HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-4-10, Page 1010 f'atotaisaT. Argue 10, 11$I
crrr ciRcuLAITioN
Cr l.adfus Mersb.M Dells
t adsorese GIN PILLS
I\'E lose Teamed
suffering from
lideey Trouble --
two boxes of GIN
PILLS - and it's
all gone. That has
been the experience
of Mr. Suzette
(menet, Chid City
Circulation Agent
of Le Patric, of
uontresl. He
describes it
feelingly :
May sec, rats
•'I &sive hem oaf eriag,trom I
bad also ▪ ble for
t over eve s� �i
▪ muscles could mut sleep t
o3 some oc..sions some oaf oyer bust
Fey-'habeen tine without
by 'chef mad I lost
Fey -weans bs pas day I sad
oc c r filmes
one of ser betelkeepera
Lal ms cased by your
pI LLS. sad he easiest* se to try thea.
bo 1 bought two boom at tee drsiget.t'.
01/^: before I load used ear -how I Deg change -Wow l isrsiredtrthe
sa wed sae I was eespised y cured
1 ma essrwe you I case herder iaireve
t:: our if I halm* isssisre sari f knew
ewe 1 .e.ii est lsasm evert over Owe
ti uadend Sricm br amslteag whoa two
ta sea d GR1i 1111201011111 QV SNC_
PILLS are ri ass • works wale
repetarse. b thii messy eea*irhs
most ehmoeste came .t sb..eeri+
and a8 kiwis of Liime, Twine.
yea alma., L for Salo. - Segovia liesa
if yea velar Dmug
Ca. of Cassels, Limited, Tesma r- eel
1 i
MORA NE t•. -
Wall Paper
\Ce have another
lergr ronsignineat of
A'.11 Pap -r to lee passed
through the customs
stout Monday, April
lith. This will ccwpp ete'
our ►tock GIs W a 1 I
Paper for this season.
In this shipment
will be found some very"
bpectal Talues, and moat,
erns ir. eekeng sod de-
signs. Price•s'aill range
from 15c per toll up to
5c, while our ret, Can-
adian Papers range
from 5: per roll up to
We are putting. on
s:.leSat urday, April l'Lth.
another lot of paper at
4c per roll. We haye
two lines only to clear
at Chia price,
Terms strictly cash.
much insure ice during the currency of
the said bonds. said insurance to be
for at least the amount of the bo
se to be guaranteed ss siorwsad : •r/
each mortgage ►hall also contain sirrb
farther or of e -r' provisions for rite
protection of the said corporation Dee
tbe opinion of the "elicitor fur the
said corporation may be deemed
neeesaarr- for that purpose. 1
i t' pon the said lands beiug ac-
quired and the said mortgage and as-
signment of patents biotite executed and
delivered as aforesaid, the Map r d
clerk .hall execute the guarantee
the bonds as afotesaid. hut the laid
hoods ►hall thereafter be held by the
said corpse ation under its sold rooted
until disposed of at a price satisfactory
to the council mud the proceeds there-
of shall, wbeu bold, be forthwith de-
poaitcd in • chartered bank in the
town of tioderich to the credit of the
said corporation, to be paid out as
hereinafter meotiooed.
5 Progress certificates .ball be is-
sued from time to time by the archi-
tect in charge of the erection of the
said factcry and the said moulding
awe (which it i., agreed are to be
erected in acrordeuce with the provi-
sions of paragi a frit 2 hereof . of the
aauwnt of w hich seventy per cent.
shoe be paid out ot the said proceeds
to the contractor on account ot the
eat of ounatt1.ction by the said cor-
poration if est i -Med that the progress
awt+rate is cored, an,l that there
Mat We out.staoding chime against the
Candie& which c,.uld constitute a
alsas�e upon the name or upon the.
mid bud*, thew hole cost of the raid
a.Mery and n•oulding shop, however,
Met in may event to exceed the sum of
mor to be less than the sum
af�01a, and the balance of the
said proceed..ball be paid over to
Sice-Kulght Limited upon the row-
pietien mad ..lu.pnient. as provided in
lealearepti * hereof. of the said factory
moulding shop. w ail all necessary
teals. dastard a•ehioery, and upon
the whole being frond in the manner
bereinhefnre p•iovided to be of the
value of at least $40.001.€1 freed and
discbatgrd from all vendors or me-
ch:.rice' liens or charges of any kind.
end subject only to the said mortgage
to the said corpw, ation.
ti. The acid mortgage so to be ex-
ecuted as a for. aid by- Rice -Knight
Limited bhall also contain a covenant
by the .aid Company that it will em-
ploy during the first eighteen months
of its operation in the town of Gode-
rich et least thirty hands, and that
front and after that time the number
will be increased to at least fifty
The Colonial Book Store
(, ts,O. PORTER, Prop.
Phone ] r• Ooderich-
polling _planes .ior+..ii.
sad at istitiof tho 'etas
by tu nemiiiniti'
the tte possum
lauriia tiate* in t psvoing W O& bylaw,iv y.
12. Theo resat d dmcouncil of tie
said tows of fieiel1.h shall attend at
biomass ie ths Warn hall at ten b eros tie torof Monday. the bt o'clock
of Tilley. 1913, to sem up the number a
votes for art against the bylaw.
Provisionally paired at the roused
chambers at the tuwo of tiudera•b,
Um Ota day of April. A. D. 11013.
Mayor. Clerk.
TAKE NOTICE that the above is a
true Dopy of a proposed bylaw which
has been taken into consideration and
which will be Madly passed by the
council of the wuulcipality lin the
event of the assent of the electors be -
Maple Leaf Grocery
FLOWERS. - Raster Lilies,
Carnation% Loses.
FRUITS. - Pine Apples, Ilao-
ane+. c tramps, etc.
VEGETABLES. - Fresh Rhu-
barb. Lettuce. Radish, Ore- n
On ion., Celery.
SYRUP. - Log Cabin Bra,. -1
Maple Sirup, labelled some -
lutely pure.
FLOUR. -Self -rising Buckwhen •
MEATS. - Choice Cures a ••:
Cooked Meata.
COFFEE and TEAS. -titer ..w n
epeeist"' blend Aurora Coffee
sed choice Teas.
BUTTER and EGGS. -- An
emote r. •p1 ly of strictly fresh
1r-gg• and deice Butler.
Cell or 'phone 52
se J. Young
liamilton street.
Log obtained tbereti atter one month
from the flirt publication in Tbe God-
erich Star newspaper, the date of which
publication was the II tit day of April,
1913. and that the votes of the electors
of' the said municipality- will be taken
thereon on the day and the hours acid
placeb thereto Heed.
And further take notice Lthisi all
leaaebold•rs qualified tanner the pro-
visions of 3 Edward VII.. :hawse M
section 351, s. a. 1, are required Ws
days before tae day of Totts* to Me
with me a statutory dedarstbs of
qualification, • ocbere i.. their stlses
will nol appear on the Toter* list tor
such voting
L L K 1tiOX.
Mos -
Liver Spots, Pissolsa.
Dark Circles Under
the Eyes
are all signs of the system betas
clogged The liver and bowels are it
active and the stomach ,s weak hum
undigested foods and foul gams.
the great fruit remedy, will make jos
feel like a new prrroa
t 'i` nsiprg, June Z7. 191 t.
After taking tbtee boxes of Torr
Fig Pills for stomach seal liver
troubles I feel btrueg and wen and
able to do my own work.
Mas. A. H. SArunea. Turktab CO M.t 111:mister. "Y'hts bap-
Sold at all dealers in 25 enc: 50 -cost ��_.-- between the age e1
holes or mailed by The Fig Pill Co.. 1 0• and MOO ell cow -
St. Thomas, Ont. Sold in 3odeticb r.deship life her b07 ieioads muse,
by E. R. Wigle druggist. • cease, the veil being the visible sym-
bol of the separation d the sexes.
SENT TO KINGSTON An. this eeparat on is complete in
PENITENTIARY.. every detail. At Constantinople, in the
M•hawnmsd's Daughter Was ttse One
' Wibe introduced the Hary arta
the Vsil into Turkey en the Oresatd
That a Woman iheutd Sts No
Other Maw Than. Her Husband and
Her Fatter.
What attracts the moat attention of
a foreign traveler in Turkey is ata
women. Like shadows in an atmos-
phere of secrecy and silence. these
veiled phantoms arouse in the heart of
a stranger feelings of pity and curi-
osity. Not only tbe atonies of the
Arabian NigbIa, tut tits romantic
mystery that surrounds Oriental him
have been the cause of the eagerness
of the western imaginalto 1 to knew
something of the harem. that real
home of Turkish wttaae.
Aceerdisg M Islam, lbs. master d
OW home ono can eater the fstthharem;
alba* oer e Pseph a a
fast rico diaite w o...fgtiaa ler
disk ssyt . '•A vutoese manna is '
the most previous tbissin�the Dei
te, and as web sirs Oswald bg
est of tab yobbo eeiheity."
MOM artiseler roast h. wad
j GM&
•Ties most virtuous wwmaw is she tree
sews no man, and wham no mss seoes
swept Wm .hollseid mid her
h toss this atm •f the Prophet.
soarer lag M bap lt.nsif s. whom
imolrssMae paver -. quoin who intro-
ntrodowel bgoms ward vans lei the Turk-
ish marsh; Ar she heta),ht that tbs
mast parasol tem- ams virtue was that
wits& wee the haat gmrtd to Minger
Ow the Whet hand. she MN* Mat
wets. - mid be Dee asmiine and sir
afesfie as peak&- b him est d Ow
atmsgi/s sf -ea. The absolags
aspemttisn d awes. the maga bog
ale mer the social end On ►
malt f1 f tie dsmestie doting. was e
fusda-ist.l prsaciple of the Islam
"r1. gfrl•s seri usi ,n in her father's
hoe harts with the wearing of dna
veilwriting the son of • former
trains, in the tramways. in the sub -
7. It is further agreed, in the event Stiff Sentences Handed Out to Mnrpb)
of this bylaw .recetring the approval and Burling.
of the necer.aty urajority of the dee- Twelve years in Kingston peniten,-
we ,. that the f.etory and moulding iary for Thos. Murphy. alis U•B, ien,
shop bo to he etected as aforesaid alias Brown. aha, L ud:igen (the last
shall be eeo:ecded with immediately believed to be his tight names. and
upon the line) gabbing of the said by- four years for Edward Burling. mete
law. and null le ready' for and will the beutencce banded out by Judge
commence oeeiati.m within one Year Holt on Saturdey on the serious
thereafter, and will u'utiuue in operas chargee of house -breaking and theft
tion tbeocefui tit brought against thebe men.
way from Galatea to Pere, in the ;L -
tions. as well as on the steamers that
serve the country along the Bospho-
rus. we find a curtain to separate the
"beau seze" from the other."
In the streets t.1 Turkish towns one
hears in early morning voices cry-
ing, "Stull!" (the milkman); "Bak-•
kal!" (the grocer); '•Ekmekdji (the
baker;. As each door opens a lithe'
hand slips out and takes the deliver -
S. And by way of further aid' to On Friday- Murphy was tried and ed goods; but the receiver remains
Rice -Knight Limited it is hereby de- found guilty on the charge of the theft eternally hidden. It is true that of-
clared that the lands. building, plant,
macbiuery and other assessable prop-
erty of the said Cowpony, and all ad-
ditions and improvements made there-
to. for a peril ..f tan years beginning
with the year 1913, shall durumrd ingg the
of two watches.. rings and other valu- ten one hears a feminine voice giving
aides from Dulmage a hotel et Haris ne
w orders or making inquiries; but
ton. The article] belonged w Mrs. who she is and how she looks re-
Dulinage and were taken from the mains a mystery. A Turkish women ,
dressing case in her private room at 1 never goes shopping, and only on el -
the hotel. The theft took place on the ceptional occasions goes on business
errands outside her home.
Every Turkish home is divided into
two distinct parts -the . aelamlik foe
the men, and the haremlik for the
women. In aristocratic 'households
the selamlik and the haremlik form
two independent sides of life, each
containing a eeparate staff of servants,
erode for the selamlik and female for
the hareielik. In the middle clan
this division is less strict. When the
husband --be he merchant, clerk, or
professional man - returns after his
day's work, he usually spends his
evening :n the selamik, where he is
joined by the members of his family
and receive intimate friends even in,
the pretence of his females. ' How -
said period of ter Yeats He rill and dapp before Cfuietmnas last year.
9. This byl..w snail take tffect on
the date of i be final pas.iog thereof.
10. The vote of the electors of the Audi said town of ti.dericb ll be taken
on this bylaw at the following times
and places. Ih..t is to .ay. on Satur-
day, t be 3rd day of May. 1913, cod
m -
encii R at "te hour of 9 o'clock in the
formate and cuitinuing until 5
o'clock in the af.erno.ro of the same
day, by the tolluwiog deputy return-
ing.officers : were coocluded.
Pulling ..11.dieibien No. 1. at An extensive assortment of the
Tbop..•n•s wood *hemby John H. , goods stolen from the different places
Mdw.ird. d -perry rel urning racer, and was on view in the court room.
hail - the Bt usseIs
Inaemed for all par poem•, atter pt moi To 1 the ch of breaking iota to and
taxes. at the sow of a1f1,000.
OU stealing goods fir m Alex. Staaehan'e
store at Brussel+ on the Aird of Janu-
ary last Murphy pleaded guilty.
A third charge, that of breaking
into the house of L L McFaul at Sea-
for..b, in the same month, went to
trial. and again Murphy was found
guilty. During the bearing ofB
ence in this case Mts. Burling. wife
the prisoner Burling, fainted in the
witness -bol, and the Court adjourned
until Saturday. when the proceedings
Jonn l3 Mlcbay, poll clerk.
Polling sub+livislon No. 2. at Robert
Mel.ea... sere nett to Wm. Sher-
man'• r. pair .hop, Haat street, by
Cleolea Bates, deputy ieturniog uf-
fieer, and Reg. Sharman. poll clerk.
1'.11 ug •uf,.diribi..n No. 3, at town
h 14 by EL C. Belcher. deputy re-
tun.iie officer, and Win. Ktwz, pull
P. Ping sul.tlivision No. 4. at
f3u.thers' wood .bop. by Huron A.
Tuffo.d, deputy returni• g officer, and -
11 w. At.•t here. pull clerk.
Poll.ng rub -division No. b. at Mss.
W 1 on.. .torr. Wert street. by Georg•
t . tel+ck, deputy returning tamer. and
II 0. eiturdy. poll clerk.
Pulling sub -division No. d, at
I3.. pbey a store. West street, by H. L
1\-atao ., deputy returning omoer, and
W.w. Tait. poll Art h.
1 ►' ding wrbdivision No. 7, at Dennie
•I.. i1M'. hour, by Donald McKay,
• puty Telureiog allow. and Bob".
e , poll clerk.
• 11.
On Friday. the laid day of May,
1913. the Mayor of the said town 'ball
a1.ieid at the council chambers of the
said town at bit o'clock ID
I fore-
noon. to appuitt perilous attendat.
AND OTHER sTc�rsNi�s
faurrellrWai. Sias. T
■ nesse se ..... -term la
Tams Wearers-. .. mea w
it imism our Wads
aledde tI risme terkVA r
Orta iendeile As•rt s
✓ e'w et
Sews d Illee>+ rase w
Theses ere ell iaan clew ares see
eememl a one sr J. MA asst. r•
R a, I lmeesese Oeerk
Burling hada ru
thrid 19e.fortb affairs and pleaded ever, in the poor families this almost
g uilty. He gave evidence for the vanishes; for there the husband and
browo in the Seaforib case' against the feminine members of his family
Murphy. His previous good repute- intermingle freely during the entire
tion also was in bis favor. l day.
Donald McDonald. &young man just It is rare that a Turkish husband
s ft w months out from Scotland. who accompanies his wife in the street.
was mixed up with Murphy and Bir- She usually god alone, with ber
lingafter the robberies. pleaded guilty children, companion. or servant. A
to the charge of receiving stoles goods poor Turk is often an exception; but .
and was released on suspended cent. even he walks on the opposite side of
ens, the street. To a guest. especially to
IMurphy put on a very bold fate • stranger, a Turk will never speak of
throughout the trial. and in address- his wife or of his daughter, and con-
ing the judge before sentence was aiders it an insult if he should be
pawed be stated that he had toren be- asked about his wife's health. In his
61nd prison walls nearly ..11 the time conversation he avoids mentioning
Rogers Bros.'
tax the 1•st Mftern years. This bs ber name as much as possible. Bet
borne out by the prisoners re:ord in it he is absolutely compelled to steak i
the hands of Crown Attorney Seager. of her, be will make use of some eves- .
which shows that be h.es &went several ive expression and say "our family.
terms in the Central Prison or King- ar "oto borers"; but neves "my wife "
'too PeniNntiary : that in 1007, at It a natural that •Tor
and than trial. of esniped from jail. • hitxnrions grembottse plant, for
and L s in the entu,.ng year be had whom there never was left any other
a •errs of adventure. with mhevifl.' Oration than to plea's h
kish woman
SSault/ha Marie, icb., when be was ruler these eoitiditiotrs has remained
her hns-
pawes in Miebig n. After •
pawl All her attention is confined r
doe! aha Obs sbenQ at lake City. romantic subjects. That there could
be other interests for semen beside
the family and romans, remains in-
conceivable to bed. Although she
never has to think d aiming ber liv.
ing, and even doss est nosd to take
care of the b.eaokeopiag, yet site
shows hardly say inNr,d in art or
literature, and M speak of in
the social or mad
general ed r was4. Derr weeb
ern sisters are YeesM,d• she never
gees in her harm a compaaioe. but
s master. The Imnga is whir sits
addresses him Dew mow rwlpsoM+
than Leader. 01 .11ama. titers Dew esu
ceptiosss wham re wile is el royal
blood. and the tethead of Warrior
Theexistansaet tis harem has
brought about • drplsrmbis marriage
method in Turks". whoa a girl has
reached the age al .illy bar par-
rots and relatives t III te pe.ie bet
beauty and rides.lis yang er A,
whose they with to sorry b
aid rrerairMaio 1n IM
herewith or tho rail. Obs wpmlistable M opinionAN
ow opinion N
It le . kid at viable is Omar
dart. hemmer te b
eir.amMllamss have
roasted rigid/a
rily ier sierselrrbr
dtt Dew
Mob.. be was captured and sent to
jail, where be dug by
He was again captured atter
whoathe in • arm and wsent to
the Reformatory. There be was
the prima mover in . desperate bit
useesagyl pbt to break prison. He
was released in May of last year amid
meow to have kept out of limbo ta
*sill w authorities of Ibis county got
attar him. Crowe A t torte Meaner
and Hag# Constable Whit have
owns bard over the oes and have
tits sothda actinof bevies succeeded in
p{neieg • dangerous man behind the
ti, prisoners were defended by M.
O. Johnston.
6cirand Burling were takes to
High Oew-
merWhiteside. and Deputy fibeiii
ibis week by
is ww ort and es -
Silverpla te
E invite you to
inspect o u r
stock of the
celebrated 1847 Rogers
Bros.' Silverplate that
Wafter H. Harrison
liossollo, ser/ Optd.a sed sSelk. Oral
B eth Quick and P•rr..aneet B,rwigth.
if you are was down or tread et.
tta/kae add My to
d re re saber
itwpsad vi ality. My oar itlaoanti's
S ystem Seatvstee sods, Ws. priss swap.
rawMs * Yui be M*r' ashes radar
It aide WW1. Plass up the wireves
Oma. Tor nab by t R
Ready for the
1 Spring Cleaning
1 Season.�
Large shipments of Rugs, Carpets, Lin-
oleums and Oilcloths direct from the British
manufacturers have been passed through the
customs the past two weeks and we are now
ready to meet the demands of the Spring
cleaning Season.
We are sure we are well within the mark
when we say that never have we shown a
stock of floor coverings the equal of that now
here. Whether looked at from the viewpoint
of variety, quality, value .. or attractiveness of
pattern and design, the stock we have now for
you to select from is by far the best in the
history of the store. Bought at first hands
direct from the mills we know values and
qualities are everything they should be.
English Wilton Rugs
Canadian Wilton Rugs• •
Axminster Rugs
Velvet Rugs- • '
Brussels Rugs
Tapestry Rugs• •
Scotch wool Rugs
Canadian Rugs
Union Rugs
Special sizes of nearly all rugs
procured on short notice.
English Floor Oilcloth, all widths, at per sq.
yard . 30c and 371c
Printed Linoleuins, 2, 3, 4 yards wide, sq.
yard • 45c, 50c and 60c
Inlaid Linoleums, 2 yards wide, square yard
only $1.00 and $1.25
Linoleums properly and carefully laid.
$35 to $65
$20 to $45
$18 to $50
$18 to $35
$13.50 to $30
$8 oto $20
$14 to $18
$9 to $20
$4 to $9
Beery ebaracterietie, style of a par-
tieularly iodividuai year has its
illustration in our big atttaetive
millinery department. Both In
form and color there are number-
less new feature& Fresh New York
arrivals this week nerve to keep up
tae interest and forcibly illustrate
tis decided tendency to the ht i gb t
sad gay in trimmings.
These 33e Dress Goods
Time Dress Goods we are *snag
at sips a yard ire worth ovary eget
of Ms. all wool every yard of thong.
Browse, greens. navyi and grwra.
mostly sstges.5/ incites to h inches.
very s.eesal biased. Per 33c
Yoe Ga Get Material for
a Good Slack Skirt
for Sze Per
This matertsll 1s
all-wool pin -
ama. 1 t is 44 ladies wide. tie dye
is absolutely fad sad the usual
prior $L09. The 'uremia, of a
clearing lot eanhaw at to offer
yards .t per yard 57c
New Serge
Dresses SIO
These Dresses are made from
a real English all -wool serge.
They reflect one of the reason's
beet and most popular styles
and are really a most serviceable
draw. All read to put on. any
alterstioos required made with -
blak,eah.. . SinW
blwek, each .... .
Mimes Lrewd. •artne quality,
Particularly Good Value s
is Colored sad Black
Silks at 95e
and 31.50
These silks are eze.pliosally
good valet. They are of • eavy
quality. des and mire d1
- tens. vd1Ns for walls or
ears ss. A fan IMP of 'bade.
at sad pM.les adliug black.
2S -lash pew .ilk Pail- 95c
alma pure efik Clogle