HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-4-3, Page 7r THE !SIGNAL t 1 ODERICII. ONTARIO • Tmc."DAT, Arne. b /Pa • Groceries • -e wells Natalie t▪ ies first esesdemtise IOW ue teat tut IPM . iod me f quality test Wert *1 woo 7rr to tri Mi d for soy mast. too .rt pa,fectly emtisled we .s to let W herr. We app pre yon tettletaettoa eI r trial on your norev d} be Co. Tb square, Galerieh 'MUNE el Remember that Pinder is selling all his ves and Ranges most cases cost prices. Call and see them. .I R. Pinder $stilton St w Spring oods Coming 1n NEW SUITS NEW PANTS PEW HATS NEW CAPS NEW SHIRTS ng in Spring rill pay you to come b Us. Co will doubt your buying from us. rt Robins Goderich warts BMs, Livery tact Stables or%'YkAt h'rtie7 eR ore Ter SQOAtag ,, klgT ALL TRAINS P'tttlRl:GBR BOATS" P'!'' rr Walled for is tertVain. rt ti Rex the tnern for P & d•P t. Prompt b!w1 served aeon - 69:and Hari 117b. fabled ap ►este t• 7e~�vw eriresits MARTS DIURCHIL t AND DREADIQUGHTS Mae Setae ►rgaos to de With CmsmdY0 Ceetrealrtl.. gblpe- m. NI•bte.•. >le hks speed la the Isp•tfal Par- ametet en the gesetion d deuce. 0e. =IdLt Idea Inseam Cluweiui. Mgt art et the AlalT 7, ezpislned 140e hliata plumed to b with C ieeda'e titres dreadnaughts He t ette _ailladke they (the Canadian ektpel 11111 - he erectly controlled be' the M- adrang. we p'Oyoee to for hemi. tM the Maly sad Now Lealaad Mao • new saeadra of five ships ell MIN tmdtree ,-red, to be called the bellerbel figadraa ft will be baled et Olhealtar, sad theses able to Sea* Mantas la five dye. Quebec 1e. ilk daps. Jamaica la alas days. tie Aasasl.da coast la twelve days, Emu la thirties. days. Alesaa- dMa la three dale, firmer La twents- glee days, New Umlaut to thirty - taw days, Hag Zoog fa twee tie -two date sod Vaseceneer fa twenty -thus AIM Our f rata& r that ter egea dome . that. as opportualy serves, ase beer desolations. 1b >gmill•w. visit. leg d Er ep.; reedy 10 opsit• et We ihreatesed Pellet at boom or trmsnt. The demises@ will be cos- wliwd 1e. all mWemab not donde- died b military awsY.estlosa flack hies will be given for South Ablcaae and New anissdom to ern. as sea and oni- o ns is thle svu•4ree. la this was On ties kiss will be given a moble Mit atadres d W greatest metre fib mad spss4, the Lee glee. mbwm4.g the aL Mmes bringing tWse add w .rev r marded." Irtspesyl Unity Mme Is no mare valuable pelodpia Inst imegi hal federation sad later- Ellinisa settee. We tame metre reages dethivpmeate. Mack do siafoa ab�%y tr.. to tare its etre t Tt The Atsirdty win do its bast be wet bysay wttb the responsible Midmlee of any a000rasent that may nein hag, WNW la serf Part of the i4aa 7bal ` . our date. But It la else pr dela, web our knowledge and L naval maters. to state Inenitly ureal we believe to b. the NMT. Mead plan for these tsaortaat 41ssrrpmat5 to follow sad to com- bine es tar as passible what 1. best RIP astrb with what la best for all" Ira: durei{D thea tamed to British aat.ba idea. Re was glad to say that Seater/ W bypath' dsrl•g the year to dem the am•rloal programmes n-mllbed b LL$ giving. for a viz posed who& Mee 116 Drea4moughta. _k.it (ignominy's 14. Re said that ewe sbigm e''oeld be added to this total fit: every extra vessel laid down by Ountaty. -Mare is. I fear.' he went tin. Sae prospect of aroldiag Lep and eaiig lneaeaaas In the naval s tleates of rectae year.. noises the pmbd of acute revelries. of raped ot•eatffie emanates through which we w PamiL conies to as ad. of an Et . maims of the world we are per- bye erbap beet able to bear stere. a. Urals O dtshoed ena.titoe. We have greeter erose alatlsia of capital time are Lata iewtore. We are heed flea tlla foal d malMoiniag es army of the Oim/raot•' seals. Our Meal and lsetdd system enables barge expan- t;rt at tisanes to be made without the pet of having to the memos mos a the reels Meng dlrecUy elected. Calle It Ineseesie Why 'Net adtbosdi we are not t ry to be le grave dilealty tor wpptraa, eta ace mosey. sad althorns* the eaistes- awe d naval stearate mist always lie wltuded as a first charge on the Mottoes of the Br1t1sl Empire, ret the wall aid the laseneste folly of W heelie maw taking place bete sad an ease tba weld 1. so patent to the leset.a t Imtenlsence that ooaosetet Onset M errant it should merely be i tint d tat.em.timal theses. 'fibe eased= that eboeid be Mahal ernes teem powers is this: If for the epos at te year •o new amnia* be WE ter say awn. weed year naval sewwte eT mWeaal .cement be prate died l sty esmodwohle Wert Wb diad. we tae mat title • semi bad 41d ter • year as ter Y new a or taw ememanelignt-Marl "IRO gmmdYa I mit lest t pear. it p oliesal I roped this acne. 11 >r demlenemnt et say ye( no trathi rt w semi 1m memen n Immo s tesla t*rs r.fo.ithount el M me mm.l "lehs- ept _mmesem et wry aouutry dello read; fir easy would slnebr the did ted Wien. Tie r tpa�at ane weekend pedlar beWm/ male, but et o tmegth Mid lag a It limp[. it is a appal IMO • a41raew to di mems am two me gimlet talk Imam ,.bunt ipe1y Gas goer omit aeighber ,or the Med het Int ms e.1 et Mee awl name memo bow mash w wet ammo Ihr also. blm.db tree goal twe- e R 11 Yes MUM Maa+as timed Mr eaten IrIMM owl Oememew have gammistrenodbt IsaAtria et hoot pmts" NSW POST 1,01111101beweeneselllgt 41pyae Oblige se • dM 11,1 bail0Mille es • weds ler (Weeds b r be cab iy - Tia gabled damn hem endatrd the phseegb ed • /cakes Perot tSmta. aid the r--- - e► q•saelel Imo bam eulrrerfmM to es shad e - • it dung "lett Mrs assleime. lana. ter. Ldietter Y row wrttalmg trig dodge. Itemetlat be bee dem* Stria worms d • 1r am Vie tali mrefigls r Weds OTTAWA NOTES. OUVINNOW/IT fi NOT PRIb5ING THE NAVAL. SILL. Opposition Reedy to Pep in Trans- acting the Country's Brskaass, but Will firmly Oppose the Policy of Naval Tribute until Mr. Borden Has a Mandate horn the People. Ottawa. Mace$ 24.-Wltb ths re- sumption of Parlament atter las Samar remora, there bas Duane • re- markable clang. of st.mospeme in the green ebambrs. Tbere is no more dictatioa from flare gd•o more bullying m$ t the Opposition most pass the second clause .is caval tribute bill, or the House be kept in writ for buodeeds of Mors m • stretch. Tbe imaginary emergency of 1Sspere hes been for- gotten in the real ewerge.ey of need of mosey. Premier Baden hes awakened true bis dresses of Imperial centraliretion to a readvsuoa that before claming emergent phantom- awagoria to tbrir lain in the North Sea it is the duty of the Government at treat to provide Lee necesimary feeds for carrying on the affairs i1 LLr country. The naval emergeoey b where put in cold storage amd the Oppueatiou has immediately joined with the teovsrnmeot in •a effuse to mate up for the ems Mr. Borden's tactless obstinacy bas wasted. so that before the flnaocial year climes ea Mateo 31M the absolutely necessary Departmental applies may be vuteu. A" so to IN the Premier dropped the big .tack sad allowed reasoo to resume its sway, he was met by [Sir Wdtrid Laurier with s frank desire W facilitate public busies's. When approacbed by Mr. Bordet. Stir Wilfrid Laurier promptly agreed to the postage in Coto of une-rlath of the estimates for all tee regular routine wort of the Deparonente mad old works, merely leaving out. the more cont.enuous or political vote., and this work is now going on, w that the ordinary tumeoesr of the oc•uutry is not beaus interfered with. Tbere is now uootbing to hinder the progress a Uanada'r public butane's fit Partia..eot, unborn; Mr. Borden should (meet ulna returning to the h•tlle which has proved so demo rou e Lo him, and demand an immediate pes...we of tie naval btU. Hie emergency, conceived at Crummood- Arthabaaka, born with the Notional'''. alliance in the campmate of 11111 and Cseoted to the world on Decet ber 1•.t. has already died the early death that such hybrids deserve. Now the position is perfectly clear. 7'he Liberal party has been brie that Mr. Borden bar no wandate from the people for tb. revolutionary :Image tit Canada's gelation to the Empire involved in his naval tribute pulley, and that it is not to be adopted so far as they ere o acerned as long as they can prevent iL Mr. Borden baa had to retreat from hie position that until this bill is peeped toe country's liminess shall Id neglected, and its commuted to carry oe the o.o.m .ry business and catch up with some of the arrests of work caused by his dubber° attempt to subjugate Parlia- ment. lin far, therefore, the victory is with the Liberals. Meanwhile, the naval bill is promised for next week and the Opposition is thre•teted with a closure measure if the will tut submit to Mr. Borden's will The answer to this was clearly given by Sir Wilfrid Laurier in hs tusifesw. that the liberal party will be responsible to the people's will bat oot subs trve to Mr. Badea's attempts to torus upon the psopk a policy not approved by them. It is very well known in the corridor of P•rtiesae.tthat and returning from their 000et.itsetcaes the Conservative member- Wave lost their ettbusiass for the naval bill and stall more lost any desire for an election upon it. On every Ode the word has goes out that there meet be no etet.tba, because the oostribotioo policy is uopopular everywhere Mad we,tsld send t be Borden Government to ieeritbk defeat. Os the other head, the Liberal member" have 'returned more deter/Used iha. eve' mimes • oontetitutiosel appeal to the people on such* remora of Canada's oatioo•1 7bsir opposition is not from sa• y ,elfish deers to attain power ; they are simply assuming the historic role of liberalism, wblch is that Oovernmeot "bund represent the euneidsred.ad expressed will of the PeoPk- What a Naval Slmem'iti et Plast- Cents. Bosem int.e*eating figures regarding the oust of pleats for building war- .bips are cottaiod in the Berlin coy- nspoodence to The Loodot TImee of March 1Utb last. wbicb make it appar- ent that Mr. Wtostoa Churchill is bis lassoes secret neemoraodu w to Pre tier Borden used a good deal eat imagination in his effort to belp the Oan•dia. Government's prngra.a. Tbe British Pint Lord of the Admir- alty dmitalty not Daly said that ('.n•la could not build or mesa b•Weubtps, but that "the cost of looiog dowo the plant ato.e would as s roogb eetamate be Tbe Berlin oorresyondent if Tbe Lando. Tines gives a report of the Velma Sbipbullding Oosep.ny el Scottie •.d Hamburg one of the largest bsttIepbip-building lions of Germany. no. scows that the total Ware capital of this Company. whicb employe 111,0011 workings. is L7Fl,W1J. and that this capitol was only is creamed to web an • asset in lite whale the Company lneotled .ddi- tlottel shipbuilding ysrdeat Hamburg. 71err. mems to be • bl" gap between Mont which bee equipped me of the larereet wLudip-b.eidlag Orme of Germany and Mr. fletarehilfs Igen of Lii Ol1U, Jt►r A Deag.rom Pwmdtt The Arlt th.ng time tee Owers - meet did ..e the r.+wogeloe .4 leer - teem atter the Rarer iambs was to Rive dellseletheerr that wbreakereaof uwems roma will sodded" break le tepee ter Metes 01. oosatnitt.s of the wants. aunana the chane Mad dicier the turas of .wool* for Ur them b.ing. This is what epe•kw Spemh did am • the t of !Soave 14th. when the 6I(fi RIVERS �• �..��..• tteh/doue .� to the •• K• a 4n Lb. ovpu.rwrn. meat iheyaM eaeembers twat d the c meeaarn, limuragf `�"� .a p""'`t`� ON RAMPAGE • . ii. R. �tee.a. _ the I m•Nee wp. bot meows any rinser+ ..on the 1wt Loeetabirh def- Walldy whether 507 Speaker could of his owe motion take matt • sourer. lar. Eanme torr V a very wed die- five Hundred Drowasd ki io.manage the mat err =rate pre.-dente and Meowed that such a procedure was i■ Mowed with neither the putt or the preetice of we British eon.tleetiun. namely cooeeioos of the weaker.. of its case, the Government put up • back Mother. Mr. Meigle. of Portage la Prairie, to reply. He bunted up The etains at Obie Mad L.dhaa recede as tar beck ane 16 u --a penud name dslted on Me.dsy aad Tsmedal whom metatoro d Pariiamrot taalnt. M Let wyek with the most dlMaetloos stay wore swords and other weapons gaga their balmy. The absorbed -4o as Occasion ween the committee lamed the Miami and Ohl had been fstrrvwptoe try the speaker. Hs, however. rd17 made Ile ammo harm mud their tributaries tato a woe.., tweau.s the autaoritier cited torrent width Karst dean sad (northern Part of Olio Vasey .bowed .bat r he cesium had always wet with the bees that the chairman of committer »a.rt+ their ea1111.6 should report w the repeater before he titter lase ait tarbsilsnt water took action. fisted every town. Mtn Mal village 1t wee pointed out by Sir W ilfr id h the Matte"a halI d the Ohio River t.ari.r Leat it woe the ibvarmal,le oraW ea in British Parliaments wben the • 1/611111W. Pa u1 eitealrte Wit tag gas Hoene we. in committee the chairman ! gimes eat d boslatass, tied tq eialltrtc had the teen- duties w pre ..-vs order gad moan rauwalrs, lrwhetmmsmsoe as the dlpeaker, and that the latter I ` • mamsdstill, ceased the death d only had the right of ea ordi.ary member moil the chairman reported rellalty upwards Or Me pemsoo.. bad to bis ; further, that if toe committee mestdhd la a papier dump wbttm rises eritbout reporting progress and mer loath a ithusA so. Aa/keot -1 requesting leave W writ again, tbe,mac- !Mesa >t owesbeeawed by i ter before it automatically becomes extinct -so that technically the Ovral 1eherbmd eletheyed eewmat a.ili war killed by the committer relax tot eueotop show Ih• vow Ids. wbeo Speaker Sproule inter opted to take Lb. cbair without progress being I Lamest Letilleelles remitted. >r oelgt.N mehtme "t the dual The incident was made wore by the ' urls p kM ee Time. imprudence of HoW. T. W bite, who ant the boa dealt with the uproar on On- sexist i u frdome•tla wwi isdkate that the question. He tried in a partisan the o • !rd !k may art armed 6N. la Der w make it app. -.r that the Oowe - nor „mat baaabb l abbe 1M tion was aeiipub-itee1or theturbutevic.- of the Hours. Hob. Mr. White do 1amber at desire Y WS er tamer. lathed by advanei.g the sovel ergo Mail[ wort is going as rragdtll aril went that the Speaim- was the art,' m porta of ti•eel ter cod censor of the Howse and could Ot>!am will hamb fir arse 10 as amerce the chair wbeneverhethought 1W, bodies lata fit, wbetber the chair mai was doiog bm�awl WIN « his du• y or not. fhdrtbeedy Dem tmdnd* West Odor 1 Even Ina leader. Mr. B. •den, was ego elhowilb4 tams trim Mien it comp -lied to adu.iout.r .n indirect `g. 0a0. give say 41.01, het 1a all rebut. to the lei tooter of Finance ..n this point. when he replied to iitr Wal- MN, 'modal dlatrwr tie filter,. fen Lid Ltorier, .ay(ng.-`•l think bettor et ane NOME arpedltia•s cot. Wiltridl had very .properly omitted teat fee gene"& Matas. Oris, any atlueoo to the particular incident VI*rapestali ,Y maty r 1p out of which the debs'.e aro..." hett Hon. Mr. White took M the ground 41, will Prelelly leipi tam fillnms that et wise the Speaker's duty at all b s„ Moat Vmammrat wet const times to proverve order. To this lair f g•wiOne r'e0c`Aleal end ee Wilfrid Laurier quoted rule 11 of the eetA�aa Home, which s•ad,-"The chairmaa'nf M •sopseMl the committee of the whole Hotta. `sweet fit V.nlo., tome. oblmocfas aha11 10.011.10 ceder in the committer; Mit Mlle cow. deciding all question" of order, subject she agoras Sem gem dm teeth w appeal to the Hours." O1 the night in question the chair- or 60 pet'tone. man not only did not preserve order-. a mm t 004 Mt111i11tma but actually pre.xpiu►Led dieurdct by oats bag 14 dad. ammo= 6, dlaar following the (ioverowaent'r concerted plan of applying the "gag" summarily refile 4 tad 'hal 11. Ills lees= tatal to the Opposition. He did not tarn Mawa.l mode', b ewer thea 10, r•pmrt w the Specter in any way. reels4 as lbaemr )Iles. 111; Speaker Sproule of bre own arbors y intent esteemed the chair and .uwmar- 2111111161210. 16; Pori Ma% tat Hy ordered the chairman to give his Seth Haute, tour. i be411es sore ruling, declaring that the debate name bean knead h Meet hedlemlepaaa. DOC go further. ere as many ap ggg deaths west if leu precedent should rule. as would appear from the action of the Government. the Specter is now clothed with an authority never known before. Coder it he might at soy time white the House war iu com- mittee .uddeoly decide that s debate had gone tar enough, on his own motive assume the chair, order the debate to atop and command for chair- man to put the question. 11 is • very dtingerous precedent that the Borden Government hes established. especially when it is con- sidered that in Canals the Speaker is not a permanent pod offices/ of the Honer Yin Bogle/ed. but 1. peculiarity • partisan. elected from the ranks et the Oovernu►eot, and subject to lose bis position 'should the party which elected him be deprived of [ower. Tbe prevent ear! emphasizes the wis- dom of Sir Wilfrid Curler's proposal io 1911, that the Speaker somoe ebomld be made permanents 1. Ragland. .. it also emplanes the deter.oaatioe of the Government to rule by fotoe ween they doom rule by teams. Mr. Proudfoot's Address. Toronto Globe : Nr. Pro udfoot's arraigowest of the Outwit" Govern- mentadmiaistratinu of the liquor license .ystem was one of the. most 000viocingspeeches of this imp,rtaut debate. It may be that any .Teem under which special favors of high commercial value are granted t.. arbi- eerily selected ladled rate by or under elected adwioietretors must tend in- evitably to shove and corruptioo. But even the fact that 1be abinge wbieh have developed are lops- itable does riot lessen the force of Mr. l'roud- toot'..er.iRnwedt, for be made it clear that the system itself would be robbed of its evil political influence as Ilse crank would be robbed of its towering temptations by the aoolitioo of the bar. Between the plousiele start nod. by the Government, as etem ell Bee 1.y Lee r.�iotment of Col. Murray. Col. ukwo sod Mr. Plavetle as v,r.mis- tio.er+ in Tomato). sod the mart die - appointing practices into Weis h the Administration hvfslleo, that. i. • most striking sed discolors/Lim' eon 'east This was revealed 1,. Mr. Proudfoot tamest carefully c.olleeted detail. of admieestrad.e meth .dm in various parte of the Province. This work in the Legislature, altboe.gh cob - riveted [hells by the .1did (r •reen• mental majority. is er.ating • r .pidl Brewing spirit thromebout tbs. Pru vioee which will aeon 14. found ,eresire tittle by both the dsiodad sad ' se in- terested defenders of the her. Sete Quick are Permanent Mength. 1f you asp ewe doves or [:red • ut, U you take sold Merit). bays mo appetite, see Weft fin* or hast other pi Hood of lewewl vitality. try ear Ilse lord's e yelet Rrssvatrr eider ow. guaran- tee b refuel tiit pries paid if the rymedy Wig Mgive amain .stb/rtio•. fit .14s digeetetn. Mase ep the wormer eysRem sad dyer bete galea .rd per- eameat remits One doS.. • ovule Mae.uimdteai by I..teed M..lbeise Oto., badsrlsl, (M Pew ear b, L R Wight et one Rae reposed Clael.uell hatred Qadanati Is la tea SAP -ret • Mt joasshly may be tie mains deed in •a history Rendes& at feemllaes .long the river beat bem.ebese dead r ammo by the enenteaddepoiverend more lurch/me base hall to dares their goods flea aims and hoar male le higher gait Amer the Oath at Newport. Cle•Ingien. Med Lakes. 1.7.. tis •atbadaas wsasd th0 irsaMtaab at the haw gpoad to mom eat About thlutpOse Bois aur seder water fa Irewpost fiMig 1.605 lama. sad alaetsng WOO peedra The Bathos d ae/epr 111•0110*0 e MOW Tory tosogorod is 1Mda= lama is Milo arms say '1t1MM, with the met that NOW lows mg cities le Mew Toot tete drag the Rudman nes betted. Ia Tour newsroom - were led iel sad ptttiodtke host le be eseamd•Q en Pridal. Maelth/ atter bear U- gliest 114ttary mteepufim w pr *long 'tm. dtadete. The *04 .es1Ar ma are balm pagoid l Por la the Amway and the 111211AUL The letter erection d Albany le semhaOtd. lbs atYedr is isolate& Pada1 ems at Alban ere daimoris6. needles Nr/ Up )roes laud i6.5011500 moat at lad dadbeed !tor New 7ati tesla, peat to and dsksy gaited b the mad 511t6.--0111 MAI up in dished IMO* erased td the boded demistale ems there are mere thea temay anew ,em . earned emslflowml & deg laic. Ae the prim d be41Meb iimt�g. tie m eropai ROODS AT NOL A Demme Smbefia Se/arfiy Obese MO Maw ♦ befiltera el ills edgmimlmg N imb.sl ell edam ea the mei Mese d the lilt Iwsame wry woks' Mir mat esthete sdu bdeem_Mg melimen . deems" wesnglt top the fie.& sennet yet be eellmwt d. Paso earr7- be thgbae vices to emend re dm See41M dlstaeeto bore bees embed away, mel It is gamma to establish e mastic a with 'artless et the sed Mese, whew tae heed s.me is bo et Ito wenn. Verden. [dove. Petrie Okir St Ars d. Ildievse. Cletlmmllia, ash Inver. Soot de flue. IMeL lrsamll OIL Lambert, lap/wide ora ell pier wader water. whole Mas M ...eat mad wearers paellas eh lien eml Mow liseded r mem ismisoweaftwAt N OW VII, Money Given Away I am buying old Rubbers at 5c a pound. Horsehair at 25c a pound. Old Iron at 4oc a hun- dred. Rags at 6oc a hundred. For Cash or Trade at David Brown's Store The Square Next Lyric Theatre SHOE GOODS at SHARMAN'S Ladies and Gents' Slippers Boys' and Girls';Skating Shoes Ladies' and Gents' Skating Shoes Boys' and Girls' Slippers Bootees for the Baby. Everyt.hieg it beautiful. comfortable and.erviee.hfe Footwear. Styles Right Pries Right W. SHARMAN Corner East St. and Squire 1 r•� DONT HANG ON TO THAT COLD ANY LONGER WHEN YOU KNOW THAT Nawdru=co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and Chlorodyne IS A; CERTAIN CURE FOR COUGHS, COLDS AND BRONCHIAL IRRITATION F. J. BUTLAND The Sere That Pleases " Gatwick ick thaeris. ir lig Give Your Boy a Farm 1 Every farmer wants -to for his sons. but provide seldom will the old bow. t.esd. developed with toil. suffice to meet their needs. The boys have berm brought up to efie land. Tbey are 'familiar with .41 for terming. They phone of Mould have had tbeir How is farmer of own. tie ad.e to meet this emergency ? The Logic"! Answer Is Western Canada. Thousands of acres. divided ince 100-acaw farms, aro Wog throws open for entry by the Demises Government alpmg or peer the lines ol the /r!, 'a 1. iJ� Canadian Northern Railway. Th. land Rives. • wide cbn o. There are come plots le the open prairie .1d other awake in the well -wooded. woil- warood district. in Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Alberta. A large number of time Isoseestenda are particularly adapted to 'Mud anemias. Write or Enquire Today. Am agent d the (1. edise Northern Rai/way. wr am end .r geed. will be glad to ed, tie endleetres. tell b- 1nrmat/ov as to tee lor.tion of them homnste de the sled wee- to . cure toad there. Write lar'The MW read/ li..ket.- 'IMOD Free Noane te.d.," and any NOM iso, Booklet. Yom will bo Me r rated. R. L. Fairbairn, tieneral Passenger ._.- - Agent. _ _ 68 Kiss Street E., Toronto. Ont.