HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-4-10, Page 7'S FICTION COA s boar and dim `e._ nail ow* cam. w Iia ee b is.tsros esedietdy pone h, Aims by no es mi dist 1 alit se sees debuts bed& repoD of de Ceara De Ttw Ow Oevaa's Cease f a N AL cEwan rs LOOKS 1G AHEAD !wwee Ms TradersFo- Mr. t mir- Sipe N be new Phos Odra* me w 'MR Peatinselemeenersh tdrieed by tie • Premier. OAL Best Scranton Hard Coal -all sizes. Camel Coal for open gates -the higbeM quality of Coal that tevoldas emessit14 lGtstiea ve ends theb .e is the Moose mine T'.. &y a. Patimier by i»a/��� l..�s . `-sods= were {eat is i o lesimilest them Hos. Mr. Leonora -It is cider we this smith 1* ib. pr'asescs of are soul. orieaiwa • [mammoth boodle Thia pasobsee et i�r wsti.bs Wks was •ed key ib. reef- -. DspaRasst, set $1 • set. Idea. Illea Limiest ahmeed that this .Sash pwreieso mon dusbisd estate mixable et web locks bsgos. by the Depealmist since tbsalladorw dos and sold he woe Wormed that Zisietwd Iswleed s• eyndleato et pathiel blends Mdsd Mr. kW selletre. and esti std by de this woe ly diietastto the (}reeesatent sad rrveuier Border is s lest w gnat as in veetigeatios _ what were styled ••int 1gnbie� ah�a_se�s�s were inteltigibh eras shows by Ifiea Mr. LeuM.ux s statement Mos the Postdate e.timatee ease up en Mane 19th, Hon. Mr. Lemieux was i .....ed by Mr. Pennon that S.T0.t� se them bets and keys had been beatgbi for tbe oar of kis Depart- ment for $1.00 per set and that Ueefirm were to be made by as Otte who sem tbe lowest trmk rers- Later the &tory of this eran.anioD was partially ventilated in the press sad on April let Hon. Mr. Lemieux Rave it out in full detail in Pastia rnen t the worst ••I say that this is one of cases tb•t have ever t1. wove DoodGs6 corse before Parliament." The former Portessate'-Oeoeral gnat Dehaetera Oppereidos hod nee inegetie 1.t w... the Siam as A T11111111E1IF STATE. OS his u e0aseo. 1setpee•siwe Fant i rias wide Hat Ms. l7o+eet+Os by- In °ensue demean sad the me wn•s he was The Zioirtse4riag it tat P ie a theirenra. to eeci�l pros their v is of the Dome t meat eseeejteee t oath before a properly woe a oiseubk easetittsted isvesstiRstiea committee. TIIREE IEARS AT H&RD LBOR by the Seta Altham Catarrh miss mi s aeaanc aims. 111111111011111 PUS leo rota is mash- ie • eirenffer in tLa Genres. of the are thole who live �easratso� th cam.lies in e s Gown. nor?. at Waiters has its own instory end makes its own sseesatiess; Mit it is always the sofa that is gives the prominent pleas is a room. B tore it madly stasis a rowed or oval table Should there becallers at the eves` ';.-rrwan bowie. than eslfse• • certain dignified eramiotion Shoed a caller, • women of Lower social standing that the rsriattess d the house, arrtve. she wast take • chair. while the hostess .its alone os the sofa. 8aoeid ''.e visitor b• of degree. however, the matter be otherwise decided. This teethed of of di0tinds0S reaches its highest point when these to ate• party of Rdine: atech (sellae gsae►P) with ; for then the .le of engemthe biggest title must sit on the sofa, and the next in rank occupies the , pleat Dearest her As the preudt us ally arrively s tat. Wi ext. a neralta ake Icor if the Frau Doktorin. she wits of a phyicean ar scholar. is sit tang on the sotto she most vacate her position should • Free Prote•sonn appear. The Fran Majorin. or wile of a major. May be tbroeghly enjoy- ing the neat of benne; bat she. must Field it without hesitation when the Frau Generale% comes in. The whole company rise in such an event to do honor to the distinguished grad, and there must necessarily f..low • gen- eral resdlustsrent of places. Neither unmarried omen nor very young women can expect to enjoy the privilege of saline on • German sole. The piece of furniture that stands sect in honor of the sofa is the easy - chair, which is sometimes called Bar- trestakhl, or chair of cares. Should German sit down to worry, be most have a comfortable seat, that so itD- portant a mood may be endured with dignity. A common chair would not serve his purpose in the least. But the Rargenstnhl is, so to speak, for domeelic and personal use only; the sofa is the part of the entire social framework never to be carelessly regarded- - MsMsses hspss•l ea Yea ►msldleen. Leader of *s Sienese Selfrageties bra iidaelise i aakhetst was set triad to 01d Roney Court Iasden- es tires years penal serenade for 1a - cities her followers to destroy proper - t7 winch to the case in point was Mr IJoyd-George's country residence, Partly wrecked by • seilttant suffra- gette bomb. Ito. Pankkurst• although her hoe blanched, showed as defiant as attitude as ever, declaring that she world fight to the end. Laming over the front of the prison- ers' melamine and addres•tng the Judos before be parsed sentence. she said she repeated her determination to end her sentence as soon as pos- sible, &silos •'1 do net want to com- mit suicide. LUe is very dear to alt of ter. 1 want to see the woaea of this country estranchtssd I want to live until that las been done. 1 will take the desperate remedy other we men have taken- and 1 will keep it up as long as 1 have as ounce et strength left 1n me 1 deliberately broke the law. not hystencally and not emotion- ally but for a set and serious purpose, because 1 honestly believe it is the only way. This movement will go on. whether 1 live or ate. Th... women will go on'`entil women have obtained rercommon sighs of d1.•du*. n� shall have over the ��au well before thin armament b OWL" Ona d the militant Madera in as- sa-dag ibe ininfims d the MOW Nam went so tar as tow eves 1e - tans We would no Longer he remps>)(tesd The trial l had lasted two days. and *Wile Sana. Judea ginptenommed _Meso his With was remind with band cries et 'plane" from the again mew suttee, who crowded the _- and tele enir'sssed their barter at the Revere term of lapt'b merest maleiwd ba Ser. The Jury vies It retained its notice of guilty added a otiose recommadatipa for mercy, sal 'chem the Judge prosoesssd the beaus sow ears the woman rose lusgrry of Wit_ V Mrs. Pasilurm Woad M the prisoners' osdoe&s bet apsigd1/Ras cheered wildly sad then Wei sat of court singtle( 'Mardi Os. Wank Oa." to the toe of the 'Mar- mites.- With Mrs. Psokhuntb de' theme to the redgs of i11 light. *At. " .Rill rtagfisg to their ears the walleelre eadimglI yapatblow• wait =dmitlrsi> - g as the sensate they sad decoded anathemas at Sro or three satiates test tel sway d the comRi.om. ressneded with sees cries as Mao the tag tying- sad W. will seam' The pollee warn powerless, erste effort.. to rase 1he twin beteg team teal The Jeig."S warning that w maid caaatt the satire party o1 wawa to prima for contempt of meet frit apes deaf eon. The wo- men glared dedastly at the Judge stab I sgbed at 1i• threats. and when they got ready tbey 1oR tie ooert. wltb Mrs. Pankhurst In Holloway Jan to begin bur thresy.er sentence of penal serenade for inspiring the Laced George ezpioetoa. the mWtant eatdsgett.es lost no bale In startlAg to carry out tbnir thr'.atsbed reprisals O■ the following day they blew up a train at Stockport; wrecked the rail- way citation at Oxford. 1n fluttrey, sod laid demonstrative seet>lane ail roar London_ Two read filatsede with emit -eases packed with splodges sad eealamtiblesr wereAmsted Mare they accoindiehed awakes. T1s woe ass who saadesd vstealM $ke nee at Maaciester were hal feeefatal The Hose tie Commas bse panned a bill giving Mr. lftaLesaa. the How Secretary. power to est tree for a time suffragette primmer, who are nal tbrelleb hinder 'Untie sal pat them to Jot agate as saes as they are well. g.m be bought for Mowed that dating his term of office the purpose. the number of such locks purchased bad averaged about 9.(100 per year. Empire Dome s t 1 C But within • few months of the Hon. Mr. Pefletier's assuming tbe Dep+rt- menet an order was given the Ontario Equipment Company for 11.16'2, and on October ale 1912. a further con- tract with the same Inn for ;i 1,000 was made. Although old rttyle of loess had been doing sacs good ice that no complaints were beard, and mail robberies were practi yen- owsI kn, the neer P asddesly discovered that the std locks were rotten" and weld be opened wills a jack-knife or railwaymace dey as th and [he public a feet' d they be replaced by a new patent lock. These locks. said Hos. Mr. Lemieux. were pnrcbi.ed trees a firm alleged to he composed of political friends of the lion. Mr. Peltetiet witb- ost any tend•[s bong called. No Tweets, Coiled For. Lamp Coal - most agapsfactor). Soft Coal brrasges, box stoves and fireplaces. • Standard Chestnut and Furnace Coke. All kinds of Hard- wood and Kindling. MzEwaa Estate T.I [hone IPS gsWanted T k e aodenigDed will pay the highest rash prices for all kinds of good lots delivered • at the to . foot of Angle- sn street, Godesich. Custom sawing sail renal mill welt dost promptly. �. Baechler 1 Hoo. Mr. Pelletier had to admit [bat be was wrong in bill previous Matrmmst, that the Ontario Keeripr mane Company were the lowest teadetae, eiore Do tenders had bees caned for. B. Mr. Lemieux showed that the avenge number of sues locks bought pre ear, minor 1896, was only ails, he declared thee since Confedera- tion onfederties sot 150.000 had heed bought. At that tate the Hon. Mr. Pelletier was arranging for a supply for a batt t>estery ahead ; it was evident slue him f r eels were to be gurirded against all oostisgeoeies. is giving this story of the deal, Mr. Lemieux said that the nee pateen lock wail the invention of • poor snail ssrt, Aloeso Greener. it Quebec. Mese he sand. way obliged eo eel bis isventioa to Inn, or tar party Welsaw who banded together with the Omario Equipment Compday. opt e patent. They sold 1.0 1Yty chi Government at $iper Wt judgment upon the lowithout ck and they &bared liege pesos. Tau svodded r. Lesnieul was Hon. Mr. as idforrd.� ncl Pelistier's umbra. Hos. Mr. PelMiiers defence was that he dad sot know all the members of the dem. sod that anyway the price had ben fixed by lir. Lemieux in 1-ersone8 the fact that this price wee few SA00. wb.ie he was baying seventy Uses as many. When the matter berme up a second time Hoa. Mr. Pelletier produced the connect and declined that under it the Govenw- meet woe sot boxed to buy one lora - ahb.•egb it was a special Went for mail boon and the Compapy store it MOM get the contract bad to pat up heeds lttlle s /bedbug d Mr. Pefietier's declare - !aa Elsgdem of Mwtse.Og dm that the old style of lock was hot throws down thug Ito the 'Snouts" was noised by internrptioa a Groat powers. to Mr. MseKessie. who declared pude to the Mad of the poAers to ICE CREAM eat dernier tatrvee wfti and passu pease- wrv- LsassaL Oars. Or- WrIbene tar lee Ores= or la Wake attended to Tdephene E BURDETTE lak elleteireeseeeteketeelie OAL eels formerly 1! F. Renee Holmes, twee pose. PM denim in Coal, Wood LW, Cabala )fire prick De. Re wry hews �em�ab� sed lab 7 [(ase ,sus ere nwegaimil se tis batt. W. whIli he s tbe path et Omani end ity m beet aiewasi sty and nes he heir tree til of Ur. ~ do wish saythiag`how oun Li orlon lett with Jura Td bra,Mr's[ PerelMy illente A Family Windfall. src..rrcws saw • sweat► r .r.e..e.s home e■r ..� erase .....ia. Wort t dry Me ...mar .sa aa..e . 1.).r .w a..amayssty see. Tl. war+ -.V rY etre/.- ..rte. •••i•• .e.....v ....► 0.1.0111 Womble,' ..v..a.r..s Ur ow neem. w IIImoreaS e,...rs r ea.y ar.r.Se s ,_ rW+ W s 00011 r awl .'.. s..11, r+.s. ser r n..ni ear a -'-- sell•••• ALL. IMYrassrs. galanLese .� _T ,c THROAT AnOtalai_ are ...unw sea ear4aa�.- Cris u fate► i� Vale Cam ins a Ce. et Condi ei.. LT. Lawmag Dim 11.111.10 Itheafreel Cam. SEAFORTH SPRING SHOW. Seconds' F . k.b.uns of Lave Steck ea April in. - The Seaturtti sprint show was bald on Tuesday, April 1.1.. The day was blight and cJleedarr tort nether cold. There was a good attendaooe and Main street was crowded all Otero moos. he competition. an bulls was n.4 eery Lees altbtu gb all toe .ai- nasb shows were gond. The great festers was the bonne.. of wbicb tiem was a epiesded ethrbit and keep cam- petitien in all drama Tbe besvy draft [edam wee. as good •s have ever been .bows in the county and the young- sters os batter were not mueb behind. There was a good show of light home.. but in quality they could hardly cum - pare wub the heavier ©eese .. The totlowing e a list of the socce a- ful oomp titora : 1►t, J. Draft etallwo.-197ie aged. E. Brooks, Mitchell. nab sweepstakes: 2nd sod 3rd, Tbou•s McMichael and Sono, Seatortb; 4tb. STs. Berry. Brumfield. Clyde .t&Uioo, three years old, Victor Dale, Hultett. Clyde stallion. two years old, George Cam- eron, Easnoredcilae. l-aradian bred stallion, James Harlin. Mogilev. Shire million. Jcie Blake. CliotoD.'Percher'on .tatliob, William Bee ry, Bruceletd. Heavy dtswgbt assn -Team. 1s , J Scott. C/oo.tanos : 20d Hnggarth. Bros., Staff. 3rd. D. b. Liu. Fuller - too. Brood mare. Ls, George Dain and Son, Tuckersmitb ; 2nd. W. Drover. Cbiselhurst : 3t'd. A. Mertes. Braeetel I : 4th, D. Fotletisghsm. Brumfield. /foal of 1910, 1st- hes. Dale and Soo ; 2nd. James Smillie. tiessall; 3rd. Cairns Hsotbeas. Dublin. Foal of 1911. 1st, Robert Wright, Mo- lollop • 2nd; W. Bali, Clinto0 • 9r41. A. Mustard. Brucebeld. Foal of ie11. Le. oho .1. Mctiavio, Leadhnry: Sid; W. Rion, Coostaooe ; 3cd, McMichael s Sous. Hulieit. Agricultural- Team, let., D. Fots� ,ngham, Bruc efleld ; 2nd. J. gam, C,etstaDoe ; 3rd, Thomas Cba seems. Tockersmitb. Brood mate. 1st, W. Jacobs. Mitchell; 2nd. C. Wright & Sons, Brace/101d : 3rd. E sal Dale. Com stance. Foal of 11510, let. Snell Beattie era, Constance : 2nd. ftD. Bell. 11- ,&U; 3rd, C. W right it Sons, Beers - arid Foal of 1911, 1.4 Francis O'Reilly. Beechwood. Foal of 1912, IA C. Wright & boos. Bruceneld. General purpose team. 1st, James Horton, Lumley ; 2od, J )bn Decker, Zurich. D. T. Pinkoev's special for deli n mina three of hi. get, ac Sons. Light bories-Hackney stallion. Wm. Dale, luek..s aitb. Trotting bred stallion, 1st, D. T. Pinkney ; rod, F. Kling : Std, Leo Ctarleswortk. Blytb. Pacing.tatlios, 0eoege Ism Heiman : single roadster. A. Core, es forth : 2nd. John Devereux. Tucker - smith. Roadster team, 1st, J. Hey. Zaricb : 2od, J. Decker, nZee+ek Carriage borer, 1st, Joe Weber, Dub- lin ; 2nd. R. Frost, Seeforth. Caine--Sbortborn bell. three ear+ old rod over, let. R- Masters t Tuckersmitb ; 2nd. Jobs McDowell. McKillop. ttbortborn bull. Doe year old. tat. Peter McKay, Tuckersmitb rod, Jobb McIntosh, rockeremitb. Judges -Heavy bones. Wm. Mc- DaisTsid. Tuckersmitt ; light bosses. James Menu lam, Falkirk John J. Biggins, Clinton. Father had the rheumatism, uncle had the root, baby had the enemies and his skin was popping out; enter had the brother had the croup. anddggr• had sciatica from sitting on the stoop. Theo there came • catalogue describ- ing all oar ills, guaranteed to cure em with a certain kind of pille. So the family sent for some. rad when they came the. took and dosed them- selves three times • day, socording to the book Two days later father jumped as limber as a 'mouse: node kinked a cannon hall ,.car Johnson's bone' sister Wipedtamales con bt while �grandma telt sr fine that she took all her flan- nels tiff 1 Now we're never seek at ell or alr thing like that; all the fat folks get. ting thin and thin folks getting tall All oar appetites are good; we eat like pan-tn`b•le, and tsalte a family living writing tme-tb stmeala PLUCKY NATION Mewtes.gre Has Thrown Dewe the tiewri t a Sta Pewees •'� a mail flat Met tall b W dedemd•d envier in a etrasesoodl contested aiisal ewe in which the Lediag wore essearsed, and although maim maw Rr at issue eras weeder the mail hag was mewed or mot he sewer Mss amy MRimatias that them wee a Apparently the ander with the Soaks_ Apaowstty [,lee whole tatfeeCls•Rw�u tared 4.w. to this : Pee years atoms d id bad been Imed esidaleseery to die Depsweineth amt Marg. The Mei et 11. IJu sa ave-�w�� b1.51. � fbs � nee of )mL Then M. Mr. Meow Pafasesa, 6Ge eeel l t1. lures Oevaweswt pat▪ hs the ode .tyle of hsesmy e�etass' and hN1$1 we. mama tar t' ▪ ,eebs. et WIN sew Leeks at the mane prise' s see pedd fie art ordure et the el. It was Weed is she Owe by Wes- Mishear di thug badhese1 emsbe enswsties wee u s e sleuei et Prey Mai et the 1. ern' and "esernisoes greet. ` Met se wwhhemn the sea pew iamter bs ..i Ms seat ei evY r as a em ' It lig Kr Irenten. wh ei- wee _ rpm's ta�Mp.-daalms et eeNeses he Ms - *Testis 0.1i L tt. >Rmtetn Oland sheadas ler attempts to gain 'swe- des smsflues or Seedart and has eildstII7 to Peeved that "there win Mer Offer - We tree sa attl t% wklek ee.desms le the seeeerttfes of the state et war between the Mies stat Ter- As erAs bsrasti sal Sus1 comprie- weldps d Aussalsasegart. Proses Germany aid unset M sow bieckethet the Mesas pert ost - Wpert et finest These isnlde IAnstales trarthiss. the Brash Remwt . IsitsatILe mad glagiss er; the Genas crates liras kb the MAW eiders Pis aad tbe trweer layer thatoes aseis otlegitsomited by • veinal.. tet bas mAdaesed ba the easel deems lerpolood � mer "Oh." growled d the Mnht. 'dais msehise•• Rat War flow. sok 1 omit set it to ge.a " the brew ; Teem lot Is 1 sew .und hew het ail brake Wows. be ..ride's pet his to nano'• ••Jane seems it • tread geed ewe the � dist.theme 1pawed her thirtieth With- deg .,ladp. i F Wes is Is gay ewer) r -list essRfy. imam aim gjs pesemd the tar vrMMms smybedy hal 1116111161mmlM Mms eeafiera. SAT. Lyth Td I i TRANSCONA A GREAT CITY IN THE MAKING Transpose will be one a the SeldeWS eeilw.p i ee+� Wen. The Orsa$ Meek Amide bag large Mgatd theme hetes Ommelles Peelle Railway hes eitablisid intra SidpY ZMll4 sa it has bees sword d that the Ona d Noetics Beltway will snow their maim eheSo Fort Rogge to Transom's. Treaeeone's future as • mageedediefteg atty. es wee as a railway contrt is seatered. age emeeed large lanstries am&henyeKabWied, renewing •Lenge D umber d mss• PROPERTY WILL DOUBLE IN VALUE mantiss over is e next two years, ask thee. e re sethe profits for Use investor who hays today. We save • number tit lots to .ell at T4easeose sod eller tis a very advantageous tame MOW - rick purchasers. Write for our booklet, which tells all about 71 ancone. Scott, Hill & Co. Canada Let. Buitdiog WINNIPEG, MAN. J. T. Oglethorpe Agent in 011111111111011 - Rural Telephone S r S Tinahlieedewf 'Acapulco. Ampule', Merino, with one of the finest harbors in the world, is one of the mod wretched tows in the entire oreatre. It is poorly built. the houses b g for the greater part composed of adobe with tiled roots, while the y the t poorer dam can aced Weer than ride hate built with poles Stud is the ground, the trona et the ooeosaat palm woven node the sista end the whole thatched. have damaged thewelts ed rains and ealeeks& vain glee fire town • wretch- ed" retch- d" eppesydse. *here are no im- eemM anor eelle lune DO sewers. w& w&ter'watka. lines lighte. r isamws and Tails. Not being es imandll on taankeye, a visitor to the amt• accosted d Lepper to sat Irby die pts•11y all the prates therein have bout tails in- deed of the long ons that are always comped.d to trauma, regardless b whether are foci wbeththey tion OT not. "Do yen cat off all the teller asked the visitor. "What fort' oohed the keeper. 'Yell, it seems to ✓ they are all drained." rejoiDed the iadtifisted one. 'The difference is America• n aesbpm baveba�tethe attendrat , tails anThe d lams trout the eadons hemisphere cas search me why it b. • %b I . the ether fellows got it tae bat I gases tired of them " A Perfect An.g►ere. Ihe recead did when Christ was tow POW, the Boman maser (ae.aiiag b el John's ver- tigo d the 5* y) asked him. "Whet is %noir Is tae falls tort of the Vulgate the goodies rens. "1ukt ed wentasY Mow. the esosar is band in the question limit, JMhwt width( OT sob- Saran abSarliag a eagle WM. 'Batea, tpnl "It the itma1s buten •It is the mus Teacher -"John, can you tell ma what is meant by a stewdsd r John -"A steward is a tram that doesn't mind bis owe business,." Teacher- -Why. wbere did you get that idea Pus Jobn-"Well. I looked it up in the oietiosary, sod o said, 'A roan wbo attends to the affairs of others,' •JMr1M oaks l'be oasdeer d trawls pisrhl'shed ass pristtag wee invested. mid Mr. R. Saadi•. in a halon. es •bognv pitied Ret r boa base sslamated at forty aaillens. lee shod said that M MIM books owpird yet. .part bow hiss. 's book.. sad "books diet are sot hooks." Ttw figs albs Awed why hew Weft a all his home. the bad Oa • ere. videsen. mmftlee M bot ins the WS ra iiia adrs is aft w,w. seideAns %Modsp r -ii Awn . �leatdts. The New Store Or w'serr. ermZLT ,'m rosT4rric e WALL PAPER PAINTS OILS cLRCM HEnt TC M.PENTI NES DRY COLORS. BTC. Wall Paper from le ap to $200 a roll. Tour' bases* solicited Ed. Lynn THE SIGNAL'S CLUBBING LIST 1913 The Signal and Toronto Weekly Globe . • • . $1.60 The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe 4.50 The Signal and Montreal Family Harald and Weekly Star x.85 The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto) 1.75 The Signal and Toronto Daily Star 2.25 The Signal and Toronto Daily World 3.25 The Signal and Toronto Daily News 2.30 The Signal and Toronto Weekly Mail and Empire The Signal and Farmer's Advocate Z• The Signal and Canadian Farm • 1.8$ The Signal and Farm and Dairy New 160' Renewal.... 1.11s The Signal and Canadian Poultry News1.35 The:Signal and Grain Growers' Guide 1.5.3 The Signal and Winnipeg Weekly Fre Prete .. 1.60 The Signal and London Daily Advertise='. - • 2.90 The Signal and London Weekly Advertiser 1.60 The Signal and London Daily Free Press Morning Edition 3.50 Evening Edition 2.90 The:Signal and Montreal Daily Wittteess• • 3.50 The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness. 1.S5 The Signal and World Wide 2.25 The Signal and Presbyterian - •• • 2.25 The Signal and Westminster ..: • . ' 2.25 1'1 Signal, Presbyterian and:Westminster 3.25 The Signal and Catholic Register New 1.70 Renewal 1.85 The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto)3.40 The Signal and McLean's Magazine 2.25 The Signal and Home Journal"(Toronto)1.75 The Signal and Canada Monthly (Winnipeg) 1.50 These prises an for eddr use. in Clawed& or Gast Britain The Signal and Lippincott's Magazine3.23 Isclu ding postage to Canadian subscribers. The Signal and Woman's Home Companion (New York) 2.75 Including postage to CassdMn eskeeribera The above publications may be obtained .by Sig- nal subscribers in any combination, the price for any publication being the figure given above less $i.00 representing the price of The Signal. For instance : The % en sod The W.tfy GMM $1.10 Tb. Ferree Adeessie (ie.>s l.. $i•es) t.es .Los -making the price of the three papers 81.95. The Sip.l seed The Weekly Sea $t•i5 The Thera) Deily Star tie s51• $s -e111 L•s5 T1s Wally Gibe I$i.d.less SLIM. -ls -the four papers for4$3.6o. if the publication you want is not in above list, let us know. We can supply almost any we l.ltnewn Canadian publiication. Send subscriptions through local agent or by postoffice or express order (not by bank chsgos> to The Signal Printing Co. Z11UTI0 Goderich Ontar1O