HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-4-10, Page 90 • 0 0 • 0 0 • 0 • l 4 k I C Albe RS tames. arta. RATP,g outwear LAN pure )NGER iceorice IGHS, TION tlst,rie f a made= e meet laannd.. They ap K we rsinest lets on 1. was- arta. or dm W- ei the Omit eget c. THE SIGNAL : ::ODEEICII_ ONTARIO The mews of the bist1ct $4, J.‘ +414446****** 46*** ***fib** **********44t - OOOIRICH TOWNSHIP- disposed ot. the formerscgoing to the 8ArtlsoA' . April lades of the dwelt the latter u : T, April fib- 'the Gum Serday hools. kleA sowing is the order of the AZ/ dsmsot=-tiatioe heM at H s,ys twenty per can d tM Det pro L IlsesY s farm meth to the 'general ibe g,,t. H.a.,ld dell bas sea eery et, it eruct- sleaze as iyt� t.i l eye week i bate' MaeDerard how a atttarepLet�•n. ad ' bel Walker sad .t11� J. MacKenzie has the roof os his darn rod his vat Thy i.jurra1 by the hitt deem. KINTAIL MONDAY, April 7th. *es i. here Wdd bees been is sere Duwbra's than !r L h�eer4ttR yew d1ethis • a< sad it is ria Mead the fall idlest will suffer in ueoce• Wee Austin dad Mike Ooart e/ .e repairing the 'gr s ew nite,ei;y meeting of the at the s It,t• ewer was held ate o[ d Mn. Benjamin- In mete the weather a ,b w . ie [i s_Matirl 4 tan Mast- The �Iay.rtedbR ws be held -- Allow Maelfmile is visiting of c«,,,.rd by the !anent whetstone. I anal r rrQta•fd altimmeen was atilt e • +t re. Res. Co w - b. Mrs. Geo. Ferguson, Wert eater, ami Weans/441dear- cormjuse. mos was well nue rdedr , promises committee else cost sad efforts are befog made to lard a prom - Meet rare of the legisiatete and also - use of the Heusteot Commons. The belt meeting will be held on Fria day, tbe loth Inst. Mies Ma -pre! R..m hes ewer= completed bar eoerser set Centra nese College. tetra•furd, sad u hone fur a decoct time bet ate totting a position in Tut unto Mt rice. April ab - Mr. and Mts. N .1 Sheppard, of the Hayfield hoe, left 1..t week for Mack- lin, 1M... where U . Sheppard has a homestead. acid ,a sere their moo. Lemeird,is located. !flea. A. Huller. after • bsid allows d pneumonia, peered away am Tiers - day d last wee'. Tb. en $eeday, was largely 61.00 a re's-, taut subscrtners to The The sympathy of the community goes gigeel may secure it at OJ cents. or eel to her bereaved bestow' cod cbil- ei a0 foe tie two deco- The Comedian t+upet enco ,weekly 1. i = OMFORT SOAP.,,.. 11 P;,, TA ELI THE LAP4CEST SA i. IS CANADA T'SAIL RIGHT Tet; People are the Be 1 J ttdges of merit in the Ion That's run. wh L v omfor Soap outsells its rivals. • G. iI Longley and Beat Fawcett. I 'lbs Worms's bre/tut* will bold its regular pt ice t1." J a year. mai wbo eonducted t lee produce fame' Ito nutr tily eetiag at Mrs. Mol- by *goal subscribers for el. or tit 40 "Huron Gardenia.' ..0 the Huron roads j.w-6 eta Toureday. April 17th. for The Signal and The Spew -tansies. the lar' two yesne have disposed or it Rm. R J. McCormick will Rive en a1- The three papers -The Signal. The to Geo. Mair. Yr. Fawcett bes gOAe dress °. •TjeTweot i. theeotary Boy." Fruit. Grower sed Tae hporteutan- to Gtderich to take • positioore . in the �1 webs-mThePrices e for Sleet. regular twifor the Big -Mill. and Mr. L wig y intro& is Geo. Mair of the Huron road. has Sarre would ancon it to Stet. All subsrrip ions sbuwM be tunes, to the ami !oy of the Gravid sent `to Trunk Rsilwa bought the market garden property y adjoioing bis. HULLETI . Eggs are being •hirp•d from here by frietrbt to Montreal inlarge quantities. MoNDAT, April 7th. Mr. Ti !wart b•rap:rt►ag•.ud season. Charlet H„gert -n and family lett last week f ,e Aird. ie. Alberta. where IOPPEN, Mr. Rogerson has .. large farm- TrEeu.T. Apt it bib. Fred Gibbe, of L wdesborte left for bT. Mg1ENa• TvatnAT. April $t. gsad. 1'. McDonald, of Windham. bwtieg le end around Si. Helens. W J. Tide and firs. D. Todd meepasdma ti .`el, days in Wt gham.M r • limit be. teen received thatDom.kerfotd rod R Jas. ans.tte had at resist their destination atter a ioig ialy on the road neer Fort Wa- llin.Mean Phillips has returned to seen. where where be is engaged in the -iy isiioe�• Jia Jol:.t has engaged all his farm keeat inereeste wages. Jae suuin Ache lett for the 'cert • i. Tuesday. goes $iera sed to to near York ton. Jay. McGuire left oo April Zed for the 'test, to work on bis farm near Pesepsee.o• see. Flap }; iLenhaut- who bad been sailer tax l bn Webster for the Meter. keit f : t br West last week. the tathits • J the summer with tris brother Wil lam by the amval to a new boy. w NurLs -Yea. Jason McDa unlet le at Wrestleat. Sad.. little girl makes everything bright in Iwroed bone from Detroit on Mon - Ale=. Leitch has disposed of lot 16 the bows ut Fred Fowler. day. her daughter, Miss Florence, on the 7th ooncett::.n to Robert Lew- Mr- and Yrs- Nigh attended thel cerate' 't its .her.. .. mg Aonthose eon, the price being $L.tZte Mr. low- wedding ut tbat lady's pis er, Yir who are leaving toe Ile W ibis son now owns 251) scree. Yr. and Mrs. Kober C'harette. en•l Adolpbe Bedard,' week a1e Arthur Tiicihorne :and sister Leitch may retire sod move into Clio- of Drysdale. onGisela' inst. Bath. Herb Bennett and Ben Lindsay. tori. Alen -sign Piot' ttit Go!R.-Oo Moe- Mir Mary Lindsay left for Tor - John Moon, a former Hullett boy. day, ' et 8141 ult.. in the eighty-third pato last week. .A outnher from year of his age. tbp late Robert Melfi• here attended rhe to Holmbrines- war, tarried ow the beth alt, at Se- passed sway in tbe bone of his sow vas d the Goderieh Township old .tt.. u the mete trio* Mir Vice y lea". daughter of Yr. said Yrs-'3eor'ge m law, Bev. A. McYibbon, at Lor►don.'� Boys' Reunion oD Friday evening and Hoffman, of that place. Gansu were t The late Mr. Metas was born in Forfar- report everything progressing Rapidly. shire, Scotland, July17. 183L and The nest regular meeting will be he oherpresent trim Clinwa, Goderieb and • emigrate to Penns!cane will iia OW April 18th. All committees are re- .Nbrr places o renis while still • mere troy- The quested to be able to report at that A Rem rkalak Offer- - family •reareined these but a short meeting. ed to Ootari0. Subscribers to The Rignal may secure Tbe Daily Globe from now W J63111/417 1st. 1914. for 111.9e.New cubcribers to Tbs- Signal may have Tbe Signal end the Daaly Globe from nowJanuary 10 Janry let, IU14, for �4ti. subscribers Tbe New subarribemay Signal and Tee Weekly Globe toe the remainder of the year for 8kc, nr any present subscriber to The Signal 'nay have lee Weekly Globe for 3oe. Send all subscriptions to the office cfn The Signal, Godech. not_ week. He wills net The home of lariat. pick • is miler toed Thee •real, G odericb. Ont. WESTWAWANObei Tut -t..• n.trip coursed t,f es , at \ e- watioah will meet May o'clock, as a wart are ri lou. PORTER'S HILL.MONDA', April 7tb. COLBORNE. 7 t•easesT. April bth. James Milian is going around on marble H- ba pee to be able soon to Iyer theta aside. Ver. 0. G. Hallman. the $v d totar le aageli- r, has met with agath r bp -W di icing on hie way tatown. Mee ver Me. Jewell's, tbeith ds d e 17tekeeie. The hose woe a littler wwl but was kepttnmder control. re Thaerene gentleman tied to bor- maabtrggy to proceed on hie way. N,,TER.-Rev. Da Medd, of tasdmieh, preacher se Beene eller Mrtb- likeh.edt next Suedey morning, at mrs Teetb in the of truces• and at Bethel in tbe t renin ft. The collect ion ifprtbe rcio;.tiogtalfund .---- It a pemthe Ne, bodists of Colbarne do math* it ares to ,elt the prenemage peretty. a b ctt it was their oppor- tmity t d ) this week. There is one tail a.1 Joie* mach needed re - Pira, which a III doubtless run into • easwdeable sum. tame and leen remor It w in those oboes natural impulse ret t 1 no on the bons partof the which theogs •R is to ze me -St that the faculty River on a farm 11 sf which the is most vi L- ♦illrje of GlenallaD is {rattly . bni1L of true criticises 1Suav Af ter spending sonic years on the farm lord Duffest& be decided to learn bl.cksmi�allaoa Time is ee gear. that will Kedge. for • time ran a shop nothing without culture, a tl will ai- of About 1'355 -be decided to come to Huron ways abundantly repay t county and settling titre be opened s. industry.-Jeheeteee. blacksmith clop. On October Lind. , !Biel . s be man led to Mies J�OC, BE f Sneath, his beloved patSset, peek. RRE LCL ceased him about eighteen months ago. Soon etcetera de they beugbt the vel- Gtvee Netlw. the Opp.- po.storeand Mr. Meths was appointed to AgreeAgreeto a Vote STANpo�ILE1. master, • position he held untilIIII1Cf_ four years ago. In Wee one eye was, a over t1. Karel Bill MONDAY. April 7th• operated on for cataract and taking la s wan overtremised on el Bill Mr. and Mrs. Wilson 1t o ( wbo grippe boryerta d hemlo•tit stheesi tet his Ottawa of afternoon. and as the Opposition r . dot have rented their farm to ("aeries biller g hued to Donkin, left en R ednesdwy for Seeks- both- l'h] and hto py d and e was with wooden wlnation agree the debate. the Prime teen- cbeetfnl nod happy t es, Sul ae•teoere condbisway around Minister gave notion of a t7lamatw )[r. and Mrs. Ar.:h. Sterling. of the Sanble lite. celebratee the twenty- the silage. He and his esteemed srhlch as 111 name indicates, fifth anniversary of their wedding the Partner were raemtsen of the Metbo- for the closing of discussion and dist church for over fifty years and ;along of a vote on oleate lest week ;o Marc. with their children were ever willing among which is the Naval 11211. Then Dta:iiti or M¢t-. r. )LAr-i:>Ctie.- helpers in every good "'elk in thewill. of course, be a strenuousstrenuousgpte Mary Ytedonald• widow of the Lee church of their choice- Truly it can Duncan Mac pioneers. died et ber home on the 4th teemed" in tine community- About coecersion on Tueseiey of last week. two yea.• ago they removed to London barring reached the age of eighty and- few montbs later Mr*. Metas years. Mrs. Mackenzie 'mart afamil of three: D.101:111).on tbe bowe.teae; Hugth Horde of e West, wbo it now at home, and Mrs. Chapman. of Atwood. ea this bill itself kenzi.•- one of Stanley's be Laid twiny. -Their memory is Dwm.urG Bciteete-A happening the meek tray b loos and has called limb moth ,ca+patby ie the burning deswef the b.,me of Mr. and Mn. Amstrorgt, with most of its contents. They bare been lining on the plane @..d by .,.h. Moore ow the 4th con - The little house they r•eew- 1isiMd n++ proper chimney. ■ ed on v runt Hang the root c+ntbt fire and tbe w Note p4arc was Mused down is a few minutes. The parents res' am# the little one , be: bad the die tmmaf teeing !bele go up b user and flame. 1110 is coo- dieskae. The people arommd herr are kepi n9' thenwith aubae options. Deers OF Mag. Dowao3.-Tore pissed away at her home on the Baby - Ino line. on Thursday evenine. Nares 27th. Mrs- William Dow son. after a brief illoese Mrs. Dawson waa form- erly Yir Eliz :hell' Foster, of Varna. afterwards d Loudoo. She Mayes ber husband and four mean children. also ber aged tetter. a water in Loudon and •',rot ber. William, on the Parr line. The funeral took place to B - He'd meet tery. Tbr deceased was in her thirty-third year. ST. AUGUSTINE. A WONDERFUL DISQOY*RV. Aa enitnent scientists the Other day. pee his opinion that 0* most won' dm[al discovery et event year* way rise dreoce t- of %m -D.. . J aaraasin 1 As 'nos a« a single tile egessir let Lew Sri applied to a ereond or • ste% each injury it assured waste Need MEM. N.4 one speeder HI ..Uresis !aa been found 1bat Tembenk dem set kHl ' was laid to rest in Woodland comet et y, where the remains of our ft send were Laid beside her last Thursday. The fuoersl ceremony was conducted by deceased's paster. Sec. D. N. Mc. Celsius. of Colborne street Methodist church, assieted by Rev. Messrs. Martie. RaseneCoosins acid Haut, the last two being former pastors here. Ooe :aster. Mrs. Edweed Cosford. of Elora, ant rives him. also four dsogb- tars : Yrs. (Reve A. McKibboa. Lon- don : Mrs J. Balfour. Regina : Yee. Rev. 1 Wm. Gould. of Formosa. Japers, and Mrst Henry Icisoo, of the plate. New Clubbing Offers. TCECDAT. Ape:;'stn. Mies J. C. McDonald. wit, has just retested from the Wert- caller' on Mrs. Rat. McAllister on Monday. Mies iitizs Thou peon hes gone to Winghaw to kern it essmaking. Mir Rate Brophy ber returned battle atter a Ixipby visit with her aunt is Goderieb. Jim Boyle is engaged with Criab Thompson for the bummer. Mrs. Stafford is staying with ber mother. Mrs. }l. Boyle. at priest. Rev. D. Gomm. of Dnngannoo. and A. Jenkins. of Tot onto. vieitrd at Wei. McAlister s lief week. Mrs. Win. Henihan and Mrs- H• Mins visited their sister. Yrs. J. Red- mond. on Tsesday- Theo again- As Boom asTass-Hak is applied to a sore. era tee to akin icer, it stops the That is e why rbildrrn are wd Tm=- Rah. They rare needs' ter 0* Mese, of the thing. All they know h that 'LAW Balk stops that Pala- Mothers nesBothers should never tempt this. Agai.. A« soon m 14111rnek Y ti* to a wni,u 4 or a • �memed Wt. h -meth the Web e_Amss Si' ▪ atimnlet.4 that tarsi bdm4hY Mum 1s ly forme. Mb L.I*g of belt tines treeebet ow bew 1. time ties f secret Inn ..... es we to thr whet eel dieresel 111. tTrimeg♦=4fsn'tae.1�iw► y airemi.itrhe slaw ra.rtareb, Cel. awl tabi Ohm ged �_hr.arewirete easveer sms.•s Walla mer t.1 nes `'m use se ad''zits wee lbst 7!•se•tte WPMa $0011001014100 awl Wm. Oboe yeses aim she be bet he -he le ell ee■ed rleerd All b w/.s el the bre.• ii�•II.r eras Mr. and Mrs George Cowan. of }Myth, called on friends in this vicinity recently. Wm. McIntosh friends last week. Souseof the farmers in this vicinity bare started their ploagbing• The lring the both this seaTsesie J ohs Boyle e easing' son. Mies Mary Raglan has nursed home after a tw• emsethe' visit with her brothers at Sask•tw and Win - Wpm. King and Queen td Attend King George and Queen Mary have the invitation of the GOe Iaperor to attend the marriage PdDcess Victoria Ionise and Prime t August of Otimberland at Bee May 24. The Signal ham • clubbing arrange- ment with The Torooto Weekly Mail and Empire whereby every subscriber to the combination will receive also. witbont any extra charge. The Do- neoion Poultry guide fur one year. That ie. The Sigoel, Tbe Weekly Mail .,,d Empire and The Dominion Poultry Guide -all tbree for 111.60. Mend all orders to Tbe Sigral, Go3e- ries, Chat. Some of our readers might like to take such a piper as The Weekly Fruit Grower. pebble/bed at Grimsby, and devoted to the freit- growiog. market gardeniug and poultry interests. The regular price of this publication is visited Goder'icb ems HpLMESVILLE- TCmiDAT, April 8tb. DioATg os WOW retry wee WU is ie jlehmreb. Ye.merwlRr wbes de WOWS singe ee eels Blee. Ase. Seel& ads/ Jebel therettos elleel*alloil she eases et weeeety wW IL W. TeeweethattM Sew. IL 1140eluitet seppeetwIl the thew+ J. rc. To., Clem �eiie t teed Sewe reeds �N tMhey 7b.w w... ��srak+RM� s . s�rwd relkalid thee. !be bestherW orsr�web dr is leer Via a- Le Prase over Serorlisi t ttI>r a Multitudes of People take SCOTTS EMULSION regu- larly to repair wasted vitality and enrich the blood to wititstsad winter colds sad eepoenre. It contains the hid gra& of cod liver oat, medically perfedn& it is a cream -Luke food -medicine, senydo.dy pass aid iethiabd witbout dry( cr reimel at- Rs- dossed rod advocated try medial)anile sits s everywhere. SLOTTS SNIVINCISIthives out --t,B.'_7euese the membesw d thstr c tmd h.00 and haps thus badiky. N01M a( ...as SCOTT'S MUM Sweasseall .ia�f its east . i ptoil VDT Lafsat•. c sr a -Y■1, slat yes cwt haw IMrf'. is -sr .Bess. Tames ore* 25 NU Cerium !!w Ready. • N10110., Designed by Artists Tailored by Experts Every curve, every line and every stitch on a loth Century Brand garment shows care, skill and "know how." Intentions are all right. Most tailors intend to make you a good suit. With zoth Century Brand you take no chances. They've been "making good -and better -for ten years. Ask for one of our style books. stye Wm tai] of mod taisws Csa- u:r .ataaUle ini.+xsaiaw for the chas'e'r. sarbst a.rdrtar d private peanget. 1.2 Waal of '•eskers' Shad bee:- ~Warily istrvaartieea• Tairbir pas.usa- Yon Aram of 4 'new varkana t .. cau11111.a:4 tact for ask „aril 1914. .beottttatr free wita rYee7 Wirt. Dirilie cr . zoa1L Dos -t Wary writing. Mail Ws torr rant as✓. aides- Tow reeoesa will raadtve antras' natant/an- stare if tae grow .violable. or Hewes for . rurteWrite to -der hr., a swifteeiat swi ra r:a at -a Erse is rugs area D ARCH & HUNTER SEED CO., Limited Dept. 0 i LOA DON, CANIADA 1asartpe. -sar'w�• -- . • +assiesasava.r vaasatmrtralt� nmtasine - Walter C. Pridham Sole Agent for mesh Century Peabody King Hats - Titene.aV. APISH. W. 111113 • The Ever Right Shoe When in company with your lady friend. Whom )ou are eager to woo, One thing I'd highly recommend - That you wear the Ever Right Shoe. For class, distinction, style and ease, They suit the hardest people to please ; Such Shoes are always in demand, And Shoes like these are kept on hand at J. 11. McClinton's East Side Square. Phone 226. 1 0 0 0 0 0 11 eat S �p' (it.IfLila / �� r lan Sici.�od als s tIONDict ami f TH6E etas:ships have se' a new standard for ali classes of 'ocean tra- vel. They are not only the fastest vessels on the Brimh- C:aadiat rower test are jarly mod for the eacelleece of Heir service sed the wperintite tt their aecrao- modanote .Anr7s° DATA rrum gg..red !nes!* bon mar Wet- May 14..a..r Ulm& W.L. nes s w e.. Way s .Owe/ Demme ..wd..'are 11 wet.. 9~11-.aarat.ama wet.)+ is rt.. asst Gae.ee..w.L Net • war. hey s_amt Seems.weal- Jar . w.4. lits- ?t..R.^+t oma. -wise A.r- t w a4 . Aug. fa.. Ilryal sa.rta..wa>L. Ata 7Y A s to .see asst or H. C. t. Bo�au rooArl�prs&.sy,nee t Street EastCa.adaa lreetaeee Ss.ass.ass. LeiL, Overalls Free! We ore sei• .gest, for Walker s Overalls, made in Walkerville. Ont. We gwarentee 1ti menta for every button tiiet come« off sod M rents for every rip. For every es pockets cut from worn garments we will give yon , rte pair d Overalls or Smock Free. Get the hsr•it of eerie( your pockets. Sold and gw.renteed by REG. BLACK Alm by tie Waste Peat sad Overall Ca. Waterville. Ost ""'•_'"g Canadian Prices in Wire Fencing As is our usual custom we 'have laid in a good stock of the best makes of wire and woven fence, and are prepared to fill orders great and small at lowest prices. T 6 III 1111111 •____ 111111111111111 III NM MEI .41111111111011111110 T ; � :'^ - T-.. �T-fit^. "�►�T IOW.' i. - Canadian Wire Fence is made of the heaviest No. 9 galvanized bags carbon spring steel Wire. Compare our prices w others and when doing so compare the quality of the fence. with Ott reds of Canadian and 40 reds of any other and noire tbe difference. at 3e per pound. You will thus see which fen 'X- is cheapest. The money you sere when you buy fencing from us is well worth eonriderine. Oenadien Wire Fence has the lock that cannot clip. Wall n+.. catch and tear anytbing. Once up stay. up. The .Strongest The Cheapest The Best The easiest to stretch up The hardest to break down 8 wires, 49 inches high. all No. ti Wire. per rod 2lic .. :.. -sale 7 ,a 27 .• " Nos. fl and 13 ,. Poultry Fence 18 wires. 7.0 iochee bigh. per rod -.. Gates J4= L2 $.i.u0 feet : 48 inches. Ellwood Gate sass - •. • • • •11150 1:i feet i 48 incbes, We have a limited amount of 7 -wire Pittsburgh Fence left hicb we will sell at $3c per rod. Vaugtban's Patent Post -hole. Augers Have two steel Medea rivetted to toe hottom which ran be re- placed if trey become lookeo. made in 7. 8 a d inches. 'lase. 111.4111 and 'r 1- each Barbed m Fence Wire Our Bared Wife is made o f tberitighly grlvenies•l stock. warranted perfect.. tine his the two or taut - point erng¢le twist herb. pot up in tesla ranginz from St1 Ibe each. and rues approxim- ately 1 11a to the rod. Price per Pip 1ba. f.4.00. FENCING We hese shoot I01 squares ofhaving zour roofs Mown ee in stock Yea wbo bare bad the rta�foortaa t T could tot do better them eel and get oat pr;rem. CHAS. C. LEE Hardware. Plumbing and Steam -Fitting Mot l awnies Bard toed. Solvay Coke. National P11rf1amd Cement, Fire Brick