received a letter fries Rev. tallowy Sit. in irhic.h the writer says : ••Tbe moat remarkable event in recast times bar recently occurred in Peking. You have all beard a tbewoodetful Temple ot Heaves in srhith the Ems - elope worshipped mice • year. tly it was thrown open for ten Vie IARE ram FuxNtS BOY moor 7 s.,13 roar them se. It is alio ssod f or al kis& of Easy te apply.' 13 ohm BROM. HOLDER FREE dee Camila Orr Hiamdma How to Wash Dan Panel. shrink after washing them. mean Very Ireque.nily lace door impossible to isee them again- To pew vent this foamy these instmetions: Afar removing the panel from tire door thortraghbr clean the glom. Wadi sod starch the lam. dip in the rode immediately sail replace the panel es the door. Owe should be dbeerwed poll the ism straight. tookiag doom the sides if necessalT. to stretch the Al/ow it to dry upon the door. =Lidera tar better reseals ties • Isazader the semi is the um& mini. 9100 Howard, 1100. li•e• Mot Awe et lees me The madiere et Mb paw wall be to lboteehma bae AM to mop ta Its C0110111:270418107 moo me Mown M sewoomet owe_ slosh sae. swim area tie moo I"- Wea.nresemerdt==i- MO Create OppeanaltT. tandem crairiffte•. Mos in opportunity stasis 11816. we nub Int la hour make it If the =ZS* de not wait flit they handle the hut 411•011•99. limey ami1 is Os teeth et The WM insdily as Our sod Woe II nesid2 UM ant mese Ns mishalur u m suet Ivey hi4 boat hi MID1111 • wall is bed swarm "Year Wier said sWIMMIM sheik sw see yin. so Isle lea Mak dean leer whoa Ihe young ilea Sol whet he steeearg.TS W.4 go bow emir The Lima sizcza at a Them It to hoe kw hi IC' "I seam hessil pa Is • UNNIONIINO •1111 Tea SAUL ST Ideal Feneing No need of sending out of town when you can buy the reliable Ideal at the prices we are selling at - A number of manufacturers are selling a light wire called No. 9 which is only one feature of in- ferior fencing. Compare the weight, on the szale, of Ideal Fencing and any other make and you will find that the Ideal will weigh the heavier. Howell Hardware 0o., lotd. On the verr altar where hip nt saeri- pointed to tbe Lamb of God who tek-eth away the sins of the sir -old This is unexampled in all the long history of China but doutitlees we shell see stranger tbiogs as Ono* goes dam awl Ammer the crowds minim - oriel. awl their converts took up stand and preached frosty sad ander ▪ prevertice. which. however. woe o w▪ e thew Dr. Lowrie stool us the verr top of the Altar of Sacrilles sod the asspol. Risco the ab- ralosibillino Imperial worship has Mean piatie there. bat sow nelOtions liberty by. Everywhere the prospects of t be (impel are encouraging. and dinorder is. on the whole. %wonderfully Pewit:Dies abound, but the Christ itris are optimistic." It WAD never meant t hat levy people eliould reach the top of tbe *ladder - there would be no place for tbem to sit down. 000EISICH MARKETS. • Our price on 7 wire is Atic per rod. A L tlowellilardware Co., united. Tavares'. Aril rtn boa *wee. ea me bedi Ilroa. net 100 If SO be IS ea Weal. pee bad- A ID le 40 0 0 la 111 T.verweer lb 001to 001 • 17, H TESWAh evert be Caoada who bsa There is owe dry yeast never ba • be... lied be bee boss makhg yeast ler 2$ yew& Its mass SWAN YEAST CAKES Are me obkablee ems bowel of hie AO and imperlireme Be pees yes woeful Breed Issernaor Talky sill revers hes WIWI MST CAMS flia Toe bor. There am be se %Mar yeses dew Maw *ma Toast Calms. We do Mt knew of any vas so pa& THE BEST PLACE TO BUY HARDWARE. In the Spring Time The Square. Osikrich Agent tee Wssilbeimir Mew Brighten your house with • few iiew pieces of tat nitare. Meese bear is miad that you ces secure Nigh - geode Foraitawe at right prime at this More. Whether yea are famishing an entire h ome. Wise up • room. or purchasing only a sharte piens. we should like to here you eon mai we whet we ewe ao fee you. plow No.