HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-4-10, Page 6• ftit,resaae Ar$rt lit, IOW'
The Chalice of Courage
Be,ng the Story of Certain Persons
Who Drank of it and Cc nqu:rcd
a4 `I?omance of Colorado
By Cyrus `Torunsend Brady
Author o/ "The King and the Man,
"The Island of 9i generation,' "`1 F,e
utter -an, ' ' "Hearts and the Hfg -
way. ' •As the Spa4s Fly Up-
Iilastrations by Ellsworth Young
The Kies on the Hand,
-1 d tt ever orcn- to yon." begin
Enid Maitland Frzsel. en -; :. tit she
Quite realized tLe 44.11014 10: : t :t .r
t . impesetns .r.nversio;-• ,. •rev. "I meat OM I ata yew that
weir f.cc ur to you that sou know prat- "dna has braid* Mems bels. 1 b
Os. iy all about me, while 1 know mot wish to forth Mae catYenee. 1
ors, ovary seething about you!" have no right to do so, yet I should
n. ire mita bot'ed h.s head like to enjoy It; Mat yea gime tt M
"Tou may Lase fanned that 1 was m•! 1 want to bel, yea. I want to
nu.t :,mare of n, but in one seat' or M ray best to mak* alms titer& for
.au+her ye.: haie possessed yourself whit y°O hive beds to ae and haw
tidiene al of my short and, esti else for me."
M haet P•11 n,Obt uneventful life," oho
tometit .:ec'
Newbold might hate answered that
ober* was one Fubject which had been
unstably introduced by her upon one
srun and to which she hod tMtdr
tagain referred, but which was to kis Aad that &Rawer to Eald lianiand
the most 1111por &nt of all enbjectsdu- IIIIIK tikes a knife nail tt to nth butt
1oerte+d w ith her; mad that was the ea- 111e two had Dasa alheilay omranet-
�tve of l.er relatibriship to one lames kid each Dias•- Har lest Wow
LAro.troug wboae Lame, althoagb =t within her. She daartid oat
1i. had heard it but once. be had est Ida hand Tagnely en V ra a>♦gert
dergottee. The girl had been freak HS ate" tgmllit biro hat bila b•
lena itself is following his deft leek Imbed bar. she eastht the lee! et
$ubun he talked with her abed .be- ta• eller a= mask dawn wmetb
but sLe bad shown the some to. That he should be boned and sot - .
ukase. t• recurring to Aegis trust ked sever once oohed to her: she'
!that re had displayed in _____hdlg• bad guile misinterpreted the weed
tier about h'm. The statement dm at hie remark- .,
irlt�the—Tiiisdie tied towage ar-f
4aa meal" did Oh mea. star-
ing at Mr. its der Minn
"I -sesseassi this girl swift -
tater and tam -
tag Ids baN Wise geese= mon
'1 ask but one thing," be said quick-
b"A l what is that!"
Int ends be checked himaelL
90a." he MA "I am not free to ask
e>n'tking of yea"
i d tuft made as to his aolmslfstncw
with no. theory was Menem son-
rten'ly tear the truth to rate• un-
chal:er.grd. and once again. he gravely
bowed in acltsc'enee.
• 'I hare withheld nothing from rou."
own c eta girl, "whatever you eapt-
The man did not help her, be could
not help ber. lie just stood arid
looked at her. She fought valiantly
for self-control a moment or two mad
thea. "ut t c rly oblivious to the betrayal
of -her feelings tun:Seed in the Qtaee-
tfom—the momenta tonne ago great for
ed to know, I have told you. 1 . Lad oossider•ation of .etch metrial matters
.nothing to conceal, as yet have found Abe faltered.
lout \VI!' you wanted 10 know 813.0 1:' "Fou wean theey de aims other vo-
mits. I. am not quite sure" man!"
w1S 2rrause—" L::t•st o1.:t the He book his land ha aseay.on-
lmaa impeteously. and thea he dropped "I don't mtJeestiwi - There was
!abruptly and just in time some other watmaler
Enid Maitland smiled at him in a "Tec."
way that indicated she knew shot "there is sbe now e -
i was behind the sadden check be Lad "peed."
therosed upon himself. "Set yet said you were not free"
"Whatever your reason. your run- He aoidM.
"Did yon care so much for her that
awe --that
"did," be cried desperately. "Be-
Bo-Sow use, I never knew what low
was distil I met you."
, "'Don't call it that. please "
'Tour desire then has been grat-
iied. .Now it is ady turn et
1 am n
even sure about your name- i have
lotion it in these books and naturally Tibia secret was oat now; it bat;
sI have imagined that it is yours." beta known to her long since, bat:
"It is mine." sew It was publicly proclaimed.
"Well. that is really all that I know OM a man as blind. as obsessed. as
'about you. Aad now 1 shall be quite de Mold sot tmieteke the joy that il-
k. 1 want to know were Tou swialed her face at this announoe-
eTldenily have something to conceal meet That "very joy and sat1afactioa
you weed not he Set* here id /tMuoed upon him. however. • Teri
abets was. I have never ging Moret (Sect than might have bees
about yeueself, or mage ne the adideated Had be been free. in-
sst curiosity to Mee O• delay dreg be v ould have swept her to his
ou present, to find tis edediea of the tsW and covered ber sweet face
iwystary of your Lite." Mk Meter broken by whispered
'Per pa' said tbs max. "y-om words of passionate endearment In-
dlgePt carte enough ablest it to take stead a that be shrank back from her
.Ike tf[sjhle to Inquire." and It was she who was forced to
"Tou kaow," answered tit► girl, take up the burden of the convere-
t is not true. I have been cos- tern
iglnesi with desire to know - 'Ton say that she is dead,f she be-
A woman s cmrteatty'" gas to sweet arpealing bewilderment,
• "Not that," was the soft answer 'and that Feu care so mad mgr sat
kit turned away kir *rataad set yvu—"
e was faded fr*gt Time w as "1 as a murderer." be lithos out
to her way at uniting them two bun_ . -T ere is Wood wpm my
words that set Ito pulses Maria. tiro blood et a wade who
He wag amt attocedier mad bead me nal IAMB. M ell 1 yam, I
e Whet_ Owe* that 1 Med lietem• sty
' tea" staid the girt, exteadiet her wire I kneel ber." •
to btm. "we are alma here ele 'Ong Ord." cried the Mel awed
We meet bele •ace .Rhee- berme meow* or ezpoetstles b
have helped tin Tan base nM tide a.ddrs avowal which she W
VI the Vestal medal M me. 1 can't OM m -weed. mad Mr bad -- ---
Iteln M Omit an that Tou have doss Welty west to the bosom of ber igen
sae; ay gratitude---" edam she km that andel. were
. 'Only that!" seined perbst d lettere. '"are Yoe
t -Set that is an tact yea lave ever that mar
=or emee " agswred tM We '1 am e gree that did tbMR Orel
*mime le a Ire vow whose ,bet whet de Tse termer he added
Middy. assailed la his tenet.
"Old ik l:thy. my mole detect IOW
Wit taw we pear Marr: tie► tient
haat Tse hal dfaarremu1 BM tie
Weft et men=
- 'Aid they were NMR khat map '
,ems there for an to MI Ar hush he -
mewl owl mt crime. I wee heel guilty.
'I mm mad. les matdmwt wit M
donee epee M is ea SWIM. by
She M.a areal. atgslleS ret. i
waw M Trust west. M have ail.
My sante L. . M de with metaled
or .-sculled with whew I was tae-
dnlAhy M se asemelets, M flue alae.
tied! OM Met aka Te shaft* sty
bnMeaim, le malts sods egdWse M
1 weld, to pray daily for rreMsgcdemt
i saws ham M the reline the meat
fa...merAt.. the Suedes, eta r the
:mapde is. mer mrd earn berm
r1 r.dst es sen w.T
over did is hat
yea i wad Maw, albs it rohmes. er
at nest es est 1 het chem w•
Mese part I led era*. 1 mild mei.
Wile. remember and deem Oct ma
nem *tad Mee IOW time mets BM
Moe Moms will hem. Aimee b•
'riga. 1 Mee via hi aeras t lose
11�1 al lana•-dd•-,gg;- N..d/ Sword yet lb -r- 'wow b fir MIL
i wfolar71Mb lawarnst—thimairith.
stews yea are Mw: i beer yet
trtl- 1 ow res yon. Tsar and ti.
al•+ad eat Were me Its swe tseem
r ba yaslts; !i Unease I ea labia
M tsV detenatostien. May troy, M
Use loth et the ret" J
"Aad did yea bre bit ss Md.thee!" asked the girt, sew dereebr
Wanes mad begrAtel d other terga
ter the asessat
"ICs sat that." said the aka "I
was net meth geese thea a hey. a Tse'
or tree sat et esthete I bad hese r
the meuntate a year. this women
deed la a slang g camp, she sea a
fled, dein bee by girt. her lather
Med end the whole camp tethered her.
Mein& alter her. and all the Mimi
mea le the rasa* ter mese ea either
sidle wane to love with bre. 1 seg.
pied that 1 was too asd--writ I ren
Mldt� baa tie rent. We bed Mee mar-
anried bat a few swaths and a part et
the Mee my nosiness as a states sir
glom bad ceded fes away from bat.
I sea remember the day haeme we
started se the hat jenneey. I was
tries ales •gala. bat she was we w-
impy over say departure: abs Meg
M me. deeded with eM 1mpleeed
te take bei with as. hoisted ea p-
in wherever I west. wield sot be
lett ►naiad. She couldn't beer me oat
d ber sight, 1t saemed. 1 deal ham
what there was b me to have 1e -
e net' such devotee., bat I mast
'leak the truth, however it *may
sated. She seemed wild. crazy sheet
are I dlda't vadirsteed it, fzaahRy I
dida't know what such love was—thea
---hot I took her along. Shall I est be
MeM..t with you! la spite of tbs at-
tasotiaa physical, I had Mom M lied
*mita thea that she was not the mats
ter as I don't deserve it, sal tt
dames ate to say it of course. bet I
wanted a better mind. a higher and
That made it harder—what I had los
do` you know."
?M. I know
' "The oz y thing I meld do
whoa I came to ay sasses was
to sacrifice myself to her arm-
ory became she Led loved ate se; as
It was she get* t+ her life for me;
I could Mem tem thea be true mad
loyal to ilio ane. It wars%
a melba Mpe wli ra art.. Mt:'
as sena se* 7ma sewed Mels was std
Waked late mine is the tale rad the "
d oes wee the rock to widen I hal
carried you after I had fought for Tose
I knew that I loved you 1 knew that
the dose that had come into my heart
was the love of which i had dreamed,
that everything that had froze before
was nothing, that I had found the one
woman whose soul should male with
"And this before I had said a word
to you."
"What are words' The heart
speaks to the heart, the soul whis-
per to the soul. And so it was with
its. I had fought for you. yon were
mine. mine. My heart sang it as I
panted and struggled oyer the rocks
carrying yea It said the words agate
mad again as I laid yon down here in
tele cabin. , It repeated them over sed
Oyer: mine, 1t sacs that every
day and hour. And yet heart and
fidelity bid me stay. I am frees yet
bound: free to lone you. but asst to
take you. bly heart says Mee. 4 sec-
scienre De. I abould despise weed
lf 1 were false to the love whish
my wife bore me, and Low could I
o der you a blood stained hand!"
lie bad drawn very near her while
be spoke; she bad norm•again and the
She Seined His Mand amid Kneed It
fee massed each die- Hr
est Na head es he asked
brat leaf em estlen. aimed as if he Med
Wheel It le ber. Me made the bat
Wet -mile le Mb dsmead, tar be -
be mid dere what she wend
gt. she W pled his bed sed
Iltkwd It sed tints time t was the mea
*lame !sees gave way. ne mak
iMwe r the than sod bested his two
1l Ws Mande
"OM, OMs. Olt. OW" be cried la
ds bemHrllen and shamR 't i had
w4 met yen Intl. or It ns wide bed
died es Wien din esd est by my
le that awful Mee. I mea as
tsw. Maisa bridged. blended.
Sera. I tea beer the report et fist
mews; Mer last gimes at ars ba die
seethe et Mir 1deamtiable iter .gas
meth st Ihmekt dates mad greid► I
trait tstetd tR I am eamelby ewe et
"Malt PM maid ant faro it. it was
OW yew twit Aad yea seat bar ---
t 1 MMa M Min lt. 1 audit eat Imo
emelt le hese Mews rout 1
ttia. any woman. that
Bad i reqs t
Badgest I ins him
acaws yea alt sew bow
. mean. f Ulla ser nes M ealewnere
geol. I low Miss aid as Plan rim
Weald M « I read any I Imre Tea
Ind way Me pas atod sed K ally Ho
stand et tzar a nun erase. "TIMM
tem Baty ONO way of sesbnadieefa h
a3. ane thenen a ewadmtt" tea MOM
`Aar watt I demi
'Tse elicit easy whatthe
n. empeedemutd
dent ml
"AM My art!
"thyme yea do eat Ione mea
"Bt I de; said tae woman dile
atmrly es It it were a sawn et
emcee set emir that she should lose
Yea bat that she abould also tag kis
11,e mea stared at her search
Serb Mem surges of ley thiebbed
thlwet . elm as be had eat thsesht
the lineae hams Dodd, satateia. 11r.
*sone IoM liar, le same. deter
way be Led Wed her Misetbse. a
was fmgaaslN. yd she had deft lid
the had hese a bird tae. His own
as that nor. She steed Were him
and glethed q at Itta. Whim at slut
tltae. Wes misted with dears. with
Rye pes1ed. witb Dolor omelet gra go-
rag la Lae sleek and with bet hoses
aid thing Sbe loved btm, be
bad had M seey nearer to her to take
her le Mls astir. There was a trust,
&modem serender eserything. in her
attitude, ted bele rein them like that
great gulf which lay between tbe rich
toga gel the beggar, that separated
leaven aid hell was that b• meld
not crud
"I sever dreamed, I sever hoped—
oh." he unitised as If he guts his
death wound, "this cannot be horse"
He inroad away but is two swift
steps she caught bis.
K'here eb you go""
"Out., oat tato the night_"
"Ton cameo go now, it is dark;
hark to the storm. you would miss
your footing you would fall, you would
freeze, you would die "
"What matters that!"
"1 caanet have it "
"11 wait 1. better so."
lie strove aga:n to wrench himself
away, hat ane would not be denied.
She clues he him tenacionaly.
will nit let you go unless you
give me pm word of honor that yon
will not ism the plateau, and that
yeti ser csmie back to:me."
-i tell yea that the quieter and
wore tamely i co out of life, the bap
peer and bolter it will be for yon."
`Ash 1 tae yo sold the -worn
t.selmedb. "flat you one sow go eat
et my die again, teeing or dead" Aa
Massed ere with mss head and lit
it qua her bear.. 'Toa are here."
."End;" oiled the mai
"NO" kis thrust itch getter awes
with Dew tried 3 et detained him with
the other.-t.h: • was "estlakimalile 04
the situation between that Irak
DOS , not yet, let me thiel. Mt �m>f
Ise see Ten wilt de .pati ie hue.
you wail let moans Lugaa1 pars MK"
' As you will," aid the man regret-
fully. "I had purposed to end it 'sow
aod forever. eat I promise."
Roar word of boner!"
"My word at ascot."
"Lad you wast Weak It"
41 never treks It be a lumen hahe&
meek lees will I do so to Tont"
She released line be wit bete the
ether mora and die beard him ems
the door mad epee the dace and w
oat into the night. lobs dm Mew
Wahl -
T" alt t'Xie it%U[UI
An o'd mea nearly eighty yeses
old walked tea miles from hie 1 oars to
ne adjoining town- Wires. be tracked
his deet inat ions he was heeled with
Mama aseecnisbtwnt hey as ac•geaiet-
mttes. ''Toe walked alt the ray T"' tbe
els exclaimed. "How° did you get
sibesr •-Ob, hitt t rate," tae old we*
'WNW grsialIy. "1 bat ii. I did tit I
ones to list alga masa there, w
deem te tltees mire ea boar.' them
dept and back Moms."
Te )tinsAsi.
As nae were alt tmale et the
Atka Mgwm arae* re -
their. the MOM stmt mare and
kiwi iaHdb Oma b ate
sums r peso to bIssd elle eel
didmedis met
Vied ere dibas esti 1wr and
Ise IMs wrest all. le des idol
Once lesser sed 104.4 it for di
liter tie It awiNr the trey els-
mein heist& le Mod* weat1tti ter
seta W implem mamma Mb
Meregth, Vbwd shoe MUM the we-
b against mase sad tam rmwu.cia
A gresame e et Ahoedar Hwmdl•
ever eighty Tran et eg k dem
tammhat: 'Tied 1s a oedema to did
•cele 'Menke te vino. I haw a
heath sgpdhe. Amp sasei7. ted
settee aid wad. It 1s the tient butt
sad atzsegtb-ere eater I baits ever
It Thiel tete le add IP die
1Mehle aid I»we. aur mean
strength, we will Mere yew renew
WC. Donbp, Mega iet.tivetierteh-
Too Anxious.
A trareller in Iodise* eotiae3 that
a tanner was heelers trouble with his
horse It would start. go slowly fee
a abort distaisce sad rhes ate, Rosin.
'Mesrspoa, the tartest wood" base
greet dimrsky ie getting it started.
noisily. the ti &ye ler &pr'roet-hid and
**ted sofieiloe ddy,
••Is your hone sick ?"
-Not that I know of."
"Is he balky
"No. But be is so afraid that I'll say
whoa and Le won't bear me that he
*tops every once is a while to listen."
Rod,and Gun.
April Hed and Gan in Canada,
published by W. J. Tay lot. Limited,
Woodstock, Ott.., is of particular
ietereat to the 40, erste'. "Elie Giant
Trout of Nipigos" is tbe opening
number stud dsetibe, the eioel*at
trout Retries that is to be bad tae tin
famous stream, which is probably est
excelled by any either Met=
stream in the mmiiioa. Peet-
E. Prince, Com0itei over of reber'ier,
awtributea an attida on '!tie Pearf-
sides : A Luminous§ Fhb New to O io-
ada" "Ile Amateur r bermao--Also
His Wile," is a butnorcus sketch of a
clay's thbieg that proved disastrous
alike to the ihdher :an's leek* and to
hie temper. Fishing stories from
Deltu'b Oolumhia, Albeit to, Cape Bret-
on, Ontario, etc . ter vetowiaintaimtbe
teprrtentsolve cbeese'er cfibe mega
sine, w btka of be r topica, imelsdthe
atotbe* article (b the fi z industry,
rend nua,her these of the series •-Saran
Fur Beare -re and How to Take 'Item,"'
give ta.riety to tbe immix in which they
belf-denu1. 1)
Booth Tarki rgtce, at the clt.b, tout
a Limits a; cry. "Too many peoNS
keep (eat," he sad. "like noose.
Bowe veil ausck trader 110. eresthee.
Mashed into a Broadway bac-room sett
oriwvd hie aimeteeot* eaok aiL
'Cheery in .it, sir?' the batlwd"R
asked. 'lana aid Boole. e— —10
cheery. its Lest. and I tar cherries
You can get t h r
,famous and orig,-
nallaHole pr,t
Hose for
Men and
at McLean Bros,
They are put up in
boxes of three and
six pairs. This
guarantee goes
with each box of
six'pairs ;
"If a • , or ail
these Here assts t
bons at o ed darting
within sit reoeth;
from the day you bee
them. Thr Holepreel
Hosiery (.1. replaces
them tree"
I1cLean Bros.
The Square. Godenc1
Agents for Cathartt Overalls, Stanfield -s Underwear Fitwell Hats
Arrow Bread Cellars sad Cub,
tbollie had Overdid to give up tb
opettiog life and settle deers to fa. -em
reg, and was now bugling a cow.
"`!tow bet e's a Dow," osis% tie agewt.
"that I eau highly tomo osered to you
Elbe has a on neral peas at nor
seamy fat,. and—" "Re ablly r
(lis, looting the animal over Oil-
-Es —tx‘Xting
ill""E,—!totting or steeple-
chase r
'See we ail yon this etc,ctirla+iia.'
`1111e. So use to me. Ay roe is amiss
beim hese cottage 51euy acne` mei
hall know est!' pleas Wet's in it."
Ms Father—"Now. Tammy. yen
seat be a Rood buy &ad say. your
ter yolk won't get to Heaved.".
y—•'1 don't want to get to -
Basses : i wast to go with me.tber
sad yon.'
Don't Look WW°.'th t7s� 4 :'
oole h it pas w w.lindem—are eel 'ttendee mita
Your Time
iirsweArdswasseesof :ire,,
Teel ledeshos. ee rimes mem some. below ser Olio dim that M
eascad ago waiveewies-hst. mod mos Mme led et elle mare yw,-
thwbraeaose eig yea mooed Mss mese_ es. rebs Tea Mus et year
Me �deam s semedyOrMesas pair Tyrie we arse Wee-
nwir-weisienew as ans.
� ett ewecedtr w Sr...tie am=r
Drio tae
. Pi�eree'a
. mo sows. awes ohms
weft w anima is maim
Wieiee er laths Sava.
smoi .a...sw.esl► `" Wow ems wee
AYee e't.m. Preelxf �rtion
played cis an
Edison Phonograph
wa syn mamma pkassre than any rotunda or any iimad-reprasisciti
itgRw* lime ever been capable of airily you before- This is betel*
the dee Alrlierol has tangle all of the richness and
Wow of the music aloe orplgel by the great artists, and
because the Edison Phoeogragh kings out el that is is
the Blue Amberd. And the pleasure you tube w your
Editor and Blue Amberols will Meer diminish became
the Bine Amberol will never wear and 's practically
nebttab.ble. Hear these today at your Edam dealer s.
Times. A. sir dee" no Lilian Are. threes A J" tr.1. A.
t A est oloas the el Mise Phemegsdris mei tri will be lewd se
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