HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-4-10, Page 8s rattablaST. dr9tst. la, 1114 Groceries - When you are buying Family Groceries, the Erie coosidersuosh is Quality. We guarantee teat our goods will shod the quality test every time. We went you to try them, and 1t for any reason you are cot perfectly satisfied we want you to let us know. as We are here to give you satisfaction in Groceries. Give us a trial on your next order. Sturd} & Co. Grocers, The equate, Goderich 'PHONE 01 enswerwerseriesootiosearraetiewareweo Remember that Pinder is selling all his Stoves and Ranges in most cases below cost prices. Call and see thele. W. R. Pinder Hamihon hL New Spring Goods Coming In NEW SUITS NEW PANTS NEW HATS NEW CAPS NEW SHIRTS Everything in Spring Goods.- It oods.' It will pay you to (done and see us. You will double your looney buying from us. !'1e Robins Square Goderich T. Swans' 'Bas, Livery ud Back Stables MONTiLAL SrazrrT JIM aro !tis SWARM 'BM8a8 hiEST ALL TRAINS AND : PAOSRNGKR : BOATS Passshssss called for io soy poet of the Iowa for all Melee st G. T. R. or 0. P. R. deplete. Prompt asternt used eagafel &mew Our livery end Hack .melon mil be dposed o - T ar! .tw T. BWART8 Fhoms 107 1/esemi M swat COMPENSATE WORKMEN PROPOSED THE SIGEAL ' GODERICH ONTARII. CHICAGO WILL CASE Th. Aieeethe tt I. Proposed to Pig Ort le Care of Mesa e► Disehlerumet The women's Oampsu.stlea ss wkirl !)as been taiaoduosi to tate Lmpalatare l• draft form pa melee far the tattooists plana to tate belay la awe of fatally: Ilea... emapemethus.ammth17 MO irliam ooetyeseatimssagatMy.• 11 Meat Ail. *p to feet, mdarb.. l Gees, demwales- emir. ash tin to fact. small* .......,. • M le cued tomb dlashhe eat {hem pgmwts te the s eepleuc Camera a tion to ha a pee eetap ea • at M. re+�g/e ftpmt 1118111=&. dammtlocermstirdir with IDS set�e�e ralebtrelmil morwelomes. a fatalrumIS a .es amm.iWel en NI de =• iirs=Ns, add a addition Om ibes 01< •Il•t� eco, moved hue t esII los swift lesird to goosed •NO a ham . If me wed ess par cid*, 4h. 111410 d 11. letibm geeeler ties ,Md e if the pieta led is feeder 11,11=tie so ie id tyam hen 1f. anis as la the ore at the ~rid N M with a tem*. The dependent ager a tattier say oiled d the We wt w per month item such date se tis deceased sera or dightsr weal bre retched ths see et tvaatrass. It ass are dependents. la either the ental the marded ante, or the daps MIM trader we. . those nes- tMMd share, the retains to ft. O 1111 r authority alike apprapris SIM fres the Qlyd are to detat- vide .hs rate ofrooeposation, which ROA art 1* sae -ore • mooed the baste et 1613- a NV Tit s Looklme to Better Core arse Peurastii..8 rho. Neeleaad 1160‘116611t • eiktm*e. • ere p opagd 1n the ewers 111141114 governing faseleetri sal deesadet diem& Mane an mese of the neer' Leaturas ws aeoforelllilensto goswshore taro Mer6010rikeet.d bean sell - Mew late Wet.neglected _ d . • . .does farther P - >lalmasaaafiwib capahie are to d MOM .f estr. =for the ntatea 21Is GM 0re!»hw iasla•to ,••revived. C2Om trdammedh in o>,some by are to lie spade Into*of Af�04lat, and Planed in hoary asraefq of C hlidreas Aid eep.e`tsa hod. - >will be largely 1a- �g beta ceaae•9e.a. all the motor load. by humanitarian so FILM( the peat ,.Mar. and ems e tear se 1s hnmanbe ID ps6rsat enetetlomte 0b.'J- b! sambeg throe p the nag& gamida. goardla be, or Iasi - MARRIAGE A4i'f belles f the Rsl.rwn the 'Provincial *weary Prepeot. w. J. Seam hes rg i6ow>as maseadmeate at= ism est: 1. -*Inhale t- of lust tiles 11 days r•gfaadeeil of meroe df ete to toe n lhs weeks Inosaid •tt~las kr defog.. ti -d111 8 s. err a sctarr lm - plea m at le prwfdmd tar r May clergy- men or B nese erne peeler wig -. 21 le aeon that • 4Mier cob pasty tr es Ialot beam. . dr maw Se idiom d hest Y. L-43eeeet terry ire to b. Viratara e.t+.m ler .e Ds . or Oreo 12 months In prim la rammed to the first ries/ Meat. ea w Sdaarlt tete be repaired tree ti one of the emltrwstleg parties to Uto oile OM metitimehere beim <ot itiopiled FARMERS' BANK Deswiwg vas Ask the drerdi enkt t. Pay ,i• -a01 'A` Tweets' Beals ne/drenne Sar 11et Osmmdttee met let weak lx Teo aide a Pr•9sre ear saetta.r eta le be mets soon to the fi.reamset at Otfierw% for redress. ib. whim et the asset.i was that tp. peen- Adh ldtladatloe at 044MIPII. Is Doth 1w�� axetd ersiy bound to come to= • d4, sed materially as* et them 1s41hdr imam A peddle meet Ism will be bill Iry Termite shortly. i outman ere met Mt thousand doped, on were syr► seated .t the ~de ag, who 1. arm regreme t teems reps gists the 1L9M- N$. Sumo of the toe asttteeise nos► elbbalm atm there bad bees so Noised meld. Nod tit •y IMO hrOs .M dist there Were tie rite pnytetlef aline to be net PI .rant the Det art risen its dreslstb is. thus pay teak die Dealstss eiot 1 Pm/Amid Cleo rs- nest depedNs. Tit . tipOddmsre fees n est shoe be pail. 1 et R le mMebet riot ow. m. its sieessat hrado is met the lair .4 eon Mir 0 T. Clerbsss It le sea 1, l mined to l C/or aunt a 111$0A1 +e -massa dr q CHRISTOPM • LUMBUS CRABM, FORMER r • _ H RESIDENT. Is Chief Is Being that Mrs. tot tin l in That Claim 1, Whom Estate 1s valued a2 6200,000, Was Given Mysterious Me dscine. Chicago, April 4. - Pore runners d as attack on the validity of a will and sharp cmtroverey betweee the heirs and bees-Acieries today exceed Jedte Cutting of the Probate Court to ap- point an administrator for Use estate of Mary Spiegel, widow of Louis Spiegel. The value ut the estate ire volved is estimated at 1700,0U0. Judge Cutting appointed the Stan- dard Trust end Savings Bank as ad- ministrator. on representation by Cor- nelius O'Day. brother of the decedent, that be believed the will was obtained through deception and that the sig- nature was not that of his stater. ChM Fiesta the Appe _t:ne . Aroold Tripp, attorney for Cbrist.o pber Columbus Crabb, the chief bene- ficiary of the wilt made a strong tight against the appointment of anyone to take cbarge of the estate, declaring that if given time he could tilt affi- davits that the will was regular and the charges contained in the petition 01 D() $Va1. "Ne harm can be done by the ap- pointment of as aduneistrstor to col - and not disburse,' said Judge Cut- ting. "All that be will bay. to do is take cbarge of the property, and it can make little difference to Mr. Cobb who has charge of the estate.'. The petition of Cornelius O'Day for the eppointesent of an administrator was read to Judge Cutting by C. S. Herren, his attorney. Mr, O'Day in a deposition declared that his relations with his sister had been affectionate and cordial. that she wain polarised of a valuable estate, consisting of mooey, bonds and valuable jewels, and that he had always been led to believe that he would share the estate equally with the other heirs. He says he hid been informed that his sister bad made a will several months before her death and that this will was deposited in a box at SIM Arlington place, the home of lira Mary Spiegel. Mysterious Medicine Given. He Saes. Then, O'Day continues in tbe depos- ition. hie sister went op March le to the residence of Christopher Columbus Crabb. Paving been made to believe, as he (O'Day) is informed, that Crabb era suffering in bed and that one Dr. Miller, who represented himself to be the doctor of the said Gmbh, in com- pany with a Mfr. P. Purinton, gave Mrs. Spiegel a drink. supposed to con- tain medicine. After this. O'Day de- clares, Mrs. Spiegel went immediately to bed and the morning following was ill. which illoen oOetinued until her death. March 'Cl. Mr. O'Day deposes further that Mr. Cramb redtained in bed all of the time, Pretending to be seriously ill, but that immediately after Mrs. Spiegel's death Crabb got out of his sick bed and claimed to have a will executed the day before, making him the chief ben- eficiary and cutting off most of Mrt.. Spiegel'. direct heirs with small be- quests. O'Day says be is acquainted with the handwriting of his sister and that an examination of the will leads him to believe that the signature at- tacbed is not hers. Charges Plot to Ilsep Gess. Further Mr. O'Day declares in the deposition that he believes Crabb flied the will for probate and .ought to exercise powers as executor with the intention of depriving him and other heirs of their rights in the estate. He also says that Mrs. Spiegel was =dof valuable jewels that be are now in the possession of Crabb, and that be believes that it is the intention of Crabb to convert the jewels to his own tree. There were two other affidavits which Judge Cutting said it world not be necessary to read. One was made by a sou -ii -haw. Edward H. Heffernan. mid Dickens avenue, who said be was present at the home of Mrs. Spiegel alter ber death when Cretin appeared sod took oolseesioe 04 & tion box which 1e had reason to believe contained the will d Mrs. Spiegel. also the keys to the fiat and too tbemkt y deposit vault boxes. Feeing for Balers Prissily. The remaioingardavit was by Mrs. ( Elisabeth Hartman, 4030 Drexel boob card. wbo tor yeah was companion to Mn. Spiegel and wbo declared that she visited bar every ontt d nng g during the last year. Mrs. H rt that all of Mrs. Spegets talk i.dieated that she had only the faiendliest of feelings for her brothers and other relatives, that the spoke is highest terms of Mrs. Nellie Heffernan. whom .be called her favorite. ss. '.g that she 'surely wanted to for her, because of the uo kindness that .he had rosivesd et her heads. Mrs. Harte.. refereed to a.� . aid cohere been give. at Mrs Mp••Rs• s boos March 17. 1911, it being Mrs. Spieg.rs birthday a.d those pear eat befog Mr. and Kre. Andrew O'Day. lies. Hartman and George R. hoes. i'rs. Hartman deposed that ptSiegrl said she was pleasing a trip we the Mississippi Rivie and whim wife asted ooM' y her It y�ge wee e.. egad dr aD.r should name the time Fier the I• [n Rartm.s Moo said that the teat Mrs. Deets fter the death of some' mord woe ha/armed med that. W sown did not have show. es she ante. Crabb) pureed lles dried and Mr. OrsbM. Mts. HaSfurther deposed that alt of Mia Rpiegur. Oath was W the effort that her eel tle.s with Otebb weer retir'dy d. Declass . stere. Diet else ooraidms4 hiss crow mrd crsakv. lepsst Centime/ t. April d elr� . been eo.ti.f a until M. to wMt the seek d . uerailyyeluol'0• MMg Messrs takes hose Kea dy laden hertaL Oelemor Mesas says Me /hysii.a lbst Male WM amid by mad hi that the intone te- -en that be win mike _ s tii glom Attorney lienee mod Duty. w are attarkies tat wit elT!w t1*A bare ar•wmisted tar that will be wed is gteq'Mere Ile_qseMiao but that 8flisopi wet delletimee Ise moors' *thee her dee* she 424 a a she eR e4 that Mdesht, the we. eat mwtdl, aaatpteat to execute the deems- tta"asaiddiaMrr.Haemes. ge Coast Charles L Daly.L. the Pio*for *Oareelirs Day, s brohMw. Spier vested Peter Hoff. team lad bald a wufere.oe with that racial. He wee informed that the post-asortam erataatioe d the body made by Dr. a W. Bwkais.,41 eats. eim>r. physician, showed that Mee. Spiegel was euff.rlag from poeusonia CUSTOM SNOW A SUCCESS. Keel Campmate ate Anne live Steck Mew at AaaaN blab blies. Notwitheta.diteg • downpour of rain all day, the withal Moak show held at Clinton ea ! ee. gp bast was a great suooeoa 'rheas wag alba Isor4 j of stock, e.plly d tbheeee#i a, le met Wavy aig.g of he were feutteaa eines: for sae beet *dividend home time were niae- tesM entries. ♦ waist hien of the Dime- =vestries. this year was the competition between the counties d Hugo* aad Perth in the three best heavy harem Huron county won with the sorry of J. H. Scott, Soafortk. R. B. Smith, of Columbr a, and Iota Guardhouse, of Highgate. judged the heavy hones ; J. Currie, of fleeter, the Meet home, John Gibson, of Dealield, the cattle. Following is the prise list : CLTDYneues. Stallion, three years and over - Thomas Mellichesi t 8o*. Seatorth, 1 - James Brooke, Mitchell, 2 ; Thomas McMichael A Son, t eafortb, 3 ea5sa& dtallan, under three years -Joseph Blake, Clinton, 1. PzscaertoN. Best Percbero* stallion - Wm. Berry, BruceSeld. (-or/crusts st c:OXrsnrloN, PRIrs $30. Bert three heavy horses. Huron and Perth -Entry of J. H. !Scott, Sea - forth. HtuVT DL&Uotrr. Brood mare. three years and over - Geo. Dale t Sons, deaforth, 1: D. Fothsringham. 2 ; Arthur W ilt.e, Clinton, 3. Family of three oolta, 1912 progeny, sire name --Thomas McMichael k Sons, (Matoetb, 1. Best three coke, progeny of same sir (foal, yearling and two -year• -old►, any Mass, not necessarily the property of any one man -George Dale and Son. beef Lint. Filly or gelding, three years sod over -Beam Howcliffe,. 1 ; J. H. Scott, Seaforth, 2 ; J. H. Scott, Sea - forth, & Filly or gelding two years end under three -Geo. Dale & Sons, Seatorth, 1 ; D. Cbur.:hill, Clinton, 2. Filly or geed_ ing, one year and under two -Wm. Balt Clinton. 1 ; Robert Wright, Safoaw, 2. Horse colt or Ally, under one year - William Ri.n, Coodance, 1 : Mousse McMitlhael & Son, Seslorth, 2. Aos1cG-1 TTIgal.. Brood mare, three years led over - William Jacob, Mitchell, 1 ;Williqam Jacob, Mitchell, 2; George Chasbehs, Chisel burst, 3 Filly or gelding, three years and over-- D. Fotheringbam. lit uoe ieldl 1 ; Joo. Sbannaha,. Clinton. 2 ; Wili.to Jacob. Mitchell, 3. Filly or gelding, two years and order three -Shell Bros., Seaforth, 1 ; R. D. Bell, Hewell, 2 ; G. Chambers, Chi.elbuist 3. Best individual horse, heevy draught, agricultural or general purpose-Byam Bowcliffe, Clinton, L Horse colt or filly. under one year - W. H. Stevens, Loodeehoeo', 1. IL= ill HUA*as. Heavy draught hareem -J•, in hareem -J• H. Scotts troth, 1 ; D. 8. Liu, Mit.cbell, 2 ; Joe Beysolda. 3. Aviculture,' team in harness -D. Fotrringtlam, 1 (p0 in gold, pre- sented e -stinted by the Royal Bank and the Mo1o.s Clinton branches) ; Job. Wright, Auburn. 2 ; William Jacob, Mitchell, 3 Genera purpose WOW in harness - Jas. Van 1 mooed. Clinton, 1 e1 cloak) ; James Hortos, Lumley. 3: W m. Hill, Clinics, 3. Best gray team beery draught, agri- cultural or g.senl purpose -Jas. VanaBente the members for pre- sented . Were Hums, Demioiao Holm. ) Bost mgtielied team, heavy dr ht. agrioe general purpose- D. S. Litt,(.pool.!). UMW UOrata. Haney. three ears end ever- Wm.Ua6.sLck t:erriage horse, in barness. equip- ment so-etdaeed - W. H. Lobb, Holmeviis. 1: Thomas Cook, Olin ton, 2. Roadster hots, fa harmer equip - .j± ..4-L J. Kelly. Blyth, 1; Thee. Davis, Goderieh. 2 ; Gott. Mc7[iraiag� a.dorth, 2. Roadster Maim is harness -John , o.eeti„ 1 t avis God.r+ei ; Y Hey. D.stPr. Seaters' £.Caraiseg to Alberta and Cum �llt.lehM I 1 tIs and rc.- Lingise every thereafter maul R&pirlue fedi leeeetM.enive. Greed Trunk aawager *10 awIM iso nu►way tram iodise le Os- ter*. Pelseltero, to stse« to Albeitad limehHope ataew at ezepthailly law mass. Ih aresk apaches .ad Fall... Searles elegise este will tsars Tare, be MOD p. a ter aelaalpog titbit doer es shove dote& risdimlismaat Brtme may 0e .j.. d M tshrbt esus at a .coin& The Greed Pacific Railway le the sanest Amid guieke.t rosin be - Mess toe. Trim sew la p{+se6Rt to ltgmhm, sal Teddies t Felsio.. pe�, ttaakalso to llamas.•. Ykrrer ori GTime talks. Wad pesephiets r =dime tub aelolly OW' be eh - tilted as sisellities to dread Trued at idle be C., IL llisetids. OldtAtut F- Cor *mak G. T. /p.. P.P. OdsA at Sew. Tbw. Par moment aid TMs& Aima.. 'Chime 0 Toreate Caell. Market. avp....a.tl.e prices an: - Leis agsrt gaols.... i if to 87.11 Sbtgsel asset mus... l . es 4.71 *PIN hes. 6.60 6.00 Wer aide whoise6.11 1.Os M mental= 8.71 6 Iii de. ewmaau 6.00 6.8 �aimows. tltoiw. 6.0e I.76 da media. 4 1S 4 T1 Mien i .26 4 le 1.00 3 10 baffle 1.00 6.1e dg. aide= 4 W 100 1ri�a belle 3 ZS 476 �,�g .Maes 1.10 6 11 8---illeibera Melee 1.71 L . 71 40 madam 4 76 '6 76 albs MaMt 3.76 4 71 Mama. dodos. sash- IO,: M 76 . ee is. drilere 40.00 10.00 iietegers. tease 60.00 76.00 da medium PI. M 60.00 bails& ser7.80 7.71 act air 3. M 6.00 Mere9.11 900 AdisIsahi 1.00 1 W 4e► sit .... IL MI 7 00 ✓ ow Vila tee 1.11 7 26 4► bogey hoe 4.60 6.00 IhrL o. b, 6.60 9.66 led .est wedsha 4.16 9 96 4s. **hat et ap.1I 10 10 11 Chir i :00 924 Tawas drain Priem endladgas st the Herd d Trude' -ssasity wee a t here : OMNI, Whist -Nus, No. 1. whiter • white, red ar raised, fic to gee. >islreka Wbess-Nw.,16e. 1 Nor-. lellit; lbw 1 lie. $$%c; 16o. 1 Nor. wheat Ole to No. Westin Oats --Now No- 7. e. 11c. os track lake ports. Oats --Nus. Ilse to 36c, 052- 11010 Mks. Tomato. Oma --L329 dried -16o. 2 yellow. l0a $ laden, 03%c; new 16o. 2 RA le *, Termite.atpeset), Ml6a an Oates -Pt beg d 90 lbs., Modem oMmaeeLrL7s. wholesale, MOM* dell.. 1, 11.16 to 11110, car Iota, 1. 13 to tic, out. 011 to lie, a 3 D.q13e; r9, fie; No. 1 aim 1. 46o; feed barley, Me. kis ports. 111MMe.a-Mas1toba bran, p0 to 0118; aborta. ULM. at ebipli.l Ontario bran. 1110 to MitDe*; aborts. $33. track, Tomato. Farmers' Market. ileastia4 are the latest goetehiore Re Wm prodeee at 8t Immense Meats* Terenle:- ran wheat. bestial 1 .91 to $ Al Der .19 .es Sam elms as .3$ Marley .18 .M Beekwh.d .66 .M las ........,. _.41 .se Pees 1.00 1.10 Mow hem 11.00 11.10 da 161. 2 12.00 14.11 Cattle >w 7.00 2.01 Rye straw 10.00 11.01 S traw. bundled 14.00 15.M Straw, kale .. 1.00 0.00 NW. sew 114. dose.10 Betterieers do. mammy Pool. dragged aa. Chickens ' Decks Turkeys Geese Lave fowl, lb. • Miami ▪ Daddloge ▪ Tethers Hems Potatoes, haw .14 1.00 Aptaidd. barrel 3.00 1.00 Dimmed hap 13.11 11.25 East Seib* Cable 011111,-adedple. 3.N/ ISM; .wee w ed Obw is baa Win Piste .use's. Chefs to p; dillise $* to M-ls; kalahere, M le 11+00; balm. $ to 11.31; ewhv. MTh to $731; bae0& s< to 17.25; shies wd feeders. 1130 to 17.100 Mack biters. $1 to M; freak ore we sad asoma es. steady. 016 to Tesler -;..Mets. 1.a00 bead; acorn was s6•s4. ti to 118. Sop--lierelync, 16.100; skid w steady ` ie Weber; heavy. 1830 two M.11; faecal„ Mel he pets; ,caper's, p.50 to .00.41; pin. 0011 to (p1.11; teeth% Wit to *AC .testi R to M; dahlia. 00M to 1100. Sheep sad 1gsk.-d emelens, 10,000 hest; settee; iso fie higher: iaetks 1e dy; lash& Wit to 0031; ~boa, W10 to $11..T1; deems. Row le 33.76; owes, Mill M 1T.fi; *see, =bid. 16 to R.40. Chimer Live Sisk Ceilf]►-B_.dsta UAW aeelrt lower. Hawes. Rig is Mole; lima mesas, 11J1 be 111.11; retddm lei feades. 00.11 >4 M; sews and hied% 16.11 11.10; eine&Mr00.25. Mew - Roeelpte 13.1011i NOW street Lust lasso to 111f; Ward. WTI to $J0; hasty. 111ii t. BUM fen. MB t. PM; rrM. ea r Mas; bib art mew. 00.11 y 1fii Ilbes.--111meedds. MOselebet . teed,. Mem 1{ is�y 1 30 to MM; 1&�nestle. 1T 1g deeds h9idrel.. are ensalegMg� S i etre... 11a. 1 ...Ms.II to id.* dg. lin. f 25.00 . ee Airs, lIa 1 30.40 11.40 da ie. s 16.3$ 11r T1lsmry, lOn 1 T.3$ 1.00 due las. 1 6.00 83$ kaiak Us. 1 M.3$ 11.00 lla 1 11.11 .M diet Sty wed Sarw. r_ beg. lee. 1 113.01 4r 1111.11 glow hay. Ile 1... ..111.0 tr 0 .110 4s. 1fa $ 8.0 21.11 villa a ...r..,Lid 1.00 CANADIAN PACIItIC EXCURSIONS To itoba, Saskatchewan and d Al 11 rwAIMEEKERS tow Rowed Tri Rates seat Tues- day. March M October inheres WINNIPEG and reboil 61.00 EDMONTON and return 543.00 Oto paints in proportion Betas tache two a.••••• TOU4IST atedaem90 CAM CenketaYe berth& is d Ina b52 ve b• es amt- name local OOL05.sr c*ae co ,sty rsy� e Through Trains Toronto to Winnipeg and [Nesmesas es Dona.t AROUND TME WORLD via "Empress of Asia„ The -pw A. " ow a a•d thee eemestee • 3$ woo a•8140arlim. 4114.40. vowel momistim it ire at m•wwer at Maas Kamr. SETTLERS e +0;Ides W1111800* T► ISM, Ude funisi• Mame add aP's.tl,►a COLONISTR AT j se••••.e. 4L i 7.15 G......- d•• Dim.. aid s . ►as•mMs.6Y� imierCeim lent .sleet 1.85 Yell particular from J. Kidd, C. P. R. Agent, or write Y. 6 Murphy. District Passenger Agent, Toronto. SHOE GOODS at SHARMAN'S Ladies' and Gents(' Slippers Boys' and Girls':Skating Shoes Ladies' and Gents' Skating Shoes Boys' and Girls' Slippers Bootees for the Baby. Everything in beautiful. comfortable and serviceable Yootwrar Styles Right Prices Right W. SHARMAN Corner East St. and Square 04404104e44"041044^^444,40WWWWWWWWWWW1*~^§4seeneW, DON? HANG ON TO THAT COLD ANY LONGER WHEN YOU KNOW THAT Na-dru=co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and Chlorodyne IS A' CERTAIN CURE FOR COUGHS, COLDS AND BRONCHIAL IRRITATION F. J. BUTLAND 'The Stare That Pleases Gatwick. Ontario. iir Give Your Boy a Farm ! 1 It- very farmer wants to provide for Isis sock but seldom ' lbs old homestead. developed with toil. =Mee to meet their sods. T1s boys have bees brought ap to the land. Zig are familiar with all the phase of farming. They e h.eld have meal of their owe. How is the tardier eooisg to meet this emergency ? 1�bc Logic -AI Answer Is Western Canada. Thomas& of acres, divided int", Macre tomes. are base thrown ogee for entry by the Dominion 0OTsesm.et along or sear the lines of the Q Canadian Northern Railway. The lead gives a wide three's. Then are .was plot• on lie open prairie and others some is th. wan -wooded. vren- wateeed districts in Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Alberta. A large soarer of these homesteads are part4emlatrty adapted to mixed farming. Write or Enquire Today. "?1An agent d ti. Osssdise Northers Railway, oe the will be tied es ward, os. ..ptiesti.s. 1 te- t rMlem e M the beadles et thew hoeseetecis .rd the wmy le semi earl raid them. Writ, tar *Th. bleed Bsdhw." IMPS Mier Bas seleads." aid ore Pere Inst aeeklet Tee nal be laasseAd, R. L. Fairbairn,t al Pasesnter Agteot. fN King Street E.. Tarsals. Ont. 0.44 2T1 L bow dams 11 :nal h setter of iy-kre . is tic so woe, 1 wren 10 Lin fa iesin.1b IS I puu.be ry, nn Ihis roe ▪ 1d the ueocr- !WW1 ag �'a. mum -d 1 The bona , . tJ - "deal selubv, 1M'.11 Thr h tfii eta nuc ,r hR /ytrr • Mttfora heeling w relleewhng - Woad ba. I letheefoid M Mei u (bell gig os. t1 lee. Seise 1, Rajahs s 1 4sy awns. Jane boy n -at inert line and the Wash of Mee sod . 340 M G the Kest. to r__.P.1 wahine eater. oft teires madam. I three then ler. U. 6 cal Mace 1 • Whele Mee seer Tles severe roes hem Dore obit there Toe ..1 effects e ssittit* i Plem• unity�> sans tall emirs, obi os:derat Dw.0 d 'hot tete fifth nuc d.sir of 1 Arum rc r They bel eeeed by minim detrda and the s le a few mei for toss of o Iwok, ire help - A WO Aa en, pre h16 lir disco As $oon ilk it al garb inj, c7.; kill ner disease, edreer is that Mabee Meir Oe 0 ell so seldl Snag Es a waw that b lois!•T ef•I All twee Pm GI